How We Style Our Curtain Bangs! Everyday Hair Care Routine *Tips & Tutorial | Ruby And Raylee

This is our everyday hair care routine. In this video we show you how we style our Curtain Bangs hairstyles. Comment any other lifestyle or routine videos you would like to see on our channel. Hope you enjoy the video. Love you ~ Ruby and Raylee #CurtainBangs #HairRoutine #RubyandRaylee #HairHacks #HairCare #HairTips #HairTutorial #Hair #RubyRoseUK #Raylee#SisVsSis

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Hi everyone, it's ruby and rayleigh, and welcome back to our channel today in this video we're going to be doing something a bit different, we're going to be showing you how we style and care for our hair. So we've had lots of questions and dms about what we use on our hair and how we care for it, and we've done a lot of painting videos recently. So we thought it would be the right time to switch up our content a bit and film this. So today, in this video, we are going to be showing you how we care for our hair and what products we use. Obviously, everyone's hair is different, so these products are just what work for us. We both also have curtain bangs, so we're going to be showing you how to style that as well. We filmed this video this morning when we are getting ready for the day. So without further ado, let's get on with the video hey guys, it's ruby and i'm going to start off the haircare video, showing you guys what i use when i'm in the bath or in the shower the shampoo conditioner brand i use, is aussie brand. This is the aussie miracle, moist shampoo. I really like this one. It really conditions my hair and my hair is like kind of weird, so what it does. It goes greasy really really quickly, and this is kind of the only shampoo and conditioner brand. I found that doesn't do that to my hair and it smells so good, so so good and i also use the kristen s straight. Strengthening reconstructive moisture mask so it's like a hair mask. This is what it looks like it's. It smells really posh, which i really like about it, and it's just like a really pretty packaging, so they're, the three things that i use in the shower. I don't really use anything else for my hair. I feel like if you i overuse things for my hair. It just ends up being so cluttered with things that it just kind of gets greasy. As you can see my hair's kind of messy like when i sleep, i move a lot, so my hair kind of is gone. It'S got random little curls in it and looking a bit crazy right now, we're gon na fix that so i'm gon na head in the shower, i'm gon na go wash my hair and then i'll put this on and i'll see you guys when the hair mask Is on okay, i am out of the shower and my hair is soaking right now, but what i'm gon na do is i'm going to towel dry, my hair, because when you put like a hair mask in i like to do it with my hair's like damp, But not soaking wet, that's just not nice at all! So there's no more water coming out of my hair, so i'm gon na take the hair mask and i'm just gon na do a little bit on it with like kind of from here, but like it smells so good. I don't put too much in. I just kind of do the teeniest, but in my hair, just kind of moisturizes it it's like a moisturizer for your hair. It'S not like a conditioner, it's more like it's the substance of a moisturizer. Okay, i think that's all of the hair mask in my hair and the tip to hair mask it's not like conditioner or shampoo. You leave it in, and it kind of says, like 15 to 30 minutes in general, with hair masks. I'M just gon na leave this in for like 15 minutes and i'll be back to you when it's all washed out hi. So it's the morning right now and i'm going to show you how i style my hair. I washed my hair yesterday and i would usually leave it another day before i wash it again, but for the purpose of the video i'm going to be washing it again today, so it would usually look a bit more messy, but that being said, i can show You what the hair looks like the next day, so this is what my hair looks like a day after styling it. I am about to go, have a bath thing number, one, shampoo and conditioner. This is a herbal essences shampoo and it's got avocado in, and i've also got the conditioner for that one and i just use both of them. I know you're meant to use like conditioner at the bottom of your hair, but i put it everywhere and i put a lot of it in i've - actually just got a haircut, so my hair is looking better than it used to, but it got a bit especially Because i've locked down a bit messy, i started using a hair mask, and this is the one i got my mum bought it for me from super drug hair, food banana and shea butter ultimate blends, nourishing three in one hair mask. I think you're meant to put this in dry hair, but i do put this in my hair when it's work, so basically what i do is, after i shampoo and condition my hair. I leave this in for a good five minutes and then i washed it out as you would shampoo and conditioner, and that is what i'm gon na do now. Okay, i got changed, i'm gon na have to top on, and i've got ta admit. I have literally three hair brushes that i mainly use this one is by denman denman. The brand really has a pink one - and i have this like light mint green, this one's a really big hair brush, which gets all my hair in like one brush. I have a tangle teezer brush and this is one of the little ones. This is just my childhood hair brush and i just kept it because it's kind of like cool to hold and it's like a lot convenient to like fit in bags and stuff when you're going on a holiday. This one is amazing, it's actually the best brush ever it is a volumizing brush, and i use this when i dry my hair, because it gives such volume and it makes my hair so fluffy, which i absolutely adore. It'S by babyliss anyone wondering it's b, a b y l. I i s s, that's the best. I'M gon na get you to see it because it's weird because it's on like this shiny thing with hairdryers, i don't really know what a good brand is. So i have got this one for christmas. It'S by remington, it's a really good hairdryer. I'Ve got to admit you can get like a cold side or a warm side of it. It came with this thing, which is like you click it on like smooth. When i did that, you just click it on like that, and then you turn it on and you kind of just go. I'Ve never really worked out what it really does to your hair, because it doesn't really make my hair curly. It just kind of takes a slow amount of time to dry. Let'S do some drying to my hair so because i'm trying to train my hair to have like a middle parting. I put one side of my hair to the side and i do one side at a time. So i take the piece of hair. I get the brush kind of twist it around and when you do that, you just turn this on and it kind of blow dries it through and it gives it really nice volume. Okay, i'm gon na do the other side and i'll be back. Okay. My hair is all dried. Now i can tell um i got my herm bangs cut a little bit as you can see at the hairdresser's, okay, and i also got trim because my ends of my hair was like dead. They were like ready to just like fall off themselves. Hey i'm back. The first thing i'm going to do is brush my hair. I have this hair brush. I would recommend basically, this one's from superdrug. It has a bamboo handle and it's really cool, because it's got like air circulation here and it doesn't make your hair look flat. First thing: i'm gon na do is brush my hair. Sometimes i, like my hair air dry, but sometimes i also blow dry it. So i'm gon na be demonstrating how i blow dry it today. This is heat protection spray. It'S quite important. If you're going to be styling your hair, often it just kind of helps prevent heat damage. It doesn't prevent it completely. I don't think anything will prevent it completely. So i'm just going to spray this in my hair and then i'm going to try it. I think i just missed my hair and then brush it through. I actually read somewhere that um brushing your hair while it's wet is bad for it oops time to blow dry. My hair is mostly dry now, which means it's time to show you how to style curtain bangs. There is a very particular way that people style them. First thing you need to separate them from the rest of your hair should be pretty easy to do, because it's a completely different length. There you go next, i'm going to put the rest of my hair back right. I'M gon na take a hairdryer and a curly brush. You go like this and pull it up and dry as you do that, and then it falls like this. That is how you want it to fall for a minute. Now you can take the rest of your hair out and then, if you pull your hair back like that, this happens, your hair falls nice at the front, and that is how you style curtain fringe. On that note, though, i am going to style the rest of my hair, because i feel like on its own like this. It does not look great. That means i'm going to get some hair colors. I will be right back. My friend taught me: well, she didn't teach me we were at sleepover, she was putting her hair in plait. She twisted her hair and then put a bobble in and then plaid her and i was like. Why are you doing that just like to keep my hair out my face and also gives it like a really nice curl? So your bottom part of your hair, when you do plaits, is not only the curly part, but your top part is also curly, and i was like because i just found it so cool because, like my hair, whenever i've done, plaits has always just been garlic at The bottom and my top bits just been flat as a pancake. I feel like this is such a cool thing, so i'm going to take you through what i do with that i'd. Normally, do it like the night before i film or like i'd put it in before i go to bed and then, when i wake up, it would be curly, probably won't be as curly as it would be, but you'll still see the curls. I'Ve got my loom blanket it's like a antique, but there's so many elastic bands in this. That like can go for like generations. I start by putting one half of my hair back. I think i'm gon na close up, so you can kind of see what the action is going on. You get the top of your hair a new twist. It doesn't have to be perfect but try and make it as tight as possible. Then you get a hair bubble and you just put it back and you can see you've got a little twist at the top and, as you can see, there's actually a like nice hairstyle here like, but then we're going to apply our hair. It doesn't need to be perfect, elastic band and then a couple of hours your hair will be curly when you take it out. Now, let's see the other side of my hair, there's a little cute, hairstyle number one. It'S really pretty hairstyle, i wouldn't mind mine's for a video actually and number two. It makes your hair super duper, curly and wavy and kind of like a beach wave. I would say: i'm gon na leave this in for a bit and i'll see you guys later. For this part, you are going to need a clip for your hair brush. That'Ll come in handy, you won't need a hair band, i'm swapping my hair straighteners for a curling wand, down see where the heat protectant spray is handy. So we're going to start with the bottom layer, i'm going to clip the rest out of my way how i'm curling the bottom section i'm going to alternate between curls away from my face and towards my face. I just want it to be quick and wavy. So i'm just going to put them in the collar hold for 10 seconds and then let go so essentially that's what i'm doing now you can watch now carry on with other layers of hair. I will be back to you once i've repeated this around my entire head. It'S been a couple of hours and i've just had this left in there. Obviously this does take time. I do 100 more recommend doing this at night in the morning. You'Ll have your hair. Nice, but i'm gon na, take it out now now we're gon na take out the twist look at that look. How it just goes around your hair. Look at that. I kind of like fluff it out with my hands. The twist has given off a really nice wave of curls and because they've been twisted backwards, they're kind of like stuck in that really nice position, but there is one last part to my hair routine. I use a hair serum and i'm using the aussie brand again because it's literally my favorite brand ever this is proper oil stuff. It will make your hair greasy if you put too much in so you want to put the tiniest bit. So i just go drop and i pat it in my fingers, as you can see, it gives all such a shine. It'S literally like an oil. It reminds me like vitamin e all i just go on the bottom of my hair. I just kind of go through it, so it's not too much, and then i feel that flavor, i don't put it in my roots because i know that's just going to ruin my hair, but i want to give some volumizing and curling fluff. So i go up with it like this and you just want to go through back here, and that is my hair done for today. This is my go-to hairstyle at the moment. I absolutely adore these curls and i really want to get a curling iron, but at the moment this is the closest thing i can really get to having like waves and curls and yeah. That'S how i do my hair on a daily basis. Okay, i'm back now and all of my hair has been curled. This is kind of the final step, but it's basically just to mess it up a bit. Essentially, what i'm going to do here is shake my head, a lot and go through with the brush turn around that you probably get okay. This is what we're going with. This is how i'm going to leave it. Obviously, the curls will drop over time. You can put hairspray in if you want to avoid that, but i like how they look as they drop. This is how they look. This is how i do my hair at the moment, so i hope you enjoyed that so we've both now washed our hair and styled it. Hopefully, you guys enjoyed watching this video and picked up a few tips if you enjoyed watching this video make sure to give it a thumbs up, and if you want to see more videos like this one and different then subscribe to our channel. We have two shout outs for this video shout out number one goes to aisha hashmat, who tagged us on this lovely painting of a sunset. Aisha also has an art instagram, which is here which displays a collection of beautiful, modern pieces of art. So you should definitely go and have a look at that. The second shout out goes to izzy c, who was actually the first person to comment on our last week's video? Yes, we have comments back on our channel. I don't know why, but we do and i'm really glad about it and thank you izzy for commenting and thank you, everyone else who picked up on it and commented on our videos. So that's the end of this video make sure to tune in next week. On thursday, at 5 00 pm, we love you bye right, oh my god. Oh my goodness, now i'm going to show you how to style curtain fangs, oops, sorry, i hate how the lighting suddenly changes out of nowhere. It'S just not it you get! Ah, i got time you

Lily💕: i can’t believe i’ve been watching you guys every time you’ve posted since the slime days ❤️

Kiera Ansell: i’m so jealous of people who have thin hair

pogjesss: the style these girls have is insane I love it <3

EasyMan: After a long time I can write something nice to my favorite youtubers again. Your videos are amazing as always. I even heard that Ruby uploaded her first video, congratulations. Like I keep saying, you girls are just the most amazing in the world, keep it up. I'm just terribly sorry I can't really support you right now because of the overwhelming amount of work. I have almost no time at all and this Thursday is rare and I'm really happy for this day. I'm proud of you. Anyway, enjoy the holidays and everyone stay safe :-))))))))))))).

Ailie Scott: Raylee: I actually read somewhere that brushing you’re hair while it’s wet is bad Also Raylee: Continues to brush her wet hair… I just found this funny aha, can’t believe the comments are open! Love you guys but my community page doesn’t work so I can never comment

Lord Megatron: Happy Thursday!!! Hope you have been having an awesome week. As always I'm loving your new video. I've been looking forward to it. Its been a bit of a stressful week as tomorrow I'm getting my 2nd Pfizer vaccine and have been quite nervous regarding side effects. Your videos always help me relax and get my mind off of all the stressful stuff. You girls are the best in that regard and I thank you so so much. Creativity is always the best medicine and this is the best channel to find it :) Have a great rest of your week and a fantastic Weekend. Love you so much xxx <3 #rubyandraylee #rsistersquad #earlysquad #notificationsquad #bestyoutubers

Mahsan Hassannia: Thank u so much for this !!!! I have Curtain bangs and it helped so much in styling it Tysm !!! I’m literally in love with all ur vids thanks ✨

Rosie Mcnulty: I love this! Can't wait to use ruby's hair twist idea x

alainna.: I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS! i recently cut my hair idk what to do with my curtain bangs

Funny bunny: LOVE HOW TO STYLE UR BANGS I always wanted some but I don’t know if it would look good on me or not so I’m not ready for them yet☹️<3

Vicky Solberg: Love u guys soo much❤️ You’re video’s are amazing and very helpful as well. Keep up with the great work

ur mom: Hi Raylee! Would you ever make a YouTube channel where you talk about plants, painting, spirituality etc? I'd love to watch videos like that from you seeing as I'm into those things too and we're around the same age

Ramaya Stowell: 5:50 The diffuser it to enhance any type of wave or curl you may have, the only thing is you have to be really patient when drying with a diffuser and don't want to touch your hair while you use it but since you have a wave to your hair I think it could work for you if you do the right steps

chloexxxo: Hey ! This video helps a lot, i nées to know how to style my curtain bangs haha. love you guys, and absolutely adore your painting videos.

Chloe Grace: My hair naturally looks like it has curtains. I grew my fringe out when I was 8-9 and had curtains for like 6 months and hated it. Little did I know it would later be a trend. It was a trend in the 70s-80s

D A: Heyy! Thank you i needed this video btw u both have amazing healthy hair luv u

godlovesart: I'm going to cut my hair in curtain bangs so I was looking for some tips thank u so much for the tip

aisha: Hey I really love watching your video’s, I live in London and I really loved this video and I found it helpful thanks a lot.Thx

Leila-Louise: Ooo thank goodness i just cut curtain bangs and this vid is perfect!!!❤

Libby C: been waiting for this vid :D you two are gorgeous!

Jemima Morphew: i did rubys curl trick and my hair has never looked better! i defo reccomend

Lucy Hughes: I use Aussie Shampoo and Conditioner too! I used to use it as a kid then I saw it again recently and the scent bought back so many childhood memories! Its my fav! I use the same hair mask as Raylee but the coconut one! xx

Miss Day: When I want wavy hair I do French braids x

BELLA STERLAND: I can’t believe how much of a glow up you have had from your slime videos to this

Hot Chocolate: wow! you guys have grown so much , ive been watching you since rubys slime videos!!

B Harshini: Oh! How I love your videos ❣️ they are rly awesome and fun. Love from india ❤️

Rishana Haamid: Yay.The video I am waiting for Thanks ruby and raylèe love you ❤

Scarletrose x: 4:49 I have that exact brush! same colour and everything. they don't hurt when u brush but they also get rid of knots!

Leonie Rhm: Finally comments again yeayyy. You both look georgeous ❤️❤️Greetings from Germany:)

Dr Kyles number 1 student: The best you tubers ever they always make me happyyy

Molly R: This video is very useful to many people. I love watching your videos. They are so good on your channel, Ruby's channel and your mum and dads channel. For a future video please may you bring back the throw a dart at the map challenge and I'll buy whatever you can carry. I hope you have a good weekend.

maría Inés: omg I still remember when they made slime and ruby wore cat headbands so cute <3

potatosmileyys123: The diffuser on the hairdryer is for curly hair! That’s why it’s doesn’t do anything

Ramaya Stowell: I used to love that 3 minute mask, I should go buy some more of that and the smell is amazing I love the smell of bananas lol

SlothLikesWaffles: your both so pretty ❤️

Shannon Kember: I’ve used the hair mask Raylee uses…you can do 3 ways for that mask :)

Suhani Patel: Super cute love your videos❤️❤️

Emily: Is it normal to naturally have a middle part bc i do and im always kinda suprised when ppl say they wish they had a middle part or their 'training' their hair to have a middle part.

Emma: Raylees hair mask has like three ways of using it so u are using it right there is like mini instructions on the back but love this!

x sienna cíara x: hi ! the hair drying piece is for naturally curly hair that’s why it doesn’t do anything xx

نوره الحماد: We want a tour clip in the room❤️❤️

Nf. Abiッ: Omg yess :0 Tahnk you so much for the tips!

Sharleen McHugh: You should do hairstyles . Love your girls curly hair

The Celestial Sisters Enchanted Channel: Awesome Hair Styles

Hasti Sarkan: I wish I have their hair it’s sooooooooooooooo beautiful

YouTubeKid JR: Ahhh love your vids

Sadhbh Pitt: Ur hair colour is so beautiful!

Femke Den Otter: You guys are so pretty, love your hair

Alisa Lamb: How long does that normally take to get done?

Emily Szabo: You guys are so fricking beautiful I love yall so much

it's melanie hart: Yay ty I have curtain bangs and I love them but I never sure how to style them btw luv ur vids and u guys

Ashok Duggal: Video idea you guys should try to do crochet because I saw a lot of people doing it on tiktok also love your vids

Brandy Burns: Hi you guys our very talented and your hair is beautiful!!!!!!!

drawing star: Hiii love your videos ❤️ #RubyandRaylee

xiltl.Rosie🌹: You Both Are Really Beautiful Love From India

Lily💕: yayy i have the same hair mask as raylee :)

Tamara Mccaskill: The names people come up with to start a new phase. Hurlooo...these are Farrah Fawcett Charlie's angels bangswhich u guys rock btw

Zara: Wow how great something that won’t work on my curly hair

Louie Riggs: I would suggest you check out fast hair growth fortified shampoo.

clouxds: Both y’all so pretttyyy

frogfarts: i luv ur channel<3

Bertha Medina: Omg i just realized there where tow!!! I realized when they both made the outro!!! Omg I’m so shocked!!

Angela Phillips: I love your hair colour❤️❤️

Holly: U guys are so prettyyyyyy omggg

Həmidə deaf: Gözəl

Always Be Kind!: First! Thanks for uploading love your hair styles btw!

vinuthmi Amaratunga: amazing

Evaaestheticz: Ruby looks like a younger version of ami but with ginger hair-

Lexi Fanpage: I have the same tapestry as ruby

Josi Salceanu: Does anyone know where Raylees hair brush is from?

Fillifil: Love from Turkeyy

ece eser: fav youtubers <333

Sarah Allan: You should make slime again for the memories x

anelma.: Theres comments I love all ur videos

Hana Rustempasic: Why are they both so pretyyyy

Josefiina Leppälä: the end bit for rubys hairdryer is meant for curly haired people

Angelina lifestyle: First comment from India ❤❤

iman: rayleeee pls make ur own yt channel plisssxxxx

Rahma Khan: Comments are back on yeah

emmy sanchez: Tell me why i just realised comment are on!

H Hayward: Same

Adorbsxmus- #wecangetto70!: I’m first

Maija Kuoppamäki: Hiiii

Tiktok Oliwia: Hiii

Lucy Maddock: hii

xblossom.honeyx: Eeeek

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