My Hair Care Routine For Healthy Hair || Indian Mom Hair Care Routine || Tips For Strong Hair


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Welcome To Ami's Lifestyle. I am an Indian Mom Vlogger sharing my daily routine with Indian Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Party menu recipes. I am an Indian Mom living in USA so will share my house tour, home decoration, organization & cleaning videos too. I would love to share Indian Grocery shopping haul as well as Indian Meal Planning. I am an Indian Wife & Mom of 2 teenage boys so will share how education is in USA as well what my kids eat in day & what i pack for my husband & kids lunch. I also share many different Thali Recipes too. So on my channel you will find a range of videos like A Day In a Life Of INDIAN MOM Vlogger IN AMERICA / NRI Family Vlogs / Indian Mom Vlogs with lots of meal ideas, recipes, healthy lifestyle & more.

Hi guys welcome to my channel. I hope you all are doing well, so i'm back with another requested video. It'S all about my hair. Recently i've been getting many questions about how i do henna. What are the product i've been using, so i will cover all that. So let's get started, okay, so the first thing. First, i'm gon na cover the basic thing and then we'll move to the henna application, as well as the other thing which i've been using. So the first thing you don't want to wash your hair with the hot water as much as we love to take a hot shower. It'S not good for our skin, as well as the hair. When you wash your hair with the hot water, it uh damage the follicle, and that's where you see a lot of hair fall, so you do want to use either lukewarm water or the cold water. Now, what i do is i wash my hair with the lukewarm water, but then at the end the final rings. I always use the cold water. Second thing: is you don't want to use the thick towel when you are drying your hair, because the cotton towel material is thick? When you tie your hair in that plus the hair is wet, it can break very easily, so i've been using this microfiber turban. It is so lightweight it dry, my hair quickly, and it is a smooth material, so it doesn't damage my hair at all. Next thing is: let your hair air dry and don't use any heat product unless, if you are going somewhere because that can also damage the hair. So what i do most of the time is i let my hair air dry, but let's say if i'm going somewhere. If not, if the weather is really cold, and i want my hair dry quickly, then only i use the hair, dryer and i'll share with you, the one that i've been using. But then, once my hair is about 50 to 75 percent dry, then i use this kind of comb to detangle my hair. So you want to use the like a wide tooth comb and not the hair brush that time, because still there is a moisture left. Hair is wet and that can also damage the hair. So you do want to use something like this, so you can easily detangle your hair. Now for shampoo and conditioner, i have used high-end version as well as the drugstore, but my most favorite one is the tresemme. I don't have it right now, but i'm gon na put the picture here, so you can see which one i'm talking about, but their shampoo conditioner hands down. So good i've been using that for very long time, but in between i just want to try different brand and see how it is so recently i bought this herbal essence. I do have their shampoo as well as the conditioner. This one is also good. Now you also need the conditioner guys, because some people think that, oh as long as we have a good shampoo, we don't need the conditioner. No, you do need the conditioner, because that also make your hair smooth as well as it gives that bounce. So once you wash your hair with the shampoo, you do want to go back with the conditioner. Now what i do with the conditioner is once i wash my hair, then you know i put the conditioner in my hair. Keep it there for about five minutes or so, and then i go and rinse it. So definitely you need conditioner too and um. You know in a market you get like shampoo conditioner in a one, don't buy those, because i have tried that it doesn't work at all my most favorite conditioner. Is this aussie three minute miracle, literally guys it does what it say it is so good. Now, if you watch my old hair care video, you will see this. So i've been using this for very long time. So basically it is a deep conditioner. So let's say: if i'm washing my hair three times a week, then out of those three times at least one time i use this. So if i'm using the regular conditioner, then no, i don't use this, but let's say if i'm going uh. If i have special occasion to go - and i want my hair to be bouncy and silky and smooth - then i use this, it is so good like i say it does what it says. So, within a three minutes, your hair will feel so smooth. Now, if you ask me for the high-end version, then i like this caviar shampoo, as well as their conditioner, especially the conditioner, smells so good. The only thing with this it is a pricey. So if you are someone who likes to wash hair frequently, it adds up, but if you do want the high-end option, then this is really good, so my hair is naturally straight. Let'S say for some occasion: if i want to use either hot colors or the curling iron, then call will last what about half an hour or so and then again, hair will be straight, and whenever i wash my hair, i don't just wash it. I do some kind of treatment, so either henna or the hair, oil or hair mask. I do something, and then i wash my hair so henna. I do once a month, hair oil. I make it at home and hair mask also i'll share with you guys, but before we go in the kitchen, let me show you the hairdryer, which i've been using so before i used to have a revlon one, but then i bought this t3 one. Now, if you wait until, i would say thanksgiving or the christmas, you can find this at costco around 100 or so i bought mine from sephora. It was on sale because i do have the entire set, but this one is really good literally within just like. I would say five minutes, or so you can dry your hair um, so i've been using this t3 one. I have never used any chemical or the hair dye that we get it from market. I have never used those on my hair. I always have brown hair and the color that you see now it is from henna, so it's natural color, so i have never used any chemical or anything. On my hair, i naturally have straight brown, hair and funny thing is actually recently. I went for haircut because i haven't got it from last couple of years, so i thought, let me just go and trim my hair, because my hair were actually all the way to my vest and today, actually i call a little bit that's why the length is Less uh, but then when i went to salon my hairdresser she's, like you, have a virgin hair and first i didn't get it. I was like what is she trying to say and then i asked her and she's like yeah, because you don't have any uh. You don't your hair is not chemically treated plus your you, don't have any split ends and all that i was like oh nice to know that hair can be virgin too. So, yes, this is my natural hair. So i think i covered everything, but if you still have any more questions, leave the comments below now: let's go in the kitchen and i'll share with you. How i prepare my henna, how i apply it and how i make my hair oil. So let's go in the kitchen, so first we'll go ahead and prepare the henna. So here in a pot, i have boiling water into that adding some one third cup of flax, flaxseed flax seeds are high in vitamin e b, as well as the omega-3, which will make the hair stronger as well as it will grow faster too. In this other pot, i'm gon na add some coffee into the water will boil that water also, instead of coffee, you can use tea and that will actually make our hair shiny as well as it will give that burgundy color and this flax seed. Consistency will be like a gel consistency within adjusted like about a minute or so, and that, after that, you do want to go ahead and turn off the stove, and here i have to mesh avocado now. Avocado is also high in biotin. It will make hair look healthier, smooth shiny as well as it will prevent them from breaking too next. I'M gon na use some amla shikakai arita powder, as well as the henna. You can use any henna that you like usually over here at the store i find either nupur or the ayur. So whichever is your favorite, you can use it, so i'm gon na add kalonji oil as well as the yogurt now kalanji oil. We all know that it's good for our hair, as well as the health. Of course, it will make your hair stronger, but the main thing that i really like about it that it prevent premature grain and instead of oil, if you do want to add kalonji powder, you can go ahead and do that that actually one of my subscribers, her Name is sonia, she told me about it, but i always been using kalonji oil in my henna next year. As you see, i'm adding some yogurt now yogurt has a lactic acid, so that will prevent your hair from damaging as well as the split ends. At this point you can add eggs also because eggs are also high in protein, and that will make your hair stronger instead of yogurt. You can use mayo too, because mayo also have the eggs in it and mayo by itself actually will make your hair so smooth. So sometime, when i'm in a hurry, i use mayo as my hair mask next, i'm gon na add this flexi gel and the flax seeds. You don't need to throw that away. You can just apply on your face and that will also make your skin very smooth. After mixing this properly now, i'm gon na add the coffee water. So you do want to do all this night before let the henna soak in this overnight and next morning, you can go ahead and apply the henna. If you do have the cast iron pot. It'S much better, i don't have it so. I'M just using this glass ball to apply this header. You can use brush and be more precise with it, but when you are applying on yourself, it's not easy to do it with the brush, so i'm just using my hand making sure that no hair left out after that, you do want to make sure that you Cover this with either shower cap or the plastic bag, and just keep it there for about, i would say a couple of hours so sometime, i leave it actually overnight, uh and that's it after that. You can go ahead and wash it and it will make your hair very smooth, silky and shiny, and now we'll go ahead and make the hair oil. So here first i'm taking some mustard oil. Now all these things we're gon na soak it overnight and next morning you just want to warm this up on low temperature for about five to ten minutes. Next, i'm adding some methi dana, i'm also adding some castor oil, as well as the kalonji oil. Now, as i mentioned before, you do want to soak it overnight next morning, when you warm this up, you do want to make sure the temperature is on low. You can do it for about two to five minutes and that's it. Your oil is ready. You can store this oil and i use this all twice a week and definitely will make your hair smooth, strong and very healthy. So you can use this oil and before you apply oil, you do want to massage your scalp, so this device. I got it from amazon, it is very inexpensive. It was like two dollars so and uh massage it for a few minutes and then next you can go ahead and apply the oil keep it overnight and then you can wash it next morning. So that's it guys. I hope this video has been helpful if you do have any more questions. Please leave the comments below. Thank you so much for watching, and i will see you soon in my next video bye.

Ratna Desai: Hi Ami..Thank you so much for this useful and helpful video..I was waiting for this video for a while...congratulations for Raj's scholarships. I actually heard this news today so again congratulations entire Joshi family.God Bless Him

S. S: Thanks for the mention Ami ! Even I have virgin hairs like yours. Once upon a time I had calf length hairs. I was famous for my long hairs. I bought the Aussie shampoo from dublin after your recommendation but couldn't find the conditioner. Recently I learnt rosemary oil is effective for the hair health but haven't tried it myself yet. I always love your hair colour and have tried nupur henna which is very good. Flax seed is going to be the new add on to my henna. Also pls share how do you leave henna overnight without spoiling the bed. Love always

Parita: You really have good hairs! Even L'Oréal's dream lengths range is so good especially no haircut cream which is like a livin conditioner. You can try that.

C C: Thanks for the video. Can you suggest a good styling tool for hair to use on special occasions?

Anita Iyer: Thanks for sharing henna recipe My hair is thinning a lot and I recently cut it v short Hope this will help grow it back

Haimanti Mazumdar Jain: Very informative..Thanks!

Pallavi Patankar: Ami thank you for sharing detail Hair care video and suggesting good things Will try this shampoo .

payal patel: Thanks amiiiii ji.. your the best

mitsu82100: Very nice information… nice video… love it..

Bhawna Kodwani: Thanks dear ❤️

TOP TRAVEL VLOGS: Wonderful video. Nice creation. Great work friend.

Rangoli DIY: Wow

ramandeep singh: Thanks

Shilpa Majethia: Hi ami ! Have u tried lush shampoo how’s it ? and where do u live u had told me VA wats that

madhusree raha: Can u plz mention your hair cut plz

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