First Time Doing Bangs .. Fail ???

We'Re gon na make some babes. What'S what's up y'all, it's crazy, so i'm gon na make some bangs and y'all are gon na you're gon na come with me and to get the parts down and thank god because i was about to like do a straight line. So she said so we're gon na go to the park. Um bad bad, see you, let's find me a lot of wings. This is not. What'S up is way better. When you try to cut it, is it shorter split? Are you still gon na grab it's shorter? I think so, but i'm really like i don't want to mess it up and mess it up. Take our hair down hi! Oh okay, stop stop playing with me because the ladies, the lace yo, so okay, i'm too lazy to do outro, but thank y'all for watching enjoy. This is my process. Y'All see me feeling myself on live, i'm trying

Valerie Dyines: you so goofy , i love it .

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