How To Easy Bob Haircut For Curly Hair - Curly Bob Hairstyles

Easy bob haircut for curly hair

How to cut a Curly bob haircut

Curly Bob hairstyles

*Giving is hold forever*

Hello, everyone and welcome to this next edition of hairbrained live we're coming to you from New York City with a very special guest. Today we have mousy brown, otherwise known as Tara, it's travelling here from Australia, and we thought we had to get her in for an edition of her dry cutting technique. So thanks for tuning in and give us your questions and everything you got take it away. Tara hi everyone hi, is so wonderful to be here now, I'm here about to share all of my tips and tricks with you on how to dry, cut curly hair and my approach to curly hair. So I'm taking any questions that any of you have. I have a small studio space, I'm sorry, girls, where I dry cut curly hair. That'S all I do so if they're pretty interesting concept, so yeah, so we're looking forward to sharing with everybody today, I'm just going to get one sections, I'm just going to get my sections here on our beautiful model Katie when I did take a minute and introduce You, I think you got some friends tuning in say, hello, I'm a college student here in New York City awesome and I love the story about how mousey how you found your model today talking about how how I'm going to find a model and what type of Model, I'm looking for and and we're walking along and Katie and her friends step water passes over there. As I train skating a lot, it's excuse me excuse me. I just dropped her in the street and asked if she would be interested in being a haircut model and she said you know very from and what's your name well, my name is Tara from Australia, and so that's how that's how it all happened. Let me tell you a little bit about what I'm doing just here, so I started cutting started, cutting Katie's hair, as you can see, it's pretty pretty long, so we're going to aim to take this above the shoulders. What we've spoken about is having a lot of talk about you, the thing with cutting curly hair dry. The reason I like to do it is because you can see the different textures of the hair. I can see that that has really straight, and I can see that this has much tighter if I, if the hair is - and you can see it again around here, whereas if the hair is wet and I'm trying to create a shape. I don't know that this is straight and this hair's curly. So if I pull them down and try and cut them in exactly the same length, this one is going to dry shorter than what this one it and that's normal. With most curly hair, most curly hair have many different curl patterns come across. I have a uniform every single. You know every single, but the curl pattern is the same, so I'm actually I'm actually going from short to long. Every time I cut it's going from short to long and the other thing is that nothing you see once we kind of get towards the end of Katie's haircut, nothing connects. How did you decide your longest length, so it's the shoulders here. So I started from at the top of the year sorry just behind the year, and I knew that when I dropped that down it's going to hit those shoulders. So I know I want the length over here to be on the shoulders of just above, and I've left an extra bit, so I've got room to take to play with it and to control the shape a little bit later. If that's what you know, we would like to do. It'S just a typical sectioning that you took on Katie. Is this a normal sectioning pattern that you would take on most of your curly clients, whether it's short, I would describe this as sort of like a medium black to try to get my legs, so I've got an idea of where I'm at so now. I'M gon na be as symmetrical as you can be without being perfect. Yeah. Yes, so just wanted to drop in and say hello to our audience. That'S grown significantly! Thank you guys so much for joining pleasure to have you here with us, sharing hair with mousey Brown. Coming in from Australia, Samantha Baker has been waiting for this Mantha. Thank you for always tuning in welcome everybody. Thanks for being here, Jennifer Garza has a fresh first question and wants to know about if she straightens it, what will it look like? I think it's we asked our beautiful model Katie. Do you ever straighten your hair? I do very occasionally cuz. You always want what you can't have yeah. Usually, when I straighten it, it tends to get a little bit longer in length and it doesn't always match what my curly hair looks like. So if I have bangs when it's curly, it usually turns into a kind of like besides curtain, so mousy for this haircut. How will it be if she does straighten it baby? Do you straighten it so my response to clients that want to straighten their hair is that giant cutting this is designed to cut with the the person the natural texture, so we're cutting it before the curls. For exactly how I could see them today, because this is the way that she's going to be wearing her hair like ninety or ninety, eight percent of the time - that's right, so um, so what I would say to people who'd like to straighten their hair using techniques Like that I'm using here today is you know you could probably get away with it from around with a round brush, but I don't think it's not that good if you use straightening irons, but I guess you know the philosophy that I put with you know that Master Brown is all about. You know if you're, if you're getting it did, you've got curly hair and you would like to whether hair can only get it cut your curls, if you want to wear your hair straight 90 % of the time, then you'd actually come into the salon. With your hair styled in that way, you know straight, and then you would cut it to be one straight. I'M trying to follow how you're pulling the hair out. Can you tell us a little bit about that? Yes, you know I'm used to using my fingers to try not to disturb the curls too much, and I'm pretty much everywhere is just going from short to long. So I'm putting this out just kind of above the curve here, which is what I use as a guy and it's just short too long. So I'm using my previous section, I'm pulling this back. So I actually my previous I'm running that draw so you can see this little gap between here and here and I'm gon na come back after and just do things like that and blend the two links together. Exactly yeah just want to take a minute to say hello to our audience again. Nick Berardi is watching good, long-term hairbrained community member and Gerard wishes. He was he was here he's tuning in from California. We got a love from India and the Philippines and charts chiming in and saying he's looking forward to his visit to Expo. Yes, so tell us what your next thoughts are. So it seems like you, you pulled the the underneath together. What I like to call all the most chaos through this part, so actually, if sort of this and then that will tuck in and then when we bring the top over. We want to get some talk volume, but I need to use them underneath to create that. So once I finished this section over here, I'm gon na start doing what's called channel tape and I sure a lot of you are familiar with channel cutting a lot of people would be familiar with general cutting the long jump, so I've kind of developed the technique Over the last four or five years, I just played with it and then use taken that technique from the scalp and used it. You know like sometimes this far, which I'm going to show you in a moment, especially through the top, and I kind of like to call it. It'S almost like a little shelf system. I you see there channels to build volume, but also to take out weight from the places that I need to remove weight so simply straight pieces, for example. So I know see that, and it's so common to people just have that around the face. I know that if I cut that the same went through the tight curls when she comes back, that's going to be to you and the tight curls are going to be two here, so I'm actually just gon na cut that quite a bit shorter, most most hair Lines on curly girls are weaker. It would you say so I knowing that when I see lady who's smiling, so you know that that happens as well right. The most pieces to get Tammy was wondering about the length that you're taking off and what happens when you wash it and restyle it. Will it? Are you imagining imagining it to be shorter than you're cutting it now, cutting it dry. This hand will still bounce, but the whole idea of dry cake, cutting and cutting somebody's hair in its natural state, meaning lady has Westbrook hair this morning, applied leave-in conditioner and then left it to dry, naturally, so the philosophy behind cutting it drying in its natural state. When she goes home and Murray washes in or rebirths it she's going to end up with exactly the same as what's happened today. Sometimes, when we cut hair wet and then we blow dryer smooth when the clients go home and read wizard or wash it, the same thing doesn't happen for them. Unless they, you know, are able to liner or clothes arrive. Exactly the same way of their stylist has rose with this method. The pretty much the same thing Shauna was wondering if you're gon na do any type of thinning any type of texturizing further or so the chance is what I use to kind of remove both and I'm just gon na start to do one here right now. So this shape, I feel like, is coming along a little bit more like that yeah. So I'm just going to take her hair like that and what I'm gon na do. That'S about a millimeter in width! I'M just gon na cut that off awesome at the scalp scalp is about an inch of course. What that's gon na do that's gon na spring up and that's what's gon na it's gon na it's gon na carry the hair loving it. Let me catch that and I'm gon na see there's no tension at all, so I won't push that back, so I can know where the hair is going to bend yeah and I'm just gon na top that off that looks like so much fun. It is so much fun yeah, so Gerard is a heaven FOMO and he wishes he was here. He was wondering, what's your background as a cutter and have you had classic training how wood has been your journey in a nutshell, in a nutshell, and then I was introduced to dry haircutting about 11 years ago, and it really just made so much sense to me That I just stopped cutting I just never with another head of hair again it that was 11 years ago and to the point right that well what if I could open a shop that cuts hair dry only so I'm cutting a gap over the shoulder, see that Yeah, that's a little triangle, because what that's going to do is that's gon na create some space for her so that this can sit forward and this can sit back if we leave in a triangle, but they don't like. So you can see how flat flush a bit side City versus that side through the combination of the tricks that you just did. Yep taking the channel out space over the shoulders shoulder so that the curls can find the phone. Because, when we're dealing with texture, that goes sideways like this, if we don't create enough air and enough space for the course to find a home, they end up just stacking on top of each other and kind of coming. All the way out would you agree fated yeah, as it's really hitting a person right, so this all needs to be lifted. This is where it starts to get quite visual, I'm just gon na go like that. Would you say this is a feeling. Ah, I would say a lot of it is intuition and - and you know I do forty to fifty pence a week so and I have done for life sort of for four years or so so yeah. A lot of it is just quite an intuition and feeling that hair. You know, like I've, just said that this is a bit heavy back here, so I'm gon na pull that up, and you know that by feeling it by touching it by moving it yeah. So I'm just gon na pull that up. So there is what it looks like just happen away. You know who I am, but there is a method to the madness trying it came in with a great question: does the channel placement have anything to do with the head shape? Yes, there would be in different areas, they've kind of got the back of the head. So this because the hair is finer, the channel placement here is just above the curve yeah, because I want this to expand and I want this to get bigger if Katie had really really thick hair. I'M a probably place a child here and one just sort of underneath here to take out extra bowl even more, but katie has a lot of hair, but her individual strands are really really fine. So you know I don't need to go. I go to town so much awesome to arts, loving it as well as everyone else tuning in you're. Doing a great job. Tori was wondering about the sectioning and good news story this that we're still working on our initial sectioning. Yes, so we could have a role. This is the sectioning, so there's our two sectioning. Is that obvious, because we're gon na be putting a fringe we're gon na do that right now, so I've sectioned out a fringe section and I've sectioned out the horseshoe section, and then we and then you just finished, cutting everything underneath everything underneath and I pretty much Went I I pulled everything forward to this point so that I can try to get what the knives would be towards the back and at the front. I use this as a guide again, and I call everything back to that. So when I dropped everything down, I could then go around and freehand the pieces that I didn't take out. That book that didn't combinational there is technique, but it's also quite a visual process, because you know, for example, it's a great example see how the curl starts down. There, then there's a couple of straight pieces in there right over this side. If we go over to this side, it's a different Club pattern. You know. So if I'm measuring that and go Bart, is that even pulling it down so now should get going there? Samantha was wondering if you use channel cutting for curly cut she you know Samantha um, I believe mousey you only cut curls. Is that correct Wow, but she was wondering if you would use it on super thick or deads hair. Oh, or would you use it maybe, or would you try like a different bulk, removing technique, if fear, if Katie had straight hair, no, I would just use its the channels that vary, so someone's got I'm on the scalp. So it's really the amount of channels that I that I use and the length. So I got this fringe to also stick up what I want to sit really flat on her hair on her on her board. I'M sorry! So I'm going to start with a little channel in here, because I want to expand the hair, but I only want it to be really fine. So this is about a millimeter good, see that it's not as huge. So I dropped my attention yeah and I'm just gon na go like that. There, any golfing people usually freak out yeah and then I'm actually just going to visually put the hair in so this is another great example see how curly that is, but that's straight. So I know I need to cut that shorter. You know why. Why cut it shorter, because that's straighter so they'll grow out. It was a similar rate. Where is if I cut them at the same length, this will end up down here. Doesn'T let it struggle you'll see the straggling part sooner yeah, so the idea is to try and not let Katie take scissors to her own hair yeah. You notice that you do that. There'S a that. There'S kind of like a center parting right here at their front. Are you worried about that? Are you thinking about how that's going to play into the overall look of war so once I've caught the fringe, I'm going to just dampen it ever so slightly, and I'm gon na clip that together take a class to birth and close the pot? And then I'm going to um, let that sit while we do the rest, so I'll see how much hair I have to play with. So we can put another little channel in here yeah because you're looking to to make the the bang area full. That'S right. Exactly yeah and I want to be cohesive - oh all, 101 profile. You just got that out of your way, just so you can yeah just so. I can come back to this, so you seem to be working the left side and then the right side. Yeah. There'S any special aha moments when you're, when you were working with fringe that you can help that you can share with us what I'm working with a friend. Hmm. I think it's just when you look at the fringe and look what happens if if you feel like it's resistant or it's not really working or it's it's a bad fringe day, let's say you know: how do you beat those odds? Um? Well, I guess the what I do with fringes, it's just about making it look like the textures like it's all one texture, you know it's trying to hide. There are straight pieces and really curly pieces, so a lot of it comes down to when you dampen it. You can then really see how it's going to bounce back and how it's going to behave. Fringes can be that can be challenging, and I know people hairdressers particularly can get a bit kind of nervous about cutting fringes on clearly head people. So, especially if a client is also nervous about it, like they've won no but they're nervous about that um people see so it's always like a little bit of brickwork. You know short long short long short long short long and when you take that approach with curly hair, it actually makes it look one length, whereas with curly hair, if you go one length, it makes it more. I find you know, Mexico become it chemically. Okay - and this is just you know, a way to think about - I'm not suggesting it's. You know the best of the only it's just a way, so I'm just getting those little scraggly beards, and now I want to dampen it down with my little DIY mixture and let's the reason I've looked at quite long is because I want to know how much It'S going to bounce, essentially I want it to sort of sit up around here, see that but you're giving yourself just like a little bit of yeah. It'S still. It'S still going to bounce, so don't fall into the trap of thinking I'll cut it draw. It won't bounce because absolutely will bounce depending on products that you use yeah temperature, the humidity yeah, all those things go into it Tory was wondering what is in the DIY mixture, what I'm just spraying I just so that's a leave-in, conditioner and water. That'S it! That'S really all pretty much all I use so super diluted, yeah, yeah, super diluted just to give it a little hydration and I use these little pink pill clips a lot to style. So now I'm just going to actually put the part together. It dries it trace. The roots inner in it, despite what you want, it's exactly right and they're just going to take out there, alright, so now we're getting to the top. So just I just need to remove something. Sorry, it's just because you know you're going shorter and you know you don't want to have to just reach through all that just getting rid of that length yeah. So if I can cut really short lands true here, they may end up too sure. So I'd like to take the chance out first and then to see how much the kids going to bounce and then we create the layering after that, so I'll write a stop to do that. All right! I just want my gon na go that way. Our audience gets freaked out by the channels, another channeling, but it's alright. It'S alright to get a little freaky to get a little uncomfortable every once in a while. It'S all about the finished look in the end, so why? Why did you? How did you come up with this? Just cutting the channel out hole before like it's a technique that it's effective, yes, simple and yet effective? I just taken that technique and turned it into something else. If you do get into channel cutting it's really important to know where your client type their hair and to leave about a good centimetre, a centimeter and a half, you need the weight, so they don't poke out. That'S exactly right, so I know that I need to cut these a little longer yeah because you're getting closer to the top of the head yeah, but being mindful that I still need to create enough air in the hair for all that top here to live. Yeah and move so just yeah, so that's an awesome tour II was wondering uh. Let me see, I believe this was addressed to you. Mausi re. Are you trained by Lorraine, Massie self yeah? I mean so I'm kind of more about embracing the fruits and the natural texture and curly hair, but yeah. That'S really awesome Christina, wants to know more about channeling and she wants this haircut as well. Grab a mannequin grab a mannequin and and go for it. It'S not about that at all. That doesn't work in my experience between natural textures because there are so kind of different, so I'm taking a try to get all these sections through the top, which is really just a little bit of insurance. You know, and I'm going to start to lay it this internally and then the tops get it kind of come over like the veil and that's what's going to finish down, so I'm going to take exactly the same front approach that are used underneath, I'm starving just Me the year nothing connects so I need to let that fall out and once again, I'm going to go from short to long. How are you picking your link at this point? So if I drop that down, I can see that this hair is going to fall over sugar on that point. So if I drop that down, I can see that that clear there is going to fall over the shortest layer and then this is going to end up about the up. So that's how you get the divots out of layering and you have some people thought I just made it, but I feel, like I've got a look for you here and here I just taught to make it seamless. So the channeling is all about. Creating Singh was laboring going short to long, and using disconnection is all about. Creating seamless layering there is no tension, is the other really being under education in Australia, because curly hair intention is. This is a thing yeah. Yes, the people, you know they're pulling it too tight. They like this one just ended up up to you, got too much attention or any tension actually is you're. Changing the curl pattern. Yeah Samantha was wondering about the channels and affecting the layers. If she wants to pull her hair back in so and they're long enough that they will all come back, you know because we're too dry they they don't they almost just disappear. Thank you, but, to be honest with you, sir committed and I've learned that over the years by experimenting in so I know when they do pop out life. Definitely so again pull the hair up we're going short to long and I'm just gon na see. I can see, if is going to be longer than that, but this one here is going to be shorter. Yeah tears like a TIA sure tomorrow not drop that down and there it is okay, just wanted to catch up on a few people that were nervous about Katy and if she, if she tries it straight and this and that we spoke about it earlier, Katy normally Wears her hair straight, like you know, once in a Never what would you say? Maybe once a quarter once said, yeah half a year, what is special occasions so 90 % of the time she does wear her hair curly and that's what this haircut is aimed for? Let'S talk about the type of scissors that you that you prefer are they short? Are they long, but that's pretty much it and everything is cut, lovely. You know, but nothing connects interesting. So it's a so there's no point cutting. Is that because the the texture that your wits are already textured the fabric of hair, that you're working? That'S right? Yes, so exactly it's already texted! I just need to create. Why do you choose to lift it so high versus that versus cutting it kind of lower? Where it lives, if I doesn't connect, because I'm always disconnecting their hair, pull it up, see that it drops out, and then I read cut this part. So there's no connection, whereas if I pull it down, then hair starts to connect and I don't want to connect. That'S how you you are getting your bulky shapes a triangular shape, yeah yeah Tori. I was wondering why you switched to the curved scissor started to chip around. Like a do some detail work, so I can actually now go back to my blunt straight blade and then I can go short again. So the detail, work and fringe is actually qualified I'll. Do it the curved weight, or sometimes you just like to use something? A little different to are you so worried about the two sides, the left and the right matching, or do they do? They normally do their own thing from client to client them? You have two different crop patterns on either side of the head. You can do the same thing seven days a week and if it's seven different results every time yeah now. What are you thinking about for your triangle that we have up here so now I can sort of just visually see, so this is going to be almost on brickwork. You know it's gon na be short, long, short long, short long kind of thing that your personal touch on that on the last few. Yes, I'm just Torian was wondering about what kind of product line are you in for when it comes to curly hair? What are you go to? What are your favorites? Well, I actually use Australia in Australia awesome and these products off into custody. There'S also, you know it's a passion when he's making it in his kitchen, I'm not right, and it's just so good. I love them all. So Cynthia he's actually an American lady who came out to Australia and she made she's put together a beautiful line called embrace on the planet. Okay, great! So now I'm really just going to start to gentleness. How are you feeling going? I love it. Yeah yeah, okay, so - and you know what I just I feel like - I really she's young she's, a college student coming big things right. Why? Let'S just go for it, so much more longevity once every three months, so you coming to Australia, okay, sweet well, good news and audience. Please stay with us. We have a special treat mousies agreed to do yet another haircut on a longtime community member Rebecca in the lab, so stay with us, because we have not one haircut but two today, which we're super excited. When we have an artist from Australia, we get our. We get all as much time in as we can. This is a beautiful sea salt cream. My good friend Adrian made - I don't want to miss with the hair too much you know. All I want to do again is just follow on from exactly what I've done, which is create organized chaos. So I don't immediately come perfect. I name it just a couple of perfect, which is my dolly so we're just singing your night. You should remember barrel curls. This is a Charlton special yeah. I so me yeah, oh good, and so I'm just winding the hair around my finger, I'm over directing it slightly because I want their hair to not be as flat through the top where it's driving. Actually, the part you're building volume. At correctly, you could even leave the clips and just clip the together if you wanted to - and let it dry like that - and this is normally how you end your clients in the salon, clean dry hair and how they normally wear. How they like to wear it, and then I just enhance it from that yeah awesome. So a lot of love coming in from everyone tuning in Ettore was wondering if you offer education in the UK ever Wow, putting together some education, I'm in the process of doing that now a calendar for next year. I would like to go to the UK. I'D love to come back to the States, it's really taking off in Australia. You know, there's a huge demand, I'm finding and that's from the ground up. You know if it was curling care kind of come inside like it's these premature. I want a corporate curly Bob. Why can't I have that? Just I got clothing hair. I don't straighten it anymore. So right it's really. It'S happening. It'S there's a real movement worldwide. I suppose we'll stay in touch through the comments. Christina was wondering well you. But what do you charge for? A haircut? Are they with you for the full 40 minutes, or do they ask to the salon and assistant, maybe or it's just you how you working to select short to medium? That'S the 30-minute hair cut and that's $ 105. If you have medium to long hair right cause. This is mainly in Shillong now, and that would be $ 110 yeah great. So but it's all done in Tommy, I'm just gon na add a really quick amount of time mm-hmm. So it seems, like you, just pulled those few of those tight a little bit of the frizz out yeah a lot of twists j.i twisting with with with tension, I would say: low heat low air. Yes, too much yeah Wow yeah, you were, you were ready for fringe yeah. We showed up. I can see that now, but it's really highly recommend now let the big and then we're going to do one final, Jewish, fantastic. So Amory was wondering about the 40 minutes that includes the drying time. I imagine it's a different test setting when there's not a phone any in your face and we're talking hair, so you're able to move through haircuts start to finish forty to forty minutes, hello! Dry! Yes, how many clients do you do a day yeah so now, 35 clients 30 to 35. But yes, with that kind of timing you can you can to other. You know you can see a lot of people so now I'm just gon na tweak. This yeah give me some a site and they also gross yeah. So what are you thinking about as you as you chip away at least French, I'm just as officially enough that straights I'm cutting that even shorter, because it'll grow up after it's just visually, how it works with her face at this point, you know that's and see A the little channels have given me enough air in here that it lifts, so it won't yeah. That'S what I'm doing. Actually, I'm looking for straight pieces there's always a couple. Ok, so that's really gently start. So I understand so when trading is fine over here, no Katie needs to know that. Ok. So when I go home, I need to let it dry now tree to do where I've done today and then I need to try and get some top volume. So she could either click the part and once it's almost dry, come in and just shake the scalp see and just loosen what we've done since the same concept you dress and that shake that release. You know we'll we'll loosen up some as well. Tens of support, nachos, lovin emery's, loving it everyone's having a great time, thanks mousie for sharing hair with us, and I'm definitely looking forward to yet another haircut, super-cute Katy nice we'll get you on again at our fire final. The final thighs kasam beautiful gorgeous all right haircut number two. Everyone knows Rebecca a longtime hair bring community member. She took the golden opportunity to grab a haircut here while mousy was in New York, taking the opportunity always a good time. I like to do on bonds. You just call the deliverer triangle because there's a lot of kind of I want to it's a really common thing that clearly have people come in and say: oh I'll, put a triangle, a triangle shape that I like. So the idea of this. Do I want to approach phones and curly, hair and texture goes sideways? I imagine that there's a V and I'm sticking at V from the back of somebody's head and it's gon na get a lot of that. So this is gon na, be the biggest part of the head part not out here. Yes, this is all about slicing off these edges. Getting a really nice shape. That planet is a little bit slightly shorter, I would say not a huge amount, but something that is gon na be wide enough. That works for Rebecca's space. But why do all the right places so we can use channel cutting again, I'm just in a section of the hair, I'm gon na stop at the executive, sound perception of living with the last haircut, which is a horseshoe section through the top I'm going to leave The fringe acts, I don't want to mix it down, but I don't want that. Sectioning hair, I'm always I've. Always it's working really gently with their hair, I'm not pulling it. I'M never stretching out. It'S never tight it! Never tired! You can see how loose that is, and then I'm just gon na really loosely separating the top from the bottom. Thank you awesome. True, Feola just chimed in she had a break in her and her busy salon Friday, both of all on Monday, which was fantastic. I loved it, I loved it seen the community get together. It'S amazing time to be alive, amazing time to be a hairdresser sections to you know, I think what you would normally take, probably which frames yeah and again it's all going to be about disconnecting nothing. Here is going to connect, I'm going to be using channels, and this time I'm going to be cutting them in white with this a little bit just mirroring my sections with channels yeah, because I want this fair, we're merging the B. It'S going on the back of the head. I want this hair should be quite flat behind the ER. Why? Because I don't want it to be wide behind the head like a lot of its kind of traditional Bob's, you know of why they're got really fine hair. I feel like it works, but if you've got you know here, that's going sideways awesome, yes, Denise mousey Brown does all try cutting has for a number of years just the way she doesn't wish. She prefers to cut her curls. So yes, Rebecca a haircut will be dry, yeah, okay, we're ready for it. Do you we require your hair up, Rebecca, no okay. So now that should I know that Rebecca. Doesn'T why we're here? Oh, I can make this quite short, so I'm just gon na go like that. I love it. It feels great yes, yes, yoga and now my I'm just gon na mirror my section. I'M gon na pull that straight up. Then I'm gon na let that drop out of my god. I know what you cut that hair off again, so I'm almost shaving off edges, so I always do the bulb. Then I do the leg, the detail. Okay, that's right! So I never ever do it. The other way around which I guess you know traditionally that's the way we're taught you know as I was taught, we cut the hair the length and then we go in and do the detail. If I do it that way, I feel like we've clearly here, then I'm gon na lose control of it and it's gon na get way. Too short, you know, because the channels actually make the hair bounce a little Judith was wondering. Is this deliberately not a triangle? Is a truth, you're gon na have to give us a little bit more. We got to distract it. We send the question, please shoot it okay. So let's see it is a deliberate triangle. Yes Lily, and do you cut straight hair, also yeah? I do I've got. Maybe one straight ahead person a month so and I approach straight here exactly the same, exactly the same, so I'm always looking at what here I've got left over and I can see this is my guide. I know what's not a basic code, so I'm going to take another Channel yeah, because the other thing people to take into consideration is always way more hair at the fact, because we all have an ear all right. So this is the area for this shape that I need to remove most of the bulk and especially behind the ear, because I want that to sit flat. Would you say that that's about the same length as the original channel that you took underneath uh-huh longer yeah and again so I'm going to mirror the sections that I've created, I'm gon na pull this up yeah and so what I'm, using as a guide, is the The hair, the shortest hair and that's the hair from the bottom yeah. So essentially, I'm shaving off. If you pull hair down curly hair and cut it all in a straight line, I made it even this would fan out unless you blow-dried it, whereas if I pull it off and I cut, if I cut channels in and then I pull it up like this, See that when it drops see how that's shorter and that's longer, so I'm shaving off the bigness in a way and all the work is done underneath so it won't look like Rebekah's have loads of the layering of hair. Once this is finished, it will actually all look one way, just more Airy, more room, that's right, yeah yeah, so they look a little straight into place and just take those off. So you always wear it out Rebecca. I do yeah. I been there been rare times as I've done, this sort of like Flatiron, wave or curling iron wave, and I don't like it cuz. It'S just nothing. Like my natural, I, like the expansion for my face yeah, I like the beautiful thing it can just create the most amazing shape you can get a big it sure it is sure, go to sectioning and and thought pattern when it comes to curls and bobs. Yes, you find it the most flattering in the most huh yeah yeah. I do yeah so there's not as much care there. I'M gon na leave that a little bit longer, because I want to save that, for when I put all of this theory. So now I'm going to, I know that I've got quite a bit of hair here and I want to write to make this section see it a little bit better because I still this care to come over the top. So I go to just take a little looks diagonal forward. Rafi fine yeah feels like it is feels like it is yeah agree we're in agreeance, I'm just going to put a little longer channel in here. Just so, it kind of covers the ER yeah and then I'm going to just take some length and that's exactly the same as what I've done previously, I'm going to pull it up, I'm going to let the bass drop out and cut that off. Just come back and you know sometimes you don't this care that you don't need to cut. So you know it's good, not to cut it right, so the ones that the front. I don't really need to just giving yourself some insurance options, I'm just trying to so. I'M gon na do exactly the same, I'm going to put one channel in under here, because I do channels so much and I use them on every single haircut. There is a there is a pattern to it and there is a thought process behind it of. Where do I need to either remove bulb, or where do I need to create volume, and that's essentially the two ways that I think about Channel Kennedy and how it's going to work on every person's head over directing and, as you can see, nothing connects. That seems to be your your signature style, yeah yeah, it absolutely no haircut looks the same no, but yet it's cut very similar yeah. Yes, so there's three main sectioning patterns that I use for all of my haircuts being wrong. You know short, but you know from like from this sectioning pattern. I can create 20 different styles from this one section. You know: what do they do what's their lifestyle, what can they kind of handle? What can they pull off and how far can you push the envelope with them? You know it's, I kind of like the idea of somebody who thinks someone's ready to go. They, don't anything you know, there's nothing worse, but we're not when they when they leave the salon and they're like oh. I wish I had it like a funkier fringe or a job. Isn'T it training a lie on to what kena calls new clothes got? A great question with the in terms of the channel um: do you channel in the same place when a client comes back for for another haircut or is it grown out and you can't really even see it anymore? Good question good question a lot, so I wish you think fine, two to three times a year or Maps, so I don't encourage anyone to come for a trim. In fact, a sudden option. I encourage people to come, do come for a whole new style. So I'd like to see when they come back in three months time that I can still see the shape, but I don't know exactly what I did so we're creating a whole new shape. If I see channels that I have used and I'd like to they're going to work, to use them again, that I will absolutely recut them in, but depending on how much care they've got if it's somebody you're really really sick care, then I would actually cut them New ones, because I know that their head can handle it. You know on thinner, hair. I may see the older channels and go. You know what that's actually going to still grow out for another three months, so I won't cut anymore again. It'S really. It'S really visual. That'S depending on what we've spoken about, I may know haircuts ever the same right, because who can do the same haircut twice? I think the girls will leave it on the curls yeah. That was a really great question. Nicole. Thank you. Ok, so now we're going to do there's a top. So what I imagined you know on a Bob show, but I'm synced for Rebecca's hair we've got the base. We'Ve got this pretty nice foundation, but I want this to sit up a people like that, but I'd still like her hair to look like it's in a bob show yeah. So we're going to do example, the sample we did previously we're going to cut channels across this way and then the rest of it is really about just visually. Putting the hair in like kind of chipping it back in with with the similar kind of a brickwork technique that I used earlier. Ok so and there's a lot of hair up here, so I know I think I could put two in here and she can definitely fan with big hair. She'S got the personality for it. She'S got the face for it. You know it's. Why wouldn't he go there? Right and I'm a does gon na short it, because I know that she's a hairdresser didn't handle it one, but she doesn't like my hair up and I've got enough here, yeah to cover it. So let's just cut that off perfect and I'm gon na do. Did your part of a move a bit, though not really? No, so I'm gon na just yeah perfect, so I'm going to sort of make sure I'm below that. If I can, I was doing a short haircut and I want this to sit up to here. I would take them like that, so they stand straight up. This is not the haircut to that awesome. That'S for next time, yeah yeah! Yes, I see you can immediately see that day's just disappeared, that the channels yeah yeah and though they might look thick watching part of closer extreme close-up like there is actually a millimeter. You know so I know I can do one sure. So a lot of questions actually a lot of really good CUDA sessions that I've had over the weekend, people incredible people made lifetime friends, absolutely again we go yeah and one of the conversation that we did have was about the business model that I have you know Creative, which is two studio, spaces ones owned by myself, which is called masa Brown and ones owned by Claire from the other room and first first u.s. business called the other room in Sydney and were actually cousins as well, so she's, a hair colorist and I'm a Hair cut up, so you know we have two separate Studios, decked out in 20, different vibes. You walk through one to get the other house fun. How many people would you say, move through that fruit move move through that space? Is it just you two stylists, or do you have other stylists awesome, I'm going to cut another little one here right under the crown? No things they shouldn't do that we shouldn't you should my head: it's like my hair right there. So much income put some at it right, okay and so now again it just might have done channels. We kept the temple on yeah yeah yeah. We kept the top long. Now I want to cut. I can see the ends. My god is always so shorter pieces and I can see that those ends need to come off, so I'm gon na just pull that over. I'M just gon na go like that. Yeah now I've almost shave. Those ends up a bit. So if I kind of go back in here, just fine detailing getting rid of those ends, a Nigel Malone says he's at a salon resident at Massey brown he's been he's been tuning. In this whole time he's been giving you tons of it's 3 a.m. for a oh wow he's going the extra mile, hey he's the man behind the brandy, fantastic and drinks, all good things. I should also mention mister yeah live. Yes, they were talking about your husband, yeah yeah. I got the rod yeah nicely so see that I'm about to fan out yeah. You can see now the shape it's expanded. It looks a great amazing, fantastic. It looks nice and lean here yeah. You know it's a laptop. We don't know that haven't really need to cut that much more top. We just need to work out what we meant to do pretty much. What have to mix them. Sometimes I leave the French press. Sometimes I actually do it first, depending on you know, I'm going to put the shake up a bit at first and then see how short can we take this? It'S just a great place for a short bridge. You know, and I'm thinking kind of something more like that and I'd like to think this a bit higher. You know people actually just it and we can make it quite wide as lower how's that sound one girl disappointing a short friend. Okay, I will do it myself and I just haven't dove in so thanks. Let'S do it yeah. So again, I'd like to expand the hair, so I'm going to cut a channeling there. We go see and that's see how that's going to stick up now. I'Ve got some girl here. I'M the other really interesting thing about Rebecca's hair is you can see the four injections bit straighter than the rest of it? That'S because her curl starts a little lower, so I'm just going to now that in taking off the length yeah and it's all very usual - you chose not to wet it down or add product. This is that, because her French was, is ready to go yeah. It didn't need it, though I didn't notice any part or anything like that, so it didn't need any restructuring, whereas Katie's hair I needed to reset it yeah reset it because it was a part in there yeah yeah, it's kind of Ivan that looking even that's a Bit straighter, we can take that off so Clark and infringes is well actually put the underneath short. It purposely because I just feel like it grows out better in a way you so Rebecca won't feel like she hurt her. Banks are long compared to the rest of her hair. She won't need to come in for a trim and Rebecca's fringe just sit over the top, and I'm just visually like that. One there a little twist and cut it bluntly, a little truth, so the weight on top just goes right over that channel and lays it down that way exactly and see how I'm letting the coal and I'm just twisting no tension at all. No tension at all because their business overhead, you know so if I I feel like that, I'm working on an unmanipulated foundation, whereas if it's wet or I'm working on oh and she's blow dryer, and she actually was it clearly, then again, I feel like I'm working On a manipulated foundation, there's gon na be no surprises when she dries in absolutely no surprises for you or the client yeah. So, and you know, I want my clients to go home and wash their hair and the same thing happened. You know like in America what do I do now kind of thing, so that's the whole sort of philosophy and the idea around dry hair cutting and why I make it work so well with all the natural textured hair. So I can see that that's a bit heavy, that's a bit big! So I'm just kind of again: it's really really visual this part, and it's not even, and it doesn't connect yes to take cream on dry hair, especially slippery yeah. My coworkers are probably sick of seeing them so sleepy. You know I took bath tonight, it's not like Friday bit heavy, so if it takes some length off, but I might lose the shape or I could just go in here, I could just sneak in there like that and I could put a little channel and that Would probably give me just make sure I've got enough left all the kind of fanning that I need you. You were just thinking, it's just a little too heavy yeah a little too bulky. So now I'm gon na do come on up. I did before and just visually think Shona she's. Given you all the love, she loves it. It looks amazing, thank you. Everyone who's been tuning in. We super appreciate your support, thanks for hanging out with us and sharing hair. I know I thank you. Everyone you've had done to support everyone's. It was tough to to film it and keep up with the comments I got ta say so tons of love wants to go there. You know everybody does looks good, look good, just move, yes, don't draw anything twice them, and so now I'm going to stop to dampen this down again a standard procedure, yep yep, just kind of bring it bring it back down just a little bit. Yeah yeah and I just want to organize it a little bit more and then just at least the Stallman, a priest. All Smith appreciates the tip. She can't wait to try him out. Risa Reyes from the laboratory. Is there they've you've got there so they've got your support, I'm sure doing that malsu we have. We have a question from Amy and her daughter is to and has really super curls, but she always struggles to get a comb through them. What'S the best product? What'S the best way, how do you recommend curls and kids and brushing wide tooth comb tons of conditioner wouldn't brush no stick with a white tooth comb and just working yes, scrub, the scalp with conditioner there's a bunch of ko washes out there actually now these days, That are that are less less of the soap, the suds and more like a conditioning. Look into ko, washes we'll see salt cream and I'm actually going to get Rebecca. I'M going to pin it the same as I did before: they're making everybody head upside down, because I wanted to always a little bit weak and I just don't want to fight him to be bold. So we really, you know, I kept the length around the face, but we just reworked the shader it's hard to see a straight piece to it. So you move it and it does simply did yeah. That'S right. That'S exactly wrong yeah! So we expanded the bog shape, took the fringe shorter. Now we're just gon na set the curls yeah. The only difference with this is that I'm not going to long I'm going to get Rebecca to put her head upside down after after we're done. Setting these barrel is gon na actually dry. So I want this to lift a little bit more as well, which I know that when she goes over washes it will because of all the channels. So I'm just gon na pop that in there just to create just to give it a little help exactly exactly so. You do this just so what like, when they're, walking out the door they feel like, they have like a polished look and they don't maybe feel frizzy or or thatched out it kind of put it kind of, brings the girls together and it's polished in it, and It is very, very difficult, you know to embrace it and given the way that I cut hair, you know like I've, just kind of taken it within an inch of its life. I do like to try and get people and that's how Instagram you know. That'S that's essentially. What we're doing here today is exactly what happens. We walk out. I revamp it just like how I'm doing and then the hair is not even everything's right. Take a photo of the wall on the Nicola was wondering if you, what do you require? Your clients, before they come in for for an appointment, is it freshly washed? Is it styled question, I'm not sure to be honest, how people need to turn up to their equipment, which is they're willing to come between dry, the hip and have hair ties? Edgewise sunglasses? You know plane drive here and they need to come with their head, the way that they want to wear it. So, if you're somewhat even wants to, let your men dry naturally every day come with your hair after you've, let it dry being drawn out to if you're somebody who likes to blow dry your hair every day. Oh with your hair in that state, and I will design something around that what about in terms of like heavy products, I know of myself. I use a ton of products rather than just and leave-in is that ground upon, or do you prefer just leaving? I prefer just leaving and then I'll go reactivate it with my product and then I'll add hold on top of that when I dampen it down, I don't like, and if it's sticky it's difficult to work with minimal product, we can see, we can see all your Channels now Rebecca, we see your secret. Do you normally have bug your claim to dip upside down or and heard the crowd, and that week I actually just want to manipulate the head just enough to get it back to one thing when she first came in, do you do any color mousy? No, oh!

Everett White: I love the first cut. Very nice shape and finished look. I’ll be back to finish watching. Nice job. ❤️

Everett White: Please give us a little more light.

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