Senastionnel Fire & Water Weave Protective

My first Weave Protective in 11 months!! I am too busy to deal with my natural for the next few months!!

A video on how to take care of this particular brand and your hair and scalp with a full weave/braids.

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We'Ve protective, I know everybody so used to natural hairstyles and tourists and flat space. But this time I decided to commemorate my almost one year anniversary of chopping, my hair off for the second time, and so I was only wait for year. The year was going to be at the end of april and it's beginning of march, but i'm so busy for march through me that i really don't have time to do my hair as much as I do, because I do spend a lot of time on my Hair y'all know they're from the videos from my facebook page and from my website. I spent a lot of time of taking care of my hair the second time around, so this time, I'm doing a week protective. Now I wanted to do a video on the wii, but i chose because i love it. This is what i get almost a year ago to the day, because it's my birthday is tomorrow in my memory last year around this time I had this hairstyle around my birthday and when I do breeze, I love curly weave only straight hear anything. I love the country, but here it is. This is my favorite. I was called fire in water, indian, human hair and you notice it's a summer kiss 14 inch and i also got 12 inch. I think i'll talk to about how took care of my hair, rallis bein Twila's in a week Sony an embrace what I do at the top was i braid all around down here. I braided my hair small braids and then my friend goldie shouts ability she sold the tracks and in the back, 45 strikes up in the back, and i also braid it back here as well, and i braid it around the side. So i'll be for me to put my hair tomorrow when you can you tell you look like um, but it can be my clothes all over, but I'll Antipholus I display at the top. So the hair is really nice and the song, but it comes with a template that is very detailed and it actually works a helps. You take care of your hair. So what I do is I use this leaving conditioner to three truths done yay victories. I was using the painting, the cold so straight or straight to curl, but they don't have it anymore. So I tried this. I put a and Phyllis bought it with warm water about my halfway and then I put about a fourth of cover list and my spray bottle. This is what you use the detail here every morning and it is awesome now at nighttime. You spose do not break your head better, not a tape measure, the big social sections that rest, I'm almost whispered back twist here at night and then might be or will be used to make another night so anyway, and do this and there nothing probably um, actually Read the ends you know for three far braids original do one section of so you show you so I played the entire here the whole time, and then I will wrap a scarf on it now this when you get everyone, take it off and spray. This condition tell me it is excellent. I want curly weave for years and years, and this is the first detangle and your hair will last and it was so pretty now. How can we take care of here under this protective? I have a business spray bottle here inside this magic spray bottle, but i have a whole whole, but what I wonder is the essential oils, that's important. I could, in sage essential oil cedarwood, essential oil on tea tree, essential oil and rosemary the Royals mayor in after peppermint rosemary peppermints agency, where I really no need for hair growth and to stimulate your arm to stimulate or circulate your your hair follicles. So what I will do is, I will spray this probably every other night and all through the tracks is when I was just massage. I usually count to 100 each space, but I massages on there, so I can make sure that my hair is getting stimulated and also as far as getting the moisture in this conditioners Rihanna spray, as well in between my my chest and on to to here as Well, but this is very important to keeping the ages, because you know how your edges are with weaves and through you're scared to keep the stimulation growth because it can be stimulate growth. Sometimes so it's a I so protective. If you take care of your hair so and this time I do it myself, I last time I had this hairdo I did go to an African Grey shop and my age is they put us up tight? I mean literally the list knowledge that i do have their try to vote in to get out so this time i did it myself and I will not braid my own hair tight, so I'm or this hair I hope you enjoy. You should go out and buy, and it's about forty dollars for the toy bear about sixty dollars for the 14th reporting. Where you go, you can go in the real side, with minors cheapest fifty dollars for the l 14 inch. So that's why I'm notice out of the norm, but this is my wii protective and i am so excited y'all enjoy and I want to enjoy my spring break for the next five days and I have a lot of things lined up. Bye, bye,


uniquenaturalessence: Thanks! I was thinking about yarn does it react with our natural hair???

pamrosina: Looks great, I have yarnbraids.

uniquenaturalessence: Thank You! One of my Favs!

Toni Tompkins: What hair did you use for the braids?

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