How To Cut Naturally Curly Hair // Curly Hair Tips

How To Cut Naturally Curly Hair // Curly Hair Tips

---Learn how to cut naturally curly hair and learn new curly hair tips. In this video, RaDona, a professional hairstylist, shows some tips and advice for cutting naturally curly hair on little girls.




How To Cut Naturally Curly Hair | Naturally Curly Hair


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Hey everyone, i'm going to show you a fun cut on natural curly, hair um she's got curl. I just want to show you guys when people have natural curl, it's usually curly around the hairline and up topic top. It gets a little straight. So this cuts going to help this curl lift i'm going to put some layers into it. It'S all on length now and i'm going to show you. Let me turn it this way. Okay, put their head down just look down for me: okay, you're, going to want to hold this down with the comb and then just bring this over now remember with natural curl when it dries it's going to shrink so, depending on how much length you want off Is how short it's going to be okay and now on this side, just make sure that you keep their head up and turn your head this way there you go and keep their head up. Okay, now we're just going to take these ends off, get a good clean cut and the sides make sure that their head is tilted. This way. Okay, now we're going to go to the left side. Again, i like to hold my comb on the hair. So it's nice and straight okay and then turn their head. This way turn your head. This way there you go good job. Okay, there you go all right now. What i'm going to do is i'm going to come up through this top and take a section see how long this is because this is all one length i'm going to bring these layers down into here and that's a lot of length off. But it's going to give her hair a lot of body and the curl it's going to be easier to form that curl up top okay, so you just cut that off. Okay and then, when you get down here to the bottom, you're gon na. Take this hair and you're gon na hold it all the way up, see how that drops out. That is the length of the hair. So when you hold this up, you're not taking the length off you're just taking the upper part of the hair off okay, your guide points in there right there you're going to take those layers and cut okay, bring that straight up. Take that off come down and get all this below. Okay, then your sides take that all the way up. Okay, then, all this on the bottom. Okay, now we've got those layers in that side. Now we're going to come over to this side, see that guide point behind there. I'M going to take all that off in the middle you'll notice that these layers really help style, the hair, sometimes with natural curl people, don't think that they can do too much with it, and it really helps to have these layers cut into natural curl. It'S easier to style and easier to deal with as far as tangles and things when you get out of the shower to comb, it out it'll be a lot easier to comb out with those layers in there. Okay, so there's your layers in the back. Now, here's your guide point up here: that's where the layers are okay, you're, going to grab a section in this front and then you're going to hold this hair up and take it straight across. Okay, take another section all that side and hold that straight up. Take that off, okay, and then this side also just take all of it straight up. Okay, with camry, she likes to part her hair on this left side, and you can see that her bangs are long. What we're going to do is we're going to cut a little bit of a bang kind of a side swoop, bang for her. So when we pull it back and stuff, she can have a little bit down. Okay, what you're going to want to do? If you put your head up, make sure their heads up, okay, angle, your fingers and come in and just start cutting that down good job she's, so cute, okay and then come down that side. And then you can take that and just kind of go down this side and just connect that side with that now remember when you do these things, remember they're going to shrink a little bit because of the curl, so don't go too crazy on that. Go too short and just come up at these sides to connect these layers. Okay and there you go with the layering cut, and you can kind of see how this is lifting that curl already. So it's going to be fuller and then in a minute i'm going to show you how to dry it.

Devon Kinzer: im going to get brave & try this on my daughters hair. thanks for posting!

LegzRwheelz: Thank you so much. Single dad, clueless on what to do with my babygirl's curly mess before school starts. However I'm a jack of all trades. I can do anything with the right guidance. You've given me confidence! I got this!!!

Crystal K: I see no curls! Anyways, she's a cutie pie.

* Michelle *: Curly hair ???? Where? That’s straight as a board as a hair dresser you should know the difference between straight and curly hair. And if it was curly you cut it ALL WRONG. Please stop

Boys And Girls Hairstyles: Thanks!

Maya Akiki: she is so cute!!!!!

Nancy Gonzalez: It’s not curly hair

Boys And Girls Hairstyles: thanks...

Gypsy: What? Lol where the hell are the curls?

Hotsaucestyle: Awww

Estelle Moore: She doesn't have curly hair.

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