Grow Edges Back Fast| Real Dermatologists Tell All| How To Actually Grow Your Edges Back. The Truth

How to actually grow your edges back and recover from traction alopecia



(it's pricey, but I see why. it literally has every single thing they said was good in it)










Hey guys, it's you me and welcome back to my channel, so i'm really really excited to introduce the two dermatologists that i have on here. On call with me. The first is dr kandras heat. I am a philadelphia based dermatologist who specializes in care for adults and pediatric patients, and the second is another highly renowned black dermatologist, dr hope mitchell. I am a board certified dermatologist who practices, medical, aesthetic and surgical dermatology in ohio, and today, we'll be talking all about growing your edges back. So i hope you have a pen and paper ready if you've been struggling with your edges, been watching different videos aren't really getting good answers and things that have actually helped you today is the day that you're going to get like real information from real people, real Dermatologists are really excited to get into this video. The things i will talk about in this video will be about lost edges that resulted from things that you did from the outside. So like tight, hairstyles things like that, and we're not really going to talk about. If you have an internal problem and that's causing your hair loss, because if that's the case, you prob, you would need to go to a doctor like there's no way, i can tell you what health condition that you're having there can be like actual serious health conditions, That are causing you to lose your hair, and then you can also just be deficient in certain things like zinc and vitamin d are really common deficiencies that can cause people to lose their hair. So it's gon na be like a guessing game trying to figure that out without just going to a doctor. Even though, in this video we will talk about ways to grow back, your edges, they're only going to fall back out. If you still have that health condition that hasn't been checked out, so make sure that you know that. But if it's because of things that you did to your own hair, because, let's be honest most of the time, we know that it was something that we did or that was done externally to our hair. So that's what we're going to be talking about mostly today and how to actually grow your edges back. So i hope you guys are ready when people are thinking about their edges. Really. They can start today by the reversal of doing things that can be traumatic, whether it's glue down hairstyles, that when they're removed they're also removing um, hair and they're, also traumatizing the follicles. Limiting tight hair styles, if it hurts it's too tight if you're, if you cannot move your eyebrows after it's in it is too tight and our body tells us, you know, pain, throbbing little bumps around the areas where the hairs are being pulled. It'S not acceptable to say i'll, just go home and take tylenol and sleep it off. That is a warning sign. It'S like alert hello. This is not cool those hairs. They come back finer and lighter and thinner they're, not robust hairs that can really stand on their own. They need time to mature and to grow, and if you go back to those hair styling practices, while we're trying to grow the hair you're just gon na rip. Those new hairs out - and i often let them know that some of these practices that have led them to this point really started in childhood. Often you know these things started well beyond. We even knew about edges those things were being done to our hair and even as a black dermatologist who specializes in hair loss, you know occasionally, yes, we can. We get braids and things like that, and even i would find myself saying um you know. Excuse me. It'S a little tight because we've been kind of conditioned to not express that, but i want people to know that. Yes, that is that's the first step instead of purchasing an oil or this or whatever you see really limiting the the tightness on the scalp people. Think, okay, i'm going to get a treatment and this is going to be fixed. This is one of those conditions where you actually have to do both preventative and treatment, to really save the follicles that you have okay, so once they've done the preventative part, what can they do as far as treating what they've already lost with traction alopecia? I guess we should say the name right, because that's what thinning edges is it's a medical condition called traction alopecia, and this type of hair loss is very interesting in the beginning, the damage that is done from tight, hair, styling, etc. If those styles are loosened, you can actually begin to regrow your hair, the minute you see it and you stop pulling and brushing and using those styles that are pulling on the edges absolutely and everyone's going to be different. There are some people who naturally started out with finer hair to begin with. You know they didn't have thick robust hair, and so they may not be the ones that would be likely to stimulate hair and come back as quickly as maybe someone who genetically has more robust hair and one of the big takeaways from a study. That'S been done. Looking at people who had traction alopecia, what they found was that on relaxed hair. So if people get braids on top of relaxed hair, they were at higher risk than if someone had natural hair and then got braids. So that's also something that i have added on to on to my counseling that we know so definitely first thing is to loosen the hairstyles, maybe change some some hair habits. If the practices do continue, then we see the other phase of the hair loss where we're seeing more scarring coming into play. We know that just applying a specific oil is not. It is not going to just bring all of your hair back, especially if the follicles are already scarred, but with that said, there have have been studies that show that there are some ingredients and things and oils that can help with hair growth. One ingredient um, the research has shown to be somewhat effective and not as effective as medical treatments would be that there is oil. There is a study that shows there could be some efficacy, maybe as close to as a two percent minoxidil um. So i tend to recommend um. You know that as an ingredient to look for in products, because i get that question all the time. You know what oil, which oil and i think, it's just a matter of you - know using it being consistent, massaging the scalp perhaps being able to bring that blood flow to the scalp. I believe in massage, i believe, in stimulating the scalp um. Definitely to bring blood flow, to increase oxygen and nutrients to the follicle. I think that it can be helpful and there are things that we can do from an internal standpoint to help promote you know: hair growth as well. If you go into the store, there are lots of vitamins that say: hair nail vitamins and one of the things that they have in common is that they have lots of biotin in them. There'S really only one true hair loss, condition that is diagnosed as a baby, where you have actually problems. Processing biotin, that is a very small percentage of the population, is actually very rare. That actually needs to definitely supplement with biotin beyond what you would normally get in a in a healthy diet. So all that to say, when you are looking for something kind of a supplement, you do not need a supplement that has a million times more biops10 than you than you really need. Not only does the science not support the use of biotin for hair growth, but also the vitamin industry is not regulated like drugs, so it's unregulated, but if we get down to the science of it biotin, that's not it. That'S not. It bring those follicles back, but dr hope can tell you about some things. You know for your diet and things like that that can help you know we do have some things that are great. We have definitely found that saw palmetto. We know that there's a hormone that it blocks, you know from causing us to lose our our hair, but we know that supplements that contain that can be beneficial. I like to go the route of antioxidants really to decrease inflammation, the more inflammation we have in our system, the more likely we're to suffer with something be it hair loss, be it arthritis, etc and inflammation in the bloodstream can be anything it could be. Our diet, eating lots of processed foods stress it could be just having a medical condition: okay, right, like diabetes, that's not controlled, no loss of a loved one emotional loss. So, there's a lot that we face on a day-to-day basis that can really make us more inflammatory and so really incorporating antioxidants, fruits and vegetables um i like to recommend ingredients such as maca root, curcumin, um ashwagandha. I usually keep it pretty. You know light with patience, but i think, addressing from an internal standpoint is always important. When we want to really support the hair growth, we can have more robust growth if internally, we seem to be balanced as well. So that's the part that we can add. I definitely incorporate that into the consultation, but with any treatment plan, it's just always best to start with the board certified dermatologist. Instead of getting doing something that may only get you a low percentage of likelihood to regrow. You know that's we're missing months and years. If you come in as soon as possible, we can also add some other medical treatments to that to try to enhance enhance that process. When we think about other things that we can do to treat um patients who have this, we may start out by doing things that help to reduce inflammation around the around the hair follicles. I don't know how detailed we want to get, but sometimes that may include topical steroids. It may include injecting steroids and applying some hair growth stimulants like topical minoxidil, compounded with other things, to actually help more hair to to come in. So it really helps to get the guidance of a dermatologist. A visit to the dermatologist for hair loss can be covered by many insurance plans, and i know a lot of people don't know that. But the longer you wait, the more likely we are to see scarring and the less likely we are able to bring back the hair. So someone puts a hairstyle in they realize they have an issue and a couple months later. They you know they seek care. They'Re really going to be in a way better position than waiting 10 years to come in their outcome is going to be better and probably and way faster than someone who has been doing it. For 10 years we mentioned um steroids, where we could start topically, or we can even inject them. In my practice it can range anywhere between one to one hundred and fifty dollars per injection. If you have insurance that can be covered out of pocket, we do have a sliding scale as well, and so that is to be able to help people who don't have insurance. But it's not thousands of dollars. Okay, yeah. I thought you were gon na say like a thousand two thousand, so yes, that's reassuring. So how long does it take for people to see results two to three injections to start to see results because of the hair growth cycle and how it works, but i tend to see the best results between three and six months after we, you know, implement a Treatment plan, i start out with steroids, but if we don't see the benefit of that, i do talk about a treatment called prp, that we draw your blood and we remove platelets that have growth factors etc in them to help stimulate hair growth, it can be an Option depending upon how extensive the edge loss is, i also talked to my patients about the fact that sometimes traction alopecia can unmask an underlying hair loss problem. If the injectables or the steroids don't work, you know, do we need to consider a biopsy? Are we missing something else, because what can happen is we can lead to a more chronic form of hair loss or even scarring of the follicles, where there is no hope of bringing those follicles back and once they scar, we may have to move on to other Options like considering um transplant, it's really at the end of the road that person has done all multiple. You know types of medical treatment, maybe even other some other treatments that may not even be on the main path of treatment, and they this is what they have. These follicles have, you know, been treated with multiple things: they're, not coming back so once that patient is deemed stable. Yes, a hair transplant is possible. That is something that's cosmetic. You know, insurance insurance doesn't cover it, but all hair transplant surgeons are not created equal. So you actually would want to go to someone who is familiar with doing hair transplant on people of color, because our our hair is different. Our follicle shape is different. We always put in a plug whether you use this or not for, it's a great resource to find dermatologists that are black that are familiar with our hair type, and i think that that's the best way that you know you can start wow. Okay. So i heard so many things that i have never heard of before at all. I used to think that if these oils don't work, we have to get a transplant, but it's really nice to know that there are options instead of spending years and months, trying to massage our scalp with all of these oils, even though, like they said, the oils Can be helpful, vitamin stuff can be helpful. We can go straight and get it covered by our insurance and just get a treatment and have it thick. So that to me is fascinating. I honestly didn't know that it was that easy, but that is really really insurance. Reassuring to know that we have options. Super super thankful to dr candace and dr hope mitchell for agreeing to come on and share their expertise with me i'll link all of their information below they have active instagram pages about their work in dermatology. They are also working dermatologists, so if you're in their area, you can go visit them yourself. I feel like this. Video will be really really powerful for a lot of people who didn't think that they had the options, but you do have options. So if you know other people who are losing their edges definitely share this video with them. I really hope that this video can help a lot of people. That was the goal come back in like a few months. Let me know how it's working but yeah. Thank you guys so much for watching this video and i'll see you in the next one.

Seun Okimi: It made me so incredibly happy to be able to make this sort of video for you guys! Huge huge shout out to Dr. Heath & Dr. Mitchell. I really hope this helps you! Subscribe if you enjoyed this type of video! and let me know if you have any other requests!(:

Infullbloom Time: I love that these professional women have natural hair in display!! It’s so heart warming knowing we are representing

Woman Of Divine Inspiration: This video is extremely helpful. Its so great to hear professionals opinions. Whoever’s reading this God loves you and desires you to draw closer to him. There’s a blessing in store for you. Blessings to all of you!!

Etiti Ayeni: They need a TLC show like Dr. Pimple Popper!

Alexia Filpo: LETS STOP THE NORMALIZATION OF PAIN IN THE BLACK HAIR COMMUNITY GURRLLLLLL if this is not the Truth! Hell, this ain't even just about hair! Lol ! Stop the normalization of pain PERIOD lol

Reigna Joyce: Kudos to you Seun, your channel is evolving in a dynamic way. Great content that educates and benefits the wellbeing of your subscribers!

Wanda Brooks: I love the fact they are black women speaking on black women hair

Lori J: When I was growing up, we would braid each other's hair before hair extensions became a thing, and not once was it so tight that we could not blink. lol, I don't know when we started hating our own hair and length no matter how short it was. We've gone so far from "natural" that the journey back is the result we are seeing today. We were not meant to have straight hair, blonde hair, or whatever else we are doing to our hair while damaging our scalp. Now that we've done all the damage we can do, we want someone to fix it. The best way to stop the damage is to not start in the first place. The hope is that we allow our little girls to just wear their hair naturally WITHOUT relaxing or putting weaves and hair extensions or braiding hair into their hair. We are a beautiful people and our hair is part of that beauty. We are not caucasian.

Daleana aa: Let’s also NORMALIZE THIN EDGES! Sometimes it’s just natural to have thin edges. Even when you try to thicken them just wanted to add. 4:30

SinatraWee: Omg!!!! Dr Heath is my dermatologist. She brought my skin back to life. I love her!!!! She is truly the sweetest most competent Dermatalogist I have ever met.

Christiana Underwood: This was fascinating. The science doesnt rule out natural treatments but supported it with medical advise and proper treatments. Absolutely loved this interview.

Dr Kay Explains: These are all straight facts!! We've normalised pain as part of our hair and beauty practices, and this whole idea of neat edges is not good for us!

Chidinma Precious Obialor: I have not braided my hair with extension in 5 months and I was so surprised how my edges grew soooooo fast. I just twisted my natural hair and left it like that. Not only did the edges grow, the hair itself grew so much. I think twist helps in growing hair.

B bree: Please do this more often I would love to see black derms link with hair stylists

niikkii09: From a registered nurse's point of view, I felt this was extremely well done. Not trying to force certain products on people, extremely transparent, and in layman's terms. Explained so many perspectives of treatment. Now I'm wanting one of those magnificent women as my dermatologist! Thank you for creating this video. Much needed! Clear, concise and organized.

Common Sense Sisters: OMG this video is very interesting✅, highly informative✅ and a rare gem we have to share it Almost 10years ago in our toxicology class, we learnt about how harmful some hair products can be to our hair and health, since then we went strictly natural. For us we realized that pricey hair products are not always the solution, we allow our hair breath, use African raw shea butter for moisturizing/live-in conditional. And we eat very healthy fresh foods too, drink lots of water and try to stay mentally happy Thanks to the amazing doctors and host (Seun)

lisa lyons: I am sure a lot of people were scoffing at the potential costs of going to a dermatologist but will spend more to cover up and even worsen their problem. Get real ladies

Ordinary IT Girl: This was so amazing and informative. I have spent so much money on oils until I learned about going to a dermatologist. Thank you!

Blessed Me: SO important that they addressed the traumatic childhood hair and scalp stress we were subjected to. Whenever I complained, I was called “tender-headed”, which I learned in adulthood was completely false. My scalp is only tender if I have SCM flareups/issues. I am *so relieved and pleased* for our youth who get to flourish in this era of healthy “Black” hair care, nourishment and attention. GOD Bless all three of you women.

The Black Experience Archive: Hi all! Try organic sage oil as well as the Rosemary oil the ladies suggested, keep at it over a period of multiple months though and take before and after pics to track progress but DON'T scrutinise your hairline everyday, it will just bring your mood down and stress levels up! Good luck!

Kemi Daniel: Great job Seun! You are doing a phenomenal job promoting and building your channel! Keep doing what you’re doing.

Maureen Hope: 100-150$ is not expensive at all I am so proud of them .

Mary Mule-Winz: I can't handle plaits and braids that make my scalp painful. Even hair relaxers burns my scalp real quick, so I stopped doing all that rather I started locks and I am at peace now. Good discussion.

Emmanuela B.: I love this, Seun! Definitely bringing out my pen and paper to take some notes

Olivia: Thanks so much, I learned so much from those ladies! It was nice that people of color has options instead of just getting hair transplant! Please do more videos like this please! Thanks so much I learned a lot from this video and I am sure others did as well!!!

Christian & Ziya: This was so informative and helpful

Tee Tee: Great panel! When I first developed eczema I visited two different dermatologist and they did not identify it. It took finding a Black dermatologist ‍⚕️ for me to finally get the diagnoses and proper treatment. I thank God I found her. The same condition may look completely different on White people, versus how it looks on Black people.

Delores Walker: Thank you for this post. I really appreciate those professionals taking the time to talk to us. We don't normally get this level of expertise from You Tube bloggers. Thank you so much!

ThatGirlShae: Seun Okimi reminds me of Gabrielle Union. One of my favorite actresses- so beautiful.

TheFantasticNerd: I Appreciate the effort you put into making your videos :)

Sonia Sierras: Wow!! Thank you so much for bringing in these professionals. They thoroughly gave us knowledge for our textured hair. I absolutely enjoyed this video. Much love

Robin Edmonds: I’ve had thin edges since I was a child and I’ve not seen many thin edges represented on YouTube and I’ve decided to dedicate my channel to represent women with hair like mine instead of hair we wish we had...thanks for this video it was very informative

myeisha16ify: Thank you so much for this video! I've been ignoring my alopecia for years and slapping wigs and sew ins on my head. I've been avoiding seeing a dermatologist and even more afraid of steroid shots. I'm so used to watching videos and spending so much money on "miracle" products hoping for new hair growth. This information was so helpful and I'm going to see a dermatologist to discuss a treatment plan. Also, thank you so much Dr. Heath and Dr. Mitchell for explaining the different options for treatment.

Trina Bell: So very happy to see this video, so needed. A lot us ladies are going on and wish and prayer. Thank you Seun for this video!

MyStar Life: This was so interesting! Besides being waaaay cheaper, I decided to do my own hair because when someone else did it for me, I would have pain and I though that should not be normal- that you cannot flip your hair or you sleep bad for the first couple of days. This was very educational! The ladies also explain really well.

Hairlicious Inc.: Thoroughly enjoyed this video! Thanks, Seun for setting up this informative session on our edges!!!

Pmomma100: Oh my God Seun! Thank you so much for this. You are a blessing and thank you to these awesome dermatologists!

Graceful Knots: I haven't had edges since I was child but it gets better sometimes especially when I don't plait it. At my age I have just accepted that they will always be thin but I hope my other hair grows back to be able to cover it. I talked about this in my last video :)

Angelina Browne: Absolutely loved and needed this. Thank you for putting this together.

medley452: Thanks so much for this video. It’s so refreshing to see a YouTuber who brings on actual black experts to discuss a particular topic. I am watching from London, UK so I wish you could do a video with black dermatologists in the U.K. that way I could then contact them for a consultation. Thanks again for all your good work. Xx

Nkiru A: If it’s too tight you’re taking it out and doing it again. Hairstylists get annoyed with me but I value my hair.

Antoinette Duarte: Thank you so much for making this video and speaking to these wonderful ladies!! Super informative and motivated me to see a dermatologist at the ease of cost not ripping a hole in my pockets lol.

shuchii beb langley: At this point I literally accept that mine ain’t growing back . As long as I live I’m gonna be insecure about it. Thank you for sharing this video. It’s informative ❤️❤️

gonatural11: I appreciate this information! I’m glad to see that someone is addressing this issue. I’ve been suffering from this for years.

Amber Denise TV: Out of all of the helpful information. The info I was most excited to hear about was when she talked about the herbs and how important internal health is. I am on a journey to heal my skin and I must say with all of the external masks, serums, moisturizers, etc that I use, none of them started working until I changed my diet and started ingesting herbs like burdock root and fenugreek. Internal health is KING when it comes to healing the external.

Leslie Boyd: Very helpful. Thank you ladies for doing this and sharing this knowledge. My beautician and I are both to blame for my hair loss in the front of my head from overprocessing coloring. What I learned is that my hair will not show that it is taking to the lighting process. I was doing red highlights and my hair is dark brown. So she left it on longer than usual and I failed to tell her that it was burning more than I could stand. I still have hair, but what was already thin in the front is gone. So my hairline is way back toward the crown with some "bald" patches. I am heartbroken. It has been six months and the growth is slow in the front, but the rest of my hair is growing. We opted for a partial shave with short layers in the back and the front had the highlights and it was layered to cover my eyes. Megan Good wore this short bob-like style. Y'all pray for me.

Traci Lynn: Thank you for your commitment to educating your community! This was fantastic!

MARY: Thank you for bringing this to the masses!! I’ve seen a white dermatologist and I will definitely use the directory for a black dermatologist. Thanks again

Light tales: You just took this game to a higher level....Well done Seun....

Gynger Schnapps: Thank you sooooo much for this great informative information! Would love to see more like this. I feel like I have options now!

Tammie Williams: Amazing and Very informative interviews! I learned so much in this segment The doctors explained many reasons and conditions on how or why hair loss may be happening. Being a Registered Nurse, I appreciates the education given and some possible interventions for better outcomes. Thank you for sharing this video! Take care and everyone stay safe

Ridho AbdurRahman Lekki: i just wanted to say, I love your hair, it looks so healthy

Nengi Ahuchogu: Thanks, Seun. This is probably the most useful video I've ever seen on YouTube relating to hair loss. Great content. Way to go!

Theresa MW: This is the best most informative video I’ve seen about edges.

Kambria McCormick: Thank you for setting up this platform so we can better educate ourselves and spend the time and money on the treatment and supplements that are proven to be beneficial. It was also refreshing to find out that my Indian dermatologist suggested the same medical treatments - I am currently using the topical steroid and minoxidil (Rogaine). I was concerned about using the Minoxidil, but they have confirmed it. This video was right on time. ⏰ Thanks again and God bless.

Sheree Epps: Thank you so much for this... I was truly enlightened about the use of biotin

Dr. Carr: This was hands down the best informational session on hair growth !! Simply amazing!!! I am going to a health professional.

S S: I’m glad they said that transplant is the end of the road option. I have some hair loss on my edges and really thought that I should just jump into the transplant as a resolve.

Dr. HoneyWheat: Thank you for this and this message!

VenusRemix: Now this is what I call an informative video. Thank you!

Janet Ndeanasia Mbene: Wow thank you so much for that expert input! I’ve learnt so much back here in Tanzania. Will definitely apply the learning to regrow my scarred edges!! Be Blessed!

India Williams: I know that when consistently using biotin my hair grew and was shiny. I was doing the LOC method and taking biotin consistently and my hair was so beautiful. I stop taking biotin but continued the LOC method and the shine and health went away.

Sophia Osei: Love, Love this conversation!!! Hair care wisdom that needs to be constantly shared

Joanna Omari: I learned the hard way with the "I'll take Tylenol for the pain"

Mya D: I enjoyed listening to the doctors speak there truth. I was also looking at there healthy edges and the young beautiful woman with thick natural hair. I appreciate you beautiful glowing sistas

Sophia C: Thank you Seun! As a UK watcher, I'll be going to visit a dermatologist very soon. The video and advice have helped immensely as it's sad covering my edge lost with a side parting. :(

Elisabeth George: I have a tail bone length hair and its in great shape , the thing that is really bothering me is my edge makes every thing worse (straighting , brading and even leaving it out ) ...I wish I can regrow it back thicker

Nubian KmtWQ: Well done Seun, Thank you! I'm loving this. Be careful with saw palmetto. It interacts with hormones and can have damaging side effects. Always make sure to consult and follow up with your doctor.

Gabriella McKinley: Omg you always bring the best content that I NEED to see. This was super helpful. Especially the diet stuff for me. Thanks a bunch!!

Kathy J: This was sooo helpful. I am relaxed, and stopped braiding my hair 3 years ago because it would cause my hair to break off badly! Thank God I listened to my hair. I will NEVER braid my hair again.

Monique Smart: You are on another level in the hair game.. this video is amazing.

Orixa: You provided so much info here. Thank You! this wasn’t click bait.

Natasha Richardson: This is awesome. I have locs and I noticed hair bulbs all along the shaft of my locs. I have some minor thinning as well, but I want to get a handle on it now before it gets too bad. I’ve looked it up and only found a blog on this with comments from non-dermatologists. So I’d love to know what these docs would have to say about it. Is it natural shedding or something else? I don’t retwist often and I rarely get my hair styled. Anyway, thanks again; good to know there’s other options besides a transplant!

Leemei85: Yea I love that these wonderful ladies addressed the internal standpoint. Thankyou. Health is wealth. This was a great video to watch

أفضل فتى مثلي الجنس: I was always told it’s disrespectful to say your head hurts while or after getting your hair braided chile I better speak UP

Katrina Renee: My son sees Dr. Mitchell and she is amazing! She got his skin cleared up immediately! This video was awesome to watch and very helpful!

Greg Cooper: Eating Salmon, eggs and spinach has helped me, Thank You Doctors

Alexia Filpo: I loveeeeeee this! This is wtf I'm talking about ~ enough of the nonsense !

Tracey Dumase Banda: I'm guilty of damn nearing abusing my own scalp‍♀️ Especially when I do cornrows on myself. I need to start being more intentional with making sure all my protective styles are pain-free. 4 years natural and I believe I can improve on the quality and longevity of my hair by just improving my braiding methods. Taking a break from long-term protective styling so I can work on "thickening" my hairline and the rest of my hair. Wish me luck

Esther Lucas: Great discussion. I'm happy they acknowledged diet as a way to stimulate hair growth as opposed to going straight to steroid treatments.

A Angie S: Thank you for making this video. Being an older, greying around the edges woman this gave me a few more options to consider.

Krystal Flowers: Quick question since I am here I grew my hair out using your techniques low manipulation high moisture finger combing, down to my bra strap but I was flat ironing about once a week continuously for about a year which caused extreme heat damage. I am a natural and when I wash my hair my curl pattern would not revert it would stay stringy trying to avoid a big chop I stayed away from the flat irons and kept sew ins and braids and tried to really deep condition to get the moisture back in and slowly a curl pattern has come back but I was originally a 4a, very manageable, and now my curl has come back extremely 4c! Extreme shrinkage and all that. Do I have to do a chop or do you think it will eventually get back to its organic state??? Please help

Tenesia Pinkney: This was so very informative and gives me some hope. I had given up on fixing my hairloss issues, nothing seemed to work. I used the directory and found a black dermatologist near me! I am looking forward to scheduling my first appointment thank you so much for this video!

Sharice Jones: THANK YOU for this video because I sure did learn there more help them oils and transplants. What a blessing ready to schedule my appt with a black Dermatologist near me! GOD BLESS YALL FOR THE INFORMATION

Christine Cherry: Thank you! Dr. Heath is in my area! So thankful for you to take the time and care put into this video. Thanks again!

Ruby Philogene: Well done Seun, very informative hearing this conversation with Dermatologist as well as yourself, Thank you.

Susi M Wolfe: First time I actually want to go out and buy recommended products. I am on this. This was an awesome video and as we ask for in the pandemic briefings....LET THE PROFESSIONALS SPEAK. Great job.

Kiddy Sinclaire: This is such good advice! Thank you for posting this interview.

Asia Okao: What a great conversation!!! Thank you for this ❤️

Tanisha J: Thank you for the information and education and resources, especially on how to locate a black dermatologist!

Elizabeth Wallace: You ladies are so well spoken and educated,I've learned so much,I wish the both of you were in my state. Keep up the good work ladies.

Ms Ms: Thanks for this, really interesting I want to try the saw plametto.

Faith: Look at Seun coming forth with the professional receipts. Yes sis. ❤️❤️ I found out personally that inflammation played a big role in my healthy hair journey. I went on a lifestyle to get rid of inflammatory foods and my hair growth and hair health really improved.

KD Vybz: Thank you for this video there is Hope ! I suffered from Alopecia for years now and tired of wearing these wigs!

YouTube Addict: Seun, you just stepped to a whole other level for me for bringing out this video!!! Ive recently gotten into microneedling (I use a 1mm needle with a dermapen and needle my own edges once every couple of months due to having a very sensitive scalp) and have noticed my edges growing back little by little, even my baby hairs look longer then usual

Traveling Spark: Fresh braids was the shit when I was in high school. Loc'd up now ❤.

Shirley Bereal: I loved this thank you so much I just started about 7 months or so ago well during this pandemic to leave my hair alone I never knew it could grow. I am 67 years young. But I've worn wigs and weaves since I was 13. Thank you for this video and information.....

Chantal S: Thanks for this session. I feel there are so many myths and snake oils that are peddled to Black women. I love that these two Doctors are giving us advice based on proven science!! I will def look to find someone in my area to help me on my hair growth journey.

Mariame La Belle: I love it ! Thank you for creating this content, it has been beneficial to me !

Aisha Education: Thank you for collaborating with these two beautiful and educated, professional women of color. This content in this video is very informative and helps to educate people of color on the true cause and effect of hair loss and various options for treatment for their hair types. Also thank you for sharing the link for the directory to black dermatologists. This is awesome.

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