How To Get Gorgeous Hair While You Sleep!

Beauty expert Jackie Perdue is joined by POPSUGAR Beauty reporter Kirbie Johnson to share tips on getting gorgeous hair while you sleep. Follow these easy bedtime beauty tricks to wake up with a ready-to-go style.

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Welcome to lazy girls guide, I'm Jackie and PopSugar Beauty reporter Kirby is here that's right, and today we are dishing all of our harris secrets to help you look fresh and beautiful and half the time in the morning, so follow these bedtime, Beauty, tricks and you'll. Wake up looking, oh so glamour and doesn't love that so with my short hair. When I wake up, it's usually crazy and it looks like a big mess. So at night, when my hair is damp, I like to wear a beanie and this helps the hair stay in place. So I put it all over my hair, make sure it covers the vein. So you look bald. I look like the bulb and I go to sleep like this and then when I wake up and I take it off - the hair stays in place and looks a lot more put together. That'S so great what a neat trick girl! We also do that with a wrap too right. Oh yeah, totally our scarf yeah same thing, so a tip for long hair is to take your hair and your hair can be a little damp after the shower at night and you're, going to section it into three and do a braid and it doesn't have to Be very tight right: no, it doesn't the looser the braid, the looser waves you're going to have in the morning. So if you want tighter waves, then braid your hair, a lot tighter, so nothing fancy just a braid we're going to tie it with an elastic and then you just sleep on it, and I've actually had this braid along my hairline and for a while. So I can demonstrate what it looks like when we pick out the braid, and it just gives. I mean I feel like this. One is kind of tight, but these fall. It'S a little bit more vivacious and a little bit more wavy yeah. It'S that perfect beachy wave exactly another thing you can do if you have long hair at night is after you shower or on dry hair put it in a French twist. It sounds really intricate and a little sophisticated for bedtime, but it's really easy to do. All you do is just take your hair and twist it and then, when you bring it up, you're going to fold it under like this and then load it up with bobby pins. What this does is in the morning when you take it out, it adds a lot of volume and a lot of body to your hair, so with a little bit more bouncy. If you know the next morning, you might want to sleep in, or maybe you have a big event or that you're going to and definitely don't want to spend the time giving yourself a blowout. This is a really easy way to get that volume. Another great tip to add volume to your hair instead of all over if you really want to focus on the roots, is just to create a really big ponytail I need to do is just bring your hair back. You don't wan na have a part for this. One okay and then bring it into a higher ponytail and then kind of push it forwards. That way it creates the volume right. There looks like a little bit of a bouffant but you're going to bed anyway, so it won't matter, no one will see. No one will care, and then I kind of like to pull it and prod it and push this a little bit forward and in that way, when you go to sleep, I recommend laying on your back then, when you wake up, you have all this beautiful volume That you can make into curls or even kind of straighten out just to give you a little bit more of a bully minutes. Look, so I hope you enjoyed our hair secrets to help you look glamorous in the morning, I'm Jackie Padilla and I'm curvy Johnson thanks. So much for tuning in to lazy girls guide, if you like this video, be sure to leave comments and thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe to pop sugar. Girls Guide see you next time.

Maya S: few things - a - the beanie will eventually fall off when you sleep b- braids don't always last the night c - and lastly frizzy/thick/curly hair people can't really do much. do a video for frizzy hair please.

Jami Christine: 1: I sleep with a beanie on at night when I braid my hair. Yes, it falls off but so does my sleep mask so I don’t care. 2: I do loose braids and it keeps my hair from getting tangled so much and has actually promoted growth. 3: i don’t wear braids every single night. And I sure as hell don’t wear them tight either. Wearing braids every night is going to hurt your hair more than do good. Loose braids is the way to go. Idk what the fuck this chick was thinking

Nightscence: Braiding my hair before sleeping makes my ends straight and awful. However, I do sleep with a beanie. I do a simple bun on dry hair and put it. It tames my frizzy hair and makes beautiful natural waves. c:

Amy Leroux: I love Kirbie's eyes! She would have been an icon in the sixties with those perfect down-turned puppy-eyes. So unique!

beloved -: I section my hair into two parts, French twist then and turn it into a bun on both. When I wake up in the mornings it's super curly. If I want REALLY curly hair I put my hair in braids and put then into a bun

Nivedya Raj: I love these tips...I'll make sure I try these tonight!

blondwiththewind: I would have liked to actually have seen the results in the morning.  I've French braided my hair at night...creates great waves.  My favorite "sleep in" hairdo...high bun secured with a couple of "spin pins" get nice "beachy" waves in the morning...shake 'em out and you are done.

dorrenda drown: Thank you..This is something I can try with my busy schedule. .

Rawdha Almansoori: When I braid my hair also why I don’t sleep it becomes wavy don’t know why but when I sleep it becomes more wavy and sometimes I hate it sometimes I like it

RAP ZAVOD: I love this my waves are super

Shane McSpice: I sleep in athe braid but wrap the braids into like a bun so it looks more curly (I was born with wavy hair)

Sunny Boi: you'll look 16 and 30 at the same time

Esther Adriana: Nope, my hair cannot be damp when I braid it and go to sleep, it will still be damp in the morning and smell... Also that was not a high ponytail...

lauren: when i sleep in braids it gets super frizzy even if i dont brush it

Vanyda Khiev: The chignon didn't work for me. I'll just stick with a braid. That always works.

Nimat Choudhury: Do any of these damage your hair?x

theragtrade: I love them but I have super thick and a lot of hair so doing a braid will make my hair look ugly in the morning :(

kainita: Would love to try but...How on earth does someone sleep properly with everything 'going on' in the back?

marissa Ch: I try a french braid and it also works

Adeline Hawley: 0:41 no one sleeps like that lol

Jessie Denton: I have a tutorial on my channel of an overnight tutorial that people haven't actually heard of most of the time. Love this channel usually, but in my opinion these were too generic accept for the beanie one

:o: If I tried to sleep in a beanie covering my ears and almost my eyes I wouldn’t be able to sleep. That’d get so annoying!!

Savannah Moore: What do I use if I dont have bobby pins

Mahfuza Khan: Omg yes I love Jackie

Marissa Ritter: What was Kirbie's nail polish I loved it!!!!

Angelena R.: Sleeping with the beanie is a bad idea. If you consistently overheat your head you will experience hair loss

Awkwardtunity: Yea but what about me who sleeps on my back and both sides? I still haven’t found a do that I can comfortably sleep with.

Amrutha R: hey girls post one on the oilve oil pack overnight .... Thanks

MrsBlack Pinkie: These girls seem so sweet!

Ameena Alalawi: these hair tricks are so slept on. hehe.

Mickey Stone: It's not the best idea to cover your head while you sleep since it contributes to brain shrinkage due to the head warming up and lack of air exchange

Leah Rose: guys dont put pins in your hair while sleeping and also dont do this ponytail it will ruin your hair if you do that often trust me i have had my own experience with this

squidward d.: I feel like they secretly hate each other idk

ktstylexoxo: Jacky is so cute!!!

adrienne: Omg!! Jackie!!

bluuburr •: She should consider washing her hair before doing a hair tutorial

Ella Wilson: Sleeping with a high ponytail in is so so bad for your hair

Karina Gundelsby: Stop reposting videos, POPSUGAR. You've been doing that a lot lately

julijuana: She puts a ponytail right on the back of her head and says "I recommend sleeping on your back" ....hooow?

Susanna strömberg: Your hair can't breath with a beanie on...

CM: am I the only one that sees a Miranda Otto whenever I look at Kirbie?

erin: My hair is thick so it wont be wavy ;c

Kimmy M.: Liked most of these suggestions but the ponytail is a bit uncomfortable too sleep on js ....

Ramata: With the exception of beanie all the ideas are poor for sleeping well. Fail

Florentina Jazz: Great

UrbanBedouina: Hair "secrets"?? Is this geared to elementary school kids?

gwen h.: i never thought of the french twist


heyheidi: 1. i dont have short hair 2. i sleep on my back so um like none of those wil work

vanessa bellerby: Bob pins are really bad to sleep in

ggemmaasmith: but wearing a beanie at night would be stupidly hot haha....

Zara A: Omg this video is soooo old jaackys hair is a lot longer now

Ukulelegirl 2098: I dont need the wave hair is wavy...not wavy wavy,but just halph ruler length wavy Not important at all but idgaf

Cate art and craft 🥰: you are so preety

Belens Playtime: no help at all who doesnt know this and yes as the others say there are diff types of hair! plzzzz

h0l0_ITz_ M3: Cause baby I can build a castle...

Strawberry Nugget: its not good to sleep with ponytails

Marie Just Marie: The beanie will overheat your body.

Tigerlilly1430: That's not a French twist

Samantha Withee: Bobbie pins while sleeping wtf... ouch

Sophia walters: these don't work, especially the braids

RECIPE NOW: I don’t see why there are hate comments they

wig: wheres the gorgeous hair part at?


Cinnylovely: So this is the third time this video has been posted but i guess on diffirent chanels but come on!

JDiology!: Well u got short hair now!! Duh

Lilian M: What the hell Jackie this is a repost

carli: No result here.

le mouton: Whilst*

Polishdd: Ur hair was greasy as ❕❕

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