5 Minute Lazy Styling Routine For Curly Hair | Easy! Beginners Or Advanced

Dont have 30 minuets to style your curls? I got you boo. All you need is 5 minutes and 2 products for this super easy, lazy curly hair routine. Follow along if you are a beginner or advanced.

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products used

1. MILK https://www.curlygirlmovement.com/prod...

AU SITE --- https://saintcurl.com.au/products/curl...?

2. GEL https://www.curlygirlmovement.com/prod...

AU SITE ---- https://saintcurl.com.au/products/curl...

Hi guys and welcome back to my channel, i am jamie, jo and today i'm going to be showing you my five-minute styling routine for curly hair. This is for my lazy girls. This is for my girls, who don't have 30 minutes a day to style their curls. This is a super simple routine. For any occasion, it still leaves your hair looking voluminous healthy and bouncy, but it doesn't take you 35 minutes to style your curly hair, i'm using two simple products today with no fancy styling routine. No fancy brushes, nothing of the solid. Just something that every girl can do, beginner or advanced. That'S gon na save you time, but leave you with amazing results and that's what we really really want in life guys curly hair is sometimes made out to be so difficult, but once you understand it, you can actually simplify your routine to make it easier to style And to take the fuss away from curly hair, these aren't my results of today's routine. I literally only took five minutes to style my hair, and then i went with the option of diffusing my hair, which took me 20 minutes a day with my dyson. I give you two other options, one for air drying. If you are lazing around the house and another one for actually wrapping your hair in the microfiber turbine and leaving that around the house too um. You can also do that one overnight. I have to leave the house today and i wanted a fuss-free quick routine, so i went for diffusing. These are the results guys. I can't promise you that you might. You will have perfectly defined curls and no frizz at all, but you will have very nice looking healthy, juicy fluffy hair, which i really really love here - is a bit more of a close-up, so everybody. I hope that this video helps you out stay tuned and leave some comments in the comment section below. If you have any questions or video requests, i'd be more than happy to hear them and i'm really excited for the next few months to come. You'Re new to my channel - and you like what you see make sure you hit the subscribe button, i'm working very hard to pump out at least one video a week at the moment. Okay, guys, let's hop straight into my lazy, styling routine. So i'm starting with wet hair out of the shower. I didn't do anything i didn't put a towel on it. All i did was chuck it in a little scrunchie and you guys know i hate wet hair on my body, but let's undo it make sure it's wet enough. If you um did your makeup or anything and it's dried make sure you re-wet it. I want to show you the full length of my hair. It'S a little bit hard on camera. Okay step number, one always just give it a quick brush with my denman, i'm not going to be using the denman for like actual practical styling. Today, all i'm going to do is just brush through my hair out of the shower to make sure there is no knots in it should only take you like 30 seconds or so never know how. I can like actually show you my hair. Maybe that is a little bit better. Okay, we're going to use two products today might seem excessive, but it's not it's going to be super quick and easy. All you want is like get a pair, so it's easy and you know they work well together, a styling milk and a styling gel. These are from the curly girl movement. I'Ve been really liking. Their products specifically designed mainly for type 3 hair, um love them. So i'm going to be taking this much milk and just always rubbing it through my hands evenly and then all you want to do is rake this through your hair. This can be as messy as you need it to be, for how quick you need to go. You can apply a tiny bit more we're up to two minutes. I wan na see how fast we can style our hair, okay, that is applied. Now i'm going to get the gel i'm going to scrunch this right into my hair very easily, i'm going to tilt my hair over and just scrunch it up. You hear this juicy sound. You know your hair is going to be nicely defined and not frizzy. I learnt that off means by mel okay, we're up to three minutes. You can tell you got juicy curls going on, so let's do that on the other side to make. I forgot to put lipstick on, but oh well, to make sure we're not neglecting the top of our hair, i'm just gon na scrunch that as well. Okay, four minutes we're at two. Now i'm going to take a microfiber towel. What i want to do is scrunch the excess moisture out of my hair, because it's quite wet at the moment. You want it to dry a little bit faster than normal, so we're going to scrunch the excess moisture out using a microfiber towel like this. I don't know why the lighting is not being friendly. Okay, guys that literally took five minutes and your hair is styled. Now you have a few options on your lazy day. You can either wrap your hair up in the microfiber towel and leave it for as long as you want until it's dry and it will be fuss-free, your hair will be dry and it will look really nicely defined and juicy. So that's one option. Second option is just obviously air drying if you're staying at home around the house and you're feeling lazy, air drying is a really good option. You don't have to bother diffusing if you need to bolt out the door. I would obviously recommend diffusing your hair, which is what i'm going to do today, because i have to shoot some content and then i'm meeting a friend for lunch. So i'm going to diffuse my hair and come back and show you the results of my five-minute styling routine, so yeah stay tuned. If you want to see the results and let's go here, are the final results guys five minute styling and look at my curls? So voluminous and like very juicy and defined i'm shook by this today i wouldn't say the best kind of definition for underneath, which is okay, but overall my hair looks very voluminous and like juicy and like just really healthy, you know it's not crunchy at all um. I actually really really love this wash day and how this has turned out see you can do it. You can do curly hair quickly, um, you can do curly, hair fuss free easily without the stress of feeling, like you need 100 steps in your routine, and you know everything is made bigger than it actually seems and needs to be. Your routine can be a few easy steps to achieve the results that you want, because, obviously not everyone has the time to spend 30 minutes styling their hair, um, so yeah. I really hope that today's video has helped you and that has taught you that you can simplify your routine and make it easy and still achieve really really beautiful results. Thank you guys so much for watching and i hope to see you back in my next video. I love you all bye, you

Amanda Sabu: Honestly ur curls are a dream, I’ve always just wanted curls like urs but mine were always very frizzy and would say flat on top. I’ve been trying to understand my curls and use good products but it’s expensive and so time consuming. I hope that one day I have the curls like urs and love my hair. ❤️

Isabella Gonzalez: You literally look stunning all the time. Every day that is not wash day is a lazy day for me lol. Love your videos as always

cel a: just tried this routine yesterday and i LOVED the results ! it gave me all the volume i've always been looking for <3 do you have any tips for controlling the frizz but still keeping the volume ? love your hair !!

ur dad: i tried this, and my curls look EXACTLY like yours! and i only used a curl cream and pure aloevera gel! the definition wasn't very good, but the volume was terrific for my low porosity hair. y'all, upside down styling works great for volume.

Deeee_: I’ve never heard of anyone else hating wet hair on their body. I absolutely hate it! Lol good to know I’m not the only one

Junior Chaves o Picasso de Yahushua: Jayme Jo you are absolutely astoundingly beautiful and are literally a walking goddess on earth. Btw, that outfit looks nice on you and your curly hair looks so pretty

OHSNAHPZ: Completely off topic, but can you do a self-care routine!? I feel like you’re so good and taking care of yourself and I want to emulate that energy

JerriAnn Gordillo-Marty: Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge

maddie: thank you, my lazy curly self really needed this lol

Terry Gore: Just gorgeous Jayme Jo! I'm gonna try this next wash day

Corgipoo Papi: Could you do a video on hairstyles that won’t leave our curly hair tangled and messy? Love your vids!!❤️

Phebe: HI! thank you so much for this video, I'm so bad at styling my hair properly, I can never be bothered! :D

Shale: So helpful and you look beautiful!

Meg Trejo: I love the video, thank you so much ✨

Elyasss Lourdiane: I would love to have a video about how to fight wet frizz please! Love your videos ❤

Eden Garden: Girl. You don't have to do anything.. your hair is perfect. I wish mine was like this. It would be a dream!

Johanna Fröhlich: Thank you so much! That's what I needed I'm gonna try it later

some time: The result is lovely :) !!!

Mary John: You’re gorgeous! I’ve a question, is it okay to spray my hair with water on the daily between wash days to style my hair? Coz I don’t like to use gel to keep locking or holding the curls

Kay XD: Her and her hair are just sooo beautiful i wish my 3b curls would look like that

Randi Lorraine: I’m doing this right now lol Ty!

Drake Hutcherson: Ok girl, we need your skincare routine!

Luciana Milena Conde Losano: Love your videos!

Louise Everett: You have Amazing hair, I love your curls .

Abhijith .B: You are the best, Sissy I always wish if I had a elder sister like you I consider you as my own although You always have a little brother here☺️ Love you so much Hope to meet you someday☺️Take care

Christine Eliza: Jayme. When you rinse your hair out. Do you squeeze out the excess water first with your hands then the scrunchie? Or you just put it in the scrunchie right after rinsing?

the honorable eddard stark: do you cut your hair yourself or go to a hair stylist? I have similar curl pattern and LOVE your cut. If you do go to a stylist is there anything in particular you tell them you want? I really like your face framing pieces but am always hesitant about getting them because I usually wear my hair with a side part

Guillian Evangelista: Thanks for this, I'm being lazy lately HAHAHa

Danielle Sands: I feel like we have similar hair types but I can never seem to get my curls to look as voluminous as yours

Kathy Byrne: Gorgeous!!


Saira Labrim: no matter what i do my hair stays in the same clumps as when your hair is wet

Kat OGE: An idea for video : stilling your wet hair only using oil Like jojoba oil ,argan oil ,... I think it's interesting let's see what you can get ‍♀️

FrenchCanuck79: When you moved towards the camera to do a close up, it was the first time I actually saw your true hair color. It's not as dark as I thought!!

C P: Could you do this routine but also show how you diffused your hair?

Bluecomet Zola: so pretty!

Bea Torres: I love your curls!! Im wondering you know how your hair is cut i really love the layers in your hair.

Vijayta Kalyani: Hey Jayme, been watching your videos for a while now, love your curls. Can you please suggest some indian products, chemical free if possible, for indian curly hair ?

Annalisa Abdul: Hi Jayme, you look beautiful as always, I have a question. Is the curly styling milk a type of curl cream?

Suzy Robeson: Thank you so much

Miah Picazo: How do I make my hair less frizzy but with a lot of volume with air drying?

Lulu Locks: Gorgeous hair

Ashby Anil: I'm having university on Tuesdays and Saturdays. So I wash my hair and style them on Mondays. It'll look pretty on Tuesday n Wednesday but by Saturday it's a mess. But I don't wanna wash on Friday as it's too soon. Anyone suggest something so that I can have a decent looking hair on Saturday without going through the whole wash routine

Sjsjsjd: can u please do a video on elongating your curls? like how to get length and not definition? (stretching your curls)

Ria: your hair and eyes are gorgeous❤️

Irene Noviandra: Hii i have a question, is the "clumpinnes" feeling in your curls are normal?? I just started to take care of my curls and after i finish styling, drying, and scrunching the curls out, the curls later on just kinda clumps together if that made sense?? Tried to raking it out but it keeps on clumping

TETRADES: You would look so beautiful also with short hair

niamhy: I do this almost every day!!! However if you want more volume or healthier hair you should get a haircut, I haven’t had a proper haircut in like 6 years

Shahrzad Amineh: My hair is 3a & low porosity and on first day is curly, but from next day it get FLATTT‍♀️ i do air dry,CGM and deep conditioning twice a week,but do you know what is the reason?

lindsey paputa: Do you need your hair type for this to work because i have curly hair especially in the summer but now it’s wavy

michelle walton: I love your hair!! What mascara do you use?

Traveling Tammy: Would Really like to see how you use the diffuser please.

Jessica Johnson: Where do you get those products?

Andrea Smith: yay im early for once!!! love your content

Firstblood Fangy: No matter what products I use I get really bad result but the time's I've ran outside during rain storms... my natural curls come out healthy and bouncy. It might be the water quality where I live will always sap my hair of it's natural curls it makes me sad.

Vivian29: Love love love❤️❤️❤️

Daniela: How long did the diffusing take?

Gold Rush: what products is the same as the ones you are using that i can buy in America <3 over the counter <3 we do not have this brand and i don't want to pay shipping..Thank You <3

Regina Roversi: Love

L P: Too pretty

Ooo! Goo!: Where do u get your clothes from?? They are so cute!!

Meg Trejo:

Dakota Ford: I love your eyes they are so petty

Sarah Alolaqi: what can i replace a microfiber towel with?

Clare Murphy: Love from IRELAND ♑

Lisette Rodriguez: Is this not available in the US?

Gg Edits: First!!! I love you!!

Go Dogs: Just curious what’s your background?

Meami: Eyes go crazy

Muska Habib: Heyyy I’m early

Via Urbina: 2nd!!

Βανέσσα Γιαννούλα: Hello . I would love to see the cross of JESUS CHRIST on your wall again. Also in your heart ❤➕

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