Velvet Watercolor Method On This Blonde Wig Amazon Wig | Silver Monique

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Hey what is good my beauties so today i'm going to jump right into this video, so i got this wig from this company on amazon called hong kong store. So it's a blonde wig and i will be using this watercolor to dye the hair. So here is the wig straight out of the box um and then it also came with some wig caps and then a thank you. Um brochure letter note whatever, but the inside construction of this wig. It has two combs at the top and it has a comb at the bottom and a comb in the middle, and then it also has adjustable straps. Now i am going to give you guys a closer look at the lace. It is a teapart lace, wig, and so i don't have much lace that i'm working with, but we're going to get it together anyway. So before i get started, i'm going to go ahead and spray. Some got7 spray on the lace part um just so that it doesn't die the knots and then i'm going to go ahead and take my blow dryer and make sure that it's dry and then once i'm done with this, i'm just going to go ahead and take This watercolor dye that i got from my nearest beauty supply store and this the color of this dye is in the color lavender, and so what i did is i took my bowl and filled it up with hot water that i got from the sink and then I went ahead and poured the watercolor dye into the bowl and i made sure that i used every little bit got my money's worth and then i went ahead and stirred it using my little brush. Now i'm going to go ahead and dip it into the water, making sure that the dye catches onto the hair - and i just continue to just dip it. This is my first time doing this, so i just watched other people do it, and so i'm making sure that every last piece of this blonde hair gets purple and honestly, i wish that i would have bought two bottles of this die, because all the hair really Didn'T even get the dye onto it, but i still like the way it turned out at the end of the day, but yeah so right now, i'm just making sure that i get this purple dye on every piece of blonde strand, because i was noticing, as i Was looking on the inside of the wig that it wasn't catching the dye and you guys see that i use most of the dye. If you look in the bowl, it's almost clear, so you want to make sure that you get all the diets, but now that i'm done i'm going to go ahead and blow dry using this brush blow dryer that i got from an amazon seller. I think it's pretty cool um, it's my first time using um a product like this, and so i'm i was just testing it out. Once i was done blow drying the hair. I really like the way the color turned out, but you guys will see once i start straightening here you will see like some silver streaks. You will see that some parts of the hair did not take the purple or the lavender dye, but at the end of the day, for the most part, i really like the colors here and so as i am straightening the hair, though i'm going to go ahead And apply some heat, protectant spray and yeah so make sure you guys go ahead and hit the subscribe button and if you are enjoying this video so far go ahead and hit that thumbs up and do not forget to hit that post notification bell. So you know the next time i upload once i was done, straightening the hair. I decided i wanted to do a little bit of plucking around the hairline, and so that's what i'm doing just a little bit, because i don't even have much leaves to work with anyway, and so i can't do a lot of plucking. But still i wanted to just thin out the hairline just a little bit so that i can hopefully give it a more natural look. I don't know if you guys can tell the difference, but i surely can. I only did a little bit of plucking, but that little bit of plucking definitely made a difference all right. So now i'm about to go ahead and apply this wig. So but first i'm going to add some tent spray to the little bit of lace that i have. After applying the tent spray, i'm going to go ahead and spray. Some got to be glue spray so that it can stick and then go ahead and blow dry. Everything to make sure that it dries and doesn't rub off now, it's time to apply this bad baby y'all, but look at my face y'all one side of my face is swollen because i got my wisdom teeth too pulled out. So it's the left side of my face, but y'all gon na see it's the right for y'all but left for me, but yeah, it's swollen at the bottom. I got my wisdom tooth pulled and i don't. I don't recommend okay, because it hurts hey yeah. Nobody should have anything, wasn't too cool because that's not some type of pain. You want to experience at all all right, but anyways, i'm applying this wig. I just applied it using some got7 spray, and so i really wish that i would have applied it using some glue because there got to be sprayed on me sticking for me. I wasn't trying to have this wig on forever, so i didn't want to use the glue. Is it just me, or do you want to be having this problem as well? We got to be cool spray like they don't be sticking if y'all be having this problem. Let me know in the comment section below and give me a suggestion on what other type of spray you'll be using to lay down your wigs foreign, all right, you guys um. So it is the next day. So i'm going to go ahead and curl my hair yeah. I think that's what i want to do to it. I'M gon na just go ahead and curl it and then finish up this look for y'all, i'm gon na just go in and curl it using my flat iron, i'm not gon na use my curling wand or curl, an iron all right y'all. So after curling, my hair, i had went ahead and did my makeup and since my hair has been pinned for a while, i'm going to just take them down. So that's what i'm doing right now and yeah. I am jamming right now. I'M listening to some music cause, i'm gon na go out, so i'm just trying to catch a vibe get in that mood. You feel me so do not mind the facial expressions and all that, but with my curls, i'm just finger combing them out and placing the curls how i want them to so i can get the look that i'm trying to achieve. But here goes the final look. I hope you guys have enjoyed this video, even though there are some areas of the hair that isn't lavender but is silver or blue. I still like the way it turned out. Let me know what you guys think below all right, you guys. So this is the end of the video. This is the final look. I hope you guys have enjoyed watching this video and if you did make sure you go ahead and give your girl a thumbs up and if you haven't subscribed to your girls channel. What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you waiting on and also, if you have any other video ideas you want to see next make sure go ahead and leave me a comment in the comment section below and i will see you all in the next video

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Wendy Margaret: bn2en9

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