Space Buns Hair Tutorial Ft Celebrity Sytlist

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Oh, my god, you already have it up your youtube thing. We'Re celebrating today, hey guys, welcome back to my channel. So today we have an exciting video for us. So basically, i decided to collab with my friend antonio he's been doing my hair for literally, like all my shoots that you guys have been seeing lately. He is the [ __ ], so he's actually about to be here in a couple of minutes and he's gon na teach you guys how to do a cute, hairstyle um. I was gon na go for like a basic holiday like um updo, but we decided to do something that was a little bit more like my vibe, so we're gon na do some really cute face buns yeah before we get into the video and forget to like, And share with your friends: if you guys do this hairstyle don't forget to tag me, i think it's a really cute hairstyle for new year's or even for christmas, honestly, something a little bit different, not like the usual waves or updos that we tend to do for Uh christmas, so i'm really excited and yeah when i feel like you look good with your hair up in like a way too yeah. Like you look good, i mean look at all the time, but we'll talk about that later yeah, you look good with your hair. Like uh, i like it thanks. Oh how long have you been doing hair for so it's crazy to say but 10 years? Oh my god wait. Let me turn off this ac because it's gon na um, okay, so you were saying 10 years yeah. So it's so crazy! You got 10 years, that's a lot yeah with schooling and everything accountable schooling, and i count like all that stuff, like training but being a stylist, is like more like eight years, and then i've been doing my instagram for like four years really yeah yeah. So his instagram is poppin. He posted like all the stuff he does, so you guys should follow him. Basically uh. He hit me up probably like a year ago, i would say like a year yeah. It was during this time. It was during december. That was probably yeah. It was like, let's create, and it's crazy, because i've never had it like an actual like a hair. Stylist want to create, like usually they're, all about their gigs, and they don't really care about promotion or like creating a vibe. So for him to be down to like create all the visions like it's just dope, and i feel like that's why we continued being friends, everything that i had in mind like we were just making it happen, so i actually just did jenny's hair like what two Weeks ago, jenny69 yeah, and he was just telling me how dope it was, and i'm gon na put pictures up here just to show you guys what he did, but literally like you can do everything. How does that feel? Like i'm the best i kind of pride myself on knowing like being able to just like know the basics of everything and then be able to like do that. If that makes sense, like just understanding, hair and understanding what what it's going to do and then create. Whatever i want right yeah, i think you're just not afraid, and i think we both have that that it's just like we see something it's like i can make that happen. You know like maybe i've, never done it or maybe even tried it out, but i can make it happen. We have hair hair, that's not matching yeah hair. That is not matching and it still was alive. So right now we are doing what we put our hair in the middle and then using the. This is the stuff that you're using on your video that i love it's polished up yeah. This is my sexy hair. I love it for any kind of like snatch moments or any kind of braiding, because it's just going to be like a a nice pomade. That'S going to give you a lot of shine and a lot of control so basically like on these like right through here or like what i'm doing right here. Is i'm doing all these small little okay. So what i really like about this product is that usually, when i get edge control, it's really sticky and i don't know this tends to like dry up in a like a matte, not super matte. But do you know what i mean like it's not like super shiny and it doesn't look like all weird and i feel like it's moisturizing too. Yes, like it's moisturizing, really good. I'Ve tried a lot of pomades and this one for sure was like. He literally gave me one that he that he was already using and okay, let's say, like you, do your hair one day and then the next thing you kind of have to take it down and stuff like it's not that hard to like brush. Usually it's like super hard to like brush out the edge control from like the day before yeah. I agree it's just so i really like that product, so shout out to sexy here. Ah, who's, like your dream person to like work with, i feel like i was actually thinking about this, and i did like a little interview recently where they asked me this, and i kind of was like damn. Who is my dream person, but i think someone like dosha cat would be bomb and i feel like they're like why? Don'T you get chills and i feel like that's always like our kind of vibe too, like a lot of our inspo is from her yeah. I just think that she is like not scared to try something different and that's what i kind of am as well. I like to try the cool things different things, but she also loves to glam and just do like the more basic glam too. So i think she'd be bombing up. I'Ve been wanting these two pieces to grow and like they're. Finally, here like there's so many artists, bro that have been out there for so long and still can't really get it together when it comes to glam videos, hair makeup, everything, yeah and she's. Like one of those artists, i have really like, like she just popped off, and it's every time i see a video every time. I see an outfit, a hair makeup, i'm just like wow, i feel like she has a lot to do with it. I feel like she's creative, like that. That'S what makes you so [ __ ], popping just everything just really put together. Yo this brush is fire yeah. This is like uh. This is like my go-to brush for any kind of like snatch, ponies or any kind of like detail, work all board bristle. It really just kind of distributes the product evenly. So this round is actually jay, beverly hills, um. I don't i when the beginning of my career, i did like a little uh michael costello show and they were like the sponsors and we couldn't get paid right so they're like we can't pay. You just take whatever you want and i just took that brush and i love you give me the [ __ ] brush until the day we have the damn brush. Well, i know that's my favorite brush too anytime, it's like on set or i'm like going to someone's house. I'M like. I don't care about anything else, but the [ __ ] where's, the [ __ ] brush. They didn't pay him, but they gave him the brush. I love that brush what the [ __ ]. That'S bob! That'S crazy, yeah! I think the main thing for this hairstyle is really just getting it uh real, snatched right yeah, i feel, like the the main part, is like this area making sure it looks really good making sure it looks really clean. The polished up really helps like just all. You have like really strong hairs right here that want to go down so just by putting more product there really pulling it up. It'Ll kind of control that - and it just takes like some patience like i've, learned um in the eight years ten years, whatever that just take your time and it'll be like bomb, you know like in certain moments, yeah so yeah. I, when i see like my friends that don't have the patience to do their hair but like to do hairstyles and it doesn't really come out right. It'S because they don't take the time to just like sit there and like really get it done. So i'm not terrible at hair, but i'm not like super good. But what i've noticed is that i just have to sit there and just be like okay well and if it comes out ugly, like i'll. Do it again, like even with my braids, that it took me like a while to learn how to bring my own hair like i'll, just sit there and just practice practice practice until you get it right? Well, yeah, when i first started to i'd, be so nervous about, like making sure the client doesn't feel like they're in the salon for so long. So i was just gon na rush and it would look horrible yeah. But now i just like take my time and if something's wrong, like you're, saying i'll, just like stop and like redo that part right away right, you know it doesn't look good, take it down, redo it really fast, yeah you're, not taking down a lot of your Ponies because, like they're crooked or yeah whatever, but you just take it down and just kind of redo it. I love that and one thing that the one of the advice that i gave it on how to like take your pictures for instagram was i've noticed that when my hair is just not cute, my pictures are not it like dead, ass, i'll have a really bad Hair day like it, i have to wear a hat like i have to wear hat or something yeah, no, because i'll hate, my pictures, if my hair doesn't look snatch either sleek curly like up like everything had, and it can't be like, even if it's messy, i Said like even if i'm doing like a messy hair, like still, i have to make sure that i like curl it right and then like add the right products. I don't know his hair is like big for me. Okay, so uh he's gon na show you guys a little technique that i was kind of like surprised when he did it. I was like damn. This is kind of cool. You know i love ponytails and i do them a lot and i always felt like whenever i would start to do the traditional rubber band, where you you know the jungle where you like, pull it through and pull your hair through. You know yeah the regular just like the regular way um. I always felt like it would mess up like all this area right. It would mess up all like the work that i put in. So i figured out a way to use uh like just an office grade rubber band with some bobby pins, and what you do is you just put it in right here: get it nice and secure the bobby, pin the bobby pin and then you just wrap the Rubber band around so when i'm wrapping here i'll use my hand and kind of hold it down like that and then wrap around like this. What keeps it really tight and snatched is like me, being able to do this part right here. Okay, let me wrap it in like that, keeps it really tight and it also helps crazy how the bobby pin stays, but i think it's just a rubber band kind of like holding it in tight yeah, so it just holds it in and then you just kind Of redo this, while we paint over here so there's two bobby pins, okay, one on each side and then the last one is gon na be tucked in yeah, so they're, both tucked in just like that. Okay, so this basically avoids you getting bumps on your hair. I'M gon na zoom in and show you guys a little bit yeah. So you know when, like you do the traditional hair, sometimes when you like, when you go like this, what's called like when you go, how does it work? I know it's always hard for me to describe but like whenever you put it on and then you twist and then you pull your hair through to like twist it like that and [ __, ] yeah and then boom. All the all the bumps start to come in and show them how to really kind of do the hairline, because we have little hairs that are not listening. What you can do is, you can add, like some more of that polished up product and then just put it right through here and then just use this little comb and brush those up. I did this the first time we met. Remember that i have to do this part with the red look and then you get a setting clip. Oh yeah pop that, like that, and then just let that kind of just let it sit yep because it'll like make sure all those hairs kind of stick together and stay there. Okay, and that will be there for the whole. Look until we're about done. Okay, yeah cool, so if you have a lot of baby hairs like on this side, even though i've seen like kim, i think she like shaves everything i do too. I like shave kind of like up to here, but then sometimes i'm scared to shave. It too much and i'm like what the [ __ ]. I don't want to look all alien-ish. Well, i feel, like imagine, that's growing back just leave it you'll have all these crazy little hairs. I'M gon na leave some hair yep and i'm gon na use. I love using these little um needles right here to kind of set the hair where i want it before. I just start pinning and this look, could we also be done like more frizzy? If you wanted, you know it doesn't have to be so snatched. You know you could just kind of like put it up, have a lot of hair falling out and then have the buns be a little more textured too. That'S cute, oh yeah, so they look a little bit more fluffy yeah, so just to kind of fly away. Like they don't have to be like so clean, but you know actually like it to look like clean. I wonder if it's actually you've done this before doing hairstyles on wigs. Is it hard? I mean it's a little harder yeah because you, i feel, like you, just have to make sure that it's glued down really good. You know what i mean yeah. Did you see this this little cartoon? I love that it's so cute right, yeah, it's kind of like the vine. I love that i feel like when i saw that look. I gasped when i saw you create that i was like damn she's, so freaking good. I'M like i better step up my game because she's going to be like, i don't need hair anymore. Now, honestly, my best hair moments are with you me. We'Ve already done a lot and i feel like people are like. I feel like. I love it too because, like like, we were talking about earlier. You like brought the grunge out of me and me and i feel like it was right before. Are you ready to wear jock martin's? Now i told you like right before the whole, like kourtney kardashian and all that stuff, like yeah, you were doing it right before them. Yeah, like i'm, telling you like weeks like two weeks before all that stuff happened, i feel like. I would do it you're in brunch yeah, we're grunging it no, but i just i think, since the kardashians are such a trendsetter, like i love that she was like able to like put it out there to make it look normal yeah. A lot of people tend to be like, oh my god, that's too much like what would you wear like so much like leather like it it it's almost intimidating, like it's weird wearing an outfit like that, wearing your hair, like that or whatever like so are we Gon na start to pen now yeah, okay, so you don't set the bun with a hair tie because that's what i usually [ __ ] do like i'll put another hair tie on yeah. Well, i don't do that because it's gon na, like kind of mess up the vibe down here, so i just kind of put these. These little sticks here to kind of hold it in place and i'll start pinning everything. And then i use um the this spray and play right here and i basically like use it as a glue, and i kind of just like make all the hair stay where i want back in this area. Remember when we were trying to get inspired for this big and i sent you those spiky hair if you're like oh, like this is this is what he wanted to do. He was like. I was joking you're like a little something like that for christmas, so you can hang your ornaments since you don't have a tree like okay, so did you spray the little hairs at the bottom? Yes, i put a little bit of um like a so touchable hairspray, which is more like a workable hairspray. I don't want anything too strong on these ones, because it's going to start looking kind of dry. So i did like a little bit of this hairspray down here, just to kind of get them a little just to piece them out a little bit like the the hardest part. Is you want to make them? Look too identical? You know you kind of want to try to make them look a little different like so both look like like a different part yeah and it wasn't super hard. I think anyone could do this at home, and this looks cute if you're going to a party christmas party at a new year's event or just if you want to take pictures on it but yeah guys. So if you guys want to follow him, you guys are interested in getting your hair done. You have any special events, go ahead and hit him up. I'M going to be leaving his instagram link down below um yeah, i'm just gon na do my makeup. So i don't look that ugly and we'll take it and take some pics and that's pretty much. It hope you guys enjoyed hello, so we got caught up just taking pictures and then i did a tick tock and then i forgot to do an outro. But basically i did my makeup and we took some pics and i hope you guys enjoyed the video. It was obviously a more easier hairstyle, but just wanted to share with you guys, a couple of tips and maybe the products that antonio uses to do my hair and yeah. I hope you guys recreate it if you guys do tag me, even though, obviously this hairstyle was totally recreated by a bunch of people, we actually got the inspiration by carla j. I totally love her she's, the cutest instagram so and yeah i'm gon na see you guys in my next video, don't forget to like comment subscribe. Follow your girl on the gram. Don'T forget to follow antonio. He has some fire content all the time on instagram and, like i said, if you guys, are interested in booking him um, you guys could totally message him. So yeah guys love you guys. Bye!

Samantha Santibanez: Wow, this look is amazing! Antonio did an amazing art

E.C.: You look stunning. He did a great job! ☺️

Maria Saiz: You guys just vibe so well and I love it

Nicholas Wong: Val you always look beautiful w/ or w/o makeup w/ your glowing skin and stunning hair ‍♂️☺

Simran Kaur: You’re such a baddie val I love this look

Nicholas Wong: Antonio you did a really good job w/ Val's new hairstyle and Val whatever you have I'm sure that you'll look stunning ‍♂️

Tatum De Jongh: Omg love the bobby pin technique

Momis Family Vlogz : Nice it looks cute ☺️

Jéssica Costa: Omg!! I love it!

Nicholas Wong: Speaking of the Kardashians Kim is my favorite Kardashian ‍♂️

Kahatia Guerrero: i watch ur videos religiously

SONDERWVNDER AOC: sucha pretttty hairstyleee

Percy Celis: I wanna glam you so bad haha, I’m also In Phoenix Az ☺️

Lavish Khii: ❤️

Nicholas Wong: Hey Val I stopped the other video and came to your how are you? ‍♂️

Klara Pachuau: ❤️❤️

Gabby Roblez: Hiii val ❤️

Alyssa Chavez: My fav posted yayy

Thalia Flores: My forehead would never let me

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