How To Tone & Style A Blonde Wig | Platinum Blonde In Seconds! 613 Blonde Lace Front

TYSM for watching!

You can find wig details below since some things I said were inaccurate

Wig Details:

Product: 613 Blonde Straight Human Hair

Length: 26 inches

Density: 180%

Lace dimensions: 13x6

Cap size: 4x4

Hair products used:

Shimmer Lights Blonde and Silver shampoo

Kristin Ess blow dry mist

Hairitage Heat Protectant spray

Knot Doctor hair brush

Bio Ionic Hair straightener (

Blow dryer


IG -Cheetahmamii



Shot on IPhone 11 Pro Max

Edited on IMOVIE

Sub count: 200

Okay, here's me looking like an absolute snack, i'm going to blow dry the wig using this kristen s, um blow dry spray, hey pretty baby with the high heels on you give me fever. Like i never know. Oh, i be stalking you from sick. What'S popping you guys so today, i'm going to be toning, this yellow ass wig um, getting all this brassiness out of it very necessary. This is my first wig um and my first time doing this. I bought this wig with my own money from tenache hair. They were very kind and they sent me lashes, a headband in two wig caps, which i'm very thankful for um but yeah. So this is 180 percent density. I believe 24 inches um and it looks great it's just. Nobody wants yellow hair, so we're gon na use. The sugar lights blonde and silver shampoo and make like a water mixture. So what i did is i basically boiled water and honestly, i should have let it sit for like 10 minutes, because this junk was hot, so i recommend letting it sit. It don't need to be boiling, but yeah, i'm gon na mix the shampoo no particular amount just enough, and i'm just gon na pour that in and then mix it until the water is obviously all purple. So that's what i'm doing here and you guys can see like how [ __ ] hot this water is. Like i mean if you have tongs it's fine, i don't have any tongs so like taking. The wig out was like very like complicated as you'll see in a minute because of how hot the water is. I don't think there's a recommended temperature for this whole process, so i saw girls doing it with hot water. So that's what i did but yeah right here. You can see me just like picking a strand of hair from the back of the wig to do like a little test strip. I mean i heard stories that it might turn your hair purple gray. So i just felt, like you know, doing a little test strip just to make sure but yeah once you take it out, it's going to look purple, but it's not going to stay like that. So don't worry! It'S gucci. It really is so i'm just gon na go ahead with the process and put the hair in the water okay. So i'm just going all in she's, going in i'm gon na push um the wig down with my spatula and basically just swirl. So my method was to count to 30. I believe and not have it in for too long, because i don't want it to be like [, __, ] too platinum or anything like. I was scared, so i basically counted to 30 kept swirling kept swirling um. To be honest, i should have like flipped it over, but yeah next time right. So this is where i was saying make sure you have tongs, so you don't burn your hands and be closer to the sink, so you can rinse. Okay. Here'S me looking like an absolute snack, i'm going to blow dry the wig using this kristen s blow dry spray. It'S amazing, go get it yeah, so to spray the wig and then brush it through. You guys can see the color change already like the back is very platinum. Then i'm gon na take all that water out. So much water is in here like so much water. So i'm just detangling and yeah. You guys see the color change like there is still some yellow like brassy spots, but it's not that bad. Like it's pretty good. That'S why i said i should have flipped it because i feel like i didn't get the front as good as i wanted to, but anyway yeah, i'm still taking water out and now i'm gon na finally blow dry um. This process is a process like this is probably the longest process. It'S trying to dry your hair. So if you're not in a rush, i would definitely let it like air dry for a couple hours first and then do this, but either way that kristen s spray does cut blow drying time, almost in half so yeah, it's whatever. So basically, i'm just getting the ends and you definitely want to make sure your wig is completely dry before you start straightening um for sure you don't want to burn it and yeah. So i don't know what i'm doing here. I'M just like. I'M just doing my thing more blow drying this color is, i love it like look how platinum yeah! I want to show you guys you have to make sure you dry that cap, because the last thing you want is like your head to feel wet. You don't want to be like the hair is dry, but your head is like wet so yeah, looking good, looking good, it's pretty dry, so i'm gon na use this heritage um like heat protectant, because we are going to straighten so obviously spray it all over. I think i brushed it through. I hope i did and then um here i am like just straightening a spot, so you guys can see um, but i do eventually put it on my head because i'd be insane to think like this is like an adequate way to straighten the hair, because it's Really not, i don't have like a fake head to put it on so yeah. I actually recommend blow drying and straightening um, while you're wearing the wig one million percent, one million percent. So i put the wig on look at that color girl, like what are you? Joking like compared to how it was before that's out of control, so yeah like i said it was so much easier straightening on my head. I wish i would have thought about this before like blow-drying and straightening, but, like i said next time, you know what i mean trial and error. That'S all i can say because it's my first time like how would i know so anyway. That'S why i'm making this video to like help people, because the videos i've seen like didn't really tell me, like you, know, put the damn wig on first and blow dry and straighten it and like if you don't have like one of those fake heads. You know what i mean, but yeah, so also. I recommend that, because, like see how i still have to um blow dry i'll show you guys, like i have to blow dry, then straighten the blow dry then straighten, because there were still some spots that were damp and i feel like if i blow dried it. While it was on my head that wouldn't have been a problem because, like it's more secure on your head - and you can just like - i don't know, do it better but yeah it was starting to come out so good. So straight i love it. Look at that! Wow you guys look at the final results, new hair who dis, oh my god. So let me tell you what i did off camera if you guys want to see me, do it like, on camera comment down below i put foundation on the inside of the wig cap, i fixed the middle part. I did the baby hairs, which were mad hard to do like i did not think girl. It was hard so yeah. I cut the hair into ankles to match like how my hair really is, so i'm showing you that there um, i'm obsessed like, are you joking um? I just can't get over it. I'M in love like for my first time. I think i did pretty good comment down below what you really think. Like honesty, please don't be rude, just be honest, um but yeah. You guys, i'm obsessed so like the video. If you enjoyed um, like i said, leave a comment and subscribe to my channel because it really helps me - and i know you want to so love, you guys see you in my next video

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