How To Draw And Ink Hairstyles

As Inktober continues we continue with our series of Universal Monster ink drawings. This week the subject is hair and what better monster to practice hairstyles than the Bride of Frankenstein.









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Today, we're going to learn to draw and ink hairstyles using one of the most iconic hairstyles in the history of hairstyles, the bride of frankenstein greetings. Everyone welcome to the underground lair where we bring our creations to life. I'M scott with cirque works. Art labs, i'm a professional illustrator designer and mad creator, because you know what you have to be a little crazy to dedicate your life to this thing called art. But today i'm dedicating not my whole life, but i'm dedicating about. I don't know 15 20 minutes to teach you how to draw hairstyles so how we're going to do that is using this character, the bride of frankenstein, it's actually inktober it's october, so that means inktober and i've been doing uh a number of inking tutorials. This time. I'M actually going to show you how to draw it and then we'll get to the inking, keep everything within that whole inktober vibe. But let's get started drawing hairstyles all right. So continuing on with the series we're doing for the month of october. It is inktober. So we're doing some inking demonstrations talking about different textures and things and because it's october, because halloween's coming up i've been using the universal studios monsters as sort of our guide through this whole series. So i've done frankenstein the wolf man uh today, i'm going to be talking about hairstyles. So what better person to choose than the bride of frankenstein such an iconic look. So we're going to get into that we're going to draw some different hairstyles today, but typically, what i've been doing is i've been doing the drawing portion and putting that up on patreon, but i think that's pretty important to kind of show you how to do that Before we get to even the inking stage, so gon na be a lot more drawing than inking in this episode, but we will ink one drawing uh when we get towards the end. So what i? What i've got now is i've got three different. You know just duplicate these sketches and we're gon na just try some different hairstyles out. First, we're going to start with the basic you know or my take on the basic pride of frankenstein hairstyle. Now what i'm doing right now is. First, i'm just trying to figure out where the hairline is now uh. This might be like a vampire like widow's peak. Typically, women don't have that widow's peak, but because she is sort of a vampire or not a vampire she's been brought back from the dead. Sorry but anyway, she's still kind of creepy like that, so uh. That might be a way to go, but i'm i'm doing sort of a higher head, uh hairline here, because her head's been sort of grafted on and everything and i've just went through, and i think i'm gon na give her a headband. I think it might be cool to do a headband because she's all bandaged up anyway, so maybe have this headband. Now the one thing i'm showing right now is you don't want to draw just every single strand of hair. All right, you have to look at hair as in shapes now this first one is going to be pretty easy, because it's pretty much one big shape, but we'll get into some other hairstyles and you'll see how everything's sort of broken up into shapes. So what i'm doing now is i'm i'm getting the basic shape and i'm almost doing it like a flame like you would draw a flame and, if you're not familiar with how to draw a flame um it's basically, these kind of curve shapes if you've ever seen A french curve and sort of the angle that the french curve takes it's it's sort of like that. It'S it's a it's. A little sort of you can kind of see it's back and forth. You'Ll have one turn this way and one turn another i'll kind of show you right here so here i'm just basically drawing a flame and you can see how they flare out at different points: they're, not necessarily they're, going opposite directions. So that's sort of how you would do flames, so i'm doing the same thing here with this sort of highlight that she has running through her hair and uh and then i'm gon na do it on the opposite side. Now keep in mind. This is a three we're looking at this imagine. This is like a 3d shape, not a solid shape, so most of that the other side is going to go around the back. So you're not going to see it all, but i do want to give just a bit of a hint of it. So, let's start with a different hairstyle uh this one i'm going to break up into a few different shapes this one i'm going to actually give her bangs. Now i want to do more of them like an elvira type hairstyle that bouffant hairdo, but first i want to have those bangs kind of coming in in front and i'll give her a headband too. I don't know i kind of i kind of like the headband with with bangs look so anyway um. So you can see that's the first shape, but now i'm going to go back and just it's basically like a sphere that i'm drawing, but i'm going to continue on and i'm going to bring it down, and this is going to rest sort of over her shoulder. Like that um and then maybe we'll put some hair in the background to kind of give it some more dimension but um and you can kind of see and the way that i'm sort of just in curving hair it's sort of like a ribbon. So i'm just drawing a ribbon. So if you can draw a ribbon like this, it's the same and you can just taper it sort of like hair. So if you know how to draw ribbons uh when we get into some of the other, hairstyles you'll see that now this isn't. This is more of a thicker. It'S kind of got a that ribbon thing towards the bottom, but it's a little bit thicker, but once we get into more curly hair you'll see how learning knowing how to draw those ribbons comes into play now again we're going to draw some hair in the background. So keep in mind where the hair falls, and this is what gives it the different shapes and different layers. So we've got the front layer which is sort of you know it's those bangs. Then we've got the middle layer, which is that bouffant style that comes over the shoulder, but then i also want some hair that goes in the back so and then that's the third layer. So you can see how i'm looking at this in terms of shapes. Just three different, you know, shapes the foreground middle ground background almost like if you're drawing backgrounds, but this is how it applies to hair. Now, when you're dealing now she's got dark hair, except for that white halo or highlight rather, but one thing when you're drawing darker hair you want to do or you can do, is put a little highlight on it a little sheen. So it's just not like a solid black image. So imagine that that light reflecting off that that really glossy black hairstyle and you're going to get a sheen like that. So that's what that is, that isn't necessarily white in her hair. It'S just a sheen! Now we can go back in and do do more white like that, but also keep in mind if you're doing characters that just have a stark black hairstyle to kind of break it up. That'S so you can add some sheen to to the hair where the highlight is so naturally i would. It would make sense to probably do that along on the bangs too, but you can imagine i can. I showed you how to do it on the other one. So or on the back of the hair, so let's start a different hairstyle here this one's going to have bangs but they're going to be sort of a little more haphazard or they're, going to be kind of folding over the face a little longer in some points And keep in mind the way i'm sectioning it off. I'Ve got larger sections, not all the same. I'Ve got a larger section of hair and then a small little strand that kind of whisks in front of her face and then some other areas too. But it's not the same, i'm not just drawing. I want a variety because that's the way hair is when it falls. It falls in different places and everything um. So we've got again the foreground. Now, i'm doing some more sort of curvy hair. That'S kind of coming in, but this is sort of the background or the mid part of the hair, but again we're all we're looking at this in terms of shapes and you can add to it um, you know this hairstyle kind of puffs out a little bit More you can do hair, that's a little tighter towards the head or whatever, but um just another image and we can go in. We can add uh. You know the strands in the middle, keep in mind. What i'm doing here is there's some strands are closer together. Some are further apart again you're, not drawing every single strand of hair, but you don't want like this, where it's just where they're all kind of too close together, another too close together. Another too close together, you want some clothes some far apart and just kind of space out those hair lines and don't go too crazy with them. Like i said you don't want to draw all that just a little bit to kind of give the idea. So you can see how now you can see where the hair comes, and you can also see where the hair is coming out or you could now, let's move on to another uh style hairstyle again now, i'm just dropping in sort of figuring out where the um, Where that hairline is, this is going to be more we're going to do more locks, like i showed you with those ribbons now. This is where that comes into play. If you can draw those ribbons, you kind of tape, room at the end and they become like hairstyle a hairstyle um. So this is sort of like, like i said, they're just gon na be locks um. I i'm looking with her dress the way that it is. It almost reminds me of like a toga like like the old greek gods. Uh. Maybe you know with the a lot of them were drawn with more curly kind of lockish hair, so um. So that's what i'm going here! You can see how i've got some that are going to sort of twist up some that are going to twist the other direction, but just keep in mind where that flow is and when you're, when you're drawing. If you need practice, like i said, just practice drawing those ribbons and then you can see how those apply to the hairstyles, it's just you know you can curve them. You can make them straight. You can do whatever but um there's so many different, hairstyles and ways to play with it's just a matter of experimenting and uh, and you see kind of see what you come up with the way the hairstyles and you can get into like once you get into Like manga drawings and stuff, you can go with some really crazy style, hairstyles that you might not necessarily see in real life, but it's fun just to play around with those okay, so now uh just to get an idea where that center of the hair is because I'M going to have it parted in the center. I just drew like a real, quick indicator line down the center of the face, so i know exactly that'll help you find that center because you again, you want to imagine this. These are all 3d shapes now see how tight this is towards the head, or some of the other hairs um. If it's more of a thicker hair, it's going to set up higher than where the head is, i'm imagining her hair is like super thin here. So it's just it's basically right on top of the skull and it's just kind of falling straight down, because it's light and it's just straight um and you can see how how you can create volume with your hair, too. You see the difference between these two with the sort of curly and the straight, how one's a lot more full and one's just you know one's just light and just hangs down so also keep in mind the thickness of the hair. Alright, so let's try a different style here. This one's gon na be parted a little bit to the side, but i'm gon na do like a ponytail um and i just put the little ponytail band in there uh. So, let's see what we come up with, i try to you know: let's, let's redo, that there um i'm gon na play it play around with some of these ribbons. I don't like that. It'S a little so the ribbons don't always work with the thicker hair um. Unless you do something like that, just maybe one strand where it kind of curls around like that that looks a little better, but now you've got like a ponytail um. Let'S try it one more time you can do a shorter ponytail uh, so it really depends. You know long or short, whatever. Now you can see what i'm doing, where that hair bunches up. It'S going, it's gon na start right where that ponytail, like holder or whatever that band, is, and it's all going to come out from there. So you can see how everything sort of goes right into that there, because it's all bunched up and that's where it comes out. So naturally, the strands of hair are all going to kind of curve inwards towards where it's all bunched up and again in the in the bangs. It'S going to come out in front from that area too, all right! So now, let's experiment with uh some different styles. I mean these are all different styles, but again we're just going to drop in uh that hairline there to get an idea where it's going to start, and i don't know what what can we do here um? How about we do almost like a maybe like a dreadlocks or something so these are kind of fun to do, because it's almost like you're drawing sort of like noodles. So instead of you know, they're, probably thicker so they're, probably not gon na like curl around. I guess they could, that might be a unique hairstyle, but these aren't really gon na curl around as much but basically just think of you're drawing these real kind of thick noodles. That kind of come down and they're going to wave a little bit, but they may not actually twist around. They may just kind of come straight. Some of them i'm going to sort of have them go this way or that way just so they're, not all uniform, because it's got kind of uh. Just sort of this kind of lived-in look um, so yeah, that's pretty cool and you can do you can do a number of things. If you can do this, i mean you could almost do you know you can do them longer, shorter or whatever, but you could also do you could do something like this and make it uh. I don't know i mean just play around with different hairstyles. I mean uh, there's so many different hairstyles can pick people look at pictures, but once once you get the idea that these are basic shapes, then you can pretty much the sky's the limit. You can do pretty much whatever you want. Okay, let's start another one again with some bangs kind of hanging in front um and then uh yeah. Let'S see what do we want to do with this? Maybe maybe with this one to do a little shorter, hairstyle, um, so maybe sort of like a bob or something so, let's try something different with this hairstyle we're going to do some braids. So if you've ever drawn like a link chain, um, it's just like drawing c's like i draw c and then in the middle of that towards the end, i put another c and then you just kind of go back and forth that, and that is how you Draw like a link like a like a link chain, so we're going to do the same thing, but with braids now you can see how i'm just drawing these c's going down and then i'm going to go through and kind of connect them together. It'S pretty much the same thing, so we've got the top of the hair. It'S it's kind of a little. You know it's. It'S got some volume towards the top. Then it all comes down. You can see where the lines all go down to where it starts. You know being braided because it's real taut right there and then and then the braids will just kind of come down. And then you know where they're tied off at the end. Then it's going to sort of flare out a little bit. So that's how you would do braids and of course, once you learn how to do that, then you can kind of wrap them around. You could like wrap them together and do all kinds of crazy, hairstyles um. So let's do another one we're going to draw the hairline once again uh. So what can we do this time that we maybe haven't done before? Well, we did the the the sort of that those dreadlocks, but now, let's make a little, you know make it more. A shorter hairstyle but um and you can see how we're we're kind of taking them and we're going every single different direction: um, but uh. You know tight on the kind of going up on the top uh, not so much hanging down, but you can see how how you know you play with different things like here. You know just drawing a snake in there. You can turn that into like a medusa. If you know how to draw that, so you know, there's really so many different options that you can do when drawing hair um and it's just a matter of playing around, but it always starts with kind of figuring out where your hairline is thinking about how these Are how these shapes are um? Now i'm going to do sort of a side part, you know, we've got kind of part of the middle. We'Ve got pull back, but this is sort of a side part. So it's a bit of a you know. It'S a bit of that bang, but it kind of sweeps over to the side and just more of a shorter hairstyle. You can do anything and of course most of these hairstyles are more like female hairstyles, but again we're just kind of looking at things as shapes, and then you know, we've got the front part, which is the bangs, then the middle part, which is that kind of The bulk of the hair above the top, but it's not drawing all those little individual strands. You don't want to do that. You want to think in terms of these larger shapes and then you can go in and fill just a few lines. So if you know how, like i said, if you know how to draw ribbons, if you know how to draw shapes um, then you're sort of you're you're almost good to go but again think of here we've got a sphere. Think of shapes, we've got spheres, we've got cubes um. You know cylinders again with this cylinder. You can take that's just a straight cylinder, but if you start bending it around, then you get more of those like thicker, noodly, hair or dreadlocks or whatever, but it all it all breaks down the shapes and a lot of people. Don'T think of you know they don't think of hair as a shape, because it's it's you know it flows and it it kind of defies gravity in a lot of ways. It goes all over the place, so they don't think of it as like a solid shape, but when you're drawing um, that's how you break everything down into solid shapes. You see, we've got the sphere here and now i'm just kind of mapping those bangs right around that sphere um. So that's the trick to it. That'S the trick is to looking looking at everything, because first you simplify everything. If you can draw a sphere, if you can draw a cube, if you can draw a cylinder or a triangle or a pyramid, rather more three-dimensional version, you can do almost anything a wedge all that stuff. So now we're going to go ahead and we're going to take our you know main drawing the one, that's sort of more indicative of the actual bride that you would see in the movies and we're going to go ahead and ink that because it is october. So i want to talk about inking and i've been doing these videos uh this series we're drawing texture, because i actually put a call out - and i was asking you know what what kind of videos do you guys want to see on the channel and uh? And i did get a lot of requests for people wanting to know how to do different textures and, i think, thought well. You know i'll tie this into october, we'll do some ink drawings and everything um so these these. Actually. To my surprise, even though i got people saying that that's what they wanted to see, they haven't been doing, they haven't been getting as many views as the typical videos i do, which is more me talking about the professional angle of art. You know how to how to make money at your art how to do art as a business uh, those type of things it seems like those are the videos - and maybe it's just my audience. There may be people that have channels that that's all they do are showing how to draw, and they may do really well. Maybe people just come to expect from me that i'm going to talk more about the business because it's always like people get to see me draw, i mean a lot of times i'll. I will do a talk and i'll talk. I mean i'll talk about that that business side of it while i'm drawing, but i don't really go - i haven't been going into you - know explaining what i'm doing in the process of drawing. So i thought well, maybe that's something people want to see so now. I'M just kind of wondering, because these aren't like getting as many views as as some of the other ones, where i'm talking about the business of art and really right now, where the channel is i'm just trying to. I mean, after all, this time i'll be doing it, i'm still trying to figure out what people want to see and because it's just it really has been ever since almost i started this channel, it's just been growing at this really steady pace and nothing's really like Taking off so you know, i'm just going to keep experimenting. I guess and you'll see. Maybe eventually i will strike a chord with people and i really get an idea. What, because i do so many different things, it's hard for me to say. Oh, i want to just do this type of video or, but unfortunately, the way youtube works. People want pretty much one kind of video from a particular. You know person on youtube. They come to expect. Oh, this is the person that does let's draw so this person that that uh talks about business - or this is the person that you know whatever speed draws or without you know, without a voiceover or whatever. So for me, it's just trying to figure it out. So i'm just going to keep you know doing different things and that's kind of what i like to do is different things, but i don't know if you guys can. Let me know what type of videos you want to see on the channel and of course i can't please everyone. So everyone's gon na have different ideas what they want to see, but i can take a consensus. So there you go that's pride of frankenstein okay. Here you have it. It is the bride of frankenstein. Just such a cool character design. I mean a lot of those universal studios. Monsters have really awesome character, design another one of my favorites, but you know i don't know what is what is your all-time favorite? If you, i have a favorite monster, or you know a particular universal studios, if you don't know that how to differentiate them from other monsters, you can just tell me any monster. Whoever your favorite monster is. Let me know and uh. Let me know if you're enjoying these videos and other than that, you know what i'll see you guys later. That is all hey thanks for watching, if you like what you saw, and you want to see more hit that subscribe button. Also, you can follow me at surfworks on social media, and now you can support the work that i do on patreon. Do you like making comics then go to and pick up the comic maker starter kit? It'S packed full of fonts brushes templates and more and best of all, it's totally free

mydryn phillippe: Amazing hair tips, and I loved the Greek look. My list of favorite monsters, among MGM's it would be Dracula, followed by Godzilla as my favorite kaiju, but my favorite movie monster of all time is the Xenomorph.

Toadsoup: One topic that I would be interested in hearing about is the process and preparation from digital drawing to traditional inking. It sounds simple, lower opacity, print on cardstock(?) , and ink away. Is that all there is to it? As for video types, I really like the mix from your channel. Motivation to make art and comics mixed with enough tutorials that aren’t overwhelming.

Elizabeth Molino: I needed this tutorial. Hair has been one of my weak points .Could you also do a tutorial on drawing women and perspective.

Chris K: Hair has always been hard for me-- great breakdown on this one!

Kaj oces: Amazing tutorial, still here from the miscrits days:D

matt Marshall: Thanks a lot Scott been waiting for a ink and hairstyles video

DoubleDandE: I'm just behind on videos, to which is why I'm slow responding them lol. But as to favorite monsters, I would say the blob is the top one. Do like Dracula played by Bela Lugosi (not sure if that's spelled right), and the wolf man played by Lon Chaney Jr.

Sage Rodriguez: Oh I have some characters with cool anime hairstyles

thefriendly aspie: you have to be crazy to dedicate your wife to this thing called art ? or it my hearing bad? xd

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