What To Do With Your Hair In The Summer - Cut It or Flaunt it

‘What to do with hair when summer is calling around?’ One of the most common questions we often get. Summer is the time when the sun is out, hats are forgotten and we are ready to show the world what we’ve got.

Since spring is around the corner, the time has come to evaluate what we actually have. And what we do have doesn’t usually look too wonderful. In the winter our hair is often deprived of vitamins and is dehydrated.

When it is cold outside, we more often than not opt for using hair dryers instead of letting the hair dry naturally. We wear hats, which don’t allow our skin to breathe, and hair tends to fall out more. The time has come to decide what to do with our hair. Cut it or flaunt it?

summer hairstyle options


Should You Cut Your Hair in Summer?

Take a good look at your hair. There are several parameters you should evaluate before deciding to give yourself up to a stylist.

  1. Slide your hand through your locks and pull it out. Got more than 5 hairs on your palm? Your mane is on its way to a sorry state. So, it needs help. The first aid is cutting.
  2. Carefully study the ends. Got split ends which are longer than 1 mm? Go get a cut. NOT a trim – a good cut. Take off some serious length. Opt for a bob or even a pixie.
  3. Take a look at the color. Roots have grown out and looked quite unpleasant, the rest of the hair is dull and dehydrated? Time to cut your locks as short as possible and even out the color.
  4. Take one hair in your hand, squeeze the top between two fingers and slightly pull at the end with another hand. Did you break it? Go make an appointment with a professional hairstylist.


dry and dull hair in summerBeing upset about a haircut is useless. Hair will grow back. You will be in a much sorrier situation with dull and terrible looking hair in the summer. Summer offers all kinds of trials for your hair. Constant heat and sweating will do no good to your already damaged mane. So, if you want to go easy on your hair and let it grow thick and healthy, you need to sacrifice the damaged and dehydrated ends.

You’ll be pleasantly surprised to hear that there are many wonderful short haircuts out there. You will surely get lost choosing from an amazing variety of bob cuts, pixies, shags, etc.

If you just can’t stand the way you look with short hair, you can consider hair extensions. All is fair in a fight for healthy locks.


How to Keep Growing Hair Long In The Summer

Passed the above 4 tests without heading to the hair salon? Congratulations! You are ready to leave your hair long.

However, it doesn’t mean you should forget about the barbershop. After you’ve taken off the hat, make the appointment anyway. Trimming is compulsory for keeping hair healthy in the summer. No need to cut it short. Just take off about half an inch (about 1 – 1.5 cm).

Summer means heat and heat mean hair damage. Long hair is great for flaunting, but it will soon become dull if you don’t follow simple rules.

  1. Use UV-protection hair products. This will prevent dehydration.
  2. Never dye your hair just before going on a summer vacation. Do it a week or even two before. Dyes are damaging to your hair. If you color your hair just before long walks under the sun, by the time you come back home, you would need to take the above test again. And this time you might not pass.
  3. If you like seaside vacations, make sure to find a shower nearby. Or go to your hotel soon after swimming. Salty water is terrible for your hair. It must be washed off as soon as possible. Don’t like frequent washing? Buy a swimming cap. Otherwise, the salt water will penetrate the skin and cause damage to the roots.
  4. Masks, masks and masks. They are your best weapon against dehydration, greasiness and losing hair. Make sure to apply one at least weekly. If you learn to do it on a regular basis, the result will truly amaze you. Most of them can be prepared at home with the use of simple ingredients.
  5. If you want to protect your long hair from the UV rays, try not to wear it down. Tie it into knots, short hair buns, braids, dreadlocks. Choose whatever you want. This way the hair will be much safer from the heat and other negative impacts.


Whatever you decided to do with your hair this summer, don’t ever forget to care for it. When you are young, hair care is often minimal. But as you get older, you will notice how your hair absolutely refuses to look as wonderful as before. In order not to face disappointment, start learning how to care for your hair when you are young.

Make a habit out of it. Each season requires different hair care techniques and if you learn how to follow them, next summer you won’t be facing a “cutting or flaunting” question. Your hair will be healthy and beautiful regardless of the season.

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