Full Highlight On Short Hair | Easy (And Best) Technique For Highlighting A Bob Haircut

Have you ever been in the situation when doing a full highlight on short hair that you get totally LOST while trying to tackle the nape because there are no clear sections? Or maybe the hair is too short and keeps slipping out of the foil? Or even, when you are styling her hair at the end of the service and you still see so much dark hair left underneath?

You’re not alone!

You guys have been asking for more in-depth videos and this one was made specifically for doing a full highlight on short hair and I dIdn’t leave anything out.

I walk you through how to go above and beyond for client by highlighting every piece of hair, no matter the length and what I do to keep the foils from slipping and my sectioning under control.

If you want to an even more in-depth video on this client, you can click here: https://youtu.be/-E92CwjuIbM


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What'S up welcome to my youtube channel in today's video I'm gon na be showing you guys how to do a full highlight on somebody who has short hair. I know a lot of times. It can be hard to get that back section, so I'm gon na show you guys my step by step method, how to get all of those pieces covered and to make it really really easy on you. So stay tuned videos gon na be a really fun one. It'S actually my mom's hair again and if you haven't seen our other YouTube video, where I did her hair, I go a little bit more in-depth in that video, so I'll link it in the description below. But today we're gon na be doing a full highlight, and I know sometimes when you're doing short, hair or bobs. It'S really hard to get the foils kind of packed in here and you get overwhelmed. So you skip that section. So I wanted to show you guys exactly how I do a full highlight on somebody who has a really short hair and how to get in all the brightness underneath here, so that it looks really good. Your clients are happy and to make it a little bit easier on yourself. Let'S get started alright, so this is our before and you guys can see. We haven't done a full on her in a while I've thrown in a couple highlights, but it's really dark. Underneath here - and so I'm gon na tackle all of this under here and definitely tackle the root area as well, but this is gon na be just a really great way to do short hair and to get in all of these little short hairs under here. Alright, so I'm gon na mix up her Lightner and I'm gon na start with just 20 volume. So I'm gon na do just like a little bit less than like a full scoop here and I'm going to start with 20 volume and then we'll slowly increase up to 25 as we get to the front. But because I'm doing a full, I want to make sure that I'm not over processing that underneath hair she's not super dark. So we don't need to go anything higher than 20 volume and I'll also add in a little bit of olaplex. Also, just because we are doing a fall, and you guys know me, I love my old flex, all right so for her low-light, I'm actually going to be mixing up 15 volume, and I actually get a lot of questions about how to make 15 volume. You just do equal parts of 10 and 20 volumes, so I'm doing equal parts of our developer 10 and 20 volume and then I'm going to do equal parts developer to color. So I'm gon na do 8a, + 8 n in our kenra permanent here. Okay and with camera color, if you guys have ever used it, I personally like to mix it with a whisk. It'S a little bit thicker of a color. So, in order to get it mixed up really good, I like to use a whisk and to just make sure that it ensures that it's mixed up really smoothly all right. So what I did was I clipped up everything pretty much um on top of her ear up and actually like these little clips. These are from from with two M's and they actually have a little bit of like rubber in there. So they keep the hair, really nice and tight in there, but not hold the hair. So I really like these clips. I just got them and they're really really great. You can get them from that brand, and so what I'm going to do is I'm going to do a diagonal back section right here, I'm just around to our hairline and you guys can see. We'Ve got a lot of little baby hairs in here and that's again, why I like these clips because they really kind of grab a lot of those baby hairs. But I'm gon na grab our baby hair section or a little tiny section here and I'm going to do our first weave. Now, I'm not too concerned about getting all of these little baby hairs highlighted because she's not gon na wear her hair up. However, we do want to make sure that there still is blonde in there, because if she does see her hair and there's a lot of depth in here, she might think. Oh, my gosh, my hair is really dark, so we have to think about. The clients are gon na see this from this perspective and if they see a lot of depth or if they do wear their hair up and there's no blonde underneath here, they might feel like. Oh, my gosh, my hairdresser is not getting my hair blonde enough. So definitely something to consider when you are highlighting this area, so I'm gon na take my little someone's like a baby light right. It doesn't need to be crazy thick. We will leave some of those hairs out and I'm gon na take my foil now. This is just a regular hair foil. I like these a little bit better than even my frame, our foils that I typically use because I feel like they walk the hair in just a slightly bit better. So what I'm gon na do you guys can see? I'Ve got my back of my hand here and I'm just grabbing in these little baby hairs and making sure that they're locked in really really good with our light Mare up in here now, I'm not gon na go all the way to the end. On some of these pieces because of our there is some blonde in there already, but if you want to make sure that I'm getting in all these little pieces, what I'm going to do is we want to take my foil fold it in half lock that into Place right there and then we'll fold it in again into quarters and really secure that just by tipping off this edge here and we'll do that with our next section. The same thing of diagonal back - and this is gon na help - really make sure that you don't have a lot of lines in your hair. If you were to do it straight across, you might get kind of a lot more like line. Look and so doing diagonal backs really help you not to get that, and one thing you can do is you can ever clients tilt their head a little bit? Sometimes this does help and what a word that you can say to them, if you can say, have your ear touch your shoulder or get your ear towards your shoulder, and that is a good way to direct your clients. You guys can see it's a little bit easier when I'm down here in this corner to just get in here, especially behind this ear section. So that's a really great tip for those of you guys who struggle with this angle. But again you guys can see how locked in my foils are. I can move away my hands and I don't have to worry about it so again, just making sure that your videos really locked in there helps a ton and I'm gon na keep doing some diagonal backs. And I am going to come back in and kind of tackle this little section here, but probably a straight across foil, but I still want to keep doing my diagonal backs here. So I'm actually gon na do a low-light for this one. You guys can see it actually previously done a little light here. I don't want her to be platinum blonde, underneath there we still want to have some dimension in there, so this piece I'll take a little bit thicker because it is going to be a low light person. It'S a highlight and they're gon na keep continuing up. We'Ll probably do about five of these diagonal backs foils towards the center. She has a little bit wider of a hairline. Some clients only need about three diagonal backs, so it's always totally going to depend on you and you know your client. So that's just one thing that there's never an exact answer to how I do my foils like it's always three or it's always five it'll always adjust based off the clients, hairline and their density. All right and I'm gon na do one more and then we're going to switch to the other side, all right. So now we started on the other side and I will say something that usually the very first foil, because we have this pesky ear here. That is usually the hardest foil in this section, even with having your client kind of tilt their head and all that stuff. So just be aware that sometimes, when you're, first starting and you're first trying this out that this oil might be a little bit awkward or hard to get used to doing don't get discouraged. Just try a thinner section and just keep doing it. Because I promise you it will get easier, but it is a little funky, especially when you're first kind of starting out. So I just wanted to mention that, because I think a lot of times we watch other people on Instagram and we think oh, my gosh like they are amazing, and why can't I get that and a lot of times. It just comes over time. But a lot of times it is awkward and we just don't want to necessarily see that awkward section for them. So just doing something to keep in mind now you guys can see previously. I had done a low-light here, but I actually want to mimic the other side. We had done two highlights to one low-light, so I'm going to do a highlight here and just highlight over this, and the cool thing is because previously on her for her low lights, we had just done 15 volumes. So it's going to lift out pretty easily and not look weird. So just let you know that sometimes I do change up my patterns of what I do and that kind of just goes off my mood or based off like what the client wants. If she want to be a little blonder or darker or whatever so now, this one well actually be a low light. We'Ll take a thinner section there, all right, so I did all of my diagonal backs and what I decided to do is I clipped up the main section, because I think a lot of times we're more under here. It can get really messy and we get really over freaked out by it right. So what I decided to do is I just clip this up out of the way. Take it simple and a lot of times when it feels overwhelming just do it section by section. Get things out of the way it'll be a lot less overwhelming. So what I also did was I folded up all the corners of my foils so that I could actually see this hair down here. I want to make sure that I'm adding lightness - and you guys can see at this point she's got no lightness in there. So what I'm going to do is I'm just gon na go straight across here and I'm just gon na tackle this little tiny section down here now. I don't need to get it all the way down to the bottom, because we are gon na cut her hair and you're barely gon na see that. But for me I do want to just get a tiny bit of lightness in here, and this is just me going above and beyond. This is my mom, so I can do you need to do this for every single client, not necessarily, but this is what I would do if you do want to make sure you're getting all these pieces. So it's going to take a tiny little oil here and again, I'm not going to go all the way down to that bottom. Hairline leave out a few pieces in there and I just do a tiny little foil down here. Now, I'm doing a full size foil. You can do a half size foil. If you wanted to that felt better. I don't want it to slip out. So that's why I'm doing a full size foil here, but I'm just going all the way up to kind of that root area and they're gon na fold. This up, and so, like I said, a lot of times. We over complicate things, or we get stressed out that oh my gosh, I can't see the section anymore and we either ignore it or we just try to do it sloppy and that's not the answer. You definitely want it to take your time and just clip away the hair and think section by section by section. What do I need to do for this section? So take my next little foil here you can see. There'S tiny bit of whiteness in there not much getting up in you just can see I'm kind of folding these in so that they're a little bit smaller and I can compress my foils so I'll be able to bring these back down. We'Ll do one last one. These can all come down at this point. One last one up here, you guys will see I'm I'm leaving dimension out in there. I don't again. I want her to be platinum blonde and there that's not the goal just to give her a little bit more dimension. Underneath I'll just leave that for there so now we're gon na do is we're gon na just keep working up the head again, I'm not going super. I believe a little bit of hair out in between I'm not going super super fine in here for those clients that are maybe wanting to be platinum blonde. I probably wouldn't take this thick of a section or even do little lights on them. But again, every client is different and they all need custom things. So this is going to be a little light because that's what I've done before and I'm just going to keep working up the head until I get kind of just past this kind of mid occipital bone here and then we're gon na go and do the way That I do my normal partially all right, so I finished all the way straight up now. There are sometimes these little areas right in here where you're like I'm, not really catching it in this foil, and you don't want to extend it or you don't want to over direct it. So we will tackle these. When we do our sides, you could do a white or foil. I personally don't like to do that, so we will tackle these little corners when we get to the sides. Okay. So now what I'm going to do is I'm going to drop this entire section? You guys can see I like to use my clips here and what I'm gon na do. Is I'm actually going to kind of have her hair bring her down a little bit and I'm going to just section her out kind of right at where that apex is, and I will find out. I usually like to start with a low light. So that's kind of my pattern that I normally do you can see. There was a little light there and put this away and if you guys have seen any of my other foil videos, you know that I spoiled backwards. So now. What we're going to do is we're going to take kind of our mohawk section again. I don't section things out, but I'm going to imagine we're going to take our mohawk section and meet it down here with this soil, so we're gon na do this little section here now, I'm still using a 20 volume I haven't switched, but when we go towards The front with switch into 25 volume, so we're gon na start here with a low light because you guys can see. I have done that previously and what I like to do is I take my foil. I lock it into place and I foil backwards. A little section out - and I just keep working my way down this little Mohawk section until I again meet up with that section - that I was at already okay, so I'm gon na do one last boil down here. You guys can see I kind of just bridge the gap with that piece. I'Ll do a low-light here and now, once I've gotten to this point, where I met my foils down here, I'm going to now bring all these foils down. So I like to just kind of take my rat tail or I guess, whatever you call it - the pin of the comb and I just kind of put it in there and kind of fold these down and we work our way all the way up. All right. So what I've done? I did a few foils just so it's a little bit easier for you guys to see, but basically I met up with my section that I had back there. I did a few foils forward and all I'm doing is I'm doing the exact same things that I did in the back, I'm just literally foiling backwards. So I read my little section here. This one's actually gon na be a little like that's what we did. Last time I walk my foil into place and you guys can see. I'Ve got a lot of firm tension here to keep it really nice and tight, and then I go through and just apply it, the color or the lightener. Now, the reason why I foil back or even get a lot of questions about this is, I feel, like I'm, actually able to get in just a little bit tighter than if I was placing the foil the other way. And for me, it's a little bit more comfortable to kind of stand over my client and apply the color this way. So this is just a personal preference. It'S honestly something that I learned really early on in my career and it's how I learned to have foil and I loved it. So I definitely recommend trying it it's a little weird at first, especially if you're used to foiling the other way. But once you go to get used to it, it's a really great way to foil and, like I said, I feel like you're, just really able to get in there little nice and clean, and it's just keeping everything kind of in the direction of how it would Light so definitely recommend trying it out. So what I'm going to keep doing is I'm just gon na keep moving all the way forward, all the way down this Mohawk and trying to get to the front all right, so we finished her entire Mohawk section. I actually did her other side just to make it a little bit quicker for you guys and what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to go in and do these little baby hair sections a lot of times. Clients have these little baby hairs and they don't get highlighted. So I personally like to pay really close attention to them. You can do a full sized foil or you can tear this oil in half and get in here, but I'm just going to go through and just kind of lighten these. Just ever so slightly and then I'm gon na do diagonal backs around the hairline and we're literally going to go all the way back up into this corner and again catch that little corner. I was talking about earlier so now we're going to get to around her hairline and I'm just going to take a little section like this, a little bit thicker there and at this point I'm just using metal clips, because I don't want it to pull on any Of her baby hairs on accident - and one thing that will mention is those clips that I was showing you guys in the beginning one of them broke. While we were filming this so take that for what it is, I don't know if they're great clips I haven't had a break before, but just wanted to. Let you guys know that if I was telling you about something and it broke, then I would let you know by it. Yours anyways, so I'm just going through and just doing kind of baby lights right on our hair line. We'Re gon na do two highlights. Probably the one low-light same thing going through here and you guys will see I'm just gon na keep continuing back all the way up until I hit that corner. So I'm going to do this I'll, let you guys watch a long all right, so this is gon na, be my last boil up in this kind of corner area, and you guys can see now. We'Ve literally covered every single hair on the head for every single area, and it's great. I love this section II and it works really well for me and it pretty much works for every single client. Occasionally, somebody again who has like a little bit wider of a head and you got ta - do a few more baby, foils kind of up in the front, but for the most part, this sectioning works really well and it allows you to do it methodically. So just as a reminder, we did our mohawk section all the way down. We didn't go back with the back Mohawk section all the way we did our two over fours here and then just I go back up into this corner. We did 20 in the back and all the way up until that occiput the apex and then everything else was 25 volume, and then we did our lowlights about two to one. So we're going a process and I'll show you guys what it looks like all right. So she is ready to rinse and I want to see show you guys what she lifted too. So this is about where she lifted to and to me, that's ready to go. We still have a little bit of warmth in there. It'S not white, but it's kind of like inside of the banana and it looks perfect. So what I'm gon na do is I'm actually going to pull out from the bottom starting back here and then we'll just kind of go all right. So this is our final result. You get to see all the beautiful, blended, different colors in there, how much brighter we got and it doesn't look chunky. That'S one thing that is really cool. It doesn't look like there's a ton of lines in her hair. It still looks really chunky, really nice and just really blended lots of dimension in there matching her natural color in there and so definitely recommend trying out this technique, especially if you have those shorter hair clients and struggle with getting in that really blended. Coil. Look all right guys. I hope you enjoyed watching that video. I love seeing step-by-step things. I know a lot of you guys have asked for a little bit more in depth video, so I hope that that one was perfect for you and again. If you want to see how I did my mom's hair in another video with her formula - obviously I shared it here, but I go a little bit more in depth in that video. You can check that out down here below, as always, if you haven't already come over to Instagram and said hello, please come over to say: hi. Send me a DM. Let me know that you watch this video and let me know what you think, and especially if this is your first time watching one of my videos, I would love to connect with you. Lastly, these haven't already hit to subscribe, but make sure to do that right now and turn on the little Bell for notifications, because I post videos every single week. I want to make sure that you don't miss out on any of them. Alright, guys. I hope you enjoyed this video I'll, see you guys. Next, you

s Tes: I’m still in hair school and would love to see a video about keeping foils close to the scalp ! No slipping type of thing. You videos are so greatly helpful and detailed I love watching them ! Thank you so much ! I can’t wait to try this ! ❤️

Kacey Jackson: Your work is amazing. I'm a stylist of 25+ yrs and I'm still learning everyday. Your videos have helped me keep up to date. Thank you

lorraine durgee: I did the backward foils for the first time & I loved doing these - u can see what your doing a lot better - I was really slow but with time I’ll get faster but that’s okay - I feel like I’m back in beauty school but I’m so happy to learn something new …great video.

Studio 291: Hi Jamie! I love your videos. I have been a stylist for 25 years in the Boston area and I love to see another stylists show case their own techniques. You’re a great inspiration to all stylists.

Cassidy Gilley: I love your videos! I went to get my hair done 2 days ago and i ised some of the language you used to describe what you do on some of your clients and my stylist gave me exactly what i was looking for so thank you! Keep up the amazing work gorgeous!

Arely Escamilla: Loved this video! I’m about 4 months into beauty school and I want to try highlights! Thank you for all the new info and techniques!

Gabby Torres: I love your videos so much. I have learned a ton and all my work has come out fantastic thanks to your online education and advice. Thanks for taking the time out to help the stylist community!! Stay safe

Robin Sabo: Your mom’s hair always looks great . You make it look so easy Im gonna try highlighting the way you do . Thanks again Jamie I always learn so munch from you ..

paula smith: Love the step by steps!! You always answer a question I have had!! Thank you. Your moms hair is gorgeous!

Chandler Butler: I have learned so much from you this past year and you are so encouraging and so detailed and I am so appreciative of your effort and dedication in your videos to make me a better stylist. Thanks for being a light and inspiration. P.S what music did you use in your video or where do you choose your music from for your videos? it's wonderful. Thanks again and so excited to learn more from you

A: Yass Queen! Loving the constant tutorials keep being amazing!

Lynda Williams Beauty: Love the diagonal under occipital bone! Will definitely try this! Thank you! Gorgeous results !

Jason and Laronda Warrick: Love your methods and your energy! Thanks for all the fantastic videos!!

Emily Elizabeth: You are the reason why things are starting to click for me. Jamie thank you so much. You’re an incredible teacher. You don’t over complicate things. You get to the point. Thanks so much

D: You are so awesome! Love how you weave hair! Your mom is beautiful! What a blessing you are to her! So nice to be able to do your moms hair. I am a hair stylist also and I love doing my moms hair! Blessings to you both!

Brandy Oster: This was absolutely beautiful! And I love it!! The working backwards with the fools for some reason makes so much sense to me! I will be trying this out today!! Thanks doll!!

victoriaremmons: Your videos are so informative and helpful! I’ve learned a lot just from watching your channel. I’m a hair stylist and I’m always looking for new techniques to learn. :)

Faisal Vamps: Super awesome work. Love your foiling technique and the way you explain things. Watching your videos spark the fire for my passion to do hair when I have doubts that I am not good enough or not wanting to do hair anymore. Thank you

nessa marie: How long do your foils usually take ? I’m in cos school and keep getting discouraged because my timing is not where “it schools be”. I do very detailed work which is why I take so long but am usually pleased with my results. Besides the time complaints I get

Dusty Dye: I love how informative your videos are , I was surprised that you keep the shinny side of the foil out for the bleach and color both. But with you keeping the same pattern you would be able to find which is bleach and color to check the progress. Just curious.

Cherissa Adams: She is perfection. I love it!! Her foils are immaculate. Easy to understand what she is doing. She's SUPER clear. Her mom's hair came out BEAUTIFUL! And, I love Jaime's nails, always. The shape is awesome!!!

Yuri Bock: How long does this usually take you? I am a new stylist and am really struggling with my speed with highlights :(

Miranda Aguilar: How long does it usually take you to do a full foil and how do you increase speed for newbies?

Elaine Davies: Looks amazing. Love your passion ❤️❤️

Jen Ambrecht: I love this. Thank you for sharing it! I'm still in school and learning and I've done foils on short hair once and it was a nightmare. This looks much easier!

Sil Rode for a While and then Some: I really love your foiling backwards! Thanks for the tip!! Great videos by the way, very inspiring :)

Daniela: I love this tutorial!! But I have a question :D How long does it take you to place all foils?

The Crafty Hairdresser Cards and Hair: Brilliant informative video as usual! Thank you

The Zen Room & Studio: Awesome as always! Loved the sectioning tip for the back! Thank you

Kat: Love the video, you work so clean, I love the placement I will definitely try it, Thank you

Kelsey Boswell: I am in North Carolina in a small town salon and I just want to say Thank you so much for your encouragement and easy tutorials and great instructions! Your awesome and a huge inspiration for me! I love and find cuts are easy for me but color makes me want to cry sometimes so your videos keep me going! Thank you!!!

Kaitlyn Paris: I purchased Oh Hot Gram and girl... you’re amazing! I also requested your online workbooks and it’s crazy how much I’ve learned from you and just how much you inspire me! Thank you for all of your tips and caring for what you do you’re awesome ❤️❤️

Terri Page: Awesome highlight - I have a client whom this will work perfect for!! Thanks for sharing your talent!!

Stephanie Horrocks: I really loved how you did this. I think the way we learn is school is so much more work trying to always remember certain sectioning is too much and how many sections. This was super simplified and made sense

MommaJae85: By far the best placement for short hair!!! Love love your work

Rimma Parsegyan: I’m stylist too and I like you work and technique! Thanks

LauraLulu xx: I like your backward technique, I shall be trying this. Thank you ❤️✨

Katy Miller: About how long does a process like this take you? I feel very rushed for time at my salon and feel like I wouldn’t be able to do this in the amount of time I’m expected to.

Irene Palatucci: Love, love, love your Mother's hair color...so much depth and great colors!!

Paula Mccorkle: So helpful! Thank you!

Tataí Insertlastnamehere: How long does this usually take with foiling, washing and toning?

Tracy Johnson: I am getting my hair cut just like your mom's. I am new to your channel and i love it!

Ana Santos: Thank you!! So pretty!!!❤️

Nancy Whipple: Diagonal foiling I also like. Back and sides like you showed. Also have done backward foil placement with very long tops.

Nette Jean: This was so satisfying to watch! Makes me wish I went to beauty school! First time watching! @jamiedana

Ana Solorio: Thank you so much For sharing your videos I love watching you! I learned so much from you every time I watch your videos

Marcela Álamos: Hermoso trabajo.

Lynnsi Mckain: Love it! Thanks for sharing

Derek Lamontagne: great info, Im a Montreal (Quebec/Canada) hairdresser 12 +yrs and love learning new techniques... thank u!

Melissa Culpepper: Awesome tips! You are a gifted teacher!

JeVees Malloy: Very nice! I'm going to try foiling backward b/c it shows that you have more control.

ditaparlo1980: Your mom must be so proud of you. I miss doing my moms hair x

Kelsey Linn: I have a client that gets this exact color with the same hair style. Very helpful!!

Warrior Goddess Crystal Geometry: Awesome job. Thanks for sharing ❤️

Sheryl Martinez: Super helpful! Cosmetology student from Maryland, thank you so much for sharing!!

Lidia Godinez: You're welcome You are an awesome hairdresser...I love watching your videos....God bless you!!❤️❤️

Megan Henney: When you do your first fold on the foil before placing it in the hair, why do you fold on the side your painting the hair? I’m in school right now and they are having us fold it the other way so I was just wondering what you like about doing it your way vs the other?

Kelly Brown: Beautiful! I have a perfect friend/client to try the "backwards" foil technique!

megan Gray: Hi Jamie, what's your own hair colour formula? It's gorgeous!! Another great video!!

Lidia Godinez: That's very beautiful JAMIE DANA you did a great job on your mom's hair ♥️♥️♥️

Ethos Code: I’m just curious on what formula u used for toning. It turned out beautiful, and the haircut was a great tutorial.

Angel Porter: What do you usually use for toning?

Diamond McCall: Loved it! Thanks again!

Flor Cruz: It’s so nice I’m learning a lot from you have a blessed day

Kimberly: Beautiful as always.

Ivanka Troncheva: I like so much your videos and how you sharing step by step how you are working. Thank you Jamie

Alyson Steiner: Great! Thank you

Holly Sawyer: Tilt your head, EAR TO SHOULDER! lol I've learned to say that every time. Love you brought it up! Great tutorial, as always :)

itsLinn: Would you be able to do a tutorial on how you transition clients that want to go back to their natural (grey)? Please and thank you! (:

sun shine: Great work lovely color

Mirela Oana: Great job!!!!

Paula H: The hair came out beautiful

Lucas Official: Do you think you would get a similar result Instead by doing all the lowlights first In foils, a few face framing foils with bleach & then going through with a highlift tint on the rest of the hair? ‍♂️ Could save a LOT of time? ...

Cari: Can I do this backwards foil technique when I am doing chunky highlights/lowlights?

Kate Taylor: Fabulous colour. Thank you Jamie.

Belinda Coco: How long did you took ? I had my hair done full of foils and the lady took 6 hours & my hair is that short too .

Megan Madigan: You're mom is so pretty! :) Love how it turned out!

Eveling Obrien: love it ! thank you

Kyna Dermosalon: V nice Jamie thanks You have so much clearity in your videos

Peace and Honesty: That looks really really good!

Liz Cox: Love your videos !

Kasmyn Jenae: Best teacher ever!

David Simmons: Can’t wait to try this!

Anson Barnes: What back bar shampoo and conditioner are you using now after you rinse the hair please let me know ASAP (: thanks

Isabela vesanz: Complimenti! Bellissimo

Erica Stephens: I love watching you work

John Deishler: Awesome results.

Lucas Official: Beautiful

Yolanda Cruz: Love it!

Charlotte Roy: Thanks for sharing this!

m m: You're just so fun .AND soooo smart...youre the type of person i would love to hangout and have a BBQ with...i ADORE your videos..i learn sooo much. Plz keep doing this videos!!!! You really teach and show soooo much!!

dfwlove: Beautiful video your mom trained you well❤️

Karen McDoanld: Hi Dana, I have a client that is white in the front and salt and pepper in the back very short hair, she wants a change. I suggested highlights. What would you suggest for the top after I lighten it?

carolyn worley: Nice work What do you Recommend for hair that is almost all white gray i love the highlight and low light. I don't like how I can see the red tone when it is colored. Talking about my hair

Maryam: Tthanks for the great video, very helpful.

Sonia Sanchez: very smart technique I take vertical sections and it’s hard to lock it in the foil

Sassy Leo: Love the results and cut!!

Gloria Salsman: I really like the way your moms hair turns out the color is perfect to a T, no think lines or orange or brazier colors it the perfect shades of blonde

Solice: How to you get the foils so close to the head with such a thin piece and no bleeding?

Roghaye Rajabi: Beautiful as always

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