Forgive Me For Having A Life! #Hairstylist #Siiriparkss

Foreign hi Siri care to explain what you're doing just on the stair climber at the gym, And yet when I called your salon today trying to get in with you, they said that you weren't there yeah, I wasn't there today. Well, there are exact words were that you were unavailable today. This doesn't look very productive. Do you have anything to say to that? It'S my day off. Do you have to deal with work related things on your days off? Well, no, but I have a real job where people have real expectations of me, whereas you play with hair it's more like a hobby and we tip you for that. Okay! Well, this has been awful. I'M gon na get home to my big three bedroom house that I bought with my hobby. You have a great day, I'm never doing your hair again. Thank you.

GemmyRose78: Love your energy! "I'm never doing your hair again, bye!" Cuz a bitch don't own you

TRUSTmaker101: Why do so many people think that's not a "real job"? Those people... just... aren't worth it.

Shlo R: If it puts food on the table and pays the bills it's a real job. End of story

Dara Fritz: I don't understand people who don't realize days off and vacations exist. Even a "real job" has days off; it's a legal requirement.

Ro_Bot666: Hobby??? bro’s really brave for insulting the person that she wanted to do her hair with in the first place lol

bvnnytaeger: In people's minds, a job that is fun or rewarding isn't a real job

KT: People really be out here thinking the whole world revolves around themselves!

Hi I'm Awkward: They think you don't exist when your not working? Or do they think they own you because they give you money for a service? I don't understand the mindset but people actually be like that.

KIXXEN walla: Regulars seeing you on your day off can be both a blessing and a curse. You get the ones that think that you must help them no matter what or are pissed you aren't at work. Then you get ones who are happy you have a day off and try to chat with you like a friend.

lyndsay._.x: You never mess with your waiter/the chef, you never mess with your professor, never mess with your banker, and definitely do not mess with your hairdresser.

Captain Becks: "You're unavailable." "Yeah, as you can see." "People have real expectations of me." "It seems you have a real expectation for me to do your hair."

Linley: "Okay, this has been awful. I'm gonna get home to my big 3-story house that I bought with my hobby." Yes, girl, yes!

Michelle Aljunaidi: If I saw my hairdresser in the gym. I would wave hello then mind my own business.

Krysten Burkhardt-Hansyn: I really like how you included that you’ll never do her hair again because people will think that they can randomly and saw you and you’re just gonna treat them professionally when you see them. That’s how I got to be towards the end of my career, I didn’t give a shit I just said get the hell out of my chair. Or get out of my life. I don’t have any time for this abuse. That’s good that you’re growing at a young age.

Carley D: I couldn’t deal with people like this I would’ve ended up in jail

fortunes_youtube: And that ending is how you CLEAR someone with no effort. Don't even spend energy on people like that

badkyttiez: People can be so crazy. I'm so grateful for my stylist. The last time she did my hair - I let her choose everything about it. I look fantastic because she is an artist!

Ti: “It’s not a real job” says the person who pays me to do their hair

Nikki Sullivan: Barbers and hair stylists is a legit job though. Without them, we'd have hair like Donny from the Wild Thornberries. And as much as I don't mind the occasional fucked up hair day, I like my hair cut and colored by someone who knows what they're doing

Jessie H: Glad you told her you wouldn't do her hair again! Now probably going to blame you if someone else messes up her hair.

TheWitchIsIn 💜🖤: My mom heard it's "a hobby" from my step dad for years. She supported two kids when we were in grade school on a quote hobby. Hair dressing is not a hobby

Livingroom Television: So glad Sirii stood up for herself. I hope she sticks to her decision not to do that obnoxious woman’s hair again.

AngharadMac: Gotta love how service jobs, especially tipped ones, aren't considered "real" jobs. Yet, they seem to think that we should all be at their beck and call 24/7, like a servant. Which is also a real job, BTW

Fearnot_Blink: Imagine people having a day off. Insane concept

Anali: Some clients just think we are sitting around for them specifically

Ricky • Juice: Can’t upset a client when she’s not your client

Krysten Burkhardt-Hansyn: Totally real life! Keep in mind most clients a really good people, is the 20% that’s just make you want to gouge your own eyes out.


Katarina Carrico: If it's just "playing with hair" why doesn't she do up her hair herself? Because she doesn't know how. Coming up to someone like that is a real interesting way to say "I'm incapable at doing this task and need your help."

Andrea: I was a farmer for many years. The number of people that said it wasn't a real job is insane. It's like... I am the reason there are veggies and meat in the grocery store. Without my "hobby" you would have no food. They think if you didn't do 4+ years of college that you are less than a person, it is just horrid.

Dawn Hope: I love how Siri easily puts people to their place . I love you girl

Lea: Karen: calls salon to specifically ask for a certain hairstylist Also Karen: insults said hairdresser to her face Just Karen logic I guess.

🦋Certified Goblinoid🦋: Ah, yes, the best way to get an appointment. Track down your stylist and harass them, insult their profession and expect them to be sorry they weren't at work today doing their "hobby". Clearly should have worked.

Vania Vieta: love that you rubbed it in her face!!!

Misti Ray: YES!!!!! Why do they treat us stylists like this???

sayurimei: I hate when my mom used to receive those comments when she was buying groceries or I take her to catch a movie, just because she was a hair stylist. She tried to ignore it, but I sure as hell didn't... I work part time at their salon as a receptionist/cleaning girl on Saturdays (the busiest day), and the owner gave me full permission to reject rude costumers that wanted in almost inmediately. And on the other side, this is isnt only stylist related, I'm a register clinical dietitian and if a patient saw me on my dqy off from the hospital they treated me like trash because I wasn't available or I have returned their calls because it was my freaking day off

Syene Ingram: I'm mad she said "play with hair"! Like girl, if it was THAT easy would you be begging for a PROFESSIONAL appointment?!‍♀️

TeenyWeenyDork: i didn’t know people thought hair dressing wasn’t a real job until i started watching these it’s insane—

kmich210: What people don’t understand about hair is knowing the chemistry behind it. People with “real jobs” don’t realize when mixing certain products together causes a reaction…causing their hair to fall out, yet they blame the “artsy hairstylist” for their mistakes! Lmaoooooo

Alydarful: The audacity!

Kimberley Hosmer: That “Karen” is getting off easy! Love that you kept it classy AND set her straight! Enjoy your days off and your fabulous house!

Sarah Metcalf: Yes woman!!! Yes!! Own a small business where I've litterally had to take a stance like this... its ridiculous..... Appartment we're not human


R: I hope you don’t really deal with this many difficult people in life. You are way to nice to nice, if you do.

G_Leader5: From a person that has a job which requires less than half the time of a full-time position and can be done from my computer at home (and earning more than minimum wage + paying my taxes, yet some people still say "it's not a real job"), THANK YOU.

Caroline Morgan: My favorite part was your comment at the end Siiri "well I'm going to go home to my three bedroom house that I bought with my hobby"

PershingDriver: Never doing your hair again …. Perfect response

My 3 son's: Oh yes, I've had This same conversation. Also the people who see your license and say "Oh! You have to have a license to do this? But it's just hair!" Or " You seem smart. Couldn't you have gone into a real profession?" Such a treat when people just assume you do hair because your 'too dumb' to do something else. We go to school as long as a chiropractor and take extensive exams as well.

Chelsea T: People really are the most sometimes!!

Abby Roach: Too nice. That was TOO NICE! Much classier than I would have handled that lol

Personne Ici: She put down her own expectations as not "real".

Amy: Well like she said, your job doesn’t have any “real expectations”, therefore her expectation of you clearly isn’t real!

Erika Gehm: I hate this not a real job thing. Also, if I see my stylist out I say hi, ask how they are, and get gone.

Laura Jolley: The response was priceless!

Maan Dae: Broo i want this to blow up. How dare she tell someone's job is like a hobby.

Cassy Bucceri: Omg no way this really happened?!?! The actual nerve of some people. I feel like when you work with the public you get to experience all different walks of life. One time while I was working as a waitress this lady's kid puked in the like fry basket. She just put it up on the window sill and never said anything. When I bussed my table I was like no way someone actually did that! But she did, no warning, no I'm sorry my kid got sick. I don't even think she left a good tip TBH

Aly Shay: Bruh people really do think anyone who works in service (or service adjacent) jobs really have to wait on them hand and foot. Like no. We get days off, we have a scheduled time we work and we don’t work outside of that time. We’re still people. I’m a teacher and remember a parent who accosted me not once or twice, but three times in the same week while I was just out in public. She would come up to me and every single time tell me to watch her child, not ask but TELL. Like she expected me to watch him for free outside of my work hours. I told her no every time, but in the end she complained to my principal that I wasn’t being a “team player”. My principals solution was to simply move her to another teachers classroom because, and I use her words exactly, “she’ll let her have it like no one else if she tries that nonsense with her.” And she did, my coworker embarrassed her so horribly in the middle of a Walmart that she tried to complain to district about it. They basically told her the business version of “You’re nuts and they’re off the clock.”

Barbara T: If people really behave like this I am appalled. But then my daughter built her own salon and works her butt off. NO ONE ELSE HAS EVER DONE MY HAIR SO WELL!!!°

ItsButterfly: Your Hair Is Beutiful!

Rachelle Swain: If you do it a bit on the side for friends, family and yourself it's a hobby. If strangers are paying for it it's a job

Squirmy Bubble: Karen: Oh my god I can't believe I found you here-in the hospital- giving birth in labor and delivery! I called your salon today and they said that you were 'unavailable' this is ridiculous!!

Kisozriel: The shocked Pikachu face at the end gives me LIFE~

Gooberpotomous: Lol, tell me why I just flipped Karen off

Collette Props: I have 1 thing to say: good luck with your hair on your own.

Sophie Jasmine: I'm training to be a teacher and have worked in careers advice. I always tell my beauty oriented students they need to do work experience before deciding on it as a career because it is VERY PHYSICALLY DEMANDING!

Oriel Wiggins: "where people have REAL expectations of me". Like the real (albeit unrealistic) expectations this Karen has of siiri as a stylist? Seems she's got MORE expectations on her than Karen does at her job.

Moon Orchid: “A real job here people have real expectations of me, unlike the hobby you do for a living That I’m currently expressing my real expectations of you being at my beck and call”

Naomi Edgett: How do people even have the GALL to speak to another person like this

missyann: I was honestly thinking of going to cosmetology school. Until I saw your videos. I’ve dealt with enough people like that being a bartender.. this actually really upsets me

the.floofinator: I find it funny that she was like "I have a real job that has real expectations of me" like bro don't you have real expectations of her now that you're bothering her?

Melissa Smith: I hope you don't really have to deal with people this rude who can't understand about a work/life balance

Melissa Elaine: The number of times working in salon management that I heard clients say "I have a job"

Carol Nichols: OMG, cannot even begin to say how many times I was asked when I was going to "get a real job"

The Comorbidity Curator: that degree of self-entitled blows my mind. it is beyond my comprehension. whether you respect someone's job or not, they are still a person with a life outside of that job, just like everyone else. they don't exist merely to serve you whenever you want.

Mazana Boerboom: The audacity to 1) call your job a “hobby,” to 2) insist you must schedule your life around them and 3) say that working out and taking care of your own health looks “unproductive.”

Chatterbox Budgets: Wow. The lack of respect that some people have for other people continues to surprise me. Instant karma is great!

Shay Myers: "Well, I have a real job..." I can't believe how many times I've unironically heard that with customer service jobs. Like bitch, do you want your fries or not?

TheCumberCoIlective: "Where people have real expectations of me" "Sounds like you had real expectations of me and they aren't realistic"

Ash: Siiri how could you?? You’re obviously not supposed to have anything in your life outside of your “hobby” ugh people these days

Jacob Nones: Lmfao she said bye Felicia

RedK5: YouTubers make money from their hobbies. Just because Karen is miserable at her job doesn’t mean jobs can’t be fun. And sometimes you need a break from your job no matter how fun. Mainly because of people like her

Deanna Howard: That is the greatest response

Cantoon: Oh how many times I have wanted to have that reply to a client I’m going back to my house that I paid for with my hobby and I’m never doing your hair ever again

Dream It Do It Media: And she wanted you to do her hair after that?!

yeah: perfect response!!!

Jerri Cardinal: I can't even tell you how many calls I would get after hours (sometimes very very late) asking me to do their hair right now cause they couldn't get an appointment before the event they knew about but didn't book a hair appt in time for. Fully expecting me to do it right then too!

Jessica C: I love how ppl think some jobs aren't "real jobs". My mother used to ask me when I was ever going to get a real job too.(I'm a server). Until one day we compared paystubs and her face was priceless when she saw I made almost DOUBLE what she did a week (at 18yr) and she was at that job for 8+ years, Also she worked 40+ hrs a week and i averaged 26 hrs a week

Robert Bennett: As soon as a karen say i have a real job they wont like the outcome

Apocryphal Dude: "Give a haircut and that's a real job!"

PKMN Trainer Devention: "I'm never doing your hair again, bye" READ. HER. FOR. FILTH. love that.

Tamoeri: Thank you for letting me know that your expectations of me aren't real XD

Alternative Princess: I hate seeing work/school related people outside of work/school because of stuff like this...

Daisy A: Perfect response!

Jess France: Why do people think real jobs are people working in an office building for a living?

Stephanie Glover: I mean she is right about her expectations being unrealistic

S. V.: I don't understand this attitude. I have a relative who does hair. She's brilliant and makes good money, owns her own salon. She's always exhausted, on her feet until late, has bursitis, her hand has tendonitis. Sounds like a real job.

Thottus Thottus xox: Working out DOESNT LOOK PRODUCTIVE? That’s insanely productive I never have the motivation to do stuff let alone that

Luisa: Why doesn't people understand... If somebody needs me to do something at the point they are willing to pay me for doing it... It is indeed a real job. People don't pay people if it is not needed

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