Lolly Hair Blonde Wig!!! My Whole Experience With This 613 Blonde Wig

LOLLY HAIR blonde wig!!! My whole experience with this 613 Blonde WIG


Hi my Socialites,

This is Kique and welcome to my Channel.

In today's video I have a full unboxing, demo and review of my FIRST WIG Ever. In this case from the brand LOLLY HAIR. I will try this 613 Blonde WIG.

---S O C I A L M E D I A-----

Instagram: @Kiquesociety

Facebook: KIQUE Society

tiktok: @kiquesociety

---P R O D U C T S---

1- Hd Transparent 613 Body Wave Blonde 13x4x1 Lace Front Human Hair Wig, Lolly Hair.

---M U S I C---

Blue Dream, Cheel.

We March Together, Patrick Patrikios.

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Hi, my socialites, this is kika and welcome back to my channel, oh my god, i'm so excited being back in another kind of video, because i know lately, i have been like crazy, traveling and doing more live blogs by the way i love my blogs. I have been like enjoying them a lot, but i'm so excited because for today's video i have something different, which i love it and it's related to my hair, yes, and for this video i'm gon na be reviewing for first time and also unboxing a blondie wig And this is from the brand loli hair um yeah. I just opened a little bit. Unfortunately, with i have seen so far. It doesn't look so good. I mean no, my expectation, but i say okay, i have to do a video for my social life to share with them all the unboxing and everything impression and yeah. So if you wan na know more about lolly hair and their blondie wig stay watching this video. Okay, my social, oh my god, i feel so excited sitting here in my place and sharing with you all another video about hair and all those things you know. I like it. However, the last few videos that i have in my youtube channel have been enjoying a lot which is more related to blogs. I don't know i didn't expect that. But honestly, i really really enjoy like when i'm traveling, like sharing with you all my crazy parties, um good food, restaurant and good thing, bad things about uh about the places that i visit. So if you're planning a vacation with something go check it out my youtube channel blogs, um playlist and you can find them. The last two were in las vegas and also in miami where i have a lot a lot of fun, but anyway, hello, hello. For my new subscribers as well, i'm so happy having you around here and yeah. As you know, i love everything about hair. I love taking picture fashion picture from my instagram, but i'm playing like with fashion fashion, is like my top top thing in my life. I love fashion and i love to mix fashion with like different hairstyles um. Now that i have my hair like long, i have been enjoying alone trying different things. However, i like to do kind of drastic change and, as you can see in all my others, video, i tried to do some time change with the color and length of my hair using hair extensions. But i was thinking that for this summer, actually i want to dye my hair like something more uh light and i love the blondy look. However, i like it for picture again to match with different outfit, but honestly, i'm gon na in the stream of both sides. I, like big changes for my instagram picture fashion stuff, but when i go in my everyday routine or go for a dinner or go out honestly, i like to be like more natural. I like to have my hair really really like healthy and shiny, and you know that natural mood which i really really enjoy. However, for the other side, which is more like social media picture, i really really enjoy like doing drastic drastic change. However, i was thinking actually i read one of my subscribers told me once uh why you don't try like wait, and i was thinking like. Oh okay, i put that inside my head on my brain and i say probably i'm gon na try that later. Well, i think it's the time, because lately i've been feeling that i wan na dye my hair, i wanna change like for something lighter um honestly, i feel like i do it or i should not do it and i took that decision to try a week and I decided i wan na go with a full blondy wig to try a different, completely string, make cover and i'm so excited. However, i was looking and researching in internet. You know on youtube as well others, videos and for me that looks kind. A little bit complicated. The whole process like applying the glue and everything actually i have to show you. I bow on amazon all the different products, uh materials that i need to apply the wig, because again this is gon na, be my first first time ever trying a wig, but then the other thing was. I was researching on internet about the best brand and there are many out there and also some of them. They look really really good and natural, but they are really really expensive as well like three four five hundred dollars and honestly i don't have the experience like applying a week, so i almost almost almost purchased one of them, which was like almost 400 dollars, because i Don'T want something really really long. I just want something to change the full color, but after a lot of research, i found uh one company called lowly hair and they have wigs like a more normal price, and i thought well for my first try. I should try something like not so expensive, so the price that i saw in the page for 16 inches blondie wig was um almost yeah 100 dollar with tax and everything was under something like 107 or something like that. So i decided okay, i'm gon na try. This, however, in the picture of that page, the wig itself looks really really nice, maybe because some ladies, they have them on everything, looks really really natural and cool the whole area. Here, the lace. It looks really natural and well done, but i just got my box today: uh, it wasn't what i was expecting in those pictures, but i wan na show you just right here, so you have an idea how these brands, in this case, lonely hair. They looks in real life, okay, my social life here in this paper. I have the description of the week that i got and let me read it for you really quickly and the brand again in this is lolli hair uh, the description is said, is hd, transparent. 613, which is a blondie color body, wave um blondie and they say some number here is 13 by four by one i didn't know what was that, but i did my research. I want to explain you soon and then you say: lace front, human hair wig. So this is human hair weak. Also i didn't wan na, even though i didn't wan na spend that much money. I didn't wan na something like um. It wasn't like real human hair like synthetic hair. I didn't want that. Neither so that's what i decide like hundred dollars for 16 inches a week. It'S like reasonable price right so to try a little first time, so i decided going for this a specific product and the density is a 180 percent uh of density, so yeah. Now, let's go ahead and open the package, okay, talking about the chipping and it took around seven or eight days. I would say it wasn't that much it was kind of weak, so it wasn't bad and when i was tracking my product, this product came from china. So yeah that's what it takes like a week, but this is the package from fedex, and this is the first thing that i want to show you how the package just arrived, in which condition when i opened today. It was like that completely it wasn't open here. I just opened it here today, but it was like that all broke uh falling apart like that, like it was really. I don't know during that shipping have a lot of trouble, but anyway this is the box. I mean it's a cute box, just it's just completely. It up um, i have some. I don't know instructions as yeah. I guess i haven't read it but yeah some instruction here in the back and when you open the box here is the wick okay. The first thing that you're gon na find is a wig cap. However um i already bought another amazon which looks a lot better but yeah at least they send a wig card, and then this is the wig. It came in this plastic bag and they say here's 16, which is 16 inches, uh yeah. They call whatever. I also say this is a t-power wig, so the lace you know is here in the t-part: it's not like you can move all around. I thought it was that kind of as well, but again it's just hundred dollar week. So still, i cannot be so so complained, so this is how it came the product, it's really really jelloy, which i don't like. I like something more like um, you know gray witch white anyway. I have this little net here. This is how they would look. It came with something inside here paper and also some clips here, where the lace is. Let me take it out. Let me take it off. Okay, guys. This is a wig honestly, look like fakie, honestly, honestly, i don't know because it's a blondy week again um. This is my first time so probably i would say stop that i don't know because i haven't tried this. I don't know how it works, but this is how it looks. You have the lace here uh. So the thing that i told you this is 13 by four by one. So what i read it means that is 13 inches with the leg which is side by side, and you can see here when you put it once you put in your hair, like that, i mean you have the lace all the way from here to here. All 13 inches because some of them they are just like four inches just here, and you cover your hair, like that, i don't know, but this is 13 inches, then by four is the length of the here in the crown t part. So this is 13 by four um by one okay by one is just the rest here. So let me see if you can understand better like that, so it's 13, all the way like that four inches, which is the t part, is one inches which is the space in the front in the rest like one here so yeah. Let me brush it. I mean well, you have a strong amount of obviously a lot of product. You know have been processes a lot - i guess um, but yeah. Also the hair is not so so healthy. As you can see here, you can see because it's a lot, a lot of broke hair and you can see there like that um, but again it's a blondy hair. I guess when you do that to your natural hair. That happened a lot, but it feels soft. I have to say it feels really really soft um. It looks shiny as well uh. Let me open how it looks. You have some kind of different layers here, because inside also you have with i mean you bring four clips. This is for the back part. This is one side one side, and this is like in the middle of your head and also you have the this. You can kind of secure the wig even more. So all the finish inside is not so bad. Honestly, i have to be honest, uh. It doesn't look bad inside. It looks like well done, however um this part is which i don't feel looks so so nice, probably because i have been watching other videos where this part here goes very, very natural. This looks so like i don't know like one straight line, which i don't like it, but i'll do my best to use it and do extreme change with this wig again. This is gon na be my first time, but i'm so excited to try kind of full blondy hair for a photoshoot. Also. I want to start this week in a more natural way, probably but yeah in my next video, also going to be trying this fanola no jello mask which helps for that yellow wig color, which i don't like so yeah. I want to do that. I want to start my wig and i want to do the whole extreme change. Um do my photo shoot for you all. You definitely can check my instagram society. Um yeah remi have been using vanilla. I love this brand and this product, and also you can check my instagram. There is in my bio uh the link where you can get a discount with vanilla product, because they are amazing. However, we'll be testing this one, which is more related for blondie hair. For those people who has blondy hair, um wan na know, if the no yellow, vanilla mask works, i'll be doing that but yeah i'm so excited guys. Remember if you like this video, please give it a thumbs up. Also share comment. Also, if you have any question, let me know in the comments down below and yeah i'll be start working the whole process of this week to make it looks nice. I hope you like this video again and see you in my next video

FANOLA: We wanna see you in that blonde wig! You'd slay for sure! Let us know if you need some No Yellow shampoo!

ashton park: What camera model are you using? The quality is so good!

M K: I cannot have a thin wig. I get my wigs from Aliexpress they are much less $ and thicker.

Nicole Luciano: Tone it

LadyKhaos: The 1 inch is how big your part is

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