How I Cut My Daughters Bangs ♡ Plus Her Fav Hairstyle!

my 6 year old*

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Kasey Michaels (Stillglamorus)

Po Box 18361

tucson az 85731

not sponosred

Bringing EarthLink my mom is gon na um cut my bangs and so uh. Let'S get started ribbon and makes my hair stop and they hear and it smells good, it does smell good. We need more, that's done right. There. Sorry, we use a wet brush for Monica start. It mama. Where does it get destroy target you guys, you guys. I love this bow and Tokyo in the tailgate health, and I just I think, you're so cute um, I'm sorry I'm so this is that target and we I love these both cuz. It'S so deep, though we're gon na do oh yeah, I'm gon na tell you a little minor touch style, so it's gon na be a um, a bun it and then some hair down. This is a new dress. I know that you don't know what's a shirt, but it's not it's dress. How am I gon na get rid of these hiccups? Maybe a lot of water. You read that in a book. I'M sorry turn around baby face me and cover your mouth, and now I catch my own bangs. I do this. We'Re gon na show them how we do it. Okay, all right, okay, right here, so basically um yeah, not just yet they've all, let you know in case we already has been so shared. He has a part for whatever reason we always find like new little pieces that get cut in here. I try not to cut those basically just taking her bangs out. We haven't cut them in a while because she was gon na. Let them go out, but she changed her mind though Lady gaga, all right, so we have after this we'll get my mom surgery in there. Oh, I got ta go, they are wet whoo yeah. They just didn't shower. So we're gon na get the bangs put your head up a look just right there, it's perfect and then I'm gon na gather them. I mean and fun yes, honey hold up, I'm gon na get the bangs take it between my fingers, like so, and I'm gon na twist over I'm gon na twist them over. Like so put your head straight, big, look straight at me and then I'm basically going to cut cut straight across when all of your hand, something it doesn't have to be perfect because we're gon na even out in a second, I want to be I'm okay and, Ladies, I mm-hmm and then go ahead and look up it straight and then we're gon na see where we are brush them down. Why are you making that face what's wrong, so I could only looks like my eyes black in the camera it does. Is it dad? Is it I mean yes, I'm maybe maybe all right, so I like them, I don't like them to go straight across. I like them to kind of like frame her face. So stop it really, please all right. So I'm gon na take that now I'm gon na take the middle leave the sides out and I'm going to camera and I'm going to hey clean us up basically for a minute, okay, and that I was yo ray. I'M sorry to me my ring always messes with you, I'm sorry. I really need to get better scissors. It'S alright. We can fit the lint roller honey. Okay, look straight into the trash right now! Yeah! Well, then, look at me first! I don't want you to move that time and I think it's not. This is the part. You stayed really still for mommy, Kate and look straight. This yeah don't move, and I'm just gon na take this straight across and then this where it starts to angle down. I'M just gon na kind of follow that and oh yeah, just angling hold on just angling it down. I wasn't into this story on my um at my school and then my teacher told me that a really long time that something happened it. I was crying that school. Why? Yes, okay, those guys eating in there and sleeping in there and then um, there's airplanes dropping bombs. Mom! You got my favorite! Well, I'm sorry! You won't pick it up. Alright, so hold on money shot me a pile all right. Looking it straight in the camera, we're gon na clean this up now that me try not to money. We'Re gon na straighten this up right here I would never take, was rice. Do it at your peep? You don't do it well. I have to get the hair off all right, look in the camera, so you could show them. So, as you can see, we have a nice G under this guy. We just it's out of her eyes here and then it starts to kind of curve down. So it doesn't go straight across. We have this little like art, alright, now we're gon na. Do this side look! Look this way all right again, angling it down not again out of shape over little perky mm-hmm. You have a coughs, oh they're, not going anywhere. Yet you know I used that laughs there. You can't go to sleepovers in the Oval cough because you might get other people sick. No I'll cover my right. Let'S, let's clean this I'll cover, my mouth don't move! Okay! It'S still you really. Still time don't talk. Let'S fix this mouth, what honey? It'S idea really still for this forever. Can you um? Oh, don't do that to me he's still cuz, you don't want to get cut, you're, sick and let's look straight. I won't blow and you come here Bianca and don't do that honey. All right. Look straight. I need you to be still so we could do this. Do it right now we do right. Let'S just kiss my, I need to fix me. I need ice. I'M already done, I mean you're, not done nope one more time. Dang this side is a little bit longer than other side. Don'T move it's very still time. You must cut it and I think that's good, and then she has these like hold on hold on. If you see that necklace and then she has like hold on babe, I need you to sell me that necklace Amish and then she has these little side pieces. That kind of like taper down on the side, to see how that's how he drinks. Sometimes we go a little shorter. What kind of necklace guys? Oh they're, not gon na, be able to just look like the necklace now we're gon na do a hip style. You can don't blow in my face. Go like this and, like you know, mommy shows off her makeup. Show off your bangs and the bangs are that's how I've been cutting her bangs for like ever since I've picked. Can I talk so this is how I've been cutting her bangs, basically, her whole life. This is the same exact way. I'Ve done it for six years and that's the way I'll do it until she can. I figure life out in her hair out as she gets older. How do you want to do her? Hair bun up burn a mean from hair down. I need I'm gon na. Need you to stop moving okay, thanks, umm! No listen to this book. Alright, mom Haskell did her hair time hold it shut, stop watching me! It shut it. They keep. It watch watch hey. What are you telling these people stop watching my TV? If I can frame one choose my and then a little bunny, bun, bun bun and a clear elastic to hold the button their cameras about to die? Is it yes, your detailed to bow from target and the bow is in and Bianca looks like Justin Bieber look at me. I love it every night. Thank you for watching this video yeah sure and comment down below. Why are you his name often my sister? Oh you're asking who is better you guys, there's! No one is better. You guys are equally great and go up chat and you can see my mom's video you're so good at this. I think you need your own channel Bianca. Okay, so I just sit down summer. The children - yes, I just got my a bed, you guys have seen um self, and actually this give us a thumbs up. You describe this video and post the Instagram, I mean mom's back up and my mother appeared or, and so mom you guys give her a thumbs up and give me a thumbs up for this video on YouTube. We'Re gon na read this book by my mom gossip. My grandma's, this is very old, there's gon na be girls, you know and then oh yeah, I have to tell you this guy's um. If you haven't seen them that hair video and have you seen this video, so I want Buddha's help. I'M gon na tell you guys what happen at my school. So um there was a ship and then I was crying to school. Okay show them the ship and then um there's an airplanes dropping bombs. I was so scared. I was like. I was like it's okay, um dad was there. He was really scared. He was like really scare like that. Okay come on this book, so let's get started in the letter. This is when I'm next JC Palmer book JC Palmer says: I think it's not a book. This is not a book guys in a notebook she's, very, very weird. It'S not as a book. That'S mommy's journal. I just look the new girl. Okay, don't like rip any pages are, so what can I draw anything? How'S mommy got secrets in there. I just show them right now, all right I'll show you my mama mmm. Let me to show you this this book, so here about this page, maybe my mom's coming out for this mom and do anything. Thank you and describe to my mom's in your my video, who has the best video or me hmm stickin, a package up. My party Bonni Bonni snapchat, and I share it. What made mother? Because she asked me on her phone so mm and you have to see my snapchat then watch it right now. That'S well my own laundry! Thank you for watching this video. I hope you have a great day. Be happy, be happy!

Still GlamorUs: cutting starts at 3:17

Meredith Emily: She is so freaking sweet! My son is six and her energy level matches his exactly! They're so sweet and joyful at that age! Also, props to u on the bangs, I couldn't do that lol I love when your kids are in your videos & I miss your vlogs!!! Merry Christmas to you all!! :)

Hannah Tyler: How can anyone give this a thumbs down? She is too cute! Omg!

ThatsMe Sherri: So adorable! I love her personality, such a little lady with a dash of sass❤️❤️❤️

Gayle Burkett: Oh Lord I wish my three daughters, ages 3, 4 and 6, would stay still like this for me to brush and style their hair!!! Come train my kids!!

Amanda Martinez: Oh my goodness, she freaking melts me! Love you and Bianca so much, your mother/daughter relationship is literally goals for when I have my own mini-me!

Kat Grijalva: You’re so patient with your kids and I love it, she’s so precious!

Stephanie Pitcher: I giggled throughout this whole video. She’s SO sweet. ❤️ Getting closer and closer to having the guts to cut my 2 year old’s bangs. Also extra thumbs up for the fact it wasn’t edited and you kept every little thing in there. Love it so much!!!

Get Comfortable: I love your energy and the good loving vibes you’re whole family has ❤️

Davy Marie: I like how she puts her hands out to catch her hair. Cutest thing ever!!

Deanna Ocampo: This was so entertaining Bianca is hilarious I love her! super cute hair style!! ❤️

Monica Gonzales: She’s a natural! So cute & hilarious. Love y’all. <3

StarDeNene Vas: Awe Bianca is so cute. And the artist she's talking about is Sia. Cuteness. You're amazing Kasey.

Starlyn Corral: You can immediately tell how much of you is imprinted in all of your children❤ #Loveandlightalways

Marielaa Walls: Awww good to know! I'm excepting my first girl in just a matter of days sooo I'll definitely be coming back to this video when it's time to cut her hair

Haley: Love this she should have a channel and start it now and continue it as she gets older that would be so cool! Love y’all!!

Emily Santana: How are people giving this a thumbs down? She’s perfect ,love you all ! -SnapChat Fam!

Summer Rosales: She's such a character ! I literally e n j o y her

Robyn Conti: Omg! You make cutting hair look so simple! I wish it was simple for me lol. Your daughter is so cute

BrittSal92: Your daughter is so cute! I love her little personality :)

Alyssum M: So cute ❤️❤️❤️ she's so silly, looooove it!

Ana: Omg Bianca had me laughing! She's so adorable ♥️

Sandra Veleta: Omg she is so adorable! Love her little personality!

cindynickol: She is so cute! Love her! This was a really great video ^_^! ❤️

Megan Justice: Bianca is hilarious! This video made me laugh so hard lol. She is a character

Bec E: She’s so adorable and hilarious... really needs her own tv show lol

fer ref: Absolutely love her ♥♥♥ Thank you for sharing!! ♥♥

Bianca perez: I don't have kids but I just came to see Bianca cuz she makes my day ❤️❤️

April Melissa: Her little personality is so precious!!

Kayloni Altaha: She reminds me so much of my 5 year old daughter!

plynnxo: So adorable!!

Paige Norton: I feel like I just watched my daughter's have their hair cut lol they are restless in this same way. She's adorable!

Arlene Macias: Omg she’s so cute she has such a big personality!!♥️

Carmen A: Bianca is so funny, what a cutie!!!

Helen Adami: She’s so precious! She looks so much like you. Did you look the same at her age? You’re such a sweet mamma.

Lalah26: "Who has the best video? I do!" Pls Bianca, do your mom's makeup. She is too cute. My 5 year old daughter is just as bubbly.

Nicole Day: She is so BEAUTIFUL it brought me to tears...this age is so precious!!! Merry Christmas

Drea IsLuved: Okaay bianca needs her channel already!! she is so adorable and what a spunky personality!!

Shazia Farooque: She is sooo adorable she looks cute when she is being cheeky

valeriav619: How adorable I remember when she was a baby

Becky Lester: What a little cutie pie!! As she is pretty smart, I love how she was talking about her bow lol!!

Cassandra Gonzalez: Yesssss she is too cute!!!

Shinebright805: She signed off like 10 times haha I love you both!❤️

Johnnie Dunford: Someone pays attention to her mommy making videos! Haha. I love the new (not a shirt) dress, too!

THE MERMAZING UNICORN: Aww, so cute, this is just like me trying to cut my wee girls bangs! Lol! She has just decided to grow hers out also! Xxxc

Brianna Resendiz: Bianca is too freakin cute! I cant take it!

Tiffany Jetter: Bianca is soo cute. I wish my daughter was that patient.

Ochoa_3123: Bianca is so funny she’s so cute !

nayyab saleem: Tell her i could watch her all day.. she's so fun to watch

annette garza: Shes so cute! Hi Bianca. You are so adorable. I love watching you on your mommas snapchats!

belle âme: She is adorable!!!

Amy Horsik: So enjoyed watching this!!

Maria G. Mondragon: She is so adorable

LizBiz Central: @stillglamorus I applaud you girl with all these negative Nancy’s! Keep being you and those who care will stay tune!

Danielle Ber: She is adorable

jazmine nunez: Lol she’s so adorable ❤️

amy kekki: Awww cuteness. .. she is just a doll. She got personality. .. mini you Kasey...

LunaEats: Haha she is tooooo cute! Loving this!

Ana Moon: So silly haha about to attempt this on my toddler!

jane Martindale: I have been watching your videos for awhile, love it so far..daughter is so cute. do you recommend the spray for dry hair?

Yoselyn Escalante: Lmao omg she so cute & funny ❤️

Ivette Munoz: She’s sooo adorable. Lol

Leah Dawn: So great!! She's wonderful

juana yannett: I’ve always wanted to get bangs like this! BUT I’m so scared it “go with my face”. Anyways lol I’d let you cut mine haha sending happy vibes!

Doria: Oh! You're daughter is such a cutie

Rena Ash: My 9 year old has Bianca's hair style, she watched the video with me, she loved Bianca and her bun.

Trina Donahue: I remember your labor blog with her!omg! She’s so big now with her own personality! Go girl!

Pink Keys: She is such a little character i love it

Jenny Vang: She is sooooo freaking cute!!

Maydel Almaguer: Sooo cute !!!

gem: Ohh Masha'allah she is adorable

amanda cyprich: omggg shes soo cute! love you guys! <3

Miranda Rae: Shes so gorgeous! Eek, imagine when shes older! ..So precious xoxo

Mama 456: "You don't do that to people"

waterdiamond9: Hi Bianca!!! Love the video

SuperDANAEE: She is sooooo cute

Brittnee Strunk: So cute!

zaibet fati: Rianca you'r one lovely creature that I just love. Queen and be beautiful means to be yourself and kasey you're one of the kind ppl I've ever seen...thank you ❤

Marsha Cory, White Dove Ministries: Such a cutie! Casey upon your recommendation I bought the Bed Head meringue a long time ago and I love that stuff. It really works to give my hair volume cuz I have fine thinish hair. But I can't seem to find it anywhere now. Do you have a recommendation that could replace it? With similar volume boosting?

Sandy M: She’s so cute

lexi: Awww I love them

Kristen S.: So Beautifullllll the both of you God Bless you Happy Holidays love you Kasey!!!!!

Lovejoy 𖨆♡︎𖨆: Omg the bangs are so cute

Rebekah Grant: She’s grown up soo much omg listen to her chatting away

talathia hallam: Aww she’s a doll so cute

Caroline-Isabelle Wilson: She's so cute good job for the band

Brooklyn Whidden: She is so beautiful!

Zozo Alhosni: She's so beautiful and cute love this video

AnnaShefia: She. Is. So. Cute. I love how quirky she is.

Cole Bowen: “Don’t do that to people” lol, I’m dying

Selena Chavez: Cute

Becky Pangman: Aww she's still so cute .. I remember when she was just your chubby little Twinkie ❤

Raquel Garcia: “Describe” to my moms channel was the cutest part ever hahah

Rose ann Galvan: She is so cute

Irum Faiq: MashaAllah she's soo cute

Courtney H: Bianca is so cute!

Alison Meredith: Cute OVERLOAD ❤❤❤

Paola Romo: Hahaha shes super cute an soo talkative future Youtuber

Simli Dasgupta: She is so cute

Nancy Lewington: Adorable

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