Long Bob & Short Bob Haircut Tutorial - Layered Haircut With Razor

How to: Long bob & Short bob haircut tutorial

Layered haircut with razor

*Giving is hold forever*

Okay, she still looks great honestly a little bit dry. So what we're gon na do is we're just gon na. Do I browse so this is what we're going to do with Alex. We do a quick razor lesson and then we're going to smooth it out and we're gon na, so we're going to try and keep this level, so it kind of gets the illusion of. Do you wear this way to the side that way to do good? So let me show you, I'm gon na be a Nashville this weekend, teaching razoring, so you rotate the blade you rotate. The handle V for victory place that that it right inside your hand, push and now they should bleed, and it's just the thumb that moves. I'M gon na be teaching that if you want to go, I've got two spots left in the class in Asheville and I'm looking forward to Asheville. Has anyone ever been to Asheville? No, I hear it's pretty cool yeah yeah, it's gon na be fun. Is it a cool music vibe good? I arrived late Saturday night class Sunday morning if you're interested go to a Rose, oprah.com and sign up to final spots, left three-hour class with me, 250. Okay. So, let's take nice clean sections on a slight diagonal because we're gon na make it while stealing more than a slight day. You know, because we're gon na kind of diagonal it as much as possible Ashley, says yeah Asheville. Only three hours for me come on Ashley. So now we're gon na look at the angle of the see the angle of the comb. It'S the angle of the fingers. You can see when you put you comb in like so it can really establish kind of the steepness that you want to get to. We want to be pretty steep, so she gets the effect. We'Re definitely changing her hair, which i think is exciting. So now we're going to use what we call the edge of the blade and on this on the left. We gon na cut from the back of the blade out to the to the front and on the right. We use use the tip of the blade, because it's easier to maneuver so down and across Jenny, says hello from California good morning, Jenny from California. If anyone called Aaron tunes in, let me know: okay, Jessi Briggs says good morning, long, Jessi Brian hodgins's good morning. Good morning Brian, Lea says my favorite time is when I have time to watch this education. Well, thank you, Lea thanks for tuning in we, like you every Thursday at ten o'clock, so right now I've gone from the edge of the blade to the flat of the blade when you do razor cutting watch what you've got in your fingers, it's kind of like That'S what you should be looking at, what you're having your fingers, you can see there see the softness we're creating some softness right now. You want it to be really precise, even though you're working with a razor you want to work with the fine teeth of the comb, so you get the section nice and taut nice and tight. So you get what I like to call some feedback, as the blade goes through their hair. You kind of feel the stroke of the razor and I like to refer to it as the bite, so it the razor kind of bites there, and it gives you like a little bit of feedback. What I mean by feedback is you can kind of feel it? You feel the stroke working with my razor comb. You know because she's got if I cut this to one length, it's gon na look, not cool and she does have a lot of hair, so I'm gon na kind of move as quickly as possible. I'M gon na open the blade more and more as I go through the back of the head, because otherwise it's gon na end up looking too lumpy and then I'm gon na use my intuition just to tip in you see that just to soften out. So I just make the ends a little lighter a little wispier, still long enough that you can pull her hair back and again, it's simple because really it's a razor line, but it's got to be done well, if you watch the consultation early, you'll notice, some of The inconsistencies in the length from side to side we've had it here, many times before, where you don't realize what your haircut really looks like until somebody pointed out, so she had a little bit of inconsistency, but nothing that we can't kind of work on a resolve. This stage the game, I'm gon na, pull this down and have a lot of pull it in check the length check the length so by pulling it into the center. You get a better balance on rows, say good morning who says good morning: Donna Andros, oh good! Hey Donna Rose says: I bought your yellow razor awesome Rose, yellow yeah, we have a yellow wood one, it's called yellow wood yeah. You didn't know that. Did you? What kind of what do you use classic red Wow? So we have like about eight different styles of razor they're, all available to see I've got another wave of onion coming in. Can you smell it? I got ta get them to fix that you can see all of our raises on a rosy oprah.com. Don'T forget, we do have a 15 % discount code for the next 48 hours and 48 hours. It'S probably happy to see their repair. Isn'T it just get a bit behind my show it's very Freddy, so um we have a discount code. The discount code is sunny. You apply the discount code at checkout and also don't forget to join a rosio social calm, stressors hello from Romania, Romania, you ever been I'd like to go. You should go yeah. I should go very thick hair. So don't go too thick many sections, you're gon na look for the guy, that's hard to see on a dark on a dark cape, but if I lift it out, you should be able to see the line right in here. Fine in my fingertips, so one of the things that I really love about razor cutting is you really get connected to the feel of the hair and that's what I like about razor cutting. So you kind of feel it because I'm feeling, as I get towards the ends of the hair, I'm feeling that the the thickness in my fingers is thinner. So therefore, I know that I'm at the section and then what happens is I can kind of feel my hair cut a bit more one of the hardest things to teach is feel so when we talk about feelings kind of like your style, it's like your interpretation. It'S like how does your technique deliver, because, obviously you have an idea of what you want to create, but then you also have to create it. So you have an idea, but it's your vision and then your technique is your execution. So well, you know practicing razor cutting, really helps you with your with your technique. Now this is tipping and that's why I just placed the tip of the blade in there Haley says, watching from the wax lounge and beauty bar can't wait for you to come in. You know, okay, you know they never get a new count and I can drive you know whenever you get a new carrot always makes you want to drive more. Doesn'T it can you drive? Can you drive a big truck yeah yeah? That'S what I learned on you. Then, on Detroit yeah yep he's getting these weird is that crow, it is a crow? Is he on the typewriter? Yes, it wasn't massive. It'S just. My arm is small, so when he made it, I thought it'd be smaller, but we were like. Oh it's really big. They do, but then they put it on and I was like just do it Alex tom says, see you in Ashville Tom. I can't wait to see you in Nashville I get in late, you're, probably sleeping but early in the morning. I'Ve got to say I'll. Send you my itinerary, I think Tom's, already Nashville I'll, send you my ex entering and keeping out. If you see any cute girls looking for some models, so you can see it's a little shorter here longer longer and we've worked all the way up, the back of their head using my white car, which is great because it helps you to see kind of a Little bit more clearly and I'm elevating the hair, and I can feel the head disappear when I feel that had disappeared. Dissipate between my fingers, I'm using what we call the flat of the blade right now is just gon na create a lot of softness. Look at how much softness can you see a lot of softness in the hair and if I comb that out, it's very controlled like combing, that's very controlled and you can see the line right here. The reason we have black capes is they wear better in the salon. If you have white capes in the salon, they don't wear very well, because you know when you're doing, hair, color and stuff like that and get a lot of transfer. So that's why we always have black capes. They used to have white capes in the salon. It'S a mess. You know kind of thinking of the practicality as much as anything else as a business owner Rick says, what's up Nick hope. All is well. What'S up. Mr. Rick, everything is really good, we'll be looking forward to we're coming out to California again, I'm coming out in July, if not sooner we're going to be doing a Happy Mondays and in Melrose of toilets. So long that's going to be in July and then I'm also heading down to San Diego I'm gon na do an event on a Tuesday evening, sick invite that's what you want is that nuns sick in night. She like looks like we're going to Portland to you've. Been to Portland we're heading to Portland, I think without their friends from l'oréal. That'S something that we're we're working on right now, so, hopefully you'll get to see us more on the west coast as we continue on our journey. We recently transitioned all of our brand over to the L'Oreal family and we're getting to know all of our new friends and we've been training with the color, and it's been a lot of fun and we're excited about what the opportunities for the future holds just and We was in Philadelphia on Monday night, my whole sales team for the product, all of our ship managers. We call them relationship managers, we don't call them a sales force because we want to build relations and we want to help salons become more successful. So we kind of like business consultants we're not just trying to do ordering yeah. I think we just do the ordering, obviously some songs like that, but from my perspective, when you work with a rosio you get connected to you know, I think the the concepts and the ideas, because we run our own salons. We have the same challenges that every salon, ona house and because I'm a hairdresser still behind the chair, there's a lot of relation yeah. I mean. Obviously people come and go from the arose. Your business and that's kind of interesting see how that all works out, but it gives me firsthand a first-hand opinion and the good advice mechanism to help fellow Solano's unnoticed. So I've started to just rotate I'm putting everything back in in and I'm using the tip of the blade. We'Re kind of in the meat are the fat of the hair right here. This is the back of Alex, except she has another hair. I really want to make sure this just an end up. Looking like a one length, blob Aaron, says: tailed, nickel, okra, miss oldest and realist, fan Aaron used to fill me in one night to where she says well, tell him great jog, except we could use some more nahdi's. Oh yeah, she says sends her love good blue capes. For TV though she says yes well done, pretty strong is strong. Huh wow, you didn't realize he was gon na get this kind of hair. It'S like a parent says it's available. It'S available good! It'S a heretic! Alright, so we're almost finished in up the back right here and we're going to transition onto the side and you'll notice that my razor cutting it's always by just working with the fingers so notice how the wrist isn't moving just the fingertips move we over there up The hair back so the hair gets longer towards the front, we're not in front we're in front of the mirror, but we're not showing her the mirror. Just because we're trying to get a good angle for the cut - and you can kind of see the way their hair and is angled longer, so that's the shape. So this is gon na come down through the side. Now what I like to do is closest to the posse I'm gon na take my section. This is an important thing too. I'M gon na take my section all the way from the back there. She is and we're gon na calm it all the way back over the air. You get right in behind the air, come in all the way back, keep the angle down and let's work to keep it long. So I'm cutting it across the back. Okay and then this way, what happens is is this piece here, because you put it back here, gon na end up being nice and long at the front, all right, so it's kind of a simple shape. It'S really all in the intention. It'S all about how much you take out of there with the razor. That'S what it's all about. It'S about, how you kind of work through the hair work, cleanly very, very important combing, this head all the way back. Fine teeth of the comb make sure the comb gets right in at the base. Yeah see how the comb gets right in my place, the comb right on the line right on the line get that razor going and then just bust. It out brick wants to know when you'll be in San, Diego Rick, it's going to be in July. The date will go live soon, it's it's the day after my class at planet. So I think my class at planet is in the early teens of July and it will be the Tuesday after the Monday were going to do a Happy Mondays and flying out with them. Teach a two-day class today raise the class and then max we're also going to be teaching during that time. American wave certification and then what we're also gon na do is we're gon na do a Happy Mondays in Planet for West Hollywood's, hairdressing crew, and then, after that, we are gon na drive down and I'm gon na do a class with my friend Anthony edge in San Diego, so we're securing a venue right now as soon as I have it. It'Ll go, live on on a rose, oprah.com I'll, tell you what is happening there. What is happening is my show. This year I have an event later on this year. It'S called inspired and it's a two-day event. It'S a show for hairdressers for salon owners, team leaders, it's not a hasha, it's a it's an event for hairdressers. It'S about inspiration! It'S about elevation! It'S about education of the business. It'S gon na be a really intimate crowd. 75 people tops it's gon na, be based in my look in my Tribeca location, which will be in a fourth full swing, because we're gon na be revolving. At Tribeca, we launched the renovated space which, by the way, it's very painful, going through construction because it costs you so much B because they make so many mistakes. See because you're at a business for a while and it causes a lot of change. And when change happens, people move on and people change, it's like no good thing goes unpunished and then, but it's gon na be based in tribe. Tribeca, looks incredible and we're launching that next week and the show's called inspired tickets. We have an early bird tickets 1750. So it's a premium priced ticket and that's because it's going to be a premium experience and when I talk about an experience from the beginning to the end, it does not include you travel. It does not include your hotel, but it does include all of your food and entertainment and it's going to be pretty spectacular. It'S called inspired the early bird price ticket 1750 and June 1. The tickets go up to $ 2,000. So if you're interesting, we've already sold 10 tickets, we went live not even a week ago, we've sold 10 tickets already and I know they're gon na be in a hot hot demand. So if you don't want to miss out check out, inspired and get your ticket earlier, it's looking really good. So you see how it's falling down long here. This we're gon na prepare a little bit or do some measurements that in a minute, let's do this side. I'M actually gon na stand right over here. There'S about so you remember, they come all the way from the back section, nice and clean. She doesn't know where to put her habits, your job stylist in a hairdresser in today's world. It'S not just about your haircut. It'S also about how you manage the experience, so I do think it's something that we really have to focus on in our industry. We have to focus on creating the experience. You know. Social media is change the games so so much. You know now everyone's got ability to followers, so it's gon na change, it a little bit less yeah and I think we'll be waiting to see what happens in the future. Hairdressing we've really embraced social media, but I think it's not just about the fantastic color that you might be able to show it's about. Getting that great experience for your clients, your head herself, you know I have nothing looking to build a career. You know we are hiring as we launch our new location or our. We launch a location in Tribeca we're looking for some new people to join the team, we're always looking for people to join the team. You know all levels and in all positions go to careers at a row, Joe NYC, calm and Sanders. You resonate don't come here, don't try and join my team unless you wan na build a career, it's for career, it's a career building place. So what to expect, when you come to a row, Joe, is guidance and mentorship leadership. I'M gon na really do our best to kind of instill the instill, the things that I believe in which is hard work, vision, perseverance, having an opinion, and we kind of instilled those and we'll train you, trade, we're big on training, we're a training culture brand class. Every single day you know so, if you're interested definitely check us out, we'd love to have you, we just had a new person. We'Ve got. We just had eight new apprentices. We like to call them new talent because we're giving the chance really early to start taking clients while we train them Olivia. How long have you been doing here here? How many years 15, a lot of people are only mandated to work for, but I recommend, if you want to go to successful career, you should work five, all right. None rotating to the tipping tipping through their wheel to the bloody practice really great coming and I'm holding the hair out like this. I can see through it. Okay, Maria we're gon na get you ready for the show is what you are so something between those two. So a symmetrical she's, maybe a little bit of a bang, but long not as short as that and a little bit longer. I think, on the heavier side, make it a little bit more obvious what we're going to shampoo or with to switch that gentle tell me about the gentle shampoo. It'S a nice thin shampoo, it's an organic shape, so fake, free, silicone, free, sodium or eight free. Let'S go and give her a really beautiful shampoo use the gentle conditioner in conjunction and hopefully, by the time you come back, we'll have finished eyebrows. So this is the flower that this is the hardest thing to do. So I peel that hair away that's using the flat of the blade. I call that planing and it's the mmm whew it's so please, please tastes like woman's planing is where you use the flood of the blade we use. Do it when I bounced our razor craft razor craft, is our 5-day intensive class on razor cutting here in our New York Academy, a new york academy is, is in Soho, that's where we teach all of our classes from and it's coming up also, I believe it's Coming up in June, if you want to come for a 5-day intensive, come to razor craft, if you've never learnt razor cutting and you want to learn it. I'Ve got a great class that I'm teaching, which is called razor fundamentals and that's early man. I think it's maybe 10th and 11th or 11th in the twice something like that. Maybe the fifth and six is only many. We also have our inspiration class right now. We have a special deal with our inspiration class for our ambassadors. If you're interested call us and check it out I'll, let you know that special deal being an ambassador is somebody that carries erosion of hair care. You know 600 salons in America that carry the product and we're building our network with that get connected to a Rochelle product and get connected to our culture and our education become part of our family. You can see as I go through with the tip you can see - I'm kind of collapsing to the front I spin around. Then let's have a walk around the front. Okay good! So you see she's got this fall out here. She'S got the length yeah Allen's feels pretty good. I'M gon na come from the front. This way come on. Stop on this side. First, I'm gon na pick up my hydro miss it's my lightweight spray, conditioner, there's a cafe! Next door is called blank cafe. I may have a vent on the back when they cook New York City, baby. Ashley says: where are you gon na be this Saturday yovan's getting married Tasha and I are gon na, be there whoo, Ashley Bennett, yovan's wedding, Pauline said good morning? Don'T you have two questions, false ideas? You can always Chi Minh. You can't then spiral way. Row says I wish you had a salon in Palm Beach. I would work for you whereabouts right, Bryan Waldron says best hairdressing fam, ever hey Manchester. So now I'm gon na come through this side. Clip that out of the way Bryan I heard you took on L'Oreal, hair color is that right somebody told me a little Dickie bird little homie. So what we're doing right here is I'm trying to soften this out. We'Re gon na try and blend it in when it comes to styling we're gon na blow it smooth, then we're gon na press it with an iron put a little wave to her hair. It'S not super strong to it, but she showed me the picture and I'm gon na make it look. Just like my photograph Derrick Anthony, says good morning: hey dude, how are you got ta get together. Dee arrange some time to talk. I want to talk to you about our events, what we're doing, in October, fine teeth of the comb side of the blade there now I'm gon na comb. It forward, lift it out customer to find a gray hair. So we just use the bottom without tipping the corner off cuz. She wants to keep that's the kind of steep angle ignore the to Steve because it was too stiff. It looks like she's falling down the mountain. Yes, you kind of got to get the balance. Get the right balance is the hardest part. Derrick says yes, sir. We do can't wait. Yes, what is your wife, so the tip of the blade trying to collapse too, how even more right the way through smelling it? Russians like onions, there's that famous for French onion soup. What'S the famous food of Russia potatoes, that's how you eat potatoes yeah. What'S your background? Japanese history, never like where's your parents from Colombia, so you like. She said it before them when she says with Colombia, your mom and dad about Colombia, yeah how'd they meet and what's the famous station come on? What'S an empanada looks like a pastor? Is it thanks? I like a little patient. It'S me trapped: okay, tipping through the back in the head, empanadas yeah, where you from I'm Dominican, freaking, Dominican, Peruvian my friend Steven Adams, is in Peru right now. Oh that's right! No, I did read that he's in Peru. Right now, it's Dennis is climbing mountains. Is that what they do there's their mountains in Peru, no Andes yeah as up the mountain range, so you changed if open, wide we're gon na teach you the food of the world just sipping through tipping through the edges right because there has so dense. So you, just if you go too deep with the tipping it ruins the shape, so you really want to just be in the final two inches or so. That means the final two inches, whether they're at the end of the hair, is so you'll notice that I'm going here. I go kind of right in the final two inches now product wise. You don't want to use, and then you use Winnie's quinoa. That'S it. Let'S get you set up, I'm gon na introduce everybody to my healing oil. Sometimes it's good to lift this hair, so you can see through look at the position of where I am I'm looking right. Through there, you got ta, get the judgment right and then notice. How we don't overly wet the hair down, because if you overly wet the hair down something I say all the time, what happens is if it's overly wet, you can't see the natural texture of their hair, can't see the personality brian says: loving the color. Far more support and education with L'Oreal pro up here, it just made sense for us. Thank you for inspiring us to change. Good and bloodline. Brandy, says hey good morning, Nick I'll, be seeing you in New Hampshire for Happy Mondays, its refresh wave in the middle. Take that away this is it great product, so heat protector, so bloated a speedy offer. It'S gon na help when you put the smoothing to the head, even though no let us help finally miss this. It'S also gon na achieve you like that salt guy salt. He takes us all right. Brandy asks how long was this models hair? Before? Did you take a lot of length off and he says I literally just received a retail order of a rajo products, unpacking it and watching Hugh, be creative, Randy Eldridge. All right, I'm gon na, send her over there to get blood tried, nice and straight. This is without this protocol. It'S covered in the bishop me coming in once in this brush. There'S a shipment coming in it's a great brush, wait for me! You go with Olivia and I'll bring over Maria nice randy says, he's from Haverhill Massachusetts, Massachusetts they're getting closer because the sound is gon na, be looking mushy alright! So now it's time for me to squeeze in and he says, I'm a girl, she's laughing good me too. It'S we never knew in this day and age, I'm just buying it, so they call it when you don't want to say which I think's a binary. Okay, look for the center the spine right here and that's gon na establish the center back, we're gon na cut it and you just below he's just arrived: six: seven Wow! It'S definitely off six, something I just came at me with snow on his head Chinese. How so that took me a minute hi guys, so let's show you how to prep a full line with a razor. That'S what we do right now. I know some kind of a place friendly kind of misty bandy thing again, but right now. This is the important lesson because we're gon na come right in here nice and top fingers top to bottom back of the blade and see it's a different piece of the blade moving all the way through. So you see the cleanness of the line very clean, I'm gon na get a little longer it's more for fun. She does have a little bit of wave in a head. That'S something to be aware of. On this side. We just use the front part of the head of the blade when you're starting your haircut. Take your sections smaller, take smaller sections. When you start your sections can get thicker as you go, but when you begin take smaller sections and look how skinny the section is I teach every week. So one of the things that I noticed more than anything is the sections are too thick when people start their cuts. So start your cut with a smaller section. Trust me, you can speed up as you kind of get in to the car, but if you don't start it off well, you're, never gon na get that foundation that you're looking for! That'S something that I really work towards. Stop my hair cut off really! Well, once I get the foundation line in in any haircut, that's my highest focal point of the haircut is at the beginning. Once we counted gets set on the road, then it gets a lot easier for me and I can be a little bit more fluid razor. Cutting just helps me with my feel, and my fluidity helps me to soften my work out. Brandy says: do you always just cut with hydro mist, or do you use anything else as Hydra baths? Nineteen. Ninety nine percent of the time hydro mist is my yak cutting lotion. It'S a great cutting lotion. I sell it as every setting spray. So if a client needs to kind of rework ahead, that's how I sell it to the client. I sell it as a detangler. A lightweight spray conditioner, but I use it from my entire company. What it does for me is number one. It gives the hair a little bit of shine. It gives the head a little bit of a coating, so the hair doesn't feel too staticky and then what it also does is. It introduces my fragrance if my products to my client and you know, I always think that the clients, like three things, they're looking for the problem to solve they're, looking to see how the fragrance is and then they're also looking to see. Finally, what the cost is, I like to call it prestige, but very accessible products range from $ 19 to $ 29 in price. So it's a good, mid, mid-range price point which doesn't scare you clients away and has been developed as a professional brand and I've had it for 10 years. So you can see how slimming the sanctions Act. It has the finish line. Yet you can see the teller just kind of jumps in so fine to keep it nice and tall. Okay, I open the blade is when I talk about the blade being open. I talked about it's the movement of the blade in the head. So when we talk about an open blades, what that means is I'm moving the blade up and down a lot and that's gon na remove when we'd use some of the thickness and some of the boat Brandi says my clients always comment. I'M not shiny, their hair is, and I own these, you do have beautiful products developed with seven different chemists all made in America. We work with the best of the best and the reason why we have so many different brands that we work with us in different chemists is because I like the variation and I try and get to the specialist who's special at making aerosols who's special at workforce, Whose specialty shampoos? And when you change the chemist, you always change the foundation of the formula, so it gives up my product line my product range. It gives me a lot of variation, so yeah, there's always something that someone can find to fall in love with that erosion. No, take the blade round. Little tipping still keep in the sections, nice and skinny you can see. This is very common. The curl texture, through the back a very common thing straight up to the top, the middle back. It'S not gon na be Carol. It'S gon na sue that a little we're, not gon na blog, that with the brush we're gon na kind of work. It we'll see what happens. The hygienist is a great product and I like to work from wet to dry as much as possible. So don't forget, you can see me this weekend in Nashville or probably in Charleston. We also have raised the fundamentals class coming up. I'M going to be teaching the class this weekend in Charleston he's interested or was your problems where you go? I'M teaching raise the fundamentals here in New York early. May I made a one top. I may go to one unit great education, also with the relaunch of our Osho Tribeca. We are looking for new employees if anyone's looking to build a career. I have a career change, then definitely connect to the Rocha. We'Ve got great opportunities for travel to build clientele. An abundance of your new business walking through the bill. We have high traffic locations, Tribeca, Soho and Brooklyn, so it's a great place for you to build and if you're interested in the change you enjoy my team. Yes, they reach out to careers of erosion, and I sing later on this year we have our special class. It'S in our vs. for boot camp. It'S our four week intensive an amazing program that you're interested it's a great finishing program. If you finishing school, then you wan na polish up your technique. It'S incredible a four week intensive the erosion Academy. You can't get me bedded into the erosion browns when you come to beat him it's very exciting. You can check out all the information on Arroyo. Nyc comm, we also have a thing called bite-sized boot camp. So if you want one of the weeks, you can just take a Bible, so you can take bite-sized boot camp or you can embed yourself for the full month of August and I can't think of a better thing to do, for your career spend the amount in New York this'll come to the cost, but think of the experience and think of the skill that you learn spending a full month in our Academy. This is a very open through the back of the head, and I'm just going to add to that blurriness. I kind of soft sketch and softness it has slightly back so the headaches you want me to watch your face and see how this lifted. Have you seen the next two days? Teaching and negating plants continue to progress in Tribeca for the first time yesterday like when the blade now you're interested in raising this is our signature, a rosy red razor you're interested. We do have a special discount code on the roadshow procom before the holidays, watching our discount code and the code is sunny because today, New York, it's nice and sunny. That'S an amazing that raises handcrafted. Wood raises: yes, have some amazing scissors, a new 6-inch when it comes to scissors? We want Japanese steel and we also want them to be handcrafted in the home Brandi ices. Her had at an angle the entire time of bat cutting yeah, because what happens is Randy and dipping the head in so I can get a very flat smooth surface and the heads up like this, it's hard to get the tension, so it changes down and it Was tightens up and it gives me a better chance. It'S like a smooth straight line, see that's a smooth straight line notice, also how my fingers are resting right here on the spine, because I want to keep myself nice and steady so my tremor, it's an eighty-year-old disease that I Brian wants to know when New Hampshire Happy Mondays is June. Let me do this talk away. Talk about what my tremors are. You hurried on the exciting before, in the back, puts in nice and clean symmetry kinda simple little Raisa visible when you get good skills with the razor I'm glad I got that discipline. The discipline may need a better scissor cutter that easy to put Carnales. We ever seen cut had not we focused on the energy minute. Yeah that's been, should be put in there, but making sure not to gouge our coats image space and features very fluid. Maria has a lot of hair also to ahead synthetic pad today, textures fine, the guy, so don't forget, sweet soft launch, we're opening the location next Wednesday for the first day of businesses, 2018. Be nice we'll send the team back to Tribeca who's left today is gon na have a consequence tomorrow so make the decisions wisely with your career, I think what's been tend to happen recently, honest. They don't tell you how they feel working in the place of unit. Yet the brand, I really should go the relationship, everybody's gon na come and go, and my advice to young people today is: if you don't really sell water, don't expect so much if you want it. If you want to be, if you want to have this in the carnival career, I always think about your obligation, we're in the reputation business the reputation. Unfortunately, there's no shortcuts to success takes time. Mr. Justin Timberlake nice. Now this side we're gon na go longer and then we're gon na do something here feel good right. Bryan says I'm never going anywhere Roger for life. We have a saturated which is gon na get you wet. Remember we take our sections all the way from the back, stronger plastic device. Pack ones are really nice for a dry, cutting a little bit more slender bit more gentle for wet cutting of the thick care. This has a better. Let'S drop it a little longer on this side, while into the blade I'm going to spin around for a second right here, a little visually check. You have to have a visual check, you're doing good Olivia how's, your friend, okay, fine, teeth of the comb. Nice open stroke follow as you get to the top of the head. Is gon na get fun it everybody satisfying on the top. So now you can kind of start to take. Thicker sections you'll still be able to see and follow your guide. We have a new class, a new class starting on, May the 6th new Cosmo class - that's gon na be in our Soho school and then we have a new class starting early April early June and that's right, Becca school. So hairdressing is a brilliant career. If you maximize your potential yeah and it's a it's, an ever changing career, I've been hairdressing for 38 years, so it's been one hell of a journey and it's changed yeah. I think the age of social media has had a massive impact on the hair business because of the connectivity of hairdressers and hairdressers are really the great connectors. Because we deal with the general public - and I think that what I have is the view social media to showcase their skill, which is enabled hair color to get a lot of attention online and really, to be honest with you. I think this kind of the handcuffed. So one of the things that you're gon na hear me really talk about a lot is the Taliban, the quality of great haircutting and the premium pricing of great haircutting yeah. So I do think that's something that is very prominent in my world Donna ass. I missed the back being cut just want to know, since she wanted one side longer that it affect the way you cut the back. No, you keep the back symmetrical. The reason you keep the back symmetric coming from behind it doesn't go up sided, so it has a more consistent finish. So you see you can keep the back more symmetrical good, don't forget! Let me introduce some kind of something here for fun. It'S gon na be wild notice. How come this out all the way back, I'm elevating to you're looking for the guide, so as I grab it, I feel it now that I can feel they had disappeared, super open stroke over their chin. The hair back will mean that there's getting longer towards the final section in touchy clan, get clients note if you're gon na move the head around the kind of firm but soft. You know you want to kind of you. Can it's amazing the power of touch you can kind of lucky clients, you know, sometimes your clients that move a lot, not that Maria does. She doesn't have the tremors like someone you talking about Melissa, alright, then what happens? We take that out, especially like the sound of introduce something along here like this and keep that length. Let'S do that, I'm gon na need the mirror. Is you need the space you need like the distance, because when you look from her from here, you get eight feet or 10 feet because you've got the distance between you and the reflection in the mirror. Now there were spaces, because you know we so close. Sometimes your to look closer to detail so now you have to take it on both sides. Take a little on this side. Then you take a little on that side and the map out feel the head shape. You can see. She'S got a little wave here, so I'm actually gon na cut it like this cut it so that it kind of goes longer. Both sides keep moisture in the hair. I'M gon na split it on the part start right here. I'M gon na kind of approach it in a bit more of a softer loose away. So it's like the intention. It'S the intention, that's what I'm kind of focusing on you know. When you are cutting hair, you do have to kind of kickstart the imagination. It'S a creative process. It'S not like you know like building a wall, one brick on top, that's more cracked of, like you know, kind of structure. This is more sculpture, small, like sketchy, so you approach it in that kind of a way. Now this is the flat of the blade, nice and soft there you go, find skip skinny sections. Oh my hair. Over there hair still a little bit. Moist doesn't look too wet. I don't want it to look wet. I want it to look. This is the perfect dampness, because I tell you what I need to see how it's behaving now. If he drives off just a little, it's getting warm in here because we're all glass and he doesn't put the air on yes, so you'll notice it's hard to see the guide here as it's so soft, but I I just want to kind of keep that softness. It'S less defined keys, my dad Keith Wow now the ceilings in here and about I think about 24. Only it's about 20 foot. Is it more than 20 feet? It'S close, isn't it maybe 24 think you might be right? You know that yes, you're closer to it. Like that's 28, so Keith location here, it's not team lead run in the salon, Wow all right, so you can see nice. I can't with the white teeth of the comb. Yeah come up with the white see. So I like the live a little now. It'S time for me to put a little bit of texture is nice thing about this? Is it doesn't wet the hair too much more moisture so when the blade goes in just glides away? So remember it's a little free farm. It'S a little sculptural! It'S a little sketch like and once you get that feel when you're not busy what your their dresses work, if you're in the salon, which other hairdressers work, that's one of the great things about working together. I think the hair business just designed to work together. I don't think we're really designed to work, so I know people like because of its flexibility to make money and to be solo, but I think good addressing was meant to be kind of. You know you learn from each other and you stay inspired because you work together. I like the way that's coming out like the way that's coming. I just connected it. Just very loosely now. Look in here one bangy bit right here that one bang you bit right there, I'm not gon na connect it in and we'll do something different just for it again when you're in the salon experiment a little not too weird. What I'm gon na do is instead of clinics in it here, which ones take that con right. I'M gon na take a bit shorter in here little shorter than here. So then that piece of love a bit more space to move in so sound, okay, sure yeah. I trusted the airs on now: oh good, yeah good. What happened to my sandwich board piece broke: the wind okay, so those in the goons windy on water. You have to fix it I'll send in the cavalry. I use the back of the blade here, keep the blade away from the face yet so I keep the blade away from the face use the back of the blade who's coming in now. Ah Lucy's coming in ID Lucy Lucy coming, she had some love. Look at those glasses American Way may 19. What did you get chicken and rice is very so you see just that shot then, Oh, what's this look and see yeah, this kind of goes into the space. Keep it out of the way, keep that out of the way yeah and just become this forward, we're not using our mirror because we're showing you, but you know it's kind of like the mirrors, you a really great tool, I'm just gon na work, all the way Up keeping it a little bit looser now, oh hello, Emily! How are you excellent first appointment today is 12 o'clock 12 o'clock right? Yes, so then, but the counts packed right there, oh goody, so we can go together once I've finished it. I think she's just getting the front cut trim there. You go look at this, see that that's really a lot of advanced razor work there you kind of understand what the hair will bear. So what I mean by all that hair berries like determining how much you can push them the razor through the hair that had become in like 2 to 2 busted, and now I'm gon na do just a little bit of channel it's a little bit of channeling To keep some of the wave on the top, but still put some space in there Nagar channel channel channel channel working through I'm gon na put the razor down. I'M gon na put the hydro mist down right now. I want to kind of get this hair to dry up a little bit and I'm going to lift it. Five teens become Elizabeth, asked. What'S the difference between channeling and tipping remove hair consistently when you channel only chunky pieces in space, so tipping is more uniform and channeling with this is a different has a different thing. The challenges like making a big space tipping is like making a very confused like a fade love. Both blend of the protectors need different things, different section. Definitely, let's put the cake back on onion. Wait! Sorry, I'm sorry! So you see, even if she just took sit behind it, gives her a little bit more of a defined asymmetry. Yes, so when it's down it's, not it's still offset, but not so so strong when that goes behind you get a little bit more of that, and this is gon na shrink up a little bit product-wise. What do you think we should use it? Oh, maybe something to add a little moist. This is definite the crematorium over the treatment get it it'll, give it the moisture, but it's nice and lightweight. So I wait a minute city centre, bovania and Sue says good morning. I'Ve been waiting for you and Ian says good morning, oh, he says to my twisted millon posse from the UK. I'Ve just arrived back from Palma, we'll do catch up later, so Tribeca salon is looking pretty cool. You better tell LA to get it started. Those blues gives me the blues, so you know what sometimes you can take strikes just like this just collapse. It'S a nice way when you do this, you kind of cut the ends. When you do this and I'm moving the scissor, you do that just breaks it up. This is a beautiful scissor. By the way comes in two sizes, it's the 5 inch and the 6 inch it's the B map it's available on a rosio, procom and sue says. I love that discounted long piece in front Wow yep discounted. Are you married yeah? How many married is abortion? Is he American yeah? Are you a Russian bride which is Russian she's gon na be a bride how'd? You meet him Christmas party. What is he doing? I would for LinkedIn, nice kids, you have a kid one and a half. What'S his name. What'S his last name Robert? What Oh? What is plenty money, expensive, kids, what about you, kids and we're gon na and then we'll just diffuse the rest. You know special. Just it's good to do the scissors too. Do you think you like it yeah we hit the spot, all right got the products, and then you can do a little dry, though okay. So then, these two we've missed cream with we'll just do a little little cream whip, not a lot. It'S gon na lock the head together, sir conditioning whip, place it in there they're. So just how to have it's not step. It'S super soft, just a little bit of moisture. You can see straight away a texture, then this stuff here is magic. This is our wait, mist brilliant product like a beachy waves, brave and then what we're gon na do as well as nice. Yeah when do is pass me that maybe should drivers from myself, so I'm going to use our magic brush, publish that out and see just get a little bit more polish. What'S that Rent the Runway, Macy's rent in the runway, I'm jealous unwell, jealous the rain. It all happens here in Billy Boat, the renting of the runway, so just gon na defuse this just a little just tossing it out little yeah, I'm just gon na lock it in just at the anything and then we'll just add a little bit of refinish Texas. Better just to bulk it up a little. The refinish is a great comment for having a little bit more. Sometimes, when the hair is too clean, it's not as nice, it's better when it's a little bit, you know kind of lifted and she's got kind of like that split personality yeah, like kind of smooth on the top and a bit twisted on the underneath. Did you see flecks one all right scissor, you don't forget it we're! Still watching morning 5300 Amazon, Charleston interesting fellow linked up in Raleigh North Carolina. We'Ve got some amazing guests on the stage Ashley special guests business magazine Melanie in Chicago a lot of stuff going. Come hang out with us, but our new location, our newly renovated location. Is it a man, the first massage I ever had? Oh there you go Vince who says amazing Donna says thanks, always the best way to start a Thursday. I should do that. Try it finger; this is how we do it. This is what happens. Sound effects to the time sounds like a lamb, the lamb sure what is mullet that weird yeah this thing puzzle most of his muscle like it with the muzzle that's how he likes it. Oh yeah, there's all sorts of junk on it, there's no meaning at all. I don't know what you're talking about very whatever goes on put on your arm put on your leg, sir, the generation before any testing you've all around there. No, what about manners a mere five hey? Now, it's a to shoot! Oh No! Yeah! There was an ink shortage in mind in 2020. That is my tattoo, the longest tattoo, when it's messy. It'S easy to do when you wanted me. So the nice thing about this dry conditioner. This is great for calming the head in. So if you want to kind of get just tell us to count it down, we're going to use, how do you mix cocoa hello? Ladies Nikki says nothing. Nothing cuts our amazing super transformations are both. Cuts. Are amazing, Nikki York, her picture. It'S like really orange yeah, her hair on the picture raise okay, ladies to the right wall, come on. You know that you did it before yeah before we say goodbye thanks for tuning. In I just want to show you, Robert Rebecca's, what is that? What is it? It'S? A typewriter, it's a crow and a fan of flour and a jellyfish jellyfish come over here. Believe you and say goodbye all right. There'S our beautiful girls! That'S Maria! Oh! Look! A ballerina and that's how nurse our sexy nurse with her do they get a little a little, but that is oh yeah she's got it. She did good whoa. We better go now before he gets frisky, say goodbye. Keith all right now to turn this off we'll see this weekend and wherever we're gon na be

PeaceWithDefenseOnly: Arrojo's razor-cut techniques give so much texture. I love the results. Only if you'd deliver anything better than the 80s level 240p...

HeadHome: Great work. Please upload more from Arrojo Live I love his videos

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