Perfect Layered Bob Haircut | How To Cut Layers, Cutting Techniques

Perfect Layered bob haircut, Trendy Layered Bob Hairstyles For 2021

How to cut layers, Cutting techniques

*Giving is hold forever*

Show me the picarooni again cute, so lots and lots of layers and we'll kind of sit it yeah we'll keep it round about about here like that here would be nice yeah. So what we're going to do is we're going to approach the layers first, we'll layer it internally see where that hair wants to separate right about here. I'M going to put the length in last i'm going to put the laser in first. So i'm just going to section the hair out place your clips in her eyes, wow great for her can't wait for the fringe and there's a link to the new dryer thanks to rojo cosmo. Let'S elevate this hair up and let's uh point cutting make sure that even today we got ta always wear our masks. Our goggles, our uh visor and the wraparound goggles are easier than the visor to see but make sure they kind of wrap all the way around. Your face, you do not want to allow yourself to be exposed, not months and you're, available to see it in the press more and more talk about the virus. Yesterday, restaurants officially can do 25 capacity indoors. So you want to make this quite deep. She doesn't have super dense hair, so you want to make it quite deep. You can drop your elbow once: you've combed the hair, nice and tight fine teeth of the comb. You can drop your elbow for comfort and just point in you want to. You want to point in at the same angle that the hair comes out right now, we're cutting from the the ends in. We call this point cutting we're going to do more texturizing as we get through the cut, but this is good for reducing length and trying to keep some consistency. Also, you know that, because we've done it dry, you save a lot of time from the shampoo and the wash and she's already dried, so you're working, really visually right to the end. You'Ve got to have technique and then you're going to be visual. Now, let's spin around to the front, i'm going to pie the sections around so they're going to be shorter around the crown area longer to the face. You know, there's a few ways to do the haircut. It'S always good to have a couple of options. Every haircut that we do comes from the foundation of classic scissor cutting that's the foundation. Once you have your foundation, then you can start to explore. Don'T worry! If you get a little static in the hair, no biggie, we got plenty of great products to fix it. Up. Last weekend we had our first american wave digital class, so that was a virtual class with hands-on in your own home or your own salon. So we've got a setup right here now in brooklyn, minimum four cameras and uh we're getting good with the edit. I think you're gon na see our education evolve and change, but we're not into recording education. Although we will record things we're really into doing live education, yeah on the fly and we're into doing live hands-on with you in the comfort of your own salon or home, even in england anywhere in the world, we're going to be able to beam our education out And we're going to be able to do hands-on anywhere in the world and be able to watch it and guide you. So that's something that we're pioneering class is november 8th and we have a creative head for our product brand. Mr stephen adams he's going to be coming in to uh, to help and to learn to be a part of it, as we really start to focus on a rocho product. Now the salons are up and running, the schools are up. We can focus on erosio product and start to build even more momentum with our product brand cute she's got pretty eyes yeah. Thank you. Do you wear glasses? I do they look good, but they don't work. So well, how long have you worn glasses? Since i was like 13? Probably right, you know they don't work as well as they should. Oh dear, that's, okay, that's okay! As long as you're, only making black coffee yeah. As long as i can see the black off. That'S right so right now we just changed the the way in which i'm cutting point cutting from the inside out. Okay, once you've got the length, then you point up from the inside out start to see what we got: it's nice to cut one side. First, i've not done any perimeter work yet, but we're kind of getting that feel of the texture and the the looseness we're going to cut this shorter. But now, let's do this side. First then we'll do the lens so map out your approach. Whenever you're cutting you got to map out your approach, know what i mean by mapping out your approach. Is you have your game plan of how you're going to approach the cut and stay with your game plan? Don'T second-guess yourself halfway through you'll end up running into trouble, the more experience you got the better it is, but you know when you don't have that much experience. Stick to your game plan stay in the pocket so again we're just pining around chopping in quite deeply into this hair. It'S all kind of damaged and smashed, you know and every between every cut. I look in the mirror because this is more visual and i certainly i'm hairy you're making me hairy it's more visual in the sense that you know you're seeing the hair dry. So when you see the hair dry, you can see exactly what it's going to do to be just zoning in right now she has natural curl to her hair. So we went straight in with the healing oil and uh. We used a pressing iron and then uh made the hair smooth. The heel knob was to protect and add a little bit of moisture a little bit of sheen and then uh. We blow-dried it cool to cool it all down and we're literally pine around the head. So we did kind of a quad. We did a quad section, uh ear to ear across the top. We cut the back and now we're starting to work. We cut one side and now we're starting to work on the opposite side. We'Re going to slowly start to rotate around towards the face, shake it out and have a look section. Bring this all the way up, deep, pointing into the hair she's got fine. Hair she's got plenty of it. It'S fine! I like the color. She had this color that panico solana in new jersey, who's, your colorist, melanie big, shout out for big mel. Is she big, no she's big with the color big? Now? How long has melanie been doing your hair color? I guess for like four years nice good job shake that hair out there you go come through elevate, the hair, all the way up chop into it. The point look at the angle of the scissor go straight in same way. The hair goes out and soon i'm going to fan it out and then i'm going to texturize on the inside. You can see right here as we chop into this hey. If you rotate your fingers a little, you can just spread the head out, spread the hair out a little bit more spreads the hair out the deep cutting not cutting across the hair, rather cutting down the hair. The more you elevate, the softer it is, the more you pull it down. It'S looking a little longer on this side, so we're going to come through here. You can just have a look and say a little longer on this side over directed a little too much again, when you're doing this kind of work. As long as you're grounded with strong technique, you cannot only get the shape great uh. You can keep. It said that the heck that's gon na last, so you want the balance, but you know you're not chase. It'S not like trying to do like this perfect one length, bob the hair's going to move, and it's going to have a feel so you're going to kind of work with that. So, even though there's a little bit more length over here, i'm not going to worry about that just yet. What i'm going to worry about now is the length, but what we'll do before that is we'll just take away all the blonde ambition clean it up. A little and now let's go in and do the outline i'll spin around so she can't see. Did i blow all that hair into your bag? No you're? Okay, almost i almost made it made it juicy. No problem clean sections straight across wide teeth of the comb. Keep everything nice and clean neat come all the way down. I'M going to comb, i'm going to rotate my fingers, so i'm not cutting this way. If you cut this way, what happens is you're lifting because this blade that moves in the thumb lifts? So if you rotate more control - and i can rest the scissor on this finger more control - you know i don't leave it too long. It'S gon na be another 12 months for she gets it cut again will be once you go back down to quarantine. What'S your governor called yeah? What'S his name, do you know no 22, she doesn't know she's uh. She doesn't care. Oh there you go so you're, saying people in fashion. Don'T care don't like not no, don't know my when i went to work for my first job at vidal sassoon, they made me. They asked us questions about the news because yeah more like i want to go to fashion school. I said yeah, but you need to know what's going on in the world young man. Is it murphy? I think so. I'M trying to move back to jersey. Oh here, come the excuses here come the reasons i know. There'S no excuse for me. She just moved. Where was you living in new york yeah? I was on the upper west side how'd you like that. I liked it. It was by colombia why'd you move back because school finished yeah school finished, no income, no money, it's no good. Is it? How am i saving savings? Where'D, you get your savings from from wow, that's good. Do you have savings kit? Yes, good everyone's got savings. I like that save save, save, save, save save. Now. I'M gon na point cut into this scoop it out good morning, toronto. Toronto. That'S how they say it, kate, you don't say: toronto, it's toronto, you're, american, colonel! Isn'T that you're not surprised you don't pronounce your tease. Do you? I guess not! Every day balayage, oh, you did properly yeah. What yesterday yesterday, nice joanne haasen says you're the best mix stay fab. Oh thank you is a british such a british word. I'Ve noticed fab, i'm just gon na say: stay fat. It'S like yeah quarantine, time baby, so i'm not need to kind of calm this down. I just want to calm this out and just point that it's getting a little longer towards the edges. You can see that that's, okay, it's okay! For it to have a little drop out. Do this side, lift this hat up! Point cut in! Take the underneath see all of that take all of that away elevate it up. We have happy mondays in soho yeah, that's coming up on monday monday night. If you want to come, we're going to have uh socially distanced, happy mondays and there's a great place across the street. It'S an outdoor bar and that's where we're going to go after. So if you want to feel a little bit of normalcy in your life and you want to come and uh, you know, spend some time with us monday night, happy mondays complimentary, if you're an ambassador, if you're, not ambassador, it's 25 and you'll get to see me And uh i'll have a guest with me. We'Ll do a couple of haircuts each some styling 5, 5, 30 monday in soho and um and seven. It finishes at 7, 15. 7. 30.. The last time we did it, kate got drunk. I remember rightly somebody spotted a drink. Who was that i did spill a drink? Did you smell a drink? I think it was just water though yeah. Yes, why waste alcohol don't blame it on the? Ah, oh god, it was a nice place, though i like that spot, they brought us a sort. Nice and american waves are all there from american wave last week. Can you see it show everybody? Can you see here's our stage, there's our monsters, our heads, there's. All of our american waves, if you sign up for the class you get a nice box shipped to your home with a mannequin head, three different types of rollers, a mannequin stand two different american ways. You said the p word, we don't say the p word anymore. Unless we, unless we're going for a ep, how are we doing so far so good, yes yeah? So i, like our american wave class, hands-on class certification, is literally uh. It'S a fun class. Sorry, let's do some perimeter work now. So now, let's just take this section here, how you doing love you good yeah. What time is it? What time is it good, you're really awesome? So, let's and let's work on the exterior all right, so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to pinch. It i'm going to pinch it and i'm going to cut with a scissor moving. So i'm not scraping i'm just moving my blade to create a little bit more chaos and face frame and some more action around the face. But by not we're not going to cut any bang in there, yeah we're going to kind of. If you scoop it out, you get a bit more space for that to fall next section once you've done the first section, the rest is easier. So, let's lift it! In fact, you know what i'm gon na do so i'm gon na lift it this way, because i've already got the underneath done. Push it away, and now here, just gon na take a little bit more out. It'S fun to cut dry hair because you know you'd spend most of your day cutting wet. So then just cut dry kind of gives you a little bit more of a change, and this always happens that it all just especially fine hair. So now you've got to start zoning in on the finish, because we're coming around the final corner and that's how you have to think when you're in the salon, you got to think it's. You know it's a marathon, it's not a sprint you're working all day, but you got to spend the time on the magic stuff. Magic stuff happens at the end when it all starts to come together, and you know if i would have done this with a razor which i could have done and cut it wet, then i would have had to style it. So now i've got the pleasure of looking at the hair in a dry state. Let'S do this side now. Remember this side with nose a little longer, but that's okay, and what we'll do is we'll have a spin to me. Yeah, we'll just calm that down and let's come from inside here so notice my thumb's always moving. I like your pink mask. Thank you! So pretty it's a really nice shade. It'S a nice shade! Isn'T it she didn't want to be like the diaper. Like me, like me, and you diaper blue, pretty pink she's cooler than that because she went to f.i.t, but she has no idea who the king of new jersey is the king, the king. I think it's murphy bruce springsteen, oh, is it bruce springsteen yeah yeah? Is he still going? Oh yeah, yeah, okay, yeah yep? Let'S lift this out, just have a look find teeth and you come from the inside like this. It gives it a little bit more of a razory type feel see. If i pinch to the side, you can see where we're at fine little motion getting that texture in there again the scissors are moving, so i'm cutting as i move the flick of the wrist and then you'll. Take the little you'll take the loose ends and just clean up the edges, and then you can fan it out and soften it out. Looking at the texture, try not to hit your knuckle. It'Ll hurt right here, same gig, pint cup, keep it quite free. Next section. Come the hair right up, it's point, cut in point cut in october. What'S that october 1st? This is crazy. It is october, 1st, octoberfest or october 1st. Do you know what you're going to be for halloween yeah? Do you know what you're going to be um? Probably just in my home in my home she's going to dress up as a home, you don't like halloween, americans, love halloween. Are you american yeah? Are you sure i don't know? What are you going to be kate? I'M gon na be uma thurman from kill bill. Oh huh, it's that's a it's a bug standard, one that isn't it because i found a yellow jumpsuit that fits like a glove. Stripe fits like a glove. It'S got 10 fingers. It found me at beacon's closet for 15 dollars, but what beacon's closet? It'S like? A consignment, but i'm gon na, have to get my hair pinned straight pour blood all over myself. I can't wait nice. Are they even doing the parade? I don't think they're even doing the parade yeah. I think i just want to dress up our fun's been cancelled. Yeah until further notice, our phone's being cancelled and what we're going to do is just going to tax you more yeah me yeah, i'm going to be a potato. You know what make that two potatoes sorry make that two potatoes you're going to be a potato too. We'Re going to be we're going to be two potatoes. Yeah twins now twins they're going to be uh potatoes too it's be. Would you like it's gon na, be a spooky party all over you yeah get some incredible they used to. I used to potato. I think i'll be a baked potato. We have to wake and bake. I did want to be a bucket of chicken from kfc yeah yeah and they have these crocs that have you guys seen the chicken cracks? Oh, my god, look it up. You want it to be a bucket of chicken yeah nice. They have chicken charm, seriously, look up platform, kfc props, look up bucket of chicken mashed potatoes ian graham said: he'd be good yeah. What would that look like, though? A bucket of chicken we're going to be baked potatoes. Would you like? Are we feeling good yeah? I love it. So really you just got to learn how when to stop. You know, that's the key. We just got to keep looking for this for the for the texture and look how deep the scissors going. You want to have some consistency. So, when you're looking across it, you want to see some consistency. It shouldn't just be like uh too choppy. It'S got to have some fluidity to it. Piece is just coming out right here bucket of chicken. I'Ve got my barbecue sauce in the back of my car. Is that your dipping sauce of choice, yeah nico, loves it nika loves his barbecue. He didn't like honey mustard. He liked he likes what he likes. So if you're just zoning in don't forget this weekend, i have a class, it's a classic cutting class. It'S a three-day class 400 a day. You can sign up for one two or three days: three different cuts each day. It'S all on my website, so you can find out if you're interested in just a one day pick up we'll accommodate you sunday, monday tuesday, then, on tuesday night we have nick at nine. I got some really brilliant guests for my nick at nine, which is really a conversation on instagram, so insta live chattaroo and we have uh anthony civitano he's the president of america's cosmetology association acts, it's uh association that really helps and supports the cosmetology. You know cosmetology schools across america he's the president going to ask him some great questions. Then we're gon na go to the robert passage from pivot point one of the leading providers of education globally, famous company pivot point and then after pivot point we're going to go to a lady. Who is one of my dear friends, dorothy cirosis, and i think i said the last name right and dorothy, we'll just call her dutty, because that's how i like to call her dottie she's been in the hair business. I first met daddy she's, very involved in compliance. Uh and she's uh she's, now part of the knackers meditation team for compliance. That'S some good questions for her, because i don't know you know much about the school business guys. But i'll tell you it's a racket, it's a racket and it's a racket in a way where the bureaucracy is intense good morning cat. Do you have a picture of um? Do you have a picture of your haircut for uh carson when you get set come and show us? I want to show everybody because somebody was talking about today. They said it was great and you did a zoom interview. Recently people were saying that was a very inspiring viewing with uh chris yeah. There'S there's another one coming out that you think you might like too. I did a couple. Somehow someway people are checking in and there did you promote the other one that i did. Yes. 27 talks yeah, but there's another one coming out with anthony whittaker that i did last week too. Okay, this should be a lot of fun, so keep an eye on it, i'll promote them. As long as you follow my feed i'll promote, but thanks guys, i don't tell the same stories twice. I make it up as i go. If i'm doing back-to-back interviews or close to each other, i try and give different information textured thursday edition yeah. Oh there. It is there's one of our stylists yeah. That'S that so, what's her name show me the before show me the before wow yeah show me again a baby skillet wow cat where'd, and you were how long you been doing haircut uh just about two and a half years. I'Ve not seen you since sunday. How did you i enjoy it yeah, so cat was with us on our american wave certification. I did what you're laughing what yeah by adidas johnson, oh yeah, urban, i'm really jealous. Thank you. I love adidas when they collab and how much are your haircuts cat people want to come down to brooklyn and get a haircut with you? 91. come get a baby skillet almost done oops we've all mastered quick cover it up. She'S got it she's going to get it. Oh [, __ ], oh no covered it up. We can breathe. I could just see the virus in the air. It was kind of just came through the door. Oh quick, get it on quick, you're gon na die. Don'T quit you're gon na exposed? You know what marco was doing that before the coronavirus. He would go up to the tv when he saw somebody he'd point up the nose and go exposed. I was like what are you doing? He was like ahead of the curve. Exposing everyone's eye, so she doesn't have a snaggletooth on a hair lip. We now know there's no goatee under there. I don't know about that. I think i saw some fur. I think i saw some for she's a man baby she's, a man baby she's, a shimmery shim. Let'S stop shake it out, a little i'm going to start and put some products in it. But what we'll do before we do that? Let'S see if she's got a body under there, oh yeah she's there so try to get rid of all the bits before exposure. So now we're going to use my refinish, which is my texture spray, which is awesome. It'S going gon na kind of bulk up and dry out the roots a little. So the nice thing about refinish is uh. It'S gon na take away any it's a dry, shampoo and a texture spray. So she's not washed it for two days, so she's a little juicy darling, just pull some straight at the root, so this will just bulk. It up come through and place it all inside, it's a very light product, but it gives it it's non-powdery and it creates like a great bit of grit. You'Ll see what happens. Also creates a little grip come through here, you're interested in a rojo product. You know you want to get connected to an independent brand like mine, then you just contact uh contact me. Send me a send me a direct message and we'll be in touch rojo haircare sold in about 400 salons across america independent as well. If you want, if you're an independent, which is very popular these days, get connected to us erosion, education, we give educational bonuses. When you become an ambassador, you see what this product can do. It just gives it. This is a great product to have on set if you're a session stylist see how about so. It changes the hair get right into the route it's going to bulk. It up, see how it just is great for just changing it's, not a hairspray. It'S a texture! Spray, so this will easily fall right down. Let'S get a bit of uh you can hold. My can baby now, we'll bust it up a little bit more and where you gon na go today, kate, you're gon na go on to the roof. It'S a sunny sunny day in the in crookland. Did we make you happy? We made you hairy, that's good yeah, so it changed it. Have you used it before? I know yeah. It'S really good. It'S like for good for day, two and day three just thickens out. We never say thin, we say fine, it's lovely fine here, so guys, don't forget. Erosiopro.Com is for all of our classes. Our education we've got a class this weekend pretty much every weekend for the next month we have class i'll be in buffalo on the uh. On the 11th, i believe, which is next weekend for a sunday class and uh i'll - be teaching classic scissor cutting. I have a fun time too, with with my guests, small, socially distanced, class and uh we'd love to see you razor advanced here later in the month. American wave early uh early november, our certification at home, you want to get certified in a new pr in a new uh technique. American wave, it's our texture service and i think, what's your name again, sweetheart yeah nah. I think we did nah. Is it shot for natalie yeah? You don't like the word natalie is that when you're in trouble natalie natalie come here? What have you done nicely? You left your dishes in the sink it did did it you see how i did it all right, thanks for watching elbow thanks. A lot see you later guys, thanks for tuning in take some pictures.

Haley Sperbeck: I absolutely love this Haircut, I feel like it's just a classic style that won't ever look outdated ❤

Wendy: He said she's going to get it lol I love this guy really he's funny love your style and this cut thanks

Amy Barthwick: I can follow legit everything but I can't do me own head. Man

Hakan Gonzaga:

Origami and Cats: I like this haircut. On me a little less razor.

Diane Thompson: You are a master cutter, but I hate it when hairstylists talk to other stylists when the have a client in their chair! I’m a retired stylist and I always thought talking to your co workers seemed rude!

Wendy: I want this cut I need this cut love this cut I need you in North Carolina please

Becky Smith: What is the name of the product line again?

Kimberley Dawn: Her hair looks dry AF.

Wendy: Yes love this hair cut anyone in North Carolina to do this cut charlotte nc area but I'm in lake norman not far at all 20 min drive from charlotte nc

Bonnie Rogers: What salon is this please

susan baldino: Hackjob

Paradise P: eppppppp.....

Lorraine Hartigan: What a mess

Becky Smith: BSmith

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