My First Human Hair Wig (Uniwigs) And Everyday Makeup Look!

Hello there! This is my first video talking about hair/makeup. I am a huge wig and makeup fan and only recently got my first ever humain hair wig. It is an absolute game changer for me. I look forward to getting another one in a different color maybe and doingo more of these videos as I learn how to properly apply this wig as well as other makeup videos in addition to my keto-lifestyle videos.

Please let me know if you enjoy this video and if you do not, please tell me what I can do to improve! After all, we never stop learning!

In this video I use "Morgan" lacefront wig from Uniwigs: (Discount code: "thestairlady" for 15% off)

Also, most of my makeup is from Girlactik and they recently gave me a discount code for you all to use as well: "Elena20" for 20% off your order.

Gel, Got 2 Be Glued:

Hi guys welcome back to my channel this video is gon na, be a little bit different. It is going to be about my wig and my makeup, routine um, just a little bit of a makeup of how I do it everyday and how I've been putting on this wig. I should say this is something very new to me. This is my very first human hair lace, front wig and I've been you know, putting it on differently like for the past four times, it's like my fourth time wearing it. So every time I do, I change it up and try something new. If you guys have any tips for me, make sure to put them down below in the comments. Don'T forget to like this video and subscribe to my channel turn on those notifications and the on the lookout. Cuz I'll be bringing out new recipe videos soon along with etson, because he actually enjoyed doing a video with me last time. So we're gon na be doing more of those, and let me know, like I said in the comments, if you guys have any tips for me or if you guys want to see something different, I would love to hear from you keep watching for it this one, Though okay, so the first thing I'm gon na do. First of all, I always wear my wig most of times when I haven't washed my hair or I'm not gon na, do anything special to my hair or, if I don't want to like you, know, blow-dry it or anything like that. So I get my wig cap and I cut a hole on the opposite end of that little band, because this is probably like the third time that I've tried to put this on under the wig, and I can always see that little piece right there that little Line, I can always see it, so I bugged the crap out of me so um. I cut the hole out just based on some videos that I saw on YouTube and, and I'm gon na be putting it on like this. Now that part that little line part I'm gon na put it towards the back, so um that whole front part, I'm gon na put it like that. Now I saw a couple of girls. Do this and I'm gon na try to do it right now, where they got their got to be glued. You see how the the wig cap will move on me, so they got the got to be glued and just grab a little bit of it. Just a little bit with a cute and I'm going to be putting it on my forehead so just around not on my hair but like around on the hairline, so just a little bit so that way it doesn't move around and then I'll move this back down. Here and secure that in there all right - hopefully I'm doing this right, like I said this is this - is practice for me: um, I'm fairly new to doing these type of wigs. Usually my synthetic wigs have like um like they'll, have a you, know, bangs or something to to hide the hairline. So this is something very, very new to me and I'm very eager to play around with it, because I have been loving this wig so much, and so I really want to learn how to properly. You know put it on to where it doesn't look where you can't see that that line, so I'm just using the gel to like place this down doesn't have to be perfect because since I'm gon na be wearing my hair down, I don't mind like if my Sideburn shows or anything like that, I'm gon na leave it like that for the sake of this video. Normally, I like, I would want to secure it down to here like that, try to get as much of it as possible, but that's okay, we're gon na. Do it like this for now all right now, the wig itself, it's in here and I'll show y'all what all is in here. I had two wig caps in here my wig as well, and there was the tag that came with it now. This wig is in the style, Morgan and I believe the color is 2:01 are, and it also came with like instructions on how to take care of it and all of that good stuff and I've already cut the I've already cut the lace quite a bit. But I still left a little bit because, like I said, I'm still practicing so for me like I don't want to cut it way way way too short just yet until I kind of know exactly what I'm doing, but for someone that doesn't know what they're doing. I got it, I gots to tell you that this is pretty good. So all right, I'm gon na put it on um. Obviously the front part. You know I'm gon na hold it down right here. Hold it. I'M gon na hold this part here and then I'm going to put it in the back in the back. There'S like a little claw that you can secure your wig in to your scalp. So I'm gon na secure that right now and then I'm going to move this up gently. So I don't move that that way. Cap and in here there are some clips inside of the wig. So I'm gon na like locate those as well. So I can clip it into my hair there in there you see I'm gon na clip this into my hair and that way the wig doesn't move around on me. So this one's done now, I'm going to grab the other one Berenice, okay, so it's in there. You see that all right, so now I'm going to secure that into my hair, so this wig doesn't move around on me and make sure the back is tight as well all right we're good to go. Okie dokie! Now this front part it's already looking really good and I haven't even like done anything to it yet so this front part, do you see this? It'S got lace everywhere and you can choose to secure it down or leave it. If you want I'm going to secure it down as much as I can using my gut to be glued, you see that lace right there as well. I have some gel in there um, so we're gon na secure that right now. Okay, all I'm gon na be doing is applying some of that got to be glue to the underneath part of that lace and then, with the opposite end of the q-tip I'll be tapping it down to make sure it sticks in place. Make sure you put your hair back with a clip or something so that way doesn't get in the way. You'Ll see that I'll be brushing out some hairs with that spoolie and then, if you do get this on your hair, it'll kind of hurt a little bit whenever you take it off, but um. You can definitely give me a sec. You can definitely just use a little bit of baby shampoo to take it off and you should be fine, so normally what I do is I have my baby shampoo in a bottle and I'll show you what that looks like in a little pump and a little Foam pump and it's I fill it up to about here with baby shampoo and then the rest with water, and so I just shake it and it pumps out like a little foam and I use a little brush to just buff out. You know like any glue or anything like that. Okay, I'm going to be going back in there to secure my edge and same deal. I just delivered over that gel tap it down with an episode another q-tip or my fingers you. This is what I've been using by the way, make sure to close your got to be glued um, because I'm called try real, quick, all right and then I'm going to put a headband over it, so I can set. While I do my makeup and I'll be doing just a little quick makeup that I do like for every day, nothing really special is just kind of like everyday makeup, just with a little a little bit of extra cuz. Normally, I don't do eye shadows or anything like that. Normally I just do my makeup and leave it at that all right, so I'm gon na put this on and then I'm not going to do my makeup. Obviously, around the this part where the the headband is because this is just to like secure that little edge and um and also doing makeup now. First things that I do with my makeup: routine is put on a moisturizer primer. This one is true in one um. I actually saw this on Facebook on one of the ads and I thought it was going to be like you know, crappy, but I am a compulsive buyer sometimes and I order stuff that I don't need, so I ended up ordering it and I actually really loved It the company is Juno and it comes in this cool little bottle, and I love this for every day. It'S just moisturizer and primer in one, and it leaves your skin soft and, like your pores, looking really really good. Whenever you put that makeup over it all right, well that dries up. So if you follow me on Instagram, you know that I'm a huge fan of Galactic, and so I use a lot of their products for like daily makeup. This is the pencil that I use for my eyebrows on a daily. It'S it's in the shade, deep and usually I just kind of like brush over on my eyebrows and then just go over my natural shape. We all have like when you know one eyebrow. That'S a little different than the other. In my case, they are extremely extremely different, like I have one that's curved, and then I have one that is like more pointy like at the arch, so I believe it on my parents. I believe it on my parents, because my mom has a rounded eyebrow and my dad has like more of a pointy eyebrow like a squared pointy eyebrow, so I have to make sure that they kind of resemble each other. Whenever I do my makeup, also one of them is a little bit thicker than the other one, naturally, not because I over pluck or anything like that is just naturally, one of them is a little bit thicker than the other one. It always has been okay, so just real quick, like I said, I'm not really gon na get too technical with my makeup and whenever I do my makeup for like an event or for you know, um like a wedding or a party, then yes, I do super. I do go like way overboard, but in this case and like I said it would just be for like everyday just fresh looking makeup, I made you like a little bit of a bronzey look today, alright, so that's all that I'm gon na do to my eyebrows. Just a little a little fill in alrighty next thing that I do is I used heart-shaped tape in the color light. Neutral 22n is the code for that, and this is for everyday. Whenever I do like, I said like a like wedding makeup, or something like that, I would use a little bit lighter, but in this case for everyday I would use this one and I just kind of go over um, like under my eye over that little area. I don't go all the way down, cuz, I'm not doing like dramatic makeup. I'M just kind of you know like just wanted to look just natural and fresh, so I'm not getting too too crazy with it today. Just use my fingers to like you know, put it in there not too hard. You don't want to be pulling your skin either. I'M just you know kind of like put it in there, with your finger a little bit and already it's like you know like brightening. It up quite a bit. This is my favorite concealer and I will wear it for like everyday or even for like glam makeup or whatever. I just changed the shade a little bit. Alright, somebody do the same thing on the other side just go under there and I always drag it down the middle of my nose just to like right in that area and go over on the inner lid of my eye. Okay, that's really it! That'S all that! I'M gon na do for that. Next thing that I do is put on my powder. I use girl, lactic and the shade that I use in the winter time or the you know. I guess you could call it my winter spring time. Transitioning is fair. This is the color fair, and this is a luminous face powder and in the summer time, when I get a little bit of more color, I switch over to light so you're gon na see how amazing this powder is, like you see all the little redness a Little little blotchy areas around my skin and all of that is gon na, go completely away when this powder, I'm just gon na start putting it on and I'm gon na do I'm gon na do half of my face. Just so you guys can see it and I'm always looking for a deal um. I saw this powder um a while back and I've never really been into powders, but um. You know like whenever they saw me using their lipsticks. I'Ve always used their lip creams. I'Ve. I'Ve always been obsessed with their lip creams, so they saw that I kept tagging them and like talking so highly of their lip creams, that they offer to send me this powder and I'm not like too big into powders. The last time I wore powders, I was like probably 16 17 years old, so I haven't worn them in a while, and I was a little hesitant, but I was like sure I'll try it so they sent me the color light, which was slightly 210. For me, this one um was perfect. This I ordered this one actually because I loved how it looked on my face that I ended up ordering the shade lighter. They only have like four shades, but somehow it melts into your skin, like you're gon na fit into one of these categories, and I did find a code, a discount code to use on line. That is family 20 and you can get 20 % off on their makeup so far. That'S where I'm at with this and the redness is obviously gone, and then here's the redness on this side. So now I'm going to go on my other half of my face in the brush that I'm using is the buffing brush from Real Techniques. It'S just the easiest application for this powder that I've found so far. You see how that redness has gone, and this powder just leaks you so um. So glowy like. I really really really love this powder and that's crazy for me to say, because I think I'm at the age where I can like say that a powder is good for me, but this one's really good for me, so I love it. Alright! Next, I'm gon na go in with a little bit of blush. Again I use galactic for this one. This one is in lab, you, Tate is the the show you. This is a cheek tint and glow, so it's got both like cream blush and a highlighter as well. So I just grab some with my finger and I smile and then I just kind of like dab it in this area of my cheeks again. On the other side, just have it on that area of the jinx and then with my highlighter, I'm gon na grab a little bit of the highlighter and I'm gon na go on my brow bone right here underneath my eyebrow and it's just gon na give me A little bit of a more of a highlight highlight like glowy: look there and then I'm gon na do the same thing on the inner corner of my eye, just to brighten it up a little bit and that's it. You could do a little bit on the tip of your nose down the bridge of your nose here if you'd like wherever you want that little extra highlight. Sometimes I even go like right here above my little cheekbone area. So you can certainly do that and I'm gon na leave my I'm gon na leave my bronzing for the end, because I still have to take care of the makeup in this area. So right now, I think it's time for us to take this off. So I'm gon na slowly take this off of my head. There we go alright. So now I'm going to grab another brush because I'm going to do a little bit of concealer on my edges, the concealer I'm using is by Tarte. It is a shaped tape in the shade, fair natural and I ended up not liking it too much whenever I put it on my lace, but you know, since I had already applied it, I was gon na go ahead and try it out. Anyways, I've seen some other people do it and it works out great for them. For me, I'm just gon na stick to the powder from now on, and I didn't drag it up to my hairline in my part as well, and I also did some contouring with Gerlach -- tx Cobo, just to warm up that area as well. Since I had that concealer be a little bit too light for me all right, that's how I'm gon na turn on my curling iron, which is just a Revlon curling iron, and I got like at Walmart a wall. I think if it's at Walmart, my one of my junior high best friends mom, gave me this long long ago. I still have a pose with her all right, so there we go, we got it in there and, like I said, I'm so practicing. This is all new to me still so, hopefully I get better and better with time. For now, I'm really happy with how you know this looks for someone that doesn't really know what they're doing. I would totally wear this. I mean I'm actually waiting to wear this out in public soon after the quarantine all right, so I'm gon na actually do a little bit of eye shadow too, because why not right? Thank you. Let'S do a little bit of that, maybe using her lactic yeah. My girl lactic fan over here the metallic shadow stick, and I believe this is a bra. Oh, it's cashmere cashmere, so I'm trying to go over on my lid. Like my you know, half of my lid just like that and I'll do the other side as well like that, and then I'm gon na be rubbing that in with my finger, I bet you anything if you're a makeup artist. You'Re, probably like hating me right now, because I'm like using my finger for everything, I'm sorry, that's how you're wrong all right, so I'm just trying to do like a bronzy like smokey eye, not not too dark. You know just a little bit of a bronze all righty and then we're going to be doing the tuxedo, which yeah the stick and tuxedo, which is black and I'm gon na go on the outer corners. That, just you know, do a little smudge and bring you towards the middle and same deal, we're gon na finga and um just kind of like blend that in there remember. This is something for every day, easy on the go quickly. Nothing to get too fancy with, and whenever I do my makeup for parties, I obviously get a little more more fancy with a makeup. All right, then, I'm gon na go in with Goro lactic shimmer, and this is kind of like a creamy eyeshadow that I'm just gon na put in them in the inner corner to enhance that one that I did earlier in there - and you could do this underneath Your your brow bone over here as well your eyebrows and then just go in with your finger again and then just kind of like tap it into place, tap it in just to add a little extra glow, see and then the inner corner as well. Using because it's smaller, then just kind of like bring it over to the middle, then it's just that's a little more shimmer to it all right and then and that's pretty much it you can go underneath with like a little bit of darker eyeliner or eye shadow. I should say like if you want to I'm just using powder to go underneath it, but you could go underneath with something dark and then obviously apply your mascara. I'M not gon na apply mascara right now, because I still have like one or two lashes in there from my lash girl, so I'm not gon na be applying mascara just yet, but um as soon as they come out. I'M gon na be playing it now. I'M gon na go in with my lipstick, which is sha, sha lip cream from Galactic as well, and this is like my absolute favorite shade of theirs. I have I have like all of their pink nudes and they're, all just so gorgeous. My husband thinks that they all look the same, but they don't to me like they all have like a different look to them. This one, I feel like it, has a little bit of a blue undertone or a tint to it and I'll tell you why in a minute, okay, this is why it makes your teeth. Look whiter. I don't know why it makes your teeth. Look white, like my teeth, are so yellow right now I haven't whitened them in like a month. I want to say - and this makes your teeth look so so that's. Why that's why I'd like this one? Alright, so actually my hair is pretty much curled from last time, so I'm gon na brush it through a little bit. I'M gon na brush brush it a little bit and then see if I need to go over any piece. This is my first human hair wig, and I am loving that I can style it any way that I want. I can use any heat on it. If I wanted to dye it, I probably could too, but I just love this color and the style is just absolutely perfect. I can't wait to get another one all right, so I just wanted to be loose like this, and that should be enough for me to be happy with that and that's pretty much it that's how I put on this wig um. You know, like I said if I want to do it. If I want to like put it off to the side, I can put it out to the side and if, if you find it like mine, whenever I wear it in one direction, it'll sit there for a little. While, if that's the case, you can always grab your curling iron and then just kind of like press it on there and it'll help. You, like you, know, put it in place where you wanted to put it in place, and that really is about it. So if I want to wear it to the side, you can even do a braid with this I'll show you a real, quick one right here, where you just kind of grab a two part and twist it bring some hair in. That'S really all that you need to do okay, so obviously I wouldn't put this right there, but just to kind of show you what it looks like with uh with the you know, with the little Clippy thingy on there um, I'm really happy with that. So if you get super close like I am right now and you're gon na obviously see this, but normally people don't like getting your phrase like that. Um and it looks great I mean I like. I said I could not say enough good things about this wig. I am actually looking forward to getting another one, because I'm so obsessed with this one that I have, I feel like I've, become like a wig knob now that I don't want to wear any synthetic way to it anymore, like I want to go for, like real Human hair, wigs from now on, because this one is just and here's my sad attempt at me showing you guys from all angles what this looks like next time I'll make sure to look at the back before I do this, but you can even pull it up And do like a half ponytail and it just is gorgeous I'm like trying to turn it everywhere. So y'all could see it anyway, and that is that alright guys. So I hope you enjoyed this video. I know it's a little different than what I normally do um, but since I had so many people asked me how to put it, how I've been putting on the wig. Like I said, I'm new to this, I have no clue what I'm doing. I'M working as I go, but so far for someone that doesn't know what they're doing. I think it's not that bad, so I'll be learning and I'm sure that I'll be doing more videos as I go and learn more and hopefully get more wigs to to try out and see how I like them. If you like this video, please like it, don't forget to subscribe and join your notifications, leave a comment below if you didn't like it or if you liked it, and what what you would like to see coming up I'll be having some recipes coming up soon. So don't think that my channel is gon na completely change. It'S not I'm gon na be just adding a little bit of things that I love, but I can't wait to get some more recipes in here, for you guys talk to y'all soon. Thank you. So much

Drumcat Fano: You picked a great color for your first wig.That looks really nice on you.I have to buy hair.Mine is leaving me .Thanks for sharing

Mylastestaddiction: For someone that doesn’t know much it looks awesome!!

Silk or Lace: Congrats on your first wig, that's so exciting! Blonde lace human hair wigs are always an eye catcher on our luxury wig site!

Christine Alyse: So helpful—Thank you!! My hair is falling out from medical issues and I’m considering wearing wigs

Renee Bergman: Wow that wig is beautiful on you! I can't believe how natural it looks. Amazing!

DSM Productions (official): I’m truly impressed, wish more people would wear these human hair wigs, many humans wear plastic and as a wig wearer myself I’d never cover up hair with a lesser material, wigs are meant to be flawless and fool people

Graci Villar: Me encantan tus videos en español!! Tienes una diccion perfecta

J Mo: Yasssss boo!!!! I love it. It's beautiful and perfect for you. The whole look.

UniWigs: Hi, dear. Thank you for your sharing. Love your makeup and Morgan fits you so well. This tutorial is really simple and very useful. Love you

Sas Az: So beautiful!

Mj: Wow I love this wig and you look so good

Christina Benavidez: I love this color and thanks for sharing!

Crystal Moore: This wig is beautiful on you!!! Did you color it at all? The picture on the website looks darker. The color is called perma frost. Thank you for helping me. I need to order one pretty quick. I’m loosing my hair due to being very sick with the virus.

B H: It's beautiful!!! So, you wear it not necessarily due to hair loss but as an alternative or a different look? I've considered doing that. EDIT: that powder is amazing!

Lauryn Mcdarby: Just saw this and you probably already know this by now but after u put the got2be, blow dry it for like 5/10sec so its a lil tacky, makes it easier to stick or u can try the bald cap method

Christina Shawgo: Just found your channel! Can’t wait to check out all your videos!

Chevy Brown: Pretty

Alison Jetmar: Beautiful -You are!

Charleen Barber: Very beautiful video,last month I purchased the same product from newigstyle

Abigail: Hello, I have one of these Morgan wigs in my cart. What color are you wearing in this video?

Fingers Crossed - Massage Therapy: Full Shakira vibes love

NurseLuke: I’m a 40 year old father of 4 and I just watched this whole video, mostly because you’re gorgeous and remind me of a thick Shakira but also because your IG said you were gonna do smash burgers over here, couldn’t find the video. ‍♂️

Ma1376ma: How can I contact you for business inquiries?

virg V: Love it mija, but can i say you can be bald and still look beautiful, love you ❤‍♀️

Bel Art: wig is so beautiful.....

Siouxsie T: It would be better to pull all your hair back and use edge gel so you have no fly aways hairs. Your hair is not the same color plus you want it comfortable and secure. The sides do not look right the way you have it. Its been a year since you did this video hopefully you learned more since then. Good luck

Debbie Shulman: Doesn’t look like a wig. Wow!!

Mira Domin: Wow. Honey u look beautiful. What colour is that wig ?

nicole myers: awsome vid gf

anna g: Can you give me a link ffor. This wig please

Marissa Jade: This wig looks so good but I searched it up and it was thousand dollar whew

Deb: Why do you wear a wig?

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