Short Hair Over 40⎢How French Women Do It

Short Hair Over 40⎢How French Women Do It

In this video, I discuss how French women do short hair: the traps, the pitfalls, the things you need to take into account and what you need to take into account to rock short hair over 40, just like us French women.

Please watch this video to know more

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GHOST Lace Top (sim.)

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GUERLAIN Lipstick Primer

LAURA MERCIER Foundation Primer Radiance


NEUTROGENA Healthy Skin Blush Rosy

BENEFIT Eye Bright Pencil

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Bonjour! I am MARIE-ANNE LECOEUR, French author of Amazon best-selling ebooks 'HOW TO BE CHIC & ELEGANT' and 'THE TIDY CLOSET', personal style consultant and founder of The French Chic Academy.

I live in a sweet 300-year old stone cottage in Normandie, France.

















































Music: ‘Jazz in Paris’ by Media Right Productions

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Marie-Anne x

When June is Marian, do you have short hair, or would you like to have shorter hair without worried about looking masculine? Please stay tuned if you need to make sure not a big welcome to you and please subscribe and do not forget to click on the little bell in order to receive the notification. Thank you so you can see. I have really really short hair and maybe you also have short hair like this or maybe a little bit longer, or maybe you are thinking or having short hair. So what can you do in order to not to look too masculine? Because I'm going to tell you something right now that when I do not wear makeup, when I do not wear earrings or any other jewelry, and you know we do not wear much jewelry anyway and if I wear something, for instance, businesslike like this one. Like this shirt, well, I think I look very masculine. So what can we do? You know you know, trend face shorter hair, but still look feminine. You see that's something we do in France and look at what I'm wearing right now so and when makeup I've got jewelry, even though it is not much justice curve, earrings, okay, red lipstick, so something that really stands out and I am wearing silk silk blouse. So it makes me look feminine okay, if I will that should with this, I will look more feminine, although that looks quite masculine, but with this, if I will this shirt with my short hair, I think it would look good with a skirt and heels because that Would add a feminine, a feminine aspect into the look? We have to be a little bit careful when were a short read, especially so, as we get older, you know not to look masculine so mix it up a bit add a little bit of them. You know feminine touch, but balloons like this: okay or a floral print or a skirt or dress. You know, pair of Hills. You know, make up a bright lipstick. You know some nice earrings and that will counteract the effect of the the masculine effectively lack of short hair. As in my previous video, I mentioned the contrast in fabrics so think here in this way you know your masculine haircut then, and but the feminine aspect, you see again contrast masculine feminine. So you know by this contrast: you add the feminine touch and balances out the you know this effect masculine effect of the short hair. So now I'm going to show you a few ways to add feminine touches to your outfit, so you know think about lace. Lace! Really, a offenders and some sexy touch as well so lace, but about prints. You know prints, we add feminine touch and you could think of so bad floral prints. Okay, what about color bright current like this look at this? So that is definitely feminine and you can add also some scarves scarves. You know sexy me tied around your neck. That adds a feminine touch, think about wearing skirts wearing dresses. You know and of course please, as we mentioned so we're talking about various fabrics, prints and color too, and you know accessories like the scarves to add the feminine touches. So now go to the closet and have a look. You know if you have some feminine clothes, a chicken way with a shorter haircut and I'm you know and please let me know how you get on, because sometimes a little touch that pair of earrings, you know, makes a big change, and I've mentioned us in another. Video, you know the little changes make a big difference and, of course, as always, please make plans not in your style Journal. So I hope this short video is going to help you to either. You know make the first step in shooting your hand, or maybe you know you have shortened it don't quite know what to wear. So, please, let me know how you get on in the comments below, and I see you in my next video

Cathy Adams: Thank you, thank you! I have short, platinum hair. I never realized that to look my best I must emphasize the feminine to offset the masculine cut of my hair. You are brilliant! What an eye opening video. I had to stop half way through and start writing down your ideas. By the way, I tried on a new lace blouse this very morning and it looked fantastic! So chic! Now I know why! I will not neglect the makeup ever again. I am so grateful that I found you on Youtube. I don't think I have missed a video in the last 2 months, and I have gone back and played some of your earlier videos. I write in my style journal almost every day. I reorganized my closet based on your advice and it is so easy to get dressed now it is hard to believe. I also take pictures of outfits I like and then use these when I need an inspiration. The pictures also make it easier to pack for trips. Keep those videos coming! It is like having a friend visit me every time I watch one of your videos.

Archez: I have long,thick ,silver hair and I love it. I am a pear shape and as I’ve got older, my hips have got bigger, and I think having voluminous hair helps to counterbalance my hips. If I had my hair cut short I wouldn’t feel as feminine and because of my shape, would perhaps look like a pinhead, or pyramid! You have to consider your shape and proportions with your clothing and hairstyle I think. Of course, Marie Ann looks lovely with short hair and she is much better proportioned than me!

Carol Melancon: Just six months ago I decided to stop coloring my hair and change from shoulder-length to a pixie cut. (I'm 59 years old). I was amazed at how many people told me that I looked 10 years younger, even with "salt & pepper" hair. I think part of it may be how difficult it is to cover grey with a brown that is ashy enough for my complexion. The warm tones from dyeing my hair just did not work with my cool undertone. As Elaine Naden mentioned, I was worried about looking like a pinhead/pyramid as I am also pear-shaped, but luckily for my proportions I have a lot of body in my wavy hair so it doesn't lay too flat on my head.

MYHEARTISINJAPAN❤️: Wonderful video, Marie-Anne! I’m now over 50, and find myself getting my hair styled shorter and shorter every time. Your points are so pivotal. You really need to keep the feminine touches in clothing and accessories when you do this, especially over 40 (or 50). Really great tips and video! Xx

Natalie Muñoz: I'm 39 with pixie cut (I learned the name here) and been keeping that style since I was 35. I think short hair forces you to be more feminine to compensate the "masculine" look, so I think since I have it short, I've been more feminine than I ever was. Last year during pandemic I cut it 10mm long, and I had to he super feminine to compensate that look, and I looked very good. The bad was when the hair was growing...a nightmare! The other day I went to the hairdresser and I loved how she made it. That's my experience.

Zoe: My hair has been white since my late 30s, very thick and slightly curly. I wear it halfway, so it lies in natural waves. I would never cut it short - because it fits my type. Your hairstyle reminds me of Audrey Hepburn and it's fabulous for you. Nevertheless, this video is helpful again for me. The game with the female and male elements can be played from any side.

Kandice Elizabeth: Marie Anne I got my hair cut similar to yours in a March and I love it. It is carefree and takes very little time to style. You look so young with your hair short.

Robin Presley: I really like your shorter cut. I cut mine short recently and I appreciate your tips because I work at a hospital and wear gray scrubs every day. It is easy to get lazy and frumpy/masculine. I’m going to get my nice earrings out

B. P.: Omg you read my mind; my hairdresser and I were just talking about this! (in my case, your videos had something to do with that!) Thanks for the French take on the subject. ❤️

kathie lou eldridge: For years I had various lengths of long hair until in my thirties when I went to France. Most of the women had short hair and looked so cute and feminine. My father had always loved my long hair so I hesitated cutting it especially since he had died but he was a bit of a Francophile. After much unnecessary inner wrestling , I cut my hair off . I had thick hair so it wasn't a question of not having good hair. Needless to say, I have never gone past my shoulders since. I looked younger and I just prefer a low maintainance. I always tell people I prefer a short haired French look.

Wyldflower: Your hair looks fabulous Marie-Anne ♥️ I recently cut my hair off into a short chic style and I love it. I feel so liberated and light of spirit! But I do as you, and always have feminine touches and a great lipstick

TheDriftwoodlover: [Sigh] I used to look great in short hair and loved it. Losing hair to male pattern baldness (receding hairline) due to a long-term medication so stuck with a bob that covers it for now. Enjoy the hair you have while you do. I never saw this coming. Very good pointers Marie-anne!

Louise McElhill: This is really helpful Marie-Anne. I grew out my pixie during the summer, then when it became more difficult to manage, I chopped it all off! I'm starting to regret that decision. So your video on looking more feminine when your hair is short, comes at the right time. I wear jeans most of the time as I find them comfortable and they keep my legs warm. I put on a short skirt and tights with ankle boots recently and my legs were freezing!!! I have bought a pair of fleece - lined tights from H&M and I'm going to give them a try. By the way I am ultra petite.

SewingMags: I have very thick hair so I’ve worn it short for many years. I’m also 5’ 10” so go to great lengths to look as feminine as possible. I always wear mascara, lipstick a little blusher and depending on the time of day/occasion, I also wear face makeup of some type. Thankyou Marie-Anne for your lovely vlogs - always informative

Stephanie Evans: Hello Marie-Anne, your hair looks immaculate and suits you well. I am one of the increasing numbers of older ladies (worldwide) who made the decision to wear wigs and it has been one of the best decisions I've ever made. In my 50s, my hair became very thin and difficult to style and I had always wanted to try a wig to see if it would work for me. That was about 10 years ago and these days, even young ladies consider them a fun fashion accessory. My wigs gave me back my confidence and I can change my look with ease. People never guess I am wearing a wig and I often receive compliments about how I look. I never now have a "bad hair day"! My styles are all short and almost identical to my own hair style (at its best! )

Nancy Hammers: Perfect timing! Just cut 4" off and now I have a lovely ear length bob. Great ideas about mixing masculine and feminine fabric types and patterns.

Bonnie Oliver: A wonderful tutorial. I am new to YouTube, but recently viewed your channel, going back a couple of years. You changed your haircut recently and in my opinion it was a great choice. Yes, your pixie haircut is short, but you look so feminine and chic. Audrey Hepburn wore a pixie cute and remains a fashion icon. But, yes we need to consider the overall appearance, balancing the look with feminine touches. I embrace my femininity. I currently wear and for many years, have worn a classic bob haircut. However, have recently been considering a pixie cut just because I want a change. Once again, you have given me something to consider. BTW I always wear a red lip! Even if I’m going out at 6:30 AM to walk the dog, I apply my lipstick! I’m not dressed if I don’t have my lipstick on. Thank you for your guidance.

PJ D: I've cut my hair much shorter than I've had for years, definitely going even shorter before we start our travels next autumn. I'm loving shorter hair, it's already grown a bit and is annoying me. I'm so over long hair. It took me years, but I always thought I'd go shorter in my 40's. It still has some length - I can get most of it into the tiniest pony tail!!

Blair Willis: Yes, I love being very feminine. My hair is longer but I wear it up in a ponytail or different types of twists or buns. Being age 66 we can look masculine and red lipstick is a great help. Merci, Marie-Anne

Carol Thomas: Absolutely not long hair - short is chic and also , once in our history , represented emancipation. In the U.K. and US we do not seem to understand this lately and I see all this droopy hair around and think how dreadful many women look these days ; it only looks good on the very young . More women in countries like France understand this .

Gerry Savery: I have had short hair for the last two years. I was worried that I would look too masculine, but I decided to do exactly what you said. I found some nice sweaters and blouses, jewelry and scarves, and it all uplifted my look to be much more feminine. Instead of a more masculine look, I have been told that it is a more chic look. Hearing your words was as if you were reading my mind.

Gloria Cabeen: Hi Marie-Anne - I just got my hair cut after 6 weeks or so of not being able to go to the salon. I keep it short (I'm just over 70 and not all gray yet) and I love it. I take care of it with deep conditioning now and then and I wear earrings every day. The earrings show and are not hidden by my hair. I think short hair is great for everyone - even young busy moms. It would save them so much time and money and would look so cute. I make sure to wear my makeup each day and to enhance my eyebrows and wear mascara. Short hair will put more focus on your eyes, so if one needs to make eyes stand out a bit more, go for it! Thank you for showing how the simple and sensible way of dressing and styling enhances beauty and looks elegant.

Linda Riddle: Marie- Anne I love your short hair. I have had a very similar ( very close to the same)hair style for many many years. I agree it can be very feminine. Adding softness and always earrings makes a difference. Your red lipstick adds to your femininity.

Christina Howes: Bonjour! I've nearly always had various short hair cuts since I cut it at 14 years old. In my native U.K, and France, there are some very good hairdressers who truely know how to do a great pixie style...not so here in Spain where long hair is the norm, and it took a lot of disastors before I got the right one. But, beware! Do not get it cut just has to be done with style. It is hard to find the right salon, especially in more provincial areas, where they don't usually do this cut often. Also, you will have to retouch every 4 to 6 weeks, which can be incredibly expensive, otherwise you will fall into frumpland quickly, and I sadly see so many middle aged women in this hair category! Yes, make up ..I prefer to do my eyes rather than the red lip thing..think Beckham..ha ha! Another thing...just a thought..but does it really matter if we look masculine? Androgeny is 'in'!

Juliet Palmer: Thank you Marianne! I like my short hair and this video has given me more confidence that I won't be mistaken for my hairdresser's little boy! :)

Adele Turner: Very good advice as always. I'm currently growing out my usual short hairstyle into a bob.... When my hair is short, I always have to wear mascara and lipstick as a minimum and earrings too!

Kate S: Bonjour Thank you for your confidence inspiring discussion - I am in my mid fifties and have had short hair for few years now. I’m love this style its cool and chic and hats look amazing too,. Recently We moved to an area in England where many women choose to look masculine for their personal lifestyle choices , not wishing to be associated with this group i was battling with my wardrobe to find outfits to draw in the femininity ...thank you for your inspiration Marie Anne ! I am excited now to discover improved ways to look more female - I love the red lips my favourite colour despite having red auburn hair!, Merci bien

Brigid Kavanagh: Cher Marie-Anne, below the ear length here in my early 60s. Yes! to a good haircut. It shapes itself during the day, I would add that putting high/low tones into colored hair creates a natural dimension, so I'll politely disagree with the solid, perhaps too dark, hair color. The sun naturally creates highlights in any color and that's what I try to duplicate - all IMO. Merci!

Glenda Johnstone: Marie, this is such an interesting topic...I grew up in the south in the US and in a religion that felt women should have long hair.. to this day I struggle with feeling feminine in short hair. Your topics are so relevant!

Emily Evans: December 13, 2017 I got a pixie cut and stopped coloring my hair! I’ve never looked back! My love for red lipstick goes back a long way! ❤️

Paula Laye: Hey marie-Anne, watching this video at five thirty Saturday morning while eating my porridge with blueberries.... Always had short hair but very grey now at sixty four, hey ho. My man always coloured my hair for me but when I lost him eight years ago I let the colour go back to it's normal state, and I'm happy with it... Have a great Weekend paula x

Mary Beth Stawarz: Thank you for stating it so simply. I have had a short pixie style cut for many years and love it. I spend a fair amount of money on lipstick and earrings.

Bobbi ODonnell: A friend has beautiful grey hair cut very short. So chic, she always wears scarves and feminine jewerly. Now I understand it!

Renee Chesne Mount: My blouse Marie Anne! You look gorgeous. Love the advice. I've had long hair for 16 years and am considering going short, this is making me more confident in cutting it!

mary ann Gonzalez: Great video Marie Anne I have a pixie cut which is going silver now .These were some wonderful tips. Have a lovely weekend !

Maria Alex: That’s why I felt I looked like a man the last time I cut my hair very short. I didn’t bother to add more feminine touches because it used to soothe me and I used to look very cute with it. But with age things change and we need some extra effort. Thank you Marie-Anne .

Maria Alvarez: Big earrings in the shape of a plain half sphere are a fantastic choice for very short hair. They have to be quite simple, no ornaments at all. The effect of the half sphere is miraculous.

Emily K: My hair is very fine texture and thin. My body shape is long and lean with minimal curves so I am HIGHLY aware of how my short hair and straight body needs the balance of feminine touches. Even though I am drawn to tailored pieces and adore geometric patterns, and have worn the same plain earrings for three straight years, I make certain my clothes are not oversized or boxy. Recently, I made an impulse purchase at a local university clothing store (to support our team!). The vest on the clearance rack was a petite/small but it seemed a little large and rectangular. Turns out it was for men....(where are my glasses when I need them?) And although I loved it because I tend to be very cold natured yet love to have my arms free, I gave it up to my son in law, knowing I would be tempted to wear it all the time. For me, wearing clothes that fit well, wearing a little make up balance the fact I'm not a curvy long haired gal.

biljana paripovic: Great video!!I agree with you! I have had short hair- pixie since 2002. I always get compliments from strangers. And I believe it’s for the reasons you said. Earnings, scarf, bold lipstick.

Denisa Dellinger: I have had a short bob for years and did not have the nerve to go pixie. I just said heck with it and did it. I love my short hair. I love the tips you gave and I do wear feminine pieces. I think wearing make up and lipstick or a lip color that enhances the lips makes you look more feminine. I like the shades that are a sort of nude. I say they are my lips but better. I do not have the courage to go red but I can wear certain shades that are darker and almost red.

Nancy Elwell: Perfect timing just got a short hair cut. Thanks so much I needed these ideas!

Violets Inspring: Hi Marie-Anne! I just got my hair cut in my short stacked bob with long side bang again. Every time I try to grow it out, I feel frumpy and yucky. J’adore the bob feel super sexy and sassy! I’m 62 and I seriously don’t think I’ll try to grow it out again. Longer hair ages me. I do love your channel. Your short hair makes you look much younger:)

Attila Thehen: I am starting to wonder if you’re watching me! About three weeks ago I had my past the shoulder length hair cut short! I was terrified but my dear friend who is also my hairdresser did a fabulous job. It’s a tiny bit longer than yours with a long, asymmetric fringe and I’ve had so many compliments. I absolutely adore it and feel I look ten years younger (my biased best friend said it was more, but I told her to get her eyes tested!). It’s done wonders for my confidence. I wear rather masculine trilby hats, but the fringe makes me more feminine, as do earrings. I have a turquoise coat with a tie belt and fur cuffs, long elegant feminine coats....I don’t think anyone thinks I’m a man! I like to wear neat, slim fitting gloves, as they make my hands look delicate (especially with the fur cuffs) and even when I wear jeans, my whole ensemble screams “Woman!” Ive always been womanly rather than girly, tailored not frilly and edgy not sweet. Maybe it helps that I’ve always been curvy. I like scarves, pashminas, a visible handbag, earrings and other jewellery. I think it’s the overall effect that makes us look feminine, not a specific detail, but yes, you showed us the details that make up the overall effect; thank you!

Sherry Edwards: Great tips. I've always been afraid to cut my hair short exactly for that reason. But who have taught us how it should be done.

Katie Katie: Hi. I have dark brown short hair as we get older I find my hair has gotten finer from years of colour and with stubborn white regrowth that doesn't take colour anymore so have to think about going shade lighter , but yes as one gets older short hair is much more easy to maintain.

Diane Walter: Bonjour Marie-Ann, I have very short hair. I ways wear a pearl necklace and earrings, or hoop earrings in verious size and never leave home without my face on. I adore leopard print in all colours and then keep the rest of my out fit simple. Perfume is a must!! This helps to keep you feminine. Love from Australia ❤️

Sue M: I had longish hair, cut it to bob but it takes too much styling and cuts all the time so I am growing it again. I think in the 1950s women had short hair but long enough for pin curls which was feminine.

Leslie Craven: Thank you so much. I love all your suggestions plus they are easy and simple

Tinatin Nadiradze: Dear Marie-Anne, I am your pixie cut club member! Intuitively, I had the same thoughts as you, about adding femininity. I also use statement earrings. This French brand is my absolute favorite. What do you think of these? Is it common for French women to wear statement earrings? I go with small stud earrings on weekends but use these for my work outfits.

Mary O'Keefe: Avery interesting tips, thank you belle Marie-Anne! A larger earring can be very attractive with shorter hair. Also, fluffing up the hair can add flattering volume.

keodi1: I agree with your stance on short hair over 40. Great video!

Jill Taylor: You look great, really striking Marie Anne as always! Could you please do a session on how to wear sparkly clothes for Xmas as a more mature woman without looking tacky or too young? I love a sequin but wonder if I should still be wearing sparkles? Please show me how!

Patricia Burke: Very good advice, as always. I am not a fan of mannish looking hairstyles. Sometimes, ladies may just want to wear comfy sweatshirts, etc. A little bit longer hair looks better on most women, especially those who are not as slim as you are. Thanks for sharing your insights and advice. You always look so nice.

Alisa Gabriel: Bonjour! I'm in my 60's and wore my hair short for decades because I love that gamine look. However, I believe it's most flattering on a gamine shape, such as your own slim rectangle. I'm an inverted triangle with a small head and large bust -- 5'5" and wear size 4 US -- and I've discovered that I look better with some length to my hair to balance me out (no longer than shoulder length, though.) So, while this look is lovely on YOU, I would add a caveat that a woman shouldn't choose a hairstyle without also knowing her body shape! Perhaps you could do a video on this topic! xo

Shiobana Haruno: I have really short hair and I wear dangling earrings most of the time. Thanks for this video.

Marina Zagrai: I have one tidbit for you Marie-Anne, recommend to your viewers (I don't have your following...) who have an olive complexion, and those impossible sun spots, to use a bronzer (which comes in very different shades) instead of a retinol product which makes the skin even more susceptible (then, you have to put on more chemicals in the form of sunscreens - it was just admitted this summer [2019] that the body absorbs much more of these chemicals than previously believed [therefore making these sunscreens more dangerous]).

Melinda Maplewood: You look fantastic! Years younger and so chic. I have short hair right now and love it. It’s my best look.

RebeccasRoses: I have never had long hair in my entire life. I have managed fine with short hair. I think about ladies like Elizabeth Taylor did not have short hair. She was considered the most beautiful woman once upon a time. I think think the long hair is overrated. I am a short hair lady forever. I agree with the jewelry it helps and makeup too!! <3

Ivettie: I love your hair cut and it really looks feminine with red lips and pearl earrings earrings , very chic ! I have not short but till my shoulders straight bob and I die my hair blond this way I hide my grey hair :) I am 46 years old and thinking to go shorter with my hair style in time .

C.: A good video and causes me to think. So, I had the thought that like clothing pieces that should work with each other. Maybe the same relationship exists between a hair style/cut and the type of body that one has. Some people might not look masculine very easily or vice versa. I could't say how these components (build and hair) do actually work for or against each other though. Perhaps a person must view them self from their individual perspective.

María De J. Torres de la Torre: Very smart tips, in my opinion, short hair requires a special face shape, I think it do not demand too much maintenance. In my case I love my on the shoulder cut hair for the moment. Your blouses are really nice, I love the lace one. Lace is so feminine.

Karen Setchfield: Wavy brown bob or lob over here Marie-Anne It’s my best style, I don’t think short would do much for me. Your eyes are bright and wide which lends to short hair I think.

Megan Eastburn: Excellent usual

Lucja Grabowska: I love very much the mix of masculine and feminine style and you are just a perfect example of it Marie-Anne... it always seemed to me that this mixing of masculine and feminine style is very 'a la French', is that really so?...

Anna F.: It might be mean, but I think short hair looks good only on delicate, skinny women. They look like magical fairies. And for curvy women long hair gives a very strong, feminine 'Eve' vibe. The delicateness and 'childlike' feeling of short hair is way too much in contrast with an overly feminine curvy body type. But this is just my personal opinion.

Anne Johnston: I am very petite and 57 years old. I had short hair not unlike your own Marie-Anne on and off throughout the years. I've always looked very young for my age with an elfinlike face..or so I've been told on occasion. I used to mimic Mia Farrow and especially Jean Seberg..what a beauty she was. I was guilty back then of snipping it myself. Sometimes I want to go back there., the simplicity. I think now that mostly I do not want to have to think TOO much to think about , the pressure of what to do to carry it off. and I'd like to be able at some point to lighten up a little over having to do this and that with makeup. On you Marie-Anne, I'm bad enough

M A: The search for the Goldilocks proportion of masculinity and femininity is real Thankfully, a woman comfortable in masculinity is a gorgeous thing!

Lilly Cat: Hello Marie Anne , this subject it’s so funny... I am East African woman grew up in Montreal... I already commented on your new hair cut ... this August I was passing through CDG a Paris... just before leaving Montreal I cut my hair very short... as soon as I arrived at the airport I use the toilet during that time another black girl came to me and said in French this toilet is for women... I don’t like too much jewelry or lip stick that much... I laughed and said, last time I check I was still a woman... ... Lol ... I guessed she felt bed ..not me

Mimi Duquette: Bon soire, Marie-Anne, I really appreciate this video, since I have been growing out my hair for a while now, and while my hair, itself, is quite pretty, I'm not sure that it's for me!! I do have a heavy face right now, but I just don't know.... My male roommate is kind of into the 70's (we're in our late 50's early 60's!) looks, and really loves long hair, but, I just don't know about long hair anymore!! I am mostly French, and the whole American casual thing really turns me off, mind you, I am still a proud American, but I just don't want to look like alot of us do!! I have a good idea of how I would like my hair cut to look short, I just don't want to look masculine, and I really appreciate your help!! A bientot, Cher Marie-Anne!!!✝️⚜️

Lynn Ayres: Marie-Anne, but I am overweight (yes, trying to lose) and short hair does not look good on me at all. It makes my neck and face look too fat. I think if one is tiny, short hair looks great. Help Marie-Anne!

Anita: Wouldn't this depend on face shape? I think that if I were to go that short, I would look very masculine as I have a square face and lots of angles. Is there a short cut that would work for a square face and strong jaw?

Lena Mahayni: I like the idea of masculine / feminine balance But" à la garçon" hair cut needs special facial features

hazel coate: I have a square face so I like to wear a bob style , no shorter than that, I do like my hair long and then sometimes put it up in a french roll, love it

Stacy Lamb: I have short hair too. I grew it out a bit and my mom said cut it. U did and feel so beautiful in it. I have to go buy some button earrings. I feel they look the best on me

marsery: To me the cut that suits most women and most age is a "carré" short or long depending on the health of your hair..feminine yet practical

Kitty R: You look fabulous! Love your new hair.

Royal Navarre: I love your chic, classic style!

Suela Kleinsteuber: Good Evening Marie-Anne.As always its a pleasure to watch your Chanel. I havent got short Hair but it suits you really well.

Martha McKinley: Hello Marie-Ann I always have short hair my is curly (nice curl) I love earrings and red lipstick . My sister is 67 and she thinks long hair is better she always keeps it in a bun it makes her look older.

Jack Londoner: I always wonder why people (mostly men) think that women with short hair look masculine? I think it's a great look.

MsBackstager: I hesitate to revisit my pixie preteen look as people thought that I was a boy (oh boy) or called me TWIGGY. Brother used to call me LITTLE FAT FACE. To which I answered to him BETTER A FAT FACE THAN A FAT BODY! This was just to annoy him.

Sarah Brennan: Love ❤️ your blouse...I wouldn’t be brave enough to go short ♥️

58southwinds: Pixie cut (short hair) can be youthful.... you are right a touch of lippy makes a big difference.. plus touch of blusher...especially if you wear glasses. As they seem to hide your eyes,,.can be a help as you get older.( Earnings Yours really suits you.

Jean: Hi Marie-Anne, how to French women feel about embracing grey hair?

Hannah Green: To be honest I think women the world over know that make-up, jewellery and feminine clothes will dilute the potential masculine effects of a short hair cut.

Elma Orr: you are so right! that~s make a lot of difference!

Susie: I love your hair. You have great bone structure. One question, how do you get the wrinkles out of your silk blouses?

Lynda Wood: Thanks for the lovely video. I really like all of your blouses. They are so pretty.

Maria: J'adore vos vidéos, votre style est le mien, grand bonjour du Finistère

Ann Oldham: I find short hair does not suit me because I have a long neck. I honestly feel like a giraffe if it's above collar length

Judith Foster: I'm enjoying you're offerings. I would suggest, if I may, that you lighten your hair, maybe with fluffy highlights, and increase eyebrow size, and more apply eyeliner. You resemble Audrey Hepburn. My hair is grey and down to my waist now. It makes me feel beautiful and I do get compliments when I have makeup on and my hair is clean and shiny. Have begun style changes. Boot cut jeans on order!

Robin Moore: Beautiful blouse!! Great color for you!

aLEX Vrettos: Marie-Anne you suit short hair you have a nice face shape. But yes the red lipstick is very pretty and feminine depending on the tone it makes the lips pop.

Barbara Foster: Marie Anne do you think that big ear rings aren’t French chic? I am a plus size lady and think sometimes smaller jewellery gets lost on me?

Lori Walter: A new haircut? It looks adorable. I have long silver white hair.

2010lrain: It's rather obvious if one has very short hair to wear make up and feminine clothing/earrings if you're looking to look more feminine. Sorry there's nothing french chic about this it's practised the world over by millions of women. Not a lover of very short hair myself as it doesn't suit me but it can look great on many women. Sometimes the androgenous look is great with short hair, a suit and tie with long earrings for example. You suit short hair. Looks good on you

Carola in Paris: The blue blouse looks very good on you :)

Sylvie Vicenza: Do mature French women color there hair in general. I LOVE some grey or a lot of grey. I live in Italy and often I will stop a mature woman and will compliment her about her natural grey hair. I tried to let mine natural but have a yacky color that I hide under blond mèches.

Yvette Schaerer: Duration check ✔️ 4:50? ‍♀️. I love to try short hair, but unfortunately I have lots of cowlicks at the back so it will not work ‍♀️

Madzia M: Short hair is so comfy

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