34” Loose Deep Wave Frontal Wig Install | Wiggins Hair

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Hair details: #loosedeepwave lace frontal wig 250% density 34 inches

Hot selling#lacefrontalwig➤https://bit.ly/3wyy8Yu

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So what is up africana fam? It'S your girl, young afrikaner, back at it again with another video today i'll, be showing you guys how i installed this beautiful, loose, deep wave hair from wigan's hair. I have in their 34 inch wig you guys they're 34 inch loose deep, wave, frontal wig, and this is a 13x4 frontal, wig and yeah. This hair is extremely long y'all, like i'm short, so it's really really long but um. Nevertheless, this is like perfect for, like summer time, you know we're we're kind of transitioning we're already in spring, but we're kind of transitioning. You know everybody's trying to find, like you know some good summer, hair, quick sidebar. If you guys are wondering how i did my makeup, i will have another video up separate from this video of how i did my makeup and how i got this glossy lid. I feel like this is such summertime vibes as well? So i just want to put that in there just so you guys could you know, stay tuned for the next video to drop, so i will be dropping this glossy lid tutorial um sometime this week, probably on thursdays. So if you guys want to see how you can achieve this, look for like vacation or just summertime in general, then keep on watching, but before you go ahead and move on to the next segment of the video. If you have not subscribed to me, i don't know what you're doing go ahead and subscribe to me because look at my edges, y'all as y'all can see. My edges is laid in slave. So if you're trying to have your edges laid and slayed, do it for the algorithm and the edges go ahead and subscribe to me, click that bell right next to the subscribe button to get notified. When i drop my videos and comment a purple heart if you're, africana, og or if you're, just filming this video in general, okay, actually no africana ogs go ahead and come in a purple heart. Because you know i want to make it exclusive for you guys and if you're feeling this look go ahead and comment a black heart. If you want to see how i achieve this, look then keep on watching. So, what's up you guys, i already got my ball cap already done and we're gon na go ahead and tint the lace on that bad boy. You guys i'm using my foundation shade. This is my lancome tentai doll and it's in the color 555 that i'm using to tint my lace and i'm tinting the lace, not only in the back part of the lace, but also in front of the lace as well too, and now i'm just placing the Wig just to get like an idea of what i'm doing and today, i'm gon na be doing my lace and so a little bit differently. I am gon na be cutting the lace because i watched the arrogant, hay um. You know uh masterclass and i wanted to try out like his method of doing it and it came out nice, but i kind of like something to pull on so yeah um. I went ahead and just cleaned my forehead with 91 alcohol and then used my erica j skin guard and now i'll be using the erica j. Watermelon hold me down adhesive and i'll, be applying that around the perimeter of my hairline and i'm only using two layers and i'm just working on one side. So the middle and, like you know whatever side. That is, i'm not even going to see the side, because i don't want to get that wrong, but i'm going to do the middle and then one side first and then i'll save the other side last. That'S how arrogant did it so i'm going to go ahead and do that but yeah you guys, i'm just doing two layers of the glue. I'M not trying to have this wig on for too long. So i'm just using my rat tail comb, the metal part morato comb just to smooth out the glue, make sure that it's nice and flat. You want to make sure that there's no bubbles and also want to make sure that it dries completely before you add your next layer now that the second layer is completely dry, i'm going to go ahead and apply the lace right in front of the glue, not Not on it but right in front of it just to make sure that you know we didn't make any mistakes and i'd rather just go in in detail and add more glue if anything than to clean up glue, because that is a no-go y'all. But i'm just kind of pressing it in with, like my hand, a little bit just to make sure that it's nice and place, and now i'm going to go ahead and cut off the lace on the other side. I left the lace on this side just because i wanted something to pull on again. I'M used to having excess lace to pull on so yeah. You guys. I did that a little bit differently, but now i'm gon na go ahead and apply my two layers on the next side and again wait for it to completely dry before you go ahead and apply your next layer all right. Now that that side is done, i'm going to go ahead and just kind of pull. And yes, i can see i'm kind of struggling a little bit and my nails are not helping either. So thanks nails thanks, but i'm just going to go ahead and just kind of gently tap it in once to see that it's positioned where i want it to be at which it is, and now i'm just going to go ahead and lift up and see. If there's any excess lace just you know, you know that i missed gluing down and i'm going to go ahead and do two layers again for those parts that i missed and we going to dante. Are we going to smudge that will not smudge, but you know what i mean just place that lace in front. I don't even know what i'm talking about just place: the lace on the glue, y'all [, Laughter ], but i'm just again just detailing detail, detail detail until you have no lace lingering around you want to make sure that you get all the lace and if you Can'T it's okay, you could definitely just go ahead and cut, but just be careful while you're cutting it and yeah. Just be careful. You guys be very careful, so i'm going to go ahead and do that all around my head until everything is nice and laid now. I did something a little bit different. I didn't cut off the ear tabs, i'm cutting off the ear tabs after the fact that i placed the lace on the glue just so i could cut exactly where the um lace is at and laying on the glue, and i actually kind of like this method. A little bit better just because i don't have like excess glue, just kind of showing and stuff, and i feel like it's just a lot more neater but yeah again detailing detailing detailing this is very tedious. You guys super tedious, but now that that's done, i'm gon na go ahead and start parting out my baby hairs. Today, i want to go for um, more minimal baby hairs, even though they're not really that minimal, but they're, not as thick with three k's. Okay, but yeah well, three k's are actually kind of wrong, i'm like, but that's besides the point, y'all know what i mean: we're not trying to go for no thick baby hair today we're going for very a minuscule, minimal type baby hair, so i'm kind of going Thin on the hairline, you guys - and i actually like these baby hairs too. I might go in front, but now i'm using my cara caro wax stick and i'm gon na go ahead and just you know flatten out that hair y'all and i'm just kind of training. The baby hairs downwards so when we are forming our baby hairs, they just flow in the direction that we go into. You know because the last thing you want some stubborn baby hair so just make sure you get that and i'm using my hot comb on the highest heat. Just because you know we're trying to lay these bad boys down. Okay and as you can see just the hot comb and then this the wax stick. It just makes everything look so much neater, but now i'll be going into my fantasia liquid mousse, spritz and i'll be spraying that all over the hairline just to melt. My lace and like i said this is my new method. You guys i love using this. This melts my lace so much better than the gossip free spray. I promise you, your wig would not move with this spray. Y'All go ahead and copy some. I feel like especially if you are black, that you have this somewhere lingering around in your house, y'all, but again i'll be using my hot comb and i sprayed that on the hairline as well too um. I'M spraying that on my hairline and using a hot comb like i said before, i don't know i'm repeating it again and um yeah you guys. I just went ahead and just dried it and now i'll be using my elastic band and i'll be leaving it on. For like 15 to 20 minutes and while i'm leaving it on there, i'm gon na go ahead and start you know wetting my hair and preparing my hair just because i'm not trying to have my hair wet by the time. I'M done. I want my hair to be dry, because this hair is a little bit more on the i wouldn't say thin side, but like it's a looser curl and i kind of like big hair. You guys, especially because it's long, i feel like big hair, is definitely the wave so yeah, i'm just using um a hot comb, some water and then also my nairobi setting lotion to define these curls. I'M not trying to go for like defined defined curls. But now that the 15 minutes is up, as i could see, we are looking laid and so laid okay come on. I see that it just looks like scalp get in tune, y'all get in tune, but now i'll be going into my eyebrow razor and i'm going to go ahead and cut my baby hairs and i like to cut the middle section about the shortest and then the Size a little bit longer, i feel like it just gives a nice, aesthetic, aesthetic and now i'll be using mine. I will be setting lotion, i'm going to form those baby hairs y'all. So i like to do three baby hairs on the side. You know a nice, you know long little baby, hair in the middle and then three on the other side. So overall we got seven baby hairs going on and i'm just using my baby hair comb just to swoop my baby hairs and they kind of look. They kind of look like a hot mess right now, but i promise y'all. We got it together. Y'All just take some patience. Sometimes it depends depending on the hair and the texture. Some baby hairs form better than others. This one um, i didn't have that much trouble, but then again i did it was a little wacky, but we got it together at the end, though yeah so again, just be gentle be light-handed. The last thing you want is to start lifting up your lace with the edge of your baby hair comb. That is a no-go y'all, so just be very gentle and then the last thing we're doing right now is catching our tendril and for these baby hairs i didn't um wrap it down with the silk wrap. I just let it dry on its own and i let that sit for about like 15 to like 20 minutes um. It dries pretty fast and now i'm just gon na go ahead and comb out my baby hairs because again y'all know. I don't like crunchy baby hairs y'all, so i'm just using my baby hair comb just to come up those baby hairs and then i'm gon na go in with some spritz on the brush part of the baby hair comb and i'm just going to kind of swoop. My baby hairs just so that's nice and defined, and i go in with my hot comb again just to make sure everything is nice and laid and that's pretty much it y'all. I hope you all enjoyed this video like comment subscribe to my channel. If you have not, what are you doing? I appreciate you guys coming to the absolute end of this video again like comment subscribe good for your edges. Algorithm, don't forget anyways i'll, see you guys in the next video later you

Christal Janae: You don’t even understand how much I appreciate this video dropped at the perfect time !

Tasha Meeks: I wish I had someone to customize my wigs like this

Mary Young: hair is fireeee waiting on that glossy lid tutorial though it’s Saturday I’m ready to spenddd lol

LeaveItToBrii: the makeup look is to DIE for

Jenn JennTV: This is really an inspo look I have a curly wig coming soon, hopefully I can achieve this

Tavi Hamilton: How did you deal with shedding ? When I first got the hair it was so nice and soft and full , I take good care of my wigs , I’ve had wigs that are still good after two years but this one sheds ALOT and loses its pattern over time. Either way , it looks beautiful on you !

Simply Abena: I need you to start doing hair and makeup on people again sis

Angela: This is beautiful you are beautiful. Thank you for sharing. God bless you.

Jade Smith: You slayed like always

Princess Evuka: literally have been eyeing this hair for my upcoming trip and you just delivered, you're the best!

Ahkida Moonlight: Omg your style is so beautiful

Queen Kaili: Can you do a half up/half down with a side swoop and flipped ends? It's that trendy 90s style everybody's trying! I think you'd nail it.

NYETHEBRAT: it’s the intro for me

Nikki Soto: I need a good trustworthy hair company to order from

Shakirah Jackson: Yes! Love the baby hairs!

Nayomi Baby: Gorgeous!!!

taste the rainbow.: She give me very fall vibes it’s still cute asf tho

Milnon Taylor: Beautiful

Valentinesx __: I need the deets on this make up look asap Bc sisssss

That Girl Shawna: She mad beautiful ❤️❤️

Ray Ray: This too pretty

Samuella Bassey: What products did you use on your eyelids

Life with Shan & T: Love this video

Ling Ling: More makeup tutorials!!!

The Sweet Life of Shana-kay: sis dont ever miss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love it

Chrystal Brown: Them nails tooo

Tela James: Omg I missed u so much

IshaMoy Williams: am I late or is this a new intro !! Loveeee ittttt

terriaj3: Your lashes

Laronda Frazier: Beautiful

IshaMoy Williams: I love 13*4 frontals

Printasia: did this wig come pre plucked or you customized it? i don’t remember if you mentioned it

Chanel’ Graves: Beautiful

Scott Massing: Christ the Lord rose from the dead, he purged your sins. Once you believe you have eternal life.

Bro Ham Gooha: Do a hairstyles on a girl see how good you really am

IshaMoy Williams: We see the nipsey blue nails

Vanessa Darko:

Kelss Nikole:

Michelle Rose:


Zainab Jimoh:

brah lol: I love it

Royalty Hair and Beauty: Hello. Beautiful as usual.

Malayasia Price: What is the density of this wig

Christal Janae:

Ms Topics MsTopics: Yas girl

slay4 Daysss:

Bria Williams: Hey what’s the makeup and spray you used ?

Wiggins Hair: Baddie Such a wonderful job!

Mon Charie:

KeShondria McGowan:

Ndzalama Nanette:

Terri Crawford:

Jahmya Williams:



taste the rainbow.:

Celine R:

Godcurlsnlove Raven Grandberry:

J Jupiter:

about_ Lexx:

Daelin M:

Kemo Bennett:

Nayomi Baby:

Racquel Pitre:


tenice0526: Very pretty

Beauty With Gbee:

kashhh leyyy:

Laronda Frazier:

MONAxLISA: I love u❤️

AZUL X SIEMPRE: Greeting Precious

BVR WIGS: Yas girl

IshaMoy Williams:

Barbara West: love ur videos

Life with the Sunflower lady: OG here love your channel


Mari Odez:

Janea: Did you bleach you knots and pluck your hair line?

tee Calloway:


Nush Iridescence:


Hannah Simone: Did they send you this or did you get this yourself?

Zipporah Angelique: Beautiful how tall are you for hair reference?


Princess Speaks: So prettty

Life with the Sunflower lady:

Kristina Friendly:

Esther E:

its clarice: Wow beautiful Sissy

Imani Monae’: did u pluck the hairline off camera? or this is the hairline that came with it?

IshaMoy Williams: First !!! Easy for this slay

Nicole.: Did you pluck the hairline?

Daelin M: Second

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