Hairdresser Reacts To People Going Blonde To Red At Home

Hi Beautiful! Today we watch some people attempt to color their hair bright red right after bleaching it!

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Rubee Lana

Audrey Sosa

Mariah Morgan:

Video Editing By: Kris Edrosa

Don't Forget To Live Your Extra Life.

Hi, beautiful bleaching, your hair and then dying it red can be very tricky. Let'S see if these people can accomplish that by themselves at home. Probably not my standards are going to be very low for this up. First, we have a video by ruby, lana ruby. What the what's that girl, you give me a heart attack, i'm going to be dyeing my hair again. I am going to be using these arctic box dyes and i'm gon na be mixing them. I have one like a bright dye and then i have one like dark dye, so i'm gon na mix last time. I did that my hair was seven months ago. That'S when i dyed it black and then i just kind of left it alone. Okay. Well, that's good! We gave the hair a little break. I'M not gon na beat around the bush. Your hair looks a little little little bit of dry, i'm a little nervous about the bleach going on there. So i have this big thing of bleach. Okay, a little quick blue. I don't know if your hair can handle that, but we're gon na try it aren't we one that's 20 and one that's the third reason why i'm not so scared to bleach my hair, because this doesn't damage your hair as much when bleaching it and if you Guys are wondering what this is. This is all applied. Okay, we got smoloplex, i mean i'd; rather you have it than not have it, but it's definitely not gon na keep all your hair on your head, you're still gon na damage your hair by lightening it, but i'm glad you're taking some precautions. That is all i can ever ask for. I'M gon na take um one scoop of this okay. I took two scoops of bleach. Take my 30 volume developer. I'M just gon na put some in here i mean listen. She definitely needs a good 30 volume in there because uh that hair is dark. Like it's blending into the background dark so um, i don't know how she's gon na get that out. It'S feeling like we're gon na get spotty craziness going on a lot of like things. So i am finished with my mixture. I put the olaplex and i put the bleach and stuff in that - looks like a good consistency. It'S kind of this like fluffy, but slightly on the thicker side, type of consistency with the bleach and developer. I like that, because if you're gon na do an open air application, which she's probably gon na, do you need to have that lightener be a little on the runny side? That way, it actually goes through all of the hair fibers, and you know i feel, like she's, just gon na grab her hair and just start applying to it. Do we think she's gon na start on the top or on the bottom? That'S the question today because it's always the top that people start and they should start on the bottom. So much easier. That way you gon na lay the hair on top, not flip it over um, okay. So i'm gon na now section my hair, and i am super scared to do this guys she's gon na do what she's gon na section her hair. I love a good section. That word makes me a little whoo a lot yeah get into it. This is probably not a good idea, knowing the fact that i almost went involved before okay she's applying to the mids mens. I think we have all understood at this point that we need to do that part first, if your hair is virgin or if you're doing an entire head of lightner. That'S great, i'm a little worried, she's taking too big of a section and just like putting the lighter over it. It'S gon na uh, it's feel like it's just gon na be a little bit messy and uh, not perfect. I'M not looking for perfection. I guess, but i'm expecting a lot, it's the wavy sectioning for me. Just take a damn comb and section the damn hair out. You guys one of these or a tail comb just right around the head, and then this is the part where everybody gets wrong, where they do not wait enough time to apply it to the roots. You got ta make sure those mids and ends are nice and blonde, because the roots process, like that like real quick, especially if you put 30 volume on the roots like consider changing the developer as well. On like the bottom of my hair, and now i am going to mix another mixture very quickly, because i don't want to stay on for very long and i am going to do my roots now. No, actually, i don't know i think, she's applying to the top of her hair. First, you have to apply the root color in the same pattern. You did the mids and ends she did not wait enough time. I just finished putting the bleach all over my roots and my hair. Hopefully i didn't miss any roots or anything, because then i would look stupid so yeah i was kind of rushing like i was doing it very quickly like i was just getting like a big piece of hair. That would just like just not the correct way to do it, but, as i said, i always do it my way. I can already feel my hair falling off, but it's cool you what you can already feel your hair falling off, we'll take it off. Oh, my god, that's bad! I don't know. What'S going on with my clothes today, like i don't know, that's better! No! I don't know. Oh my god. I look so crazy. My head is literally white, okay guys. So i am back and i still look crazy with multi-orange colored hair. Okay, normally i'd be like girl. You know what i mean like just like that, but since we're doing a red color, this base is okay to work with it's actually good to work with you. Don'T want to lift your hair too far, if you're putting red over it. You know i mean you want to keep that red in your hair, that natural red pigment, you don't want to lift it beyond that and then put a red color over it because then it'll fade really fast and it just won't. Look great it'll. Look a little hollow too, if you over, lighten it um, i have a bright red and a dark red. So i'm going to mix these two to get the red that i want, because i don't want it too bright and i don't want it too dark areas that i have my hair that are like really brown, i'm gon na use the brighter red. Oh, that is red red red red. I'M excited finally, have my hair up in the plastic. It looks really bright and i didn't really want my hair to be this bright. I wanted to be like between, like a dark and a bright red, have my timer for one hour and 28 minutes left. I put it for two hours, hi guys, so it is the next day. Oh, my god. It'S definitely there. It'S definitely red. It'S like fuchsia. The last time you guys seen me it was like freaking like four o'clock, but, as you can see, i am all dressed and my hair is already. Oh, my god. This look is everything. This is how my hair came out. I'M going to keep this color for like a good two months. I just feel really cute today, i feel like doji cat. To be honest, i feel like doji cat right now. What where did she get that hair? What a? How did what that looks: sick, wow? I'M obsessed yeah that looks really good. I like the way she styled it a lot now we have audrey sosa. I'M dyeing my hair red today. Well, we see uh a little box eye going on huh a little bit of luck. Style can never get enough of it. I don't know if that's gon na be enough lightning for you, but we shall see my stepmom's gon na help me do it, because if i do it myself, i'm gon na mess it up completely. So i'm not even gon na try. She has some pretty dark hair and i can tell that it's been colored before i'm 90 sure on that. So it's gon na be really hard to lift out that color, except she only needs to get that red color before she then puts over the box dye, which is not great to do because you're putting permanent color over pre-lightened hair. It just doesn't make any sense, and you don't need to do that. I mean i just wouldn't recommend it, especially when you're damaging your hair with the lightener. First, it's just a lot of ammonia and a lot of high developer and it just causes a lot of damage. Okay, that's just my opinion, we're applying the lightener mids and ends first, everybody knows to not apply to the roots. First, i need to stop talking about it at this point, because it's just annoying damn it guys. We know to apply not to the roots first, but what we don't do right is we don't wait any time until we apply to the roots? We just do the mids and ends and then it's just like boom, let's apply to the roots now, but no you have to wait until that processes to a nice blonde before we then do it on roots. Let'S get it all together baby. You know it's been 30 minutes since i've had this on i'm about to wash it off, so i can dry it. What the is this, i have toner in my hair right now. I have a lot of toner. Why do you have toner in your hair? What do you mean by that you're gon na put permanent color over it? I don't understand, don't talk about the hair, my hair is dead fried, but i couldn't care less. This looks great it's quite even i don't know if it's from that toner that you did whatever that was, but it's a great color to now put red over. It looks great it's the next day i bleached my hair two times. So this is my hair. I wish i bleached it twice. I only saw once so do better put that in the videos i want to see it bruh. Now i'm gon na dye, my hair red. I got three different colors. I'M gon na use a darker burgundy red for the top of my hair, because it's lighter up here and the rest is gon na, be we're just we're. Gon na have to make it work. Okay, why the box die, though, and the box that goes on and it's going on her scalp, that's gon na hurt. I don't know how she's not in pain right now. She just lightened her whole entire head and now she's, putting more probably 30 volume developer on her scalp ow. It'S definitely still going to be lighter from the top. Does this look the same as this? Not quite fox tie that you don't know. What'S in it, it's kind of scary, there's a finished look. I thought it would be like bright red. I took like two showers and now it's orange, oh, my god. I love it. It'S so cute. I feel really good. I haven't felt this good about myself in a minute: dang, okay, the color looks good, but to make it look great, listen to me put your ear up to the screen here. The only critique i have, which nobody asked is it literally nobody has ever asked. That'S not true people do ask, but today no no, it looks a little hollow because of that permanent color, most likely. Those molecules don't want to stick in that hair that has already damaged it's just letting the color run out. Probably every time you shampoo it, a lot of the color is coming out you're going to want to put a slight permanent color over that to make it really stick. You'Re probably need to color it over and over and over again until that molecule really sticks in there, but it looks good. You really did a good job at lightening the hair. This next video is by mariah morgan, so my roots are well um, sort of silver blondish because i did have hot roots. There'S some roots happening here, which i'll be touching up soon. There is some purple as well some brown, some orange, some blue, some green. Almost every single color watch got a lot going on on my head right now, a lot a lot stressing me out a little bit, i'm going to be dyeing my hair pillow box red. So basically, what i'm doing now is i'm saturating my hair with 100 pure coconut oil, so it can protect itself a bit more when it comes to bleaching, not the damn coconut oil. Don'T do it to me today, not today. Coconut oil does not do anything to protect your hair from bleach damage, and if it did, we would have a bunch of it stocked up in every salon and we would be applying it to everybody's heads before bleaching. It. It'S just not a thing and the lightener. Just eats right through it now that my hair is fully saturated with coconut oil, i'm going to start mixing up my ingredients for my bleach bath. I mixed my bleach and developer as per usual. One part bleach two parts developer and just i winked the shampoo and conditioner mixture, i'm using more shampoo and conditioner. I'M just gon na mix this up; okay, so she's doing a bleach bath, which i don't know what's underneath that purple, but i'm guessing it's blonde. That would make a lot of sense if she's doing a bleach bath. So that's a good idea because she's trying to avoid like overdoing it with the lightener, but i don't know if it's gon na be enough to like take out all that color. I don't know i've never put conditioner in a bleach bath because you really want it to be like harsh on the hair. You want it to really take out that color quickly and effectively so like putting conditioner in a bleach bath. It probably makes things a little bit less like i'm, not finding the words to use today, but you know what i mean: it's just going to make a true conditioning and we're starting on the top of the head. Why can't we start on the bottom? I want to know the reason is well, it's definitely lightening and it's lightening to green. I am going to let this sit on my hair for a good 30 minutes and wash it out and let it dry and be back so, as you can see. This is what my hair looks like. It did lift quite a lot at the roots, but there's still some green, so it technically did not lift as much as i anticipated to thank god, she's putting red in her hair, because it would be very difficult to save this. But that's okay, because i've seen people going from green to red, so i'm sure it's doable. There is yes chunks of purple and blue still, but i'm not going to bleach my hair again because i don't want it to look like shh. Well, the thing is with green and red. Is that they're opposite on the color wheel? You know what that means, they cancel each other out and they create brown. The worst. I guess that could happen is that she has ends up with brown hair instead of red. Okay, we're going in the red and it's dark - dark, dark red, fantastic! Oh, it looks beautiful. Oh, i can't wait. This is like blood red girl. I love it. If you're gon na do red go red - oh my god, not the no gloves! Oh god! No! You did not just dye your hair red with no gloves girl. Your hands are gon na be red for a long time. That stresses me out. Oh i'm going to let this sit on my hair for maybe 30 minutes to an hour, wash it out with cold water conditioner. Let it air dry, maybe like style it make it look nice and gucci. I hope this looks good hi there, it's red, i mean in certain lighting. It looks pink, but this is like the true color. It'S like a bright cherry red. Also high, oh sorry, the hands all i can focus on right now, what the hell, but besides the hands. Oh my god! How is her hair this? Even i'm surprised that the bleach didn't do much damage to my hair, like this feels and looks so nice washed. My hair conditioned it. Let it dry applied some argan oil and some serum blow dried. It straightened it. This is what my hair looks like in natural lighting. I love it. It came out pretty decent. I was expecting it not to look as good. The color looks. Amazing, look at that shine, no tangles; it feels so soft, so gorgeous uh. That makes two of us and probably a lot more people. I did not expect it to look that good and it looks fuchsia pink in the sunlight, love the vibe such a better look than what you started with wow. What the hell happened, y'all shocked me all the time i don't know how or how what? Where did that whoo? How that's all i have to say they looked great if you want to check out my hair care line or my hair color line, where we have an incredible red, color called super red. Do it check it out it's linked below or go to xml That'S all for today. Thank you for watching, don't forget to live your extra life i'll, see you next time. Bye!

refrigerateafteropening: I'm glad Brad was never able to see how I did my hair as a teenager. I can almost guarantee he'd have a heart attack. No sections, always started at the top on my roots, 40 volume bleach, no gloves for bleaching or coloring, used Clorox bleach on my skin to get the color out.

Sarah: “I’m not looking for perfection, but I’m expecting a lot” me with everything in life

Amber Leaney: I love Brad’s scruffy hair phase! It looks so good on him!

Kai Mitchell: I did this the other week! Went from green to red and it went quite well, though these days it is hard to do anything to your hair without thinking how Brad would judge you in that moment

sallyostling: I did this a few years back and had absolutely no idea what I was doing. Was an adventure for sure. It's super hard to keep it "red", so I used "colorista" pretty frequently. That helped.

WT_: I'm so sorry to tell you: you will never, ever, ever run out of react-to-hair-dye content, Brad!

·〰Poofie~Baku〰·💘: I bleached my boyfriend's dark hair with Wella lightener and Salon Care 30 volume and it turned out great. Thank you Brad for testing out those Sally bleaches, so I knew which was best. His hair lifted super well and was still very soft afterwards. I did 40 minutes with foil on mids and ends and went back in with roots the last 20 minutes. It was very yellow as expected, but I put blue on it, so it worked great.

Jasmine Mae: I'm going to a salon today for my first ever feminine haircut, two years after coming out as trans. Thank you Brad, because without your videos I wouldn't even know what to ask for!

lex virgilio: I’ve had my hair colored red for over 10 years now and I’ve never used straight up bleach on my hair. Your hair has to have some kind of warmth for the red dye molecules to hold on to. So bleaching super blonde doesn’t necessarily help when it comes to the color lasting super long. People are always surprised when I say I only dye my hair about every month and a half to two months cause my color stays pretty vibrant up until I redye it. I wash my hair about 2 - 3 times a week using luke warm water. My hairs naturally pretty dark. I recommend using a high lift color all over but only for the first time you color it red. I know a lot of people like the L’Oréal high color but that dries my hair out and doesn’t last long at all. I use the Affinage b:red line and it’s fabulous. But ladies and gents do not use a high lift color all over your head every time you color!!! I see it on TikTok all the time and it drives me crazy. When you layer high lift color on top of high lift color over and over it will begin to lift itself out of your hair and in turn lighten your natural hair color. Making it fade out super light. So after the first time using it all over all you do is use the high lift on your roots and a semi or demi permanent red for the lengths of your hair and you’ll be set.

lechatbotte: How does Brad pull off all these hairstyles so flawlessly? Every color and cut he just rocks

L. G.: Really saturated red and straight black are two great options for covering a lot of coloring mistakes IMO. I'm not surprised the last girl's hair came out looking even because that dye was waaaay more saturated than what would be required to cancel out what little green and purple was left in her hair.

Adrian Maxwell: Honestly, I feel like it's hard to mess up going from dark colour to red. It's basically guaranteed to turn that brassy colour, and putting red over it works just fine. I think it'd be an issue if a *true* bleach blond tried it.

Marcela Ramirez: Brad is like a concerned dad who has accepted that his kids are going to go out and have seggs, and as we’re heading out the door with our sketchy boyfriend Quickblu, he tells us “I’m glad you’re taking some precautions, that is all I can ever ask for.” Thank you for looking out for us Brad Dad!

Velise Udy: brad, we NEED a video on surface painting the hair. i feel like HOW DOES THAT LOOK GOOD when people do it? i’ve seen you do it and it looks great, it looks fun and easy, but in reality i’m worried about it being spotty and bleeding through. is it all in the thickness of the bleach to not bleed through? i just feel like there’s some holes in that explanation and possibly in the hair and i need an in depth explanation please and thank you

KenzieHurlock: I bleached my boyfriend's dark hair with Wella lightener and Salon Care 30 volume and it turned out great. Thank you Brad for testing out those Sally bleaches, so I knew which was best. His hair lifted super well and was still very soft afterwards. I did 40 minutes with foil on mids and ends and went back in with roots the last 20 minutes. It was very yellow as expected, but I put blue on it, so it worked great.

Missy: she dyed her hair red in a completely white sweatshirt that is so brave

Sandyandi: I recently went red to blonde and I was TERRIFIED of messing it up, but I watched a ton of Brad's videos beforehand to hear his advice and it went so, so well! :)

Kelsi Levell: I just did the opposite. Natural red to blonde. Small sections, heavy saturation, and I have an even blonde. Waiting for my super purple to arrive, and I'm excited! I finally work somewhere that doesn't see colored hair as unprofessional.

Cophi Serene: I love how she’s saying her hair feels like it’s about to fall off and Brad’s all “that’s bad” as he checks his self out in the camera

sleepy-_-tASMR: I did this and it turned out amazing! I've since gone back to being a brunnette though as I feel natural is better and I was sick of redoing my roots and having red dye stain the shower tiles.

kama nama: I thought my ex sister-in-law was a natural redhead until I finally saw an old photograph. It looks so incredibly natural on her. To the point where I gave her an emerald necklace thinking she was a redhead

Rosalie van der Maas: I feel like Brad's always secretly hoping for someone to mess up but is like a proud Steve Harrington when it looks good.

Misty Autumn Ryvlin: EVERY time I binge on Brad I somehow end up with a cart full of hair dye/bleach and have to talk myself down my hair goes to my pant line, there is NO universe where an at home job goes well for me

Amanda Sanderse: Dying you hair red and wearing a white hoodie! That’s bold!

Jasmine Baker: Loves these reaction videos secretly always waiting for disaster love watching Brad do his thing xxx

DrMay Ali: Hey Brad! I just want to tell you that you are such a beautiful soul. I suffer from depression and at the peak of my disorder, watching your videos was the only thing that put a smile on my face. Thank you

Nicole Kilgore: People are so brave! Omg once when I was about 15, I did my roots since mom was out of town and I didn’t want to wait for her return. Obviously the roots came out really yellow. I went to a pretty top rated salon to fix it. Tell me why the lady BLEACHED my whole head (over platinum pieces as well that didn’t need it!). I now know all I needed was a toner so this is super irritating my hair was so damaged. $200 dollars later and I still had yellow but I gained a lot of damage ‍♀️

S H: I bleached the ends of my hair and did an ombre with red dye. It worked perfectly but I did also use a red toner for upkeep. I couldn't imagine doing it as a full head colour!

Say's M&M: Hola, Brad! I've been watching your reaction videos through the pandemic from Venezuela. And I love it and you. I've learned a lot from you and from people's mistakes and although I have bleached my hair a couple of times in these past two years, thanks to you I still have hair, which my sisters believe is odd since I've changed my hair color from green to blue, gray, pink, purple and then to dark blue and red. Thanks to you I know not to use box dye hair color, and apply lots of bleach when I'm bleaching my hair while remembering your wise words "Bleach doesn't lather". Also, everytime I dye my hair, my mind immediately goes "I'm sorry Brad Mondo". Another plus, your videos help me practice my english, which I try to do often. It's very entertaining to watch your reactions since you're always kind to everyone even when they are messing their hair and also witty and funny. Thank you so much for your advise, I try to remember often to live my extra life!!!

Kelli 💖 𝐹**СК МЕ - СНЕ𝒞𝒦 𝑀𝒴 Р𝑅𝟢𝐹𝐼𝐿Е: Really saturated red and straight black are two great options for covering a lot of coloring mistakes IMO. I'm not surprised the last girl's hair came out looking even because that dye was waaaay more saturated than what would be required to cancel out what little green and purple was left in her hair.

Kayla Danielle: you look soooo cuuute, i love the hair down! you’re hilarious. love thinking about being a bleach fail for brad mondo when i bleach my hair

Ava RoSe Sᴇx Cʜᴀɴɴᴇʟ 21: I did this the other week! Went from green to red and it went quite well, though these days it is hard to do anything to your hair without thinking how Brad would judge you in that moment

・your non favorite person 👍・: I'm glad Brad was never able to see how I did my hair as a teenager. I can almost guarantee he'd have a heart attack. No sections, always started at the top on my roots, 40 volume bleach, no gloves for bleaching or coloring, used Clorox bleach on my skin to get the color out.

Sabrina Sugar: I live for your critique! It’s why I like watching your videos. I like to learn before I try for myself. Thank you Brad! You help me live my extra life

Don't Read My Profile Photo: We can all agree that he never disappoints us with his content ⁦⁦

Dudette: The reactions, the vibes from you today are hella hilarious

chlo grace: keep making these reaction videos!! they are so funny

Giulia Castellani: I've been watching you for a minute (years) and I can confidently say this is YOUR HAIRSTYLE!! IT SUITS YOU SO DAMN MUCH!

Paige Wright: Just ordered MORE super red last night. IM OBSESSED. Honestly my new go to color for my red hair. I mix the red and orange in equal parts and add a tiny bit of purple to darken it. IN LOVE. Thank you Brad for such a great product

jamie o: Hi Brad, Love watching you do reaction videos. I learn alot from you. Anyways, the only time I ever had my hair bleached was years ago when a friend wanted to try the Ombre color on me. Sometime later of course turns orange then dark orange at the ends. Never again. Been dark brown since. Thinking of doing alittle highlights. I recently ordered the Viper Smoothing oil. Can't wait to try it. Love you Jamie

blueisasomedancer: So, storytime, the very first time I ever dyed my hair I used red box dye. Specifically the Olia line, and it turned out sooo bad the first time that I put my hair in the tightest ponytail I could go try and hide it, did another round of the box dye the next day with my mom helping because she thought I had missed spots and that's why it turned out so patchy. Did not help. I was like, near in tears it looked so terrible and we went to the local fantastic sams and my mom spent like, 200 dollars to do a color correction. Which maybe doesn't sound like that much to y'all but is still the most expensive hair service I've ever received.

Loretta Smith: I have bright red hair, for years I bleached and then dyed it red and it would fade super quick and getting the roots to match with that process was a nightmare and damaged my hair so so much. After watching brads videos I opted to try proper professional dye at home, 50/50 Majicontrast Rouge and Majicontrast magenta with 30% and its perfect bright red EVERYTIME in that 1 step, also never fades to that light red, it just doesn't look as vibrant when its "faded". It is such a massive game changer and saves so much time/energy and the fade is better by far.

Jazmine Lilianna: I just did the opposite. Natural red to blonde. Small sections, heavy saturation, and I have an even blonde. Waiting for my super purple to arrive, and I'm excited! I finally work somewhere that doesn't see colored hair as unprofessional.

mollie lou : you should do a correct technique hair bingo. Starting at the mid/ends, applying enough, sectioning etc.

Denise Payne: Love Brad’s blond longer hair! He’s so gorgeous. Now he’s accenting his beautiful eyes!

Chey Lynne: Brad, I need advice or just have a question. I get my hair done about every 3-4 months, a trim every other visit and a dye job every visit. I shampoo it maybe 2 times a week and of course color comes out the first few times, but color comes out every time up till my visits. Not to the point where my hair looks faded, but my shower walls pick up the color(s). So, my question is, how come color is still coming out in the shower after 3 months of being colored?

Maddi Horsburgh: It literally dumbfounds me that people still use box dye when legit hair products are so easily found. You can ALWAYS tell when it’s box dye, it just looks cheaper

Amina: “Hey beautiful “ thanks for always making us feel good, luv u Brad ❤️

Alanna: Funny, when my hair stylist dyes my hair red, she never bleaches my brown hair first. Of course, we're also aiming for a natural coppery red color and not a fire engine red...

Archana Yadav: I have seen enough videos of Brad and I wonder how every hair style or hair colouring suits him so well. ❤

Mia Harrison: I’ve bleached my hair and dyed it red a few times now and I’m so buzzing every time because red is such an *iconic* colour ❤️

Mother Kitsune: I used to love being a red head…until I had a reaction to the red dye and lost a bunch of my hair…now I’m all natural and honestly it’s so much easier

Ivy 🔥𝐆𝐨 𝐓𝐨 𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥 [𝐋!𝐯𝐞]: I did this a few years back and had absolutely no idea what I was doing. Was an adventure for sure. It's super hard to keep it "red", so I used "colorista" pretty frequently. That helped.

Promise Rigsby: I’ve been dying my hair red since I was 21. I’m 36 now and my red doesn’t even fade anymore. I just do the roots now. Don’t worry Brad. No box dyes here.

amber: as someone who did the exact same thing as the first girl, just starting on lighter hair, that lifted way more than I thought It would....hers turned out wayy better. I was for real fuschia for about a week, then it stripped almost immediately. the second round on salmony/orangey/pink with just poison (the brighter/lighter red) got me to where I initially wanted to go.

A duck of some sort: I’ve dyed my hair so much in my life but just recently switched to using only conditioner color and I also used a bleach bath (you use clarifying shampoo, not any kind of conditioner) and it’s so much better. My hair is currently a natural red.

xeta: i did it actually a month ago. my hair was bleached to a very light blonde and it was like that for a couple months then after that i decided to make it red. I just used some box dye that i have used before and i know what the results would be, and the results were good till i washed it two or three times. after that my color faded drastically during like a single shower and i ended up with a really light red/ pink tone and it stopped fading after that. but i kinda like it so i have this hair color for a month now.

Dianna Johnson-Ward: I watched so many of these videos during the early part of the pandemic. Then I stopped and haven’t in a while. I remember why I loved these so much lol. Love Brad’s advice and tips

BlizzRd Fox: I don't understand how you always upload a video on the exact color that I want to dye my hair! First it was a black brown to jet black, now I'm going to be venturing on to my faded black to red on my bangs and new black everywhere else. I swear you have a magic power, Brad!

Nicole Approves : I recently started the process of going from black dye to blonde, we managed to get the color to a light brown, there is a lot of red in the hair, at times the hair looks cinnamon in certain spots, at times light brown and then there are areas of blonde highlights. I am so confused now what color I like! The cinnamon color actually looks nice, but I think I would have to be blonde before going cinnamon, not sure, so now I am wondering if I should just go to a honey blonde color next time before trying darker reds since it seems I have to be blonde before red.

Rian Lynn: Brad, keep talking about it! people may not apply to roots first but we sure as hell go right back after. Preach it! Time to wait and dropping the developer down. Just from how many #/@Brad videos you get you are making a HUGE difference.

Eline Vermeulen: I put pillarbox red in my hair a couple of days ago and it indeed turns pink in the sun. I did it on almost white hair and the ends (that has seen its share of bleach) is already fading away. So I bought some more red, more fire red this time and hopefully it'll get rid of the pink. What I wanna say, its true that reds fades quick on very blonde hair and pillarbox is pink/red. Not red.

Lori Parent: Hi Brad, I'm in love with all of these videos but I'm totally in love with the 2nd and 3rd girls hair. BEAUTIFUL transformations for all 3 of them. As like you, it drives me crazy when people dye thier hair with NO gloves on?? The last girl looks like she murdered someone !

Happy Becci: this haircut looks so stunning on you, Brad!

Susen Join now: We can all agree that he never disappoints us with his content

elaine: you're so gorgeous today brad. love your outfit and hairstyle ❤️

Galactica Plays Video Games: You can't really go wrong with red. I have always dyed my hair red and all i can say, its easy. Its the only color thats easy to apply. Its nice color with purple too

Shwee Leigh: I actually did notice a difference using coconut oil and not using it when I would bleach my hair. I used it to protect my baby hairs.

Katie Rush: I dig the way your hair has grown out, Brad!

Denise Fenstermacher: I'm also obsessed with it. Everytime brad uploads new videos, I get so excited. Always learning something new...

Witchykaren.: I'm a 63 year old woman and love your videos. You'r so funny sometimes and put a smile on peoples faces in this sad and crazy world. Keep up the good work and you'r a brilliant hairdresser. Love to all xhugx

Angela Brothers: Love this video! Almost as much as I love you in denim Such a wicked look

Suz Warren: Hi Brad - Love your vid and advice. I just want to say I love YOUR hair! So adorable. ❤️ I hope to try your wavy line soon. It looks great.

**Sami_Kim**: I will never dye my hair again! I’ve been dying it since my teens and it takes years to get rid of the colors! I either have to dye over it or wait until it grows out and cut it off! This purple lasted 2 YEARS!! Finally cut the last of it off! Sticking to my natural blonde forever now!

Random Person: Everytime I watch these videos I get so tempted to do something super drastic to my hair even though their's a 90% chance that it's just going to snap right off if I attempt anything

N N: Question about the 2nd girls process: if after she was done bleaching (she showed us her hair light on top darker bottom but a pretty light to darker copper look) could she have placed a toner of permanent red/copper instead of the box dye to achieve non-brassy color that would stick to the hair molecules? I ask because I'd like to highlight my nwb5 hair with a permanent 8rg using a cap and bleach with a 30v. Thanks to anyone with suggestions/replies.

Leena: I used to have a bright red hair when I was in highschool, but I actually went to have my hair bleached in a salon, and then bought the brightest red dye I could find to dye it at home. I lived in the muddle of nowhere, it was the late 90s, and I had to take a bus to the nearest city, find the store which was like walking into a rave with flashing lights, smiley face earrings and neon everything. I bought the dye, took a bus back to hicksville, and went to school the next day looking pretty awesome, actually. They were such good times, and I feel I used the salon expertice for the most important part of the process, adding the dye, which didn't have developer, was a breeze. I was a very sensible rebel.

Cherry Blossom: 2 years ago I got my tips dyed blue and now I am dying my hair again but am going to do the pink hair underneath I really am excited and thank u so much brad u are such an inspiration and I love your videos❤️❤️❤️

HEATHER LEA: I’ve sadly done this sooooo many times ….I’m 2 years into being a good girl and have a great hair stylist who is helping regrow my hair out, it’s a struggle I feel like I try all the oils and treat it so well no heat but it never grows..I also take so many supplements

Rylie 🔥 34 y.0 -check My V!deo: People are so brave! Omg once when I was about 15, I did my roots since mom was out of town and I didn’t want to wait for her return. Obviously the roots came out really yellow. I went to a pretty top rated salon to fix it. Tell me why the lady BLEACHED my whole head (over platinum pieces as well that didn’t need it!). I now know all I needed was a toner so this is super irritating my hair was so damaged. $200 dollars later and I still had yellow but I gained a lot of damage

Kay Jack: The fact that I midlife crisis'd last night and tried this and NOW Brad chose to shed some knowledge ‍♀️ All I can say is thank God for curly hair. My curls are hiding everything lol

Grayson Lee: So for the second person, I’ve used that red dye before a bunch and it’s meant to be used over dark hair, u don’t need to bleach it and I don’t recommend. Also on top of that I personally hate that particular bleach because it’s very chunky and doesn’t work well

Sarah Gray: I love watching these reaction videos! …even though I leave cutting and coloring my hair to my hairstylist.

Apoorva Saluja: Okay before i go through the entire video i just have to say that your hair is beautiful

ToeBeanz: You should react to Morgan Donner’s “I tried 500 years of hair styles” video, it’s a few months old now but she actually cuts her hair throughout and it’s so good

GRACE LEBRON: *Brad:* "my standards are low for this one" *Also Brad:* "I'm expecting a lot"

Kackie Reviews Beauty: Brad your look today is giving early 2010s heatherette and I'm here for it

Kylie Woodfield: I did it. It's how my hair is now. And I used Brad Mondo red hair dye! I love it. I did have it blonde, black and red (my harley quinn hair) but now it's just red. Definitely a messy hair color but I'm gonna maintain it, for sure.

Alli F: That second girl looks amazing! That color really suits her skin color! 3rd color is amazing too! So vibrant

Amber Gabel: "Not the no gloves" XD That made me laugh. Yes, that looks kind of tragic. Even with gloves my hands stain when I rinse the color out, but not that bad. yikes! It will eventually fade though...Great transformations overall!

Mariya 0ver L!ve: I did this a few years back and had absolutely no idea what I was doing. Was an adventure for sure. It's super hard to keep it "red", so I used "colorista" pretty frequently. That helped.

Gigi Rae: we’re all living for the grow-out phase of your hair <3

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