My First V-Part Wig Using “No Leave-Out” Method Detailed Review|| Ft Nadula

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Time: 28th Oct-12th Nov

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I’m wearing a Brazilian Curly V-Part Wig in this video ➤

Hair info: 24 inches, 150% density, Curly V-Part wig.

Spring color Honey Blonde lace frontal Wig ➤

★Same Honey Blonde Headband wig ➤

So Silky Straight Hair Lace Frontal Wig ➤

Very Soft Body Wave Lace Frontal Wig ➤

Bomb Curly Lace Frontal Wig➤

Top 1: curly headband wig ➤

★Msnaturallymary recommended Curly Wig With Removable Bangs ➤

Theheartsandcake90 recommended kinky straight half wig ➤

★NEW ARRIVAL headband wig ➤

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What'S up y'all, it's your girl, bg back with another unboxing video. Before i get started with this video, i was actually gon na try to unbox this hair without y'all. Until i open - and i see what's what's inside, like i said yes there's the wig, they gave me a headband, but this ain't, no ordinary hat i've. Never i've never seen one of these before i've, never seen a headband like this. This is oh and it's soft where's. My look at this headband, it's soft! It'S like it's soft, like a scrunchie, and i would probably wear this because those other headbands that i got they'd be getting stuck on a wig and stuff like that. I don't like that. Um i like this, please don't mind the wig. I have one right now. This wig was not an all-time favorite. So that's why i didn't bother even revealing it, but look. This is so cute. I find this very cute not only that they went ahead and they also gave me some hair clips and y'all know i'm not buying them, because i know i'm gon na get some hairy. This is my second time getting some hair clips this much and i'm so happy i'm. So i'm so grateful. Thank you guys. Thank you doula. So, since we're already here, we might as well just go ahead and review what this wig is. This wig does look pretty long. This one does look really long. Oh this wig is rather different than what i'm used to. This is um a v part wig. This is a v part way, as you guys can see. The inside looks very comfortable. The wig is great quality. Wow, shiny, shiny, shiny soft length is nice. This is my first time seeing a look like this, so it opens like this, and it goes like that so because this wig is a v part. I use my real hair with this. Instead of um, you know weave, i'm actually interested to see how this would turn out. Um, i feel, like i'd, have a better chance with this hair, probably blending, but then again i'm also very picky, like i don't like when my hair looks different on the top, because i am natural but we're going to give it a try. What i have noticed is that my hair is looser on the top versus my back, so maybe this would turn out better than i think but yeah. This is new split. Let'S check to see how this wig is, am i experiencing any shedding um so far, i got a couple of strands, something too much. That'S too crazy. So i give this wig minimum, shedding, probably about probably about a three or four, maybe about a three. It'S not doing too bad. That'S all i got from that. It'S not bad, but yeah this week is different. Y'All know. I'Ve never tried this before so trying this with um. I'M scared, but i'm looking forward to trying something new. I guess i guess i guess so. We'Re gon na go ahead and see how this looks. I'M gon na try my best to put this on. Maybe i could even give you guys a tutorial on how i put it on and i'm gon na catch you on the flip side. Hey you all! How y'all doing so before i begin i want to let you guys know why i have this part. Initially, i was gon na. Do a leave out method, but it was just so hard for me to blend my hair with the wig itself, so i decided to do this other method. I end up seeing on youtube and this method actually requires little to no hair at all. So, as you guys know, this is my first ever v part wig. I'Ve never had to leave out wig. Before with that being the case, i did run into a whole bunch of trial and error, but i did manage to find ways around that something that i would do differently next time when installing this wig, i would instead of just pinning my hair behind my ears. I would recommend for you to instead either twist or braid your hair, so the clip could have something to grip on, because what i noticed was that my hair in the front was thin, so it just kept on slipping back. Another thing i learned when i was installing this wig was that it to have a more natural look, especially if you're not doing a leave out method put the clips as close as you can to your part. I did end up fixing this, but this is how it's not supposed to look day. Babe, don't do this. Having this huge of a gap will only make it harder for you to blend your hair because you already don't have a leave out after adjusting the size of the part. I went ahead and i grabbed my edge brush and i began to slightly pull out some hair with the comb of the brush and i made it a little fuzzy just so i could blend or hide the tracks a little bit more. But if i am going to be completely honest with you guys at first, i did not enjoy this wig at all. I did not like the whole v part wig me trying to blend the situation. I actually didn't think it was going to work, but over time. After i just kept on teething the hair, i did see the hair blend a little bit better and i was able to hide the beginning of the tracks which i did not expect to happen. See now. I'M not gon na sit and cap like it's perfect, but for me to have no leave out at all. I would say this is impressive. Something else that i could have done. Not i'm looking back at this video is, if i would have dyed the hair darker, it probably would have blended a whole lot better, and i also wanted to give you guys a look on how it would be if you did choose to do a leave out Method - i personally would prefer this before the no leave out method, because it just looks more natural and it's a whole lot more pleasing to the eye. I want y'all to go ahead and comment down below which method do you feel like will be more useful to you coming down the red heart? If you choose, leave out comment down a blue heart, if you choose no leave out besides me, dealing with the charlie era, i personally do feel like this. Wig is very convenient. This is something that you can just throw on when you're ready to go out or even, if you bout to make a trip to walmart. This could be your everyday wig and you can take this right off without the use of glue without any alcohol, without none of that. So, if you guys are interested in this wig, please check the links in the description down below. There will be direct link to this wig as well as undo this website. Thank you guys for tuning in bg out you

ITSNYASSIAAAA 🦋: Babyyy GET BACK TOO NOT INTO IT!! We need your spice & goofiness bae I’m not undastandinnn lololol ♥️

Senetreia Medlock: Hi we love the hair reviews but we miss you posting your vlogs

Tyaeme Haugabook: Ik this is your way of income and I’m never taking the bag away from you but can you please sprinkle some regular video for us bae. All love just miss you having me lmao

Neidasolitty: I died when she smelled the headband

ItsMydiaaa: just because i’m scared someone would be able to tell

janel dean: ❤

Xavier Gucci: Bg I wanna see u with faux locs

Icky Vicky:

Nadula Hair: Babe, thank you for sharing Nadula Hair,

Aniya Lena: What sports do you play

MissBunny 747: ….Locs would suit you well.

Tatyana Hill: not uu smelling the headband and gagging a lil ahhhh! lmao

Davyne Rivers: Hiii

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