Y&Y Extra: How I Decide How To Spin A Braid Of Fibre

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#knittingpodcast #spinningpodcast

Hi welcome to the yarn yarn youtube channel. My name is Angela and all the places you can find me should be linked in the description box below this video, I'm most active over on Instagram, where you'll find me, as both rainbow and and yarn yarns. Welcome to a yawn, yawns extra video today, I'm about to start a new spin project on my wheel and I've been asked a few times how I decide how I'm going to spin a braid of fiber, but this might be a good opportunity to chat a little Bit about that, if you've followed along with me for a while you'll know that spinning for me just about the enjoyment of the process itself, I don't tend to spend for specific projects. I'M not really a technical spinner and I don't tend to spend a lot of time sampling or aiming for a particular type of yarn, and I just choose my fiber and spin and see what it becomes really. Generally, I'm spinning a small amount of fiber each time. So usually, a quantity of 100 grams or so, and even for the projects that I've knit in my hand, spun yarn. I'Ve chosen the projects after I've spun the yarn so um. You might remember a little while ago. I did a little series of videos about my combo spin. I wanted to spin for a sweater and but I spun all of that yarn and then picked a pattern according to the weight and the amount of yarn, but I'd ended up with rather than the other way around. So, yes, I tend to be quite fast and loose with my spinning, I suppose, and just go with whatever makes me happy in terms of my fiber choice or the color choice. I'M spinning - and I almost slept the fiber - tell me what it wants to be and then just go go for it that may change over time, particularly now. I am getting a little bit more excited about working with raw fleece and trying to produce um yarn from starts to finish. I may try it and get a little bit more savvy about my spinning and perhaps something a little bit. If I've got a larger quantity of fiber to play with, then perhaps my focus will start to change. Those are release of thoughts for perhaps future projects and future videos, but now we're going to concentrate on the next fibre. That'S going on my wheel and I ordered some gorgeous fiber from attic spin die, try and get it. So the label is in focus and I ordered from them 100 grams of superwash Cordell and nylon. So it's a 90 % koridai or 10 percent nylon mix, and I thought I'd have a go at spinning for some socks and this color is called tropical sunset. I'M not yet unwrapped the fiber from the band and say I'm going to do that now and have a think about how I want to spin. This up have previously spun a braid of fiber for socks, but I haven't actually knit those socks yet. So I should probably get on and do that because there's a lot to be learnt from knitting with your own hand, spun yarn, but as soon as this color arrived, I knew I wanted to get it on the wheel. So I'm just gon na go for it and I think I want to you 3, ply the arm to try it and make it as even as possible and as strong as possible for socks. I want to try and spin it with reasonably high twist. I'M gon na have to try and spin quite finely so the spin might take me a good amount of time. Let'S unwrap it and see what it looks like when it's all open and we'll go from there: okay, oh so it's actually 250 brand braids, which is really nice. That will make it very easy to spin as a two-ply. But, of course that's not what I want to do if I am all good like that, so I've undone, my fiber and it's this glorious progression of purple into sunshine, yellow into this orange and then a slightly deeper yellow for two yellows. Definitely a bit different. If I hold them together, you can see this. One is a bit darker have plenty of options to choose from when it comes to this fibre, I could spin across the top and follow the progression of the fibre down spin through all of the purple. Then all of the yellow etc spin to several different bobbins and ply from the same parts of the fibre. Then I should get a yarn that follows this color progression. These are quite big sections of fiber and I'm planning on trying to spin my yarn quite finely so, as you can imagine, as I pull this out, this section of purple is going to hopefully create quite a lot of yarn for my socks. I probably won't spin across the top, because I've been hitting in a fairly small circumference and I probably end up with color-blocked socks rather than a sort of narrow stripe, and I probably end up with two socks that looked quite different. If you think about half of this fiber, I say if I kept to the color progression, I probably end up with one sock that was purple in yellow and the other, which was yellow and orange, which is absolutely why anything that would be really fun and I Think they definitely looked like they were still a pair, but I don't think that's really what I want to do. I could go for a striping effect, so it could split this down further into use of smaller strips of purple fiber and do the same with the other colors, and then I could spin them in an order. So I could do a little bit of purple a little bit of yellow orange, yellow and then go back, do a little bit of purple, etc, etc and make narrower sections of the on in these colors, which would take a self-striping. As long as I applied the same colors together file, option, which i think is probably the option that I'm going to go with or BT split, the fiber down vertically and spin a fractal, so I think I've spoken about fractal spinning before and basically you split your Fiber down, in my case, I'd split it down into three and then once I've got my thirds of fiber lined up. I would then split each color way down a further number of times, so I might keep one as a whole and spin it across the top. So I'd get very long, color progressions, my second one, maybe I'd split in two so to my second bobbin I would have narrower sections of this color more often and then maybe this the last section I split into four and so I'd have lots of little sections Of color and my colors are going to kind of mix and barber pole. If I spin one of the sections completely as died, I'll still get a some watts of underlying striped effect, but my colors gon na mix and change and ply together in different ways and I'll. I should get hopefully a nice fun. Barber pole yarn, that's the plan. Obviously, the more you strip down your fiber, the more you burned, your colors, the more likely things are to sort of muddy and blend together. I think these colors are bright and vibrant enough against each other to not really muddy but sort of to keep their own color characteristics. So if I let me try - and I know this isn't exactly going to be perfect - I've divided this up into four and wound the colors together, and I think you can see you can definitely kind of see all of those colors they're, still all keeping separate and Standing out against each other, so I think a fractal will work if something with spinning is a less you sample, which I'm not going to do in this case. You never know exactly what you're gon na get until you yarn is finished, but I think if I can get this fine enough for a pair of socks, it would just be a really fun experiment and I think almost the finish yum doesn't matter. I think the fiber is beautiful, the colors are stunning: they've been diabetes, Lee and biotics bin Dyke, and I don't think I can really mess it up. She says confidently. I think when I'm asked the question, how do you choose? Do you spin your fiber? I think it often comes from a place of people worrying that they'll mess up the braid and mess up the colors in some way. I think when you spend the colors do dilute some what's because the intensity of color that you see in a big soft, dense piece of fiber like this, is different to what you get when you am sort of spin. Your yarn and you've got like you know, a small strand of the fiber versus like a really dense bit, but at the end of the day, all of our creating and making is for fun. Isn'T it and they'll always be more five? Eight? Maybe things won't come out exactly as you've seen in your head, but the yarn will no doubt be usable and I've often made things that initially. I don't like, because I had this fixed idea in my head of what I'm expecting them to be or what I want them to be, and they don't come out quite according to that idea. So I get a bit frustrated with them and you know put them in the naughty corner or leave them to one side, and then often I found if I come back to them later. Actually I really like them and there's nothing wrong with them. It'S just that. Initially they didn't live up to that perfect project or that perfect yarn that I had in my head. But when you come back to those yarns all those projects, you find a new love for them and you realize that they're, absolutely fine. They are beautiful things. It'S just that maybe they didn't work out exactly in the moment to the picture that you have in your head. I say just go for it get stuck in if you've got a pressure sprayed in your stash at home and you've been too afraid to you spoon with it. I say: grab it unravel it, take a good look at it and just to see what strikes your fancy. So I guess the overarching answer to the question of how do I choose to spend my braid? It'S usually just whatever appeals to me in the moment. That might not be very helpful, but that's just the way that I approach my spinning. There is no right or wrong. You are the master of your project if you have enjoyed the process, even if maybe your yarn doesn't come out exactly as you had wanted it to, then I think that's good enough, I'm off to start stripping down my fiber and get this on the wheel. I cannot wait and I think at the end I'm gon na have some really fun socks fingers crossed. It might take me a while, but I will get there and if you're looking for some beautifully dyed fiber, I can highly recommend attic spin dye. I think last time I looked, they still had a few braids of fiber in the shop and I'll pop a link to their Etsy shop below thanks for watching today. I hope you are well - and I really appreciate you spending time with me until we get to spend time together again. I hope you get to do some of the things that you enjoy great big, bully hugs to you all bye for now. I thought I'd finish. This video, but I've split the fibers down. I look so cute, and so I thought I'd film this and stick it in somewhere before the end and sort of split the raid into three and then I've split three, each third into three: six: nine! Don'T look so cute, so I'm going to spend each of these piles to a bobbin, see where we go.

Zoi: I can’t wait to see the yarn you will spin with this beautiful fiber. Beautiful colors!! ❤️ thank you for explaining the process Angela! ❤️

Crafts by Thee Rose: Angela the fiber yarn is so gorgeous I love the colors I can't wait until you see what you do with it. I know the socks once you finish will be totally gorgeous

Jennifer Brighty: Hi Ange, I hope you, James and Newt are all ok.❣ Thankyou so much for sharing this video podcast on your thought process of the type of yarn you want to achieve. I love your philosophy on Spinning of letting the Fibre decide what it wants to be. I learn something new from your video podcasts, whether its the first time I've watched it or not. Happy Spinningmy Fibre Friend Take care and stay safe Lots of love and Big Wooly Hugs Jen xxxx ❤ ❤❣❣

angela holcroft: Lovely video, thankyou for the mention. Looking forward to seeing the fibre turn to yarn then socks. The little nuggets at the end reminded me of aniseed curls. My own spinning journey is about to begin. A little nano e spinner arrived for my birthday. I'm hoping to succeed as no treddling involved. Not managing to get much twist on the fibre. Early days.

Inge Mountain: Very beautiful colours! Last week I had to rip out a shawl because it was to small and I had no more yarn. But I enjoyed making it and I was not sad because I didn’t finish it.

Soulful Spinning: I like your attitude! I am not entirely confident working with beautiful handled braids, but I will try to be fearless and follow your advice. I look forward to seeing your project unfold.

Cheryl Wiles: Hi ang. I love the colours in your braid. You should end up with a fab pair of sox. I have made sox with my handspun and dyed them too. Great fun! Please show us when you have knitted them up.

Alice Baker: You got this! Just be true to yourself and go for it!

Julie Miller: Hello Angela,that is such a pretty braid of fibre,it will be so interesting to see the yarn you spin it into and then the socks you knit. You are,most definitely a fibre whisperer.

Sylvia Hopwood: Hi Ange, have you done a you tube tutorial on drop spinning or vlogs showing how to drop spindle. I'm kinda nervous yet excited and have no clue how to drop spin with my beautiful new kit. Thank you xx

Crafts by Thee Rose: Hey Angela couldn't wait to get here and see this video been cleaning all day long and cooking. I can't wait even though I know in my mind life and never be like you used to be this is what I'm going to have for a long time to deal with

MsDianne1951: OOOhhh,, can't wait to see those socks!

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