Textured Haircut Tips For Women | Textured Bob Haircut

Textured haircut tips for women

Textured bob haircut

Bob haircut tutorial for Curly Hair

*Giving is hold forever*


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#TexturedHaircut #TexturedBob #HaircutTips #BobHaircut #CurlyHair

Oh yeah perfect was that what's up what's up, I know we're starting to talk at two o'clock, but we're gon na get it rocking in just a minute. Everybody just give you guys some time to do a little bit of time. The tuning and thank you so much for spending your Tuesday with us. You know, but here we go at two o'clock, so thank you, hairbrained and you know what you guys are amazing. Thank you to the hair. The craft hair just is out there always rocking you guys are amazing, hopefully everybody's safe, healthy out there. My name is shannon king coming to you live here in brooklyn, new york, and today, i'm actually at my at my salon. Obviously we're not in business yet, but i do have one of my dear friends and she's one of my best stylist here and she's also one of our technical lead. She helps make sure that the team really gets her information she's an amazing educator. Her name is Rhonda yan and Rhonda Rosie or better known as ro, and so she's here, she's gon na be fielding questions that you guys send in, and you know what we're gon na get this popping all right. So, let's talk texture all right, so I'm trying to see if there's also some different things that are alive or, as you guys bring in your bring in any questions, we'll try and get to them right away. So texture, it's all about texture, right and there's, there's so much to it right. I love working with textured hair. I love working with different fabrics of hair and different. If there's so much, you can do with it's so much to play with, and so I wanted to share with you guys a textured shape right but and right now, texture is a movement. You know it's a strong movement. It'S not that you know. People are kind of they're over the creamy crack they're kind of they're, like done with smoothing everything out, they wouldn't be like. Oh, the movement is shake what your mama gave you, you know run what you brung. So how do you really embellish and enhance the type of curl and pattern that in formation or wave that you have - and here I know my clients and what I see walking around the streets here and pretty much all over the country? And then some is that people are just rocking what they've got and I think that's beautiful. So I want to give you some tips. Share. Hair cut, give you some techniques, some a couple of other techniques and just share some views and different products that I love to play with when it comes to working with textured hair. So everybody, this is Naomi, everybody say hi Naomi anyway, sorry. So this is a again you got questions, bring them in rows. Gon na help me out tremendously by letting us know if you have any questions by the way, type in or chat where you're from who are you say, hi we'll, say, hi back right. We'Re gon na have a little fun, so I've already sectioned her off and also guys. I wanted to share with you again I'd like I said. My name is Shannon King here in Brooklyn New York, and I represent gold well and kms, and they are our amazing partners here in the salon. I have the privilege of being a National Artist for them and working with them throughout the country and and then some and it's been amazing. These products are they're just amazing. They really do have some of the best technology available and it's not only in the color but also in the styling products as well. So what I got for you and well, if there's anything you want to pop in just let just go ahead and say if somebody says hire, has a question, so this is a hot Capetown. Would it do alright, so also check this out? This is a pattern. It'S a haircut I've already sectioned out for you right and it's a pattern. This is and what I've learned about working with textured hair is that when you have a pattern almost like when you're coloring or foiling hair, you can rely on that. You can go back to it, you can find it's not just. Let me find something and snip and poking and chop and things like that. It really is. There really is almost a almost a science to it, so I'm gon na show you the guys. The pattern on the head - I'm also gon na - demonstrate it on this flip chart, for you know so we're talking about texture. This is all my stuff on Instagram, Shannon, William King Facebook, Shannon Kane, also my wife and I own Herron, Co, Brooklyn, we're German and we also own a consulting business called Beauty. 360. I just freshly painted these walls. We had a painting party and I can't believe I'm about to do this, but don't do it right answer damn Virginia in the house answer damn in the house. I love it. That'S what's up what's happening, my friends over across the pond, so here's the idea and one of my mentors shared this with me and I'm sharing it with you guys and the reason. Why is because this bad boys been bulletproof when I have hair that has that's like this or of this fabric a lot of times? We get a basically a triangle like this. You know, and that's all that we normally get so or it's completely rounded, and what I'm trying to create is a little more height, something more modern, give it a little whiff but still keep the length and the way that we're gon na do. This is by moving our layers and not, and also approaching this with a with a condensed cutting approach. So, instead of me taking really really small sections, which I know some people might think, that's the only way to be precise and do precision haircutting. It'S different. The precision is in their pattern. The precision is actually in the sectioning and the way you hold hair. Now, as we condense it right, because when you take hair, that is curly and you comb through it or you break it up and you make it really small and you cut into it trust me. My hair is freaking out right that hair, that when I have a rule when it comes to curly hair, the end, the the ends, love friends, if you make it too weak, they freak out, they don't have their friends and they flip out. And what you see looks like frizz, but it's actually the hair curly the way it's supposed to so this pattern. Let me get a little closer and tighter for you, there's three triangles that are in the front. There'S also three big triangles that are in the back and we're taking this down and I'm leaving the perimeter out to play with later. Also, this gives her the option to what she wants to pull. Tony Taylor pull her hair up and I'll show you this later. She can do that because all of this hair will basket any of the layers, and so on that we may hit it. You know what just a great question. Is this a modern shag? You know it can be somewhat of a modern shag if you've got hair. That'S wavy or hair: that's a little bit straighter and you do this. You'Re gon na get a shot. You'Re gon na get a modern shag, but it's also an option for my friends out there that have curl and wave motion and movement. Alright, we're going to get or gon na dive even deeper into that in just a minute, what up Ellen, how you doing boss! So I'm going to take this one section. This first section here notice that I've dropped out the perimeter right and I have a triangle that sits in front. I'M gon na pick that hair up. I normally like to use a larger comb right, so I don't so. I don't like break up too much of that curl right, I'm gon na take my shears, I'm gon na take my shears and then I'm gon na work them in like so I'm gon na show you this before. I actually cut this, so the shears are going to talk like so they're, not gon na close or snip. I want them to simply talk and I'm gon na move the hair in towards the length as I cut it. So normally, when we do layers, we do things like this bump and then we have to go back in and break it up right. Does that look familiar yeah? Yes, it is and here's one of the question great question. Elisa. Is this quite good for humidity, because of that it's coming right? We know that and here's the thing what I'm not going to do is go a lot of deep point. Cutting right. If you do that, I guaranteed those friends you got. Those ends are going to freak out because they're gon na be weak. So, instead of this being a static layer, it's actually be emotion, Twilight and watch this. So as I'm cutting and I'm gon na start this summer around about 4 inches as I'm cutting I'm going to lower my elevation into the perimeter right and all this is brought together, it's a one, big section. You will actually get this haircut done in six sections. That'S it right all right so now the up next triangle - that's just that's just next door! I'M gon na pick that up again, I want to make sure that I keep this hair really wet. Now. I know there's sometimes a debate whether you want to work with. If you want to work with wet hair, you want to work with these babies. Trust me this bad boy. It is better than water right. So if you're gon na cut hair curly, when it's wet, don't use water, don't just use water after you shampoo. You definitely want to use something: that's gon na keep the hair wetter longer or use something that's going to make sure those ends, stay really really moist and wet. I know you nobody likes that word sorry, but so I always try to try to keep the hair very, very wet with our moist repair, leave-in conditioner by kms. I love this product because it really helps me manage the hair. So once I keep the hair wet by the way it has a much lower pH or the it's softer. If you will, then water water still has a higher pH. You have to remember that so now, I'm gon na take this section. I want to pick that up stay still, Naomi, alright, she's always moving around the chair. Do you have those guys, yeah, of course, bring it great question, so you always want to be always going to be battling, something when it comes to curly hair, and that is shrinkage right and that's another word that nobody likes. You know what I'm Way I'll leave that there so uh Chewbacca's around here. So look when you do pull the hair. If the hair is wet, you want to get everything smooth right, but what you don't want to do is pull it tight right because then you're not gon na you want to let it relax just a little bit and then make your cut right. So now we've made that cut there if you're cutting the hair dry same thing. If you really really really pull and stretch that hair, that's what it's not naturally doing so, if you're putting it in a natural state, you cut it Wow, it shoots back especially happens up here in the fringe, and that is definitely the wrong spot. For that to happen, great question Melissa. Thank you, alright. So now I'm going to move over to my next section, my next triangle, which is right here on the left side. So again I take in if those are just joining us, welcome hi, I'm Shannon King here in Brooklyn, New York, national artists with KMS and go well we're taking a section right: I've sectioned the hair from the front and the back and then what we're doing is We created three triangles one up front, one on the side and one on this side, but the triangles don't go all the way to the hairline. We want that to be left out and then in the back we create another set of three triangles that will sit in the back right and again leaving the hairline out. That'S really really important. All right, I'm gon na pick the hair up. I'M gon na choose to use a wider tooth comb to comb this through I'm gon na make sure the hair stays nice and wet. I don't want to put too much tension on this hair. My guide, if you will, is about four and a half inches, maybe a little bit more I'd have to some of the ladies tell me: what how long is this? You never don't ever ask a dude good girl at 12. Inches! Yes, perfect! Cynthia! Thank you! So much so I'm staying center to that section as we cut and then moving down into the length. So you don't because the hair is being condensed before we cut it. We don't have to move left or right now, here's an option what if they part their hair, what if she likes to wear her hair coming to her right, then Cynthia you can move the hair over that one Center part to the left and as you cut It works, keep it on the left and it will direct longer to her side that so she can part it well and easy. Thank you for that question. That'S a great question. Make sure we keep the hair really really wet like so hey babe. How are you? Yes, great question, so I'm actually! Yes, we are approaching this on the inside first. Why? Because that's really what's gon na set up the silhouette the length, if you will we're gon na play into that in just a moment, but what I really want to do is get all of this moved when it comes to cutting curly hair. Is such a great question DITA when it comes to cutting curly hair you've got to think about it like shrubbery right. So if you've ever been there like Disneyland and stuff like that, you go there and there's like Mickey Mouse cut out of a shrub and then there's like goofy and all that, so you got to think about it like that. You really it's really about carving in changing the changing the silhouette, so that you can create a new silhouette. The length is going to lift because you take some of that weight out. So if you cut it first trust me it will surprise you it'll, probably give you a little shorter than what you expected. Hey Hector, what's going on brother, are you doing all right? I love that you guys are. It feels like you're here, you know, and it's like man. Oh Thank You Melanie. It is our pleasure and you know what I really got to give it up to like. I said to to hairbrained, because I mean man, these guys are leading the charge. They really are and all the craft hair dresses out there. Let me tell you something: I've been watching. I'Ve been binge-watching hair brain like it was Netflix right, cuz, it's like there's so much information on that. I was like so I'm overloaded, but and I'm really honored to have this opportunity that they asked us with go well and kms to be a part of. So thank you guys at a hairbrained. You guys are always amazing all right when we get back into this. My hair, oh I love texture. I will prove it yeah, so yeah! No! No! No! Well! I did I let my hair grow out cuz. He used to be like this and somebody was like dude. You look like the weekend. I was like man, I'm the whole week, I'm talking about weekend, so here's the thing like like I used my hair used to be like this and I cut it off and I did it like a couple of times, but here's the thing what I wanted to Wanted to do is just well, I don't. I cut my own hair, but I know I just got lazy and let it go and ended up here. What'S up Billy, I can't wait for this to be over. Maybe I'll come see you guys thanks for tuning in and we'll go to South Street and get a cheesesteak i'ma show what's happening. How are you missing you too? So here's the deal. We are we're gon na move into the back all right with our next triangles. Like I said, I told you, this is gon na go fast because it's a pattern, it's something you can rely on, and I've relied on this pattern for a while. Now, when it comes to approaching curly hair and here's the thing Oh check this out, here's another option something a little fun right and with all this time I've been playing with all them. Mitts art, sorry Naomi. I know I know you keep getting. You keep moving and getting excited girl and jumping around. So it look like I said: we're gon na pick this hair up. Let'S make sure the hair stays really really wet. When I use our our kms moist repair, leave-in treatment, all right. I love this. I'M telling do you have curly hair and especially when the humidity's coming, you better get you some of this right and keep it with you put it on your toast in the morning. This is this Jam right here, all right, so I'm gon na take my wide tooth column, because I don't want to really disturb the curl too much and pick it up. I know there's a couple of things. I have questions right now for myself that I have to address hi babe uh-oh. Why not so look my friends at Andy's. These babies are amazing. It is so cool because they're, cordless right. These are the envy cordless ones. Hashtag! Thank you Andy's, and they are these. Babies are so cool, the court doesn't get in your way and the charge lasts for a really long time, which is so cool, and these really are strong clippers. So here's the thought check this out same motion, I'm just going to go back and forth. As I cut and move down right with this hair, why well so I can change this silhouette and create almost this diamond shape silhouette and the hair that normally looks like rosanna rosanna Annagh. It just gives you like a triangle and that's all you got right and I remember I used to always pull the hair up and do traditional layers and they were static and and then I'd have to try and really make this hair move and it wouldn't work Right, so what I found is that by keep by moving the elevation, I get a different result. So here's what we've done so far, we've taken this hair right and we pick it up and then, as we cut, we go down like so do the same thing. You pick it up and we go down like so one more time pick it up and go down like so right. So we've done that here here and here in the front now we're starting to work on the back. Now you have an option in the back. You can't split that in half, if it's too much hair to work with no harm, no foul, no big deal right, but all we're doing is picking this hair up. It all comes together and then we're working our way down again. We still have the perimeter. That is blocked out right. We'Re then going to continue here in the sides doing the same thing up and down now you may be asking why pick up Clippers? Why not all right? First of all - and I love the cut hair, even long hair with clippers right Clippers are so much fun and here's what I know about them. You know when it comes to Clippers when you work with a shear right, we get a line in the hair. This is the hair that does this BAM right, even if you work with texture shears, you still get maybe a broken line, but it's still straight across when I work with a razor I'm going to get a line in the hair. That does this, and it's very fine, it comes to a point. Would you agree is so give me a thumbs up in the chat or hit hit a? Why for yes right, so this is a razor. This is our shear, which is very blunt, and then we've got another tool that cuts hair and that's our Clipper. What does that look like in here? It looks like this, so the hair comes to a fine point kind of like a white picket fence. So what does that mean? It gives us the best of both worlds. It gives us the softness almost like a razor, but not quite so soft, that the ends are gon na freak out, but it still gives some structure like a shear, so you get that blend. That magical blend in between right, if you're, getting that you're picking up what I'm putting down, give me up Yahoo and your comments all right all right. So now look we've got this moving, so we've got two more sections that we're going to work with right. I'M still work with your clipper just so we can show you that again I'll make sure that I really make sure that this hair is wet and by the way I don't know about you guys, but when clients come back whoo, I'm trying to make things fast And furious, I want to get it done when they come back. I don't want them hanging out in the salon too long, so my haircuts are going to be things like this, where I take a condensed cutting approach or method. Possibly, I'm also going to be doing something that we've adapted here for quite somewhat quite some time, and that is a hydrating haircut perfect for hair that is textured or curly. What'S a hydrating haircut well, hydrating a haircut! Basically, it's something where I use like I get it we get in with shampoo. We do our conditioning and then we use our dual senses serum right now. This one actually actually happens to be for curly hair by gold. Well, what I love about this is that it goes on and it works immediately. So I don't have to stand there and wait for it to work and I have to add any heat. I'Ll do nothing. It starts working immediately and it stays in the hair for almost about 7 weeks, depending on which one you use, but there's an upcharge to that so as we're adding value to the service and we're also adding value to their hair and their fabric. So now I'm gon na pick that up you guys should definitely be doing that and adding that to your menu when, when you get back or whenever you reopen, I'm going to pick this hair up right again, I'm not gon na stretch it too much get in Here with my Andes clippers and look that little soft motion back and forth is all you need to do just make sure that you're dropping and lowering the elevation as you go so simple, so fun and so easy to do so. Pick the hair up using my y2 comb like so, and then we're gon na get in here with our clippers one more time and drop the elevation as we go dunzo. So here's what's up guys by the way, this haircuts, almost finito right, Naomi, sorry, girl, you're, always moving. We talked about this G anyway. Great models are tough to find. You guys know what I'm saying so look now. We'Ve got everything moving. So now is the time for us to then approach the perimeter. If you want to you, can bring that up. You also can make it a little bit more lighten the load. If you will right a lot of times, I like to go in to this hair and work, and I'm working in just our anti break breakage spray and that's in the kms, clear moisture line, which I dig right. I just like to work that in with my fingers, lovely right and now look I'm gon na brick into this just a little bit and then we're going to diffuse it to dry so and time flies when you're having fun all right. So look take your shears. Is she high enough for you guys to see? Should we make her a little higher, let's make her just a little bit higher there? Okay, so look! Here'S bricking! Let the hair settle in as its supposed to right. This reminds me when I had like a jheri curl back in him. Remember this hope, so a wave Nouveau girl, I had all them. My parents are both hairdresser, so so my dad's thing he still does him he's still doing him. My dad's 85 years old in Baltimore Maryland, he still does hair to this day. Behind the chair, man is bull but anyway, my twin brother and I had Jerry curls because when they first came out, they had to test them on somebody. What, anyway, exactly what it was so look. Here'S the deal for the length right before you we get into and do something like this. What you can do, that's all fine, but I need to lighten this load just a little bit. This looks aggressive, but it's not right. I call it bricking right, so bricking basically is going in with the points of your shears and taking out what you visually see. That is too heavy right easy technique to do. I know that there's probably some people in quarantine trying to do it themselves. These fools are out there doing everything, and so anyway, they're gon na need us yeah, we'll see how central we are when we get back into this edge right. So brick it if you're, if you're a little scared about this technique, you can chicken brick it right. So just use exactly just like that. Just do like little points. Little bites little bikes, little bikes, little bikes, little bikes. The idea is that you're gon na lighten the load before you go in strong. If you go in strong right, that's your length but as we just remember shrinkage as we go in and we brick and we take weight off and we lighten the load. Things are going to start to move up, so I prefer to normally go in and do this later, why not I'm open to all of it, and you know what I am and I was about to um. Thank you so much your name, Susan. Thank you for bringing that up and reminding me Susan, because I know that there's two kind of camps some people like to cut hair dry when it's curly and some like to cut hair, wet guess what they're both good. You know what you just got to have the right approach. I think that approach that cutting system which I've been through is is fine. I think it's definitely. It works really. What it's all about guys is. How are you going to manage? How are you going to manage what's in front of you and that really comes down to knowing, what's in front of you, you know and the fabric that you're playing with, and what do I mean by fabric? Well I'll show you when it comes to like hair, especially curly hair. What do you guys think so far give me a thumbs up in the count and the chat if you're feeling this right, so this is going to lighten the load, we're still breaking in it. Just a little bit, I'm gon na choose to not take any hurt or length off and it's gon na keep it there and let it flow and let it be a little shaggy. Was it Denise? That'S a question, Susan. That'S what I say. I said Susan. So, Susan, here's the thing you definitely can go in there dry. It'S all good right. You know you, but you also can go in there wet here's. My thought, though, when it comes to people one and when, especially when they come back into the salons right now, if you've been watching any daytime TV at all, what you'll see it are the all these home remedies right? Oh, here's an idea for your hair to make it nice and shiny. Take some olive oil. Take some mayonnaise crack an egg and put it all together and then put it on your hair and let it sit have a great salad dressing right. So here's the problem guys, we know whatever product lines you love to work with they're, amazing and they're, built for hair they're built for the hair and scalp. When you put those things on your on your head, you trust me. It all doesn't come off the right way, so clients are not gon na have clean scalps, where you don't have a clean, healthy scalp. You can't have long. Luscious, hair doesn't work that way. If you notice a lot of guys who have met that have male pattern. Baldness, they wear hats, a lot right, so it's it's! It suffocates their scalp and suffocates the the follicle and the pores. Here'S what you want you to think about right is this: keeping that hair nice and light. So let's get back to cutting hair dry or wet yeah. Exactly Thank You Xena, so you get double users not longer hair. You can use this on straight hair and it will give you a shaggy effect. If she wants to blow her hair out, shall we have somewhat of a shag as well right, so here's my thought on hair as a fabric, this is silk or satin right. We'Ve all had that look. You'Ve had this girl and you've had her in your chair right and her hair is it may be shiny, a doll or Freight like this girl needs? A trim. You'Ve had that this is silk right or satin. You'Ve had hair. That feels like this right. So your approach will be well. Do I want to cut that wet or dry what it how's it going to respond, or maybe you have hair that feels like this right? This is cotton very close to satin, but not the same right. Oh, maybe you guys have had even had hair color sit in front of you like yeah. I Daniel you know, get all the glazes in. Let'S go right, oh wait! Never had this one sit in front of you like a ShamWow, you ever had her and you wet it and it goes bang and slams into her skull, yeah, so that type of hair, it's a different fabric right if I've got hair like this. That responds like this. I probably would cut it dry because it's really gon na suck into the head, but it's a different fabric or maybe look like my dad taught me. The first time I got started working on in Baltimore was denim right. If I've got hair that feels like denim, I might cut this wet. Why? Because I can get the hair to stretch just a little bit because it's wetter and then it's easier to manage it's very, very easy for me to suction and to work with right. Oh crap, wait. You read this one show up right, so I've actually have a client miss Purdy. Her hair feels, like burlap, literally feels like burlap, and here's the key to hair. That is curly, moisture everybody. One time stay with me on the count of three one. Two three moisture: that's right condition that hair it's got to have moisture to it. It'S it's, it needs protein. Absolutely but moisture is the key that keeps it gives it elasticity keeps it stretching and moisture is what makes that hair really feel supple and allows you to move it, especially if you're blowing it out or the only soap rest like we like to do on some On hair sometimes or where your natural right, oh crap, here in Brooklyn, we get it also, sometimes you might even get like you might get some of this walking by like like Chewbacca right there outside now. They think we're open anyway, be careful that you Bacchus you guys with me, if so put a clock or a thumbs up in the comments or there Thanks. Here'S, my go-to right here. I absolutely adore this product, that's in the kms line, and it's way phone this product has so many different ways that you can work with it and use it. It'S incredible, so wave foam check this out. It comes out like shaving cream right check that up, but then it starts to expand and blow up a little bit, so it comes out like that. Put it in, I mean like press it into the hair. Normally, if we weren't on camera, we would go. I would take her back to the shampoo bowl and I would really highlight her hair completely. Why? Because all those curls are going to find themselves again and get back together well the way that they naturally want to be. I don't have that option today. So I'm just going to put it go ahead and put her hair her or the product in her hair. Also, I'm gon na use a little bit of our control cream that kms and this hello Kim has been around for a long time actually came as it was around. It started. Actually, in this seventies or no late, yeah late, seventies, late seventies and it's it's a it's such a stylist, friendly line. That, for me, look it's me proof, it's so simple, it's so easy easy to use and what I love about it is that clients who are drawn to it, I use it once on them and they just use it every single product. That'S in the line sure it's like, for example, sorry now they're messy, but each product says what it does. It'S in their name and kms has a three-step process right. I try a three-step process, which is start style finish. That'S it super simple! That'S what people do at home in the bathrooms or wherever they style their hair nowadays, and you know what it's that it's so so easy I'm also going to take - and I normally like use this as a finishing product. But this is our perfecting lotion core perfecting lotion, also in the same curl up line, I'd like to put a little bit in my hair while it's wet and then put some more in when it's dry. So now we've got moisture in here. We'Ve got control and we've got this luscious foam. That'S going to help keep the hair together as we dry it. Now then, oh by the way, folks, another secret weapon that you've got to have when you're working with curly hair and mater these, these microfiber towels right, microfiber towels are going to just take the moisture out, but what they won't do like a regular towel. That is a little bit more cotton and it'll rough. This will rough up the cuticle it'll rough up, the curl, whereas this one doesn't as much you don't want to rough up the curl. So much always want to take the towel, put it on press and that way, you'll get the moisture out right, press press right and really take care of the hair. Think about the fabric. If you will, as you work with it yeah we do. Actually, we have an entire in the line. We actually have a category for make for curl, which is the curl up line. We do have a line, for we have a. We have the tame phrase which takes the curl out or for takes the frizz out. We also have a volumizing line. We have pretty much everything and if you were looking for energy and texture in the hair, we actually have a category called hair play. So there's different products in each of each of those categories or throughout the line and, like I said they're so awesome because they say what they're gon na do in the name right. So if you want to play with the hair use hair play, if you need to take the frizz out, it's called tame frizz need to take care of curl, let's curl up right or volume up weights over one. You need to use all right Suzy what's happening. Oh miss you too, how are you alright gang here? We go so now. Look we're ready to diffuse. I'M gon na use my various various blow-dryer with this nice big diffuser on it, Hey, look as we diffused and I'm not gon na defuse her entire head, but I want you to see: what's gon na really start happening in the top here, as we defuse right, Here'S one mistake that a lot of consumers make and that is they take their they take their whole entire head and try and put it into diffuser doesn't work that way. Did you also notice that once we got product in, I don't want to go back in with a? I don't want to go back in with a comb or anything like that. Use your pinkies right use your pinkies, because your pinky is what's going to section the hair, but not break up the curls. So much so, instead of make sure that, as you diffuse the hair, you diffuse it section by section: that's really the best approach versus going in and going. Let me just dump my whole head into this pole. Cuz there trust me it won't be able to cover all right. Ask me how I know that those that tried it and they didn't work so saying. What'S up to everybody, that's tuning in if you're just now tuning in we are talking about texture today, we really wanted to give you guys a shape and also a couple of techniques that you can use not only just on textured hair but on anybody's hair, and Then get in here and use, and I don't want to share some of my favorite products that I like to work with when it comes to working with curly hair. But as you can see, we've got a completely different silhouette now, where the hair is taller and the hair is also again, this was somebody probably just asked, but this is a varus blow dryer, yeah and diffuser, which collapses and makes it nice too anyway. So now we, instead of having a triangular silhouette, we've got something that's taller, almost a modern shag on curl, which is almost more diamond like and that's ideal. That'S what we're really looking for the perimeter that we left out. Here'S! Why cuz look! Everybody knows, especially if you have longer hair you ever have that client, like you, have longer hair and you cut their hair when the first thing they do is what ponytail or they do this thing I never get. I don't get it and is it so they do that because they want to make sure their length. Is there because it's important to them right so same thing? If you have hair that's longer than your ears, you probably put it in a ponytail at some point. In time so watch because all of this, the perimeter was left out, she can pull this back and basket it and make, as my daughter, Sydney likes to do a high, bun or ponytail, even though we have layers that are actually this short at the very top Of the head, she still has styling options right. You with me say: yeah, say it like Little John yeah, yeah anyway, Alvin, Netherlands hi feel. How are you thank you so much for tuning. In from the Netherlands, I've always wanted to go. I'Ve been through Amsterdam, but I never get a chance to actually visit and hang out and see. What'S up so that's our shape, then guys. Look I like to do. I know she's, probably crazy, crazy, looking yeah, so look now she's ready to go, but if you want, you can always add a little colour with some of my friends. I love these things. Man. These are the best ever style color by kms. It'S basically spray paint for your hair, so this one's called nude peach, it's brand brand-new, so I know some people might not. You know with this new way of doing hair and working, some people might not um. You know want to surround you with like highlights and do the BIOS itself no problem. I got you so I can give you color in an instant right pick pieces up spray them. It literally is like spray paint, and you can place that in just shake it really well, and you hear the rattle and if you hear it, then you know that you're good to go with this right and they come in really cool colors, like this blue or Reds all these we got everything we actually have like twelve different tones. The red one is metallic I'll. Show you what it looks like hi Lisa. How are you done if you want to add some color easy to do so yeah? Why not who's that? Spain? Oh man, I still owe my wife a trip to Barcelona. One day, I've been there twice and I absolutely adore the country love it. Oh, my goodness, so Oh here's, the finished product or the finished look. So you guys can see. Is that close enough for you to see well, alright, if you're diggin it give me a thumbs up or say yeah like Little John, alright, alright, here's the idea. When you really get done, you can see that we've got a different silhouette. We will allow that curl to move around and really get popping and yeah it's a fun shape and some fun techniques to put in there so guys. Oh, let's put her right here. This is my sister hi guys so guys. Thank you so very much for tuning. In let me again here's the diagram. It'S really really easy to do. I know some of you probably had questions I'm gon na check in in just a minute and make sure that I got all of your questions again. My name is Shannon King here in Brooklyn New York, I'm here in my salon, with my Cohen with my wife and it's called Heron Co, Brooklyn or Heron Coby keyn and here's all of our handles and so on and Instagram Shannon William King Facebook, Shannon King. Our consulting company is Beauty, 360 consulting and, of course, the salon is hair and kobe k, ly n. This is fun. Hopefully oh yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. So look the color spray, so it's style color right again, absolutely incredible product to play with it's. It'S so cool, it really is like spray paint and your haircut for your hair and it's cool for that. It'S pelo proof and it's also waterproof. So if you spray this in in about 60 seconds, it's dry, if you walk outside in rains, it won't run on you and also once it's dry, won't shake off on your clothes or on your pillow. Or what have you? It'S shampoo, it literally shampoos out right when you need it and you're ready to go with it, make sure you can hear that baby rattle. Yes, it's kms and then look you just spray it and whatever you spray gets the color just like that right. I have so much fun with these Lisa. Thank you so much Lisa and you know what actually I was. I was in here with the team painting and I got some actual paint in my hair. So I had some white highlights thanks Lisa next time on next time on, live well paint, my hair too. Alright. Thank you so much everybody appreciate it thanks for saying, please be safe! Thank you to go well, thank you to kms and really huge. Thank you to to hairbrained for doing this and continuously doing this. You guys are amazing work. So thank you so very much again guys, please be safe and be careful opening it as you're opening and take your time, and thank you so much for tuning

Tezeta Nishan: Ok what I learned was texture hair or like curly hair you have to flat iron it to cut .I know you’re a professional maybe you know your way !but I’m cosmetologist I don’t cut curly hair without flat ironing them first!!!! I my wrong?

mary ann lamanteer: is notching and texture the same rhing

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