6 Tips To Get The Hair You Actually Want | Rielones Ep.10

No more leaving the salon unhappy, these are 6 tips you NEED for your next hair appointment to make sure you actually get the haircut or hair color you want! Hope you enjoy today's episode of RIELONES.

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When you're getting your hair done and you don't like it, it's not a good feeling, but also for the hairstylist, like they just put all this time in, to try to make you look good and give you the style that you want. They want you to leave. Happy too, but if you're not honest with them and you're, just like yep, it's great, I love it and then you go home and cry for two hours. That'S not good hello, everyone and welcome back to another episode of real ones and welcome if you're new. Here I'm Ariel and today we're on episode 10 of real ones. Um. I look a little bit like I don't know janky right now, because I first of all have a hair mask in my hair. So it's like in this like half curly half like I don't know, bun and I'm wearing blue eyeglasses they're, not real glasses, um. It'S just I've had a headache all day long and I've been on my computer all day long. So these kind of like ease a little bit but anyway, the topic of today's episode, is tips on how to talk to your hair stylist, what to say to them how to make sure you actually get what you want you may or may not have seen in My last video last week, I posted a video all about like the top trending, most popular haircuts of 2023, and so just in light of like it being kind of like new year new hair type of season. Right now. I just want to give you guys some tips for your next hair appointment, because I feel like sometimes you can have this like dream, hairstyle or like this perfect haircut, Perfect Color in your mind, but it can be really hard to like try to explain that to Your hair stylist, and not only that, but it can also be really hard for your hair stylist to like understand fully what it is that you're wanting, so that they can make sure you're happy when you leave and so that you're not like upset with them and Of course, anyone who is going to the salon to get a new hairstyle, the idea is that you go in with, like you know, hair that needs to be fixed up. Then you're ready for a new style, a new cut, a new color, whatever it is, and then you leave really happy with this new fresh color cut or style, whatever you got done um, but it just doesn't always happen that way. Sometimes, unfortunately, you leave feeling like this is not what I wanted. I hate this, I feel ugly, like you wish. You could go back in time and put all your hair back on, because it's just not what you wanted, and so it just sucks for both sides, because it sucks for your hairstyles too, because they want you to leave happy too. They don't want you to leave. Feeling, like I hate my hair um, because then they feel like they kind of failed. As you know, your hairstylist, so yeah. These are some of the things I think are just important to remember. Next time, you're going to get your hair done and you kind of feel like you, don't know how to ask for what you want or like what to say to make it clear to them like this is the style I want to get so you can make Sure you get what you want and I think your hairstyles will be happy with this too. If you come in prepared and you're like this is what I want and they're like: okay, good: let's do it that's a good day for a hairstylist as well so yeah. Let'S get into it tip number one. This is definitely the biggest tip and probably one that we will be coming back to throughout this video um. This is huge, bring photos, bring videos literally make an entire photo album of the style that you want and bring it to your hairdresser. I promise you. This is not weird, it's not embarrassing. Your hairdresser will appreciate this. I think just having a visual of some sort helps tremendously like if they can see physically what it is you want, and you can like show them and point at this photo video and say like this is what I want. I want mine to like fall. This way, Etc. That will make it 10 times easier for your hair stylist to execute and actually give you the style that you want. Even if you can't find like an exact photo of what you want, you could even bring like five different ones and be like. I, like the bangs from this one I like the layers from this one. I, like the cut from this one, the color from this one like bring multiple photos um, but just to have that, like example of what you want, I think that's so helpful. I think that is key to getting what you want at your hair appointment tip number two um be specific, so be specific and also like learn some of the terminology before you actually go in for your hair appointment. I think that's important to you, or at least it will help. I mean you, don't have to go in being like do an a-line. This angle, 90 degrees, like you, have to go in like all sciency, but I think if you go in knowing like, I want a blunt cut or you know one length or I want layers and like maybe do a quick, Google search of layers and like figure Out, if you want them rounded or like more subtle or more choppy like try to figure out what it is that you want before you go in and kind of have like some terms down. I do feel like, though it's it's more important to just like describe what it is that you want, instead of worrying too much about knowing the right like names for stuff, because I feel like somebody could go in to a hair appointment and be like. I want the tiger haircut and, like maybe that's the newest Trend and your hairstyle is like. I don't know what that means and you're like well, it's like where you add. You know layers that look like tiger stripes to your hair and they're like I got nothing like so I think especially now, because there's like all these names, I mean I mentioned it in my haircut video that I just posted, there's like the butterfly cut, which like Makes your hair look like the shape of a butterfly's wing? There'S the octopus haircut same kind of thing. It makes your hair resemble the shape of an octopus but like if you go into a hair salon. With these terms, your hair stylist might not know they might, but they might not know what you're saying would you say things like octopus cut butterfly cut tiger stripe haircut, so instead of that, maybe just do a little bit of research on the cut or the color That you want so that you can find the ways to describe it instead of just going in with the name and being like. This is what I want and bring pictures, because that will help tremendously another thing to remember when we're talking about like being specific and kind of describing what it is that you want try to avoid using like specific numbers. So, instead of saying, I want you to cut an inch off of my hair or why you got three inches off my hair, or I want my highlights one inch apart. Instead of doing that say something like I want you to cut my hair to my shoulder or to my armpit, or to my collarbone, like try to use your hands and like like physically show them, where you want it to end or like where you want your Bangs to fall, you can, I feel, like you, can describe it so much better with your hands and like pointing it out. Rather than being like. I want you to cut an inch off and then your hair stylist inch is like this, but in your mind, in inches like this and all of a sudden they're not doing what you wanted. So yeah be specific about like where you want your hair to fall. What length you want, but try to avoid saying things like two inches: three inches 10 millimeters whatever, because that will be different for everybody and if we're talking about colors like being specific with colors, I think it's important to know the difference between like warm tones and Cool tones, at least, and also the shade that you want to be in, or I should say, the level that you want to be at so knowing like how dark or how light you want to stay, and you can also ask your hairdresser to show you swatches, Like most salons have color swatches of the color that they use a lot of salons use, different color bands too, so the swatches can be slightly different, depending on what they use, Etc, but um. If you have a decent idea of like what level you want to be in, are you you know level five, medium brown, or are you level 10 bleach blonde? Are you level one black, knowing those key things can make a big difference and they can like find swatches easier to show you and then be like these? Are your six options or whatever but yeah, be specific about what you want and have some terms down and like some describing words ready to give your hairdresser so that they know what to do? For you tip number three is to communicate your preferences and your concerns. So let's say you're someone with really thick hair, and you know that you want your hair to feel thinner. You want them to thin it out a little bit. You want some texturizing or maybe you have thick hair, and you know that if you cut it too short, it's going to bounce up and look really puffy and weird. So you don't want a lot of short layers or vice versa. If you have thin hair fine hair, you maybe don't want to do a lot of layers, because that'll make the ends, look really thin oftentimes on fine hair. It looks best to do um like a blend cut or like not a ton of layers, at least not short ones, because that can make your hair look a little bit more thin on the ends and if you kind of bring it all to one blunt length, I don't know what's going on with my, whereas if you bring it all to one blunt length, then you're keeping a lot of fullness on the ends and that will avoid it looking too thin or looking stringy or whatnot. Keep it looking Fuller, so kind of. Like know your hair and your preferences for your hair um, and also what your concerns are so like, if you're really concerned about it being too short or thinned out too much or whatever it is, for your hair, make sure to communicate that with your hair, stylist And even just things like how you want it to fall like do you want it to be more swoopy, do you want it to be more like a heavy chunk? Do you want the color to be more bold or more subtle or more chunky highlights versus soft subtle highlights like there's so many different options, so yeah make sure to communicate your preferences and tell your hairdresser what you are like worried about too um to make sure That they can avoid doing that, and I think it's also important to mention that they, like you, can let them help you, because they have knowledge. So I feel like a good hair. Stylist will try to offer some suggestions or some advice on what they see or what they think would look good on you, taking into account your hair type and your hair texture and how you style it all that kind of stuff as well. So you can, let them, like you know, give you some advice and be like. Oh maybe maybe you won't like how that'll sit, because your hair has a cowlick here or something, but they should always value your personal preferences first and foremost so like. If so, if you have a hairdresser who's, always like no, this is what you want like. I know what you want. That'S, probably not a good hairstylist, because ultimately they should give you what you want. That'S why I think it's very much like a working together thing. You have to tell them what you want and they have to give their professional opinion on whether or not that even works for your hair type um. How it's going to look on you, how that works with your face shape like all these different things, but you really have to work together. So you as a client have to come in with some knowledge of what you want, um and like how your hair works, and then they can kind of add to that. And then you can work together to get that like perfect haircut or perfect hair color. For you tip number four is to ask questions so if they say something at any point or they're doing something at any point to your hair and you're like not sure what it means or you're, not sure what they're doing or why ask questions like just ask Them what are you doing? Why are you doing that? How does that work? Why do we need to do this color before we do the color that I want like ask questions, and preferably this would happen like before they even start doing your hair, because any good hairstyles should do at least some form of a consultation before they start doing. Your hair, especially if this is like a newer hair, stylist and like you're, seeing them for the first time or, if you're, doing something like drastic at all um. They should really do like a proper consultation and just make sure that you're, both on the same page for what you want and that everything is being taken into account, because you also have to take into account like how. How do you care for the cut that you're getting or how high maintenance is this hair color that you're about to get? How are you going to style it like? How often do you have to come back for touch-ups like there's lots of different factors that have to be considered and should be considered before you even start getting your hair done, um so yeah don't be afraid to ask questions. They should be able to provide answers for all of this and, if you're like nervous at all and you're, like I don't know what they're doing this doesn't make sense to me like just ask and a good hairstyle shouldn't have any problem with like giving you answers. You know water break because I'm actually dying right now I don't know what is going on. Okay, tip number five is to be realistic, so think about your habits. Think about how you wear your hair on a day-to-day basis. Think about even like how much time you have in the morning to get ready and how much time this specific cut is gon na need to be styled properly, for it to look good and with colors. I think it's really important to find out like how the maintenance is. How soon will you need to come back to get touched up? How long is it going to last? Is it gon na fade? Weirdly, like these are good things to ask, and you also have to be realistic with yourself and be like. Is this a realistic cut to get when I only have five minutes every morning to get ready and it takes 20 for it to be a properly styled, or I can't really it's not in my budget to go to the hair salon every four weeks, but this Color is really high maintenance. I'M gon na need to be touched up every four weeks. These are really good things to ask yourself before you even think about getting your hair done before you even like go to your hair appointment really, and also just how the specific cut or color that you want is going to work with your hair type and texture. I think most good hair stylists will be able to offer some advice on this, but not all of them. I remember when I was like 12. Probably I went into a hair salon and got my hair cut. It was a big haircut and I remember I brought in a picture. I wanted like this super short bob literally like she had to shave at my neck, like at my hairline. That'S how short it was. I wanted this like angled bob a little longer in the front, really short at the back and I have curly hair. I mean I have like pretty curly hair and the picture I brought in was straight and I'm sure I went to the salon with straight hair too, and she probably like didn't even know that or didn't even ask what my natural hair was like, which probably wasn't The best but um, I remember, I got this haircut and she basically did it like the picture, but when it was Carly, it was like up to here like it was so much shorter than I wanted, because I was this 12 year old and I was like This is what I want not taking into consideration. I usually wear my hair curly and that's gon na mess up this cut it's gon na. It means it's gon na look different um on my hair type and my texture. So that's definitely something important to keep in mind like if you're going in there with a picture of someone's hair. Who has it like curled and it's like perfectly styled. But you know your hair is naturally straight and it's going to take you a lot of work and product to get it to stay curled like that, then it might not be very realistic for you to get that specific cut or if your hair is really damaged. Um and you're trying to get like a really drastic color change. That'S probably not the best option for you either, because it's just gon na damage your hair, more so yeah. I think you have to be really realistic with the state that your hair is in um. Your natural hair type and texture, and how that's going to work with the style that you want to get, and it doesn't mean that you like can't do certain things. It just means it'll need to be adapted for your specific situation. Now the final tip tip number six is to be honest. This one is really important um, I think a lot of times when somebody is not happy with their hair at the hair salon. They'Re like too scared to say something they're like well. I don't want them to be like upset that I'm not happy or like. I don't want them to get mad and I don't you know it's like an awkward thing, but it's really important to think about like do you like it, do you not like it, but what is it that you don't like? Are there any really quick adjustments that can be made to fix it and make it how you would like it to look especially like before you leave the chair like this, is when it's really important to be like I don't like this or something's off or like Can you just trim a little bit more off of here like let your stylist know what it is that you're not happy about, so that they can fix it for you or maybe if something was cut a little bit too short, or something was just not quite Done exactly how you wanted it, maybe there's something they can offer you to do next time you come in so like. Maybe it's not that bad! You can live with it for a month or two months or however long it is between your next appointment. But next time you come in, you can be like next time. Can we maybe like leave a little bit longer? I just like. Don'T it's not really looking how I thought it would um yeah. Just just be honest. I feel like it's better for you as the client when you're getting your hair done and you don't like it. It'S not a good feeling, but also for the hairstylist, like they just put all this time in, to try to make you look good and give you the style that you want and then you're not happy. So it's like, they want you to leave happy too, but if you're not honest with them and you're, just like yep, it's great, I love it and then you go home and cry for two hours. That'S not good! They want you to leave the salon happy just as much as you want to leave this alone happy. So it's only fair. To be honest, let them know your thoughts and if there's nothing that can be done in the moment, then maybe there's at least something that can be changed or tweaked for next time. So yeah guys. Those are my six tips on things you can say to your hairdresser to make sure that you actually get what you want that perfect haircut, the perfect hair color that you want when you sit down in that chair, so I hope they help. I hope that you can save those and remember them next time you have a hair appointment because yeah, it's tough, sometimes um, and it just sucks when you don't get what you want, and I know as like a hair stylist. It sucks to see somebody that somebody's, like not happy with what you gave them, it's like sucks so yeah, hopefully those were helpful. Hopefully you enjoyed today's episode. If you did, please make sure to give it a thumbs up if you're, watching on YouTube subscribe to the channel as well and if you're, just listening to this um on Spotify or Apple or Google or wherever you listen to podcasts um, give it a little review. Give it a little rating out of five. I really appreciate that and feel free to share your thoughts with us as well. Uh you can follow the podcast on Instagram at realonespodcast. You can stay updated there on all of the most recent episodes. Oh also stay tuned for this week. Um I'm hoping this week. Both of these videos will be out, I'm going to be posting uh, a similar video to the haircuts, one that I posted, like the trending most popular haircuts for 2023, I'm gon na post, a similar one, top trending hair colors video for 2023, and also hairstyles that I think will be popular in 2023, so stay tuned for both of those they're, obviously not oh yeah, but I will link them in the description box when they are out, so you can check those out and if you're just listening to this once again, you can Uh watch the podcast on YouTube as well: youtube.com uh, Slash at Style by Ariel. That'S where you can find the playlist. I also always link the real ones playlist in the notes of the episode um, so yeah check that out. If you want to see like the video version, because I only post select episodes as video versions but yeah, I think that's all I got for today, you guys so thank you so much for listening. Thank you for watching, and I will see you guys in the next one.

JamesB02: Hi Ariel I would always have pictures of the style I wanted my stylist to duplicate

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