Who Would You Take Home Pt. 2 Dreads Or Curls? Los Angeles

Watch full vid to catch best part! Like, Comment thoughts, & sub! Me @Jay Cinco & @CHOCTIV asked girls who they would take home based on hair!

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Unghetto Mathieu

3588 Hwy 138 SE

Unit 334

Stockbridge, GA 30281

United States

Sizes (USA):

Tops: Men’s Medium

Bottoms/Pants: Men’s 30/32 or Men’s small

Shoes: Men’s 9.5

Out of his curls my locks and his afro, which hairstyle do you prefer? I think I prefer this one because it looks like my mom who would you take home, oh you're, about to bomb out of us three right smash Mary kill, kill, smash Mary kill, wait tomorrow, Burma, Heather yeah, it's your boy on ghetto and I'm here with Jay Cinco man, the one and only man, hey Khan and Cesar Chavez. Man and today did I say Mr Lonely, no bro, you finna, see who really Mr gets [ __ ], we better see who really getting [ __ ] out of all three of us. I know y'all liked it. The first part where I did lots versus ways with the shade Frost, but this is part [ __, ], too waves stay out of here. The girls love the lots more than love the ways. You know what I'm saying yeah. We agree on that. We agree on that if you're on the ground, So today we're doing dress versus curls versus afro, we're gon na see what the girls of L.A like the most you already know, it's gon na be a banger. So like comment and ain't, no teachers on my [ __ ] channel, so I'm probably gon na - need a sub and we have this [ __ ], I'm back with convey Teresa Teresa and panbe. Where are you from I'm from India? Okay? No way. The question is right out of curls locks and afros, which hairstyle do y'all prefer and y'all guys locks, curls. Okay, why? Just it just looks better yeah right yeah. He is giving yeah they're pretty they're pretty what about you? The curls are just sexy. Out of him me and him who you taking home, none good job Susan. These are gangsters. I second that um, I'm not Catholic. I don't know what you're talking about that was cool huh. That was pretty good, totally anyways. I don't stand, though, for real, like smash Mary you're cute kill, I ain't. Never starting off with kill. First is wild. Why did you automatically kill him? I just want to know he's not my type. She like chocolate. You know what I'm saying. Yes, smash Murray, oh okay, I'm a gentleman and you I'm not smashing or killing him out of curls locks and afro right. What most attracts you for me, curls and locks. Do it but froze is nice too curls unlocked yeah? What'S the one I'm gon na just say locks I was gon na say locks to your locks, but look pretty good right now. Yeah they're, looking pretty good right now, yeah, maybe if we get some leave-in conditioner in them, curls what's wrong with my photos: yeah um! Nothing wrong with y'all, okay, okay, all right! So out of me him and him right who you going home with most likely will be you, okay, all right! You um either you or you go ahead and make that decision. It would be you I'm already knowing yeah yeah you're, still cute you're still cute, I'm still cute. Oh wait! Wait! Huh! I got a home girl for y'all, oh my God, uh-huh dark and dead. Okay! I'M! So sorry! Damn sorry, I'm sorry probably marry you. It'S Matthew. Wait what you choosing me Mary? Yes, Jesus Christ, all right! So what's your boy on Ghetto Matthew, what it's funny! That'S funny dog! Why everybody jump off the wall I did. It was lit. You feel me. So it's your boy on ghetto and I'm here with Celia Celia. It'S me, yeah, hey, stop all right! So you got your guys. You got your prefaces out there. You feel what I'm saying all type of hairstyles and everything. So the first question is out of his curls my locks and his afro, which hairstyle do you prefer in your guys? It just depends on how you look so basically, if you ugly it's just over with no matter what kind of hairstyle you got yeah, you didn't answer out of his curls, my locks and his fro, which do you prefer I'm gon na go with the locks because Of the color, the design, the look everything the [ __ ], I got come on. Stop [, __ ] playing with me a little bit more creative. So life is like more creative. You could do more with locks huh exactly with waves and all that others. You got to wake up every day. Look the same way. Yeah, I'm saying: what's your first name out of physical appearance, though, who you taking home, I'm gon na, take him home, he looked different. I never met nobody that looked like him. What do you mean by that? First of all, [ __ ], you got me [, __ ] up, we look like the same yeah and y'all can have a clone. I feel it. I mean [ __ ], the last segment of this video right smash, Merry and kill. Go ahead. Smash Mary killed me personally. I wouldn't take this level of disrespect, so you would choose this [ __ ] out of all of us, but you'll kill this yes, but why like? Why would you smash, marry him and then kill him? Okay? Well? Well, I asked you because you look like a hoe actually like a thot, because you look what looks like he's, not a hold on um. Okay, I'm gon na marry him because he looks like. Is he gon na get on my damn nerves? Eventually, he looks like he's gon na settle down yeah like the lame, no, not left he gon na get you yeah, oh you're, gon na be soft with you yeah. What am I gon na be? I can just tell you got the chain on. You feel me. The chain you got the hair, all swaggy and [ __ ]. I can just tell you're gon na be a player, you're, goddamn, right, brother and we'll catch y'all next time. Thank you thank y'all for this segment um and we got this [ __ ] man yeah. So it's your boy, ungetto Matthew and I'm back with rain rain, you're, so sweet right. Thanks no problem and I'm weird talkative singer, wait how you spell rain like rain yeah! Oh that's hard. I might name my daughter that out of my locks, his afro and his curls, which hairstyle do you prefer in your guys, I don't know probably somewhere between you, two them two right yeah. So you don't like a guy with long hair, probably not yeah, probably not. Damn basically out of us three I'ma still include myself, [ __ ] it who you going home with you guys are all look great, I'm married all of you marry all of us is hella. Trisha, though I ain't a lot we'll be coordinating. The train soon enjoy see. So it's your boy on Ghetto Matthew and I'm back in this mother mother wait single think of stupid ass. I don't know my nature. You know I did that without the girls Trace Trace. Excuse me, oh you're, not gon na. Do that. Every time bro you play basketball, yeah, okay, get your head in the game. Get you get get you what get you? Oh damn head in the game: yeah yeah! The first question is pretty simple out of his afro my locks and his curls, which hairstyle would you most prefer in a guy yeah your example? He don't have curls. What are those I don't know is his curls. Giving no damn wait. Did you make a song by a chance called plastic? Yes, I watch your videos that is so funny. Thank you. That'S so funny. Thank you. It'S kind of funny it's kind of funny yeah, but you didn't answer the question, though, for sure which hairstyle do you most prefer, I would say like a fro, afro or lox if they're good are my life's good, oh they're, good, they're, good, okay! Okay! Out of this person, this person and this person right, oh who would you take home, I don't think I'd take any of you home, oh yeah, uh UCLA is a different breed. I'M gon na take you home, I like license but like yeah, who still says that I heard a girl say that so long can I make my case. Here'S the case. The only reason I say light skin. I like everything I, like everything. The only reason I say, life skins, sometimes they'd, be packing a little bit more. I know maybe at UCLA, mostly I used to live, but like that song, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait mostly at UCLA how the [ __ ]. You know how many [ __ ] foreign, which hairstyle do you prefer and yo guys. Oh, I think I prefer this one. Why do you like that hairstyle um? Because because it looks like my hairstyle, like that's what you look like without yours, did you see that? Why would somebody do that? I need clarification for this. What makes his hairstyle over locks and curls, though, what makes it I'm just gravitated towards it. You know it's just like uh. What would you rate him one through ten or something one through ten, oh yeah? This is getting pretty easy, so out of him me and him who you taking home. Thank God now why why I said better [ __ ], he has like a nice smile. Do I not have a nice smile? You do you do it's just like his looks very genuine yeah, getting kind of deep right. I have a wet smile there. You look like you're, trying to [ __ ] somebody with your smile. Oh no, that's crazy! Wait smile make you uncomfortable no y'all. When I smile, I look like I'm trying to somebody, I'm just like trying to figure out what that means. Was you joning because, like I know how to jump what's the Drone, I think it was coming after me, the B one and some of your honey who says that, yes, I ain't gon na lie to you over here. Calling me a horn video. I kind of feel some type of way like I just don't want to be looked at, like that. You don't like your man to be confident to a certain extent. You want him to feel like humbled, that's bad! All right! I ain't! No one for her cause. You know what I'm saying me: I don't want my girl to feel humbled. I want her to know she's a [, __ ]. You know what I'm saying you don't know you the [ __ ]. I do know that no I'm saying that's the girl and you're. The guy I'm supposed to feel like that why we can't both feel like that. No, she wants her [ __ ] to be low-key, insecure so that he don't move the way. I am a highly confident gato, like you know what I'm saying right, but I am humble okay, just not as far as how I think of myself, you know what I'm saying. I would like you to be someone who knows you to [ __ ], and you know I'm saying, have a man that kind of matches that energy you up in Atlanta yeah I've been a couple of times coming out there soon coming soon, yeah very soon. Okay, cool State, my number okay got: it see you soon all right. So it's your boy, I'm ghetto Matthew and I'm back with Caroline Caroline Justin. You got guys with afros temp phase waves, locks out of dreads, afros and curls, which the hairstyle do. You prefer in guys I don't really have a type as long as they're nice. No, no! No, I feel, like I don't know if you had to pick one which one interests you the most like um curls. I don't know that's like such a white answer, though I like dreads too, I didn't say nothing about you. What about afros yeah, I like afros too, but yeah yeah last question right out of us three right: who would you take home? You guys just answer the damn questions, but all right you go to the club. Sometimes, if you was at the club and you've seen all three of us right, hey give her a little oh yeah, who would you take home cover, did their thing first going on here. You, like black people, of course, have you ever had a black boyfriend? No oh vlogging yo. I didn't see you vlogging on a trip: bro yo, hey yo, this [ __ ] vlogging on the biscuit bro, oh [, __ ]. What is that? I thought it was a Blackberry you might as well just Vlog on the iPhone bro. What is yeah real quick, were you? Did you do a video? I watched that one. No, no, no thank you, but you just got embarrassed. How do you feel are you stupid, shut up, shut up foreign? Thank you. [ __ ], damn I'm gon na say. I'M gon na just get your number and uh can't get out even outside foxy thought. This was [ __ ] because you was a girl. I was gon na, go easy, no [, __ ], I'm on your ass and I don't even watching [ __ ]. I was just playing for the video right now we on the black floor at UCLA. She took us to some place called the black floor. I don't see no black people, I actually ran into a white person, so I'm kind of confused is crazy. Andy use the Beatles the what you shine is it the black floor. Someone told us yeah. I was looking at the names and Deja kind of sound bad as hell. It worked down below out of him me and him right. Let me talk to him. I'M a smash man. Okay, I think I was. I think I would smash manager. Okay, did you hear the questions that I asked her yeah? I need you to answer the same question all right, so we basically finna ask the same question again, because he was on the black floor. When I asked her right, yeah Black Girls Unite. You feel me catch all the black girls real quick though afros curls or locks, okay, okay, why? You know yeah yeah, yeah yeah, you know out of us three right smash Mary killed. Three of us, smashberry kill smash very cute, okay, cheers! How do you feel about this school like you like it um? Well, I'm a second year so last year I hated it because it was like coveted and everything, but this year, I'm liked me a lot more, which one college for uh public friends and geography. What are you guys doing? A video for, though uh YouTube, but, like you, okay, give it give me a sec who did UCLA. You know I'll be around yeah, yes and uh yeah I enjoyed the school so I'll be seeing you around campus, I'm like, oh, my God, so she like damn you gripping my ass, but you need to put some in it. I'M like hold up she's. Like I ain't a killer, but don't push me wait, wait. You said you've been to ask him. So I'm not my friend yeah. So he didn't you didn't, say: I'm not a killer, but don't push me nice. Look nice, I'm already verified on Instagram. What you do you got rejected, looks like you came up short, okay, bye and everything.

Unghetto Mathieu: Dreads or curls, let me know btw every song in this vid is mine. my instagram is kool, follow me on there: https://www.instagram.com/unghettomathieu/?hl=en

Jairus Tucker: Not gonna lie definitely need a second one this is probably the funniest video by far

King Cid: That Boy Back

Amber Rose: "she playing basketball with the wrong balls"that took me out

Cinderfall: Bro, Unghetto’s edits are unmatched. Every video always makes me laugh

Nelson Dendomo: “Who still says that?” Dont kill me

ShayButter: Not "we'll be coordinating the train soon" ‍♀️

Kamnab_: Bro was getting more zesty each interview

𝔸𝕓𝕓𝕪𝕎𝕣𝕝𝕕🧃🎸: Haven't been active in a minute, school been stressin the fuck outta me but heyy I'm back for Unghettooooooooo!!! ❤ .. Missed the unmatched energy, got me turnt up already and I just started watchin❤❤❤

Efe Kingsley: The afro dude got killed too many times

EVILVAMP: Bro the edits in this video got me dead

Datboysneaky: I said damn when he said “you came up short”

DFlowetry: The girl you played 1v1 with cute as hell. She need to be in future videos asap

Logan Judas: i got 8pack from laughing so hard

Gedo Paladin: im shook, wasnt expecting him to hoop like that XD

Lyrics Traduction Clip: U killed me mens!nxt Time bring a bawl head too

Kosi: Unghetto Unreleased Songs Be Hitting Hard In The Video

Skxttles za: Stay snappin wit yo videos ❤️‍

Zach Osio: The shit you be saying lol you have me dead

ayeee Chris: You're funny ash

Dalu: The joke at the end

Selim Fakunle: To the person reading this, keep going and your hard work will pay off!

Nifemi Folaranmi: unghetto is toooo funny

KURO: she had to think bout it for a minute 2 im dead she ju got him excited said never met anybody like him im done

NotUrAverageGrlGamer: CINCO did bout three outfit changes throughout the whole vid

Alecia Craine: Girl with the Nike that plays basketball was so accurate. Points for calling them out

Kheff stylez: I like the Nigerian guy for being himself through out the video ✌️

Okeke Ebuka: The afro dude be from Nigerian?? He keep saying some native slangs

Tayshaun Campbell: bro plz hurry yo azz up an drop "put em up" that shit is hard asf on my mama

Mckayla Hadland: Rain gotta be a Libra

Avyon Young: When he start capping when he left shorty room had me dying23:12

Boikano Fana: "playing basketball wit the wrong ball", had me gone

RJ Sanchez: Bro he always make me laugh with these videos "she playing basketball with the wrong balls " had me dead

Chazy.W: Love you unghetto keep grinding been watching you for 3 years and you’ve never missed keep up the hard work

BabzWithZ: that 3rd basket was amaiziiiiiiiiiiiiiiinggggggggg

Deanel Kashako: ''Good job Suzen these are gangsters " I can't

Phoebe's Vlog: "is his curls giving?" "no." had me SICK YALL im weak

INDULGE STUNTS: Unghetto is the king bro representing from Jamaica

Baebyk3: 2:20

Miguel Wambugu: meehhhn unghetto be the n***a fr wish to meet him one day

Cool Guy: The edits fire asf

Shay Bby: Too freaking funny. Keep these up

SympMusical: Dang Cinco looking like he just hopped out of bed and was forced to be in the video all love still though

rukshana khanum: I really enjoyed this video very funny. Thank you

Melo Mick: I thank Unghetto , he motivate me so much it's hard getting support or thinking what type of content I wanna do.. don’t matter cuz grind don’t stop ❤️‍

That05kidd: Choctiv: “It’s Choctivv” Unghetto: “Bro you not finna do that every time bro”

Ralph Ford: 6:37 we ain’t gonna act like them Chinese guys wasn’t hitting that shit

Yng Kayyvo: Mathieu is funny ash

Amourr Neraa: 11:56 shawty got hella rizz


E: mans found the lowest tier curls I done possibly ever seen in my life in this vid

NYCMadeAndy: "Good job Susan these are gangsters "

gaza niva: The fact that cinco his picture kept changing

NotUrAverageGrlGamer: Unghetto NEVER LOSES!

DayBravo: bruh ive been going thru it all year, I aint laugh this hard lol

Jonathan Lainez: That’s a whole Edgar he ain’t a curly head

Cool Guy: Playing basketball wit da wrong balls- legendary line from dont ever wife ah college girl

Maximum Productivity: Ahhh heat just like always unghetto. Keep dropping bangers sir

Sarah L: unghetto Mathieu is everything

JUMAN MUSIC: Hey anyone know the girls INSTAGRAM name at 7:30

Bruce Wayne: 18:18 that crossover was hilariously horrible

ToastedPlaya: Do a part 2 of of acting emo with a baddie tht shit was funny asl!!!

MoneyBagg.Rxshon: “Looks like you came up short” at the end is crazy

Kk Cuffie: Yo I love when Mathieu drops these vids

Mr.E-Break😴💨: 13:31 When the homeboy who gets no play in the group finally pulls something


You Wanna Wager?: The editing at 11:28

RAH ROY Forever: 15:13 I usually skip this part

Briana: Boy no I did not say we coordinating the train this was the funniest , cutest video especially the girl with the blonde braids

Perfect Rotation: when he said akon and cesar chavez i spit water all over my god damn monitor bruh

Hasbulla for President: “Did you see that why would somebody do that”

Miaa’sMama: Oh shiii Jay Cinco in that bihh

DarealGoat: These memes be making me laugh so hard

Gonzy: This video was an absolute banger ‍

D1strict: best vid from u icl, shit was so genuine my g, keep it up

SMOOTH J: I think if CHOCTIV cut his FRO to waves and combed out his beard It'll be a whole different video.

davefrost: Jcinco: playing basketball with the wrong ballz tf

Nathan Vanreal: We’ll be coordinating the train soon

Jefe Syndicate: This guy with the take my necklace back scene and Chris tucker killed

esca: “Good job Susan these are gangsters” BRO LMFAOOAOA

Steven Layne: The lady at the end is Hollis Jane Andrews

Daniel Toyosi Aina: Gather here if you downloaded his vid from A to Z. Consider me your no 1 fan from Nigeria. U killing me bro

T R: 11:57 my girl getting it i love her

Ket Lewis: Let's go part 2

Gangsta Baby: G they way I laughed the whole timebro you carrying YouTube !

Nathan Vanreal: Edits funny as hell

KID SOUL: That spin move was dirty

Daiki Aomine.: The fourth girl was my favorite of all the girls. Nice vid 15:33 Matthieu got it W!!

Britneyy Aliii: re-do this vid when jaycinco's hair grows back lol

Sanni precious: Ur videos are always lively

Jamal Johnson: The first hooper girl

Brayden Dayanand: 19:28 was brazy as shit

King Mappy: That joke at the end "looks like u came up short"

bdtv: You should bring Justin and Deshae in one video

Jay'quan Raymond: Yo Mathieu i had to pause at the part where DC doing his dance on the court.....bro Ur edit is mad crazy bro ....WORD TO MY MOTHAAAAAA

Thygaaa_ 98: That girl with the braids know her type so she knows the selection of nature.

Apostle BrotherE: The my leg when she said kill you got me dead

Retro Experience: More of this vids

Cool Guy: Playing basketball wit da wrong balls- legendary line from dont ever wife ah college girl

Brockington White: You know how to listen to that song Put Em Up because I been trying to watch it for a week and no results :( pls

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