Hairdressers Guide To Cutting Your Own Curtain Bangs

Hi Beautiful! Today I teach you how to cut curtain bangs. These bangs have become super popular so I wanted to teach you how to do it without completely botching them.

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Hi beautiful curtain bangs seem to be the hottest trend going on right now. Everybody'S trying out some curtain bangs curtain bangs are on the rise, ooh they're really cute. When they're done well, i mean they're quite chic, i love a good curtain. Bang. Everybody is also cutting their own curtain bangs, and sometimes it doesn't go that well like this video right here. I can't see what i'm doing clearly and luckily cutting your own curtain. Bangs doesn't need to be that hard. It'S actually quite a simple thing to do, and i'm going to show you today just how you do it: how to do these beautiful babies right here. This is what you're going to see today. Oh, she looks stunning, a nice swooped out curtain, bang right under eye level. It'S a low commitment, type of look because you know you're not cutting short bangs. They can grow pretty fast. It'S not that big of a deal unless you do it wrong, and then you end up with really ugly bangs, but our goal is to not do that. We'Re gon na do actual pretty bangs today, with a few simple steps and i'll also show you how to style your bangs, because that is also a very important thing to know in order to make the bangs look good. You don't want to look like this. Let'S cut some curtain bangs today and hopefully you follow my directions clearly, and hopefully it goes well for you and if it doesn't don't blame me because you probably did something wrong: let's all take a deep breath all right: let's do it so in order to cut Yourself, some beautiful curtain, bangs you're gon na need a comb. That'S really important one, with very close teeth and one with separated teeth like this. That way, you can comb out your sections, then you can get a really nice grip with the smaller teeth. Okay, i mean. Listen, if you don't have that you can use a brush, maybe it's just not as ideal scissors, guys shears, something that actually cuts your hair, not kitchen scissors, not craft scissors, not like, like shaving razors. I don't know what you guys are using these. It'S okay, but we're gon na want cutting scissors. You can get cheap ones, disposable ones. I don't know what the they make. Okay, i feel like a hairdresser to you. Do i look like that. I'M gon na be using also a couple clips, but you can also use a scrunchie. A hair tie, anything like that. Will that be fine, and then you can wet your hair or you can use a spray bottle to wet your hair and those are the items you'll need. So, let's get cutting. Let'S welcome my client for today miss manny quinn not to be confused with her younger sister, miss minnie quinn, different tones. The way you say it so step. One is gon na be to have wet hair you're gon na want that to not be dry. So i'm gon na just dampen up this front section with some water. Is it water or is it alcohol you'll never know? We are gon na comb, our hair in front of our face just like this. The next step is to do a middle part. Everybody loves a good middle part. These days we all know those are also very trendy. Apparently, if you do a side part you're ugly, i mean i do enjoy a good middle part. I do, but you know sometimes side parts can look fun and cute we're part in the middle. I hope i haven't lost you quite yet. We'Re gon na take the bangs back about two or three inches up to you, depending on how thick you want them and, depending on how thin your hair is. Naturally, i'm gon na go about two inches back and i'm going to take these down to about the end of her eyebrow, depending on your face shape. That might be the middle of your eyebrow. Maybe the end of your eyebrow. If i only went to the middle of her eyebrow it'd be a very thin thing: okay, that's fine! If you want a very thin one go for it, but she told me she wants a thick one. She wants a big difference, a noticeable difference, and that is what you're gon na get all of this hair is going to be her sort of bang section all right. So you should have this little triangle section right here and we're gon na clip the rest of the hair out of the way just like that, all right or you can just take up all the hair into a ponytail. That'S also fine, and now we're just gon na do the same exact thing on the other side, so we're gon na check where the other side is and bring it down to the same exact place. So your hair should look something like this. Now you have one large triangle, because i basically just combed the two triangles together and now you got one big one and it's still nice and wet having it wet is gon na help with cutting it straight because when it's wet it weighs your hair down, and It gets rid of all your texture and your frizz and your whatever else is going on either. I don't know. What'S going on with your hair girl, it's gon na be best to cut your hair wet. Now, if you're unsure that you took the right amount of hair, you're gon na bring that part back, and i like to just kind of go like this and eyeball it kind of imagine what the bang is. Gon na look like bring it to the side and if you're like okay, that's a good amount of hair. When that's cut, that'll look nice that little swoop right there that'll look nice you're in a good place. If you pull it back like this and you're like whoa girl, that's too much hair, then don't do that, bring it back a few steps with me so we're gon na hold our scissors like this. So the third finger right here i think, that's the ring finger and the thumb we are gon na comb. This section nicely: okay, really really nicely get all those tangles out make sure it's still wet. We are actually gon na. Take this entire section in one now. Normally, i wouldn't do that, but we're trying to make this easy for you guys. Okay, then you're gon na decide what length you want to cut. Normally i like to go right under the cheekbones for the curtain. Bangs, that's usually a good height. To start with can always go shorter. You can't go longer all right, so i'm going to start off a little bit longer than that. Maybe right at the nose and i am going to cut across. I just made that first little snippy snip i'm gon na. Let that go, i'm gon na re-comb it and i am going to cut another all right. I can't see what i'm doing, because i am on the side of her head, but at least you guys can see last cut now feel free to go longer or shorter than i did. That is totally up to you, but starting off here for a curtain, bang is usually a good place. I wouldn't go too far up, or else it's going to look like just regular bangs. I'M going to face my girl towards me and i'm going to take a strand from each end and just make sure that they are the same exact length on both sides. They look great and if they weren't great, we would just do a little snip snip snip. We can always perfect our work once we're done. Okay, now you're doing a great job. I can see you following along, and i am so damn proud of you. You did it. You did your first snip, it's gon na be a home run. Okay, for both of us, it's gon na look beautiful all right. So now we have our bangs, oh she's, already looking banging, we are going to add a little bevel. You see how it's so straight. It'S like girl, you got a ledge, i hate ledges. I don't want to stand next to them, i'm scared of heights. I don't want them in my hairstyles. I don't want to cut them like that. So we're going to part the hair, then we're going to over direct the hair across the other side opposite of where the part is we're also going to make sure our fingers are parallel to the section up here so now, you're getting this moment, let me show You that again pick up the hair. I comb it parallel to the parting, and then i hold my fingers parallel to the parting, so you're going to get something like that where it goes from short to long and now all we have to do is cut off those longer pieces. So now, when we let go, we are going to get a beautiful angle to the fringe, gosh, it's beautiful. So now it naturally is going to the side like that, and that is how you do a gorgeous curtain. Bang. So that's what we just cut, and that is what we're going to cut now we're going to do the same way all right take a breath and if your hair is getting dry, please put some more moisture in that we're going to take the hair comb. It parallel to the part, and now we're just going to cut off that hair and then once we got it back down. It looks something like that now to check our work. We'Re just gon na take the two middle pieces and make sure they're the same length which they are and then the two end pieces and make sure they are the same length. It'S not that hard. If you do it right and follow my directions now that we have, that part done the biggest most dramatic part of all, i am now gon na just blow dry, her hair, for you get it all nice and cute, and then we're gon na go in and Detail the bangs i'm just gon na throw in some electric green moisture cream just to rehydrate her ends, make everything super smooth and easy to blow dry. This will make your hair feel like actual silk. Get it right in those bangs. It'S not gon na make her hair greasy, but it's really gon na hydrate and make everything so easy to brush through and just add amazing amounts of shine just wait to see how glossy this is about to be and for extra shine and up to 500 degrees. Fahrenheit of heat protection we're going to use forcefield heat shield. This is going to help her style last all day, all night and throughout the week, all right and now we're ready to blow dry. I'M just gon na do a little halo section. Okay on to the cushion bangs, we are gon na use a one and a half inch ceramic round brush. You can also use a flat brush for this. I am just going to take the hair and lay it right on top of the brush and blow it downwards, and out: okay, we're not trying to let the curl sit there like that and really get a bevel on it. We'Re just going to do a quick little because we're not trying to get curly cues on the ends. It'S not my thing when it has like those super beveled ends, you'll kind of see how i like it once i show you but yeah. I just like to do that and another good thing to do. If you have a really annoying part like side part that won't go away, you can bring the hair to one side and blow dry it and then the other side and blow dry it to get that part to go away. Okay - and it should look something like this - it's not too beveled, but it's a little bit we're not getting like a ton of height up there, which is good all right. You can brush or comb the bangs back and then part them in the middle okay. So here is our curtain bangs so far, they're looking cute but they're, not quite right. It'S looking very heavy and very disconnected what we're gon na do is section out those bangs again and we are gon na. Take these bring them all the way up to the top of our heads and now just be careful and cut into the hair. This will slightly give you some separation on the ends of your hair, but again just be careful, don't cut yourself, go slow and just do it little by little now, one other thing i'm gon na do, which is another optional thing. I'M just going to take my shears and go in there and cut the tiniest amount of hair just to further thin out her fringe. If yours is already looking thin, please don't do this all right. Her hair is very thick. I just want to get rid of a little bit of that bulk you can see is sitting a lot better than this is let's do the same thing on the other side, all right now for the finishing touches you're doing so great we're going to let down The rest of the hair part off about a half an inch of hair. I like to blend my hair in with the rest, so i'm just going to take it like that and just follow the end of the fringe down to the bottom of her hair. Just giving her that little bit of connection right there in the front again we're just sectioning about a half an inch out at the front holding it with our fingers, seeing where the end of the hair starts and then just going down at a slant and slowly Cutting out some of that hair as we slide down the hair, so now it's going to really escalate this look and finish it all off is some styling. Let me put some waves in our hair and i'll show you guys the finished. Look i'm going to be using my dyson flat iron to do this, and here is the final look. I'M obsessed, i did a little messy wave on her, give her a little volume up here a little bit and she has these beautiful curtain bangs going on. I'M literally obsessed, i love that it's giving her this subtle, 70s vibe, oh the 70s, can just me up any day like so cute. Look at the way the bangs just seamlessly blend into the head. That is exactly what you want to try to achieve when you do this to yourself like look at the way it carves out her bone structure. Are you kidding me if you don't have any cheekbones get curtain, bangs it'll give you cheekbones girl, stop you're doing too much and then, when you mess it up, it's still so freaking cute and then we can just mess them up a little bit. Do a little umph in the top give it that more sexy look whatever your style is baby. This is how i would wear my curtain bangs with that little piece just hanging down. It was giving me life before, but now it's giving me absolutely everything i wanted. So that's the look. Thank you miss mannyquin. I love ya. You look fabulous. I hope you like your new bangs, so i hope you guys follow my directions. I can't wait to see you guys with your new curtain bangs. If you end up giving this a try. Please make a video or send me a photo. I would just love to see what you do there's nothing better than when i see you guys trying out my tutorials, it's so fun to watch. I just love it. I don't know if you guys are not already subscribed, make sure you do write down below hit the subscribe button and you can also hit the like button and the bell icon, while you're there. You guys can follow me everywhere else. Here. All my social media handles all around me: go for it, bing bang boom, if you guys want to shop any of the products used in today's video, these wonderful products. This is what i use electric rain and force field. You can shop them right down below and you can also check us out on instagram x, model hair, as well as my hair color online at xmondo color on instagram, and you can shop everything, color and hair care right down below at If you guys want to live your extra life with me, make sure you check out my live. Your extra life merch, it's all right here, it's fabulous! It'S gorgeous! You can get it now at It is also linked below you can text me right at this number right here. Yes, it's really connected to my phone. Yes, i really do see your messages and, yes, i will be replying to a few of you guys if you text me right now. This will also keep you notified every time i post a new video. Today'S instagram shout out goes to maria. She says hi gorgeous i'm from brazil, hi gorge as uh. I was wondering if you give me some advice about my hair. I have very long curly hair. Never done anything on him and i really love it. I was hoping that you could give me an opinion about it. If i should change something color or cut my birth is in two months, and i think it's time for some changes, love you too, girl girl. Your hair is so pretty my recommendation cut some layers get some balayage highlights going on in there to give you some depth and cut a couple inches off the length. Those three things will give you the most magical, curly hair. Ever yes, try that out. If you end up doing it, i would love to see a photo and good luck. Thank you guys so much for watching today. Don'T forget to live your extra life and i'll see you next time. Bye, guys you

Brad Mondo: Have you ever had bangs??

Sushi: Brad: You’re doing so great! Me laying in bed: ‍♀️

Samanta Chacon: He knows we are going to cut it ourselves and no one can’t stop us so he decided to guide us. Legend.

BlahBlah: I DID IT!! OMG.. I can't believe I'm finally that psycho on the internet, who cut their own bangs, looking at a YouTube tutorial. But it worked so well for the first timer.. Thanks Brad Mondo! :')

amira demandt: This started with a mental breakdown and ended with one

nola: you’re an actual life saver, my hair started thinning and falling out due to anorexia and i had to get a wig, but since i usually have curtain bangs, it looks weird on me, thank you so much for this video!

Rachel B: Okay, but has Brad ever put on a wig and cut his own hair so we actually know how to cut it by ourselves?

Bushra Arshad: Googles how to separate my head from my body to cut my own curtain bangs

Kirby☆.。.: I just cut my 15-20 min ago and LET ME TELL YOU.. IT'S AMAZING!! I cut it a bit too short than I intended to but that is OK, it still looks so good! I already have a middle part and I knew if I get curtain bangs I will look 100x better, and I did!! thx brad! ヾ(≧▽≦*)o <3

Yanjun Zhu: “If u don’t have any checkbones get curtain Bangs, it Will get u Checkbones. LMAO

Claude Naidoo: Trying to convince my dad to cut my curtain bangs, told him he can't go wrong if he follows Brand Mondo❤️ Edit:It looks amazing. I'm so glad I convinced him to do it. I feel like my best self thanks Brad Mondo

Sabz: it’s currently 1:36am and im crying in my bathroom rn wondering why I ever thought this was a good idea. thanks a lot brad babe xoxo

Debroah Jean Santana: This is the third time I've cut my own hair ( in my life and) using your tutorial, none of which were break up inspired. First time was just a trim on long hair and it went great. This time I went 1950's -60's short with pin curls. Again it was just what I was going for but it wasn't finished until I added the curtain bangs. Literally prefect results. After a life of hearing I couldn't have bangs because my of thin wavy curly hair. Bam! Hello pin curl curtain bangs! Nailed it. I think your tutorials put any style within my reach and keep my money in my pocket when I want to play with my look or keep it trimmed and fresh. Bless your fabulous heart!

Julia Vorobeva: I did it!! I cut it just a couple of days ago and it's perfect!!! The best bangs I've ever had! Cutting on the right side at the very end was a bit challenging, cause I'm right-handed BUT definitely doable! Just gotta be patient with it. Dear Brad, thank you for this! It's like you were through this with me. The cheer-ups and encouragements were so on point! Really appreciated it!! ❤️❤️❤️

Zobaida Ferdous: Brad realised he can't stop us from creating disaster with our he came up with something else..

Cute_Potatos: The people that disliked are the people who already cut their bangs

Holly Gamble: Brad, barely sectioning the hair: I hope I haven’t lost you quite yet Me, already halfway through this haircut: You’ve lost me Brad

alph: I just cut my own curtain bangs! if I didn’t watch this tutorial I would probably be sobbing in my room from a failed attempt at bangs honestly. I cut them a little thick and they brush just above my cheekbones and I really like them. I’m glad I watched this, would’ve totally botched the swooping on the edges without this. and here’s a tip! if you have wavy hair like me that’s pin straight when wet but curls into all sorts of funky shapes at the ends, leave lots of wiggle room when you make that first cut! I cut mine just above my lip to leave room to cut it shorter and THANK GOD because right after that it bounced up in a swoop and I only had to trim a bit to fix it.

Laura Lencioni: This is the second time I've cut my curtain bangs using this tutorial and I LOVE the results! Thanks to your videos I've had the courage to cut my own hair and get compliments on the results. Your videos are the best, very entertaining as well as informative. Also, I'm obsessed with that red jacket you're wearing.

synth c:: this was so helpful omg now i just need the confidence to actually cut it

freja.rossen: “I’m not gonna do it. I was just thinking about it” I DID IT

Jessie Smith: Thank you so much! My oldest daughter refuses to go to a hairdresser because she's scared they'll cut her too short like the cheap places her grandma has taken her to 3 times. Soooo it's up to Mama (me) to make her hair dreams comes true. Now she wants curtain bangs and this video was AMAZING! MY Sheers are dialing her hair right NOW!

Maria Aldrete: OMG. I love how you took the 70s and made it futuristic. My 14yr old asked me for curtain bangs and i said Oh you want a layered cut... No, she wants curtain bangs. So she sent me this video so i can give her these bangs for school... You make it look simple. I hope it goes good. Thank you for this video... BTW. You are gorgASS

Thick Bellamel: I just want to thank you for this tutorial I am afraid to go to hair dressers cause they always take off way too much and I did my hair with this tutorial and love my new curtain bangs and got so many compliments so thanks Brad you're amazing

Tessa: I just cut curtain bangs on my mom and it looks amazing. She feels so confident about her hair after feeling bored for so long. Thank you so much!

A: Next week: Reacting to people trying to cut curtain bangs.

Jet Pulley: Just cut my hair for the first time, and I absolutely love it!!! I never knew that I could look so good in bangs

Mariam Q: Thank you so much for this tutorial! I love the way my bangs turned out it’s literally perfect! You made it so easy!!

Rara Lovely: I've been following his curtain bangs tutorial since March and I've had cut my bangs two times, both times ended with the same amazing result

JulieC_gt7: I did this just now and I. AM. IN. LOVE. I been wanting curtain bangs since forever and I finally did it! Thank you so much for this super easy hilarious tutorial! ❤️

Chloe Rose Art: This came a little late Brad I've just cut full blown straight bangs out of boredom

Barbara Szigyártó: I always dyed my own hair and cutted it shorted but i never ever had any braveness to do my own bangs but now i did it and i am IN LOVE with them thank you Brad ❤️

Tara Ann: I just used this to do mine and I love them so much thank you Brad for making things so much easier♥️

ICEBRAT515: Thank you for this video. Your guidance and making this simple for those who aren’t good with shears.. was so helpful and you made this super easy to follow. Thank you! Just subscribed. You’re awesome Brad ❤️

XxGacha TuberxX: Omg I did it and I’ve never been so happy, thank you so much for making me feel confident after a long while of me not feeling right in my hair. Again, thank you so much.

kryzia s: currently standing in front of my bathroom mirror at 2 am on a sunday night debating whether i should do this or not

Sanchita Shirke: "It's not that's hard if you do it right and follow my directions" ❤️ I'm surely gonna try those curtain bangs ❤️

Ayza Malik: I just followed this video to cut my first curtain bangs by myself and it came out so good, I am So happy, thank you so much for making the process so easy to follow !! Thank you for adding how to connect the cut and style it !!! ❤️ love u

Jacqueline Rodriguez: I know it’s a little late, but IT WORKS ! I’ve been cutting my hair for YEARS and it comes out good. I usually fanangle a “bevel” but I always hate my bangs for about a week. I did my cut this way and it’s gorgeous ! No more hating my bangs for a week haha

Jaike Marie: it's a sunday evening and I just hated my hair. So I was like "let's do curtain bangs again". Thanks Brad. I look cute now.

Jana L: crazy how almost the whole comment section is frustrated because apparently everybody decided to cut their bangs yesterday

lissy Castro: Omg This is the best tutorial ever no one Could make my bangs correctly and I I did today with this tutorial (you definitely need a good comb , sheers) and my bangs look gorgeous! ❤️ thank you Brad you made my year with this video ❤️

Роси Андонова: A hairstylist just did the two tiny even strings of hair and called it curtain bangs. I didn't say anything out of anxiety and cried home. I think I can do better myself, since I did my mom's hair. Once I stop shaking, I'm doing this!!! Thank you, Brad!!!

•Mondakini: I tried this yesterday and now I love my bangs!! Thank you so much for the tutorial and I just love my bangs ✌

Charlotte Rodriguez: Brad gave me enough confidence and good vibes that I just did this to myself and BAM! Awesome results!!! ‍♀️

Amilie Xx: that red blazer is absolutely EVERYTHING omg

Hali Canzler: Brad you're the only one I trust to teach me how to cut my hair myself, bless these videos. ✨

Kelly Quackenbush: I'm 55 and I just made bangs that actually look great! Thank you sweetie❣️ I love them

cookies !: I did this and at first I was scared but then it tourned out so great! <3 I'm in love with my hair rn ♡ thank you!!

Papa smurfs Toe jams: so amazing!! we did this for my sister and they look amazing. although i did mine off a different tutorial hers definitely look nicer when a tutorial is followed thank you sm

Clodagh Walsh: Brad Mondo: saving everyone’s hair, one lockdown at a time

Wamika Jha: Omg thank you so much brad!! I cut my hair with *craft scissors* (plis don't kill me) and it looks absolutely banging!! Saved me a trip to the salon! I love you XD ❤️

Moira Venko: Hii! Thanks Brad for such an amazing tutorial. I just wanted to add something to save a life. If you have wavy hair like me that curls so high and so fast as soon as it gets dry, you might want to cut it longer or use a hair iron. Also... Be careful with scissors because I asked for ones at the store and the guy gave me this ones with a little comb in one of the blades. THAT WON'T WORK choose the ones that look like actual scissors. Maybe this is too obvious but I didn't know until my hair is a mess

Hanna: I just did it, super fun and easy if you pay attention to the steps. Thank you for the tips, I'm loving my new bangs

KC Mabel: Thanks for this vid, best and easiest tutorial ever . I asked my hair stylist for curtain bangs and she just didn’t pull trough, I just did them myself and I am in love

Alyssa M: Time stamps: What you'll need- 1:25 Step 1 (damp and comb hair)- 2:18 Step 2 (sectioning)- 2:36 Step 3 (start to snippy snip)- 4:32 Step 4 (part hair, over direct, and snippy snip more hair)- 6:04 Step 5 (check work)- 7:30 Step 6 (how to style bangs)- 8:40 Step 7 (cut into hair)- 9:45 Step 8 (Optional dangerous cutting to thin fringe)- 10:18 Brad's finished look- 11:37 Edit/tip- my dad cut it for me. its shorter than I wanted. if you have wavy/curly hair, make sure to have extra length bc without the weight of the hair you cut off your hair will become curlier making the hair you cut seem shorter. Also I kept my side part and it still looks good (minus it being shorter than what I wanted) Edit 2- this is a low risk haircut but it made me look totally different. My friends say it suits me, but it took me a day to like it bc it was such a change. It really only blends into my hair nicely when I curl it. When I don't it just looks out of place. Edit 3- omg y'all! this haircut is perfect! I've been trying to find gender fluid hair cuts (I'm questioning), and all the haircuts were so short and a huge commitment. I wanted to keep my long hair bc I feel like a girl most of the time and thats when I want long hair, so this is perfect when I want the short hair look. When I want to present as a boy I can hide my hair in a beanie and leave the bangs out. I understand that girls can have short hair and boys can have long hair, but for me I change my hair depending on what gender I want to present as. Thanks Brad, love you! :)

Mr. Nibbles :3: Wow thank you so much! I wanted to cut my hair for back to school and after using this tutorial I got just what I wanted!!

Katharina Zwolinska: Thank you soooo much for this tutorial ♥ I was so sad about my hair, because after bleaching it 3 times in one week I had to cut off a lot of it and it looked so ugly :C But now that I have these bangs I'm feeling so cute !!! I think I even like the short look on me now

Stargazingwolf: I just tried it and Im happy with the first steps of the actual cut thanks Brad!

Lindi Johnson: My hairstylist came highly recommended- I asked for curtain bangs and she gave me long layers blended in with the rest of my hair. Brad, you’re coming in clutch! But imma watch this a few more times until I give myself real curtain bangs Edit: did it. Love them. Thanks Brad- living my extra LIFE!

Marisa Gocke: “Don’t blame me, because you probably did something wrong.” Fav mondo quote to date

Elīna Semane: I did it at home, had the right scissors for hair cutting and it looks so good and fresh! Thank You! I’m so excited!

Lotte Sprenger: This was super helpful, thank you! It did even work with a side part for me ‍♀️

pratisha sarmah: "you're doing amazing!" Me just sitting: tHaNks

mackenzi: bro the amount of time and money you just saved me , literally amazing . i’ve been wanting to get curtain bangs for a while now but haven’t had the time to go to the salon , ty for this video .

Dabi: *brad:* “I can see you following along and I am so damn proud” *me sitting in bed eating chips:* “aww thank u”

Lyssa Lectro: We watched this (and the curtain bang fail video) in my fundamentals class at Aveda. I decided that with my new knowledge completing the fundamentals phase, I’d try this. SUCCESS. I asked for them during my last haircut and they were way too long. I’m so happy thank you!

GdF: Uber thanks Brad. I cut my own bangs perfectly thanks to you. It looks so cute and frames my face so well.

Brooke Leonardo: I really want him to do my hair I’m so jealous of people that get to have their hair done by him

BiBi: YEY I made it!! It looks well on me and I love it. Thank you so much, Brad!!

Yavana C: "Not kitchen scissors." While I'm doing it with kitchen scissors...Actually my bangs look good. Thanks Brad.

The Storm: I'm watching this after I got mine messed up by a professional, I'm going to try to fix them my self...the one time I wanted to look great for my birthday that's coming in 2 days, Brad I'm crying edit: i fixed it, it looks sooooo much better now thank you braddddd❤️

tami: I just tried it on myself and it worked soo well! Thank you so much, this video was very helpful!!

Saoirse Carrigan: I LOVE IT!! I’ve been trying to find something new to do with my hair for a while and this is BOMB

ShayPPP: Oh hunny. Oh wow. My bangs are hot. Thank yoooouuuuuuu. I color My own hair, have for years, with lightener and toner, but always go in for trims. I was Waaaayyyyy overdue. Followed step by step. Cut a bit longer than I thought I wanted And after all the “fixing” it was perfect! I love Side swept too and this styles great for both!! Hides by horrid baby hairs at my temples which is always my main concern. Drew attention to the rest of my three foot long hair… needing trimmed up as well… so here’s to searching for your next how to!! ❌⭕️❌⭕️

Liv Rain: “Don’t use kitchen scissors” ummm I will kindly ignore that advice today

Vanilla Lion: I did this and it worked perfectly!! Just make sure that when you cut it, do it longer than you think you’ll need You can always cut more off, you can’t put it back on lmao

Keerthana Kumaran: Thank you Brad... My bangs came so beautiful.... Haven't cut my hair in 21 years until this video!

Kamila: I‘m joining the mental breakdown club since apparently we’re all cutting curtain bangs on a sunday night. It turned out a lil bit shorter than I wanted but I’m still happy with the result! Thank you so much Brad, you made it really simple to follow along

Alexa: Thank you Brandoooo I made an impulsive decision to cut my hair and now I can’t stop looking at myself in the mirror

carly leblanc: brad: “you did your first snip!” me having anxiety about wether to actually cut my hair or not

christineINcolour: Thanks for the tutorial, Brad! I made a video following your steps on my channel, and I think it went smoothly! Good luck to all y'all out there about to do this! I wrote down step my steps in my video description box if anyone needs :)

Brenda Johnson: Thank you Brad!!! After this video I gave myself a quarantine chop and have never felt more like myself!!!

Kayla Holt: I’ve been thinking about getting curtain bangs for awhile and I decided to just do it I followed this video and it looks great❤️

CiLissa Harris: Tried this on my teenage daughter. She looks amazing, thank u. The tutorial helped immensely

cringeyeeyee: you: NOT CRAFT SCISSORS *awkwardly holds craft scissors* edit: thanks for the likes gorgeous people

Tiffany Vann: I watched this video last night and today decided to give it a try. I followed your directions exactly - wet hair, sectioning, using actual sheers, round brush, etc. I rocked it!!! I absolutely love my hair! It made me have actual real life cheek bones! What?! Thank you thank you! You are a haor God!

Kristen: BRAD I DID IT! I didn't think I could do it, but the salon i went to effed up my curtain bangs (they were ledges) so i watched this video and cut them this way and THEY LOOK SO GOOD! Thank you!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Christina Ts: Oh well just tried this...and my bangs look freaking banging!!! I guess I'll do them alone every time now! Thank you!!!

Melheur: i actually followed this tutorial and now i have cool curtain bangs, and the best part is that i don't have to style it because my bangs are always sideways. Thank you so much for making this video, ily :D

Sugar Ann: I asked my stylist for curtain bangs and she told me "in the thirty years I've been cutting hair I never have heard of that term". Now here I am.... Cutting my own, with Brad's help.

Kathy: Brad Mondo just saved me. I tried citing my own curtain bangs without guidance (thankfully I went longer than I wanted) and this video helped me clean up the shape SO much. Ah! I love them now!

Kübra G: OMG!! This worked so great on me!! love it

Icarus Suraki: Thank you for this video! I've had straight, blunt bangs for years and I've gotten so tired of looking like Garth from "Wayne's World." My blunt bangs were a lot shorter than your demonstration here, but just using your overdirecting technique? That bevel? It's life-changing. I'm looking ridiculously cute right now. Thank you!

Sage Gomez: Came here to say it absolutely works!! You fixed my blunt bangs thank you SO MUCH ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Lexi Gonzalez: I like how Brad thinks people actually follow step by step. Oh no, Brad honey, they watch, they cut, they mess up, they rewatch, they realize their mistake, the try to fix it, they make it worse, they cry. They is me.

Chaitry Trivedi: This tutorial is everything!!! I got the most perfect bangs !!!! I loveeee you brad ❤️

vi e apor: Omgg i just did this and im in loveee!!! It was pretty easy to cut and so worth it. If ur thinking abt doing it this is ur sign to do it

Riva Surana: Omg I did this and it turned out to be just perfect!!!! I love them! Thanks a ton Brad❤️

Abbie Burgeson: thank you so much. i got mine done by a hairstylist and they messed it up so bad. i wasnt going to do this until i gave in and watched this video and fixed them entirely. i love them so much and honestly i think it gave me a little confidence boost cause my hair isnt wack anymore. all i want to do now is maybe just dye it black‍♀️

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