Alopecia Make up with Simply Wigs

A detailed guide to alopecia and makeup

You may recognise the lovely Steph from our catwalk videos. Steph is a SW customer who has alopecia. She is also a qualified Make Up Artist. Steph has lots of experience with make up consultations. Excelling in offering advice & appointments for ladies who have no eyebrow or eyelashes.

We are delighted that Steph has offered to share her knowledge with us, by showing us how to create a
natural look on her sister, who also has alopecia.

Here is a make up demonstration which is detailed and informative. Here is a make up demonstration which will take you from no make up, to a natural make up, with clear and concise advice. Here is a make up demonstration that when watched in full, takes up to an hour to watch. We oohed and aahed if to cut it down, or speed parts up. After lots of thought, we decided to leave the decision with you. If you want to zoom past some parts, then just click on the Fast Forward button. We decided not to cut the video down as each of our customers will be interested in different parts of the demonstration.

alopecia make up brush

Simply Wigs HQ hope that you find this demonstration interesting and useful. We certainly did! Thank you so much to Steph and Emma Jane. You are amazing!
Should you wish to contact Steph, then please let us know here at Simply Wigs HQ and we will pass your enquiry on.

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on alopecia and make up?

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