Women Test Facial Hair Removal Products

Some hurt more than others.


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This will not feel good. (, rhythmic music ), So today we're gon na be trying some facial hair removal, products. We're gon na see if these products really work and if they're actually pain, free., I'm skeptical. Removing facial hair sucks. Like growing up. I had like a lot of it.. I had like a full-on mustache.. I get some stray hairs, just random ones that just wan na like party by themselves that I'll tweeze out. Heck ya, I'm nervous. I mean your face - is kinda like you can't mess that up.. I have a pretty high pain, tolerance. I think. It's all very painful., ( light rock music ). The first thing I thought of when I saw this is: is it looks like a vibrator.? It looks like a flashlight. Okay, this looks scary., So this is. ( machine whirring, ) Whoa ( laughing ). That sounds like a vibrator. ( laughing ). Let'S try it on a really hairy part.. Oh it tickles a little bit. Wait. This is cool.. It doesn't feel painful at all. Ohh. All the hair is gone This one works.. This did good.. I like this.. This leaves a little bit of stubble.. Did I just remove a bunch of my arm hair without realizing it? I did. It was pretty effective.. Oh that's! Gon na be weird when it grows back. ( light rock music ). What is this? This is definitely meant to rip out hair.. This one looks like it's gon na be painful.. I think you get your hair trapped in the spring and then you clamp it down.. So you bend it and then do this with it. Okay, this one kinda hurts. It like pinches.. This isn't working. It's making me frustrated. Ow, Oh my god no. (, laughs, ). I wonder if I can get these little neck, hairs. Nope.! I wouldn't use this for my entire face. I feel like. Maybe it would be good for a mustache.. I'M gon na keep my little fuzzies. ( electronica music ), This ones a bit more intimidating.. This might actually work.. I'M like honestly scared to try this'cause. It feels like it's gon na hurt., Put on your face and do you open it first And it has these little coils. ( concerned squealing )? No, I don't wan na. Do it. I don't wan na. Do it. I don't wan na. Do it. Ow. ( annoyed grunting, ), ( high-pitched, squealing ), Oh my God. It grabbed! So much of this hair. ( concerned grunting ). No! It'S like your hair's, literally being ripped out. Ow that felt worse than like a wax should come off a little bit., ( electronica, music ). Oh, this is cool.. This is like when you get your eyebrows ( mumbles ) right, (, clicking noise ) Before I got laser, I would literally thread my face like every morning.: Oh (, electronica, music ). Oh it worked., Oh (, bleeping ) that hurts. No, my skin got in it. No ow no. ( bleeping ) up no.. I think I broke it. As a brown person. I don't think this is a good way to thread.. I would learn it myself if I were trying at home.. Also, I feel like thread is just like: like you buy thread, it's just thread like you, don't need an extra thing., This works, it just hurts, it hurts a little bit. Pain is beauty and beauty is pain. Sometimes.. If you can figure out how to use some of these, like all the power to ya'., A lot of hair removal, gadgets are geared towards women's insecurities., I'm down to like try weird beauty things, but they need to do what they say: they're gon na do., If They say, pain, free, I'm expecting pain, free.. I want the people who invented these products to use it on themselves and then give me a call and tell me that it's pain free., I feel like. I need to do my entire arm though'cause. I have this bald patch., This patch of my arm very smooth., ( electronica, music, )

yenni: Everyone is talking about how the girl got to shave her arms, but can we talk about how this made me feel. I have hairy arms seeing how much people hate them it makes me think people won't like me because of my arm hair. I got excited bc someone had hairy arms, and I wasn't alone. Seeing someone like me gave me confidence that people won't care. I'm always wearing sweaters and long sleeved shirts bc I'm so afraid of people judging me about my arm hair. My question to people who don't like arm hair. Why don't you? I'm curious as to why you don't like it.

lucky sharms: I just want to say that I absolutely love that the Indian girl is showing her arm hair proudly. When I was younger I had so much body hair that I thought something was wrong with me and I was meant to be a man and something was off and that I was a freak because I had more hair than all the other girls and it was so thick and dark. I was so embarrassed and wished there was someone that had the same "problem" as me so I wouldn't feel alone. I hope anyone seeing her hair and thinking it's weird and that she should shave should understand it's genetics, it's something we have to live with and it's our choice to shave it or wax it.

Kokiria: Yes, many of you may think her arm hair is disgusting but jeez leave her alone! She doesn't have to shave anything if she doesn't want to. This is why people feel bad about themselves.

jennifer lopez: Seeing the comments on the girl with the hairy arms, honestly makes me feel even worse that I already felt about my arm hair. I wear sweaters everyday, even in the summer, because I'm self-conscious about the amount of arm hair that I have. I have about the same, maybe a little more, arm hair than that girl. All this video and comments did was drop my self esteem.

Hailey Gallinari: being a girl with hairy arms is literally so nerve racking and it just resulted into lots of kids asking me in 3rd grade "why are your arms so hairy??"

Kbear2097: Girls with a lot of arm hair raise your hand!

Etta: I'm surprised at everyone talking about her arm hair. Have you never seen a brown or middle Eastern girl before? I didn't know people didn't like arm hair. I never thought that was a beauty standard. Just goes to show it's not natural, it's society pushing standards. @ girls with hairy arms, you're beautiful, and you shouldn't be trying to impress people who care so much about looks. Idgaf about arm hair on girls. I actually prefer it, because it leaves the arms soft. Shaving makes them prickly. But do what you want. Trust me, no one cares as much as you think they do.

OhheyitsSoumy: I'm Arab and i have arm hair (though not as much as that beautiful brown woman does) but you know what i won't ever shave/wax it off... everyone tells me too but it adds to who i am. because i have light skinned and darker hair it's very visible, and i don't care. Brown girls might have body hair but we have amazing thick hair and lashes.... we're still beautiful like everyone else :)

Ahlem Sakura: Finally! A girl that's actually as hairy as me but definitely braver, I salute you brown beautiful girl!

Sephie Rivers: I'm amazed at the brown girl, I also always suffered with facial hair as a girl and hearing her say she taught herself how to thread and would do it every morning makes me so impressed. I have so much respect for her (and she's so pretty)

DoUKnowDa Wae: It's nice to see other people around the world with the same problems as me; the people I know are so rude they just make fun of body hair... hella annoying.

Heart Rirao: To everyone out there, don't feel insecure about your body hair. Everyone has it, never be afraid that someone will judge you for it :)

kajaz studios: I had as much arm hair as the girl in the video and I shaved it off before I started high school because I knew I'd get looked at and I didn't want thatkind of attention. I had told my dad I wanted to and he supported me;however, if I didn't have that much or if my hair was blonde, I'd never do it. I hate doing but I feel like I have to so I applaud her for not shaving her arms

Juni Das: Even when I saw her arms I was like woah. But that has no right for me to "advice" her to shave or not. Some of us girls are hairy, its up to them whether they want to shave or not. We can't change on the basis of other's judgement. Its wrong to just criticize over just anything.

bb: Damn I mean I shave because it makes my skin feel smooth and I just prefer it but I wouldn't put my standards on someone else.... so girl's got some hairy arms, so what!! Let her live, damn, she can choose whether or not she wants to shave that area lmao

hang1iderswing: Thank you for featuring hairy ladies like me! Just for other, younger girls reading this: you can have hairy arms, people will still want to be your friends, still hire you, still date you. It's not as big a deal as youtube comments make it seems.

monica: Oh COME ON! If you have body hair it's NORMAL! It's NOT gross, awkward or unusual, DON'T worry worry about it ! You're BEAUTIFUL in every single way and you're the only one who chooses if you need or want to change your body so don't LISTEN to anybody ! I have blonde arm hairs so I don't remove them but the hair on my legs is very black and let me tell you... I'm whiter than snow even in the middle of the summer ... and people told me it was a problem cause they could see it when I wore shorts but WHO CARES! Nobody is supposed to tell you what to do , so remember YOU DO YOU!✨

Ashlaysha Singla: Im glad how the brown girl is confident with her body hair . And how pretty she is. Loads of love! ❤❤❤❤

Rin Kagaderp: Hey Boldly, I know this is a kind of old video (like a month to two months) but I'm wondering if you could do a video like 'Women with hairy arms model'? I know I, and many other girls (and boys!) can struggle with arm hair. It gets really discouraging when people point it out or tell you to 'groom yourself' or say that you're 'unhygienic'. I'd love to see women of all shapes and sizes and ethnicities model and embrace their arm hair! It's completely natural and shouldn't be frowned upon at all! I think it'd really give a huge confidence boost to people. :) ♥

mangocat: That Asian girl is the only person I know at Buzzfeed that has and shows arm hair. She inspires me because of her confidence.

Castellon Zamora: what is this weird obsession with wanting women to be completely hairless like prepubescent girls?? Like I shave my legs and armpits but no way I will waste my time with everything else. shoo i am keeping my mustache too.

Samantha McNeish: I own the second product, expect I have the Japanese brand. I love it. I use it for my chin and cheek area. Lip area is too sensitive. But they were using it wrong. You are supposed to roll the black ends between your fingers and let the spring grab the hair and remove it through the follicle.

Asif Khan: Don't tell the girl with the hairy arm to remove her hair. She'll do what she like. Hair aren't bad. Have a good day.

Flying Pirate: I am brown and dont shave my arm hair. It is not gross in any sense, and im fine with it. The RIGHT people wont care, only superficial people will be judgy about it. Stay confident ladies :)

Amber Varner: I'm currently growing my armpit hair out to dye, and to normalize female body hair a bit. I personally don't like the hair and I don't find it as cute, but it's been so enlightening to know what I the feels like and I love talking to people about it. It's funny how disgusted people get, but then I can make them smile and most people think it's a cool idea once I talk to them about it. Cuz honestly in a lot of countries that's not a beauty standard and men have it. But for some reason on a girl people act like u have poo under there lmao. I can't wait til it's hot pink.. My boyfriend thinks it's cute and has been encouraging me to stay strong. This is my third attempt; the first two times I caved and shaved lol!

Lulu Kahn: You all are beautiful the way you are and don't need to do anything to yourself

JillieVanilli: I bought the Tria laser years ago and it was 1 of the best purchases I have ever made! It was around 500 dollars but I did the 50.00 a month payment plan. Also when I went for laser treatments at the Dr's office it was 250.. a session and u need LOTS. This sits my my tv and when I have an odd moment-Zap!!!!!

Sarah Dubé: I keep the hair on my arms. Only because they're soft and fluffy. I love it.

Lydia361000: Watch out for your face--some things you or others do to it can cause broken capillaries. These red veins can be caused by pulling hair on your face (esp. the nose area and around the mouth area, etc.). Be careful--I hope this helps someone out there. Also, do NOT let any so-called professional give you a facial, unless you know (for certain)--that they know--how to do it correctly. Look it up on the internet--that might help.

Diane Kim: 0:39 There are two types of people: "It looks like a vibrator." "It looks like a flashlight."

Grace Bej: PSA: girls have armchair! Some girls have a lot! Get over it!

pythonkatie K: Personally I prefer the tinkle razor. I use it on my face and my husband's back because he finds it fun to make puns with.

subscribe lol: BOLDY , can you do a video of women (or men) going out and getting perms and keeping updates each day? Thanks!

Palak Malhi: I'm a brown girl so y'all please stop saying that she should take off her arm hair some people can't shave their arms but can get there face hair removed I had to start getting my arms waxed at 10 because of bully's so leave her alone

Side H000e: I have soo much body hair but seeing someone with almost the same amount as arm hair as me (I still have more lol) made me happy

Umed Nasiloev: Thank you so much. This video is very useful. It prevented me from buying tools that I would regret...

K: I have hairy arms too! My skin is on the place side and my hair is black... yeah I know, great combination, brings out the hairyness. I rarely see girls with hairy arms like me or even more so, who are confident and wear whatever they like, showing their armhair casually. Respect to you! :)

Sydney F: The girl with black hair DOES NOT NEED TO SHAVE. People have varying amounts of body hair and that's okay, we're all mammals, everyone has body hair. My arm hair looks like hers, and you know what? I still go on dates, guys still like me, and there are people out there who will love you just as you are. There are many Indian and Pakistani women with arms that look like hers, and she does need not conform to the western standards of beauty.

Amber: The spring one works great and it's a lot faster than tweezing. They just weren't doing it right.

pigeon: The bellable one works best if you just run it along the skin with it bent the way they were doing, not just working in little yanking motions.

TorchesATL: Let me guess how this goes without watching: -Girls review products -Girls give honest reviews (positive or negative) -Girls conclude by saying don't use them, they are enforcing societal beauty standards or some such hogwash

nouf: The second and third objects are better to use for the face and mustache, i have them and they perfectly work i don't think that you can use it for your arms it will be so painful

Ana Sofia Afonso: Y is everyone talking abt her arm hair, like dafuq, its a normal thing, i have a good amount of hair on my arms and people dont say anything, its just something natural that happens, and it varies from person to person

Nayeli G.: When you have hair on your arms because it's a totally natural thing to have, but suddenly feel self conscious after reading everyone's negative comments on the brown girl's arms...

Samantha R.: I got hairy arms as well, nothing wrong with that, we are all beautiful :)

superflysquirrel: I've given up on these purchases...they hurt way too much! No shame in my game, I'm OK with shaving my bigote! Lol

zaQba: They use the bellabe spring wrong. You need to roll it while bending it. I used it for years. It worked. It hurt hella lot the first time I used it, I cried.

bubbly bubble: did someone here tried a facial laser hair removal? if so how did it work for you?

The Gothic Two-Step: None of them are using the spring correctly. Your bend it, hold it to the face and then twist the handles without raising the gizmo, and it tweezes the fuzz out that way. It's actually pretty effective, if nippy.

humblebumble: Had this not been about hair, I likely wouldn't have noticed her arm hair. If I had noticed, it wouldn't have been a big deal or even an issue at all. Hair is hair.

savannah li: Hey!I am a girl and i have a lot of hair on my arms and legs , i only shave my legs when i have to plus i love my hairy arms cuz that is what makes you perfect , don't think it is disgusting that u have arm hair cuz it's natural , i love how the ladies in the video love their body hair and not ashamed of it , love yourselves ❤( sorry for my poor English)

Destiels Impala: i wish i had enough confidence to go without shaving my arms

Lucy Miller: literally in love with the brown girl !! Her eyebrows are amazing

Gaby Perez: Idk why in the USA it's so important to shave the arms, it's just hair, calm down; in a lot of countries have hairy arms it's normal (i'm colombian)

Amal Koury: its so weird seeing them shave their arms because I know its such an insecurity for many people and I just dont want those people to feel bad

fairy Empressive: Great video—would've loved to see a transgirl like me, though!

Levisaurus: I ordered that blue squeezy one....i hope it works❤❤

Kelly Farrell: this is great but it would have been more helpful if people were given instructions on how and where to use.

Saaniya Bagdadi: omggggg afghan girl is so relatable!!!! hope we get to see more of her! love her look ❤️

Samiya Kazi: I came into the comments because I knew people would be talking about that girl's arm hair. I don't see what the problem is. That's what her body does and it's natural. If that doesn't match up with your personal preferences, who cares? It's her body and not yours. You do you and she'll do what she wants. End of story.

Aaliyah Carrillo: Am I the only one that has a hairy stomach and hates it, I'm 14‍♀️‍♀️

Olivia Soni: Yo, I'm so sad to see all the comments about telling that girl to shave. I respect your preferences and all but I can relate to her. The girls in my family we are brown, I myself am mixed, and we all have an abundant amount of body hair. More than we ourselves would like at times, but it's what we got. If we wanna shave or wax it so be it. If we wanna embrace it or not be bothered with it then let us. I dont think we need to hear it from others whether or not we need to shave.... Just me? Idk. Sorry for my opinion.

Moni Gonzalez: Happy to see I'm not the only one with hairy arms gives me more confidence

cec6607: I think it would be just awesome if women got beards also.

Book House: you should do women try different face clearing methods

BizarreDragon: I'm pretty sure as a frequent shopping on wish, 3 of those don't actually claim to be pain free

average life: i wax my face myself even sideburns and honestly it does hurt a little but it is only like one second so

Ju: I just love the brown girl face, she is so cute short hair really suits her ! (Sorry I don't know her name)

Kat: The brown girl is so beautiful! Her skin is like glowing

OhheyitsSoumy: when you're middle eastern and can relate to this 100000% :')

Gi Gi: All these comments about the girl with the hairy arms. Leave her alone please! Its her body not yours she does whatever she wants with her body

kpopchop: Let me try them, I'm a very very hairy woman.

neurofibroma: So what if that lovely girl got so much hair on her arms! It's her own damn body and she's cool with it so it's non of anyone's business!

Max Brand: The girl with the arm hair I love her I also learn to love it myself because I do have arm hair myself

Gold Finger: Is it weird that I'm a guy and I watch these videos?? It's entertaining

Bunnie Huxtable: should've listed the products used in the description!

Giselle: Good video my crested gecko sat through this whole video and really liked it

aherrin10: shaving arms isn't needed. shaving the human body isn't needed at all. it is a choice to shave or not to shave for every individual. if you don't like arm hair or any other hair, nobody cares.

Victoria Peterson: The girl with the bun and overalls is so relateable :D

Karen: They were using the 2nd one wrong, you're supposed to roll it

Almog Azoulay: Wait, does the first product pull hair out, or just shaves it?

Sarah Tsujimoto: why does body hair matter so much in society??? all these comments are saying how that one girl should shave her arms because it's 'gross'. well guess what child birth is gross but your mom still had you so.

team name kim seokjin: second product is actually pretty good. if you use it correctly. which none of them did...

Shohini Rhea Sarkar: Ok, seriously y'all need to stop hating on that poor woman for having arm hair. There was probably a reason she wasn't shaving it in the video. Maybe it was religious or moral or she just didn't feel like it because I'm not shaving any hair for a date when I could be watching Boldly. I think she's gorgeous

Larry Phischman: The horrible screaming means that it's working!

Hannah E.: The hairy arm girl tested the products out everywhere but where there was hair

Brighty: That brown sister has such nice eyebrows. Yess girl slay

daisy macy: I have tried all except the last one. All items just cost a few dollars, don't need the more expensive versions. In norway we only have the stick and here it cost 30 usd, so ebay and wish are nice to use

anna s-a: that brown girl is beautiful, and her eyebrows...

Honey Andrews: “Imma keep my little fuzzies “

Nicole Herrera: It seems like hairy women have the best eyebrows and the longest lashes. It's a pattern I'm constantly seeing. I'm not hairy and barely got any eyebrow hairs and tiny lashes You either have it all or none.

sywa034: Threading is the way to go... these products are convenient but why invest so much when you can achieve the same effect using just a piece of string? But u have to put on Aloe Vera afterwards to sooth the pain


ZomberStomper: Arm hair is the least of my concerns. I don't get all these people who prefer their partners smooth and hairless. I like my partner all natural. Though I shave my legs and pits.

puki140: I only wax the mustache out then I mostly just bleach my face and arm hair

RubberDucky: Wait, people actually shave their arm hair? For what purpose?

Annie Davis: The girl in the overalls is my spirit animal

Brooke Eberhard: 0:07 she scared the bejezees out of me it's 5;00 am in the morning and the first 3 seconds she sounded EXACTLY like my mom

Iram Naqvi: 2:04 I saw that thing on shein I wanna buy it but it's more painful than a wax strip! 2:20

Natalia Oledzka: The girl with brown hair is so pretty <3

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