Fast & Easy Way To Apply Beads To Hair

This is a video to show my little technique for putting beads on my daughters hair. Her name is Zeniah and she is 4 years old. If you have little ones with hair or you are grown and just looking for a easier method this video breaks it down step by step.

Are you uh thanks for tuning into my channel, I'm fro real um today, I'm going to talk to you about beading, that's just putting beads on french french braided her hair this morning come here. Zanna say hi to the camera. Everybody PI hi rissalah, just braided, her hair, all right, good job, so yeah um, I just braided her hair up this morning and I'm about to starve backward tomorrow. I'M actually a kindergarten teacher for those of you who don't know, and so I smell a vacation - is over that's okay, so I'm about to throw these beads on her head and the way that I do it or started doing that recently has cut down. On my time, a lot of you might notice technique already, it's really nothing new. At least I don't yeah, it's nothing. I hope you enjoy and I just stick to right. So yeah I watched her here this morning. I used my shea moisture shampoo. I use the conditioner as well and then I used on the Cantu shea butter. It actually works pretty good on her hair, so I used that and to moisturize her scalp and ends of her hair. I use coconut oil, so this is what the finished product looks. Like Janet, and actually this is kind of cute - i toasted up - I didn't think or even grill after that I won't get the result by this result. But I twisted in a little bit to knots kind of you know just wrap them around themselves in little chunks and sections not even an hour ago, and it's already holding young can see if I would have had it in a little longer time. I actually be a wearable style, mm-hmm she's gon na mind her own business, reading her book so yeah. So typically, what you get is this little thing here inside the beading kits or whatever, and it's very simple when you put the beads and slide them on there. Like this, like this, we don't have many beads. You want put the braid through this little hole, pull the braid up and then slide the beat one like that. This was okay. I liked using this little thing, but as you can see, it is very short and then from here to here and my daughter's hair, it's a bit long. So sometimes I would use you know I'll say 10 beads or whatever, and it would all be too many to fit on this. One thing I want so I was like forget this put that away, and so now all I use simply is a piece of thread. This used to be - or this is, I should say, a piece of the strings up for so winds like you can get it from any beauty supply and you get that spool of thread that they give you form you want to do so wins, and so just Cut it lift up that off. You can see compared to this event, how long it is um from there. Oh, oh yeah, my my materials, are this the beads and rubber bands. That'S it all I do. Is I take my string, this long fold it in half and then I simply put on beat on the open-ended side? You can I go to the doctor for like swing kiss me. Thank you. It'S already healing all right. So here is my string with the beads. I got one two three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine ten eleven to thirteen beats and if I hold it up to this thing, as you can see, yeah it's awfully yeah, it's pretty much the entire length of it. So it doesn't leave me room to put the braid in this little bitty hole down here and still slot the beads up. So I'll have to do that twice for an extra two or three beads. Okay, I think that's just a little ridiculous sauce like I can do this with string. I tried it and it worked. So I take my string and my hole here open in here. What I do very carefully hold both ends to make sure to beat don't fall off either way. So I'm holding this open in taking this closed end and I'm simply get one break and I loop it around the brain like so high enough, so that you know a little more than a distance that you would rubberband to. You know close the beads off. So I have this much hair from here to here, then I'm leaving for safety, just in case they happen to pop off, while you're stringing them through you might be able to catch it before they all fall off. Now from here. I push all the beads down to the hair and I just keep pushing and pushing and pushing what by the time I have about four or five beads in there, and I know that all the way in you let this end go and you pull the beads Down down down slowly carefully, making sure that you're looking for the end of that here, because that's usually, if you have a problem with a Popoff, I'm at the end of the hair, I simply slide my string off and pull my hair all the way through and Voila I had beads thirteen beads on my doors yeah. This is my foolproof technique for quickly getting beads, especially after you're sitting there. All that time, I'm braiding like the braiding for her this style here, took I'm gon na say it took we started at about eleven and we went to like 1:30 so 12:1 about two and a half hours. So you don't want to sit there one by one put them one. Be that time, I'm going to show it to you one more time just to go off and see one piece of string fold it in half grab the two ends put half or many beads. You were playing have all of my beads on my magical string. Hold them both ends open up that closed. In pick a braid close it all over the closed in like this, let the beads fall down, push the beads down over the braid and keep pushing and pushing and push and push and push until you see soon, as you see that hair pop out the other End grab it so that they don't slide out and just simply take your book straight off and you have beads it's like magic. Take your rubber band another around a few times and always worried there. So I hope you all learned something from this and enjoyed my little tutorial I'll, come back to you all when I'm actually finished braiding her home ahead and show you what the finished product look like. Alright, hey YouTube we're back, and this is the finished product to beat dogs as an I. Can you do a quick little spin around for us? Oh okay, wait that right! Alright good now turn the back, so we can see the back right this top side on the other side, okay, sound, like a anything you want to say to the camera, I'm glad you like it. Maybe so bye-bye you

Mary Reavis: Awww, she is adorable and thank you for sharing that with us. My daughter has been wanting beads in her hair for a long time. I will be using your technique tomorrow. She will be so excited. Thanks again!

Leslie Lewis: My mother used this same method on my hair when I was little and that was over 30 years ago. Very useful. I have used it on my daughter's hair as well.

Joy: Great video! I braid my cousins hair and they always ask for beads in their hair and now I can do it! And your daughter is precious! Beautiful like her mom (:

Diane W: Amazing. I didn't know about this trick if you don't have the beading stick. I learned from your tutorial. I just did my daughter's hair with your method. Thank you. Also depending on the child's age etc it's great bonding time. My daughter is 8 so I allowed her to put the beads on the string.

Deborah Bergen: You seem like such a good Mom! Ok don't laugh, my husband has long hair and likes to wear beads in his hair. I just started making my own beads for his hair. In the peyote stitch and I can make the whole hole as big or small as you like. It's fun. You have patience to do all that. Your daughter is adorable she is so funny, pointing to where you wanted to show where to start putting the beads on. Good luck this year! Kindergarten whooh Lord bless you!

Tabatha Mullins: Thank you so much for your video! I can finally get my braids beaded without the little tool

K HARVEY: I didn't use the thread, but I used the tool for my 9 month old daughter. Thanks for your help! I was struggling for 15 minutes at first until I found your channel. Thank you again! #Newmommy

Ayeemarwee: Your daughter is so beautiful and I love how she patiently sits there for you to do her hair!

LadyTiger: Thank you for this method. I haven't ever seen it before. I braided my daughter's hair and wanted to bead it but couldn't find that little beader that came with it. Found your video, actually the first one I watched, and did that method and was so excited that I could use some string. Again, thank you.

Bridget Renee: Thanks for sharing this method with the thread, i tried it and it works well. I love the way you styled your daughter's hair.

Jungkooksbananamilk: So beautiful!!! I love her hair, I wish I knew how to braid

Saffron Evetts: Finally can add beads to my nieces hair with ease now thankyou !! & your daughter is so adorable :)

jazzabelled21: You're daughter is gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing it helped me out a lot!!!

Latoya Burnett: Great video. I grow up with my mother beading my hair with a needle n thread. I do the same to my daughter's hair. It surprise me when people tell me they've never seen it done this way

Madison Cloud: I love your daughter! She's adorable! Plus I want to try to put a few beads on my hair for my sixth grade graduation since it's coming up soon but I want to know how to do it with out braids

Meshell Hughart: So cute! Love how attentive you are to her even though you're on camera.Great Mommying <3

chillinebony: Your daughter is adorable! For anyone wondering they sell the bead threader wands at Sallys Beauty Supply, their wands are a bit longer so you should be able to get a fair amount of beads on. Great video!

Im Fro Real: Thank You! I'm going to be doing another tutorial with her soon... she can't wait:)

Georgia Peach 2017: Great tip and I love how you kept her looking her age!!!!  Great job mommy!!!!!!!

outsidethebox3: Wow this is a great tip. Many a times I have done twice the work getting those beads on, so thank you for sharing.

ATLGrower: Now I understand why our mothers were so quick to perm our natural hair. Not that I'm encouraging any mom chemically relaxing their daughter's hair. It simply takes having patience doing your daughter's hair. Versatility is what I love about natural hair styles on our daughters.

Dolls4me81: Thank you so much! I put beads in my foster daughters hair this morning for the first time and it was so easy using the thread!

Chun Li: She's beautiful! I'm so happy you showed this, it takes 30 beads to go half way up my daughter's hair, it takes forever.

ashake22: This was a very nice hair style!! Loved the tip, u rock!

Tiffini Cowley: I braid my daughter hair a lot and I sometimes bead it and it's takes a long time with the short bead sticks... Thanks for the help!!! Good job

Reign Young: This turtorial really helped, and your daughter is freaking gorgeous!

Nikki143k: I love her hair! Good job momma and she is such an angel!

Brian Carries: OMG! THANK you SO much! 30 minutes I spent searching videos getting only hair tutorials, makin mine crazy. I GOT the hair part, just need the bead part... Your daughter is super cute too. Thank you both for your help

Im_a_black_monkey: With the thread method put an anchor bead on the ends so that the beads will not fall off. Just face a bead in the opposite direction of the other beads (turn the bead on its side and tie a couple of knots around it) that way you don't have to hold the ends.

Dyamondkrystall Howze: I been doing this for over thirty years. If you use yarn and make the string longer you can bead up the beads for the whole head before hand. In what ever pattern you want. You can put the on as you go along.

Alexis Williams: THANK YOU SIS'STAR...I just lost my tool so I been hesitating to braid my Queen up...FRO SURE...LOVE IT

Lovely-cøøkie: Thanks. I loved it. Had no idea how to bead!

Dr Kenya Horton: Question for you: did you braid your daughter's hair with her real hair or with synthetic hair? I've been pondering whether to add hair to my daughter's hair to make it last longer. Thoughts? Love your video, very helpful. Thanks! :)

New Mommy Bliss: Her hair is so Long! Bless her and thank you for the quick tutorial.

Dorene Mellene: That hairstyle looks awesome, and the little girl has such a beautiful smile.

Britt D: Thank u! I have been doing this each bead at a time and my little one doesn't even have natural hair which makes it SO complicated. Can't believe I didn't think of a string!

YASHA_S6X: This was very helpful. Thanks

Kellee Hunt: Thank you! We've lost so many beaders and I didn't want to buy a new pack of beads just to get one. This was a huge help.

Im Fro Real: Thanks just hold the string at both ends so they don't come off and when putting the beads on the braid make sure the beads stay together and go on all at once because there's a chance they'll fall off with space in between them.

Im Fro Real: I actually pull the very end of her hair up around the last bead so when I'm wrapping the rubberband around the bead there's actually the end of her hair pulled up over the bead that I'm wrapping around. That secures the beads from coming off. After rubberbanding I cover the hair that's been pulled up with the other beads by just pulling them down over it

Khrissy Prissy: Your daughter is beautiful!!! I am definitely going to try this on my daughters hair. She's a toddler though. Do you think she is too young for beads in her hair? How secure are the beads and is there a way to add extra security to hold the beads in place?

Lena Hack: Your daughter is so adorable!! Love her hair!! :)

Kita Sylvia: This is much faster than the little short beader that came with our beads. Thanks!

Im Fro Real: Thank you, I don't wash the hair with the beads and braids in...I usually take it all down and wash and detangle her hair loose. And the braids are called cornrows or some people call them "frenchbraids". I've made a tutorial on how to do them a long time ago but have been having issues uploading it so ill probably just redo it:)

Im Fro Real: That's a good tip also! Thanks for watching:)!

The Real Coco Rose: thank Yu so much for this... currently it's my first time doing beads and I realized idk how to apply them ... and then the little white thing broke... so thank Yu for the thread technique thank God I had that

BeYOUtiful Prosperous Queen: What works for me is putting a bobby pin on the end of the braid and adding the beads. It cuts down the time a lot versus the bead accessory

Free tv and Reviews: I popped that little plastic beader because my daughter's braids were too large. Thank God for this video because I was not going to be 1 at a time feeding braids on her hair! your daughter's hairstyle.

C C: Thank you so much for this video. You both are beautiful stay blessed, siesta!!!

Keelolo Gee: Thanks so much; She is very cute; love the braids too; Nice Job

Lady T: BEAUTIFUL!! I wish I knew how to cornrows.. I have to pay someone to do my daughters hair..

SheSoNatural: Cuuuute....I Love this Idea.Gotta try it on my Neice.She Loves to shake those beads.Your Baby Girl is Adorable btw

stephazeliyz: Thanx but I ended up watching other vids that day and figured that part out. I was able to do my 22 month old daughter's hair and everyone including her loved it!! THANX again ;-))

MizzezJaxon: thanks for  this idea! I think I will spare a bead and secure it at the end of the 2 strings with a rubberband and then add the beads. she is sooo pretty!

Nikki Luna: Love this video!! Awesome when saving money too!

Toia319: She is gorgeous. love her hair! Wish my child would stay still for that!lol

Nicole Hassell: There are longer wands for threading the beads on to the hair. The cost is about $.99 at your local hair store.

Mama Tia: Omg!! I wish I would have seen this before I waited forever for my beading tool! Lol! Great tip! Sharing in my fb group, BRAIDspiration tutorials! :) :) 

Nicole Smith: You just saved me about 30 minutes. Blessings!

Im Fro Real: That is her natural hair, and yes with my schedule I'm not sure when but I will try to duplicate and upload a how to video on this style. Thanks for watching!

Michelle Hall: Just to let you know, that little beader comes in a longer size. I use to buy them all the time because the one in the pack is so short.

jermaine sockwell: If u check a couple of beauty supply places u will find they have bigger n longer bead sticks. It will be faster as well as easier!

Tamega Brent: I also use this method when I do my daughter's hair, but what I do is make my thread longer and put a needle on one side and knot the other side and put a barrette on the knot side and just fill up the thread then hang it up and start beading her hair from the side that has the knot.

Im Fro Real: You are very welcome:) Thanks for watching!

Sincerity: Love it!

Aria DJ211's Princess: Great video! Very helpful & ur daughter is absolutely gorgeous :) Now I just have to get my baby to sit still long enough. Any tips for that? Lol

Katlyn England: Aww your daughter's so patient and nice c: How do you wash hair that has beads and the braiding along the scalp like your daughter has?

christine Walker: What did you do with the last bead to keep them from falling off?

Courtney F: Such a good video with great detail

ClandestineGirl16X: shes so precious!! thanks for this video, it helped me :)

LonetteH: I have the original long plastic beader and misplaced it and needed another option. Thank you for posting!

Elisa Johnson: They do make longer sticks with the loop to put the beads in just bought one the other day. It's twice as long as the one they put in the pack. You usually can find it separately, up front where you check out at the hair store

Ariel-out of the Sea: she's so cuuute! and i love the style very simple for school looksquick

Im Fro Real: You're so welcome:) Glad I could help!

KICKINITWITH THEYOUNGS: that was amazing and very pretty

Morena Reyna: I am amazed that your baby girl is reading a book instead of playing with an Ipad! Great mom and beautiful baby girl!!

Carol Moore: Thank you, I think this will be very useful.  Your daughter is beautiful.  Thanks for sharing

Im Fro Real: Aww thank you! I would love to see some of your work and yes my Kindergarteners keep me busy but its super fun and I love it:)

Alexis Timmons: So happy for this,I just did it makes it faster to do

Im Fro Real: You're welcome. Glad it helped:)

whisperingsage: Wow! How long did the braiding take?

Maria Arjonilla: What a cutie bear, thanks for sharing!!

Im Fro Real: That's awesome, let me know how it works out!:)

Im Fro Real: You're welcome! Thanks for watching!

Dyamondkrystall Howze: This is my daughter's name. Also tie the yarn and put a piece of foil or bread tie to bead the beads faster.

Im Fro Real: Ive been super busy butI will try to recreate it and show how I did it:)

Keisha Green: so cute... awesome job

Jeana Dylan: she is so cute - love her fancy beads :)

Mazda87: Super cute ❤️

whisperingsage: I just needed to know for helping my husband make a Jack Sparrow Black Pearl float. But now you got my wheels turning on other ideas.

Im Fro Real: Thanks hun♡!

S Neal: First attempt beaded my neice hair In like 30 Minutes... thank you

Karen Williams: Your daughter is so adorable!

Yolanda Domond: thank u this is my first time doing hair this help me sooo much

Katie Bear: Great idea!!!

Im Fro Real: Thanks hun!

Granite Peak Aviation: Where can I buy beads like the ones you used? Pretty colors. I can't find similar anywhere

michelle89ful: A long piece of your yawn help too & the beads stay in place on it own without falling off the other end. But this is a very cool idea

Rickia Math: Can you make a video on how to do cornrows! I'm a beginner.

Im Fro Real: O to secure I took the end of the hair and pulled it back up over the last bead and I just wrap the rubberband around that end piece of hair, so your rubberband should go in between the last bead and the the rest of the beads. When u finish wrapping the rubberband around then you just pull the rest of the beads down until its sitting right ontop of the last bead again and that hides the rubberband...Hope that makes sense and helps:)

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