Weekmas | Week In My Life | What I Ordered This Week, Hauls, New Hair, Daily Routines

when i edit these i realize how boring i am

hi guys! i hope you guys enjoyed today’s video!!

my name is destiny and welcome to my channel! i hope you guys enjoy:)

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insta- des.sidster

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want to check out my tbr and what i’m wanting to read? check out my amazon wishlist!!



what camera do you use? Canon g7x

what editing software do you use? Final Cut Pro

how old are you? 19



music used in this video:

Music by Mark Generous - A Feast To Remember - https://thmatc.co/?l=49408161

Music by Mr. Jello - A Cup Of Jazz (feat. Cali.Arod, Farnell Newton) - https://thmatc.co/?l=01A6D50C

Music by ninjoi. - 12 Days of Christmas - https://thmatc.co/?l=3F730361

Music by Eklecticism - Season's Greetings - https://thmatc.co/?l=B77641EF

Music by Chinsaku - Illuminate - https://thmatc.co/?l=2ECBCBC4

Music by Winnie - By the Fire - https://thmatc.co/?l=0047FC02

Hi welcome to another weakness and I don't know when this one's coming up. Let me look at my calendar. It'S definitely going to be after bookmas is done, so it's not going to be like a part of bookmas, but we're going from the 8th to the 15th. So today's Thursday December 8th we're going until Thursday December 15th I'm doing a little a week of my life. I actually just edited the last week of my life that you guys saw for bookmas day nine, which is actually uploading right now to be book Miss day. Nine, you know to be tomorrow's upload that way for today and all of tomorrow. I can really focus on trying to finish the books for the goodread video so for the good reads: video so right now, I'm trying to finish Wilder girls and then I have to tackle that right. There, a house of Earth and Fire how's the or I don't know the first one in the Crescent City. That is like 800 pages long. I have to tackle that that way. The Goodreads video can hopefully be book. Mistake. 10.. I cannot believe how fast that this has went by like genuinely. I can't believe it. I feel good about it, though, like At first I was like. Can I like come up with like 12 days of content, that people would like, I think, a lot of people under under the impression that I am going for the full like 24 25 days, and I'm not, I said it in the first video. I was only doing 12 days of Bookmans, but who knows honestly, as you guys can see we're doing extra uploads of December, because I literally am so annoying that I was like you know: Jesse, you should just take a break and I'm like no girl. Never stops. You know that was like so cringy. I literally woke up this morning. I woke up at eight and I had to take Charlie to the groomer. That was literally 40 minutes away, and I am right now waiting on a text or call from them to go pick her up, I'm so hungry. I have not ate anything today lately, honestly, and this is not good at all - I have been like not eating. I feel as much as I should be because I am so focused on, like either reading filming a video editing, a video that I feel like my brain, just kind of like everywhere. With the time I have today. I am definitely going to try to finish this book start the Crescent City book, which is going to take a lot of brain power because it's a fantasy and it's like a new world to get into. I am scared to say the least. That'S kind of all. That'S going on right now and today I've been watching Gray's Anatomy, which honestly is not a reflection of where my mental headspace is at, because whenever I start rewatching Gray's Anatomy, that means that the depression in this case just kidding anyway, I'm gon na keep on watching Gray'S Anatomy: I want season two right now and hopefully finish this eat something go on with my life, hello. If anyone is wondering how my morning is going, which it's the next day, by the way, it's Friday December 10th 9th it's the 9th, it's currently 9 A.M. Well, it's almost 10 and I am driving to Hot Topic for my brother so on the off chance, Dakota that you're watching this you're welcome because he texted me about it last night and then he texted me about it again multiple times this morning that he wants Me to get this La Comic-Con exclusive, Funko Pop, so that's what we're doing it's! Okay, though, because I wanted to go to Target. I was gon na go after the gym. I haven't been to the gym yet because I stayed the night at Isaac's last night but looks like we are going now, because I need to also go to Target to get a gingerbread house like a regular one, because I got uh some like fun ones. To decorate with the kids, but for my video that I'm doing I wanted to get a traditional one, so I am going back home now. That was an experience for sure. So, basically, do you guys remember yesterday, like the one clip I filmed yesterday, I was like. Oh yeah, I need to read these books yeah. Well, I didn't do that last night because me and Isaac hung out and we watched love Island. So, like I mean priorities, it's not my fault um, but now we watched love Island and I ended up falling asleep because I was so tired the whole entire day. I just felt so tired and yesterday, oh my God, don't even get me started yesterday. So I took Charlie to the groomers in the morning right and it wasn't that bad. Like was it a 30 40 minute drive out to the groomers? Yes, but it wasn't that bad and it was because it was like no traffic. It was eight o'clock in the morning. They called me at like two and they're, like hey, Charlie's, ready to get picked up, and I was gon na go to Starbucks and go to the bank to get the money and then go there before they even called me. So I was like okay cool I'm just gon na go straight there. I got her at like four something after they called me at like two and then I didn't get home until five o'clock P.M. So I was basically driving from like two to five. Two. Three. Four five, like I was driving for like three hours. If you know me, I hate hey, driving the car hate traffic. It made me just so uh. So then I felt like I was like out of the mood to Vlog and then I went to Isaac's and we literally just watched love Island, and I brought my books with me, but then I literally fell asleep. That was so cute of me to think that I was gon na read there like so awesome and cute, but I didn't so now. I have to do that today and now I'm getting a later start to my day, which makes me so anxious when I wake up, I kind of have a time frame of how I would like to get everything done and like do. I have the rest of the day and I'm literally almost finished with my older girls. It'S really just that 800 page that I'm really like dang that I have to read because that's just I know it's going to take me a long time. It'S another gloomy day and in Indiana that's basically all our winter is. We rarely ever get Sunshine during the winter in Indiana. So it always just kind of looks like this. It looks like Forks, Washington minus the Aesthetics it's like if Forks Washington was ugly, so there's that and someone's like pulling up next to me at the stoplight and I'm vlogging and I live in Indiana, where no one does this. You know like no one talks about this when they car Vlog like pulling up next to somebody at a red light, and it's so awkward, I'm just gon na own it. You know that's why I'm not making eye contacts it's because I'm just gon na own, it I'll see you guys at home. Oh, my gosh today is just one of those days. It is gloomy outside. I have absolutely zero motivation to do anything that I need to do. It is now one in the afternoon I came home and made some eggs for breakfast and really have not done anything else. Don'T you know also Charlie got a haircut yesterday. Obviously I told you guys, I took her to the groomer and I am forcing her to wear this - that I went and got from Target foreign. She literally hates it, but it has little Jingle Bells on it and it's so freaking cute. I don't want to go to the gym today's shoulders, chest triceps and it's not even like. Do you want to know what it is that makes me feel so unmotivated to go to the gym? It'S the thought of cardio. I do cardio every single day, except for my rest days, because all my rest days, I just don't, do anything. I'M excited to do an ab workout. Also, I just uploaded book was day nine, which is just this weakness me doing a weekly Vlog because it fell on that day and plus I needed a little bit of time, because I have to read this book because I really wanted the Goodreads video to be Tomorrow'S videos - hopefully I can get through that today - maybe we'll stay up and read that I'm gon na get ready for the gym so ready. Are you guys ready for this Gym Fit? I don't think you are. This. Is My Gym Fit I'm wearing this? This is my This Is My Gym Fit. I'M gon na have my headphones, which I have I my beads are my headphones. I'Ve had for a long time before I had these and they are my designated gym headphones. But you guys know that I have been using these for probably like three to three weeks now and it's literally because my beets are dead and they're in my car, and I just like am so like. I forget every single day to bring them into the house. It is actually five degrees in my room, I'm not even joking my room, it's literally freezing, that's what we got going on, but I'm about to go to the gym. I don't think I'm gon na film anything at the gym when I get home, guess what I have to do clean my room: it's a freaking mess, but it's okay, because for the rest of the day I'm gon na clean, I'm gon na come home. I'M going to take a body shower, I'm going to clean my room and then we're going to just read and watch Gray's Anatomy for the rest of the day, which sounds magnificent. So I'm gon na do okay, guys we're on my phone cam, which is atrocious, but I just got a package with my name on it that I don't know where it's from. I can't remember I feel, like I remember also if you hear the jingling, like my dog's, a reindeer. I cannot remember what I ordered, because I have obviously packages and I'm waiting on instead of like Chris and friends for the people that I'm waiting on. But I can't remember, because it doesn't say this one that I thought it was going to be. I bought stuff from Chamberlain coffee. Oh this tote bag is way smaller than I thought it was going to be, but it's still a decent size. Let'S see how the armeness of it is okay, I can deal with that. I got the social dog toe. I didn't get any of her coffee in case you guys were wondering I wanted to, but I don't know how to make it, because I'm pretty sure it's like comes in the coffee beans, where it's pre-grinded, but I don't have a coffee machine. Can I get this as a free gift, because I did not order that? Okay? I did. I added this to cart accidentally because I definitely did not remember ordering this. So I definitely accidentally added this to cart the Chamberlain, coffee, mason jar. I used reusable straws in every single thing, so I bought two different packages. I think this was like the full set of like all of the stainless steel straws. Maybe I shouldn't be trusted to like spend money because, like why did I literally buy this many straws? Something I'm most excited for is the tumbler, because I've wanted this tumbler for so long. I actually went on there to get the passport collection. I think it was called, but of course it was sold out because it was. I got it as a part of the Black Friday sale, so I got this instead, which is just the plain tumbler, but you know what I'm excited. This is kind of a fun fact about me, but I literally can remember. I started watching Emma Chandler when she had like 70 000 subscribers. I I can remember that number like looking at her Channel and seeing that she had 70 000.. So I wasn't even following her since literally like the start of her Channel. That'S my unboxing. That was fun it's time to go to the gym. Does this angle suck? Yes, I need like a wide, but okay, I'm going to the gym right now. I saw I don't remember what I was talking about. I didn't read that book last night and then that resulted in me not getting any sleep, because I kept on waking up sporadically throughout the night, literally in a full-on anxiety mode, because I don't have a video for today, a video to upload for book. This day, 10, because I am an actual idiot - I didn't account for the fact that I wouldn't be able to get into that book. I thought I could definitely get into it, but I don't know if my brain is just so many different places that I can't grasp onto it or whatever I'm going to film my 22 best books of 2022.. I don't know if anyone else has done that. I feel like it's kind of a thing I just got done at the gym and I will tell you guys that I am extremely proud of myself, because how I was like feeling like I have so much to do, and I didn't really want to go to The gym today, because I was just like I have so much to do - I just know that I'm gon na feel so much worse, but I don't go to the gym. I really don't want my workout to not be good, because I didn't want to go, and I punched myself to do literally everything and more like I did my core or did my Mobility stretches and then I did 10 minutes on the bike on the elliptical and Then I did all my lifting and then I went and ran a mile, I'm very proud of myself that I actually told myself today, you're gon na. Do it you're going to push yourself because tomorrow's the rest day tomorrow, you can just lay in bed sleep in and not worry about anything, that's what I'm gon na freaking do. Anyway, though, I'm about to go home, I'm gon na listen to a podcast, whether that's pretty basic anything, goes or Zayn and Keith's podcast and do whatever hey guys hi. It is like forever later it's well actually. No. It literally feels like it's like three o'clock in the afternoon right now, and it's literally well, it's like one, but I came home. I took a shower. I just did my hair and makeup because I'm about to film, but after that, what I want to do well after I film this, I'm gon na go straight into editing it! Here'S! What my plan is I'm going to film this, but I'm going to edit it. I have a few more presents to wrap just like a few and then after that, I'm going to try to read House of Earth and blood and I'm gon na force myself. I'M gon na put on my air pods and I'm going to force myself to just focus on the book. I think last night it was a mix-up. I couldn't get my brain to focus on it, but also because I was watching Gray's Anatomy and I was like wanting to watch Gray's Anatomy, so that's kind of my fault, so it is now 6 30 p.m. Currently, my video is uploading. I got it up so late today and I have such a big headache. An extremely large headache here is my dilemma. I was about to just continue watching my Alicia Marie and I'm go. I was going to write like the few presents that I have with me to wrap right now then I was like I don't have a video for tomorrow, because I'm just gon na be honest with you guys, like my head, is literally hurting so bad on another Level of bad - and I was like I cannot - I cannot even pick up a single book with let alone this book that I need to read like this is the struggle. This is the struggle behind the scenes. I think, though, I am going to just kind of like chill for a little bit and then film it because I mean I can film it later, so there's only 6 30, but it's pitch black dark outside. So it makes me feel like it's nine o'clock at night, but right now, I'm about to wrap some presents foreign foreign, this clip and the last clip. But I got up. I was filming my Goodreads video and I stood up and I don't know if my freaking heavy feet hit the ground too hard, but my tripod completely fell over and it completely broke my lens housing to it and the wiring of it are completely broken. That'S freaking! Awesome now I have to try to either find somewhere to get this fixed or just to buy a new lens, and it looks like I'm just gon na have to buy a new lens love that, for me personally, am I in a great mood this morning. No, especially since I'm trying to work against the clock to finish this book that way, I can get this up for bookmas day 11.. Oh I'm, in a terrible mood. It is now one o'clock in the afternoon. I just finished the first book in the Crescent City years House of Earth and blood, I'm pretty sure it's called. I just finished it, and now I need to edit that video I'm gon na upload those clips onto my laptop hello. I changed into some pajamas. It is currently almost 6 p.m. I desperately need to edit this video and get it up washed or moisturized, even though I'm like breaking out so bad. Also, I just want to say these are like my favorite things ever I go through a lot of phases with candy and I rarely ever have candy. I can't tell you the last time I genuinely like had candy. I had a craving for these last night and I got them they're the Nerds gummy clusters, but specifically the blue ones. I'M absolutely they're my favorite thing, literally ever so, I've been snacking on those as well snack for the month. These are the best and I'm gon na edit, my video, oh, what else another day, another sleigh I I do not want to go to the gym today, but anyway I have to set up my planner for the day. I'M some days, I'm good at setting up my planner and some days I am not okay, so first of all, let's go to today. Today is Monday December 12th. Today, I'm uploading the last day of book Miz. My plan for the day is to work out today's quad day. Then I need to come home and shower. Today is a full body shower moment, which means hair body everything, and we are going to film my book Miss day at 12 and then edit that upload. It and then I'm probably gon na read a book today very excited very excited, but right now going to the gym, that's number one I gosh the sun's actually shiny. Well, it is literally 10 degrees colder in my car, but the sun is shiny foreign right now. I think we got some food downstairs for lunch well, my dinner because I probably honestly won't eat for the rest of the day. Okay, guys, I just got done eating I'm about to do with the Dyson on my hair. I think I'm gon na do is throw a few curls in it to kind of do that whole entire blowout. Look I just got hit with like a wave like. I just feel like I got punched across the face with like drowsiness like I just feel so. Tired I'm like, should I take a nap, I don't know we'll see how I feel after I do my hair. This is how we're looking right now. I need to order some more rollers for my hair because, basically only like the top part and then the rest of these, I just kind of pin. Sometimes I'm like. I wonder why my air wrap like curls. Don'T last that long when I watch tutorials they're like you, should really keep your hair in the rollers or Clips or whatever for like an hour, and I literally leave them in for probably like five minutes they're. Sometimes I leave them in for an hour. If I'm just literally like doing my hair for no reason, but I'm so tired - and I decided that I just wanted to go ahead and film the video, so we're just going to do that plus it doesn't really matter that much because literally I'm getting my hair Done tomorrow, so this hair doesn't have to stay the way that it is. I need to figure out how to get the volume up in here like I really need to figure out how to do that. So I thought that today was the last day for my weakness, but it's literally only Monday. I thought that it was Tuesday, so we have today tomorrow and Wednesday, and then we end the Vlog on Wednesday. I think that's kind of what I'm gon na start doing is just kind of doing like weekly Vlogs. That way, you guys get weekly Vlogs like once a week in between all my videos, all right guys, I don't think I've updated in quite a while, but I tried to film my like gingerbread q, a video, but then it didn't work out. So then, I literally filmed me putting together this book tree and now there's like no books on my shelf and I have a massive headache because I just got done reading. Let me find it hold on. I just finished reading this on the Kindle. I don't know why, because I wanted to read this because I read centers Anonymous. I think randomly on my Kindle because, like it was a book I'd seen posted a few times on Tick Tock, so I read it and then I didn't really like it and I kind of was in the mood to read like a dog comments. So I read this and I just finished it, but I just read: stolen air and really liked it. I actually rated it a full Stars. I don't think in here. Oh, it does, but you don't get like the colored illustrations, like you do when you read it on uh your phone on Kindle unlimited, because even if you read on your Kindle, I'm pretty sure everything's black and white. I have a headache, though, because I read that book on my phone and sometimes I feel like I get cross-eyed when I'm reading stuff on my phone or, like my eyes, start to hurt, I don't know but book. This is officially over. I'M still trying to think of videos to upload between the time, because I don't know why I'm just uncomfortable with like they're just being days and days of no uploads, and I feel like it's just because I've uploaded for this many days that I feel like that. But also I am doing these weekly Vlogs, like there's at least gon na, be like one video a week, but I want to do more than that. So yeah I've left that candle burning all day and it is now like completely burnt out anyway. I'M gon na also try to like drink the rest of this. Here we go hi. I had a mobile order under Destiny. Thank you. Thank you have a good day. I am at my hair appointment, but I'm actually 30 minutes early, but you know what I would rather be 30 minutes early than like late, even just by a minute. Anyway, I went to Starbucks and I really didn't drink this, because I accidentally ordered this with no ice. It was a pink drink with no ice and it's disgusting I'm about to get my hair done, which I'm excited for. I don't know how long it's going to take. I don't know how long I'm going to be here, but my appointment is at 1. 30. It'S 105 right now! This morning I woke up and went to the gym. I came home. I ate some yogurt took a shower and then I left to get him to my hair appointment in case someone was wondering I completely embarrassed myself at the gym today because I run a mile every day and then I will do the incline walk when I run The mile, like I'm sprinting by the time that I finish it like I slowly build the speed up over the mile when I'm like hit the mile, instead of just like still running on the treadmill and just like putting the speed down. I like put both my feet on the sides and let the speed slow down and then get back onto the track. That way, I'm just not like doing the awkward little like whatever as it slows down. I it's like on, like 9.5 speed. Well, I always like grab the size and like pick myself up and place my feet. I don't know what it was. If I did it too swiftly, I went like this boom and then my right leg goes and the track is still going at a very fast speed and it just and this leg goes like this - I am falling forward onto my face, but I like grab the Uh, like where you put where you can take your heart rate, I grab those but in the whatever I like, smash my finger into the side. This woman is looking at me on the treadmill next to me, she's like trying to get onto the Treadwell next to me and she's like watching this happen, and I had to act like I was unfazed. You know, thankfully I'm sprinting, so my face is already like you know, red and sweaty, but I definitely thought about it for the rest of my treadmill time and then definitely was like. You know what I'm just gon na go ahead and go home. I'M just gon na go home because that was extremely embarrassing, so I had to share that with you guys, because I just thought it would make you guys laugh. I'M gon na sit in here I'm listening to the Zayn and Heath unfiltered podcast. I love listening to their podcast, especially since I'm in a mood right now, where I'm not necessarily really like liking any of the music that I'm listening to. I go through those faces, sometimes where no music is like truly like hitting for me I'll, listen to a lot of podcasts when I'm doing stuff - and I love the Zayn and Heath unfiltered podcast love it. It is so funny like I'm. They literally made me laugh like I was driving over here, and I was literally just laughing like at stuff that they were saying I'm just gon na listen to this episode until it's time for me to go in here. That'S about it! Honestly, if you guys are like what the heck is going on, did you get a new car while you're gone? Yes, I did I'm just kidding. This is my mom's car and this is gon na sound, so bad full vaccine clinic. But I came back for my hair appointment and my car is literally oh, my God, my dad's gon na kill me when I say this, but my car is quite literally on a it is getting dark outside, like it looks kind of light outside. But it's getting dark outside and I really didn't want to go to a gas station at night, because I've had some negative experiences. So I'm like, when I go to the gym in the morning, then I will fill up my tank, I'm literally taking my mom's car and going to Isaac's apartment downtown. Just so I don't have to go again. I literally hate getting gas and I just got gas. Not that long ago, but I had to take my dog like 40 minutes away to the groomer to their back this week. So but I got my hair done. I have my extensions in and I freaking love them. I love them so much! I'M in love with him, I feel so amazing with them and here's the thing I was a little like skeptical to be like oh yeah, I'm getting extensions because I feel like like hey comments, will be there to be like. Oh, my God why'd you like get extensions like that's, so damn here's the thing it makes me feel more confident. Just like I love getting my nails done and my eyelashes done. It makes me feel more confident, so I'm going to continue to do it. I love them so much. I love my girl that does my hair. She is so freaking sweet and she absolutely slays. That is the update. I'M going to Isaac tomorrow right now and I need to hurry. I have 20 minutes to get there, which I it's. It'S more than 20 minutes away, but so I'm just I'm gon na see you guys there, hello, lovely people right now! Oh my God, I'm sitting in here and I'm watching YouTube. I'M gon na have Hayley's video on in the back, because I've been catching up on some YouTube, but anyway, if you guys are wondering what my hair looks like I love it. I just keep on like staring in the mirror, which is like never something that I do feels good. It feels good. I have been like I said, catching up on some YouTube and just chilling. I'Ve also been trying to go into my notes, app and like plan out stuff, that I want to start doing like content that I want to make on my book. Instagram, like I really want to step it up over there, because I feel, like I don't post an app, and I want to start doing like reals posts all of these different things, to step up my game over on my book Instagram, because you guys didn't know. I have a book Instagram, I feel like some people, don't know that it's at what's desk reading. You guys should definitely go follow it if you're not already, because I'm going to step up my game on there. I'M talking like I'm gon na make mini reading. Vlogs reels posts, like I'm, really really gon na step up my game on there, and then I also have my personal Instagram, where I just post like pictures of myself, which is at destination, which is my personal Instagram. I post on there a lot more Instagram story-wide on both of the accounts. I don't really post much, which I want to make it a New Year's resolution, but like I'm going to start now, because I don't know if anyone else feels this way like I'm. Definitely a person, but in the new year I do put like resolutions that I want to do, but I don't like necessarily go. I I need to start these on January 1st I kind of go. I definitely want to be better at this in the new year, but I'm going to start it whenever, but I definitely want to start that anyway. So follow me on there. If you're not already, I have just been like planning out some content. What I want to do, and then also like scrolling through my home page and like taking inspo and like maybe like how like an aesthetic they want to do or like posts that I want to do like examples for myself kind of make like a mood board. For it, because I'm a very, I feel like I've always been a very visual learner like if you tell me something I don't know how to do it like. If you tell me, but if you show me how to do it, I will then know how to do it. That'S why I make like mood boards and stuff for myself, because that's how I that's how I learn. I'Ve been doing that and also just kind of like try to plan stuff out stuff that I want to get in the New Year stuff that I'm planning to launch in the New Year like really just sitting down and thinking about that because when I get home I am probably going to like sit down and actually plan some stuff out and everything because I'm so freaking excited like I'm generally so excited for 2023 things that I want to do in 2023, revolving around, like Tick Tock YouTube Instagram, like I just really want to Step up my game, so I'm that's something. I'M gon na try to do and some other stuff that I haven't told you guys about that will be coming out very soon, but Isaac's taking a nap right now. I have this coffee, it's not hitting like. It usually does, unfortunately, also who am I, but I've been thinking about getting like an espresso, but then I was like that's like kind of a waste of money. Sometimes I have to like talk myself out of purchases that, like don't make any sense for me. Thank you. It is very much the next morning I just got home from the gym. It is noon right now, I'm about to get ready, touch up my hair and put some makeup on and we're gon na go to Target and some other places, I'm pretty sure. First, I got some Amazon packages because I've been ordering some things that I'm very excited about. I just really like the camera's almost dead. First of all, I don't even think this cannot be like all of the tabs that I bought. I thought I bought more than this. I definitely did buy more than this, but I did buy more just annotating tabs, so we have like these these these these these and these, so I bought more annotating tabs. This is what I'm really excited about, because I don't know if anyone else follows this amazing woman on Tick Tock, but I do that has the little acrylic organizers in her little desk drawers where she organizes all of her markers highlighters pens, everything the. How do you like binge all of her videos - and it makes me just like want to have my life together like she does like it's just so aesthetic, and so I ordered these acrylic like different size, acrylic organizers, to organize, like all of my annotating stuff. All of my like journals, notebooks, pins, highlighters, Etc. I also just ordered more highlighters because I use mid liners, but they kind of bleed through a lot. So I kind of wanted to get some other ones which those are probably going to be in um. Next week's weak Miss because this is actually the last day of this week Miss, but I got all of these. So what I think I'm gon na do is I'm actually going to like set these up in my two drawers that I use for for all this stuff and I'm gon na organize all of it. I'Ve decided I'm back home from my Adventures today. I went to Target because me and my mom were getting stocking stuffers. She was getting stocking stuffers for like my family for Christmas, like candy and stuff, and I always make Isaac a stocking and also usually I get like my friends and stuff candy and like put it in their little bag. So I get them so I might like show you guys all the candy that I got, but I will show you guys that I got these for the house. So I got some summer punch straw, candy canes, which I'm about to try and then my mom loves Jolly Rancher ones. So we got the Jolly Rancher one because I'm pretty sure it was like two for six or something like that. And then I just got a bunch of candy for Isaac's stocking and some friends, and this is the good bag. So, first of all I got the most random thing because I literally just felt like I couldn't pass it up for some reason. Like I felt like I couldn't not get this, I got a Parks and Recreation coloring book um. I don't know why Parks and Rec is literally my comfort show. I love this show so much it's one of my favorite shows literally ever. I turn it on, while I'm reading books just as something in the background, I literally have to fall asleep to it. Every single night, like I love, Parks and Rec so much so I literally got this coloring book because - and it has like a bunch of different scenes like of Leslie and Ben and so many different scenes like when Leslie falls in the pit. So I got Cersei. I have read the song of Achilles, I read it in 2021 and also I remember starting this book in 2021. At some point like I had started it on Libby, but then I think, like there was a book that came up, that I wanted to read more and like when you use a Libby app. It'S basically like the library. So I returned this book to like read. Another one I just saw this and for some reason I've been thinking about this lately. I don't know why I know absolutely nothing about Greek mythology, but I just really have been thinking about this book. Okay and then I have never heard of this book ever but the cover caught my eye and it was a Reese's book club pick and this is on the rooftop and it takes place and 1950s San Francisco and I'm pretty sure it is about, like a group Of sisters - and they are singers in 1950s San Francisco and then I picked up some cards because I did not know that these were a thing you open it up, and it says wishing you all the good stuff this Christmas and you put like money or the Gift card right here, and so it's kind of like a card and you just kind of put it in an envelope. So I got some of those to give out, because I have gotten people some gift cards and then I randomly got some little sticky notes. I got a huge pack of the the G2 pilot pins, because these are my favorite pins. Ever I have the black and two red ones. These are like my favorite pens, always even through high school, that I loved to write with, and I wanted some more like colorful pins for annotating. So I really really want to get into annotating books like in the new year. I want to annotate the whole entire addicted Callaway sister Series in depth, and I really wanted some new pins for like books that I know I love and they're five stars. I need to do like cute, doodles and stuff on them and make them look really really good, so that was my whole entire Target haul right now, I'm going to put some moisturizer and lip balm on because that's what I need to do - and I am going To probably finish in a holidays and watch Alicia, Marie's vlogmas and more than likely take a nap more than likely foreign

Shivani💘: Destiny & Sara both posting 30min vlog videos at the same time>>>>>

morgannlae: As an Indy gal as well it couldn’t be a worse time for us stressy depressy girls than winter. perfect time to binge a show we watched 1000 times

kgurney: hey bestie! whenever i’m starting a new book and can’t focus on it i always just put on the audiobook at like 2.5x speed and read along w it and it helps sooo much to get into it and read fast!

Emma Jefferson: I’m so proud of you, Destiny! Your self discipline while not doing well mentally is amazing❤

Kenna Jensen: Literally screaming crying throwing up bc a long des vlog means it’s gonna be a great day

Baily Panger: I highly recommend the Nespresso!!!! I got mine over a year and a half ago and use it literally every single day. I absolutely LOVE IT!! I literally like the coffee I make at home more than Starbucks

Fitness, Fashion, Books: I love that you just vlog like we’re there :) thank you for posting videos for us this holiday season. I’m a teacher and off work, so it’s nice to have something fun and wholesome to watch.

Emily Pro: You’re not boring at all I enjoy watching your videos because they’re relaxing :) I feel like we would be good friends irl because we have such similar interests/struggles. Love you destiny!

Mallory Mastronardi: Currently just finished addicted to you!!! Excited to read the rest! You should show us when u annotate it all❤

Julie: Oh Destiny, you ranting in the car just made me crack up so happy to see a new vlog from you

Lauren Sparks: i love the realness of this it’s so relaxing

ginny: literally sara and destiny posting near the same time. im crying i tried organizing my bookshelves by color but i failed lol. hahaha u are making me feel so much better destiny. ily

a: destiny if you were boring i wouldn’t be watching! i love your videos and enjoy all of them due to your personality

Hannah Way: Reading books from amazons top chart might be a fun idea!

John Saxon Gitno4Life: Destiny thank you for your amazing video love it and love you and your amazing channel please stay safe and enjoy your reading prayers and thoughts for you and your family ❤❤❤❤Merry Christmas

Natalie Paige: Wrapping presents while watching my favorite YOUTUBER

Celine Nalani: Christmas time for miss destiny!❤️

Jazzy: Hi, Des! I was just wondering if in one of your vlogs we could get a workout routine? I'm a beginner at the gym and it would be really helpful to see what you do!

Amber Moe: Can we talk about the hair?? love it so much!! You look stunning

alia: funfact about love island usa : you guys know cash right? he basically is a substitute teacher for this middle school and I've met him so many times, because my whole family has been to that school. He's lowkey hella weird though. it was such a bizarre experience that is still ongoing in my life

ivy: your hair looks so good!!

Hope Turner: Fellow Hoosier! Lol I totally get it this current weather is driving me nuts!!!

Mariah Crane: Can you please do a more detailed notion video? I want to see how you get the templates and make your book ones!

May Cheeshiree: I really really love your gym outfits!!!

Bookish Jem: “Forks Washington minus the aesthetics” I felt that

Cathie Gomez: I love the new hair

Mad: i ordered chamberlain coffee and also got the mason jar somehow but didn’t pay for it!! check your order details it was probably free

Monica Flores: Lmaooo “Indiana is like Forks, WA but without the aesthetics” I live in Indiana and agree

Alexis Dokulil: You should do your weekly workout routine in a video

Livin' the Good life: I love how most of the people who watch destiny also watch Haley and Sara and some (like Me)Ail

Caitlin Flackman: I love all of your sweatshirts and shirts. I need a link!!

Libby's reading corner : I need to find a few show to just binge, got and rec?? Great vlog by the way, love your videos

Hailee Kuschel: The extensions are a major slay

Bookish Jem: Yess! Nerds clusters & nerds ropes are the best!

yanik peña: I've been wanting to get into annotating but do not know how exactly to do so, when you start doing so can you make an updated annotating video?!

Brittany Lange: Parks and Rec is my comfort show too!

TbhJord: if it makes you feel any better i have never looked to see if someone was vlogging at a red light and if i do see them talking i assume they’re on the phone Also, indiana pal here too and it’s sucks, i agree

Zk Motivation: ”However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.” – Stephen Hawking

centenoj85: Argentina Campeón Saludos y bendiciones

Lovley: What’s your favorite love and other words or acomaf?

Kayla Evans: First! I luv ur videos sm!!!!

Paris Williams: ❤❤

Monae Williams: I'm mature enough to admit I'm second

Flux With Me: jumpscare


alia: not you pulling an Alisha marie in the middle of the video

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