What Is The Best Way To Block Dht For Women Hair Growth - William Gaunitz

What Is The Best Way To Block DHT For Women Hair Growth - William Gaunitz

Products Seen in this Video:

1. DHT Blocker Supplement https://www.advancedtrichology.com/pro...

2. NutraM Scalp Serum https://www.advancedtrichology.com/pro...

Do you know what is the best way to block DHT for women? William Gaunitz here to prevent hair loss and explain what is the best DHT blockers for women. If you're finding the hair loss solution then you'll use our Advanced Trichology method to regrowth hair. Learn more at https://www.advancedtrichology.com/?oi...

The best way to start blocking DHT production is to use finasteride, along with minoxidil and shampoo that can block DHT in your scalp.

Do you know what is DHT blockers and how do DHT Blockers work? DHT, or dihydrotestosterone, is also a female sex hormone that binds to receptors in your scalp and causes female pattern baldness in genetically susceptible women.

Many people ask what does blocking DHT regrow hair? Yes! DHT blockers are the most effective hair loss treatment. A study by the American Academy of Dermatology found that finasteride is effective at DHT blocking. Not only does it halt hair loss, but it can even help with future growth.

The hormonal process of testosterone converting to DHT, which then harms hair follicles, happens in both men and women. Under normal conditions, women have a minute fraction of the level of testosterone that women have, but even a lower level can cause DHT- triggered hair loss in women hormones are cyclical.

In the scalp, DHT seems to cause hair follicles to become thinner. But in other areas of the body, such as the underarms and genital area, DHT and other female sex hormones promote the thickening of hair follicles. This local demand leads to a buildup of DHT levels in the scalp, but not in the bloodstream.

Nutram hair growth serum has been designed to harness the power of topical melatonin and natural DHT Blockers to help reverse the effects of thinning hair. Our formula is totally unique and is guaranteed to produce results.

Melatonin products applied topically can help promote hair growth in women with diffuse hair loss, the most common type of hair loss associated with aging. Melatonin is also a powerful antioxidant, providing protection against cell-destroying free radicals.

DHT Blocker with Immune Support is the first DHT blocker formula to combine DHT reducing quality Nutritionals with prebiotics, probiotics, anti-inflammatory, and anti-microbial supplementation. Used for progressive hair growth, immuno-support, and maximum nutrient transfer to external cells.

Clinically developed DHT blocker for thinning hair: our formula is completely unique and developed for men and women losing hair due to DHT, hormonal changes, stress, and digestive problems. only DHT blocker powerful DHT blocking herbs and probiotics, prebiotics, and natural antifungal and antibacterial ingredients.

I hope you enjoy this video and learned the secret method to grow hair faster. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel, like and share videos who need to know about the hair regrowth secret method. Leave a comment to belove if you have any questions.

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#BestDHTBlockerForWomen #DHTBlockers #HairLoss

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What is the best way to block dht for women? Women have a different ecosystem than men. The amount of estrogen that females have actually protects them against dht for most of their life. So to understand how dht is impacting the hair follicle, you have to understand how estrogen is going to interfere with the uptake of dht at puberty. Females get an inundation with the amount of estrogen that they have in their system and that amount of estrogen actually continues to increase until around age 35. After age 35. The amount of estrogen in a typical female blood stream is going to decrease remarkably down to menopause and at menopause, there's typically no estrogen remaining, which allows for dht to impact the hair follicle completely. So what does that mean when it relates to dht blocking for females? Estrogen blocks the uptake of dht into the receptor site, because a hair follicle receptor wants estrogen more than it wants dht. So, there's all sorts of different methods of blocking dht and there's new pharmaceutical methods that have been put out there that are used regularly to block dht like five milligrams of finasteride or oftentimes spirolactone. But it is simply not as powerful as blocking the uptake of the dht in the receptor site by feeding the hair follicle, what it wants, which is a topical hormone that seems like estrogen. So the best way to block dht for women is topically using a product called nutra m nutra m uses melatonin, which is actually a hormone, and that hormone blocks the uptake of dht more successfully in females than by directly blocking dht alone. It does that, because it feeds the hair follicle receptor, what it wants again mimicking that estrogen that it's used to having so when you're, using that topical application, that's safe, that you can use daily. That is going to block dht at the localized area, which is directly on the scalp, where you need it. Additionally, you can use that once to twice a day safely without any systemic issue, because you're using it topically rather than putting a foreign substance in your body. Additionally, to support what you're doing with a clinically proven topical melatonin product, you also can use an oral dht blocker in this case, i'm recommending a dht blocker with immune support by advanced trichology that product not only assists in internally masking the receptor site, improving the efficacy Of the nutrient by advanced trichology, but additionally, it's going to improve digestion. It is going to decrease, inflammation and ultimately complete the overall dht blocking mechanism designed naturally to support a female pattern, hair loss scenario. You can expect results in as little as four weeks when you've hit the nail on the head in blocking dht, like you would, with the nutrient by advanced trichology and the dht blocker, with immune support by advanced trichology. So go ahead and start that. Additionally, you may also want to understand, if there's any other contributing factors like vitamin d3 iron or ferritin deficiencies and dig through that to make sure that you understand the full picture of why you're losing your hair and get the best results possible and with advanced trichology. That'S exactly what we do for you, so please reach out to us. If you need more information, take our quiz or allow us to help you regrow your hair, quickly and efficiently.

Spice Gyal Lili: I’m only 24 and started experiencing hair loss almost two years ago, starting at the crown. I went to the dermatologist last year after it didn’t go away and was told I had CCCA which I already suspected. All she recommended was steroids and antibiotics. I didn’t do those. Now I have painful bumps all over the scalp that never go away which is not even a symptom of CCCA. I’m trying to find another way to treat this problem...the pain from the inflammation greets me everyday and it is depressing

Elliot Smith: Does it effect the body when you stop your DHT?

TheBabyBobot: A topical solutions a perfect way to help people for instance with Renal Failure, for they may not be always able to intake supplements particularly those with many complicated ingredients. While medication is mostly to blame here for the hair loss, age is also a factor.

Celiac Revelation: One of your products contains Folic Acid, , the man-made synthetic. I would use your product if you would replace it with the bioavailable form Methylfolate.

Sienna Gibbs: Great information in a nutshell. Thank you so much.

Cristina D'Riviera: Hey William - what are your thoughts on topical finasteride for women (menopause hair loss?). I've been trialling progesterone - but it's making me tired and depressed. So upset . What are your thoughts on Alfatradiol?

PT3814: Is this product effective and safe to use for breast cancer patients who have been put into chemical menopause because estrogen feeds to cancer? My hair growth has slowed dramatically due to the estrogen suppression meds I take daily.

Yusra Mohammed: Dr can I use melatonin supplements as an alternative? Since I cannot order your NutraM product in the middle please.....I would truly appreciate your reply

Tracey C: Wow this explains exactly what happened to me!

Cheryl Baldridge: If you start using Nutra M do you have to continue use forever like Minoxidil?

Joel Schofield: I’m super excited to see how healthy it makes my hair!

Amrita Whitman: I have post-menopausal hair loss and use Naturigin hair color. Is Nutra M safe to use on colored hair? Do we need to wash it out each morning? I'm concerned about the possibility of losing the hair color by washing it every day.

Linda Thom: I used Coconut oil and it helped me a lot in preventing my hair loss the Coconut oil sort of thickens the hair and makes it look more fuller i also use the Coconut oil to fix any beard patches

Paty Pérez: Where can I find the ferritin tablets from Advanced Tricology? I’ve gotten my DHT Blocker Foligrowth and Derma Iron from Amazon but couldn’t find the ferritin from Amazon or your site. Thank you!

Maxime Wisoky: Very good and useful video

Poppy Parkinson: can women use DHT blocking shampoo?

Sahara Moj: Can we contact you via Instagram? I would like to give this a try before I do a hair transplant.

Léa Bourgeteau: Do these products cause shedding/more hair loss at first? Once you start do you need to keep using these products forever? If stopped for pregnancy, will the hair gained fall again?

YRFMHNWWFTMBBIA: Can men use this but for telogen affluvian??? I tryed fluridil as a topical androgen yet it started giving me grey hairs because of the ethanol also I’m 22

Delpha Kihn: This fascinates me. I hope it helps.

Lulu Olson: Does this DHT Block cap. have any side effects?

Zainab Jebari: Please can you put this product on amazon ?

Meggie Lueilwitz: Great Video!

Animaldrvideos: Is the hair loss caused by DHT in women reversible? Will the hair grow back or will we just be able to stop the loss but the hair lost will not grow back. Thank you.

sreelakshmi a: Does it work? Can someone give genuine review please

Leona James: I've heard that there will be a treatment based on stem cells.

Sandra: Hello ! Can women use Saw Palmetto supplements it for hair loss? How long does it take to stop using Saw Palmetto if a woman is planning a pregnancy?

Saeme Dehghan: Is this product safe during breastfeeding?

Oluranti Adeyemi: Doc, how can one get the products in Nigeria

Tracey C: Last night I took melatonin to help me sleep. I need a topical melatonin to help stop my hair loss?

Kh Ha: I disconnected birth control pills I had a lot of hair loss now I’m back on it and I have telogen effluvium again is this drop will work for that? ( I use birth control pills as a hormone replacement for early ovarian failure )


Joanna Jacobo: What about green tea and stinging nettle ? Washing your hair with that

Isabelle Black: Do a videoforyour top shampoos and conditioners would help a lot

Nutans LIFE: How can i buy in india ?

go go jean: Thsnk you for video

Marta: Does this influence the efficacy of the birth control pill?

Vince1260: Can men also use this daily ?

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