Cutting My Long Hair & Bangs ✂️

I need someone to get hold of Louis Theroux for me and tell him that I want to be his wife. Not just for a weird weekend, forever. I bought a Louis Theroux t shirt today on Ebay and I'm 100% sure it's the single most important purchase I have ever made in my 24 years of walking the earth, if that's not love then I don't know what is. No Ragrets. Peace.

Also I like hair cutting videos. That's why I made this

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Today, I'm going to be showing you how I cut my hair and my fringe, I haven't been to a hairdressers in a very long time, specifically because I've been trying to grow my hair for the past couple of years and my hair used to be really short Used to be like up here and I've been trying to go out, and now it's gotten to this length, I like to kind of trim it every now and then just to keep it looking healthy, and I also have a fringe which is kind of growing out. A bit so I'm going to trim that in to my scissors, these aren't hairdressing scissors they're, just I've had these for years, I've always used them to cut my French and to trim my hair. I do recommend getting some hairdressing scissors just because it's probably a lot easier and yeah. This is amazing. Okay, so I've got this little section here. I'Ve split my hair into two halves and I'm just going to take another little section and I'm going to look in the mirror. Do is cut over myself. Oh so you guys going to see it too. I'M going to cut the bow off, and would you say I'm not, obviously I'm not a hairdresser or anything, and I just like to cut my own hair, because I know how I like it and I don't see the point of paying someone else. Just do this to my hair, so I'm not like professional anything and if you think I'm doing something wrong - and please tell me about be nice about it, because I'm not doing in Wales town doing my own, so I'm not causing any harm to anyone. But myself. Okay, so what this next half drink alphabet that's the same way and then I like to just line it all up, make this get two halves and then, if I've missed any little bits out, you can see here there's a few little bits. I'Ve missed there. So I'm just going to trim those off how much better does that half flip? It looks so much better already like this is just this. I don't like it kind of just looks a bit ratty in my bones and I like that I'll enjoy it a lot. I'Ve got the whole off here, but I'm going to caught. It then they're, quite even noise noise noise. So this next layers quite thin. I don't really need to section again, so I'm just going to put this one to the back and back in one hand again and get the whole half of the hair the whole. I mean like that. Everything that's on this side of the head and then put it forwards just going to kind of ends a little bit. A second straightened, everything out speaking finally really satisfied watching people cut their hair online. I don't know what I love to see like how, especially when people have really long hair and they cut it really short, and it's so satisfying to watch I'm so entertaining I'm just going to take the blame. I walk down to that to the back. Okay, just drew these else. Okay, okay, take this section again and again, just to make sure is all the same length, my phone. This is the best way to do it. If you want my thick hair to section out into two and then split each section again and then once you've got everything once you've done, that that I mean then to get everything together and then just go and look see is a bit there and then just Go in make sure it's all straight yeah I probably should have streamed my hair or wet it a bit, but it's okay, because it's not I'm not doing that much damage. This is the top layer. This is like the final layer now of the long part of my hair. I'M just going to take this section. You can see there really clearly what I've cut already and how long that top layer is. This. Last time I cut my hair, I cut the top layer a little bit longer than the rest of it. For some reason I messed up a little bit, so this top is always quite a bit longer than the rest of the hair. So I'm going to have to take off quite a lot for it to match up now. That'S quite enough just make sure my hair dead straight ideas. They don't want to take off too much. Okay, that's one just going to do it bit by bit like I said, because I really don't want to take off too much and ruin out I'd. Rather it look a bit uneven in the mailroom, then take off a lot at the top and it'd be really obvious. That makes sense. I'M just going to take this home off of this section, my hand just brush it through make sure there's no like noticeably long bits that I've missed out thinking about cutting it really short again recently. But then I always remember like the fact that after I cut it short last time, I was I was happy with their, but very shortly after I kind of regretted it, and I wish that my hair was longer again and I couldn't wait for it to get Back to this length, so I'm in a bit of a dilemma, because I see girls, the really short hair, my god looks so pretty with that and I miss having long hair but short. However, I don't know, I always regret it like a few weeks afterwards. Okay, so this is the fringe situation, it looks so bad and just tie the rest of my hair back just stop by the way I got up from shelf and it's French Connection bouche. I don't know, but I don't usually when I see designer stuff in charity shops, I'm not really high interested in it. Just because I don't know, I never realized styles and I always think of designer clothes is just being you just paying for a label and moving into that. I suppose, if you gain more from charity shop, you're spending a little bit less money anyway, a lot less money. Actually, I saw this and I just I love the sleeves and the neckline was quite like it's really square and the color is bright white and I really loved air. So I got it and I think it was only wondering if I looks like a best friend. Oh, my god and I was like I have to have that talk, so I just got a so. This is all my friends hair and it's gotten really long. I haven't trimmed if ages something trying to grow out. Well, it's like curtains. I'Ve been trying to grow out, but I can't deal with like there Annoying length event. Oh sorry, I'm just going to cut it again. I'M just going to get basically good to sit my crown and then how we do is anchored so long. I think I'm just gon na what I used to do it when I first got my French cut in I used to trim it myself and I used to do this is to get the climb. Can you see this yeah nice to get the comb underneath and then see here? You can see the hair coming through and then just trim along the climb. So it would be straight and that does work. But I haven't done that for so long. But I don't know if I'm gon na be able to do it, I'm just going to do it. Let'S get it. Let'S just try it Yolo from alone. Okay, again, I'm just going to do a little tiny bit, because I don't really like fringe is something that you mess up. You really mess it up with all seeing videos on YouTube. The people messing up their fringes and it's really really bad. But I found myself on, I can't really tell you know: I'm going to do. I'M gon na finish this quickly and then I'm going to wet it and I'm going to cut it wet because I feel like it would be a lot easier. My friend, can you see how fluffy it is at the moment is so fluffy. I need to wet it a little bit. We recognize. Okay, that's so much better! I can like properly see it now, like it's just a lot easier to control, then I can probably see where I want to cut okay. Let'S do this where then just graduate not bad open, yes, so much easy to car when is were we cut? It really short, but I kind of don't. I don't think it's going to see me. I sweat like when I first got a fringe cut in. I thought it really suited me and in the pictures I look back and I think that looked really good and now, when I try to give myself any kind of Fringe, I hate it. I don't know if that's because, like I should get older, your face shape changes a little bit or what I've lost way. My face tree, like the picture my face shape has changed. I don't know whereby I feel like now. I just don't really see a fridge anymore, God makes me upset, so he liked how it looked when I was younger. But now it just looks a bit weird: Oh got straight. You know, I'm just going to cut it quite a little bit shorter because I feel like I'm just trimming little bits. It'S not really doing anything. My French grows so quickly. Okay, just a matter if it looks bad, I suppose I could drown her out. Ah time, Alok yeah, I think I said now it looks really long still, but and when you blow-dry fringe, it's always a lot shorter than it looks when it's wet. So I don't want to cut too much. Keep that in mind if you're cutting your fringe wear, because it's going to be a lot shorter when you blow-dry it - and I did that once I get was really them. I cut it when it was wet and I cut it quite short because I just cut it the length I won out and I couldn't quite sure and then, when I blow dried it. It was like up here and I was like my turn. I went to work and my boss is like it looks really nice I'll be done notice how I cut it myself when she was kind of like. Oh, I don't mind, learning more, it's fun. I can say that. Ok, I think this is done now. I'M gon na go blow-dry this and then I will show you is if he needs to public. I just blow drive my friend, and this is what it looks like as a full fringe, but I do, I think, I'm going to have it as a full fringe. Just because I don't know I got, I don't know if I like you or not as a full fringe, I kind of like it just sort of swept to the sides a little bit. This is my new. Do my new lid, my new, my fresh cut? It'S not like a dramatic change, but I feel like it just makes my hair look so much healthier and like more kind of like melt, see you're nice and my French sits about on my face. I can sign it properly now just stopping by, and I hope you enjoyed this video if you think you've got in your hair. You know if this video has helped you in any way. I'D really like to know just leave a comment and don't forget to subscribe to my channel by clicking the red button down below and like this video. If you enjoyed watching it, I guess I'll seal the next one. Ah

Yazmine Sam: Omg I watch hours of people cutting their hair it is so satisfying

Victoria Hills: I've always hated going to the hairdressers- last time I went was around 3 years ago. Thanks for this video will try this out later! Xx

emmalise corrine: You're so stunning!! You have beautiful hair, eyes... all your features are gorgeous actually! much love from welland Ontario CA

Casey 1: Your hair looks lovely, great video, thanks!

MadeintheUSofA: I feel like you would suit the really short fringe tbh! Also you remind me of Lorde a ton ❤️

You Suck: Looks like you’ve been parting your hair since your bangs keep trying to split. I don’t normally have that problem. I did with my scene hair when I was younger but it was easy to fix it. Just blow dry it correctly and style it and keep it styled

camille louisa: this hair style is so cute omg

Elisabeth Almeida: Looking gorgeous

Emma_Roxy: im at a wedding watching you cut your hair......

Halle Rider: Loved this vid, your mannerisms are so like me feel like I'm chatting to a mate is sort of a weird one! Ok then you talked about not liking fringe so much anymore because of 'maturing' and face shape changing and I think that all the time argh it used to look so cute what happened and when!?

Kathy Allen: You look so much like Emma Stone.

kelly mckay: Great video fun nice sweet all the best

Black Cat Badru: You're soooo pretty oh my gosh

GNic: GIRL your so pretty

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