Cutting My Bangs Like K Pop // Fail

Cutting my bangs like Lisa from BLACKPINK // FAIL


The picture isn’t even of Lisa.

Love me anyways—I hope Lisa from BLACKPINK approves.

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#VictoriaXRave #StayExtraterrestrial #VictoriaVlogs

Cutting my bangs, like Lisa from BLACKPINK //, FAIL by Victoria X Rave. You know what I say: fuck it and just cut Welch in 1990. Black Canyon pain, hey Victoria X right here I love you, I'm going to. Let you guys watch me cut my hair. My bangs have been growing out quite long. I just want this period poof hormones in that pill, please girls II, don't like that! Okay, I do it. Yes, the beds messy behind me, but that's not my bed. So it's okay, I always have an excuse to to like I have an excuse for everything. Can anybody relate hey? Can you come to this party tonight? I'M sorry like. I can't even explain how busy I am that night yeah tonight. I have at least ten things to do and then in reality really like sit at home alone, drinking almond chocolate, milk out of a fancy glass be like I'm, so lonely dig it. This is intense. I even cut my thanks for a really long time. I actually don't know how to cut hair. Maybe I should get a mirror for this. I wan na listen to my favorite. My new favorite band, they're called blackpink. I'D really like to be the pink in it, so the blackpink pink, you know choose me. I know you already have all your members, but I feel, like I'd, really add some dimension, that I know I'm not like Korean or anything like that, but I could be some people. Some people say that maybe I could like I look a little like my hair needs dye your ear, hair dyes, the dye that I use. If you want to see below alright, so I just discovered blackpink they're the hottest new trend in the world. Probably - and I just wanted to to you - know - really appreciate them. I wanted to be trendy and up-to-date and avocado underwear uh-oh if you're new here, which a lot of you are new here. Don'T leave me, I'm sorry for yelling, I'm sorry, okay, I don't have actual hair commissars. I never have the proper equipment to do anything in my life, I'm not even a fully functioning human. I don't know how I've gotten this far, which is not far at all. To be honest, if this is a video game, I would still be on half of the beginning of level 1. Oh, this is one of those brushes where you can store drugs in. Oh, what a nice feature I've been realizing that I've been talking too much lately I just shut up a little bit. You guys kind of all set that not all of you, but a lot of you said you should. You know cut it in bags and then like okay, and some of you were like fuck bags and I'm like well you're the minority, so he was like. I can know how to do this. I actually don't know how to do this. I don't really want to cut my I'm cutting my hair, but Lisa though Lisa I'm just like. I want to look like Lisa, so that's why I'm gon na cut my bags like her and hopefully they'll, accept me and they need another. They need another like girl that actually has pink hair to fulfill their name, but not with this rag hair. So Lisa, I'm coming for. You play a little clip of their song here right here, just to only a little bit because copyrighted YouTube videos is a thing and it's happened to me more than 10 times. Oh, oh, I'm, okay! What'S shorter, I can't see anything. Look. I could be like an anime character. Wait watched, look, I'm an anime character. Mmm. Is that thing? Oh yeah. Look at that technique. I'M a professional barber man. I just cannot believe that Claudio wouldn't want a piece of this. You know what I say: fuck it and just cut, I didn't become perfect, and that looks cute. That is it. I just want styling my hair like this. This is the new style. What do you guys guys? Okay, like just like, I don't know, these aren't hair cases it. Oh, I think I'm doing this wrong. Look at her bags now we guys think if I don't want bangs, I could just bring this down and be like what what Benz you talking about. I shouldn't brought that down, yet I wasn't ready for that step Lisa. I hope you're watching this right now. I know you're for sure you're watching it. Of course, I hope you like what I'm doing for you like Lisa, looks by this book: who's your favorite character in blackpink, mine's Lisa. I don't know anything about her she's some tile and you guys can't even know this advanced haircutting technique. You can't even know it because it's very advanced trick up. I'M shorter thumbs up for yes thumbs up for yet no I'd like to get some more Instagram followers, because, like I post on Instagram the most of any platform on my Instagram stories, I'm constantly updating it and I feel like I want you guys to be there More with me, this is my Instagram right here. Sogo fault like pause, this video and go follow that and then come back and then you're truly initiating to the family. It'S like now that you're back from following on Instagram, it was a trick. It'S a lifetime commitment. I got you trying to I'm trying to like get Lisa's attention. I need this video ouch. I need this video to go viral Lisa like blindly cut like it's just hair, but at the same time it is the front of my face as well. This looks nothing like Lisa, I'm really. I have to commit me issues. I have some commitment issues. I'Ll be honest. I could just hold it out the way and if I don't feel like having bangs, I could bring it back down so like watch. Maybe I should cut them shorter, maybe that's what it is. Let'S try to cut it them shorter. I feel like maybe that's my front hold right now. No, no nananananana and a lot of people say that claudio dodged, a bullet with me little did they know. No, that that bullet was full of magic and unicorns, and it would have made you immortal as well so like about the angel all right, I'm only just trying to do the best in the world that I could be I'm tired of doing this. So like these bangs are poking my eyeballs out to be poked all the time it's gon na look like this all the time. Look at this. It'S like all stringy. It doesn't even look good. That girl got her bangs herself. Maybe I did it ouch whoops. I wasn't trying to cut that get out of there I mean granted. Lisa doesn't have dreads, but I'll convince there whenever we're best friends. So now this is the new mean it's Victoria Lisa who's that girl who's. That girl. Let me know what you think in the comments. Only if you like them, though, but don't tell me if you don't, because it can't be changed and my self-confidence is wavering these days, those avocados. I have some big news. Probably I'll tell you in the next video. It'S very big news: you better! You better stay tuned and turn on the notifications and subscribe goodbye. Boo me and I will make you a wild dreams. Come through like the vanilla dreams. Those are the ones that are my specialty, the wild ones. I will get I'm so grateful that you're here with me, and I hope that I you can live through me because this next thing that I'm about to do it's fucking insane. I don't know how I'm gon na do. It starts with a T ends with a fuckup. I'M broke go tell blackpink, they need a pink girl in it. Okay, bye,

Chris Heath: I was about to leave but then I saw 1:46 and now I must stay for life, you win this time Vic *EDIT* I just saw 4:53 you got me twice

Melou Temis: So ... nobody has noticed that the only picture of lisa in the entire video is actually not lisa ?

Emily Bryant: Ive had soo many self inflicted hair fails throughout my life. The key is to watch a few hair cutting tutorials will feel like a pro! LoL You still look fabulous!

thomas mcdonald: Your haircut looks really cute on you your always cute anyways and I support what you do still

Hellyeahhh: I love how you laugh at yourself sometimes. I do that also

Aria Lucia: I just got my hair cut today and even dyed it pink thanks to you! I am so happy now that I did it. And don’t worry, I won’t leave you you always look amazing too, no matter what your hair looks like.

PunkSkater Pizza: I love the bangs❤ im glad you brought that look back

SosaOtto300: I love how your so full of life ❤️

sparkluhs: This is sooo me everytime I want to cut my hair while going through a mental breakdown.

Sentinel1977: you are seven shades of nuts. But you're my kinda girl. Love you.

LilMissAndroid: Literally me every time I cut my hair. DX Love you as always, xoxo

Connor Martin: I know this is probably a random comment for this video but I'd just like to thank you for doing what you do. Until I found your channel or started watching your videos, I had no idea who I was and was lost. Afraid of coming out of my shell and being who I am. Now thanks to your videos i can say I have figured out who I am and or starting to figure out who I am. And music is definitely a part of who I am and something I would love to pursue as well. I may not be the best at it right now, but it's what makes me happy. And that is what I am now said out to do. All fears set aside. Thank you again.

Jenny Miles: They seriously look amazing! This made me want bangs again haha

XJ Dude: You can be what you want. All these dudes saying they’re girls, girls say they’re dudes, so you can be Korean if you want to be Korean. Im a tiger

Samantha Nicole: Can't stop binge watching you! My new favorite YouTuber. Your personality is alot like mine. I think that's a big reason why I like you so much! Not to mention your style is rad af ❤

Jepic Heather Grimes 125: I love this vlog sooo much. Your amazing and love the pink hair. Love ya. avocado that's cool

Bizzarre studios: It's amazing how no matter what you do, you still look amazing. Not using hyperbole either

zRAYZORSEDGEz: Everything you do is awesome keep it up

Bio Toxin: You know that voice that normally tells you we've made a horrible mistake, I feel like it tells you let's keep going instead, and that's why you're awesome

Connery Meyer: LMAO in my life I'd be on the first half of level one as well.

Artstar bby: yay she did the bangs! ❤

Ben Ross: She is so perfect.

Matej 92: I found this channel by accident and I fall in love with you so cute! I like you're personality, voice, eye's.. Just by listening to you I get so relaxed, you have so much feminine energy girl ;) I wish I could meet you but I'm thousands and thousands miles away from you. But who knows what the future holds haha (;

Slimv3 .1: You are so beautiful and I absolutely love your personality. Just keep being you cause you are awesome!

Voytek Potrzebowski: i have found something you said funny enough to forge it into a VxRaving (a saying): "these are not just my bangs, it is the front of my face". BTW, never go completely Britney Spears :)

Ethereal Daydreaming: You’re so cute and you cheer me up.

Joseph Lannister: You could shave your hair and still look so pretty.

Rebecca Gardens: Yasss excited for travel vlogs with victorialisa

Kevin Kryptinite: Literally the sweetest girl to ever post a vlog, Vicoria you're a gem

Still Happy: I wish I could spend a month with you just so some of your happiness would rub of on me you are so cool

bren do: Oh loved your vlog nearly pissed myself laughing . You looked great anyway hahaha . I'v fucked mine up totaly year's ago hahaha . Keep doing what you love xx

Kori Schaffer: I relate with you too well in this video, i wish i had you for a friend, for real. i need a friend like you. <3

J L: Most of the video: "haha, look at this goofy, spunky girl! I like her! She's fun!" Then 6:25 came along: ...WHOA. Yeah. Definitely go with that. Fucking NAILED it.

Dread Pirate Trucker: Yeah but never change yourself for a guy. You are always awesome!

Ash Vibes: I really liked your bangs before but you made a good decision. You look beautiful no matter what you do! I really like the new bangs! And stop being so insecure and just do it! Haha literally if I did that I'd prob fuck my hair up.

maybaches: Love your energy! Bangs came out good

Wendy Barnaby: Your dreads are just never get rid of them ❤

michael serrao: lol most i laugh in a long time XD great video and the bangs they look cute hoping to see more videos and i love ur tattoos too

kittenschoice: Use a round brush (the bigger ones, not the skinny small ones) and blow dry your bangs over the round brush and it will help them look better! Trust me it works wonders!!! AND it will help make it so they stay out of your eyes. idk if it works with the small skinny round brushes, I used to use the giant ones and it worked perfectly! It's definitely worth trying!! & I bet it will help solve all the issues you feel you are having with your bangs. You are so funny and cute and awesome :) <3 - I hope you see this comment so you try drying your bangs over a round brush with a hair dryer! *do it do it do it do it* ;)

XSTATIX Tribal Electronic Music: I’m really new to you’re channel but, every time I watch you’re videos I’m laughing out my seat. You’re the shit!

Lost_the-game: I really love you're YouTube channel i love you're personality

Daily_Delsol: Love the energy on this one!

Brittany: They look so good!

Ren: LMAO youre hilarious and SO CUTE ily

Tamera Leanne: I love your personality! And your dreadlocks are amazing ✋ my dreads are a month old cant wait for them to mature! X

The Rxckstar: had no clue you liked K-Pop!!

Christian Garcia: Kara is my favorite kpop girl band but they disbanded few years ago also you look adorable

Lorraine parker Parker: Your hair looks lovely

Evelyn Castiblanco: You can totally rock the really short textured bangs.

Cosmic Wildflower: It'd be cool to see you do a video with Garrett Witt. <3 your guyses personalities I bet would mesh well.

Just Cameron: There was a time when I had hair nearly as long is your own. In one fell swoop (which admittedly was instigated by a cancer diagnosis and the treatments that came with it) I shaved it bald. Wouldn’t you know I was the one in a million who did NOT lose their hair - that shit grew back. Short of the occasional Mohawk when I’m lazy and don’t keep up it’s been pretty much shaved since as I do not have the patience to grow it back. I actually like the look with the cut bangs, but you may not in time. I was pissed at myself for a long time after that.

Ally: I drink my chocolate almond milk out of a Christmas mug. You win.

BigPapi Ariel: I love your Energy and You’re too damn funny u be making my day and it’s ok to be yourself

Kelly: Victoria can you do a video about how you keep your hair so bright?

Ricky Bobby: I like the bangs. I would never dodge the bullet with you buttercup. And I love the avocados.

m: You re super pretty, love your hair

Mizz Mandi TV: yeah I cut bangs a couple weeks ago, (right Zooey Deschanel - New Girl, is frickin adorable with bangs)......yeah talk about regret, I keep them pinned back all the time now until it grows back out, but your's seriously turned out awesome!! So jealous!!

Juste Aud: Yes girl keep at it ...u siut anything u can even wear a trash bag it still would look so good on you ...YOU GO GIRL XX

TheSocialHysteria: I wonder how many people have seen your videos and fallen in love with you.

Purplesmurple: I love the bangs with your dreads.

b: this made me laugh so hard OMFG

Heather Brianne: I feel the excuse thing so much. That's all I do cause I usually dont wanna unless its nature. Lol also I love you and I'll never leave you. Will always support you 10000. Fam for life!

maria H: It looks good!!!

Mario Solis: i love you and your videos dont worry about your bangs you could probably go bald and youd still be gorgeous c:

Stephany LaBounty: I love the bangs!

J. Sidhu: Your bangs look amazing!!! But dude the grow out is the worst part

Nehemiah Salone: *Victoria* :Oh is this one of those brushes where you can store drugs in? Haha what a nice feature. *Me* : Victoria dont even think about it

King of Fighters 1987: I Love The tattoo in your neck, Awesome!

angel flores: Victoria my god I swear If I had some Victoria in my life I would never wanna stop hanging out with you Your beautiful, energetic and so funny Your awesome !!!!

NotSoGrimReaper: Hey Victoria, hope you’re having a nice day.

Amy Aye: Love the bangs

Linda mast: I love it,best decision ever

Madison Rose: You should do a video with Claudio and why the two of you didn’t fall in love

Mazie Dean: Much love Victoria! ✌

Daniel Aguero: Hi Victoria you may think it didn't look good but it's you just about anything you do looks good on you as always love watching and Thanks for the booty shot you have yourself a nice weekend and happy ,safe 4th .

Be as ONE: You're so beautiful you really look like Lisa

Misfit Mangas: Almond chocolate milk is the best. Your haircut looks great and I won't leave your channel any time soon. ✌

Mackenzie Rose: I nearly died from the Claudio comment bc that's why I'm here in the first place but now that Blackpink is involved, u right: this is now a lifetime commitment. Lisa would be so proud, your bangs look HELLA cute on you. <3

ifwat razak: Hi ! I’m new and i lovvveeee youuu keep doing what you do

that one guy: Those avocados! lol you're crazy fun, love it

Katarina Medeiros: Yes Lisa is my favorite....I love kpop. Hit you with that duh it duh it you Victoria :-)

Liam O Donovan: I would never leave you Victoria I love you too much your always adorable

Rafaela James: This is why ur babe. You dont let anything stop u. Your amazing girl Love You!!! Stuck with Vic for Life♡♡♡

Jazmin Moreno: I love them u should cut them shorter they suit u so well omg!

just because: You're beautiful and awesome keep up the great work I love your content Victoria

Octane234: Victoria, you're awesome

darren chandler: Love your hair and i love you,your so damm awesome ❤ want to date you so much,hope you're having a wonderful week

Hipólito Rivera: I'm going to try one more time, date me already!

FMMA: Have you ever thought about cutting your hair real short? I bet you'd look amazing! Lovee youu

Rickard H: woha, hey atleast it looks better than when i cut my hair xD luckely it grows out ^^ have a good one and take care ^^

DarknGlory: shes so great

Radbiker33357: I love your videos

THE MAN CHANN: Heroin is one hell of a drug... LOVE YOOOUUU!!! XOXO

𝙹𝚞𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚊줄리사: Omg you are so adorable and cuuute!

Joe Vaughn: I love the bangs! They came out way better then you may think! Keep on rocking see you in gram town! J

NeverMore NeverLess: Your still pretty with your new hair style

Sclla: I searched for your instagram ,followed came back and then came the part where you said i want more followers on insta. I gotchu.<3

Ashly A: “I have avocado underwear!”

Inocencio Perez: You look stupid cute with ur hair up like that & with your bangs hanging in the front <3

Storm L: Omg I shit you not the other day when you were showing off your tattoos I was like... She'd look really good with blunt bangs... Haven't made it through the whole video yet but I'm so friggen excited! Take care beautiful! Xo

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