Easy Updo For Curly Hair With A Professional Curly Hair Expert

This easy to do up style can be done on any curl type and all densities.

A quick 1-2-3 I performed on my LIVE of IG and had a lot of positive feedback. Unedited and a raw cut.

Use the steps in any order and make your own version and customized looks.

Please follow and tag me @curlyhairalchemist

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Terrible, so, okay, so I'm gon na just do a quick tutorial here of how I do my Styles and what's to know about areas that would work really good for it, like it's just having some basic tips of where to start. So I always clip my top out because the top for me always goes back last. When you wait for the top to go back last, then you can have different styles in different directions. So I'm not going to do a ponytail. I think I'm just gon na do straight down the middle and then do something really soft. I'M probably gon na use this as a way to protect my curls and stretch them just a little bit, but it is really raining outside. So I'm probably gon na feel more comfortable because I did not refresh so there's no product being reapplied to my hair to make up for the moisture that is out in the environment. Rakes. We talked about atmosphere and how, when it's, humid or rainy outside your hair responds to it so because I'm not using any product. I am going to just kind of hide my hair a little bit by twisting and then just bringing it straight to the center and then just having the ends meet in the middle and that's gon na form like a little natural, bun. Okay. This is great on really long hair as well. Sorry, it's not super bright in here. I like I said I I'm just this is impromptu, so so, basically, both of the twists met here in the middle. So, what's nice is that it's creating this nice, like soft silhouette, where I have some some sheep and then I'm just doing everything by feeling. So I want to be able to pin the middle, but I don't want the middle to be so compressed. I want it to be nice and fluffy. It kind of looks like a croissant, it's my curl croissant, okay and then I drop the top, and this is where you can have more fun now, since everything GameChanger awesome. So since this is all meeting in the middle now, I want the rest of the hair just lightly meet. In that same way. In that same direction I mean so because I want to start building shape and in volume, so I'm gon na take it. I'M gon na lightly twist and then I'm gon na have that light twist meet in the middle, where I met up with those two twisted pieces of previous and then I'm gon na go in and just pin it down. Okay! So I'm starting to build my top here - okay - and I don't care about this here - because guess what there's another section involved. This is really great for really fine hair too, when you're like. Oh, I don't like seeing my scalp well, I'm gon na show you how to get rid of that, so I'm gon na lightly twist and then I'm just going to naturally bail that over that section there, so I'm gon na come up actually a little bit higher. I'M still gon na stay in the middle, but I'm coming up a little bit higher. Now you see where my hand position is the four is down here now, it's up here so gradually I'm going up the head, because I have shorter layers at the top hey Madison Madison joined just the oil Madison is the bomb okay. Now I don't want the whole back to go back cuz. I don't like all that forehead. That'S not me personally, so I think I want a little bit more of just an over. If I want that height or I could refresh all of this and still have some of my curls, can I get you to grow more hair Madison. You got to talk to a doctor for that, okay, so I'm gon na work a little bit more. Naturally, I don't want to be so taut here. So I'm just gon na lift, I'm gon na gather. I'M gon na lift I'm gon na just kind of create a little little arch here. So I don't want too much like to Bankard, but like then I do the shake test see what falls out and then just by nature, I'm going to bring that piece over a little bit more behind. And if I don't want this to fall out, then I can kind of just softly, pin it near the ear so like I said, the curls are still there. You know, and I can just tuck a little bit and then you know whatever I want to fill in if I, if I just want it to be a little bit flatter, I just kind of open and fan out, so everything is just lightly manipulated. So it really just comes down to sections and less tension and it doesn't have to be perfect guys. I'M not gon na go and take care of my edges or anything like that, because I don't have time, but I hope you enjoyed this little updo for this morning. Try it out while it has a replay of 24 hours and so it'll be up til tomorrow until like around 9:15 or so in the morning. So if you want to just kind of practice this a little bit tonight, if you don't have much going on Friday night, you want to you know just kind of be around people or not be around people. It'S just one of those weekends where it's a cologne, Seymour or it's or you want to go out and party, then try at least try the front. You know if you want the fritz a little bit more. I don't know if I can call it conservative. It'S a little bit more teams. Let me go into my bathroom, so you guys can completely do this yeah, it's just trying to get some of that back there yeah and if there's like some parts that you don't want to see like say, you have like a really deep, like Scout part, say All you saw was scalp, then you would just like you see my little hands they're. Turning into little claws. You would just pinch those roots closed, but for the most part, it's like cute, because it's not like, I just grabbed everything and turned it into a bun right. I just I just did a little bit more sections and the bat and the side is really pretty. It'S like super romantic and then the top is covered with a soft layout and then my sides of my curls can just sit there and they can just be me, you know, but if you wanted more forehead or less forehead, I'm sorry you with like pull this Down more, I don't have

Tina Cross: Thanks for sharing Meg that is a really cute updo

Erin Small: I love this updo!! Can’t wait to try it!!

123 456: Love you gal

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