How Long Do Wigs Last?

A common concern for wig wearers, especially for beginners, is ‘how long do wigs last?' Of course, you want your synthetic or human hair wig to look and feel as gorgeous as when you first bought it, but this can be a tricky question to answer as they have different lifespans due to how they are constructed.

To make sure your wig maintains its flawless style, we're going to offer some of our best wig care tips. Now, let's discuss two of the most frequently asked questions, ‘how long do human hair wigs last' and ‘how long do synthetic wigs last?'

How Long Do Wigs Last?

There's no set in stone answer for how long your wig will last, as it all depends on two factors. Firstly, how you treat them, and secondly, your personal opinion on when they should be replaced. However, when it comes to your synthetic or human hair wig, it's very important to be as delicate and gentle as you can be whilst wearing, caring and storing them.

How Long Do Human Hair Wigs Last?

For many, a human hair wig is an investment that the wearer hopes to use for a long time. Luckily with the proper care, human hair wigs tend to last more than a year when worn daily and up to three years when worn occasionally.

How Long Do Synthetic Wigs Last?

Synthetic wigs can comfortably last between 4 to 6 months when worn every day. Synthetic wigs tend to have a shorter lifespan than human hair wigs as they are prone to tangling which affects their day to day resilience.

If you've noticed that your wig doesn't hold its shape, the synthetic hair has shed, or that there is too much frizz, it may be time to look for your next wig style. To make sure your wig looks and feels fantastic, it's vital to invest the time and effort into your wig care routine.

How to Make a Human Hair Wig Last Longer

A human hair wig doesn't receive the oils and vitamins from the scalp like your natural hair would in order to keep it rejuvenated after styling and daily life. So here are a few hints and tips to keep your human hair wig in the best condition possible:

Wash delicately
Delicately wash your human hair wig with extra attention and be sure to always follow the manufacturer's instructions. To prolong the lifespan of your gorgeous human hair wig, please take a read of our guide on how to properly wash wigs so they are given the extra TLC they deserve.

Style when damp
It's best to style your heatless wig when slightly damp to make sure the hair doesn't become too brittle. For example, if you want to achieve a heatless curl, it's best to put rollers into the hair when wet rather than using heat styling products.

Styling products
When using wig styling products such as hair straighteners and curlers, always use them at a low temperature. When you do use these products, make sure to use a heat protection spray and avoid using styling products near the roots of your lovely human hair wig.

Blow-dry your wig with caution
The individual hair strands of human hair wigs tend to be attached to the cap using a tying technique. If you overuse a hairdryer, this can cause the knots to become loose and in turn, result in the human hair shedding..

How to Make a Synthetic Wig Last Longer

A synthetic wig can look as natural as a human hair wig when you put the following wig care tips into practice. Luckily, synthetic wigs are easy to care for as they are intended to hold their shape with minimum effort required.

Keep it clean
It's normal for your synthetic wig to get dirty with everyday wear. So, it would be best if you took the time to wash your fibre wig properly, ensuring not to use too much force on the delicate fibres.

The right products
A hugely important factor in keeping your wig in the best condition is using the right wig care products. If you don't use specialist wig care products, you'll damage your synthetic wig and shorten its lifespan.

Wig rotation
A top tip is to have more than one wig on rotation. Not only does this help to extend the lifespan of your wigs, but it also reduces the number of times you need to wash them and allows you to experiment with new wig styles!

Wear with care
Just like you need to wash your wig gently, you also need to wear it with care. Be especially delicate when putting on your wig, especially with a lace front wig as you don't want to damage the delicate layers. Try and refrain from pulling or tugging on your wig with force as it can be difficult to feel exactly how much pressure you are using.

Use with care
To keep your synthetic or human hair wig in tip-top condition, we recommend storing your wig on a wig stand away from excess heat and direct sunlight. Storing your wig correctly, especially when travelling, will ensure that it remains in the best shape and that the hair fibres won't become damaged or tangled.

Why do Human Hair Wigs Last Longer than Synthetic Wigs?
The origin and processing

Human hair wigs are great for everyday use as they tend to last longer than synthetic wigs due to the quality and origin of the original hair. Typically, a higher-quality manufacturing process will result in a superior product. Once the human hair has been sourced, it has to go through further processing. The hair has to be chemically stripped back so that the manufacturer can determine the end product. This processing will determine the hair's overall strength as the chemicals needed to clean and strip the original hair can vary between manufacturers.

The quality

In better-quality human hair wigs, the hair has had the least processing, colour treatments and will not include silicone additives (used to make the hair softer). Remy human hair is a type of of human hair which is considered a premium option. Hair follicles are kept running in the same direction when collecting and crafting the wig. With all the cuticles running in the same direction, tangling is greatly reduced, and the hair looks and feels silkier.

The treatment

A common reason synthetic wigs don't last as long as human hair wigs is because people unknowingly treat them the same as human hair wigs. For example, unless you have a heat resistant synthetic wig, you could permanently damage the synthetic fibres if you use a hairdryer, straightener or curler on them.

And there you have it! We hope you now understand how long synthetic and human hair wigs tend to last, and how you can prolong the lifespan of your beautiful wig with the proper care. For all our best top tips in one place, you may find our ultimate guide to wig styling a useful read!

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