Watch Me Weave

This is NOT a tutorial. its just be talking, while i craft.

I have made exactly one thing from weaving. I am learning, and playing. I welcome tips and tricks, and links to tutorials and videos. To help me out in my journey. I do not welcome criticism at all.

Thank you for joining me, while i craft.

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Cinnamon Stitches

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Hello, everybody and welcome to another episode of cinnamon stitches. This is a totally different type of video. I'M your yarn host jennifer. Let me get some things that are just out of my reach closer today. You guys are just gon na keep me company. While i play with this loom, this is not a tutorial by any stretch of the imagination. I have used this thing exactly one time. I'Ve watched some videos that is about it. So this is not a tutorial, and this is not an opportunity for you to criticize me either. So if you're an experienced loomer - and you see that i'm doing something that you don't appreciate, you don't like - or that is wrong - just keep it to yourself because i'm not trying to be rude at all. But when it comes to knitting, whenever i show knitting i'm a new knitter, i get a ton of unwarranted critique and criticism. I am going to show you what i'm doing, how i'm doing it and yeah so to start to make the strings that go on here and no, i don't know all the official names and you don't have to correct me on any of this know. It'S coming. I know it's coming. Oh, let me look at mine. Let me look at my thing. Okay, the warp the warp is, the string that goes back and forth. I'M using cotton and the reason i'm using cotton is because this is scrap and it gives me a nice neutral base and it gives me strings that i can see very easily and that's why i'm using white i'm using cotton, because i know that it's kind of Sturdy and i it yes cotton stretches, but i'm just playing i'm just practicing, and i just wanted you guys to be a part of what i'm practicing on now. As you know, my filming board is a blocking mat or a floor. Mat that i got the other side is actually a wood grain, but this gray side actually is like um. I don't know it shows up well in videos, it it doesn't absorb light and it actually reflects the light enough that it helps me. Have a nice lighted surface for you guys now what i'm doing is i'm just doing like a double knot. It'S not even a double knot, i'm just flipping it through twice and then tying it and from what i understand is you need this to be tight back and forth, and so we're going to do it as tight as we can and we're just going to zigzag. This back and forth around all these little pegs trying to keep it tight, trying to keep it evenly tight. You want this to not quite be guitar strings, but you don't want it to be loose and floppy either i find loom looming weaving to be very relaxing and like calming to me. This is something that my mom. When i was a little kid every christmas, she would try to get us crafts to keep us busy during winter break, because you guys know that i'm from a cold climate - and if you don't keep your kids busy they're in the house all day, they will drive. You, nuts, and that is why she always tried to encourage us to to be crafty and have crafts in the house, and one of the things that she would buy us is those little potholder loom things the loom base was like a metal thing with spikes. All the way around, they would give you those little loom, um band things and you would just make potholders or whatever else that nobody ever used. You know you know so that is my extent of weaving experience, but i always found that to be cathartic to be. You know calming chill. You want to make sure when you're doing this, that you get every peg and you don't have to use white, i'm using white because i'm just starting out and it's easier for me to see - and i eventually want to upgrade and do different color techniques and maybe Do to where i try to like accomplish plaid effects, really was stuck to the paper that was weird anyway, see it's nice and talked, and we're going to be using a bulky yarn for this. I'M just using up some of the other london k yarn that i got from tuesday morning on clearance, because bulky yarn works up fast, and so it's good to practice with something but like, even when you're learning to knit or crochet it's good to start off with A bulky yarn because it helps you to let me turn this. It helps especially like little kids. It helps them to not get frustrated. You know it it's and a fast way to complete a project when you loop your knots in this way where you you loop it in twice, it helps lock the knot in a little better. You see what i did. I pulled it right off, so that's why we're using bulky, because this is practice. This is not for anything. This is not. I screw it. Let'S put another knot, this is just playing, and sometimes it's good to play with yarn. You know i don't remember if i did that twice and only did it once sometimes it's good to play with yarn and just you know not have a purpose dang. I did it again. Oh my god. Never never a dull moment here on sit on stitches. You guys never a dull moment, and i know if i let this go loose too much. It will loosen up through here and that's not what i want one more try. I know the people that we were laughing at me. I just i can hear you. It'S all right go ahead and laugh. I did it all right. Let'S get rid of this white move it over here now we are going to start off using the thin white just to give us a little bit of a base at the bottom. Just to give us an edging, because when i did my last one, let me grab it, i did a crochet border around the edge of it to give it some stability around the to almost frame out my work. I didn't do it across the bottom, but i didn't need to because i put you know: i put a layer down there, but i like having the white border on there in crochet because it pulls the stitches apart. So because when you weave, it tends to want to go in and especially when you're just starting out and that helped everything stay a little bit square. So we're going to do the first row in cotton, and this is a trick that i totally totally learned now. All of the sticks that people are using look like this, except they have a pointy end and i don't have supplies. I just have the loom - and i have this little shuttle thing that came with it - that i don't like touching because it's balsa wood and it like really. I can't my fingers, don't like it, so we're not gon na be using that. But - and i didn't have one of these to like go in between the yarn like this, and so i stopped and got myself a couple of paint sticks from home depot for free by the way they're free - and i just use this - to divide the yarn when I'M weaving paint stick now i keep one of these up at the top, because that's a trick. I learned in one of the videos i was watching so there's always one up there and then this one will go the opposite of which one i weave that, and this will be our first weave they weave it in and out and in and out. I find this so calming. I don't know why it's just relaxing to me. I probably need to go put my eyeglasses on, though all right and then flip it up, and then you have room to work in between there. I'M going to pause and i'm going to find my eyeglasses though, and good thing i found was: i bought a spare set of eyeglasses. I can't find my regular ones all right now. If you have one of these, you can wrap this and use it as a shuttle to pass it back and forth. I do not like the way that feels, and my daughter has a plastic one upstairs, so you can just kind of like feed it through any way. You want any way that works for you not a big deal. You want to leave like a little tail at the end so that you will um. You can weave that in later nobody down, then you just bring this down. This is going to be like the end of your border, to kind of keep things stiff and then push that one flat and pull it out and then the one we stuck up at the top is already ready for us so that we can just weave this Back through like this, you can also always make like little balls or little skeins of yarn to feed this through. If you want, they have special wrap techniques that they have online, that i was watching that eventually i will get the hang of doing, but right now, this is just me getting a feel for how all of this works and how all this you know, whatever see And then you want to leave a little bit on the edges. You don't want to pull that too tight or else this will end up being pulled in in the center, and you lay that flat and you push back up to the top. So it's ready for next time, then you come back through and you like do this kind of thing. Just remember. I think mr simon is home from work. Girls just remember when you're weaving every other row should be alternated, so the ones that are down for this row will be up for the next row. That'S one of the things my daughter struggled with when she was learning to weave and she would just keep going back and forth and she didn't realize you had to alternate rows and so because it's on the top of this strand here the next row, it will Go under this this strand, because it's on top this row, girls, scarlet's a troublemaker an instigator and, like i said this is not a tutorial by any stretch of the imagination. This is not something i have a wide knowledge base in. This is just playing and they have combs and stuff and, like hair, picks that you can use and brush this down, because you want this to stay kind of like every row to be tight together that one take it out, bring the one from the top slide. It down pop it up. This is just a starting loom to see if i like, weaving, because i've been interested in weaving for a long time, and this is just just me experimenting to see if i like it or not so far, i like it, but i don't know that it will Ever be as important to me as knitting and crocheting, but this is something that i enjoy doing, like it's very relaxing and calming to me, so there's lots of different ways to like wrap or to weave or to get colors and stuff. Like i don't know any. I don't know any of that right now, i'm just playing with the yarn and just you know, making colors. I eventually would like to do some things that are reminiscent of native american type textiles. I mean i'm never trying to to pretend that i'm something i'm not. That'S not the the idea of that at all, but i just love the way like southwest type um art is, i just i've always really liked southwest specifically type things um or even mexican style art. I mean that's important to my kids, because my kids are mexican. My husband is mexican, so i also like having mexican style art around them around myself, because i think it's important to remember your family's culture. I mean i just think it's important to remember that kind of stuff and i always try to encourage my kids with that kind of stuff as well. So i really would like to do some aztec type art, some style weaving. But, of course, that's going to take a lot of research. It'S going to take a lot of you know a lot more knowledge base than what i have currently my my children's grandmother, mr cinnamon's mom, now she's white, but she is a long-term relationship with a man that who is a mexican. I think he was born in mexico, his family all lives in mexico and mr cinnamon's dad is mexican and um. She in the past has given me some amazing handmade um towels from her sister-in-law, her sister-in-law, crochets and makes does embroidery and stuff and so like, if you've ever seen like those dresses where they have the beautiful flowered embroidery on the like the bodice. If you've ever seen the movie coco, i know this is sad representation. It'S a cartoon, but if you've ever watched, the movie coco like mama coco, has this dress on in the end and it's a white dress and it has these beautiful, beautiful flowers embroidered in the bodice. I'Ve always wanted a dress like that, but, like i, i don't live any place that i can find that kind of stuff. I just have always. I think, that's that style of clothing, that style of art, the embroidery it's just. Oh, it's breathtaking to me. It'S so amazing - and i have a couple of tortilla towels - is what i'm told they are, but they will never ever be used because they are too beautiful. They are these beautiful white towels that are embroidered with those same types of flowers and there's a crochet border around them in these beautiful vibrant colors, and i just love that style of art. I just love it. So that's the kind of stuff that i would love to recreate through weaving is you know that style of art in mind to hang around my house and every time we go to california? I look for that kind of stuff like we go to the to the grocer, the grocery stores out there, like all have that kind of stuff, that's imported from mexico. I mean it's not authentic, it's not the expensive stuff, but they have that style of tea towel. But i like the homemade stuff better. Actually, i'm kind of like working with this cotton. This bulky stuff works up quickly and it's it's fine to work with, but i don't know i might just go grab some more cotton. I would really like to make a um a little serap like a miniature serape. How pretty would that be? I know i totally went from talking about native american and mexican and i know two different cultures. I get it, but i, like both styles, i like i, i specifically like navajo navajo art. Cotton is stuck knotted up. That'S probably why people work with smaller and we're close to the end, so we can just cut this now. If i haven't - and i know that i have weavers in here - i don't know if they're watching, but i know i have weavers on my channel. If you have anything to say about any of this, i totally i welcome comments as long as they're not like critical. I just don't like because i i clearly say i don't know what i'm doing. I don't have a clue, i'm just playing but like if you have any like helpful websites. I know a couple of you have already linked me to some some youtubers like. I really appreciate that kind of thing, because that's helpful, critiquing and criticizing somebody who's, a beginner is not helpful but like helpful tin, hints or like if you like, this paint stirrer stick thing if you have any like cute little tips like that, like i know, i'm Probably gon na hit up the dollar store and buy a hair pick, because i know that they sell hair picks at the dollar tree, and i know that that works really well for like pushing the stuff down. And of course i need to go. Have my daughter bring me her plastic shuttle for this, so i'm not feeding my fingers in there so much because i noticed that that does it stretches the fabric when i'm in there a lot whoops. Take that one out. I don't know you guys. What do you think? I know you can't answer me back by the time this is uploaded, but i'm thinking about getting some thinner, some cottons and weaving them. Instead of this bulky yarn just to see if i can get like a a pretty effect, i don't mind having to sit around while i you know, and while i work on it when i can, because i know i'm not going to finish this anyway, while we're On here i think i might is that long enough to go back through yep, just barely just barely and i take weaving with the very same type of ideas with any other craft that i do. I don't plan it out ahead of time. I just kind of go with what i feel the project calls for or what it wants to be. You know, and i do need to work, because i know that my ends here they go from either too loose or they get a little bit tighter and like there's all kinds of stuff, i need to learn yeah. I don't think i'm gon na use this. I use this last time and it's fun to play with. I think i'm gon na get some thinner yarns. That sounds fun to me now. Where did i put my cottons because i moved everything? Hmm, i think i have a yarn, i think, would be pretty. I'Ve had this yarn for a very long time. I got it with the intention of making a shirt and i started it, and i did not have enough to complete the shirt and this yarn is not available anywhere else or this material is not, and this is cotton rayon blend. I think this would be so pretty in there. Let'S see the piece fell off, so we're just going to cut it and go with that now. There'S this technique, where i've seen where you do like a figure. Eight like this, so we're gon na try that i've. Never tried this before never tried it before. Instead of doing the shuttle we'll see how this works, this is kind of pretty yarn because it has first of all it's flat. It'S a ribbon style yarn, but also it has bits of shiny, see how it's shiny right. There i feel, like i'm, doing this too wrong, because the lady that showed me how to do this in a video. So don't let your fingers like and that's exactly what's happening like i said, we're a beginner here, we're a beginner here all right. This last row was down, so we need it to be over so i'll. Take this out and this one back down pop that up, i'm just gon na tuck this in we'll weave that in later we'll tuck that to the back, we'll leave it in later. I don't know if that's what you're supposed to do, but i don't like it all hanging out in the ends, so that's what we're doing just roll with the flow. This actually feels like this might be thinner than the cotton. I don't know how this is going to work, but we're just going with the flow guys we're just playing just playing with yarn. It'S really pretty the way it's shiny like that. Now, let's see, i don't think i've ever seen. Anybody in any of the videos i've watched, use, variegated yarn for this. It'S always like solids and i'm sure that they do it with solids for a reason, but no, i don't ever have any rhyme or reason for the reason. I do anything, oh by the way, while we're talking well we're talking um there's going to be a video sometime this week with my sister, hopefully um by the time this video has aired. I will have already been to michigan and back um, i'm going up there for baby girl's third birthday, and my sister has asked if we could do a video together for the channel. I was like yeah. You got any ideas, she's like yeah. I want to go shopping with you like right, so that's something for you guys to look forward to shopping videos with she hates being called this with baby cinnamon mini cinnamon. She don't like that. I said: well, we could call you paprika, oh god, god love her. I called her last night just to talk about some stuff that was going on in my personal life. That was, i needed to talk about, and i had to stop for a second and just thank her, because she is a sense of calm and she is a sense of safety she's like my safety net, and i can talk to her a lot of times without Any judgment - and i know how rare that is with people - it's just it's not i don't know it's rare. You know i need to come in from the side because i'm getting confused by the way. I don't know how many of you know this, i'm actually ambidextrous. So i can work almost evenly. I can write almost evenly with my right or my left hand with the exception of crochet. I cannot crochet left-handed, so you know just about anything else. Left-Handed though i i told my sister at one point i was like. I wonder if i was meant to be left-handed, but my mother like made me right-handed, because you know that is possible to train somebody to be right-handed, but now i'll just take it as mammodextress. That'S good enough! Okay, i don't know what in the heck is happening here, i need to weave that back down, yarn's getting a little tangly, so so, while yes, this would be easier with a shuttle. I just can't use that that one, you guys think of this yarn. I don't know if this is the right type of thing to use for this, but i'm not making this to sell. I mean i'm making it for myself, i'm making it for just the joy for the practice of doing this and i totally messed it up. Now. Now it's just all falling apart. That'S all right, like i said this is not a tutorial. This is not a tutorial. What do you guys think of that color? I love that strip of pink in there, like that. I wonder if doing it with this type of this type of colorway, this mildly self, striping colorway will give it like a um, a srirapay style. I mean this is not at all strappy, colors or like materials, but i give it that type of aesthetic. What did i do? I messed up? I messed up. Yes, i did ah jen. These are probably laughing at me. Probably were telling me i was messing up before i was messing up. I don't know how i did that under that one yeah i messed up. I think i pulled the wrong stick out. I don't know i'll, probably figure out what i did in the last whenever, when i rewatch this video, you guys probably already saw the mistake, it don't matter it don't matter we're just playing with yarn for the heck of it. Now i was told by several people - and i did know this - that you can make this style loom at home. It'S not a big deal. If you have somebody who's, crafty with wood or you yourself are crafty with wood um. You can do this with like pegs. You could do this with nails. I'Ve seen it with like just nails evenly spaced apart all right. Now we got it the right way. Just like hey that's cool, i just this was only nine dollars, and this was way better than spending 50 for the loom. I actually really want which i'm glad i didn't buy, because i don't know if this is going to be something that i like right now and i don't like in the future or if this can be something that actually sticks. And so i don't want to put a lot of money into something that i'm not positive, i'm going to like long-term this time. It really is mr cinnamon that came home. Is that coffee for me yeah? Oh, i love you. Thank you! I'M filming! I love you. Yeah, mr simmons home, he brought me a coffee now we all know i'm not supposed to have caffeine, but it was a really rough weekend. You guys are actually by the time you get this video. I made this video way over a week ago, so this is from the past. This is the day after i cleaned and organized and moved furniture in the yarn room, and so i'm exhausted today and on top of that, the kids are back in school full time. Now so i had to get up extra early, which my body's not used to and there's a new traffic pattern for the school. It'S like a whole thing and there was some personal stuff in my life this weekend. That was really really stressful and hard to deal with and there's totally a knot in this yarn a little knot. So i'm allowing myself a little bit of caffeine today just to get through the day, and i will let my heart react. However, my heart wants to react to this coffee. It'S just a little coffee and i don't drink like starbucks or any of that, because, god help me starbucks would kill me starbucks would kill me. I drink coffee from wawa, it's not as strong! So look at that. What do you guys think? I really like that? Let me move you in closer, so you can really get a look at that not pretty the way that shininess is in there yeah. I like that. I'M just gon na leave that part where mr cinnamon came in. I'M not gon na cut that out of the video, even if you guys can hear a smooch he's my husband. He loves me. He kissed me all right now, like i said, i'm not going to make this one long, video, but a couple of people have asked if they could watch me weave. They said they were interested and, honestly, i know i'm using a thin yarn and i hadn't planned on that. You don't have to use thin yarn all the way through um you can play with textures in different yarns. You can weave in hunks of roving, which i have seen some beautiful things where they weaved in chunks of roving, and i was like. Oh, i want to do that. It looks like little clouds and like this one, video i was watching in particular, she made this thing that looked like mountains and clouds, and it was just stunning - and i want to be able to do that. I want to be able to do that, yeah that little shiny bit is kind of pretty in there. I think the thing that i learned last time is to make sure that these all kind of stay separated, while you work because they tend to want to like squeeze in all right guys. Well, we're like 35 minutes in and we've only gotten like a half of an inch, so i'm gon na, let you guys go and i'm gon na continue to work on this. Thank you so much for joining me. While i play with my loom and thank you for not criticizing me, but i do appreciate tips and tricks that you have learned through the process of weaving and um. Thank you for joining me and thank you for watching this, and i will see you tomorrow. Bye guys

Debra Comer: Those potholder looms are available again. I saw them at Hobby Lobby and Mary Maxim. Very fond childhood memories of making lots of pot holders for my mom .

Sharon E: I think you are adorable and I don't think anyone should criticize you or anyone else for that matter. You guys are putting yourselves out for education, entertainment. And information. Ignore the very small people who criticize.

Jeanmarie Rugg: That it... you are officially the Bob Ross of are so calming and relaxing to watch.

Texana Simmons: I watched this intently. I had one of those pot holder looms from the time I was about 6-7 yrs old. I made stacks and stacks of pot holders. I gave them to my aunts, grandparents, my mom of course, neighbors and family friends. Anybody I gave them to, they actually used them! Some people would ask for more over the years as theirs wore out, got scorched or so dirty that they stopped coming clean in the laundry. I even made them clear up into my late teens. I still have my loom, packed away. I havent tried weaving but would like to try. Thanks for sharing, Jenn!

Sylvia Maxwell: My father's family are Lebanese, and live in Mexico. Love both cultures. My Grandmother could look at a picture, and sew a dress or crochet. Was fortunate to have some of her embroidery.

Ian Sharpes: I love watching videos where someone just works and chats. It's so relaxing!

Sherry Minuto: No one is laughing at you, I can see where it is relaxing! I’m calm just watching you! Fun can’t wait to see the end result!

Cathy Pittman: I think you could use the top ( paint mixer ) and tap it down every 2 -3 rows , to get what you want for the weaving :) Looks pretty good !

Terese Feren Celi made by ZiaTTia: Ohhhhh, I'd so love to learn how to do this. I have an Indian bead loom and absolutely loved doing it. Still have that loom too. Thanks for sharing.

Tee Thomas: So awesome! Loved watching. And thanks for the lighthearted laughs. “Sometimes it’s good to play with yarn. So relaxing and therapeutic. . . . DANG IT! I did it again” Sounds so much like me. Therapeutic yarn can make you yell at it sometimes.

Verna Whitehouse: Thank you for sharing your weaving. I enjoy listening to you and weaving really does look relaxing. Watching you made me think of the Big Bang Theory episode where Sheldon was weaving on this huge loom. I truly know you can do anything you put your mind and hands to! God bless you and your many talents.

Terri Ott: I had the potholder maker too, used to love it. Think that yarn is looking good

Sylvia Maxwell: Beauty Love it! Thanks for doing this watch along! please do more!

Cathy Shelby: I have never watched anybody weave before and I love to learn new things . It is so very interesting and I may get me a loom like yours and try it myself. Thank you Jennifer for showing me and others how to weave. I could’ve stayed here all day and watched you until you finished the whole thing. I love your channel and I really look forward to your videos on whatever you are doing. I just love how you can crochet anything you want to. You are a great person, wife and mother. Love you much and god bless

Joan Daly: Very relaxing watching you can’t wait to see it finished ❤️❤️

M2Y M2Y: I love the choice to go with the ribbon yarn...those colors are beautiful! You have great patience with this loom, so glad you enjoy it. I love weaving too. I'm not perfect, but I still enjoy it so much. Can't wait to see your progress on this!

Cheryl McCall: That looks very pretty so far. Just you enjoying something relaxing is relaxing to watch. Thanks for showing us.

Juanita Gallegos: Love this video and learning new things. Enjoyed your speech at the beginning of the video also. The paint stir is mesmerizing. Blessed day to you.

Donna Roach: I really enjoyed this. I know nothing about weaving so this gave me a perspective on a new craft. Thank you!

Gwendolyn Applegate: I did some weaving years ago and I always used there paint stick you used to push down to my yarn to make it even. My neighbor in high school had a large table top loom. She made beautiful placemats. I still have them 45 years later.

The Beauty Journals: This was really therapeutic to watch. I remember learning how to weave in Junior school but that was over 20 years ago!

Anne Hayward: That variegated yarn is making a lovely pop of colour, the loom I got came with a metal piece with has holes along the centre and then slits from top to bottom in between to help with moving the weft up and down when pushing the shuttle through. Maybe my cinnamon could make you something like this . Have fun it’s very relaxing. Stay safe love and hugs xx

Isela My Story My Way: I have a rabbit hole for you! Her name is Noreen Crone Findlay! I learned so much from her. She has books and a YouTube channel. I credit her for much of my skill learning but also with the freedom to create for arts sake. So fun to watch another person weaving.

Linda Bishop-Surbeck: My last words, I promise, you’re doing great! You’re leaving your curve then pushing the thread down. And yes I’ve gotten picks and such from the Dollar Tree

Jacinta Vattuone: When your girls started barking it sounded as if they were in my kitchen! Very startling, but also comforting. I love your puppies ❤. This was a very soothing video to watch. Thank you for sharing.

Marian Andrews: It's so nice to listen to you while I'm crocheting.

cararac84: I got a new clover loom to try so, thanks! I'm not trying to be critical or anything. Just wanted to say that in my previous (minor) loom/weaving projects I used a big plastic needle to weave the yarn, almost like sewing with it. I've found it easier than pulling the whole skein in and out I'd love to see more weaving videos in the future!

Annaliese Schofield: Call her paprika! I like watching you play with yarn. Awe he brought you coffee ☕

Kelly Weber: Thank you for sharing this with us! I found it very interesting and relaxing I bet there are endless possibilities with different designs. I live the Southwestern style myself! That would be gorgeous!! Thank you again for sharing with us. I do have to say I was rooting for you when you were trying to get the last knot on!! I was saying come on Jen, you can do it... 3rd time was the charm! Keep going at it for sure

Lou Walmsley: Aside from the potholder loom many many years ago I also had a loom weaver. Don't know whatever happened to it but I know I loved it. I think you're doing great. Keep it up. Bye for now.

Kimberly Phillips: This looks so relaxing I think im gonna look for one now. Thanks for sharing Jennifer and I think your doing pretty darn good for your second time! Can't wait to see it finished! I love watching you! Your so funny!

Denise Gustafson: Wow, thanks for showing the weaving! I only have used those metal square potholder looms as a child. It looks like fun!

Brenda-Lee Dupuis: I really enjoyed this video thank you Jennifer for sharing

gayla reinkens: So soothing and relaxing! Really enjoyed just watching you experiment and create.

LINDA PARRISH: Thanks for keeping me company while I made supper and did up some dishes ! And learning another craft is always fun !

MommaKay Crochet: Looks like another creative outlet for you, Jen! You always amaze me with your handiwork!!! Keep on learning! Thanks for sharing your stories and your craftiness!!!

BunnyCrochet: Loved watching you loom was interesting and relaxing. So happy you like trying new fiber crafts and sharing !

Shirley Spring: This looks so relaxing. Thanks for sharing.

Mike and Kathy James: That is so cool! I have always been interested in weaving. Thanks for sharing.

Jennell Warczinsky: I use 100 year old wood weaving looms that have nails on all four sides that were my mothers. I use bedspread cotton and then tie knots in the design to make doilies but haven’t done this type of weaving. Can’t wait to see your final project. Happy weaving.

Barbara Gaskins: You just do your own thing. Bless you. We are all still learning

Jodie Larson: I love it! I also love how you and Mr. Cinnamon get along so well. Makes my sappy heart melt. My hubby is a good guy, but he's not affectionate. It is nice to see vicariously. I watched your video while I was finishing some work for the day. Weaving really is relaxing! Even just hearing/seeing you do it completely relaxed me! I'd watch anytime! I'm excited to see your video with Baby Cinnamon. Lol. My sister would hate that too! Ha. So cute.

Kathy Welch: I love this video. I would love to try weaving. I think it’s sweet that your husband brought you some coffee and gave you a kiss.

Barbara Culwell: What a great video! I am definitely going to get a small loom and try weaving.

Donna Cox: Hi Jen..I've been wanting to try weaving and you inspire me more to try it...I wonder if plastic rulers would work like the paint sticks.

Crojo Corner: Binge watching your videos. Lol. It’s like hanging out with a friend while I’m crocheting. Weaving looks so fun!! Now I wanna make something!

Judy Harwood: I love watching you and hear your stories. I have a virtual hug for you. Stay safe and thanks for sharing.

Aimee: Love this video, looks fun and soothing. it is to watch TY sharing.

Kathleen Gray: When you flatten the paint stick, pull it forward gently to straighten the last pieces of yarn in place! It will make the process a bit easier.

Nora Igra: Hi love that you are trying new stuff weaving looks to me a very relaxing craft i might give it a try myself !! thank you Nora

Becky Bramlett: That’s the same with me ! My mother was a true lefty and everything she did for my brother and I was left handed so both of us are left handed but we both do a lot of things right handed !

Myra Morales: Great video...its always amazing to see a fiber youtuber showcase their other skills...

Bunny D: I really enjoyed your weaving project. I tried doing something like this with strips of think fabric,with hand dyed fabric. No idea what I was doing,just having fun...Keep up the great work and Thank you..

Gail Liggett: That does look fun, please share your finished product with us too. Take care ❤

Sylvia Maxwell: That white border really looks nice! paint sticks are brillant! 60 years ago We had the metal loom thing too, it had little stems on all 4 sides. they sold stretchy loops, so you put them on one way, then weave a loop the other way them finished off by putting one loop over the one next to it, and keep doing that all the way around, and the last loop I think we tied ina knot.... don't think we ever had this wood one...I would have loved go girl!

Evelyn Esquilin: I didn't even notice you didn't swap out the sticks. I was too mesmerized by your story telling and hand movements. I was startled when you said "what did I do".

Kathy Winter: Good morning. I keep seeing looms on various groups. Years ago at shows there was a family that used a wagon wheel and it was attached to a board. It was able to move as they weaved it to make rugs. Always on my mind. Ty

Joyce Chapman: I don't know a thing about weaving. But I'm enjoying this video watching you doing weave. Hope you will do another video when you are further along on your project

marilyn smith: Wow that's cool it seems very relaxing. Thanks for sharing your learning journey.

Susan Hebert: Thanks for sharing Jennifer love the variegated

Garnet Barton: It is what works for you so it makes me happy watching you if that makes sense. Lol. I enjoy learning new things. There is a woman in the UK that just talks and shows her creative skills. I love it. In this world today we need things that relax and bring us peace. You do that for me and many others I'm sure. We love you and your creativity. I used to be like that and you have reminded of that.

Linda Bishop-Surbeck: Everyone has their own way of doing things. You’ll learn as you go! Don’t listen to the negative people, chances are they don’t know everything either, they just pretend to. The technique you’re doing is called Saori, basically anything goes, you do it your way. Now the nay sayers can be told that you’re using the Saori method! Actually, you don’t need much more knowledge to do Aztec designs

Melany Chairez: I won't to learn how to weave !! Looks easy lol you did an awesome job !!! ❤

Michelle Seager: That crazy Pom Pom yarn, or Pompom trim would work too. Get you some funky yarns and play with the texture. I also use a “purple thing” it’s a sewing tool, it’s long and has a hole in the end, for running the yarn through your strings. I wanna see updates on this!

Janet Boyer: Ohhhhhh! I wasn’t done watching! ‍♀️ ❤️❤️ Love ya Jen!!!

Nathalie Penar: Very nice. Awesome to have another craft that you can use your yarn. Love the variegated yarn in it. TFS

Mary Rose Mitchell: Hi Jenn. I have never seen this done before. Thanks for sharing. Stay well.

Win Papes: Good job. Enjoyed all of it. Especially when Mr.Cinnamon came in. I would like to see what it would look like using Southwest colors. Thanks.

Nancy Diffee: I Love, Love, Love you and your videos. Great job. I'm gonna try too.

Alissa Gonzales: My sister in law taught me to weave her father a hopi native american taught her. I have been weaving on my big loom for about 15 years.

Vicky Thoeni: It's looks like it might be fun. I had the potholder loom also. It is available at Mary Maxim but it's is plastic. Thanks ❤for sharing with all of us ❤

Brenda Davis: Im enjoying that you are playing! It would be a happier place if adults would try new things and play.

Traci Perdue: Great Job!!! I really liked this video, very peaceful!!! Have a great day!!!

Jill Petersen: I actually use some potholders that my child made on one of those potholder looms. I've been using them for 8 or 10 years!

Eileen Allen: Looks like fun. Good for changing to when you need something to fill in when you need a break from your knit or crochet projects trying something new can help as a fill in relaxer.

Elizabeth K: I want to learn to weave now!

Diana Garms: I have seen these type of boards on ebay. I love to try new crafts, but I never knew how to start. Thank you for showing me. I may just go ahead and get one now.

Debbie G’s Yarny Love: Interesting! I like trying new things...laughed so hard only because I would have used all the cussing if I had to that knot were cute

Rose Brooks: You crack me up I enjoy all of your stuff I'm like you haven't weaved like for ever

Kristen Campbell: My sister and I are close. We can talk about anything. I don’t get to see her often but we do call. This was very relaxing to watch. Would love to see the completed one.

Debra Comer: Just a thought maybe a Tunisian crochet hook would make it easier to pull the yarn with. They come in various lengths too. So. You are actually doing what i have been wanting to try.

Ann Lalonde: This was so relaxing to me. Im doing a knitting project right now and i get board then make an error and frog it. I too remember the pot holder looms 60 years ago lol

Grand Catsmama: Many years ago I was a stickler for doing everything the right way. I think it had something to do with being in foster care when very young. As I had no control over my environment or the people who were supposedly "taking care" of me. I have gotten a lot better since then. My mom gave me one of those plastic weaving looms, but I wasn't interested in using it as it took too long. I prefer knitting and crocheting, which work up much faster. I bought several jars of instant decafe coffee, tea and hot chocolate with mini marshmallows are my drinks. When my nephew takes me shopping we buy fast food and I get root beer, orange or Dr Pepper. You working and talking are very soothing to listen to. So don't changed the way you make your show.

Granny Crafter Edna: you have more patience than me but when I was young I tried everything.

Susan Fletcher: Cotton yarn is a good choice for the warp. Very strong. Don't worry about the ends that will get better with practice... A hair pick will work. You are doing g a great job for someone who hasn't done it very much..

Rose Long: I like weaving with yarn!

Adia Yarn Arts: I'm certainly not laughing at you. I just bought a loom a couple of months ago and I'm so grateful that I have 2 crochet projects to distract me from my sad weaving attempts lmao.

Gloria S: Kudos to you for trying something new to you. Kudos

Maria Kristina Hawl: Official names of things? I see a frame and peg hooks. That's the extent of my weaving knowledge. When you talked about using the paint stirrer in one of your other videos I had a hard time wondering about how you turned it to weave opposite way. Thanks for demonstrating!!! I'm sorry to admit that I was one of the ones you heard giggling when you lost the knot a send time. Dang it!!

Adia Yarn Arts: I also don't like the feel of thin wood in my hands. I sometimes use a yarn needle a thick one.

Malexandre P: Tip; when you bring down the "top stick" before turning it up for passing the next row through, pull it down against the weave to 'pack' it.. that would do the same job as a pick/comb

Dm Tnw: We got the weaving looms when we were younger but we use them -we had cast iron frying pans that we used most nights but the looms now are not as strong as when we were younger

Sylvia Maxwell: You really are amazing. enjoy you family time.

Judith Doria: ‍♀️ Hello Jennifer. I had bought some round looms and I have not used them yet. The hard part for me is what yarn or material do I want to use. As soon as I figure that out I'll make something . But you were doing a great job.

Susan Van Vleck: Helpful hint/suggestion/idea for tightening at the bottom? Bamboo skewer from the grocery store or a knitting needle used for socks For the pull thru to the other side? Tunisian crochet hook

50Wips Crochet Life: Loca love the chit chat and just know you can email me when ever you need to vent love ya

Paulette Harris: very pretty yarn

Kerry Lashmit: I loved this video. Just like sitting with a friend crafting and chatting! I'm not a weaver at all, but I had a thought. When you turn the paint stick flat and before you pull it out or move it up, could you slide it down to "comb" your thread down to the to the fabric? Just a thought, maybe it doesn't even work. Lol.

LaNell Dobyns: That was fun to watch. Thanks.

brooke tardif: I'm wanting to try weaving. I'm thinking a rug with scrap cotton

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