Hair Stylist Mario | Morning Mario #1118

I've played some pretty weird concepts, but this is definitely up there. Good level, though.

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Morning Mario is a series dedicated to Super Mario Maker 2 for the Nintendo Switch! Submit your levels to the Morning Mario website, or use the site to find fun new levels to play! Every weekday at 6am Eastern, I'll play the highest-rated level we've received. Can you set a world record that I just can't beat?

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#SuperMarioMaker2 #MarioMaker #MorningMario

Good morning and welcome to morning, mario here on steven plays today we got the super mario brothers, 3 theme level called hair stylist mario created by persia hairstylist mario, will arrange people's hair enjoy it's a really interesting idea for a level. I love the little thumbnail with the scissors world record of 53 seconds and a clear rate at 4.37 sure sure some uh certainly a lot more challenging levels lately, actually a lot of uh a lot of harder stuff. Let'S see, let's arrange some people's hair. I guess. Oh, my god is this a memory game. I think this might be a memory game, maybe not, but maybe so, okay taking a mental picture here i got it hit it. Oh, i don't think i have to remember. Okay right can i just jump all of that kind of got some dangerous, hair buddy? Okay, okay, not thank you, but okay. What do you want? You block head, get it because of blockhead? Oh, i died before i hit the checkpoint. Didn'T i you know they just realized. These people literally want me to grow them hair. I can't do that. I'M not a dark wizard. I mean i guess i can do it because i'm doing it but like that, don't make no sense, not a barber. I'M some side of some kind of evil magician there we go. This is actually pretty hard. Give me that money. I earned that all right next one also. How would you even come up with this? This is so wild all right, frowny face. I want longer hair. Okay, well you're at the wrong place. We cut hair. Here we don't put in extensions, we don't offer rogaine all right there. We go. Oh wait! Oh god! Oh my god. That'S a jump! There'S another one! Jesus man that was that was a little wild. Precision. Jumping got me a little on edge, not gon na lie. Oh, what's this there's a secret door and also an ending it says thank where's. The key hold on wait a minute now where's the key. Is there a key somewhere? Maybe not what normally it's clear to me when i've missed a key internet, you know what to do. Please find where that key is and tweet it to me. So i can see, find the key and then also you know, show me what's behind that door. I'M curious, if you want to know for yourself, you have to play the level that is it for today. Thank you so much for watching. If you have a level of your own that you'd like to submit or if you want to play these levels to help rate them, you can do both over at Once again, thanks for watching and i'll see you tomorrow for more steven plays hopefully levels where we can find the key seriously. Where was the key?

Warclam: Maybe the door was just a locked door? Like, Dark Wizard Mario locked up after work and then went home.

DormantHeart95: No idea if this is right or not, but I noticed one of the "people" had brick blocks for pupils. Could they have hidden a key in there?

Shiny Swalot: I imagine the key is in the first room, like the outside of the barbershop, and the door is like a reward if you first try the level

KneeDeep2231: Mario pays his way through plumbing school by becoming the country’s top hair stylist

Dooplighost: 1:44 Oh, Stephen. Clearly you haven't been to a GTA barber.

Theo Aremevano: Funny this comes up the day I plan to get my hair cut. XD I'd go for one of these styles, but it seems like a lot of work to maintain, feeding all those hungry plants.

Rainbow the Yoshi: Memorable Moment: 3:01 - 4:31 Stephen's Missing Key

Shiny Swalot: What a neat concept!

Jake Zero: Did some research. That locked door at the end had some power-ups and that's it. The key was in the last customer's "eye".

66Xeno: I've never played Super Mario Maker before, but I'm curious if there's a way to put a locked door in a level without hiding a key. Just to drive people insane.

Jillips Entertainment: Okay I know it's bad that I stayed up late enough to see this come out but in my defense I took a nap yesterday and that means I can't sleep at night

AFKei: Platforming got a bit hairy with this one.

CrazyDK: Stephen Plays Morning Mario Construction Site 2 (Viewer Courses) : Totals;This Episode Levels Attempted : 356;1 Levels Beaten : 346;1 Levels Failed : 03; WRs attempted : 23; WRs Beaten : 08; Levels Skipped : 06; Auto Levels : 01; Versions : Mario 1 :116; Mario 3 :081;1 Mario W :074; Mario U :047; Mario 3D:038; In-Level Stats Hits :847;1 Deaths:489;1 Challenge Failed : 03; Time Up : 07; 100 SECONDS?! : 27; Resets : 15; Items : Mushrooms : 641; BIG SHROOM : 092; Rotten : 006; Fire Flowers: 378; Ball Flowers: 071; Master Sword: 361; Super M2 Mush:037; Leaf : 41; Frog : Cape : 039; P Balloon : 012; 1-ups : 533; Star : 112; Propeller : 9; Acorn : Cat Bell : 17; Boomerang: 12; Builder : 34; Headgear : Pow : Bullet Bill : 9; Goomba : 5 CannonBox : 5; Propeller : Moons Touched : 1; Hud : Coins : 401712;350 Score :15375430;13950 Other : Sweaty Palms : 22.5; Camels : 34; HA HA!!: 2; Yoshi Killer : 24; LowBattery : 1; Characters : Luigi : 1 Toad : 2

Spiritet93: What a coincidence. I just got a haircut myself!

Aquotron: I wonder what inspired this level.

Dannish: If you turn on comments in the level you can find the key.

Romaji: Has there been a Korean level before in the history of MM? I don't remember any

Lora: This is how you get more hair in gta

jack wells: Probably in one of those two blocks you didn’t notice

Brandon Gibson: TODAY'S MY 18th BIRTHDAY!!!!!

Colleen Hickey: Sweet I get a morning mario video on my birthday. Too bad.i won't make it to breakfast stream because I have to work.

Serena Rosetail: Rly liked the idea of this but because I am a kpop fan, I got kinda excited when I saw the title since it had korean in it

Karley UwU: Hello POGGERS

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