5 Year Old Cuts Her Own Bangs | Cutest Haircut Fails

How to be a supportive parent? Encourage child autonomy. Pick your battles. Let them do things themselves, while being there and offering supportive parenting (and preventing disasters as needed ) Giving children independence is a win win, even in this case where it meant I let my child cut her own bangs. Did it come out picture perfect? NOPE on a rope! Did we have a learning experience that was fun, with lots of laughs, resulting in perhaps the cutest haircut fails of all time? YESSSS!!!

Hey guys, we are here today because uh mia wants to cut her own bangs. So can i give you a few tips? Tips mommy's learned. Okay, so one scissors are sharp right, so don't put them near your eyes. Don'T cut your finger while you're trying to cut exactly don't cut your finger, don't cut your eyeball and um do not try to cut your eyelashes eyelashes, and you know what mommy has cut by accident when cutting my own bangs. My eyebrows and let me see the scissors you've chosen - demanded the safety scissors, the children's safety scissors. Are you ready? Let'S see what happens? Okay, so they've grown out a bit? Oh my gosh wait. Do you see how short that was? I kind of wanted it wait. Wait wait, wait, okay, wait! So now that's how short you've gone now you've got to match the rest. Don'T go shorter. Let'S see where is oh? Okay! This is actually a cute length. I like the little pixie bangs, but you got ta, don't go so fast. You cut some up here. Okay, oh everybody came to see what that scream was about mia, slow down, slow down. It'S not a race. Yeah looks so weird yeah, okay you're doing good, though you just go slow and keep the same length. Okay, yeah she's! Being careful she's got that i'm surprised to see if the kid's safety scissors are working they're, actually, probably just as sharp as my horrible ones, that i use mia you're doing amazing. Oh mia loves it look at my little hairdresser, okay, but by myself, but you've taken a video, okay, okay, looking again is that this yeah you have that cowlick in the middle it may, oh, don't go so high, i'm gon na cut it. You can't cut hair off from the source, then it'll just be shaved head and as it grows, it'll be like a porcu bag, tiny bit. Okay, do your best! Imagine i didn't have veins anymore because you just cut them all the way up here. That would be a disaster and they would grow out and, as they grew out, they'd be really crazy. Crazy, like spooky vines, porcupines, all right, sonic, bad chalk. You just love seeing yourself in the mirror. Could i wash my hands? Let me see yes, okay. Let me see oh cute mia, no, you don't! Ah, i want to see with it on the side she's agreed to. Let me just trim it up. She did an amazing job, i'm so proud of you mia. You guys are really good and i will just trim them up a little bit, but i like what you did there. I really really do what's mommy always say about hair, do not cut it. No, it's just hair right, it grows back monkey see monkey do emily. Was watching and now she wants to do her bangs, so uh here we go. Did you learn anything from mia doing hers? No, what do you think good job emmy? Do you want you to do it? Did you get hair on your shorts? Yes, that's. Okay! Got it in your mouth, whoa whoa, whoa too short a little bit down. Yeah, that's good! I want you to do it. You want me to do the rest. Okay, you did a good job, though here we go, i usually cut wet bangs, which everyone says don't but uh today is my first time cutting dry bags. Oh, you went shorter. You went all the way up here, so i got ta match that you and me went micro, bangs, pixie cut. I do that like what don't like it, but that's how short you went so i had to cut it. You don't like it what's wrong. How can we fix it by growing it out by growing it out? Yep, that's one way take a while a little up cuts here should we say bangs for watching three, two one thanks for watching bye, i said i said bangs too

Gabi: "Did you see how short that was? OOPSIE!" HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA!I laughed so hard! Omg the girls are just as carefree and positive as you are. I LOVE THAT. You have such an adorable family and you're doing an incredible job mamma!

CoolCat1014Life: She is literally a icon ✨

Rebecca Wilson: GREAT job EMI!!!

Ivan Chan: girls are so cute

hamburgmario1: I love this Video so much:-) ,Mia self Haircut for your Bangs so sweet :-) i find your Two Girls so perfect and sweet for short Bobhaircut ,i love it ,you the best Hairdresserin ;-)

Glo Patterson: Brave mon and daughter If my great niece or anyone cut one hair on her head I think her mother would kill them.

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