Short Haircuts For Women Over 60 | Thick Coarse Hair

Short Haircuts For Women Over 60 | Thick Coarse Hair

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In this video, you will see RaDona do one of her short haircuts for women over 60. This particular video is perfect for thick coarse hair. This haircut is especially perfect for women who have naturally curly hair. This video is in our short haircuts for women over 60 playlists.

You are first going to section the hair from the bottom to the top and us the clipper number 7 and start to shave the bottom section off. This haircut is perfect for anyone who has super thick hair and does not want to deal with their thick hair. This really helps get the thick hair off of her neck. After that, RaDona goes in and helps clean up and “fix” her client’s wonky hairline. Make sure that for this, you will want to take the edges even tighter than the number 7 clippers. You will then use your comb to take it even tighter just along that bottom. After finishing that, you are going to start to blend the hair together. You will start that process by first starting in the middle section. With your scissors, you will cut the hair on an angle and go from one section in the middle to the other section. With the hair around her ear, she is taking off a little bit of hair, but not too much so that she can be able to work with some length over and around her ear. This is a technique RaDona does a lot. She likes to make sure that she gives herself a little bit more hair and length to work with so that she can make sure that the hair looks good for her client. For this haircut and this particular hair type, texture is super important. It is also super important that you double check for any bulk that the client may have. You will be able to see it and feel it while you are going around doing the hair. Right by the face and ear, you will cut it at an angle and piece it to help keep it out of your clients face. For the side to cut out the bulk, you will pull out the hair and point cut into it. Make sure that right by the ear and face, you will pull the hair out and start to slowly move up to blend it with the top. RaDona then takes off of the length that she had saved to work with earlier in this video. You will also want to use your thinning shears to help lose some of the thickness and bulk.

To recap, this video is one of our short haircuts for women over 60- thick coarse hair. This video is a perfect video for anyone who has thick coarse hair and wants to get it off of their neck. It is also a perfect haircut for anyone who wants an easy hairstyle to do. This haircut will help your client feel like their hair is less heavy. The goal for this haircut is to help make the hair feel light. This hairstyle is perfect for anyone who is low maintenance. You do not need to put on any hot tools to your hair.

For product, RaDona uses Monat’s Blow out cream to help with the heat of the blow dryer. This will also help give it a nice, smooth look. Another product that RaDona loves to use is Monat’s Knot detangler, it helps make it feel super soft and shiny. This is perfect for anyone who has thick coarse hair that wants it to be soft and shiny. RaDona then finishes with Monat’s Clay and Monat’s Rejuvenique oil.

Thank you for watching our videos. We value our clients and our viewers and look forward to making many more videos to come. Join RaDona’s email list so you can get all of the inside of her tips and tricks.


Hey everyone: i am madonna from boys and girls hairstyles today i have barbara with me. She is from springville and it's been really fun to get to see and know her on purse. In person, i've known her on facebook and things like that, she's friends with um ellie, my assistant and yeah she's behind the camera anyway and they've been friends three and a half years through our product line. So that's how we met so first time that i am cutting barbara's hair and i'm really excited barbara has super duper, thick, hair um and it's more coarse, but now now you're using that product. It is super shiny, too, by the way um. What i'm going to do is take from her ear over and i'm just going to probably about the middle of her ear. Okay, i'm gon na just take that i'm gon na pull it out of the way and then, of course just come straight across here, and i will show you why okay hold this right there all right now. What we're going to do is put the number seven. I'M gon na start with the clipper seven and we are going to take this hair off. She has kind of a. I can't remember barbara what you called it. That'S cute, but some type of hairline. That'S what you say. It goes like this, like wonky. That was the word i'm like what word was that it was so fun anyway, she's like yeah. My hairline is wonky, so, but anyway um she has so much hair and it's it's so thick and her wonky hairline. This is really really really a good idea for anybody out there that has super thick hair um that you know doesn't want to deal with it in the first place, but when it's so so thick, this is one of the best things you can do is just Shave this bottom and then then, of course, we will connect it and blend it up with the other hair. But we just want this short and tight um get all that thick hair off and, like i told her, i was gon na start with the seven and then, if i felt like it needed to go shorter, then we would go shorter, but i think it's going To be perfect, so we will stick with the seven and then, of course, um like this stuff right here: we're gon na blend in okay um. Now i'm just gon na comb this down and we'll make her cute wonky hairline, not wonky that i'm not kidding. That is the cutest word i was like. Oh my goodness, i haven't heard that one, that's a good one! Okay, so you see i'm just combing that making that a little tight in those little corners. We don't want the wonky hairline to grow out funny. So i'm just taking these edges even tighter than the seven. So, of course, i'm just going to come straight over here clean that up, wow you're gon na feel, like a new woman, get that off of your neck will feel so good. Yes, i'm ready for it right and that's the thing when you're ready for it then you're just you're, you just love it, okay, so then, of course, i'm just going to bring my comb and take a little bit tighter just along that bottom. Okay, all right now, i'm just gon na put these down here and we're gon na start with the middle section: okay, okay, so i'm gon na come through this area. You can see my my fingers are angled a little i'm going to go to that next. Section. Okay, then you kind of let that fall and i'm also kind of holding this back a little bit. I want to make sure we have enough length on the side. We want it shorter, but we want a tiny bit of length so to have the length. That'S when you pull the hair back, so you can have length in the front and it's really fun to show you guys um. You know a lot of my clients and a lot of people are talking about thinning hair and you know thin fine, hair, and so it's so so fun to have her. Have this much hair. So i can show you guys a good cut for thick thick, coarse hair. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you, barb. Okay. Now this way nobody's ever said that before yeah no kidding right, thank you like what do we do on the hair? It'S so true, like what do you do with all that hair? Oh, you just cut it off, that's an option when you want easy see how i'm kind of pulling this back a little, we can always take it a little shorter. I just want to have a little bit of length to work with kind of by her ear right here. So, of course, when we move the hair and i cut around the ear we're going to cut it a little shorter when i get to that area. But this is what i'm talking about. I wanted some length to work with over around her ear. Okay, so here, okay and now on the side, pull that back, and i just i just kind of comb all that hair forward by her ear. Okay, so we will get to the sides in a minute: okay, now we're going to keep coming up this way, so you can see where, where i've come up now we're going to kind of do a 90 degree and we're going to make it shorter up here And i just want it easy for her. She wants easy, so i want it easy for her um, and this is the best solution i feel for how she styles and how she wants the look um and and how easy so i'm taking that top shorter and, like she said she uses the clay um. So, of course, when we get done and i texture and everything and we dry, then i can add that to the top and it's going to be fun, because you guys will just see um how we dry and style it without. You know flat iron. Anything like that, we'll just dry it that way you can see how fun and natural the cut is. Okay, so of course, 90 degree angles coming around the head up to the top. Oh yeah see that's fun already cute, okay. Now she she wants it a little bit not like cut up around her ear. She wants a little bit of length this way. So sorry, i'm gon na come in front and i'm gon na hold my finger out now. I can feel my finger on her ear. So you know if it comes this way a little bit she's gon na feel comfortable with that. So i want to make sure there's some left by her ear. So it's not like cut way up in, but yet take some of that length. So you're going to have to feel on their ear, where you're at so here, i'm about halfway by her ear and then i'm going to angle down here and then i'll take care of this in just a second. But you can see how that's kind of over her ear. Okay, now there's some bulk here we want rid of the bulk. Don'T we? Yes, please, oh, and she even asked please, okay, so i'm gon na hold this out by her ear. So this you guys need to know that's her length on her ear and you can see that it falls out over her ear. That'S the length okay! So i want to take from that length which is right here and i want to take it straight up. So i'm just holding it straight out, okay and then this way, okay, so you can see. I just took that a 90 degree from the ear up to the top. Okay, oh yeah see that's gon na be just about right. I think we're gon na need to take a little bit of bulk right here and you'll. Be able to see that you guys when you start cutting. If you need to cut into it a little bit you'll see it just go in and kind of there we go okay, so again the length here we're going to hold that straight out. So there's that length. So you know you're not going to take that that length shorter, because that's the length right there. What did you call all this hair back here, dog ears, yeah she's, like i don't like my puppy dog ears, i'm like all right, let's get rid of those babies for you, let's freshen that up and then, of course, point cut especially you know. If you have thick hair like this that'll help too, if you can point cut into that, okay same thing here come out, there's the length, and this is all her natural color. It'S absolutely gorgeous. Thank you. You'Re very welcome, it's very lucky to have that. I have people come in and want that color, so it's pretty cool okay, now, just lifting this front up and then of course, i'll texture that front um and piece it out. Now she has some curl um wave right, whatever you want to call it and she's like so. This here always goes up, so i'm like cute, that's fine! You already have that volume there and then, when we style, we can lift this up. It'Ll be really fun. All right, so i'm going to take this length a little bit shorter, okay, even a little bit shorter. So we can have it come. You know over her ear, but where she has wave, i wanted to kind of see where it was going to go. So i can see that that needs to go a little shorter how's. It feeling are you doing all right, my dear it? Actually, i feels lighter already. Does it good good? That is my goal. Absolutely so, like i said, you'll be able to feel if it's a little bulky you can take a little more okay and then i'm going to come in through here take little sections. This will kind of piece this out, so it's fun around her face. I'M going to hold this and come down on an angle, then you won't feel like it's hanging around your face. That sounds good good, good good, because i just cut it i'm just kidding. I knew i liked her okay. So that's about right right where, where we want it um now we're going to do the other side to match. Okay, i'm going to bring this out and jack her her sweet husband come with her also he's in the background back there, so that was nice of him yeah. That'S who she's making eyes at right now, oh yeah! She knows she was raising. She was raising her eyebrows at him. Oh i love it. That'S the best. The best in the end we might have to have jack, say: hey, haven't you just wait? What are you ready for your debut? You didn't talk to me about that. I'Ve been on national tv once okay, here we go, let's get you on youtube and if you remember over there, i thinned this part out a tiny bit took a little bit more of that length, just because it's poking out a little bit too much like. I said you'll be able to see it with your eye or fill it um. It'S just something you kind of get used to when you're cutting. If you feel like there's a heavy spot somewhere, you'll you'll definitely feel it. Okay, so remember here we go from the back and we're getting the length by the ear because she still wants some behind her ear a little. She doesn't want to cut over. So here's that behind our ear, see that and then we come through and then we cut the length. Okay, then we're going to hold this out and remember the length will fall out at the bottom right here underneath. Let me move that, so you go straight up from that bottom length. You can see that bottom length. You go straight up, connect here to go up to the top okay same thing on this side. We'Re gon na hold it out. So what about you barb? Do you like the sound of those scissors cutting that off because it freaked out? No, i like it, you like it. Okay, good good deal so good. I like change something right, see and that's see, that's a good thing jack. She likes change and she still has you. That'S the one constant. That'S right! That'S right! That'S cute! Okay! So i'm just taking that length again a little bit shorter. They do have a cute love story. I love that. It'S good! That'S the best! Okay, so you guys can see this is too long. Yes, she wants some hair back there, but not that much so we're just going to take that length go a little shorter. There we go yeah. I think that's about right, maybe a tiny bit more here and then, of course, when i texturize it thin it out, it will be just kind of point cut into that take some of the length, so it's different lengths and that's what's fun with your hair barb, Like you're gon na be able to like dry it and if the sides flip a little like with your wave, it's just cute, it's just a fun fun, easy style, um and then, who knows she might even come back and be like um. You know what actually we're going to shave that tighter and we're going short. You know as possible. Okay, so i'm just coming back around here. You guys to make sure that this is tight enough. Just taking it a tiny bit tighter. I just don't want the bulk back here. We want to be done with the bulk, so i'm just kind of see you can even see the difference. If you guys can see that how nice that's laying and how that's poofy, can you guys see that see it now, it's kind of like nice and it's laying easy and it's poofy. So that's what i want to show you guys it's little things like that that you can see in a haircut that if you just take a little extra time and double check these little things, it can really make a difference in a cut, and especially if you Have someone with thick thick hair or you know, someone with really thin hair? It'S just little tiny things that you can do to help that person manage. You know their hair more because it's it's hard to manage, but with the right cut, it's a little bit easier for sure. Okay, okay, barbara almost done well with this part, but hey, oh good, so it's fine, you're good! I love it. Okay, just make sure you can also come up this way. You guys make sure it's all even this way, so you just go up. That'S the way. You can double check that this way up. Okay, awesome! Now i'm gon na texture, this i'm gon na, come through um. She definitely has a ton of hair, so the area of where i've shaved and where we've cut. You obviously want to take your texturizing shears into that area. It'S just a really good way to blend. If there's any like harsh lines, it's a good way to blend now this is going to give her extra body, which you know some people are like. Okay. Well, she doesn't need body, she has her wave. She has her thickness if you have too much bulk and you don't take some of that bulk out you're, just gon na have poof you're gon na have poop, which is fine. If you like volume, that's great but texture, will help control and make a haircut look really good. So if you have really thick hair - and you feel like it's just not like it's not styling - and it's just too bull - and that might be the the thing that you're feeling is bulky just yeah get it get it textured thinned out. Okay, you want to feel that some of the booth - yes because on the poof does that feel about right. Are you thinking shorter? This side feels longer. Okay and my hair grows very different on both sides. Yeah, i hear you on that. One mine does to my right side, and this side is always right through here. Uh-Huh always feels longer yeah, my so it's my left side, my mom and i our left side is normal. Our right side is thinner. It doesn't grow as fast. It'S the craziest yeah. That'S crazy, isn't it yes, it's crazy and that my mom and i both have it my sister doesn't but both my mom and i okay. Let me make sure we are getting that side even out. I can't wait to see this. I know. Okay, i'm just double. Checking these sides, so i'm feeling it, but i need to see it it'll be fun because um the clay you'll be able to kind of piece. Your sides out. You know a little more than probably before he's probably just doing your top right, mostly because the sides have been too thick to piece well, yeah those puppy ears yeah they just you know they don't piece out too well, i'm just saying they do not. Oh, that's cute, all right! So now here we go. We are going to sweat this down a little okay, we're going to put in the blowout cream. What are you putting in there's the blowout cream? Okay, and just that much? Is it just a tiny bit cake? Rub it around? No, you know we're not putting any heat tools on this um. Obviously we are using the blow dryer um, but this will give it a nice smooth, look um and it'll protect it from the blow dryer, but i do do love that the other thing i love for um, thick, coarse, hair and not detangler. Obviously she has no tangles, you don't have tangles. Obviously it just makes it really soft and shiny. So if you have coarse hair that feels - and you don't need much - you don't want much, it will make. It feel super soft um. So obviously the back we're just drying down and then, if there's areas that we need to, you know cut in or whatever fit uh to blend better when it's dry we'll do that. I'M just kind of holding this with my hands coming back and forth back and forth and they're trying to so, of course. Now, if, if you have an epic brush, you can go. No, you don't want to do too too much back and forth with thick coarse, curly hair, but you can a little bit to get it into place. Okay and then i'm going to come this way. Okay, haha now the clay got their own one. Okay, so is that the clay yep? That'S the clay, so i just take a fingertip um. Now she might need a little bit more because she has thicker coarse hair, so she might need a little bit more, but i still start with a little dip of my finger. Sorry, i'm coming in this way and if some of you out there want to take a flat iron go for it um. We are just doing really easy for barbara. We just want so i'm gon na do a tiny bit more, so you can see how that just styles it a little bit more. So you don't feel like you have a grandma poof or anything like that. It'S just crazy how a product can make it look fun and you know just more in style. It'S just fun. I love the clay. I love it, i'm like okay, so that's so cute. That'S just kind of coming back. Her baby's here super fun and then what i'm gon na do is just spray it. I we just need to spray it and then she's good to go so. Okay, i love the smell of our product. It'S right! Oh seriously, right it's the best and that's: what's funny is people you know they. They hear me on my videos and then when they get here, they're like oh, my gosh, that does smell good, i'm like yep, she she's uh, one of our uh team members and she she loves the product. She sells it also because she's so in love with it. Okay, i'm gon na turn her around. Oh, my gosh, okay, are you ready here we go. Am i ready yep, okay just play with it, feel it that's cute around your glasses. Does that feel weird? How would it like gone right there yeah? What do you think honey messy it up, messy messy. Do it messy like just seriously yeah see for when we go to our rock concerts, haha she's, going to give me the eye again, but that is fun like you. Can just and if you feel like you need to take a flat iron, but she doesn't want it. She doesn't. She wants it easy, so she can just grab at it and mess it up. You can do this whatever you want perfect. I love it good. I love that they love it and i love this the way this feels yeah, i'm gon na i'm gon na show you yeah, and that was cute that your hubby said it was super cute. I love that he's my sounding board. Oh, my gosh yeah, i love is that better yeah. In fact, let me take this because that's it's easier to see. Absolutely that's perfect and one of my hairline doesn't look too wonky right see the wonk is gone, the waffle is garlic and the puppy doggy ears. I love this, but and do you love this because it's still longer back here right, but it's shorter here i love it. Okay, good fun and you can so cute. Thank you so much yes, you are welcome. Thank you and thanks um to all of my subscribers. Thanks so much for watching and being a part of my fun career, i love it um. If you guys have any questions, let me know i would love to help and uh have a good day. This was a fun video, barbara. Thank you so much huge change. I'M excited for the before and after pictures. So anyway, you guys have a good day and we'll chat soon, see ya. You

Annette Thrall: I love this haircut on Barbara She definitely could rock out at a concert! What haircut would you suggest for woman with thinning hair on top to the point where they have to camouflage the scalp? I’m getting desperate Also if you don’t mind me asking,where is your top from? I love it TFS

Florence Snyder: Nice job, I watch your vlogs and yes I gave myself a lockdown haircut by what I learned from you, thanks

Rebecca McGuire: That’s a great haircut!! Perfect for Barbara!

Ulanda L: Oh my goodness. Barbara's hair is just like mine thick course and I wear the same style except I get mine cut up around the ears. I'll be 68 in October and I've looked for years to find someone to cut my hair correctly. They lady that does it now does a great job. I think with next cut I'll let her leave it over my ears like this. Thank you RaDona for a video on thick hair styles.

Sandra Sealy: Love the not perfect but hair can be true and you make that happen

Lori Dupuy: THAT epic wet brush helps tame my curls!!!

patricia lott: I love that haircut !

Sandra Sealy: Awesome

karen waddell: Nice but sides could be more textured . Try slicing

Dawn Toich: Radona beautiful job. I wish i had that head of hair

Rosemary Walsh: Awesome!

Thinlizzy: For me it's my right side lol She looks great

Verna Bonstein: Her hair looks great you really enjoy what you do poeple are lucky if you cut there hair. You are a very nice person. Be safe.

Melody Simonson: She has almost the same hairline I have except mine grows to the center, but it has that w shape.

Sandra Mccoy: I love her hair cut ,

Margie Tant: So pretty

Anna Wright: Looks so cute on her.

Sandra Sealy: Barb you look great

Rose Nolder: Springville? Where?

Lori Dupuy: hehehe the wonk and puppy ears...….

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