How To Cut A Shag Haircut With A Curtain Bang Tutorial

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Welcome to the map that podcast will puff this way. He'S got a lot of cool stuff. He'S gon na show you today the latest news in the three topics and business tips for all hair stylist the salon owners time to flip the script, grab your precision scissors and Barbara combs Schwimmer Swiss razors. Let'S cut a bomb, a quick jab pic to cut with a little bit of flavor check out the live clashes, product reviews, let's rock on don't forget - to check out free salon, educational come on this way. It'S gon na be a great day shopping list it. How are you welcome to today's class Friday got ta love Friday, I'm gon na? Let all you guys join in. Let me get the shine up here. I can see it Adele. What'S up good to see you? Yes, I see yeah Michelle. What'S up guys get logged in make yourself comfy we're gon na have a lot of fun today. Tons and tons of fun today is giveaway Friday, so I'm giving away some stuff from Minerva Beauty, calm, my good friends, uh. So I'll. Let you guys know what that is in a second make sure you do me one favor and share this class with as many people as you can. Let me know that you shared it and then also go. Follow Minerva beauty, comm on Instagram, so apt, Minerva, Beauty. Just go find them on Instagram. That'S how you're gon na get the giveaway today, I'm giving away three prizes today, super fun, so make sure you do that. Let me know in the chat, good vibes going on see all of you guys I'm trying to get this ProRes here we go, I'm just trying to fix so that I can record the class I'll record that inside alright. So I see you guys already shared. Thank You Caitlin appreciate that, what's up Spain awesome where you guys watching from let me know on the UK good to see you happy Friday, Tracy very cool, happy Friday, Tiffany Kumar, good vibes, Cheryl! Thank you. So much move this over here shrink it down. Oh, you did not get the text today. You know what you're right so real, quick guys. I'M gon na send out a text, so I got ta, let everybody know and if you're not on the text, messages make sure that you get on them, because I do most of the time text you guys so two one five, six. Oh eight, two six one. Two, that is the phone number text me just say hello and that'll, ensure, especially with all of you guys, food chat, helping me out that will ensure that you guys get alerts when we go live so right here. Is it showing us live on YouTube? It is right, you see, got ta love like big things would just be easy, sometimes guys, but it's not always, but that's okay, that is okay there. It is all right. I love looking at myself looking at my phone looking at myself, all right share the link copy link all right. Now, I'm setting out the text to all of you, not you guys that are watching me office Li. You guys know, but I'm just gon na say. I'M live giveaway Friday. All right send it out. Thank you for reminding me guys are the best. If you're not you're, not getting this text. If you don't get a text from me, it means you haven't signed up yet so make sure you hit right here. Two one: five: six, oh eight, two six one, two you'll get all the alerts. Whenever I go live on these classes. Thank you guys so much. I saw somebody in the chat earlier. They were like. I love Matt's videos because he he always does in there. Like 15 20 minutes long well, then you haven't been watching for a while, because we're 50 classes in well actually 49 since March and they're all about an hour so but we're having a lot of fun here. So I'm so excited for all of you guys to join me phone number. Please is two one. Five, six! Oh eight, two six one, two, those of you guys that are wondering all right got the text very cool, all right, so you know what we do at the beginning of the show. If you're new to the show type new in the chat, then all the oh geez people have been watching this for 49 episodes. They know what to do. They'Re going to say hello to you so that we can build this community bigger and stronger and have a ton of fun doing it now, Minerva, I talked to you guys. This is giveaway Friday. There they set them an email, and I said what can we do? What can we give away and they're always on board to do something, so I want to show you guys kind of what we're going for here. Well, that's me live so we've got some masks and they're actually gon na give away. So obviously these are a big important thing in our industry. Now they're actually given away to three different people, five masks right. So that's pretty cool. So there are nine bucks apiece. So that's a $ 45 prize to three different people, pretty cool from them so make sure you do two things. You share this class. Let me know that you shared it and then also type in follow after you followed Minerva Beauty on Instagram, let's blow their Instagram up today, guys there'll be a lot of fun. I want it. I want. I want them after this class to be like Matt. So many people followed us today. That'S the goal, all right cool, so, let's get into what we're gon na do for the class today to have some fun with you guys. What I'm gon na be sharing with you is a dry haircut. I'M gon na do dry. Haircutting, but I want you guys to post in the chat. What do you want to see? What kind of haircut do you want to be long, medium or short? We'Re gon na do a freestyle Friday, so I've got a thought in my mind, but if you guys want me to do something, I'd like to do what you guys want so long medium short, let me know that and then also what style of cut. Obviously it's gon na be on straight hair, so we've got our model here, this lovely lady, so I'm gon na be cutting her hair, but I want to know what do you guys want to learn? So let me know in the chat people that want to know the phone number. It'S two one, five, six, oh eight, two, six one, two there you go! Thank you guys. Everyone for sharing Rhonda, say in short, then you've got another short. Then we've got a medium shared and follow. You guys are on fire today, good good job, all right. Let'S see medium layered with side, bangs and lots of texture got ta, be honest, Jess, I'm kind of I'm digging that too, let's see short pixie. We did a short pixie yesterday um, but I like I like Pixies, I got another vote for medium. Got a vote for a line. Bob got fine short, hair, medium, layered Bob. This is literally the reason why you can't please everyone right, there's no way. I can please all of you guys in one email layers that kind of goes along with the short layer, textured cut right, Akash, a medium or long cool stack Bob. What'S that Instagram? Okay! So let me let me share that, so you guys can get in the contest. Let me at and nerve beauty. I'Ve been known to spell wrong. Let me double check got it. This is the Instagram that you need to go. Follow at Minerva, beauty on Instagram, the other cool thing about following Minerva beauty on Instagram is that they post inspirational pictures from some of their customers. There are salon equipment or brand and they post tons of inspirational pictures. So those of you guys that are trying to reinvent yourself a little bit, it's a great page, to follow whether you buy anything or not. It'S a great page to follow so definitely check out Minerva beauty on Instagram all right lots of new people in that's right. It'S good to see you you glad you're on here, so I've been back in the salon two weeks now cutting hair. I just finished a couple clients before this show. So that's why this shows been a little weird with the timing, I'm kind of just fitting it in throughout my day treating it as a client. So you guys are kind of my third client of the day, so I'm gon na go in I'm gon na cut a media sort of medium to long length. Textured hair cut we're gon na. Do it totally dry, that's gon na be the focus today. I think I've decided that's where we're at it looks like a lot of people want to see that stuff. Now those you guys that want to see short hair as well. Trust me I'll do that too, but today I want to focus on that all right Lynne. Thanks so much all of you guys that are sharing, thank you for doing that. Make sure that you go in and you hit share and then go follow, Minerva Beauty. If you want to be part of the contest today, again we're giving away these super cool masks. We'Re giving away five masks to three different people, so we're gon na load you up, so that you can do your clients and be a little less. You know more comfortable, less worried right. All right, let's see where we're at let's get started with some haircutting. What do you guys think? Let'S do it Tamara? Thank you so much appreciate that I love seeing a faces on these YouTube comments. Now super cool. Do I get brownie points for being here at 4 a.m. it's impressive. I got ta be honest, it's impressive! So all right, very cool guys. Let'S do this all right going to flip over to this camera here, all right so focus today. I want to create tons of texture in this cut. We'Re gon na. Do it all dry, so you'll be able to see the end result quickly also have some really cool Moroccan oil products. I'Ve been playing with them all week. They sent me some fun stuff, so I'm going to be popping in this texture spray at the end and really give it tons of Tex your volume and just have a lot of fun. It'S Friday, we got to enjoy the day it's pouring down rain outside here. In PA, so let's have some fun: let's create some brightness, alright, so the way that we're gon na section everything off here is real, easy. I'M gon na do one circle section on the top. Let me flip over to this angle here. So what I'm gon na do is just draw a circle: grab a clip there. We go, I'm gon na draw a circle. So what I do anytime, I want to part the hair and I want to draw a shape in the hair I'm going to comb it in the direction I'm gon na part it right. So I get the hair kind of flowing in that direction and then I could take my parting and I don't get all tangled up. So I'm gon na create a circle on the top of the head and I'm gon na come back around this way and meet the edge of that circle. This is cool and then this is gon na be a super fun haircut. Guys. Trust me we're gon na. Do some really cool techniques here that you'll be able to use on all kinds of different clients to create texture volume movement? I'M gon na twist that up and away let's go clip. You got this it's kind of all over the place. I want to section a little better if you guys there we go tight. Oh there, we go. That'S better, all right, so Circle, section right here on top, then what I'm gon na do. Let me flip over here is I'm going to take a couple triangles out of this haircut, so small triangles only in the dense areas right so understand that the density is pretty low from the ear to the front of the head. All of that is pretty similar. It'S only about three inches of hair from from this section to the hair line from this parting to the hairline. So I don't want to take the triangles there. I want this triangle to come back into the dense area, which is the thicker area, and then I'm gon na take a little bit here. So I want a small triangle: doesn't need to be too large. We'Re gon na have some fun cutting that up in a little bit, so I take that triangle and I section it away just like that so now I turn her a little bit. I'M gon na draw another triangle right here into that occipital bone area. We'Re awesome it'll to you guys that are gon na correct me, so another triangle twist it up and away clip it yo, I'm gon na do one more over here. We'Re gon na create a triangle off of that one pop it down right here, one more time and those I'll show you in a little bit, but we're gon na do something fun. With that look, I got one more there. We go all right so now what we've got left out here is the non dense areas right and then a little less density throughout the haircut. So what we're basically going to be doing is with these triangles. You go here with these different triangles that we've got placed around the head. That'S what we're gon na really cut those short to pop some volume into the haircut, but also remove some density right, so we're gon na take that out then, throughout the rest of the cut. What I'm gon na do is cut a ton of texture layers and all of that, but it's gon na be a little bit longer feel to it, and then this circle we're just gon na explode. It like fireworks, we're gon na create tons of texture into this part of the haircut, so a lot of fun going on in this thing as we go through the other thing, I want to section off real quick and I don't know if I have any more Clips look at me. Look at me. We sell clips and I don't have any all right. So I'm going to section off the fringe, because I'm gon na cut into that later as well and we'll get creative with how I section that off one of you guys will run out of clips today and you'll, be like I'm so glad. I learned how to improvise without the clips just kidding. Hopefully that doesn't happen alright, so I comb the hair up. This is the fringe area. I just want to get rid of it because I'm gon na cut into it. Oh geez and I'm gon na fall down later. Okay now it looks like we have a lot going on. Okay, so now we've got our sides that we're gon na cut into you. We'Ve got the bottom, that's what we're gon na start working with. Let me see here alright, how we all feeling 9000 clips, always looking for them, you're, so correct, you're, very correct. That always happens. I even because I blame this is a funny story. I blame everyone for taking my clips because I can't I can't blame myself and I put a black mark on the top of all my clips. The last time I reloaded which was reset - and I only have one of them so either somebody's all got them or I'm I'm a liar. I guess Shelby you're feeling my pain, all right, cool, ready new to the channel Tracy good to see you 25 plus years retired here learning from Matt hope everyone's having a nice day, Tracy we're having a great day beautiful cat. Let'S get started, my clips even disappear at home. I know I take my clips home and I don't even need them at home. I don't know why. I use rubber band or braid, hair and good call. The only problem is if it was wet hair. I would braid it and you guys know that, but because it's dry hair, it won't stay and I don't have a rubber band. So all right feeling great all right cool, let's see all right cool right guys. Let'S do this we're going to start some cutting today. The scissor that I'm gon na be using is the Mizutani puffin. It'S a dry cutting scissor, it's one of my favorites. We sell it on shop, FS EECOM. If you're looking for a new scissor, you put 50 % down, you can pay for it over time. After that, on, but beautiful scissors are great for dry cuttings got a nice thick blade, it's tons of power glides through the hair. So that's what we're gon na use for the cut to begin and what I'm gon na do. Is I'm gon na be working in front of me and slide cutting through to create that face frame texture from from the hairline here back to the ear and then I'll do something different in the back? So we turn to this camera here we go. Alright guys are we ready? Are we ready? So what I'm gon na do is take a vertical section just like this turn, so you can see it so a vertical section and I'm gon na comb everything out like this in front of the face and then I'll start my slide like this through okay. So I'm gon na go a little bit forward, so you guys can hopefully see a comb. The hair forward like this and again this is gon na, be a medium textured haircut, see how I can do this. You guys all right cool, so I comb it away from my body in front of her face and then I just slide and I start cutting half closing the scissor and I slide all the way out to the end right. So it starts to create these smaller pieces around the face, and then I continue taking vertical sections just like this, bring it forward and slide and cut through, like that. I just continue working back until I get to just behind the ear where that hairline starts to meet, which I'll show you guys that spot in one sec combing it forward, and I slide through and cut so that last little bit of a section is gon na. Come right here from the hairline see if I can turn you can see right back here where this hairline starts to drop down. That'S where I'm gon na stop and take my last section back and there's not much hair left to cut at this point and glide through it. So now tons of texture in there already and we're going to move to the opposite side like that. So now I'm going to be standing on the same side. Take a vertical parting, bring it over to me this and then I'm just gon na slide through and cut okay vertical slide through and remember guys. If you have a question side, cue and then put in your question so queue and then your question, so then I can go back and I can easily see them in the chat after I get done, cutting this section straight out sliding through now. Some of you are so excited, I'm cutting blonde hair up against my black shirt right now. I can't even contain yourselves sliding through I know it went away, hang on all right, musics hilarious right now, like something really important, is about to happen all right. Tons of texture popping through all right, Adele love the blonde yep. That'S some same. I'M saying we're gon na color this next meet by the way got ta. Do some color classes haven't done that in a while? All right? So now you can see pop in that texture. Nice little face frame pieces happening not even close to done, not even close all right. Let'S turn her. I'M gon na tilt her head down like this, I'm gon na take some of these straggler pieces away. So you guys can see where we're working and now I'm gon na do the same thing on this interior. So just taking a vertical section from the center like that turn, so you guys can see vertical section right there, Oh a little under an inch wide, and I want you guys to see this technique up close. Let me zoom in come on guy there. It comes you're coming in Oh too far too far too far, all right, so here's the technique, guys I bring out this vertical section, put it in my hands. My fingers are pointing up. I bring in the scissor just like this and I slide it. I basically bring the hair up into the scissor and then I start to slide. This is our down the section and half closing the blade turn. So that's not way: Fecteau. Okay! So now I go from this Center so straight in the center back, and what I'm going to do is just continue, bringing everything over to me to push a little extra weight into where this is a less dense area. So that's what we're gon na do vertical section down, bring it a little bit of that old, bring it over to me like this, bring the hair up into the scissor and I'm just gon na slide through half closing oblate, okay, half closing over directing to the Center back cutting through and when you get to the hairline, that's when you stop so basically the key of this haircut as of right now is everything comes back. You go until you get to the ear and you stop and do the same thing on the opposite side. I'M gon na turn her, so you guys can start to watch the elevation what's happening here. If I bring the hair in bring the hair up into the scissor blade and then slowly slide and glide through vertical section, push the hair away from my body pull the hair up into the blade slide through alright guys any questions so far sure post them in The chat put that queue before the question and I'm gon na go search for them as soon as I finish this side, alright pull. This is our up into the blade and slide through so pretty simple technique. So far, a lot of just sliding the scissor through pretty simple stuff, just half closing the blade and working my hand through the section cutting right, not too difficult. So, let's see so Adelle, let's hit the first question. Rita'S got the first question I see: do you feel you have more control on dry hair? So it's not that I have more control on dry hair because I cut both wet and dry quite often, but the biggest reason I cut I'm cutting this dry is because I want the ability to slide through the hair and to not cut too much. So if this hair was wet - and I was doing the same exact technique, I would be sliding through too much hair and it would and hair kind of clumps together when it's wet. So then you cut too much hair for this technique. I want to cut the least amount, because I want to start nice and short and carve through it. So I get nice texture remove a lot of weight, but I don't take out too much bulk if that makes sense, um all right, let's see up Jessica. What is the most out-of-the-box texturizing technique, you've seen and used, so I guess it depends on there's a few different and actually at the end of this, what I'll do at the end of this class I'll show you guys two of my favorite most out-of-the-box texturizing techniques. I don't want to screw up the haircut right now, but I want I'll show you guys a couple things that create texture that are out of the box. That'Ll be pretty fun finale for Friday. Is it a traveling guide? No, it's all stationary! So far, so we went stationary to the front and then we went stationary to the back. What is this style call? It Theo the beautician, and you want this style. Some people watch the show they're, not hairdressers, they're, looking to explain to their hairdresser what this is. For me. This is a shag type haircut, that's what the end result will be similar to so you could say a shag with textured layers. You know look up pictures of a shag. The best thing that you can do is share with the hairdresser. Some pictures of inspiration, things that bring you inspiration, things that you want and if you show them multiple pictures, they get a better idea, because sometimes two different pictures might not look alike, but it might be more of what you're looking for so try that can you Do it with the razor Tamra? Absolutely this is a great razor cut. You would just slide and glide through it very simple, so you could do that on wet hair. If you wanted to um, let's see, can you still be a hairdresser with arthritis in your hands? I don't know, I guess it depends. I I don't have an answer for that. I would imagine you can do anything you want to do if you're able to so some people have arthritis different levels. So just saying what are you using for a guide? So when I do this haircut - and this could I know I think Jess is in school so when I am looking for a guide so like as I pull this hair out my guide when I pull new hair to it, I can see the guide just kind Of showing through when you're creating textured haircuts, you don't need a very solid guide. You just need a piece of hair. That is a reference point, so my reference point comes from this centre back and everything I pull into it. I cut at that length of that center back, but it might not be exact and that's what creates texture. That'S one of my favorite things about cutting hair to be more textured is that you don't have to be so perfect and sometimes perfect. Hair cuts are very hard for your clients to replicate at home, so creating more texture softness to the shape it makes it easier for the for the customer. So I think, there's a misconception, and this could be just my belief, but I believe that we're too into cutting perfect hair cuts from an education standpoint and from a salon reality standpoint. I think our customers have an easier time with their hair when there's a little when it's a little D, structured or cut to benefit them more right. So don't worry about cutting it so perfect, all the time there are gon na be certain occasions where you want it to be perfect, but not all the time. I remember IRA iris, a good guy IRA, Pope stage doing crazy, texturizing technique using different shear position where he was opening and closing with his ring finger. Yeah IRA does IRA. If so, if you guys want to find somebody that, does some crazy texturizing go, follow IRA IRA poke sage, I'm not sure exactly what is I think that might be his Instagram handle, but he does some crazy. Some pretty cool cuts out of the box stuff. A lot of texture, pretty cool, all right. How do you make sure the sides are even you, so you don't have to like. So this is where people stress too much right. So this one thing, I want you guys to really think about moving forward with haircutting. These I have no idea if these two sides are perfectly matched up. It doesn't matter because, most of the time your guests face doesn't even match up. I have like you guys. Look at me like. I have my one side of my face, a little bigger than the other side. It'S just people like if you really study yourself, nothing. I really study myself, but you know what I mean like people like their faces are not symmetrical, so you don't have to have perfect haircutting symmetry either, but it should be close right. So I knew when I brought out here. I started with my hand on here. So I just kind of worked my way out and I know that they're gon na be close, and then I will look at her in the mirror and I'll take a look and I'll move the hair around and then I'll say. Oh, I want to take a little bit more off of this side and that's cool. Don'T get so stressed out about cuts. That'S not that's not going to make you successful the the more like you just kind of go for it and do it and learn how to to adjust things as you go. That'S gon na make you a better haircut hope that helps all right. A couple more questions and I'll keep moving. Kaitlin can oh wait. You already asked them what scissor would you buy if you could only own one? So, of course I would buy this scissor because it's mine and Mizutani makes it. We sell it on chopped FSC, but the reason I designed this scissor was to work kind of with everything. Now anytime, you do dry, cutting with a precision, scissor or cut dry hair. It'S going to make your blade dull a little bit faster. So you want it. That'S why I like having a dry cutting scissor, but if I was gon na buy one I would buy this one because I designed it to kind of be both, so it glides through the hair very easily. But it also is great for precision cutting as well and then eventually, when we build more success, we're doing better haircuts, we're doing fat, not better haircuts, we're doing faster, haircuts, we're creating more value. We got a ton of clients knocking down the door. Then you go buy the second scissor, which is a dry, cutting scissor or texture scissors, or whatever fits your style better, all right cool. Would you give this same effect if you were using in Donald Scott, carving home, yes GG for short, very similar effect? Do you like a different shear for dry or do you like using the same as wet? I think I just answer that question. All right cool got it guys. Let'S keep going alright, so now we're gon na work into these triangle pieces throughout the cut. So I'm gon na let one down at a time I want to keep them separated and we're gon na do a technique called tease, cutting I'm gon na flip to this camera angle. So I want to share with you guys what T's cutting looks like, so what it is, I'm not gon na cut in this hair really, but T's cutting is going into the section instead of going over top of it. Half closing like this. You go underneath and you're literally gon na tease in and cut so I'm half closing. So it's kind of a push and close. So you can see as I push in I close and I come up. I open push in and close out and open notice. My thumb is half in the scissor okay, so I come in and close out and open. So my thumb is not even in it at that point, I'm back close out open. So I just worked the scissor back and forth like that. So what I'm gon na do is I'm going to take the first triangle and I'm literally gon na pinch it in my hands like this and because it's a triangle, it's gon na, get a little bit longer on one on the sides and shorter in the center. That'S totally cool. What I'm gon na do is I'm gon na twist this section like this and then I'm gon na do the t's cutting technique, nice and short in this triangle section now. What is the benefit of this benefit of this? Is that as this false, let me show you this camera, as this section Falls, it's gon na be a little bit longer to the sides and it's gon na diffuse out, but what I love is that it's gon na bump up this section here now, once I Blow-Dry that work it in you're not gon na really notice that, and then you've got this circle, that's gon na flood over top of it. So I want to create these short pieces in here to help just give me a little bit of build up. If you think about when you hold a piece of hair like watch this, so when you hold this hair out, if I hold this piece of hair out like this see how it stays straight up like that now watch. If I try to hold this piece of hair out, see how it falls so, there's not really any foundation in this longer hair, so this shorter hair is gon na help hold up the volume in this cut. You can see it start to build out now it takes some education. It takes some talking to your clients to explain to them how this works and why you're gon na cut these shorter pieces in their hair. But if you have that relationship with them and you're educated enough and you've practiced this enough, this is such a cool technique. To do this. Now I'm gon na do the same thing on this triangle here. So, let's bring it out, switch over I'll, bring it over triangle twist it just to get the hair kind of bunched together over directed nice and then I'm gon na work shorter pieces in here cool short pieces falling through do the same thing on this side. Yo got a triangle twist: it he's cut through now. Teas cutting just softens the line, so it's not so harsh so blunt and then as it falls, falls nice now everyone, some of you guys in the chat are like I don't know if York, so I'm not watching the chat book yet, but some of you guys Might be watching this chat and being like he's crazy he's out of his mind, now understand that these pieces are underneath the haircut right, so that circle is important. It'S important to make sure and we're still going to keep that circle. Sectioned out, I'm gon na work on the fringe now, but this circle is gon na fall over the whole entire haircut. So it's important to make sure that when you do section out the circle section that it does fall over the whole haircut, otherwise you'll have those short pieces poking out everywhere. All right now I can get rid of some of these clips. Thankfully, all right so now we're gon na work a fringe. Now somebody voted angled fringe. Tell me: do you want straight start posting the chat? You want a straight fringe, an angled fringe or a curtain fringe. Let'S go those three: I'm gon na take the first 10 votes and whatever one has the most that's what we're doing. Okay so start posting away. What fringe do you want to see all right? We got us side straight straight curtain curtain, alright, there's another vote for curtain. We got to straight to curtain, another curtain, another curtain, another curtain, another curtain, all right, everybody gets a curve, all right, we're going with that curtain fringe, which is great because it's very popular at this point. So that's what we're gon na do and it'll look nice with this cut so curtain fringe here we're gon na section, her bangs into a few different panels: okay, to cut this curtain fringe comb, it down what a curtain fringe to those you guys. That don't know is where it starts a little bit shorter and it kind of swings open across the face. So it'll start a little shorter swing open gets longer on both sides, so it's not like a straight fringe straight across it's more rounded and swings open picture. Your curtains on a big window kind of opening up, so that's what we're gon na do. Let'S start soon. Some good vibes here start some good vibes all right. If it weren't for venetian blinds, it would be curtains, true, true, true, all right. So here's what I'm gon na do I'm gon na take a u-shape across the front just to take out some of this bolt here. A couple short pieces in there flip that away take one more smile out of there and then I'm gon na clip that away we're gon na. Do this three smize all right turn actually I'll show you in this angle here all right. So what we're gon na do is this piece of hair we're gon na take one from the center and that's where we're gon na cut our first guideline. So what I want to do is I want to take just a little bit out of this, and this is a technique that I've shown on my channel before, but this one's really fun and my friend Ryan teal is kind of known for this one too, but It works really well for the curtain fringe. So what I'm gon na do is I'm gon na take my hand and I'm gon na place it on top of her head just like this, and what I'm gon na do. Is I'm gon na feed the hair up into my scissor like this, and then I'm just gon na keep grabbing small sections and feeding it into my hand, all right, I'm gon na do that on the top angle. So let me come back just a little bit. This is a great angle for you guys to see it, so I don't even need a comb. I just take a little bit here and I'm going to put my hand on top of her head and I'm gon na bring it up into the scissor like this, and I'm gon na just start to half closed until I cut through okay. Now I grab another piece of hair and I'm bringing over this lovely lady's gon na need some blow-dry work after this fringe is like hello, I'm going to the side, so I bring it over and I cut. I just continue to do that until I get to the edge of where I want that fringe to stop that's hilarious. Alright, this one's got a little Callie I'll share with you guys some tips on that. Alright, so I bring it up over half cut, half clothes full cup same thing, bring it over cut, got more hair, bring it over and cut, and I really just go until I get to that hair line, and I don't want to pull much more than that Over so I'm going to drop down the next smile here and I'm gon na show you guys the front angle and I'm gon na blow dry this a little bit because it's out of control so see ya. One good thing like if you have a fringe that gets crazy out of control, so you guys can see this growth, how it just wants to shoot over to the side. So what I'm gon na do is blow dry and use a comb so I'll use a comb either the tight teeth of the comb to just help kind of guide and pull tension to the hair and then I'll just add a little bit of that heat to It I'm gon na do this faster than we do it with a client with the client. I'D be a little more careful, she doesn't have feelings, so she does have feelings, and you guys do so. I want to get to the to the guts of this class, but just a little push over what now. This is good, like somebody has unruly hair around the hairline too, and you can teach this to your guests like one thing that I'll never forget about like in hair school was one of my one of my teachers. There was this beautiful, smooth bob and, like I was like, oh, I can't wait to cut a haircut like that someday and I remember them saying like yeah, but that haircut was they've spent so much time, smoothing it and doing all this stuff and I'm like. Well. That'S okay, like people can spend time. If you educate your clients, they can spend time and learn these tricks too, and it's okay for them to know them, because they're gon na have more success with their hair. So as I go through it, these techniques that I use in the salon - I teach them so that they know how to be more successful with their hair as well. I'M going to pull a little tension with this brush technique, leafing just kind of scoop it up and then truck and trailer follow the brush that the the nozzle and work through it like that, I'm actually gon na let down. So we don't have to do this again. It'S gon na, let down the other smile here. So I work the fringe area back and forth. That way, we work out all of the weird movements. That'S why it's never good to blow dry a parting into the hair, because then, when you go to cut to cut hair shorter, it's gon na shoot over the way that it parts. If you blow dry it without a parting, you can put the hair wherever you want it already better, how's everybody doing in there good. I wish I could hear you talking, but I can't I just hear you clicking when you post a comment which is nice as well all right Diane. Thank you. So much appreciate it all right guys. We can get back to this. So now it falls nice. It'S not kicking over to the side, so here's what we do do a little tease cutting now change. In my mind, that happens a lot. Sometimes certain techniques just work better for certain things, and just because I had it made up in my mind I was gon na. Do one thing doesn't mean that I don't change my mind because now I see what's happening and I want to adjust so afraid to adjust so see this angle here now. Here'S the guide from what I cut before it's underneath here. So what I'm gon na do is I'm gon na tease cut from underneath now I've got my guide from what I cut. So I know exactly where to go. Let that start to fall out, see that fell out and now I go a little bit longer and then I just do a half open, half close of the scissor. Just like that, and now I've got a nice soft line and I'm just gon na continue over. You click here continue over to the side. It'Ll be a good view now that my hands out of the way for you guys, I'm gon na pull it over to me over top of the nose. So a half open, half clothes, see that and again a little bit more bring it over to the nose you'll notice. This wide tooth comb that I'm using to this at three three eight comb and we sell on our website and obviously these classes are free guys. So all I ask is that if you ever need anything combs clips scissors razors, please go shop shop, FSE and if you need furniture for your salon, please go check out. Minerva beauty, calm! Oh it's! So good! Wait here! Guys can see it's starting to happen. Starting to happen, I'm gon na do the same thing on this side: comb it towards the nose promised to the oh geez in the room. I'M gon na have new music next week. I keep saying it you guys probably dream of these songs. This point all right over the nose. You guys see I'm using this is the map x-scissor. This isn't a puffin but still dry, cutting no problem working it through. Alright, I go to the hairline, but I don't go into the hairline. Otherwise we end up with sideburns and that's not a trend yet so Oh looks good looking good. I know it's in her eyes, we'll get it out of there, but we're getting there all right. So now what I'm gon na do is just iron. It real quick. My Paul Mitchell pro tools Express eye on style and lost the camera I got ta go here. Alright turn her a little bit so now I just want to get a little bend on the ends, because what happens? Is you take care from being this long and you cut it this short so that mid shaft isn't iron through and it's not iron to go. Bevel under so this kind of helps, I go through it and just bevel it under, and then it starts to bring the haircut and style really to life, also notice. What I'm doing so. I bring it over across her face and curl it the opposite direction of where she's gon na wear it, that is pro tip pro tip, just grab the hair, bring it over across the face. The opposite direction, curl just mid shaft, ends slightly over then once it's combed back this direction. Now it lays nice and soft and kicks over to the other side, see that tada. Let me do the same thing over here: iron opposite side, opposite direction, also gon na iron. These sides real quick, because why not? Because there's no rules what's gon na be really cool guys. Is that when you start to see those triangle pieces pop like they're they're, starting to work into the cut, now that they're relaxing a little bit? But when you start to see what they do to the texture, you're gon na love it? So you can already like see how it's like builds up. A little bit gets a little pop of volume around the edge. That'S that triangle piece all right. You guys make sure question type Q put your question. I'M going to be doing a little Q & A at the end of this before we close out before I do. The giveaway, if you're, just tuning in all you have to do to get entered into the giveaway, is type well share. The show so hit the share button on whatever platform you're on, don't be a liar, make sure you do it hit the share button on whatever platform you're on and then once you do, that make sure you go follow Minerva, on Instagram and if you do All that you get entered into the contest chance to win some pretty cool prizes. It all show you guys again the minute so do that. Do those two things then type share and follow shared and followed in the chat. So I know, and the more times you write, shared and followed, it might be easier to win just so you know so, don't be afraid to repeat. I love seeing it no matter what all right the grand finale the fireworks section of the haircut is this top circle. This is gon na, be a ton of fun. You guys are like this and then I'll probably cut into this fringe, a little bit more with the end style, but we'll leave it for now so top circle coming out. Just like this, okay now got my scissor comb, two things that we're gon na do to this section. The first one is point cutting, then we're going to go through and do something else. So here it is tilt it down, and then I just start working a point cut into this hair. All the way up and notice that my hand is starting to slide so we're just working invisible layers into the haircut. So then, when I lift it out, you see quite a bit of hair in there. Let'S do that a couple times really want to remove some weight. I want it nice and light in this crown area. The same thing here be cool. If I like finish this and came out with a finger, it was just disconnected. Oh all right so now I've got my circle. It feels lighter and density. So now what I'm gon na do is I'm going to twist it just like this, and I'm gon na work, the scissor down, half closing into it and just removing some bulk and I'm going to do that a couple times just pick that circle back up. I really just want tons and tons of texture, so the more you work this circle, the more texture, the more short pieces, you're gon na, have throughout the cut. So I just work cutting down into this section just like that. Almost like a tease cut, let's see where we're at cool alright. Now I'm going to show you guys some real fun, finishing texturizing techniques in here we've got one. You got the stroking technique, I'm going to share with you. Let'S bring all this to the front here. Just some fun Friday, shenanigans here so half closed or pretty much a full closed on this actually just bring it over and it's up and open down and closed up open down clothes. Kick it over to this camera, go up open down, close up open down. Close same thing on this side, so I just saw somebody in the chat asked if this will work on thick hair. This is absolutely perfect with the care. Now, I'm just gon na add a little point. Cutting to this fringe go pointing a little sliding just elevating. I don't want to remove the weight right or the length at all. I just want to soften zoom out. Let me zoom a bit closer, so I just want to soften the the density right here, so I just lift it up, and I just vertical straight vertical into the section and cut that makes it nice and light anything they're cool. Now, let's get this thing a little more curtain ish so here and what I'm gon na do is just slide. Can'T have that music. So I'm just gon na slide in with my scissor and just take out a little bit of weight around the nose. You could go a little longer with curtain fringe as well. I like it to kind of hug the eyebrow just my personal preference, so I'm have it nice and full nice and soft there all right. Here'S what we're gon na do. We go go in this camera. For a minute, we're gon na do some styling. What do you guys think so far? Let me know in the chat: get the chatter going see beautiful cut. Now I'm gon na use this Moroccan oil texture spray. I think it's focused on my face rock no oil. Thanks ray, I love this product just started using it a couple days ago, but it's not too much like that's the biggest thing with texture sprays for me is that when they're really heavy or they have a too much of a stronghold, I don't really want a Hold when I'm cutting hair like this right, like I don't want too much so spray it I can use tons of it. I did eat it. That might have been a little much but like what. Now, when I'm feeling your hair, it doesn't feel like like there's too much product in it actually barely feels like there is product in it, but I can tell that there's, you know more texture, so that's probably the most fun part about it. Look at this right here. This is so cool, see those triangles that we cut create this kind of disconnection throughout the density, so it allows that top to fall over. Let me flip it, so it kind of allows the top to fall over that triangles underneath here and then these pieces kind of waterfall over the whole haircut. It might be one of my favorite things ever all right see where we're at now. I know somebody's in there somebody's freaking out it's in her eyes. It'S in her eyes, I'm going to use a medium, finishing spray, it's cool, because soft, so soft, the way that it falls all right, we're getting there get in there. What do you guys think? Let me know I can love it all. I want, but you know you guys, don't love it then. What'S the point dad like seriously, there's a whole chemist all right, all right, I'm gon na go over to the chat, so I want to see your guys tons of fun texture curtain, fringe movement, sweet all right. What do you guys think? Let me know in the chat also I'm gon na go going through we're gon na do our giveaway QA time. So, if you guys have a question that you want answered, let me know we got a few more minutes left on this live class. For this Friday. Can'T wait to be back with you guys already next week, it's gon na be a lot of fun. So, let's see great texture love it very cool love, seeing it rock and roll kind of look pretty cool, Linda love, awesome Jared and followed Tanya. Thank you. So much very cool guys very cool all right. Oh, let's see very cool. Indeed, Thank You, Kathleen Patti. Thank you. So much she'll be cool. A fire. Alright I'll. Take that take all right, cool, um Lisa would ask. How would I ask for this style? This look. Um, all you have to do is just say: you want to shag with curtain fringe and your stylist should know what that is, but, like I said before, bring in pictures or send a video like this and just kind of or screenshot. The end result that you like, but understand that this haircuts, not for everybody right. So if you have a professional stylist, they're gon na recommend different ways of going about cutting this exact cut. These are just techniques that all of you guys can wrap into. Hopefully, most of the cuts that you guys do in the salon right. Alright, so remember we got a giveaway to do so. I'M gon na be looking for. I one thing right now. Actually, because there's one thing I didn't confirm with Minerva, so here's what I'm gon na do - I haven't talked to Cristina yet, but I'm sure she's fine, she'll be fine. What we're gon na do two things I Minerva give away, has got to be in the u.s.. I'M just gon na say that right now, because they're us-based company, I didn't ask them if we could ship anywhere so I'll, confirm that maybe next time I'll be able to do it worldwide will see on. But with that being said, what I want to do, which I had some like giveaway music - I need that too. So what I'm gon na do is we're gon na do three giveaways from minerva and then I'm gon na do one that is a worldwide giveaway to give some love to the people that watch all over the world. So what I want you to do is right. Now, post, where you're watching from and I'm gon na, choose three people to win the Minerva contest and then I'm going to choose one person overseas to win one other thing: okay, all right, post it right now very cool love, seeing it South Carolina, Korea, India, Buffalo New York Kentucky Seattle, New Jersey, Illinois, my home place Chicago love. It yeah, you guys are awesome, keep posting. Let me know where are you from I'm gon na? Give it one more minute. I'M gon na show you guys so to the giveaway we're gon na. Do three people are gon na win from Minerva Beauty? These super cool masks, so you get. Three people are getting five different masks right, so one person gets five. The next person gets five and the next person gets five you'll never run out of masks in the salon ever again - and you know these are valuable right now. So thank you to Minerva Beauty for doing this giveaway. They got a ton of cool selections. I also want to say that they've been working on this new website of theirs for a long time. So, if you guys get a chance, go check it out, it's super cool. They got tons of stuff on there and it's where we furnished our entire salon from Minerva as well. You look at all the different styling stations. These are the carts that I use in the salon. The mirrors that we use are here. This is cool. Oh, my god, I want these. This didn't even know they had that got to add that to my list, beautiful our whole salon is white and gold and different. It'S gold, really all right cool all right, so we're doing the giveaway. I lost the masks. I'Ve got the list of all of you guys. So what I'm gon na do is I'm gon na scan through real, quick and I'm just gon na pick. One lucky person at a time and the first one is - is Greenville Tennessee, sherry Connor purchase? Oh wait! Let me move myself there, you go sherry. What I need you to do on his email contest, so contest at free salon, education, calm. Let me put that in okay, so email, this e-mail address contest at free salon, and just put sherry. So what I need is, I need all of your information. I need your address, your phone number and your full name, and that should be good, so just email that to contest at free salon, education, calm and we'll get you out, you're beautiful, masks, very cool.

Kirsty Macfarlane: Brilliant cut, I'd crap myself though if I saw my hairdresser using those techniques but the end result is stunning. That was a really nice thing you did for your international viewers. I live in Scotland and you feel a bit left out sometimes because there's not a lot of British youtubers, none that I follow anyway. Appreciate all that you do, I got a good screen shot, Friday is when I'm getting my hair done. Oh how I've missed my hairdresser!

Tisa6: Omg I want that cut!!!❣️ Your giving me all that 80s volume I want without the back combing or #stiffstuff !

Asha M: Been searching 20 yrs for a stylist that can texturize, create layers, remove weight and not be afraid of heavy bangs using only scissors on dry hair. Why is this so hard to find?

Alejandra Orellana: You are an excellent teacher!! :)love your videos and your effort to teach well!! keep up the good work! we all thank you!

Melissa van Belleghem Music: This is so cool! Thank you so much for sharing! I love to use so many techniques for 1 look! Will send you my result asap!

The Zen Room & Studio: LLLOOOOOVVVVVEEEE IT!!! This is my favourite kind of cuts to do that are texturized to the max !!! Love the new top view camera angle too! What's the blow dryer you're using? Ps. The sectioning actually is inspiring a colour combination using that so gonna see how that works out! Thank you so much for sharing your tips

Star Sweeting: Wow loved the cut. Your camera work is sooo good compared to other tutorials I have watched. I loved all the cutting techniques and once again your running commentary. I hope to catch ya live one day, but 4am New Zealand is a push for me most Many thanx.

Melissa: Beautiful but seems so time consuming!

Z B: Love this cut!!!

Tisa6: With regards to arthritis and cutting, actually anything yes but not as many in a day. But keep using your hands! So true Use it or lose it!

Best Friend In Your Thread: Loved this!

Sarina L: I love it, Wish I had straight hair

Kimberly Wilson: Love it!

Nazeeda Kors: Love it!

Karen Cooperstein: Love it!

kbalzano1199: Love it, want it!

Lisa Rios: I'd love some shorter sturdy clips for sectioning myself!

Lydia Guillen: I enjoy your work love it

Lordita Correa: Love it

Mirieta Sina: Beautiful

Mona Carbajal: I love it

Neha Shadadpuri: hello sir pls show us how we cut in silky hair cut

HeLARRY TALK: Hopefully I have a chance to win your gift I'm Sr stylist here in the Philippines ❤️

ميار محمد: Please we need to translate it to Arabic please❤❤❤we are from Iraq we love you sooo much

Desiree Ferrer: Hi... Im from Philippines.. Always watching you

Lisa Rios: The background music interferes with what you're saying. Really low or just off, pls...

HeLARRY TALK: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

HeLARRY TALK: I enjoy watching your demo Larry JUNIO Vicuña Philippines shout out

John Garcia: Q how do u check for balance

Maria Chavez: Happy friday

Claudia lopez: You are Exelent

xofo Rivera: Médium with texture

xofo Rivera: Happy Fridayyy!

kbalzano1199: Straight fringe

Lisa Rios: Tampa, FLORIDA

Audrey MYSKO-WEITZEL: Happy Friday

Lisa Rios: Shared Followed


Rachel W: I see ALL men featured in your intro, and most if not all of your videos. And they also happen to be straight, white men. This is such a huge turn off. The patriarchy has affected literally every aspect of our society.

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