Alan Watt (Mar. 27, 2016) Oh What A Web Our Masters Weave - Part 2

Hi folks, I'm Alan Wharton. This is cutting through the matrix on march 27 2016, and this is a continuation of last week's talk or what a Weber masters we've, because people will just get the news and uses meant to confuse you. It'S literally written to confuse you. Naturally, it's gon na confuse you because, when you have most of the information on any particular story, omitted to give you a better picture of all, then things won't make any sense to you and that's why it's designed in such a way you're not meant to know Everything, because you see you all the little people out there of the world you can't handle it. You see you can't handle the fact that your country's leaders, they're all pointed not by the people, belong to one big club guaranteed to go towards and sworn to go towards globalization and the end of national boundaries and the end of sovereign nations. That'S the whole intention of it and you must basically destroy existing cultures along the way I've gone through so much material over the years, explaining the history of this massive movement that is now overwhelming. It'S everything and the the group's behind it. Basically, don't be deceived by terms, I'm always amazed how amazing every does work on people's minds when you label something and give it a name, and you get stuck on that name, even if, whatever you're describing changes, you still call it the same name like conservative and Liberal or Democrat, or wherever it's it's amazing to me, have focused stuck in it. They can't see that there's only one movements for one agenda and again that Krishna and confusion amongst the populace, who obviously caught up at the time of voting by the usual rhetoric of left-wing right-wing and so on. Never realizing that nothing's going to get better for you, because you're in the century of change the century, where everything was planned a couple hundred years ago, has they come into fruition and fulfillment be completed in 100 years. It doesn't mean it's already that be done at the end has been done as you live all over your life. In fact, and it's happening right now, I went through the histories again. The archive section they're, cutting through the matrix com, are a real wealth of information and again don't get stuck on the terms. Even the Lord Alfred Milner group. Those are front further people really in it and a very, very Trump. This still exists today by the way and there's always a reason why they get themselves a different name to cover who they really are and, of course, the raunchy of International Affairs and their American branch of CFR Council on Foreign Relations, and they have branches across the Entire planet, Iran, the Trilateral Commission, are all slightly from their members and they're on the whole world's went through the history. I won't go over again, it's too boring for me, and the thing is, though, unless you understand at all, you understand a thing that's happening today. You live in confusion and anger. You'Ll wonder why the nations are being flooded across Europe with millions and millions of rather hostile but are calling refugees. And yet, if you look at any of the the little clips on YouTube and so on of massive hordes of young guys, flood ninh angry as can be, and literally threatening to demolish you and eradicate you, and then you wonder why our governments are doing nothing about It because, because the big plan, you see this big plan, the whole history of the world last few hundred years actually has always been a particularly high group at the top manipulating other countries and people's for their own ends not for the peoples of the countries involved. Ends but for their own particular ends again, they actually meet at British policy for a long time virtually called balance of power button and Britain was conquered already by the financial system and things like that. So nothing really changes except the ferocity of the changes at particular periods of time. Now many folk joined the socialist organisations across Europe after World War, one and because the fallout was so incredible, been highly a person across all involve countries that didn't lose, at least at least one person and her family, and often all the male members of their families. In Britain and Germany, nails were ever so horrific and we saw for the first time that incredible horror of mass mechanization science, coupled with mechanization and production, really create a horror, show where she'll, sometimes the size of Volkswagen, getting hurled above your heads and coming down blowing. It buddy abyss across battlefields that were told to run across and get cut down by machine-gun bullets. Heavy machine-gun bullets that were thicker than rain form yet didn't have a chance. It was so incredible, but again it was also written about advanced by the group that wanted to bring in a world government, and this world government said her organization said that they'd have to bring the nation's to their knees and what better way than to create world War, so they created, they called the Great War and eventually called it, the world war one and they brought a second one, because it wasn't enough to give folk on their knees out of world war. One [ __ ], the League of Nations, suppose a drum table and nucleus for world governments to stop sovereign nations, doing what they wanted, and eventually amalgam iam into creating blocks and in under a one super world government. So it's not a successful and we've been living through it. So your appearance in grandparents, actually so the good League of Nations, true form World War one and then they give it far more power to intervene to a traditional rest of it within native nations which are under today. It'S no coincidence that United Nations is an authoritarian establishment, is nothing to do with democracy. It uses the term often when they want to send its armed forces of NATO, and two countries are pushing democracy, but it's not democratic in itself. As on set up, you don't get to vote for the Native Nations or what they're up to and your politicians for the running for elections never mentioned elated nations and what their our stance on or be your house. So you really don't have when you think of the sovereign powers that year, you once thought you had now you understand eating again. I went through the history in the past of what nations actually are, how they developed and became nations, and all that and you have to understand. There are ethnic groups in the world. Everyone'S belonged to some kind of ethnic group and don't want to mention this today. We'Re all supposed to be the same, and of course, there are vast, incredible differences and ethnic groups are that will always pop up and show these differences in rather nasty ways at times, so we're living in a main control society with I've had since the sixties, especially The incredible psychological indoctrination on the general populace to get them brainwashed and to dislodge basically primal instincts of author of pride and their own people basically and you've also had cultural attacks to destroy the very things that gave you homogeneity of a people and slowly question. The point of anything and when you do that you're defenseless against people who certainly can be brought in with very evil intentions, and you our radical and you know exactly who they are, and they haven't had the psychological indoctrinations that you have to weaken your own particular Cell survival processes, so this is all managed this way and, of course, you're not really allowed to talk about it anymore because, again, through that, the the the nonsensical Orwellian indoctrination virtually have been given now. Basically, this organization, which had decided to create role Wars again written about by their own personal archival historians, went through the whole process of managing the world for over a hundred years in advance of what they actually did and how they do it. Of course, now we know it's all through the think tanks which they own through the educational systems, which they completely control and was to be taught and indoctrination social engineering right down server. What you own, a watch for everything is entertainment, which is more indoctrination, and the idea is to constantly chip away chip away Jim away. It'S any kind of identity, basically off the countries involved in world war, one and World War, two. That was the SME intention and again many of the organization's, the sub organizations, which became say labour and Britain and so on, and basically communistic philosophy still runs through the system. Today. Is internationalism really had such a horror of World War, 1 and n 2? They thought something has to be done, these white folk rock around killing, killing each other on a massive scale. It also devastated the finances of the country and enrich the big bankers who led them with cash and remained all the industry that produces everything, soldiers and armies and air forces navies need. So they couldn't go on like that forever, so they became the helper is basically the willing willing helpers. The really didn't know that there's another group behind it that actually brought on world war, one and two hg wells talked about with glee and fight is about the coming world war or the Great War World War one and at the end of it you said. Well, the country still haven't given up their national sovereignty, the not on their knees. Yet we need another world war. Now he wrote lots of non-fictional propaganda for this organization around him, and this organization run the left wing and the right wing, and the left wing is globalist, of course, and pretends to be on the side of the ordinary person, the Fabian Society, but their utter. The new genesis at the Trop, they believe, nuh, a structured, controlled, managed society run by professionals, experts not in this democracy, stuff and all sides of the agenda, don't believe in democracy that one of their biggest think tanks. In fact, the Club of Rome said that one of the writings that democracy would never work. There are too many competing factions, all demanding certain things and special privileges and rights and so on, and they should know because their organization had helped create all these different divisions and NGOs non-governmental organizations to create all these different factions. The member to divide everything up. He must get everybody fighting everybody else on ideologies etc. So it's been awfully successful and I knew this a long time ago off of many you before before I came to the countless country here and so on. I'D read the books, not a joker that says he. He didn't copied my stuff, but the fact is, I did read all the books when I was young but they're quite explicit, and what we're going to do, how we're going to do it and the behaviorists were bringing into it to manage indoctrinations in school and having The same behaviorist work with film producers and so on and writers to get indoctrination across. So every facet of everything is controlled. You see and you just don't get any real truth today about anything. To be honest with you any event that happens, you go a little bit of truth with a spin to get along with the agenda to be agenda, go to the next step in the next step, and we know from all the so-called terrorist attacks and so on. You'Ve been having for a long time, what happens? Is you and everybody around? You is under total martial law of the mind and of the of the voice and off your writing hand, or your typing handover happens to be. They must know everything you're doing 24 hours. A day the totalitarian system, basically - and if you don't go along with it, you're punished, you say: you'll have rights withdrawn, which they call privileges. Of course, so you really have a right to free speech at all. That'S forbidden in some countries and in fact, everyone complaining in France today and some of our countries in Europe go to jail for voicing opposition to the big agenda. The present chaos that is happening and will definitely exacerbate very quickly, with massive influx of young fighting age. Men answer and see Europe who are again going to the YouTube bunch of this. It'S not made up these aren't actors, but when you see them, flooding through the streets like Army is basically of Europe screaming and hollering, and all the rest of it they're telling you how much they hate you right there and they actually have been taught by those Who helped bring them in that these people around you and his native countries in Europe are now defenseless psychologically and every other way, and you can see in their attitudes and the way that they're talking and bragging about what we're going to do. So quite a job has been done. It'S happening now because now is the right time to do it all. You say it's not a sudden happening at all has been planned for many years, introducing a smaller basis over many years, and now is the time not everyone's psychologically disabled. To do it to get happen and everyone feels defenseless if you're guilty. If they see this is wrong because been so much propagandized and pub had other Pavlovian conditioning given to them over their whole lifetime. In fact, so a Defen is a strategy, so um never think the things are just happening again. The media always give you things as though they're a sudden, nothing sudden about anything. It takes a lot of preparation over generations to get people to that condition of being defenseless in many many ways and any know being got their own governments. They think it's their own governments to shut up about it, that that now, why don't you, if your government, for instance, got invaded and what you think is a usual war and tell you surrender as a different thing, but you've been told to surrender and a thousand Other ways, without that I shall term has been used, is quite interesting for me to watch at all, but not surprising at all and I'll be touching back on this again later. And this talk, but to continue from last week and if we trade deals and all the rest of it, which leads all up into, of course, except went through the whole free trade for us as well too, and the history behind all of that. It'S all one group behind everything is really astonishing and this article was from fab brain as a statistics. Canada published year-end trade numbers 4 2015 last week confirming another miserable year for canada's engagement with a global economy, total merchandise exports declined 0.6 %. Non-Energy exports are showing promising growth, but not enough yet to offset reduced energy exports. Meanwhile, imports well four-point-five percent, creating the biggest trade deficit grade in history. Well, i can remember the nafta deals and when i talked about eventually worldwide free trade, the they said the characters mean expert will be raw resources from mines, raw resources and, of course, the wood and lumber Excel. That'S always been the intention, as is one particular better result involved. South Korea, with whom we implemented a free-trade deal. Last January, first farm helping Candace, lousy, expert performance. Free trade with South Korea seems to be hurting yet wrong. Free trade remember as a sort of a two-way street: that's how all utopias or sold here when they're lying to you and had no intention of getting it this way, and you also pay these countries are classes through world countries. Even China distal classes the third world country and they pay them money to bring up the hospital status and school systems and build dams for them. Things like that, your tax money pays for all that. So this is another Kong of Korra. Spiritism is probably big global plan and then go into this one here. To do with Donald Trump was quite interesting, because the US is a basket case. Two ish, we all know aside a massive indoctrination again, but every year or every x, in elections and all right letting every year to the top. Politicians must go to the APEC meeting to promise basically Israel, author support, etc, and which tells you you can't be a national nation if you have to have go off and promise and promise in order to keep your political system going, they're going to put Donald Trump And always promised them in the past and what is promising them now, of course, I'm just going to touch on some of these topics and I'll put them all up tonight for you to cut yourself. If you really interest in at all, and then you have, of course the APEC meeting was last weekend. This is the editor-in-chief of a top Jewish American newspapers, calling for a boycott of Donald Trump to meet with top /. It is to meet with top Republicans before the AIPAC speech. Wait dead of course, Jane Eisner of the forward, as Jewish newspaper published a list this week of suggestions for attendees of the American Israel, Public Affairs Committee conference and top. The list is very pointed to disinvite the GOP presidential frontrunner, who said he will speak Monday or else give him a time slot between 3 45 a.m. or direct before the Democratic rival. Hillary Clinton gets on, of course, and let her eviscerate him that'll, give him a taste of what's to come, Eisner wrote so that's one article and then Jewish leaders to protest Trump, a professional conference. It'S quite amazing when I read through some of these articles from the Jewish newspapers, because again, another country has to be supported and the political agendas of that other country and again the continuing promise by all of the US presence or potential presidents to support and financially Support and military support for Israel has to be all be promised, promised and more than just promises, but one of the articles had talked about how under Obama's mean that Israel's had three times as much financial aid as it was under George Bush jr.. So, as a big money runs everything again, he and some links up on over this stuff, if you're interested that too, and then, where this article here about the bank, Berlin's amazing that all European control every country is under know that the Bank for International Settlements set Up by Rowan, CEO of International Affairs way back, I had to deal with all the future problems which there are definitely guaranteed to cause to bring in a global system again and they're, basically flat society for the majority of the public to be broke. Well, that's the small e to the top on everything and in original the experts to run all the crisis. Food rationing, energy rationing, all that stuff which they call austerity, remember, but the meantime you still going through the con games as they get ready to steal. All your money as his bank bill and provision a cdic financial position. What every clearly needs to know about budget 2016, the federal Canadian government unveiled its stimulus budget 2016 March 22nd, which include information by the majority Liberal Party's intention to implement the banking bailing regime that I was already signed anyway. I went through the history of that in the past to protect clean taxpayers in unlikely event of a large bank failure. So as good too and protect you, you see the taxpayer and yeah like bank fails. The government is proposing to women a billon regime that would reinforce that bank shareholders and creditors are responsible for the bank's risks, not the taxpayers. This will allow authorities to convert l.joe long-term debt of a feeling, systemically important bank into common shares to recapitalize the bank and allow it to remain open and operating such a measures, in line with international efforts to address the potential risks to the financial system and broader Economy of institutions perceived as too big to fail now says he'll Akane government is proposing the mechanism for the bank's very similar to provisions currently enforced in Europe for contingent convertible, so called Coco debt. They call it Coco des previously referred featured with Inquisitor newspaper green bank accounts are recorded as and here's the truth. When you put money in a bank, your money savings forever. I recorded as liabilities on banks balance shoes as a type of debt and training. Did you know that now I knew there, of course, but there's an old con living point. The governess a proposed is proposing that an event of another financial crisis such as was witness in 2008 banks to convert accounts to stock in a salon where that kokor bond issues, how provisions foreign similar to what occurred in Cyprus 2012 to 13, when the government allowed Bangs to convert about forty percent of the Potters over a hundred thousand dollars similar to hospitals in Canada by the CD. I see two shares resulting a portion of the people savings held in bank accounts. They believe are safe, vanishing, as reported by press for truth and the Telegraph. Now don't believe it that if your money is under a hundred thousand, the great leave it's safe, because if a massive bank was down in southern size of Canada or the stakes they're going to dig in much much deeper into your so-called debt. The money you put in the bank you're dead, you see, supremacy, Canada, Justin, Trudeau and clean Liberal government have introduced the new bill and provisions similar to ping contingent. Some changes to carry the spankings that legislation sort of always implement Cyprus agrees, keep repeating themselves. The goal of governor governments around the globe is to prevent taxpayer-funded bailouts of too big to fail financial institutions. The thing is, many taxpayers are also bank account holders twice. It have to be like this. Why can't bank accounts be safe while at the same time allowing banks to operate profitably with i periodically meeting massive injections of cash and liquidity from attacks being account holders? A third factor in the banking safety equation, as a canadian government, its currency and the country's placed a global economy, Justin Trudeau's Liberal government intends to run deficits funded by selling debt for the foreseeable future. So weird, as soon as shall I bring your Fergus as reported by zero hedge which, like Coco debt, is intertwined with and has implication, markets for debt Solbakken Ian banks, which Liberal government's is proposing now to have a predetermined, Baylin provision where, if things get tough, doesn't Have to be fully repaid so a safe to put money in the banks began. The hormone is system is partly the same system to bring in globalism, because the same group that created the wars and so ends the whole new world order ID of a World Order run by a world governmental system and X personal. The same group created the bank for international settlements, that created the International Monetary Fund and all the other organizations that you know always hearing about and, of course, the creators idea to to basically bring in a poverty and a new system. You see, and it says in short, to run the deficits. The Liberal government wants to run to provide all the great services outlining budget 2016. The clean so dearly want and need in which, in the end, mirrors Arctic, crystalline productivity and GDP claims are being told. If we give you all this stuff, you have to turn it into higher clean GDP, creating a larger tax based a more viable cleaning dollar, or else who might be forced to take twenty percent of your savings above a certain amount like they did in Cyprus. Well believe me, when we were down there, should be all your savings folks and believe you me again when you've read sure these billing and provisions and all that, it's so legalistic that yeah they can go way beyond that, believe you me and as intention of course Now, on to the all this terrorist stuff, of course, okay - and I can remember - I said the beginning and my chalk - about assault plan this way - and I was the right time we do it now that you've had generations and total indoctrinated and to despising their own Countries, their own nations and wrong people and eating them despising themselves individually at dysfunctional II, there's nap time. You do it all, of course, and it says here, Brussels attacker was deployed from turkey, Belgium notified of terror links. It says here the Belgian citizens detained turkey, southeastern Xian province, which borders Syria july, two thousand fifteen or subsequently deployed arrogance, and one of the attackers and Brussels is an individual widget and injured in 2050 and deported. We are approaching to the Belgian embassy in Ankara July 14, 2015 by was later set free and goes on no, not now not necess by accident. As we all know, everybody isn't there really isn't if you want go through life, believing it that everything is just crazy and people are stupid by letting you know you let that go good for you, you're allowed to think that way. But, Sir, you got Authority. Czar crackdown a new fast, if you see the wrong thing and believe you me immediately in fact, so if you believe that people who are involved in terrorism and ER, I just caught caught caught and cotton and set free free, free, free, free, fine, go back into Your dream, land, you see your doctor, need be or think good thoughts. You know positive stuff that you've been trained to do. I don't get negative things, things that might be survival orientated, this think of the positive things you say you know they should sell, wish boxes. No radio tronic one saw sounds awfully sienten wish boxes for the New Agers, and you think that that hadn't done a number on his own enemy. So the clean this guy was one of the suicide bombers. Anyway, it's where Brussels jihad is trying to make every right to bomb. This is from I think, last year or now, especially this year. Actually, but it says and again to was true expert says: Isis may have been plot to steal nuclear material as letting power power plant workers have their access revoked a bit fears of insider help. Jared brother isnan, keliatan ebrahim el bakraoui, had we filmed the daily routine of Belgium's nuclear program chief before they blew themselves up at Brussels Airport on the metro train. So they give you a story. This were that block camera said the guy's place and had been basically recording his movements and winning left the house and came home at night and so on in order to kidnap on that's what they think. The word are doing. This is a terror cell responsible for the parison processor. Time was planning to attack an unidentified nuclear power station or try steel materials from it for a dirty bomb again to be very, very afraid, be very, very afraid, be terrified and all that as they bring them all in I mean this is make sense. You, oh because it doesn't double think doublethink Orwell knew all the stuff was coming and then Isis army of scientists set to which chemical and biological war on the west then yet that term again, the new priesthood experts warn weapons of mass destruction have been carried undetected Into European Union - and so that was from December Isis, a recruited X plus with chemistry, physics and computer science degrees to wage war with weapons of mass destruction against the West. You say: no, when you see all these young guys, flooding across and and like arm and their armies of them isn't make no bones about that. I mean rather horse tell no respite but trauma Britain you out, nor the rest of it and Percy beam. They'Ve had their Victor. The organization which is not Muslim, brought who's, bringing them and have been cleaning them to that. The defense now is helpless, etc and they're, not breeding, which is a lie of course, but I just matter because the truth doesn't matter facts don't matter in this system, but I believe, of course, would they be whether they basically bridgie own? All that why would they nuke themselves at the same time, so it says here they go surveyor which were both weapons of mass destruction, who's gon na be afraid with this. Well, this means more and more. Your rights are gon na be taken away, and then you have all the the the the nonsense by and be very careful who these people are or appear to be because you're generally wrong. But we know about mr Sutherland, his SS here, Irishman, mr Sutherland from our attorney general and ourselves, the UN Special Representative, her migration, said it was utterly excessive. The claim that would be impossible for a Europe of 540 million, which is the wealthiest in the world of all, maybe in the areas he lives to handle the arrival of a million migrants, even if all of them were refugees and thereby entitled to asylum. Mrs. swing against a background of an agreement between the EU and Turkey for Refugees to do sent back to Turkey from Greek islands. He scorned as incredible the notion that plans were being made to set me to a ship's into the gaean to stop unfortunate people who are traveling on energy boats to escape a persecution. These are not the ones who were marching through Europe and streaming as the people who were living there on the way and arms up the ender and they're. You know they're the usual aggressive pause with a clenched fist know that these are in refugees. Folks, that's not refugees, don't behave like that. Who'Ve been, who are so happy to get their escape persecution and sullen. Of course, no sir bc submit me is amazing statements and the past is going and as more to this guy than meets the eye. Believe me unitil: are they getting to find out been away? That'S one these articles and then the EU and vales plan to restore open borders. Europe has reportedly, given recent, told me to run off to register refugees, soil or else extend internal border controls. Meanwhile, here president donald tusk is our gene turkey to do more to reduce migrant overflow, so it's going and unveil its so-called roadmap. I love these roadmaps to restoring passport free travel inside the sanguine countries, but once to be a corporation from Greece, this is the main gateway for nearly a million refugees fleeing war, poverty and strife, but rival of hundreds of thousands of migrants have caused kind of like Austria, Germany and Sweden to reinstate passport checks at borders. Sweden turmeric and throws every newest checks for another month and Germany wants to keep border controls in place, but can't do so beyond me, 13 without permission from its EU partners. So you know, you see you can't defend your country anymore and cut the people or you sleep with this terrible thing. I'D like a domestic stock of people. You can't the counter anymore, it's forbidden. This is thus tightening of border controllers worth tens of thousands of the refugees fleeing a conflict and poverty stuck and Greece, as the you resent plans have largely stalled and the top UN official migration. Again, Pierre Sutherland told Associated Press news agents that 70,000 people could be trapped in Greece, the gang member creases bankrupt folks. Had you forgotten that to the folk the Greek people are starving, mmm and the natural consequence of closed borders throughout the Balkans, as the greasing recently becomes account for refugees? This is for the global community could see again the global community, a squirrel government - if you don't know where that means, are we prepared to share responsibility or not? Well, you got big houses, miss accelerant. Why do you take lots them in, but it won't? You know. That'S my one article and then another one is abrupt, is wiki. Of course you make up yourself and you can see some of this history, whose attorney attorney general of Ireland and he's a lawyer. Of course, I know. Senior counsel of the irish bar he's been serving a variety of international organizations. Plated line business roles is the united nations special rapporteur, cetera general for international migration. Appoint 2006 he's the head of the global forum on migration and development. He'S president of the International Catholic migration Commission, as well as member of the migration advisory board of the international organization for migration, is service Attorney General errands, assay European Commissioner responsible for competition policy and director general of the World Trade Organization. They use guys go, look and don't be fooled by what the say years here and from our chairman of Goldman Sachs international. That'S just a coincidence, from 95 to 2015 and as we got lots of European Person of the Year awards for his global outlook and so on. So you can look up yourself again: nothing's bolivian and wiki. Things are really heavily censored, but what's new way - and i will also put up a link to a good video, overcrowded britain and that's what's called on sustainable immigration and it's quite interesting - it really destroys the baloney of empty Britain. I mean Britain really but years ago how to carrying capacity. They claimed was a bit maximum 45 million people, and I would the official census nos 0 to 60 points something probably up well over. Seventy million people because of the massive migration have been forced to have over the years, so s pretty well gone and Britain and as a wealthier country, the admission status every other country, the signed, a free trade agreements, they're important everything and basically exporting nothing. And now you have Nigel Farage, of course, from the UK Independence Party and he claims national insurance number registration show the ons covering up UK immigration levels well, everything's covered up. Obviously, he's accused the office for national statistics of covering up immigration levels amid a row of the number of national insurance numbers granted. Figures released on Thursday put the annual rise in net long-term migration to the UK at that not statistically significant 31,000, but recorded 820,000 National Insurance number of registrations for foreign citizens in 2015 up eight percent on the previous year, three-quarters of those were from within the EU. 370: Bulgarians, tech, nine thousand Romanians following the lifting of restrictions on EU two nations, I said the grant showed the government was pulling the wool over our eyes on migration levels. Why would you vote for governance? That literally, are not yours again. Remember that your children, that's how you get to be perceived by governments and all the bureaucrats know that too you can't handle the big plan and the bad news. It will mean for you personally, you see. So I just don't tell you the truth. That'S as simple as that, and then you get to Brussels attack, populist parties and partitions between the UKIP, Nigel Farage, marine lepen and all Trump jump on attack to make anti-immigration case and papas politicians in prize seize upon us attack. Uk, the UK Independence Party on Tonya tax to highlight what he perceives us weaknesses in the European Union: Michael hukum, the party's defence spokesman releases, Stephen within two hours of the attack. Seeing the horrific act of terrorism shows that Schengen, free movement and the lacs border controls are a threat to our security. Meanwhile, you Kipps leader, Nigel fry, said I'm very upset by events in Brussels a day and even more depressed for the future, while tweeting an article from The Telegraph highlighting next time. You hear the Prime Minister saying that Britain must remain the EU for the sake of our security. Please think of Brussels. Now i'll also put up a PDF to show you, the double think indoctrination you're getting, but all of this that I'm talking about tonight, it's a PDF from the European Parliament on unconventional weapons, concluding on the dirty bombs and stuff so be very, very afraid and terrified. But you must bring these people in who are going to cause it to happen and then to get back to Farage and the article you have the pros and cons usual thing. You get in articles. How the the Prime Minister's nap term see we're all in it. Together and blah blah blah and that's the whole thing you see with the tartane world system were all in it together, that's the slogan, basically, it's not just Brussels ago as all of us as all no, no, no again not steal or destroy us. Adding left of your logical processes - and it gives you the different statements by different people who are trying to keep border controls and they're all called right-wingers. Now you see, if you want to believe in keeping your your stock of your people, safe your fascist, you're, right wing and accept all the usual terms that the global issues, and then you have this one, a Commission President, jean-claude Juncker, said today as again the Commission, The European Commission Parliament, he said that better cooperation of member state secret services was need to respond to the challenge of terrorism. So you don't need to control board resist need you just need to have secret services all through society, watching again more of us and Oliver's and everything we do. Did he stop terrorism? That'S the problem! You see so he spoke alongside trench premise, prime minister Manuel Valls, who visited Brussels in the aftermath of yesterday's terrorist attacks in the capital de you, because more and more obvious that we must reflect over the better cooperation between our respective secret services said that he recalled The European Council and time Pierre Finland of 1999 had laid down the foundation for such cooperation and the idea was reaffirmed following the line: 11 terror attacks in the USA. At that time, John Theurer was prime minister of his native Luxembourg. So you see how it all works for them to bring in the global society, will in control of everybody's mind and thoughts, and so on and spy on you all worldwide, and you have no national secret service at the end of it. And then this article European Council held a special meeting on 15 16 octobre Nene 9 NASA Juanita's mentioned her and tan Pierre, on the creation of an area of freedom, security in justice, freedom, security and justice in the european union. European union is a non democratic system. The politicians appointed by governments, national governments have no power a change anything. The Commission runs it and you're elected at the top in a secret ballot by themselves. At the start of proceedings, an exchange of views was conducted with a president european parliament. Mrs. this nickel fontaine and the main topics of discussion is determined to develop the union as an area of freedom, secure and justice by making full use of possibilities offered by the treaty of amsterdam. European council sends a strong political message to reaffirm the importance of the subjective and, as agreed or a number of policy orientations and priorities which will speedily make this area a reality. The council place and maintain the subject of the red top. A political agenda now keep under constant review. Progress made towards implementing the necessary measures and meeting the deadline set by the Treaty of Amsterdam is bureaucratic, speak, isn't it and the Vienna action plan and the present conclusions in close connection with the air of freedom securing justice. You pink council has agreed on the composition, method of work and practical arrangements attached in the annex for the body entrusted with drawing up a draft Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, etc, etc. This is going to strengthen the common foreign and security policy, including developing a European securian defence policy. European council expects the new secretary general of the council and higher rep for the cfsp, mr. jayveer Solana, to me a key contribution, subjective, etc, etc, and they go through. Basically again, it's st is to integrate the european countries in tighter and take over all this national security services. Basically until it is, it is the system for all X countries. I call X countries now because that's where they are, of course now I'll also put up Obama's to front migration surge plan and all the rest of it and again as how i was reading the bonus with you and the answer to everything is happening naturally, and It can't be do anything, that's practical, as you well know, but science again, science and money again. If the boy see me call this, can all these contraptions new facial recognition technology could stop the next terrorist attack? It would show k and the parents of defense and homeland security of invested in technology to prevent attacks like this one in brussels, including facial recognition, technology in sport and fly or suspected terrorists, are clear and a car heading towards an airport or a crowded subway, where Farce is for bringing that technology out of the lab and getting it to airport. Sat on street corners is a lot harder than just nothing in the photo then gives you 10 most expensive weapons in the pentagon of the u.s. Systems. Arsenal birthday again come on who's. Kidding who hey, I can spot them in a car. Well supposedly put the guy on the floor and the car. Are they put me in the trunk to get on it? I mean Cara come on come I sorry spy on all of you, of course, and then Sita launches smart path, biometrics for passenger facial scans, the global IT providers Sita SI ta - has unveiled his new smart path. Technology allows passengers to check in and board an airplane. After biometric check, once her fi travelers will be allowed to travel without needing to show any boarding pass passport or travel documents at each step of their journey. Now that they were bringing that in in the late 90s evening, Canada, because they knew it was coming up. All the countries, fake leaders who are part, the one club are well aware and the store are we aware of the whole plan, so they knew was coming before nine, eleven, even Hamed, and what they would want out of it as well. So says that the biometric test will capture passenger information during the facial scan in the first journey point, and this is integrated with existing airport infrastructure and airline systems, as well as government databases to nibble, enable easy immigration and border checks, etc, etc. While we're all day, but that's why they planned a long time ago, because you see all of you, they can't be trusted, did they have a pretty good idea through your daily communications, with your Facebook pages? Don'T they also you do they have a pretty good idea of everybody's personality profile, you're very predictable once they have it and they keep lifelong of course, update of its daily up the offer to make sure that nothing happens to make you break out of its after? If you break out of in some we're asking strange questions which are practical questions, that's what strangers today, then no suspect you see so that they want. You know all about you all the time they have all that then too many talks in the past about that. Bores me stiff and many of my regular listeners to assure both surface own archive section, a cutting through the matrix, calm, but ya did. The answer to all surely is is more more surveillance, of course, but we are proud nonsense that [ __ ] coming in by the millions across Europe and the Muslim don't even have ID, have any kind can't verify a darn thing. So I saw the big joke. Never mind that true folk who come in as refugees because of nowhere else to go and belong to a strong ethnic tradition can be redic alized down the roads. When you hear their own particular leaders and these new countries they're moving in to blame everything on the west, so it's perpetual terror forever. Now that's a technique to be used to bring in peace and safety and security for the world. I'M knocking about that and a she-pratt one about that be security and safety for the whole planet. That'S when everybody's under the same hell. Basically, that's the plan for the future so that this group, at the top, who planned all her plan, world wars and all the rest of it, who wit, who planned the neocon invasion across the Middle East, know the list drawn up in the 90s of all the Countries they wanted to demolish and all the aftermath to our deep talks by that years ago. You love all the refugees flooding into to the west and that he'll bring in the radicalization into across Europe. Big sentra, that's basic strategy. Of course, now you'll find guys who are up in the big think tanks who need an advise governments for strategies, etc. They Darrell aware of that little Rella. We have to talk a bit out freely quietly, but never never public will leave you me, but because they know their gender to and with their paychecks come from next big fat paychecks. But your common sense goes out the window and we goes out the window. Then there's always a plan there. That'S obvious folks - and I knew that years ago, because the big boys themselves love to boast about it in their books and they published lots and lots of books still do actually, maybe not as many but still do promote like Jack. So tally all put them open about the future of of the big big plan and many others too. They have quite an ego there and its general their own people who read these books, the general public don't find them sexy. The find them can are boring and they don't want boring anymore because have been trained and conditioned again. To always look for pleasure seek pleasure, ignore pain of any kind that cludes mental pain of any kind until you're utterly helpless and defenseless. That has been done incredibly successfully across the Western world two years to implement it, and great news. Gradualism, of course, is still going on encore swiveling. You watch on television and the propaganda de Spode out to you in a daily basis and of course the school system is perfect today, where there's nothing to hold on to any way any more than you know, and you might be, a lot of boy wants to Be a girl and you things like that. You have no idea what you want to do when you grow up. You see and there's nothing there's nothing will. You would take as a traditionally normal thing to hold on to because tradition must be completely demolished and that's a technique of warfare. You see, I hope you understand, that they always say you are what you eat and you become what you eat, and you also have the same thing to do with what you become. What you think, what you do you you become, what you're being donated to become. It works very successfully with the majority of people, but not with a few, and that solves a few that become the problem, because free speech is verboten, as you all know, and anybody who wants to grow up to be a real, rational human being must be allowed. He was a child to ask any question: they want to ask and to understand, truly understand things and not begin piecemeal bits. The censored bits are prohibited. Any question must be answered. You see to have a rational mind. We can give honest true opinions on things, but facts don't count today. Only the agenda matters and social such an awful awful tragedy that the group, the fermented world war one and two and got off with it, pulled it off, because you would never had the fire was called the far-left organizations coming up with all the power that he Came up with, and the big plan of course was always here in the very beginning, but he'd never have happened if it was wasn't too easy to use basic natural tribal instincts to the maximum and have folks lottery each other on the massive scale it did. That was incredible. It was pulled off that way and that spelled downfall of sanity. The massive slores spell insanity, basically and as it war is authorized and sanity, meanwhile Durr the real war that was behind it all and use create these foment. These particular massive massive disasters are well aware of how they can benefit their agenda by making it all happen. I start happy, of course, but again who, who promised you a rose garden, a listener song and that's where it stays, and how can you be happy in the midst of insanity unless you are insane yourself from hamishe myself run to your candidates good night to me, A god or gods go with you.

Claude Hachey: One of the best message I've heard since the machines have taken over and the the view count is a reflection of the direction of our society. I feel like going outside and screaming @ the top of my lungs !

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