Yolova Highlight Straight Blonde Wig Unboxing | Review And Install | Aluk Makuch

#yolova #humanhairwigs #highlightedwig

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Hair information:

Straight Blonde Wig Hand Tied Lace Wigs Brown Wig Highlight Color 150% Density Natural Hairline

Length: 22''

Density: 150%

Hair Link: https://bit.ly/3ErUzlZ

Special code: ALUKM

Yolova website link: https://www.yolova.com

Instagram @yolova_official : https://www.instagram.com/yolova_offic...

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INSTAGRAM | @Alukmakuch || @Alukfitmum

YOUTUBE | https://www.instagram.com/alukmakuch/


TIKTOK | @aluk Makuch

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Hey you guys welcome back to my channel if you're new here my name is along my couch aka. I look fit mom you guys before we dive into this video be sure to click on that like share and subscribe button join. My family hashtag look fit mom. You guys so in today's video we'll be working with yolova. They sent me this beautiful week and i'm so excited to show you guys um, but first, let's start with the packaging. The packaging is so nice. This is so professional. It looks so good um. They have the name everywhere. The wig is in a bag, obviously look at it and the back has the name your labor on it. Like that's so awesome inside the bag. We got a wig cap uh, we got some lashes and then we have tweezers. You know, and on top of that we got the wig, so let's show you guys a wig. Let'S go to the salon um. This is a 22 inch straight blonde wig, with a tinted lace. Um with brown highlights. It is also 150 density. I will have all the links down below. I have a special discount code as well that you guys can use to um purchase this hair. Like honestly, i will jump right on to it, because this wig is amazing, even though it's like 4x4, like i love my wigs full lace front everything, but this we can make it work all right. I think the colors and everything is just takes over. You know um the wheat protector. I think i was just a little bit shocked because i've never really got a wig of bought a wig with that lace protector on it before so that was a bit like. I was like um. What is this? It didn't make sense, but i realize at the end i think that is what it is, but anyways we are jumping into the salon. Let me show you guys how we installed this hair. Honestly, there wasn't much to be done. There was not much to be done at all um because i just went in and i am ripped out not ripped out, but i cut off the lace protector thingy that was there before place a wick on my head and look at it all. I need to do. Legit is just cut off the lace, just put a little bit of some gloss up brows and we're done honestly, because the wig is just it feels so nice it just it's so soft. It'S a hundred percent human, it's human hair, guys like damn damn you know, um, i'm. I know that it might sound like i'm hyping it up too much right now. But honestly, i'm not. I think it's the color that just blew me away. It'S a brown and when you guys see the finished, look the way this just complement. My skin is crazy, like it's just out of this, oh anyways, so all we're doing honestly is this: mixing got to be glue, we've got to be free spray and then i'm using that as a glue to just stick. The lace on you know we're gon na tie it up and blow dry for about like five minutes and then let it naturally dry and then we're gon na cut off the lace. You know just a simple stuff: this is like a basic install. So if you're a beginner and you're learning how to put on a wig like legit, if you don't know what to do, i think this is the video for you. This is a video for you. This is all you need to do. You know um put on the glue you just blow dry on cold, though i'm cool not on hot, on cool and then when you feel it and it's a little bit. Tacky like this is gon na get tacky um fast because you just mix it with the freeze spray. So you make sure that you don't just over dry. It make sure you're checking pull your legs down blow it again for another, like 30 seconds to a minute, and then you tie it up. You tie the lace up with a silk head, wrap or silk headband or if you even have a um, do rag just tie it up and just let it naturally dry for a bit and then um we'll explain the next step in a minute. So you guys so honestly we're like almost done so all we need to do right now. Just take off the hair tie like the wrap that we just used to wrap our wig. So it can. You know the thing that allow it to melt is blend into your skin and then um we're just gon na brush the hair out we're gon na straighten the hair um. We'Re gon na use our hot comb just to make sure it's looking flat flat and then we're done honestly we're done like we like, i felt like. I didn't need to do nothing crazy, because i just wanted to appreciate this hair for what it is for what it brought for what it brings. You know because um damn like look at it, just look at it. Just look at how we look all right. You know so just watch the process. I'M not gon na explain how i straighten my hair because you guys do know how to straighten hair. But all you need to know right now is i'm going in with my wax stick um. This is by exotic uh exotic beauty. I think that's what they call exotic hair, i think on youtube, check them out and then we're going to straighten the hair and then we're going to use a heat, comb and voila. We'Ll show you the final look: [ Applause ]. So this is our final look. I hope you enjoyed the video if you did be sure to click on that like share and subscribe button join my family hashtag look fit mom i'ma leave my discount code. I look m right here. You can use it to get a discount when you purchase this hair, i'm going to leave all the details down below, including your lover's website, instagram all the hair details, everything that you need to know about this beautiful week right here, they're going to be down below Check them out, get yourself one like use my code, you know get yourself a discount and um thanks for watching and i'll see you guys in my next video goodbye. So you

Aman Chol: Flawless by the way we're did you get the item that you used to cut your lace from hun

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