Hair Washing Mistakes That Will Ruin Your Hair | Hair Care Routine Tips

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0:00 Intro

0:30 Mistake #1

1:07 Mistake #2

2:18 How often should you wash your hair?

2:30 Mistake #3

2:49 Detangling curly hair

3:09 Mistake #4

3:50 Washing oily hair

4:06 Washing dry hair

4:22 Mistake #5

4:26 High porosity vs low porosity

5:28 Protein overload

6:10 Mistake #6

7:19 Mistake #7

7:49 Mistake #8

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tags: hair washing mistakes,common hair washing mistakes,hair care tips,how to wash hair,how to wash your hair properly,hair washing mistakes that will ruin your hair,how to wash your hair,how to grow hair faster,hair care,mistakes of washing hair,how to grow your hair,how to get long hair,healthy hair,hair growth,how to get shinny hair,how to wash hair properly,hair care mistakes,how to grow hair,hair hacks,hair loss remedies,hair care routine,hair,shampoo

Washing your hair can make or break your hair's health rice. Water can ruin your hair, coconut oil can save your hair and washing your hair with cold water might not be a good idea, contrary to popular belief. So let's get into this list of eight hair. Washing mistakes that you need to stop asap if you want healthy, hair, hair, washing mistake, number one using a hair treatment like olaplex or even rice water before you shampoo, when you have oil and products coating your hair, these treatments are mostly gon na sit on top Of your hair strand, they won't have any impact on your hair's health so because of that, you need to shampoo first and then use the treatment. Usually i recommend not shampooing the ends of your hair, but for a treatment like olaplex. It'S actually a really good idea to gently cleanse all of your hair so that the treatment can work effectively from your roots to the ends. Now, for the second hair washing mistake, you are washing your hair too much or you're, not washing your hair enough, not washing your hair enough can create product and oil build up. This can lead to increased hair, shedding dandruff and an itchy scalp. On the other hand, washing your hair too much can dry out your hair, making it brittle and damaged. Another thing is that getting your hair wet too often can lead to damage. This is because, when your hair is wet, the hair shaft expands and then it shrinks back to its normal size once it dries and when it expands the cuticles are raised and the cuticles are these things on the outside of your hair. That kind of look like the shingles on a roof and they protect the inside of your hair. So when they're raised that makes your hair more susceptible to damage and then just to touch on the shampoo aspect of washing your hair too much. Although i don't shampoo the ends of my hair, typically, the shampoo still rinses down the length of my hair. This can dry out the ends if done too much, especially because the ends of my hair are just inherently drier than the roots they aren't going to be replenished with oil for my scalp. Ultimately, it's about balance and finding what works best for you. People with oily hair are going to need to wash more often, maybe two to three times a week compared to those with drier hair, who would usually have to wash about once a week. Another hair washing mistake: if you are not brushing your hair before you wash it, this is going to lead to increased hair, shedding and breakage, eventually you're going to have to brush it out and all of the movement that your hair goes through when you wash. It is just going to create more knots and more damage as you, comb or brush it out. Also, if you have curly hair, your hair can be a lot harder to detangle. You can condition your hair first. While you have conditioner in your hair, you can gently brush it out and then just rinse and continue with your regular wash routine, but one way or another. You need to detangle your hair before you shampoo. Let'S talk about what temperature you should be washing your hair with a lot of people, make a mistake here, myself included, so warm water helps to rinse away products and build up on your hair. If you think about it, when you're washing dishes, this is the best way to compare it in my mind, it's just so much easier to clean them when you're using warm water versus when you're using cold water, when the water is cold, the food and grease is Just going to get stuck to the plates and it's going to be harder to remove likewise, when you use cool water that can help to keep some of the moisturizing ingredients from the conditioner onto your hair, while rinsing away the bulk of the conditioner. Ultimately, this just comes down to your hair type. If you have really oily hair, you might want to exclusively use lukewarm or warm water on your hair, because, if you're putting conditioner on your hair and then you're rinsing with cold water, not all of the conditioner is going to rinse off, and that is going to Make your hair get oily faster, but if you have dry hair, it's definitely worth it to try rinsing your conditioner with cool water, because, again that's going to help to keep some of the ingredients from the conditioner onto your hair. It'S going to make your hair not be so dry. The next mistake is that you are using too much protein on your hair. This mainly applies to those with low porosity hair. There is protein in a lot of hair care products, and this is a good thing for those with high porosity hair. Your hair is made up of 91 protein which can easily deplete if your hair is porous, porous, meaning that there's a lot more gaps in the cuticle of your hair strand the protein from inside of your hair. It'S just a lot easier for that protein to get out and that's not healthy for your hair. If you lose protein, protein gives your hair structure and strength and elasticity. So if you are losing protein, then you are losing those important characteristics to your hair. So, for those with high porosity hair protein is a good thing to use, but if you have low porosity hair protein, isn't that necessary for you, since your hair isn't losing protein, you don't need to add it back in those with low porosity hair, their cuticles lay Flat neatly on their hair strand, everything that's inside of your hair is going to remain inside as a matter of fact, using protein, heavy hair care products on low porosity hair can actually lead to protein overload. This can cause your hair to become brittle dry and it can actually break off into little tiny pieces at the ends, because the protein is just sitting on top of your hair, just building up and building up, because it can't go inside of your hair strand. This is why, if you have low porosity hair rice, water can be damaging for you, because there is a heavy amount of protein in rice, water there's also protein in olaplex's, shampoo and conditioner, which i found from experience. Those don't really work that great for my hair. It just comes down to your hair type. All of this talk about porosity and protein overload brings me to my next hair washing mistake, and this is that you do not use coconut oil on your hair, i used to think that coconut oil was bad for your hair, no matter what hair type you have, But i found out recently that this is not the case. Coconut oil should be used on the parts of your hair that are dry and porous, and this is because coconut oil actually contributes to less hair swelling when your hair is wet less protein loss and as a result, less damage, because it has the ability to go Inside of the hair, cortex take up space and not allow water to go inside when your hair is wet and this prevents damage so because my hair was chemically treated. I have been using coconut oil on the ends. I only use a small amount. I coat the ends and then i shampoo and condition as usual. Now, if you have low porosity hair, i do not recommend coconut oil, because all it's going to do is sit on top of your hair that can lead to protein overload, just like wastewater and other protein rich products. Oh by the way, the reason why i use coconut oil on my ends is because they tend to be more high porosity, whereas my roots, and even like the majority of the length of my hair, tends to be low porosity. So next we're going to talk about scalp scrubbers. Although scalp scrubbers are relaxing and i used to love them, they make my hair feel extremely clean. I started to notice that over time they make my hair get oily faster. I'M cleaning my scalp too much so my scalp ends up being really really dry and then it's like okay, we got ta, make more oils and it makes even more oils than it did before, and then my hair gets oily by like 12 hours after i wash It you can just skip the scalp scrubber all together and just use your fingers. Another mistake you might be making is not rinsing the products thoroughly from your hair, so having leftover shampoo on your hair can dry it out over time and then having leftover conditioner on your hair can make it oily faster. The conditioner one is definitely more for oily hair because you don't want heavy oily products left on your hair when your hair gets too oily. Lots of things can stick to it like dust and products and dandruff, and that can cling to your hair, create build up and it can clog your hair follicle. It can actually really damage your hair so just make sure to rinse everything off. Also, if you have dry, hair and you're, leaving shampoo on your hair, that is a horrible idea. That'S just gon na dry out your hair, even more all right guys. This has been all of my hair washing mistakes. I really hope you enjoyed this video. Thank you. So much for watching and i'll talk to you guys next time.

Audrey Victoria: Hi guys! Just wanted to let you know that the clip at 1:15 where I was scraping my hair is NOT silicone buildup. My editor added it in and both me and my husband missed it when we were reviewing the video! So sorry!

It’s Lexi: I’m not hair expert but, my hair was really dry and EXTREMELY dead, and the Shea butter products REALLY helped my hair come back to life, and gets its health back, so would definitely recommend!

Asmi’sAmaze 123: Can you make a video on oily scalp and dry ends??

Francesca Rosado: Loved how you referenced multiple textures in hair and gave us scientific breakdowns as to why, phenomenal video. I will certainly be altering my routine thanks to you!

A Queens World: Please don’t listen to this advice for ALL hair types. Hair is different depending on your ethnicity

D: Tip: when you get out of the shower rinse with cooler water from head to toe, by doing this; you are closing the cuticles thus, closing the pores and cuticles so that your hair won't get as greasy so fast:) I have long, thin hair and I have to wash my hair everyday or it's very very greasy the next day:)

Responsibili-shrew: Thank you for the video, Audrey! I have a question: How should I use clarifying shampoo when I usually double shampoo? Should I a) use my regular shampoo first and then the clarifying one b) use the crarifying shampoo first and then my regular one c) use the clarifying shampoo both times d) or skip double shampooing altogether and just use the clarifying shampoo once?

N..t: Cold water is such a tough thing to do especially during this time when it’s very cold outside I’m not sure what could be an alternative in this case

Elena Arpino: Thank you for this video Audrey, I literally needed this so much. A question: when you talk about treatments before shampoo, you also mean doing like coconut oil/castor oil treatments? Should I oil my hair between a shampoo rinse an another? Love you so much, stay safe XX ❤️

Marina: I really don’t know if my hair is high or low porosity… how do you know that your ends and roots have different porosity? This is one of the only things I don’t understand about my hair type so it would really help me out a lot. Thanks!

Taos Blue: THANK YOU SO MUCH for this video. EXACTLY the answers I have been looking for! ❤️❤️❤️

suzanne duff: Would love a oily hair Care routine with suggested products or ingredients to look out for, i know your hair is on the dryer side,but you know so much about hair.

Queen Angel: Hi Victoria hope u r fine I have a question about my hair, actually before when I was in Asia my hair was super soft,shiny,no dandruff,and straight but when I came to Europe my hair starts falling, dandruff,frizzy,oily Scalp after two days washing, split ends etc I used coconut oil, castor oil,olive oil, egg and yoghurt mask, henna mask but nothing works Now my hair r soo thin, I used head and shoulder shampoo and yeah sometimes I used straightener also So plzz advice me which shampoo,oil or mask will be beneficial for me ? And also one more question dryer is best for hair or straightener? Hope u will answer Thank u

Mahita Surapaneni: hey just a tip, what you see when you scrape a scissor on your hair is not buildup but keratin that you’re literally scraping off.

priya rangra: I love your videos because they are so well explained. It has helped me a lot to build my hair routine. I also stopped using hair massager as i noticed hair fall while shampooing..

Samantha C.: I have bad pollen allergies, and my doctor recommended that I wash my hair every night before bed. That’s a big help with the sinus congestion! However, it caused me to have an itchy scalp. So, I switched to using baby shampoo, and that has been a huge help.

Jay: I wish I had watched this before I had my shower! I washed my hair with cold water for the first time because I'd heard it's better for your hair.

𝔍𝔢𝔢𝔭: Hi Audrey! I wanted to ask you if you could do a shower after hair care for your hair what products do you use for your ends, and what products do you use for the shiny look? I love your hair btw ❤️

Mousumi Pandey: Honestly your hair kinda motivated me to start taking care of my hair and start growing it again thank you

Happy Bubble: You're hair is so beautiful! I'm trying so hard to get silky hair, but it just isn't happening with my coarse curly hair. :(

T A: Can you please do an updated pre, during and post hairwash and shower routine? Really appreciate it :)

Nicole Scarlett: What chemistry cal treatment did you do to your hair? Your hair looks amazing.

Willow Hawley: Hey, so I usually switch between 2 brands and my hair is very good, but lately my hair is feeling how hair feels when there is product build up, even though I keep trying many different shampoos and conditioners. A couple have worked, but then the next time I use them, they don't work well. I try washing my hair more thoroughly and massaging my scalp and hair while rinsing, but it's not helping. Do you have any recommendations?

Azra Eylül: Is there anything you can recommend for people with dry ends and oily scalp? Hair care routine or any product

grace: i've been washing my hair way too much recently It keeps getting constantly tangled what should i do

Willowmanfre: It’s the not rinsing properly that’s causes dry flakes ( dried up shampoo). Remember your health plays a big part of your hairs condition

Aastha Tripathi: I just wash with warm water and do a rinse with cold water at end and that's works for my normal hair, i wash it on the 5th day ...

swagger: my hair is sooooo dry thank you for the advice.

Deborah O E: Hi there, do you have any tips on how to encourage hair growth at around the front of hairline please? I'm finding that mine's thinning and is starting to look quite see through. Any advice would be so appreciated .

ANIKA DEEPAK: can i use coconut oil or sesame oil on my dandruff itchy dry brittle and high porosity hair .or can i mix both?(fun fact: here in india , coconut oil is always melted)

Elaine Hocker: Great tips! How do you know if you have high or low porosity hair?

Mandie Kay Fit: How do you know if your hair is low- or high-porosity?

i love french but its haes: basically almost anything can damage ur hair lol

Dianna M: I’m washing way too often, sometimes twice a day. A workout or run in the morning, sweaty and gross, wash. Gym in evening, sweaty and gross, wash. What do you do you need to get the sweat out?

EDITZ BY ASH.14: I wash my hair every 2nd day and it works out pretty good idk if it’s healthy though. But a quick question: if I were to use rice water on my hair and leave it in my hair for abt 20 mins once a week would that be healthy?? And i Idk if I’ve got high or low porosity hair

Jeneal: You should make a video on what your current skin care routine is

Ilhaam Mohammad: Hi Audrey I have a question, I first infuse grapeseed oil with castor oil and leave it in overnight with a shower cap and then I do a double wash with a scalp massager only cleansing my scalp using a sulphate free shampoo../ is that damaging?

Karen Fryman: I’ve been using a keratin shampoo for awhile. Now my hair is breaking off in handfuls. Any advice!

Zahra Hussain: I really want to see your 1 month hair routine . Please!!

Indi1O McColn: Coconut oil ruins my hair every time! It’s in everything and I can’t tell you how much I hate it. I’ve only got 6 products to use because damn near every company and product has coconut oil in it now

Tampha k: Are you still using rice water in your hair wash routine?

Jasmine Kaur: What about the diet for growing hairs in volume ?

Sara Mirza: Hii Actually I use generous amount of coconut oil on my hair ends as well as my upper part of hair so not putting shampoo on my hair ends wouldn't my hair ends be dirty??

CORALIE ‘S JoURnEy: I was going to wash my hair right now

D: Coconut oil actually can harden in the drain!!!!!!!!!that's why I use it as a hair mask, and let it penetrate then get in the shower,but....still has the risks of hardening in the pipes! That's probably why mine doesn't drain quickly

Aiman: Queen with quality content ❤

Soumya Gupta: Hi Audrey, I love ur videos, can u make a video trying the inversion method for hair growth??

Andrea McCully: Thank you so much for this video I really needed this.

Teresa Romano: I wash my hair every second day, and l find gently it very helpful to giving it a good brush before shampooing.

Lilith subliminal: cold water is so hard to handle in winter but i love in my hair,0 frizz and it feels soft and moisturized

no one: My hair is really dry, incredibly fine, curly, and I'm dealing with hair loss at a really young age. I've started doing a hair treatment/mask before I shampoo, and then I shampoo my scalp. I've found this way, my hair still gets moisture, but it doesn't get weighed down. Is this order bad for everyone no matter what, or do my hair needs make sense for doing this?

GiGi W.: Leaving rice water in your hair more than the recommended 20 minutes will make it very dry!

manikanta: Before I wash my hair I oil my hair beforehand and I have been using cold water even during the winter time for almost 15 years for rinsing off my hair and I love using cold water

Sissel Saue: Do you use the olaplex no 0 in wet hair?

Maryam💀🦇: Can I put natural treatments (coconut oil, egg yolk, etc) in my hair before shampooing?

lizzzarduh: Can someone give me their opinion on this…after doing an oil mask should you always use a clarifying shampoo to wash it out?

Jaye Melino: When you do that scraping demonstration do you know you’re just scraping parts of your hair off? It’s not buildup

Ashleigh Maher: Can you make a video on how to thicken your hair if it is thin?

Alyse Markland: Pls do a “Hair mistakes for in between hair” ( dry to oily)

Giulia: i thought i was the only one who noticed scalp scrubbers made my hair get oily quicker omg

A Ansari: Hi there. Thank you so so much for your tips it always always help so much, but can you tell if I can't able to wash my hair twice a week and theres a lot of oil in my hair (all 6 days )so how I shampoo . I tried shampoing only the scalp but it leave my length oily because they have already a lot of oil that my mom put .I use coconut oil. HELP ME PLEASE .

rainbowmagicness: I spray rosemary water on my scalp/top of my head every day, this means it’s getting wet, will this damage my hair??

Selah and Pia : Hello Audrey, I had a question, at 7:22 you said there bad for your hair but in some other videos you say there good for your hair, so I’m just wondering is it good or bad for your hair??

Mina: i am a german girl and i really love your english! i understand everything-thank you

multistan k-pop fan: I wanna ask that if our hair is oiled so can we use reverse hair washing method An can we do it 2 Times a week

Apostolia: Washing our hair with lukwarm water is the best, cold water is good for the scalp..

~rhea~: How do U on know if U have high or low porosity hair? Does it depend on the thickness?

ilikefood: Can you give tips on oily frizzy hair?

Estefania: I love your tips thankyou! What shampoo do you use now?

bitch ima cow: This was so satisfying to watch visually.

Fatiema: Just so you know shedding 2-3 strands of hair is normal. This has been said by doctors. Losing 15-20 hairs, that's when it's a problem

Elena M: hey, i have a question :) how do i know if i have high or low porosity hair?

Zoe Edwards: How can I tell if my hair is high or low porosity? Thanks

Giselle Rieschick: When it said getting up your hair wet to often I knew I couldn’t do anything Bc I am a swimmer Hahahha

Jessica: The shampoo before olaplex is sooooo good I use a gentle clarifying shampoo and it’s glorious

Manjiro.Sano.: Hi I'm a swim teacher and I am in chlorinated water pretty often, I was just wondering if you hand any tips or products that I could use for my hair as it drys out after being in the pool and starts to feel like straw


小猪: So what about olaplex bond treatment? It says to use before shampooing.

Ruksana Razzak: I hope your tips will me to get my hair almost getting bald. thanks

blktauna: lol There is no way I get a brush through my hair dry. Wet doesn't even work well. I have to use warmer water and conditioning treatment , then I can get a wet brush through it... mostly. i agree most people don't rinse enough and wash too much.

osetia20: How can I know if my hair is low or high porosity?

Andreea Ilie: Our beauty gueen is back with a new video on hair care

Violet Morando: I have low hair. So should I not use rice water? I have fine thick hair and I don't know how to take care of it. Please answer I need your help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love your videos! <3

Ashanti : And if you didn’t know you can also damage your hair if you don’t brush the bottom of your hair first (brush from bottom to too gently)

Allie Hamilton-Calhoun: Without a microscope, how do you know the porosity of your hair? I have no clue how to determine this about my own hair.

Muneera vanak: I have low porosity roots and high porosity Hair near scalp what hair oil should I use and where should I apply it By the I have a oily scalp Does it differ with age group and thanks a lot

Kade: hey great video as always how do I know if my hair is oily or dry please tell me!

Athena Inluxay: Ok but I have a very very itchy dry scalp, dandruff, and lots of hair loss during the shower… but I only wash my hair 1/2x a week & I don’t have naturally oily hair so idk what to do

seema philip: i have a question how do you know if you have low or high porosity

alex / blue: for once, someone who actually knows what they are talking about

Elise Wildeboer: Mom makes me wash my hair 3-4 times a week cause teachers will send me back home to shower when we stink ,but sometimes i forgot so its often 3 times a week lol

Jennifer Tindall: How do you identify the porosity type of your hair?

SoftLxmonS: Would scalp scrubbers be good if you have dry hair?

Jenni Montalvan: Can you get your cosmetology license and just become my hairstylist already ?

mel: I’m doing it all wrong ☠️

Yalda A: Thank you for your beautiful video, If is possible for you can you please make a video about gray hair and any way to solve this important problem??? Always I enjoy your video and learn so many things

Ben Bendall: Omg that's not buildup!!!! WHEN YOU SCRAPE YOUR HAIR LIKE THAT WHAT YOU SEE COMING OFF IS THE CUTICLE!!! I promise it's not buildup and doing that actually rips up your cuticle and damages your hair so much

riya: Rice water can ruin your hair?

JCO4: I just took it back to your very 1st video on YT & I didn’t find a video about hair brushes. Please do a video recommending hair brushes please. I would love to learn about hair brushes and which ones to use & not to use.

☆ AnnaGEditz ☆: What is your opinion on function of beauty? I have used it before and I think it is nice but I need a person with amazing hair knowledge and great hair (you) to seal the deal, love ya!!!

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