Fatal Attraction (2022) # S6E7 Hair Stylist Homicide - New Tv One Series (2022)

Fatal Attraction (2022) # S6E7 Hair Stylist Homicide - New TV One Series (2022)

Good god, and had he lived, he would have made some woman a really really good husband. A beautiful young woman disappears without a trace. It was an eye opener. This is not a joke. It'S for real! You don't just vanish off the face of the planet. The ensuing investigation leads both police and her family down a dark and dangerous road. You do not know who these people are. These are known gang members. If you give me 900 and i'll go get her, i will bring her back alive. The case seems destined to remain depravity, they didn't know she was there. So then, when they left she's freaking out kind of have an idea of what you might see, but it was shocking. Her only mistake was just falling in love with pure evil. It'S friday november 19, 2010 in memphis, tennessee fifty-year-old, jacqueline smith, is in a panic, as she's been desperately trying here. I still haven't heard anything from jacqueline. Oh what this is so unlike her, i haven't spoke to her since tuesday, not even a phone call. It was not like her to just wander away and never call and be gone for that long period of time. Jacqueline'S sister ladonna garfield is equally concerned about the welfare of her niece. I kept calling her kept texting her. I called all of her friends. You know they started calling around and texting and we didn't hear anything as the women reach out to young jaclyn's entire circle of friends for clues to where she might be. They become increasingly concerned, there's no sign of her anywhere, even at the beauty very unusual. Her not to go to work because she loved her job. The two women immediately decide it's time to call the memphis police and report young jaclyn missing. They tried to make me wait, i'm like no. I can't wait. 24, more hours, she's, missing and she's been missing for a few days. It'S very common for adults in their 20s to go missing for a while to disappear, but 99 times out of 100. They come back safe and sound. You don't understand, that's not how my daughter is at all ask if you can speak with someone else, these women they were fairly persistent and they were able to get some help ahead of the standard police timeline when's. The last time you seen jacqueline, i thought it was just my typical missing person's case and i thought she was just going to be gone for a couple of days and then return home. But when jaclyn's disappearance enters its third day, sergeant gooden begins to think jacqueline. Might be in serious trouble, i called jacqueline's supervisor and he said that if she doesn't show up to get her paycheck on sardi, then it would be a concern. She will not miss picking up her paycheck when the day comes and goes the police start to think. Hey something really bad might have happened here, so they launched a missing person's investigation, terrified witnesses, anxious family members and old-fashioned hard-nosed detective work. The whole thing was horrible, but something that people were very very interested in and they wanted to know what happened to that young woman jacqueline miller was born on june 22, 1989, the only child of jacqueline smith. She was a loving little girl when she walked through the room. She lights, the whole room up. She loved the color pink, so her friend started out calling her pinky. It became a nickname for her as a small child. She didn't have very many friends. She wore glasses, but this all changed as jaclyn entered her teen years and began spending time with her aunt ladonna. She was my niece, but she became my baby and we did everything together. My grandmother would get up at four o'clock in the morning and get fully dressed hair makeup jewelry. That was something she instilled in me as a child, and i did that with jacqueline as a child that is so cute jaclyn soon went from being a wallflower to a confident beautiful young woman. It was just like she blossomed. She went from jacket with the glasses to just this beautiful young adult. Have you ever this this way i like, where you're going with this. The time spent with her aunt ladonna cultivated a dream in jaclyn of one day becoming a beautician, a vision she shared with her best friend and cousin janiece reed. We had plans on making a career of doing hair and opened up our own salon after graduating. High school jacqueline and janiece took the first steps toward fulfilling their dream by enrolling in the new wave hair academy. Jaclyn was so focused on making her dream come true that she rarely had time for dating. She wasn't interested into guys. She always wanted to keep us head straight for us. When jaclyn met 22 year old classmate richard dickerson, they were taking the science class together at the same time, same module. You immediately, you know, took to her personality and she took to his. That looks amazing. Thank you. You might give me some pointers sure at six feet: five inches tall richard towered over the petite bubbly jaclyn, jackie, like tall lean athletic built guys, and he really fit into that category. He would open her door. You know to let her in the car and all of that, so i was thinking. Okay, maybe he's a good one. He never completely broke things off with richard. She wanted things to be a little bit more casual, so she had the option of dating other people without too much drama. Honestly, she really didn't date, anyone else, but she liked to have that door open. Well, richard wasn't crazy about this, but it wasn't like she was going out with every guy that had asked her out, so he put up with it thinking she'd get it out of her system in time. Richard and jaclyn continued their casual arrangement throughout their time. At new wave academy after graduating near the top of her class jacqueline, took a position at a salon where her styling skills garnered widespread acclaim. Everyone in the city knew who pinky was because they wanted pinky to do their hair. We were doing things couldn't be going better for jacqueline. She disappeared, it's now been four days and there's no sign of where she might be. As the hours pass. Her family is beginning to fear. The worst jaclyn's family is really starting to get concerned as the odds of finding her safe and sound diminished. Everyone'S asking the same question: where did jacqueline miller, go sunday november, 21st. 2010. It'S been four days since talented 21 year old hairdresser, jacqueline miller went missing. What, if that anything bad has happened to jacqueline? I have covered a lot of cases where families call, and they do say they would never do this and they did do it. They just took off and didn't let their family know she's kind of a homebody family oriented person, but it was not uncommon for her to spend a night out and she would spend the night out sometime. Even so, police sergeant, kathy gooden is doing everything she can to pinpoint jaclyn's whereabouts. One of her first moves is to contact jaclyn's, on-again off-again boyfriend. Richard dickerson, thanks for coming in to meet me anything to help something's happened to her hasn't it. Richard dixon was very concerned when i spoke to him days and he also said that he'd been searching alongside her family as well. Richard was calling constantly talking to her aunt madonna and he would call every day and say you know: have you heard from her when's? The last time you saw her monday well actually, tuesday, richard said that jacqueline spent the night with him on monday night tuesday. She got up earlier than usual. She took a shower. Everything was great. She was in a good mood and she left for work tuesday morning, and that was the last time you saw her. Yes, she was supposed to come over wednesday, but she never did and was that typical of her said jackie would sometimes flake on him intentionally to try to get him to stop. Was she seeing any other men that you know not that i know of i mean jaclyn would talk a good game about dating other people, but her career was the most important thing. Was everything sergeant gooden pushes richard for any additional information and for signs? He might not be telling the truth in a missing person's case. The spouse or significant other of the person missing is usually one of the first people investigated. I did believe that richard was sincere about jacqueline being missing. He was genuine. He acted like he wanted to try to help us and find out wise where he might have been, of course, sergeant goodman wanted to follow up on those leads. Well, here's my card. Let me know if you hear anything else, after speaking with richard dickerson sergeant, gooden can't help but wonder if jaclyn had been the victim of a random crime, maybe she was driving down the street and got carjacked. Maybe she was at an atm and got robbed yeah. The theories are endless. Adding credence to this idea is the fact that the area between richard's house and jaclyn's work has a reputation as a fairly dangerous part of town. There'S a lot of crime that happens over in that area. I used to work out there at night and there are people that are sexual predators and they will go on rape and leave their victim in another state. I activated a city watch alert. I got the information on jacqueline's vehicle and i created a bolo be on the lookout for jaclyn's vehicle. I wanted to get this information to the media as soon as possible, in conjunction with the search efforts made by young jaclyn's, aunt and mother. It doesn't take long for the media blitz to yield a new lead. I got a call from an individual who say that several days after jacqueline was reported missing, it's a pillar in memphis, but, let's be honest, it can be real rough. It was a very uh high drug infested prostitution area. The sighting suggests that jacqueline is still alive, but what was she doing in the orange mound area? Nothing made any sense. This woman was missing, anything could have happened and who was the mystery man with whom she'd allegedly been spotted police had to find this man? He was the key to finding jack police in memphis. Tennessee are investigating the disappearance of 20 detective kathy gooden has just received an anonymous tip regarding jaclyn's whereabouts, hello. She was with someone right in the middle of orange mound and a lot of drugs go through that area. A lot of problems go through that area. Nobody could understand why she would be there and why she would be with some strange man. You saw her yesterday in orange. Mound. Are you sure it was jaclyn? What did the man look like hello, hello, but the tipster hangs up before he gives the police any really useful information beyond where the sighting took place, and that means there's a good chance jaclyn's alive. The bad news is orange. Mouth is ripe with prostitution and drugs and gangs. Sergeant gooden follows up with her informants in the orange mound area, but none of them have any information about jacqueline or the mystery man seen with her. But the sergeant has better luck when she circles back with ladonna garfield to make sure jaclyn wasn't involved in any illicit activity. She was not into drugs and all kinds of things. She wasn't a troubled person, but ladonna believes it's possible. Jaclyn'S disappearance could be gang related. She was receiving phone calls from jacqueline's friends and some of the friends told us. Okay did any of her friends. Give you any names of these gang members. Yes, we're gon na go meet with one right now. You'Re gon na meet with one of the gang members. Yeah, we were actually contacted by one of her friends that she had gone to a high school with. He told me that he had been seeing her walk around in their neighborhood, which was very strange, because that was something that jaclyn was not into ladonna explains. She was told by jacqueline's friend to meet him in person for more information and not to come empty-handed. He said, if you give me 900 dollars i'll, go get her and i said, tell me where she is look. Let the police handle the investigations. You do not know who these people are. These are known gang members. Why don't you let us handle this okay, but please don't do anything that could put jacqueline at risk. I want to see my niece again. Jaclyn'S aunt gives her the man's information and gooden arranges a meeting with his gang contacts. For that afternoon. Have you guys heard of uh jacqueline miller yeah a little cute chick yeah yeah i've seen um with some friends with my cousin. They seem at first to know some information about jacqueline yeah. That'S the chick with the jeans on you know, blue jeans, yeah yeah. She dried it. Is there a reward or something, but after interviewing a couple of them, i realized that they didn't know anything about jacqueline disappearance turns out almost every detail. These guys were telling police came right off the missing person's poster, or was something they'd seen in the news? What she was wearing, what kind of car she was driving everything they were basically trying to distort money from the family. What'S up with this 900, though, i got an idea. Why don't i arrest both of you for extortion and false information to police? How about that? Oh hold on lady shoot. We trying to help you out yeah, i mean we do know people that know where she is. The two men claim richard dickerson, contrary to what richard believes. There certainly is another love interest in his girlfriend's life, and that is malik. Davis malik davis was an old school friend of jacqueline miller's and he bumped into her at the salon by accident, but when he sees how beautiful she's become over the years, he starts pursuing her romantically, like richard he's, also pretty tall and lean over six feet. So physically malik was her type, they started hanging out and he actually wanted things to get more serious, but again jacqueline wanted to keep things casual. While the relationship may not have been serious, it was definitely hot and heavy. How connected to her relationship with malik davis or richard dickerson, or both while richard dickerson had been removed from police suspicion? He hadn't been cleared entirely. Was it possible he learned about malik and then unleashed a jealous rage on the woman he loved? Likewise, it's not unrealistic to assume that maybe malik was unaware of her relationship with richard and that when he found out about it, he acted out in some violent way. Malik that same afternoon, sergeant gooden tracks, down malik davis. I understand that you and jacqueline miller were romantically involved. I guess you could say that yeah we went out for some drinks had a pretty good time. I was actually supposed to get up with a wednesday, but i haven't heard from her wednesday. Are you sure he agreed that? Yes, she was supposed to see me, but she was no call no show, so he actually did not see jacqueline. This is notable because this is also the same day and time that she was supposed to meet up with richard, but didn't make it so now sergeant goodin can't help, but wonder which one of these men did jacqueline miller really intend to see that night and you Haven'T spoken with her, since no is she all right, i've been trying to call for a couple days now, like richard malik, but is it possible that one of these young men is lying to police malik tells gooden? He was at home alone during the time period that police were questioning him about, but without a verifiable alibi. He seems like more of a viable suspect than richard. Dickerson did the only way to really vet malik's location is to collect his cell phone information. It wouldn't tell police if he was with anyone, but it would certainly verify with whom he was communicating and where he was police submit a warrant to obtain malik's phone records. But while they wait for a judge to approve it, they get another anonymous tip one that may point to a possibility beyond either of jack. Where she worked had she met someone new: will this be another dead end or will what police find completely alter the course of the investigation as a journalist, the question from that point is no longer: where is she, but how did this happen six days after 21 Year old, jacqueline miller was reported, missing. Police in memphis tennessee receive a tip that her car has been spotted parked in an apartment complex roughly a mile from the hair salon where she worked. This looks like it with it, backed into the parking space. It becomes read the license plate because it's backed up against a fence, but when officers get a closer look at the tag, they can see it well enough to run a check on it and it's indeed jaclyn's car dispatch. Can you let detective gooden know that we've located the vehicle, the officers on the scene first theorized the car was parked there because it had been stolen during a robbery of some sort, but that was quickly thrown out. Look there's a purse in the back. Why would the thief take the car and not the purse? Nothing was taken off of this car, so it couldn't have been a carjacking, but the vehicle wasn't stolen. Why is it here? It is entirely possible that she started a new fling with someone in the area. The question has moved her car away from the wall and begin the painstaking process of detailing jaclyn's vehicle crime scene investigators go over that car with a fine-tooth comb from outside to inside dusted it for fingerprints tried to get any sort of evidence they possibly could out Of that car you got them in the vehicle, yet we're getting ready to open it up now and when csi's pop the trunk, they make a discovery that hits them like a punch to the gut. She had a rope around her neck clothes disheveled. She had defensive bruises on her arms fingernails were broken. It was clear that there was a there was a struggle. The body is identified, thank god. My family was around to catch me, but it was too much for me. I broke down, i was hurt. I just couldn't believe that someone would do such a vicious act to a person i was devastated and i was devastated for jacqueline's mother. Not only was this her only daughter, it was her only child, it's a feeling that no one can understand unless you're being put in that predicament with the discovery of jaclyn's body sergeant, kevin lundy from the homicide bureau is assigned to the case. It was shocking. I mean you see this beautiful girl, that's tied around her neck. The ends were cut very short, which would indicate that it was cut after it was tied. This suggested that the killer was clever, they knew the rope might contain their dna and they wanted to remove it. This seems like a well-orchestrated murder by someone who knew exactly what they were doing, but for all their well-planned efforts to cover their tracks. The killer hasn't thought of everything. It appeared that jacqueline had a struggle with someone and her fingernails were broke, but what was left there? I wanted to be able to collect that dna from her fingernails. There was also blood on the shirt as well as the panties that were found on the scene. It'S around the area where jaclyn was found. The hope is to find anyone who may have seen anything of interest. The amped up search pays off when sergeant lundy learns. The apartment complex has a courtesy officer named fred anderson. His job is to maintain security and look for anything out of the ordinary on the parking lot. You haven't recall in this vehicle. First arriving a lot. I do i actually i saw it pull in you did. I sure did the security officer had noticed someone pulling in the apartment. He never had seen him before that day, and so that's what caught his attention? Can you tell me what you saw uh well driver definitely was alone. He was a tall guy, maybe five eleven six feet, possibly pretty fit guy. The description is one that doesn't exactly match richard dickerson or malik davis and, unfortunately, there's no surveillance footage of the complex so making an id off. The information that anderson provides is pretty much impossible. The uncertainty leaves police unsure, which way to go next with the investigation, but a series of strange revelations will soon help them bring a cold-blooded killer to justice. She was hiding under the bed trying to scare him when he came in confessing to him that he had killed jackie cell records. Witness statement after finding the body of 21-year-old jacqueline miller in the trunk of her car memphis police have begun piecing together. The series of events that led to her murder, it's clear that jaclyn's murder was not a random act of violence. This was someone who knew jacqueline and felt a great deal of rage toward her authorities also knew that she likely had to have been killed on wednesday. A day that she was due to spend with both of the men in her life, while sergeant kevin lundy and his team are waiting on the results of crime scene dna analysis, a judge has granted them. Access to jacqueline silva was off most of the day wednesday. So it didn't seem like his cell phone records would be of much help, but cell tower activity confirmed. That malik was essentially where he told police. He was and never went anywhere near where the body was found. But it's the activity of jaclyn, miller's cell phone that sheds the most light on her whereabouts jaclyn had actually called richard several times during the day wednesday and left a couple of voicemails about wanting to meet with him. That'S made more interesting when police tracked her location. She had actually gone to visit richard at home on wednesday afternoon, possibly to speak to him in person. We don't know if richard was there, but we do know that shortly after arriving at his place back on just a couple hours later. The first call he makes is to ladonna garfield asking if she's seen her niece first thing that the police begin to think is: maybe we skipped over the wrong person? Maybe we shouldn't have dismissed it with richard dickerson. Now the primary person of interest police begin to seek out some of his friends for any new information police start with the person closest to richard his best friend, vincent williams. Vincent was richard dickerson's longtime friend. They confided in each other about just about everything. Now he's not of much help to police but as they leave his house after questioning him and what she tells police breaks the case wide open. This is going to sound, really really weird, but i was at vinson's house and then richard came over. She was hiding under the bed. She was going to surprise her boyfriend. While she was hiding under the bed. She had a conversation with her boyfriend with richard dickerson. Oh my god, i messed up. Maybe she was mistaken. What you do bro my life is growing. I killed jack dude. What i killed jackie. She heard richard crying and saying he didn't mean to do it. He went into great detail, he strangled her put in the car and all that what'd you do with the car. I dumped it off in eastman. Just at the apartment complex that joey's just there so then, when they left she's freaking out brittany hightailed it out of that apartment. She didn't want them to know that she was under that bed and hearing this, and i was so scared and i didn't know what to do. I thought that if i said something that he would kill me too, so i waited three days and then you called the police. You did. Yes, i made the phone call anonymously. She went to a pay phone outside of her neighborhood, dressed in different clothing, and she called that hotline where you called to make a tip and told them what she heard: anonymous tip about jaclyn's car being parked at the apartments. After speaking with brittany, sergeant lundy obtains a search warrant for richard dickerson's home, while executing that warrant they make a significant discovery and his tool shed of all places from a human eye. It appeared to be the same rope that was uh also around jacqueline's neck, so they take that rope and they submitted to the crime lab to be compared to the rope that was found around jaclyn's neck after delivering the rope to the crime lab sergeant. Lundy brings richard dickerson in for a second interview. First, he was genuine. He acted like he wanted to try to help us and find out what was happening with jacqueline. Thank you for coming in and talking to the office. He was trying to make an alibi of what had happened, so we started presenting inconsistencies to him as it relates to his stories, states and sergeant gooden's report. The last time you saw jacqueline was last tuesday yeah. We took a shower together and then i went to the store when i got back. She was going to work. It'S not what it says here. It'S clear to sergeant lundy that richard dickerson is not being entirely forthcoming, but without concrete evidence tying him to jaclyn's murder. They can file no formal charges. We didn't have the evidence at that time to prove that richard killed jacqueline miller, but detectives free are examined more fully. You stand up for me. Please. We sent several investigators, but there was no video. No one ever saw him there. So clearly he was lying, making matters worse for richard, while they process him to be placed in a holding cell police find something unusual. A person from the jail found a note in his shoe. The note was sort of a cheat sheet for what he was going to tell the police. Basically, he wrote out a plan of how he was going to have alibis to cover what he did if they asked me this. This is what i'm going to say. Armed with this information detectives interview richard for a third and hopefully final time, come tell me about this: it's ripping its shreds. Now you got nothing. So what are you gon na do now? I still have a copy of the no and, after that he was through talking to us, though sergeant lundy has a strong, circumstantial case against richard. They still lack the hard physical evidence that will give prosecutors the ammunition they need to formally charge him with murder. While there was no dna recovered from the rogue found inside dickerson's house, the lab was able to get a partial dna profile from the rope found around jaclyn's neck, and that was consistent with richard, but it was not conclusive but wide. They hit pay dirt. The blood that was found in the panties of jaclyn was not hers, but richards. That'S how they were able to tie him to the crime. On november 26, 2010, nine days after jacqueline miller, first disappeared police charged richard dickerson with first degree, murder, but prosecutors know the case is anything but a slam. Dunk and as the case heads to trial, a shocking revelation about jaclyn's love life threatens to derail the entire proceeding. Jackie was kind of quiet about the fact, but sometimes she would come home with visible bruises. He told her that he was going to change and guess what she believed. In november 2010 prosecutors in memphis tennessee have charged richard dickerson, with the brutal murder of his on-again off-again, girlfriend jacqueline miller between hard forensic evidence cell records. The cheat sheet found on richard in witness testimony everyone felt this was going to be a really strong case. Still, though it wasn't without its challenges, nobody can place him at the car at the time of the crime. The timeline is murky. Plus juries can be pretty unpredictable as the trial date approaches, crossings, jack was so beautiful and probably garnered a lot of attention and - and i don't think richard really knew how to take all that he was controlled. He didn't really want her to do anything with her friends. He didn't want her to have male friends. Thank you. So do you, i like it what you doing out there here? What are you doing? What the hell are you doing talking to him? I know him from high school. I don't like him. What'S your problem, according to investigators with the da's office over time, richard's petty, jealousy morphed into full-fledged physical abuse. One such occasion was outside of a relative's house when jacqueline tried breaking by the nape and like choked her down to the ground. I told you not to turn your back on me. You crazy jaclyn runs into the house, but she kept that incident along with many others, like it, a secret from all, but a few close friends. I was like jackie. Why are you still hanging out with him she's like cause? I love him. You know this is how people get killed going back. She said he is dangerous, but i'm going to be okay. On july 20th, 2012 in a shelby county courtroom, the state of tennessee versus richard dickerson's, then step by step. They spell out what they believe happened. The day jaclyn was murdered. The coroner was able to determine that she'd been killed sometime on wednesday, the 17th. The same time she was set to visit both richard dickerson and malik davis prosecutors felt she was planning to eventually see davis but wanted to end her relationship with dickerson. First, she had driven her car to his house, parked out in front went inside. I can't do this with you. What do you mean? You can't do that you're done you're dumping me. I'M done prosecutors alleged that she was basically breaking it off with him at that point and that he snapped and told her. If i can't have you, no one else is gon na happen. She was, he gets a rope, he puts it around her neck tight enough and ties it so that she's not going to live, and then he put the body in the trunk and and disposed of it. Then he drives it to an apartment complex. On the other side of town, and then he has the thought: oh, they can see her license plate, so he turns around and goes back to the car pulls it out backs it up close to the fence. Where he's seen by mr anderson, when it's their turn, richard's defense team doesn't dispute the fact that their client killed jacqueline miller, but they put their own purpose. I just snapped and she ended up dying to support their claim. They call richard himself to the witness stand. He said jacqueline was a very violent person and that she would beat him up all the time and he said she had come over to the house to talk about their relationship and she told them that she wanted to break up with them. He said they argued about that and she started to to beat him up again. Basically, he was trying to make it seem like it was self-defense. Please don't leave tough story for five and 120 pounds trying to hurt him because physically he can overpower her quite easily. Richard claimed that he loved her and they was just having a misunderstanding, but we all knew different apparently so does the jury sort of they find richard dickerson guilty of the lesser charge of second-degree murder? When i heard the verdict, i was very upset, it was not what i expected second degree. Murder charge was just not right. It should have been first degree because i believe it was pre lydia parole nearly the strictest sentence the charges allow, but for jaclyn's family. It'S still not enough. You'Ve taken a life they should have given him life 25 years is short compared to. I have a lifetime of dreams with her he's, probably going to get out when he's about 50. - and i can understand why they're unhappy with that. But i understand how juries think too, and that is a heat of passion crime and you obviously have a passionate situation. When you have people breaking up, you didn't always just take a win, children, everyone. She had dreams and goals, and she knew what she wanted to do and he took her away from us. Abuse is never okay. If you or someone you love is in an abusive

Adelade Cloete: Britney was SPYING on her boyfriend, we dont surprise people like that... hiding under the bed good thing though. But i believe that if you want to surprise someone, just keep in mind that YOU are the one that might get surprised

Tomorrow Watkins: Ole Richard thought he was a wise ass. Smh ridiculous

Marcy 1: Not new we need new videos plz

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