앞머리 웨이브 하는 법, 아이유 잔머리 만들기? 전문가의 앞머리 거지존 완전 정복 팁! (+ 한 끗 차 손기술) | 얼루어코리아 Allure Korea

#마이크로뷰티팁 앞머리 자를까 말까 고민하게 되는 '거지존'에 진입했다면, 이 영상을 잘 보고 따라할 것! 긴 앞머리 실핀으로 오래오래 고정하는 꿀팁, 앞머리 고데기 법 등 작지만 알아두면 유용할 팁들을 차홍아르더 김지은 실장이 알려주었습니다 :-)

*관전 포인트! 중간중간 돋보기가 등장하는 마이크로 팁을 눈여겨 보세요! 전문가의 스킬이 담긴 한 끗 차 꿀팁이랍니다

더 자세한 설명이 필요하다고요? 여기서 확인!


전문가의 헤어 볼륨 꿀팁이 궁금하다면?



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유튜브 ☞ https://goo.gl/1gZ2rm

인스타그램 ☞ https://goo.gl/EMmZpT

페이스북 ☞ https://goo.gl/oxz9uk

네이버 포스트 ☞ https://goo.gl/qBomme

카카오 ☞ https://goo.gl/2eBLLi


Along the face, line., There are times when you want to flip over your bangs, depending on the style of your outfit. I'll. Show you a way to hide your bangs with just one bobby pin., First decide where to part your hair, whether it's on the left or the right. After first deciding where to part your hair lay it down. Hold this part of the bangs and twist it to The front., After twisting it front, secure it with a bobby pin, but if you put the pin in too far at the back since the hair is thin, it could come back down. Again. Pin the bangs in as if you were pushing it in over the top of the arch of the eyebrow., Then next part the hair in the direction you want. The bangs go over naturally.. A lot of people would use a hair roll for droopy bangs. I'll teach you a way to use a hair roll to naturally define the shape of your face. Fix the top about two finger joints and then draw a mountain. A triangle. People usually roll it. All of it like this., But if you roll it like this, your hair line would reveal too much and the shape of your face might look a bit bigger. Roll it down slightly just above the brows and then heat it for three seconds. One, two, three seconds. After cooling it down, you take it off towards the back. When you take it off towards the back naturally and turn it over. You can see that the bangs have parted naturally.. The second tip is to use this pin curl or two fingers to add volume to the middle.. Stick. This pin curl in the center of where your hair parts. Apply heat for three seconds. One, two, three seconds. After cooling, it take the pin out. When you take it out. It looks longer thanks to the volume added on the top., So the shape of your face looks a lot thinner.. If you don't have a pin curl, you can add enough volume by using your two fingers. Put each finger into where the hair parts. Then naturally set the line of your bangs and use a hair wax like this to lightly spread out the bangs more.. When you do this, you can add volume that looks natural. When you're curling, your bangs, don't lay it down entirely.. Instead of this, you should set the line of your bangs along the face. Line. Lay it down along the line of your bangs, and then you use a mini hair straightener like this.. If you curl this towards the back, your face line would open up and if you curl this towards the front, you can cover up your face line.. So you have to curl it towards the front.. Usually if you curl this at once, your cheekbones can actually stand out more.. So you have to divide these into two parts.. Add a bit of volume here at the roots and then lay it down straight. Instead of its side. For the hair near the face line so that it's more natural than the hair here, just lay it down as if you were slightly turning it over to the side.. But it's really not curly.. When you don't have enough curls, then once more. Then there's something I like.. It'S hair wax.! You use just a little bit of wax to make this look flowy.. This is done like this.. You have to tear this apart, like this., You tear the bangs apart and then rub it. Can't you feel that it becomes very delicate just by naturally touching it and making curls like this, When you're using a hair straightener, it's good to heat it at 120 degrees. Celsius., The bangs are where you need the most work done and they're also very delicate. So if you use it on high heat, they can feel crumbly and dry later., So take care of them from now on. When you're styling different types of bangs at their awkward lengths, you can observe your M-shaped hair line, peaking through.. Nowadays, the hair cut that most people want additionally at the salon, is cutting the baby hairs.. So I was very hesitant whether I should explain this to you guys, today.. I was worried that you would try this at home and make mistakes. You can do it easily. If you watch me and follow me step by step., I'm embarrassed but I'll reveal my M-shaped hair line. When you're cutting the M-line. The most important thing is to not be greedy.. Just a little bit. Use a tail comb and lay this M-line straight down diagonally. For about 0.5 mm., Like this., Pin it down and then cut the hair diagonally along the M-line. I'll have a go.. How is it Didn't the M-line disappear, But it's really amusing. For me too.. This is the first time doing it on my own hair. I'll. Try the opposite part as well.. You should never be greedy when it comes to your baby hairs. For here as well. Lay it down diagonally.. Also, there is one more important thing.. It'S that you can cut in the middle. For those who have tough hair. If you cut it all the way to the middle, it sticks out right away.. These are pretty baby hairs that are like feathers. Go diagonally again, and then you rub it gently.. It'S not bad~ I'll tie my hair up.. Can you see it? The baby hairs have gone away like this naturally.. One more thing here is to use a mini hair straightener to make the bangs look more lovely.. We have the bangs here that we cut before right, Curl it towards the front to hide the face: line. Curl it towards the front.. This is also known as IU's baby hairs.. Then next we use a hair wax, which is something I like. Here. You get this much of wax and then rub it.. If you want to look younger, naturally leave the baby hairs out.. Today, I've shown you guys some tips on how to overcome the awkward length of your bangs.. This length is awkward, but it's also a length that you can create a variety of styles.. I hope this is helpful for you to style your hair, depending on how you feel on that day.. So this was Kim Ji-eun from Chahong Ardor.. Please don't forget to like and subscribe to Allure

Allure Korea: 이번 영상에서 궁금했던 것들 정리해드릴게요☺️ -이 분 누구신가요? 어디 소속이에요? 차홍 아르더 청담점의 김지은 실장님입니다! -영상 속 왁스는 어디 건가요? ‘차홍코스메틱’의 쉬폰 소프트 왁스 -렌즈 어디 거예요? ‘오렌즈’의 스페니쉬 리얼 그레이 -미니 고데기는 어디 건가요? 글램팜 미니 판고데기 -헤어 컬러가 궁금해요! '밤비 브라운'이라는 컬러 입니다 :-)

: She’s just fixing her bangs but u can see how professional she is

Jee Hei Park: As a Korean adoptee with tons of baby hair and no idea how to manage them, thank you! I have waited 32 years for this advice and been yelled at by white hairdressers because they assume I'm tearing at my hairline. I'm not! They're always like that!

BESA 24: These are really easy and good tips, gonna try them all! Thank you so much for saving my long bang problems

vievie: I'm gonna be using the cutting hair technique not to hide my bangs but to hide my bald patches on my forehead, really useful

Korean-American Painter: 저 잔머리 자르는 거 성공했어요!! 욕심 부리지 말라고 하셔서 조금씩 머리 추가하면서 잘랐더니 이쁘게 아주 잘 됐어요 ㅠㅠㅠ 감사합니다 ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ 완전 꿀팁이에요

royal tutor - Hypatia KovalevskayaSklodowska: This is one of the best explained and most detailed hair tutorials I watched so far! Well done and thank you! But that M shape makes us special, why would anyone be ashamed by it

misherusabaku: Allure Korea actually has useful tips. American one isn't nearly as amazingly helpful

Salihah Banu: Now I'm having this weird temptation to cut my own bangs

Grace Lum: This was amazing tips I've been having the hardest times with my bangs growing out so I will defintiely try this!

이채영: 와 진짜 유용한 팁 다 모아서 영상 만드셨네.. 미쳤다 ㅜㅠㅠ M자 커버는 생각도 못했던 건데 한번 시도 해봏게요 ㅠㅜㅜㅠㅠ

vtyj: i am so amazed by this, she made it look so easy! My hair always look so flat and my face is always so wide, her tips are so useful

다은: 와 제가 원하는 팁들 진짜 한번에 다 모여있는 영상이에요 공유해놓고 맨날 보면서 연습해야겠어요,, 감사합니다

우산: m자 이마를 구원하셨습니다... 머리묶을때마다 스트레스받았는데 잔머리 자르는 방법덕에 너무만족하고있어요 ㅠㅠㅠ감사해요

phantom: 와 진짜 핵심 필요한 꿀팁들만 다 모아놓으셨네~! 좋은 정보 감사합니다. 저장해놓고 한 번 해볼께요!❤️

Palito de la Selva: I did the last part of cutting my baby hairs and I love it!! Thank you Korea!!!

나무아미타불관세음보살: 너무 유용하고 좋아요!!이때까지 많은 앞머리 고데기 영상을 봤었지만 이 영상이 가장 많은 도움이 됬어요

유유: 본인이 하고 본인이 감탄하는거 진짜 너무 귀엽ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅠㅠㅠ 귀여우셔.. 꼭 따라해볼게요 ㅎㅎ 꿀팁 감사합니다ㅎㅎ

Josie Crane: Styling the baby hairs like that is such a neat trick! I should remember that Also remember guys that in some periods in some cultures larger foreheads have been considered attractive. A lot of our standards of beauty are actually very, very flexible and can quickly change!

허리업: 진짜 쉽게 바로 해볼수있는 영상은 처음이에요 앞머리고데기 항상 한번에 말았는데 내일부턴 알려주신대로 해봐야겠어요!!감사합니당 앞머리 자르실때 소리 너무귀여우세요ㅋㅋ

Lily Tran: This video was so useful! I was wondering how they do IU’s fringe because you can tell in Hotel Del Luna that it’s not the typical wispy fringe.

황유정: 와 설명 진짜 잘 하시네요 ㅠㅠ 정말 유익한 영상 감사합니다 !

수니: 우와 우연히 봤는데 너무 이쁘세요.. 와 피부도 진짜좋으시고 머릿결도 너무 좋으세요 ㅠㅠ 완전부럽

Nami Ya: 진짜 하나같이 다 궁금했던건데 이렇게 이쁘신 분이 직접 시범까지 보여주시니까 너무 쏙쏙 들어옵니당ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ

Glena Jean Gallardo: She looks so happy and amused while teaching.

도도Milky: 진짜 이쁘고 말도 이쁘게 하고 얼굴도 너무 사랑스럽게 생겼고 헤어컷이 비슷하게 되어있는데 너무 도움 많이 됐어요 ㅎㅎ 감사합니다 !!!!!!!!!!!

jennifer tran: the hair cutting technique to cover balder spots actually helps so much

coraline blue: I cut my baby hair like, 15 minutes after I saw this video, two days now and I still don't regret. It looks sooooo fucking cute.

띠스튜디오: 선생님..제가 매일 고민하던 앞머리 처리법 모음 올려주셔서 감사합니다ㅜㅜ 이제 전적으로 믿고 갈게요

유이공이공: 전 영상을 보고도 잔머리라는 생각에 눈썹 위로 잘라 망해서 기르는 중이지만 너무 꿀팁이었어요!❤️❤️ 역시 차홍아르더

hereyougofirst: Thank you so much for the baby hair tip it changes my whole look and i love it❗️☺️♥️

sik-k owes me child support.: Even though I have extremely curly hair and can probably never use this, I’m watching it. It’s so amusing to see how some people do their hair lol

Yui-chan: This video is in Korean but I understood what styles she is trying to do. She is the best! If there are eng subs, we can understand even more

예만이: 너무예쁘시고 귀엽고... 설명도 잘 해주시고.. 넘나 도움이 팡팡되는 영상이에요 ㅎㅎㅎ 오늘 집에가서 잔머리 만들어보려구요^~^

sy m_: 머리 위로 꽉 묵을때마다 옆이 횅해서 좋아하는 똥머리도 잘 안묶었는데ㅠㅠㅠ잔머리 컷트 보고 따라했는데 정말 위로 꽉 묶어도 하나도 안 횅하고 너무 좋아요ㅠㅠㅠ

T B: She’s so professional omg, she speaks well and provides good information

yoonju Baek: 와..정말 많은 도움 되었습니다. 특히 잔머리 만드는거♥♥ 감사합니당

rii U: 와 진짜 차분하게 쉽게 알려주셔서 이해가 쏙쏙돼요 !!!!

Kemelyn: I have very bad baby hairs that stick up a lot. The last half of this video gave me a whole different perspective of styling it. Thank you!!

Elizabeth Hernandez: I love that youtube recommended this to me after I impulsively cut my baby hairs to try to get the iu look (I ended up making pseudo bangs and I wish I saw this before I did anything T_T

발렌시아가: 차홍아르더 사람들은 말 예쁘게 하는 법도 배우나요.. 다들 어쩜 이렇게 말을 예쁘게 하는거지

바나나똘끼: 언니ㅠㅠ 꿀팁 그렇게 다 알려주면 사랑해요♡♡ 앞머리 꼭해볼께요♡♡

단이덕이: 단발 정말 잘 어울리신당~~ 설명도 너무 잘해주시고, 너무 이쁘세요~~~~

풀푸른: 넘나 유익한 영상...! 잔머리로 이마라인 가리는건 생각도 못했었어요 ㅇㅁㅇ!

이민주: 차홍 아르더 쌤들은 다 말을 잘하시나요 ㅠ ㅠ 이해가 넘 잘되는걸요 완전 꿀팁들 배우고 갑니다앙⚘❤

: 잔머리 만들고 진짜 달라진게 보였어요 좋은 팁 감사합니다 ! ㅠㅠ

Alesse 12345: That baby hair cutting trick to hide the M forehead omg... My life is forever changed

Mina Yildiz: Thank you very much ! This are great tips

-tea: would love more tips on how to cut bangs at home!! <3

toniqa: I like how her parting is imperfect too. makes it look more natural.

Ayan Krafts: My forehead is my insecurity when I'm tying my hair so I always do bangs (micro bangs) now I'll try that baby hair technique after cutting my own micro bangs again for my birthday. Thanks Allure!

쭈뿌쭈뿌: 와 진짜거지존 앞머리 극복 ㅠㅜ 감사합니다 ㅠ

andr3a: allure korea is so much more helpful and this video came up in my suggestions now that i need it most because my hair length is very awkward at the moment

sunday: i tried cutting my baby hair and failed miserably HAHAH the left side ended up to be much shorter but i’m glad i can hide it underneath lol

꼬양이: 내가 봤던 헤어 꿀팁 영상중에 최고 귀에 쏙쏙 들어오는 설명 카메라 각도도 최고다 진짜

Soobit's carrot: I really have a lot of curled baby hair naturally and I was freaking tired of it even tho my friends call it cute and after this video I realized it is actually it

H G: omg that baby hair/hair line trick will save my life!! i have such light hair and my hairline isn't too full in the front so hopefully this will disguise it

suzin choi: 꿀팁감사해요^^ 앞으로도 많은 팁 부탁드려요~~♡

김미화: 예쁘신데 설명도 잘해주시네요. 감사해요~ 꿀팁이에요 ^^

몰상식: 앞머리 잔잔웨이브 2:18 잔머리 셀프커트 3:50

TXM: Also I've always worn somewhat thick blunt bangs. They fall nicely naturally for the most part and I give them a bit of a curve with a curling iron if they're getting long and bugging my eyes. A lot of Kpop idols have bangs like mine so my question is: is the styling wax the secret to keeping heavy bangs in place while dancing? Mine go everywhere constantly!

zenga s: 3:40 잔머리 셀프커트법 5:28 아이유잔머리 스타일링

이예지: 와 설명넘잘해주세요ㅠㅜ 따라해봐야겠어요!!!

윤가을: 저에게 딱 필요한 영상이네요.앞머리 다시 만들고 싶진 않은데 지금 거지존이 너무 싫어서 어떻게 해야 할지 잘 몰랐었는데 자세히 알려주셔서 감사해요.덕분에 앞머리 넘기고 자연스렆게 되었네요!! 건강하시고 행복한 하루 보내세요~!

CARO: I finally know what to do with the broken off hairs around my face (never bleaching my hair again)

Hilary Wong: she’s so gorgeous and she has the same face shape as me! i really wanna cut my hair like hers now

jh: 피부도 좋으시고 예쁘시당 ㅎㅎ 꿀팁 감사해용

공주와 거지: 저한테 너무 필요한 영상이었어요ㅜㅜ왜 이제봤지ㅜㅜ 저거 하나 자르자고 미용실갈수도없엇는데 너무 감사합니다

Maggie: Now I’m debating if I should cut my M line by myself I recently went to the hair salon and didn’t ask for it to be cut Bc I didn’t know what is called (Edit ) Decided to do this after watching IU... one side cut perfectly the other side.... looked like a tornado came and broke my hair.... I cut it wayyyyy too short and now it’s sticking out in all directions

도시락: 영상 정말 잘 봤어요!! 차근차근 설명해주셔서 이해가 쏙쏙 됐어요ㅎㅎㅎ 그리고 영상 보다보니 난생처음 왁스를 쓰고싶어졌어요! (남자분들만 사용하시는 줄 알았거든요ㅠㅠ) 무슨 왁스 사용하시나요?? 알려주세용‍♀️

누누난나: 완전 필요했던 팁이에요 그리고 실장님 대박 러블리.,,

pick J: 진짜 알고싶은 것들만 다 정리를..ㅠㅠ.ㅠㅠ 너무 감사합니다

J: 앜ㅋㅋ 본인 엠자머르 자르고 감탄하시는거 너무 매력적이세요ㅜㅜ 유익한 영상 감사합니당

이승현: 오오 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 차홍아르더 너무 꿀팁들 많네요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 넘 감사합니다!!

Dani R: This was so helpful thanks!

지안: 너무 귀엽고 사랑스러우시다ㅠㅠㅜㅠㅠㅠ 좋은팁 감사합니다❤️

HYP -: M자꿀팁 너무 감사해용♥♥♥ 만약에 m자라인 부분에 자른머리가 길어지면 어떻게 관리하나요?? 지속적으로 잘라주나요?? 일정한 길이로 자라지않을수도 있을거같고 지저분해질 수 있을 거 같아서요!!

Comethru: 진짜 꿀팁이다❤️

뜨거운 논쟁을 즐기는 변론가: 언니 거지존극복인데 없던 앞머리를 만들고싶어졌어요,,,

the watermelon ten smashed: ive had my regrets cutting my bangs in an a very very ugly and this video is motivating me this is serious.

뉴이이이이: 선생님께서 하고 계신 머리 스타일 자체도 아무나 소화하기 힘든데ㅠㅠㅠ 이미 완성된 얼굴이네욥ㅜ

marissavla: She used hair wax. I've never thought of that. She just saved my bangs ❤

은하수: 고데기로 앞머리 웨이브 넣는 방법에서 첫번째 페이스 라인을 따라서 앞머리를 내린다고 하셨는데 이때 앞머리 전부내리는 것이 아니라고 하셨는데 몇센티 정도에서 내려야 되요???

A OK: Please more of her. ♥️

얄루얄루링: 너무 유용한 영상이였어요 감사합니다 구독하고 갑니다^^

김설: 감사합니다 선생님 너무 귀여우세요 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 원래는 팁만 보고 바로 끄는데 너무 귀여우셔서 끝까지 다 봤어요 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ

사망: 와 뿌리볼륨이랑 자연스럽게 넘겨지는 앞머리 대꿀팁 방출이다 두고두고 보고 따라할게요

콩토리: 가르쳐주고 표정이 진짜 뿌듯해보인다ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Soyralopez art: Bless this video im literally at the awkward length of my bangs and ive been wanting to cut it lols im gna try thesee

차근차근TV: 머리 자르는 팁 보고 감동받기는 첨입니다. 잔머리 만들기...딱, 이거다! 싶어서 감동받고, 시키신대로 해봤는데 결과물이 감동받고.. 넓은 이마를 자연스럽게 가려줘서 진짜 잔머리 대박이에요....

이름: 진짜 좋은 영상이예요 ~!

SoYoung Y: 3:50 잔머리 셀프 커트 법 이 영상을 진즉에 봤음 폭망안했을텐데 쌤 말씀처럼 욕심내면 절대 아니됨미다

y s: 설명 진짜 잘하신다

Jane K.: 너무 유용하고 샘 사랑스러우세용

Payel Murmu: I tried to do the last hack and end up cutting more than required hair. Issa cry night for me Edit : Did they just put English subtitles after the disaster I've done with my hair

스피오스피오: 넘나 사랑스러우시다 잔머리 꿀팁 감사함당

Y: ㅜㅜㅜㅜ앞머리 넘기는거 너무 궁금했는데. ㅜㅜㅜ 사랑해요 ❤️❤️❤️❤️

이해쥔: 너무 예뻐용♡

Jiaheng Li: THANK YOU TT.TT So helpful!

Madison M: I don’t speak korean but I do have bangs and these are great tips for styling!

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