My Hair Care Routine 2020

Welcome to my hair care routine 2020 ! I am going to be sharing how I take care of my long thick hair. Hair tutorials are not really my speciality but I wanted to share a little more about myself and how I wash my hair once a week. If you want to know how to grow long hair 2020 then I have a few tips in my weekly hair care routine 2020. Washing your hair can be such a chore so I only like to wash mine once a week with minimal product it is perfect for hair care for long thick hair 2020. I love my minimal hair care at the moment and I looking forward to sharing more hair tutorials with you!

I really hope you enjoy my hair care routines 2020!


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#haircareroutine #haircare2020 #hairtutorials2020 #zoemountford

Hey everyone and welcome back. If you are new here than hello, my name is Zoe, and this is my youtube channel. Today'S video is not a makeup tutorial. It'S actually a hair video, which I never do. I'M going to be sharing my hair care routine for 2020. To be honest, it's really minimal, there's hardly anything to it. I hardly who's any products and I'm not really that good. At hat the chore of washing my hair, I like to be as easy as possible and as quick as possible, because it does take me ages. I mean when people say I can't do that tonight, because I've stayed in and washing my hair. That is me. It literally takes the whole evening for me to wash dry and straighten so yeah. I'M just gon na talk you through everything that I use to keep my hair, nice and shiny and hydrated, and if I've missed anything out and you have any questions at all about my hair, please just ask me in the comments - and I will let you know So if you do like it, please let me know down in the comments and also give it a thumbs up as well and don't forget to subscribe to my channel. You only have to click that button and you are already here so I really hope you liked. Today'S video, let's just get on with it, okay guys, so this is my hair just wash. I have quickly just done my makeup for IG TV, I'll link it when it's off in the description box, so I think the front bit is drying. I had is long and it's very thick and it's also like quite dry and coarse. I haven't brushed it or anything. As you can see, my hair is naturally quite clearly and if I left it with nothing in it would go like really frizzy. But sometimes I do just put a little bit of mousse in and let it dry naturally - and I do actually quite like it. But I find I do have to wash it more. If I do that, because I don't like the feel of like product on my hair or anything, so I haven't brushed it or anything. I'M gon na just talk you through first the shampoos and conditioners that I use and then we'll brush it and dry it. You also call my hair. I am a natural redhead, so this is pretty much my natural color, it's just, maybe a little bit red and a bit more richer in color than my natural. If you look back at my old videos, I will have like blonde in the ends, because I use the Hubble balayage, but all of my root color, that is all natural on those videos and then, if you go way back, that is all my complete natural hair. I do also solve it with excellent and surprises on my budget and services, especially on my face, and I also got psoriasis on my scalp as well, so I have always suffered with that bought my scalp, especially since I was 16. I have really struggled with it. Sometimes I can just last ages without getting it all, but then, when I do have it and it does come, it takes ages to get rid of. I don't have to be so careful with what I put on it. That'S been once now. I have really got it under control and I haven't really got any at the moment, but my scalp can get quite dry, so I'm just gon na talk you through everything that I used on my hair, which honestly isn't a lot. I feel like my hair care. Routine is like the lowest maintenance and like all these products I bought. I just don't like using a lot because I am quite sensitive, so I just stick to what works for me. So for my shampoo and conditioner and hair masks, I'm only using two brands at the moment, because this is what they use in the salon that I go to and also work out, and I just find they work for me really well. I'Ve also had that same hairdresser for over 10 years and she is the best and I won't go to anybody else. I am quite biased now, because I work there. She'S cut my hair and looked after my hair for over ten years now, so I would never go anywhere else and I'm really happy with my hair at the moment. So these are the shampoos and conditioners and treatments that I'm using. So the first brand is label and which I absolutely love. I use the honey and oat and conditioner and shampoo. I think I've talked about this in my favourites, videos and things way back, but I've used this two years and I haven't got the shampoo with me because I've run out, but these are just a really nice everyday, shampoo and conditioner absolutely love them. This is pretty much empty. I think I've only got like that. Much left in the bottom, but yeah I'll use the honey and oat shampoo and conditioner until they went out and then I'll move on to another one until they went out and then I'll switch back to this. So I often alternate alternate is that the word alternates between the two different shampoos and conditioners, just so much using the same ones all the time, but yet label and absolutely love on the other brand, which I use at the moment for shampoo and conditioner is joy. Co - and I absolutely love this brand I feel like they do - have a lot of shampoos for, like my type of hair like quite dry and thick hair. So this is the moisture recovery shampoo for dry hair, and this is the moisture recovery condition it for dry hair and I've used these today. Actually, no that's alive only use the shampoos today, because I've used a treatment and be a little of joy. Co, especially for their treatments as well, and they might be just a little bit more expensive than high-street shampoos, but they are definitely 100 % better than high-street shampoos and because I only wash my hair like once a week or every five days, these blasts meet like Forever because you hardly need anything as well like the size of a 50 pence piece, that's also use, so I do two shampoos and conditioner, but like today I've used a treatment, so I've just got a few treatments which I use at the moment. So I will show you this: I usually go for treatments bought like quite dry and damaged hair, because my hair is so dry. I think whole everything on me is dry. My skin is dry. My hair is dry. My nails can get really dry, especially this time of year as well in the winter. I just feel like it because he dries my hair out and I think, like curly hair, can be a little bit more dry as well. So I always go for treatments which are they more hydrating and things like that. So the first one is from label and this is the label and the intensive mask and it smells so nice, it's actually nearly like outlast. I need to get another one, but this make sure hair so nice and soft. It stays on the back to apply to her a massage from roots to ends. But I only ever put masks from like my Midlands and down, because I don't like anything too heavy on my scalp just in case and I'll concentrate a lot on my four bits as well cuz I feel like they get quite a lot of heat and I've Always straighten in the front bits, so the first one. This is one absolutely love. The second one is from joy coat as well. This is the K Park, intense hydrates, a treatment for dry and damaged hair. I don't use this one as often as the other two, because I find this one can build up a little bit. It can be a little bit heavy for your hair. So again, I'll just use this mainly in the Midlands. Definitely the ends for this one because it is very hydrating I'll, usually do a hair mask, say every other or every third time I wash it because shampoos and conditioners that you use, I absolutely love and they do keep my hair by quite hydrated anyway. So I'll probably do a mask every. I probably say every third time that I wash it because I either do every five days or once a week, so that seems to work out really well for me. So I really like that one as well, and then the one that I've used today is this one which matches the shampoo and conditioner which I'm using is the moisture recovery treatment, balm for thick and coarse dry, hair, so again mid ones and ends leave it on. For a few minutes and then wash it off, you get a lot of product in these as well. So this one is 250 mils and this one again is 250. So what you get with your shampoo, so my shampoos and conditioners are 300 mils. So, to be fair, these are not far off like a full conditioner, so this is going to last me like literally forever, because again I don't have to use them that after ok, so after you have washed your hair, I always comb it through. Never ever ever ever ever brush your hair when it's wet. My hairdresser has been telling me this for years and I never ever brush my hair with a brush even a tangle teezer. I always comb it through the first tangle teezer brush wet brush. Anything like that. When you first like take the towel off your hair to brush your hair through its gon na completely tell you to call always brush it through with a comb. That'S best, I always blow-dry my hair with a brush, but I always brush it through. First, with a comb, so I'm gon na just brush it all back and the more you do it you'll find that your comb just goes straight through your hair. So this is me just brushing my hair straight after I have washed it yeah. If you take anything from this, video always brush your hair with a comb when it's wet, never brush it with any kind of brush years ago, when I used to brush it just with a brush, it would just completely like clump together and I could barely even Get a brush through it and the more I brushed it with a brush the worse it got so now I can literally just brush it straight through, and it's all nice and soft and detangled before I start to blow-dry my hair I'll always spray it first. With this, which is the label and protein spray, this is absolutely amazing. It protects my hair, so well, so it's you give you protection evens out porosity for all hair types to really keeps my hair, nice and healthy, and it's a lot less dry using this and if I wasn't using it so I always do dress the Midlands and Ends because I hate anything touches my scalp, so we'll just spray this all through the Midlands and ends a lot through the front because it's very dry and it is more damaged there. If I just got strange out the shower I'll blast off all the stuff in wet first and then put this through or else when you dry your hair, this will just come out with it. So it's pretty pointless using it so again, I'll just brush all that through feel like you, do need like a specific night in just to wash your hair, because mine takes me so long and I feel like the drying and their straightening or curling after takes longer Than actually washing it, it's literally such a short. That'S why I hate doing it more than once a week. Let me know down in the comments how often you wash yours and if you also hate washing your hair, like I do, I have no idea. If I do the right thing, I wish that I could give myself a proper blow-dried. That would be like really helpful. I'M not going to be able to talk through this, I'm literally just gon na whisk through it, but also I do is just like brush it down to try and get it to dry as straight as possible, because my house so curly naturally and yeah. That was just also do I'll. Show you a little bit, but obviously my hairdryer is gon na, be so loud you're, not even gon na be able to hear me speak so yeah I'll, literally just from the root and down just to try and make it dry. As straight as I can really sorry, it does anyhow dresses, like literally crunching at this video. This is just how I do also got so hot drying. My hair, I feel like it, I'm not meeting another shower after oh, okay. So, finally, for my top layer, I do like a middle parties. Oh could do it in the viewfinder. It does usually just go straight into a middle part in it does go quite frizzy at the ends, but my hair is just frizzy anyway, but yeah. I can blow-dry it any straighter than that, but if you have any tips, please let me know so I'll just rates it now. I do exactly the same section. So I'll do like four sections for my hair and I think everybody knows how to straighten at that hair. But I've just got a pair of ghd's. These are quite old, but if you like, ghd's, lasts like forever, so I just kind of go over twice and I'm gon na get to the bottom. I just kind of curl it under and I feel like if I take my time and straighten it now tomorrow. I probably won't even have to talk so again just curl it under or I mean you guys, probably do this like every day as well, so I'll try not to be too long-winded. Do you prefer mine straight? I feel like I can cope with it a bit better. That way. Sometimes I will leave it curly. Maybe I'll do a video of how I leave it to dry, naturally curly and then you can see the difference between the two and I don't actually use a heat protector spray. I know that I should, but I got a few in my drawer, but I don't like any of them so if you've got any advice or know any heat protector sprays that please let me know, I just don't like anything like where I can feel it. In my hair, if you get what I mean so the ones that I've got either make my hair quite lucky the day after or I can feel it in my hair, and I hate that I need something that can be protecting my hair, but I don't want To feel it is that if this actually looks okay, because I'm only using my viewfinder, I literally can't see what I'm doing. Finally, our natox action for the front layer or top layer again, I still sort of clearly wonder once I've done this now tomorrow, I'll try like not to touch it, so I'm not sort of straighten it every day and then I'll probably straighten it again like the Day after because it is quite thick and long, it does last quite a long time or even when it's curled, it does hold it skills quite nice. So I do like the fact that my hair is quite low maintenance, because I don't think I could deal with like having to wash it like every day or every other day. Okay guys. So I think that is it. It still looks a little bit fluffy at the moment. It always does when it's first dawn. So that's why I only ever do it at night and I do prefer like second day and third day hair, because I feel like it does lucullus fluffy I'm on the second or third day yeah. That is my really minimalistic haircare routine for 2020. I really hope you enjoyed it. Let me know if you like this kind of video down in the comments and give it a big thumbs up if you did like it, don't forget to subscribe as well, and I will see you in my next one bye,

Zoe Mountford: A bit of different video for me, I hope you like today's tutorial! Who want's to see more hair tutorials? XxX

Lifestyleismypassion: Lovely, just subbed!

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